HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-04-28, Page 5eg Frit 28 laUSINESS CAMS S ,�yr y Rr -'•I a o. J 1.•.t .', i3BY pF+'BLIII, 1ITt Hamilton Street Just tete Seecieve, GOI'.iI!ilsl'd'CEL Ont:. • pest ss'tt9vitio i too C'a3arti'strl .: spite Court Work get., 'r.I'oltnea may be coi eaa,itetl ...al e t ll4t+ltiela by ill= reveren phone charges IL EN Dry qq IL (,��'p AO •f•4. max+': To. D. t7A 1 Abp SURGE'. % lyes D fiTZ BLOCK, '!i1'S f"ISS ev- enly Thursdax Fredive and me - *Se seeti33YgsturO$flr;+a n..,B x B BLOC: I)ASI: WO011♦ ,ilkodre're F. 'Hese, Towne,bile Clerk Vliesper of marriage licenses. isty Pixblic, ,Corami'asieueie, nAn mobile '!lnsuersnce Repro leen ya & Erie Mortgage ' nrp'm'- et. The Canada Trost Co. ZURICH — ONTARIO £&1a ,ipllalY Oman -ate Carey X. Jones Eat- ing* Tee'btoo't of ?ucti€aeorivg Registered Stock Vat Breeds), Terme in beeping itedth preesiiiTwice.. choice woo for sale. sell'ah bars. lapis 153- 93 or 'write, t'eri eb+ Licensed Auctioneer OR 1L'UB0N & MIDDLESEX Ate. ire .A. YOSITiti31'i TO CON - at any auction sale, regardless Ike to lase or articles to sell. 'cif your b1,si•Dese, oed it not charges for I�tgrti+ad will enrage no ai :310051. bjalilliDO$. 18-57;Arthur r: _�.yip.`• • PUT 'YOUR nto3 For SaU und, Nance,' t Ade IN Tx3I9 CO3,:fl M> NO , CE. Wo wlish to advise the public that we are sealing for ,another ear lu icI ..s ifertilizer for beanie and buckwheat, etc,. If _ • you require any let itis know before April 28 Rader & Johnston„ TO MOTORISTS voilc'wing are rates for Autona!oVe Insurance for six ir4oaths — Chevrolet, Ford, Chrysler, Esse:, Overland, Star ; Public Liability .. $4.90 Property Damage ...... $3,50 Fire and Tran'sportati,on 2.80 Other • Rate's in propoi,onrt, A. F, HESS, Agent, — Zurich, WANTED A limited quantity a choice pot- atoes, must be absolutely free from rot. Apply to George Delehert, Phone 20-94, Zurich. FARM FOR SALE . 75 acre pasture Farm for rent or will take in cattle this summer. Lot 16, Con. 7, Tray.Write or phone, W. C. Pearce, Exeter, Ont, FOR SALE A limited quantity 'of Yellow 131ostsom we t c:o ;e,.. seed for sa e 'Victor- Deichert, Zurich. FOR SALE A kitchen cabinet, good as new. I:alf price. Amity to A. F. Hess. 4-4 FOR SALE A good cook stove for sale,will bern wood be sass. 4-l4-tf L. ,A. Prang, Zurich. FOUND— A sum of money. Owner can have 'same ley proving property and paying expenses, Apply at Herald Office. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter jof the estate of the late Martha Trueenner, -De- ceased. • NOTICE ie hereby given that all Zurich NIA persons having claims against the i9 ,state of Martha Trueinner late of • .the Township of Hay„ who died pi rir 1 on the 13th day of June, A.D. 1926, slit r�y'ica s are required to forward their cla- resii and set c • e is du1y proven to the undersigned 'Cit tllt3l$$, • on or before the 30th day of April, A.D. 1927. r - AND NOTICE is further given. that after the said date the Exec- utor w 11 proceed to distribute the eetato having regard only to the claim's of which he then •s11all have, had itotieee. DATED at Zurich thee 12th day of April, A.D. 1927, Fred Quaekenbulah, Exee'ttor, Da 43 ' ood, Ontario. Solomon Schrader, R.R. 1, Zurich, Ont. Executo'r's,, ologn • Lost Casbr . Pirko toy 1NoW 73ASH FOB WEB # Yi1Dl!• ~ s Doicliett • wa,gb1ut , 1610019114141101400110119041•10196,11111111111 191141Mir•M110119041 ta6,111i0i Zi RlChH LIVERY ' ,axtli in a poisition to acct.:quo-- Atte all requirenl ente in the Livery fhesineUs, have Auto for hire Any taus done in the teaming line. GEORGE a. THIEL &Soley 53 e2,tirieh,Ont. L I V POULTRY jiWANTED itIttakeh every an$ till 'sa'e3et.l ,;i;!xa. Vo not feed finnwl llama 'morning lion brought in, `,et Cask Prices on dream and : ' l,. . , VV.. O'Brien none ei Zrarieh t reel' FOR -- IMES TUBES IA AND Storage Batteries " r Wim .N. • Prop. h 1 I ,M.,447,455,21Nomo aftoTirt. NOTICE. - A limited number bf. cattle will be taken for pasture for the corn- ing oe- ing 'Season,. Apply to Garnet Datere, Heneall, P.O. FOR SALE AUTOMO BILES AUTOMOBILES 1922 Ford Coupe, completely overhauled, good tepee a real snap at $175.00. 