HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-04-28, Page 3TONE QIP THE Ii.OQD AND NERVES NOW Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Have No Equal for This Purpose.' AnOemia, or lack of good blood, 'causes net only pale faces and white lips; it Is the root of many pains and miseries. It is the cause of shattered nerves, headaches and backaches; and the always tired feeling from which So many women and girls suffer. To regain new health and strength the blood should be enriched through the tonic treatment with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. This medicinehas brought: new health and strength to thousands of w ea kde , spondee e. Among those who have found health through the use of this eine is Mrs. Gregory J. Mur. Ship Harbor Phys. bless the day Y h a who says: Pink Pills. Before I began theirs use I was in a run-down and very weak condition. The least exertion would leave me breathless and tired out. Hou se . wo• 1k was a trial, I felt very despondent ' and friendatimes p A ad- vised ins to try •Dr. Williams' Pink. Pills and I got six boxes. I had not been taking the pills very long until I began to improve in health, and 'continuing their use they restored, me !to nay former good .health. I also 'gave the pills to my daughter; who ti was anaemic and run-down, with the same good results. Now I always have the pills in the house, and would not like to be without them." Get a box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills from your druggist `to -day, or send 50 cents to The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, and a box will be sent you post paid, A little book, `Building Up the Blood," which explains the treatment, will be sent free on request. l-iappy Feet. A little. •girl who was werneing hex• fret, heli -rd her rotlzel' ,e.1I for her to go to bed, "There, Jowl" she exclaimed "yogi caned me ;hest ea. my feet Were getting happy." Think What Adam Escaped. "I wish I had lived three hundred years ago." „•Whys ''I shouldn't have had so much his- tory to learn." Nothing on Aunty. Uncle Mark --"you young lads � of to - /day want too much. Do you know new what I was getting when I married le& your aunt?" EastMVfaurioe' (,hiss nephew).. -.."No; end I'll Williams' bet she didn:'t, elth,er." The Mennonite Farmer, While a party of guests were stop- ping at an inn they were interested in listening in on the transactions be ,tween a Mennonite farmer and the management. The farmer had come to :seal vegetables, and some especially fine potatoes were displayed. "Sixty 'cents a bushel for them," he said. The ice the market was only 50 cents,rbut it was finally agreed that Ina'santfrl, as he had gone to the trouble of delivering them he might as well leave five bushels. A week later the farmer returned with another load of vegetables, but his first move was quietly to unload a bushes of potatoes. "Just to square:, accounts," he said very simply. Things taste so good we can't help eating too much, now and then. Don't suffer for it. Take Seigel's Syrup: Any dru drugstore. re. Poker Parties. "Do you attend poker parties?" "Yes—sitting in with the furnace, you know." Letters are delivered to some islands 1 nthe Pacific by means of a racket ap- p'aratus operated from passing boats. Two -foot Shirt. Shop Assistant—"What rise shirt, sir?" Customer (a builder)—"Oh, about a two -foot frontage." A Probfem. "Above all," said the mistress to the new maid, "I want obedience and truth- fuleess." „Yes, madam," replied the girl, "and if anybody calls when .you are in and you say you are out, which shall cone first, obedience or truthfulness?" His Good Deed. Johnny was unusually gleeful ov breakfast. "rye done my good turn for to -day he said. _ 1 "What! Already?" inquired hi father. - "Yes. I was. at the gate and hear Mr. and Mrs. Brown say they war doubtful whether they would cat° the 8.15, so I set tine bulldog after the and they arrived just in time." Just a Good Turn. • The Association of the Boy Scouts of America have presented to the Boy Scants of Britain a bronze statue of an American bison, dedicated to the "Unknown. Scout," that is, the Boy Scout who did a service for an American tourist in e7• s d e h on wh moved that gentlen1an to inquire iich nto f'the Boy Scout movement and its ideas and then to .start it in America. The American asked the boy his I way in a busy street and was at once !conducted to his destination. When :he offered the bey a tip, he received'I the reel " y, No, sir, I am a Scout." Prom the little good turn done by that boy in London the movement has grown until it numbers 750,000 in the United States and wi.11 prob- ably number a million before Iong. Sea. Careless forever, beautiful proud sea, You Iaugh in happy thunder' all alone, You fold upon yourself, you dance your dance Impartially on drift -wood, sand or stone. —Sara Teasdale, in. London Mercury, Cod liver oiI is going nut of fash- ion, save in the case of rickety chil- dren, as doctors are now finding that a ef- fectiveerand thecod lily balaed ver just Iis tsapt to upset delicate digestions. It depends largely on the flour you use. We believe you'll welcome this suggestion-- try Purity', the rich, vigorous Pouf -7- made from the finest Western wheat. Thousands of cooks say Purity Flour is best for cakes, pies, buns and bread. F •o Send 30e in stamps for our 700 -recipe Purity Flour Cooh Boak. rot 'Western Canada Flour Mille Co. Limited. Toronto. Montreal, Ottawa„ Sas , , roha :........