1926 Ford Coupe, Baloo3 tire's evertyhigng in fine condition. You must see it tie appxeeiate, at the exceptionally low pr$cie of $400,00. These cars can be ;seen and demon !titrated id any time. Angel & Koestler, Zurich �.. NOfICE. It its getting the time of year to get a little Lime to put on yourg arden to lsweeten the land and the farmer tehould put 'some lime on his pasture and hay fields always ti have a a ample � 3' less o hand toff !cafe. P Supply n ,j4..flotb Jr,e Zurich. ch, COAL 1927 WE ARE SOLE AGENTS POR TRE GENUINE)) Scranton 4) Coal ALSO CARRY. Coke C l �e Pncahantas. aired •Sufi Coal, GOOD SUPPLY ON . HAND TELEPHONE EARLYORDERS EA1 L .74 TO Case et Son :P ONE 35 l NS. 6, .rlJ � J , .4 .AWS JCr Eel; Schnell spent the week- end at Bayfield. ylrs, M C. Million ss - visiting with hot par,:nts in Faeier for a week, Mr, Theo, Poster of Detroit, 0- out a few days at the home of MA, and "Mrs. Louis Weber. Mr, Robt, filiscnb en QC Kitch- epee) Wee a` week. -end viaitof at Ids home on the l3nky'ion, Mr, and Mrs: C, L. Smith spent a few days the past week, at Sebring;ville, and Milverton, Me lsrs, R. Stade . and la, Weldo have each purchased a new Chev- rolet sedate Mr, and Mips. Louie Weber aptighter Clara, are visiting a few weeks at Detroit, . Mr. and Mrs, Alex, Voisin and Mr. Fred Thiel were visitors u1; London on Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Angel were Standay visitors - with- their par - onto, at Terra, Miss Euloin Geiger underwent an operation for removal of her tanails the pate Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Gia, Koehler and Mr. and Mrs. Well, Johnston were wi'sl'.ors to I{:tchener on Sunday. Quite a number from the village attended the Hess—I•Iaist "nuptiatia at Crediton on' Friday Me. and Mr& Wn., F. Braun of Forest were week -end visitors at the home of Mr Wm. Lamont. Mr. Iran' Steekle hye's treated himself to a new Pontiac Coupe, which he purchased from • Messrs Angel & Koehler Mr, Garnet Datere of Hay Tp. bee dealt leis Ford coach to C. Fritz & Son, Pord dealers for , a new Ford coach. ''Ir. and Mrs, Jos. Wickens: of Ingersoll, aro visiting with the let- ter'•.; parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hey Jr., ee well as with oth•r friends. Pleased to •see Mr. John Gall - man but again after his :recent illness which to contracted from: injuries from, a fall. and for M'e;'r). H ,a rr-s.,"Faye ie e'tiy sold to and wired up an eleetrie range • for Mrs. D. Witmer, .who recently moved to Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Thiel, Aire Georg: Th•e', Mrs. Chas. Weber and Flossie Weber, spent the week- end at Kitchener. An error occured in our Ieat week's 'school report of Raon III Z,P As it read Ruby Wjllert 571, this should have read, Ruby Church 587, Ivan Willert 571, A goodly nereber from the vil- lage attended the Conlereneer of the Eva•iget cal churce'.i"at Ste:r',nJ- v 11e on .Sunday. t- w.,reeereeeeeettie l'hey Cost Cl:. ' They are iltar Meats tee)!. Harvest 1)a ildC l kn 4leetno a;.:; t'rr,gi rib,t@q Iry i aaltL, 'PI'', 8 a :+i t+ • 1.11 ,,.r r 1 „'. ,.i A au , tees rtiitaelo $bows vert eleyeee th. weed plants hay.• li ,•,1 so headway on very , t uy farms a, have becoine the ter,.r'wt profit r' bieg factor, Thistlas rag w ' c . rr, • . Lard, etc., are erowdi'hg out t• useful food plants, rc'difeine ,melse and making work more difficult. 1'0o Little Farrar Help and Too Mair Dogs. In the old days when labor war more plentiful and gang -ploughs for after harvest tillage were found in use on every farm, clean, weed free fields were to be seen on every hand: liarius that were models of cleanli 'n'ss and the pride of their owners ere no longer so. The men of the `ild school and the condition of tbttndant, willing help on the farms as:gone. The presence of competing weeds does not worry the present day t'arnser.to a point of action. Shortage .f help, apathy on the part of land nvners, neglect to snake noxious weed bylaws operative, and til; peep -killing dog, leave been the chit-. :ontributing factors favoring tie ,wholesale weed development that row experienced by this province. ennual Losses stun to Millians' t.. I)ol lays. ' The average loss per acre on -r u.- t.ivated and graying lands is dense :a determine, On the well kept far.a- thie annual loss caused by th • pr. s- ecs of weeds is not less then two inilars per acre. On the farms that .lave been poorly managed for a number of years the anneal loss item weeds may be as irign as ten dollars per acre. Taking the lover 'figure of two dollars per acre as the minimum loss, on the Southern On- tario tarsus that have an ag„ eegate area of 14,000,000 cleared acres we Have a loss of $23,000tia•0 per year. The weed increase which iaas b.,'r, se rapid during the past ten years wit[, if not checked, cause a ,direct lose to the Ontario farmers elf $100.000.- 000 per annum. Let the Plough and the 'Harrow -1'1:1 Relit Going. • If the uoxious weed robbery net is being perpetrated on the Ontario farmer from April to October earn year just because he is tilling to Le robbed were stopped, money •for household , comforts, taxes, etc.. would be more plentiful. After har- vest tillage, autumn ploughing end the cleaning up of the fence rows end roadsides 111 good time will t cele heck the advance .of n ec,xls, Tb•e n ieuiture of no proarisece is so rich hat i can afford to tolerate a weed uisane,-+ that is costing many mil- ans each boar.—L. Stevenson See- ..tary let pt. of Agriculture, T.arorata. On Saturday, April 16th, the ratepayers of Dashwood Were, . called upon ^to vote on a n coney •r by-law to proovide $1,500, for a4 fire engine and water 'supply eq- uiprr env. There was Faller a _ -small nunabee,o: voci'ra out to ;i<enica their :opin:oo, but the be -apt• cur. eied by, a vote of ii5 for and 11 against. This will now give the Police Trust res power to go nhead and purcliaee such equipment as they see fit up to the amount of $1650,00. MAY ROD AND C117N Presenting the beauties of Can- ada to tourists, Rod arl,1 Gun and. Canadian Silver Fl_aox News ap- pears this month as a special Do-, minion of Canada Tourl:at number. The May iesue is featured by is special section, profusely iilllustra- ted, Iii which the countles:w attract - knee which Canaria hes to offer are laid before tourists, An editorial written by Hon. Charles, Stewart, Minister of the Interior, welcomes vi' dopes to the Dominion.. The ar- ,files and stories contained in the issue cover practically all prc)ein- res. from Now Brunewiek to firitish. Columbia, a wide field acrd fall of interesting material, fiction and face, for those interested in hent- ing, lisping and 'outdoor life, Sza•. sonable articles are contained in the regular -departments .on 1r'ish� ing, Gene and Ammunition, Out-. door Talk and Kennel, Rod and Gurt and Canadian silver I,`I'n News is 'published monthly byW, .7, Taylor, Ltd Wod,.o+itock, Ont. STANLFY TOWNSHIP, M•a b and son r Robt. McClinchey n Frank, visited last week with the formers cousins• at Auburn. _1Ira. John McKinley. Of Minton, spent a few days a week ago with her daughter. Mr's. Harvey Coleman of Parr Line, ' Mr. Lomb PFinlay son of Tuck- ersinith 'spent Sunday 'With. his fri- ends" 117r. Frank McCliuchey, Mr,. Tont Reld intends' overhitul- lug his barna this '3ttn:nter. He intends putting the 'two barns to- gether and putting then on a cenrtbt wall, The neighbor's have boon assisting him the past few clays In drawing the gravel froix,. the 't eke,' ,• Mr, tort IC" yes I's' also having an ,'rt1d t'o •t bti'1: to hi e i alis tris tt:ir"t DANDF',I,ION CONTROL. Four or Five Sprayings With Irian Sulphate Will Do the Melt. e Little attention was paid to th .dandelion as a weed thirty years ago, ibat with the clearing up of lands and ,reinovai of obstacles to the spread of the weed great increase of the riuls- an,ee is seen in grass land every- ivbere. The dandelion cannot succeed on land that is well cultivated, bit areas of grass, whether pastur fields, roadways or lawns, are usual ly heavily infested, Large areas can 'not well be treated unless the use o the laau,i is such as to permit heavy expenditures. Snia11 areas, such tie, lawns and portions of golf courses, may under proper management be kept free of dandelions. Spraying with iron sulphate, four or live applications during tate sea- son, will generally free a grass area of the pest. But the treatment must be repeated every third year. The lirsi"apraying should be applied just before the first blooming period of the dandelion and followed by two others at intervals 9f three weeks Two