—.......__------ _ ca '---- Blaclrt ell.Kno HomeBuilder t then Quickly Restored to Health IFlick.:: Victim of Nervous Indigestion L ,,Loss of Slee�i c.end 'wire Xnolerable Pain,, Father o fgChildren Finds Long sidere Sought Relief. StrengthRestored, PrdisesTanlac in his oseph A. Brunet, a well-known As ,Montreal building contractor, 7053 were i 1�i Boyer Street, says: "The brawn, mus•Ifent to ele and splendid health of est .Dan will break the strong•theml modern living,under the strain of h�• `Es:'}' totellBald o '1 was suffering untold : agonies ,': i tE ? .7'twhen I began' taking Tanlac. My the anstrength had vanished. I Couldn't workMorsefllciently, I couldn't have b enjoy life as S .a.�;`,::arr,.'other men did. I had lost weight and .• as Boys",was wracked by knife-like ains,p '� { � �, school. "1 was completely discouraged when '°,ate ?:$;:`�Tall, B iTanlac was recornnrended to me and l `•x :`..t::. and a1 Book ft. ai1:1a omrnend it to anyone � nicknan 'This tome >n'orlred wonder's with are now the. Quickly my old strengtis return- mals 'ar red. 1 began to have a 'great appetite •.!forefathand oto everything Without a sign of and sluggish laver, It Is nature's owit such h''bale. Once more 1 knew what�it was remedy made from roots, barks and havv'e beyeto have a good night's sleep. Tanlac herbs according to the . femoupTan• laolting certainly put me on my feet, made me lac formula.letronger and gave 'me better health Banish sickness from your life and would b than I have had in years." en3oy the benefits of chan ed Tanlaousuallybanishspairs,Con- Begintaking'Tanise.Thedfrst11 ottle Wlsenuers ailmentsandbuildupstrength usuallybringsresultsthatwillsur• yriii famished bodies. It relieves the sys on' lad�m of oison caused b prise vote Asir your dxuggist for Tan olio nam p y constipation lac—today. it ri O'ROURKE Variations Q'Rorke, p'Ruare, RourkeRooke, Rorke. . Racial Ori9Jn--.Jrish, Source.—.A given name, The Clan O'Rourke, from which the Clan O'Reilly. took its origin, and which in its turn was an offshoot of the Clean O'Connor, is listed among he oldest of clan organizations am- ong the Irish, As a elan nalne, which virtually was' the same thing as a family name, this surname probably antedates any- thing In the'way of an Englisll fam- ly, name by sortie three to four• een-uriea.The founder of the O'Rourke clan was a chieftain named Roarc O'Con- or,, the youngest of rho twelve sons f the farnous Tiernan. O'Connor. The ate was some time prior to 893 A.D. A grandson of Roarc, Feargal Rourke, was the thirty-ninth Chrisan king of Connaught, This mon- rch died in 954, and for a period of oral eenturiee afterward this elan ntributed many monarchs to the yal list of this -kingdom. Like most of the`Trish navies, this e has suf e ed rather% drastic hanges in spelling through its trans_a tion into the ilEglish language, The given name of "Roarm" is de -d' froom ancient Gaelic words ening "very swift." 0 ti a sevro c1riveme vaeiRNf Variations •—., peirne, Se!rnee, Barn, Sarnos, Sarewail, Sarnewell, Ronni- weilRaolal :origin --Irish, Cperce—.A given name. 'This Irish family name is not the same as Byrnes and Burns, thoaagi.there are many instances in which it has been confused with them throughlatiou into the English language, But it comes from an entirely dif- e, fi t .�ilurrainum ferent source. The Gaelic spelling of , thethe clan name from 'which it lead been cl ped is "0'Bei.rin" which in turnWhen U!1 S`erve �e °i 'wasdez a �ry•�jiY moi.d fr �.omt /�yhe given name ofPRKO +' to' your family ou"Beixilz." The moaning of this name y aaC �'1ViIY�wasfit to oarxy," "is ofor, T�hs�vas; of sours.e, he given name .,..,of the chieftain who founded the clan ,.""..'about the eleventh �or twelfth Centuxy. must be aRecords of thethexemistake somewhere. Bute.wasLaan 1fe Dough t new 9thadIts arlgln as a breach;• ame of g llow �rAluoma'4eattor division of the O'Connors of Con_ Pifer one, a very appsPerha a Some boy wh d 10:unto tact west. athem the best tea you pan bu ,exact date do not seem g at American poet, who died eEiaiastfird Adv%rtiserrlieh ebe,availabl I8m o make theTheClann eexe a risme 111NGs ,,syeafalfyo on�Pnrn�inglr,crn�bTractorarmian.yardP1sWnliJa� Lomgat,y, Sl-$¢ b'roat aE n u ht.a g oreasthis'Neither must this family name be paper may become a famous man, and f lou unroll eslrcxs. 