further applications should alsu be given during September or Octo• ber, Spraying should not be done during the hot, dry period unless water carr be applied to keep the grass growing vigorously. Grass areas that are sprayed usually black- en' considerably after easel applica- tion, hut this burned abpearance dis. appears after a few days, Are that are being sprayed for the eradi- cation of dandelion should be well fertilleell, ra•hd rarss seen should be applied to keep up the.fenqulred 141?1r1- ber of grass plants. to form a good turf. White clover is killed by iron sulphate spray, so caunot succeed under this method of dandelion eon• trop: i r n Ali .oi' T ie st e soltitioa to use is 1% 17otinds to one gallon at Water, —L. Stevenson, Secretary Dept. of Agriculture, Toronto. • Why a *5,600 13u11 Was Sold for $50. .When. a certain farmer a few years arm sold his registered Holstein brill to his local butcher no records had been made by any of the hull's daughters. Within a year eleven ol. the daughters freshened at the ages of two and three. Records were made of milk and butter -fat produc- tion, and to the astonishment of everybody the average milk produc- tion was 14,502 pounds and the average butter -tat Production was 573 pounds. But before these records were available the bull wee dead and hi to, Iv +Ind 110-onrn 1, tr,r,1 11„r.,,,•, 1..: 1. 41 ..i 1. J i . 4• , t )0.). v t e had been solei cur ;5p, 4+ 4, 4, 4' ' 1 AL Page . over./ r c In , 'Toilet Freparations the well known re- liable varieties of Face Powder and Face Creams zilch as I ARDLE t''S, AR efaer'DS, COTY'S, POMPr+,IAN THREE I+LOWReeS, WOODBUR Y`S AND MANY OTHERS These are Nationally Advertised Goods which have a reputation to maintain. In Tooth Pastes we have Forhans, Ipana Colgat€ s, Pepsodent and Hutax ' All kinds of School Supplies and Stationery WE HAVE SEVERAL VARIETIES OF SHAVING CR- , RAMS, STICKS OAPs AND POWDERS. ALSO A GOOD STOCK OF SHAVING BRU5lIE3, e AFET RAZORS AND RAZOR BLAD1;3 , "i; MAGAZINES FOR SALE Dr. A. J. MacKtnnon, Zuriod iyiviNIYMPANw Rs rte MMMMOW,M PRAY 4. 4 3 ARE YOU ROOFING? THINK OF KEYSTONE 5 X RED CEDAR SHINGLES WHEN PROPERLY LAID WITH • .ZINK CLAD NAILS LAST 40 YEARS OR MORE C4.ITHe a OUT INT'ING OR PATCHING.'NO `SNOW ,;'ILL`ID`ELOES' 3 UP AND NO RAIN WILL CO THROUGH ... THE CHEAPEST AND THE IlEST, 4 4. CKALBFLEISR1 PHONE ONE 6q - ZURICH i' 4•44i++U++++ x4.++4 +4++$•.6'•i..•a.•p•i' +++++++++++++++++++++44419) 4++++t+,l„►++ ++++++3 +F++3r*I4 We 'stili have a large quantity of ray -pros Fireproof Wallboard,. Hee it. for wall's and the old plaster before you spring decorate, SLYeee or hand. The ceilings to- r'en.air aleallialiailiauseamaiaseeemeeseeimemaiiiiiiiimiessimuntousnnonanolealatieseaseelasetaseeeease Get that linbLer Tire Buggy be - tore prices advance. They work -on all four, hit or min s • A alta Tops, Wagon Repairing, .Painting, _Etc. HESS - ZURICH e +ower++h'+'1'44+I++I•'r'+•r ++I+•l+•€+oo,1,4-€ ei-ler�+S++s++� t"trae1+•+rre^+a^"t-re-rees-serer tee HERATD'OFFICE u Do You Know?3 THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR GOOD PRINTING THAT AI� tG SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS THAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, SUCH AS LETTERHEADS, EILLIl[EADS, ENVELOPES AND STATEMENTS THAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING Tb3ANII AOT UDERS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN sup. PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OF CHECK BOOKS THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENVEii- ODES IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON OR TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAG, A'IEMORIAM ATIONERY, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS IN TWO SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC„ ETC, . THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINAI;'•!t' SIZE INK BOTTLE WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INK FOR 5c, LAI?i - GER QUANTI'T'IES AT BIGGER REDUCTIONS 4a { 49y>C'"Y"vr Y'r"C V 7F"Y'r, 3*t"r . tM 7"rY ; a i i • r 7 ivr .,.,1�+ e.4p 'l"l THAT WE 'PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALE POS- TERS, S- CERS ME RCANiIL EP09TE 5 AND ALLGENERAL PRINTING 0tf1l SPBCIA.I.,TV b