12a AND ugtconfused with the English familybe called everywlrei'eby a nickname °ria,&ar. wlutam Plafsah, Beratrard ne opt. tname of Barnes, though it sometimes which he hasn't yet received. ozvTs arEx Al,� tvoalrN SELL weslto I takes the same s ellin, .—_.;.�_ „1 tins mice CLmA:vsxs, the 1li g The latter pt11a,, garage. aught your home,is either of Norman origin or of local Spriri mission. .'Exclaslve tetritory.yroaPts�oeb > f English origin, according to the indi- g Openling. Compexij Dont• c, Alexandria, Ont. vidtual Case, coming either from Usually the song. of the robin an- 1FaIooality of Berners or Berr}jets t in thisnounC cates hsbinning of Spr _Normandy, or from the place of th iY an entirely div%re Rana ls8 Id •u,e cruses liomedy for brokon-winded hors c$2:00.tune I.McGoloy Ttedkdno Co., iiomutrillo. Ont.E2.00. eras the .passing of Old Man Win, i me sn Surrey. erThe hum of the motorcy BABY'S O N TABLETS Mrs. L. M: Brown, Walt says:—"I cannot recommen Own Tablets too highly. I hthem invaluable for the ail little ones." Mrs. Brown's is the same as that of thou other mothers who have used lets. To use them once is.a su antee that they will always b the home as long as there abr young children to be cared Tablets are a Iaxative—,1n thorough in action --.which nto regulate the stomach and relieve constipation and indi break up colds and simple femake the dreaded teething easy. In fact you banish minor ills frot which Iittle on fer. The Tablets are sold b cine dealers or by mail at 25 box from The Dr. Williams' M Co., Brockville, Ont. • Nicknames. "Little -Boots," or "Bootsy,' comical name for a great cbut that is the meaning of Ca and Caligula was the ruler whole civilized world. The nickname was given\rhea he was'a little boy, by tiers of his father's army, as s hey caw him come into camp we pair of military boots made t e diminutive size. Tt stuck to nd took the, place of his real nd he is known by it now, after than eighteen hundred years assed away. But his nickname was not qui diculous as that of another fa an of ancient Rome, who also adopt it as his regular title. s Scipio Nasica, whoch mcipio Longno§e." A eat 'many d men ownin history by heirenickna most of these nicknames en to then% when they were o n Iittle Caligula. The Emperor of Germany wh led Barbarossa, or "I%•ed-bee been first called so when he enough to employ' a barber, tho s not likely that he ever did eof them a job, unless he let this hair, or bleed him, for the Toned German barbers did a gr of bleeding, cupping and lee ng Edward I.. of England, pr received his nickname of "Lon ks" after he had gotten hish; and Edmund Ironsid lied the Unready, Richard Lio , John Lackland and Edward tale t Prince all gained theirs after had become inen.t Harold Barefoot May have on, N.S.; d Baby's ave found ments of testimony sands ofthe Tab - re guar -e kept in re babies for. The ild but ever fail bowels; gestion; vers and period all the es suf-Y medi-cents aedicine ' .is a mpero:, of the to him he sol - eon as aring O suit him, name, more have to as moushad This Bans, arse Ines, were lder o is aid," was ugh give hold -eat ch -ab- g - full es, n- t) a iii a a p ri mto wa "S kn butgiv tha caI hav old it i ane cut fash deal ing. Ki ably Ishan growt IEthe t earned that title by beating his play - in foot-racesand I•Ienry Beau certainly won his honorable ine by actually learning to his own name, which was con., d a very wonderful thing to do time. so many of the French kings lamed Louis, it is very conven- have nicknames to remember y, and it is a great deal easier Louis the Fat from Louis the r Louis the Saint than to keep a of their numbers. y of our own `surnaziie5 must een given to our ancestors just nickname each other at Little and Long, Short and lack, White, Green, Brown, ozee other colors, all began as es, and a great many of us called by the names of ani - birds because some of our ere were thought to look like atures. navies as 'Barebones," must n applied to rather strange - people, and their descendants e eiccusable for having them by act of lerislature. we see awry thin gentleman. lamed Stout, or a very short ed Long, it seems as if there f9131J iVo. 77--'27e Summer in alIoaSt is a sure sithe corner, gloryis just a wool devotee of the intorcycle en the -hhimself and hits far the open r' is. an assured fact that it's as follow him. This inore ever, the motorcycle will be se ever increasing numbers on the ways and byways. The recent induction of tiie Single Cylinder mhas sold the motorcycle to thouwho heretofore were content to that- pleasureable form of tour%the younger generation. Becauthe ease with which the Singhandled the older element have t to the two -wheeler and now it common sight to see father and and yes, mother too, enjoying an ing via motorcycle. B�eceuse of which Spring brings to all, rticularly the motorcyclist, ley -Davidson dealers have org d a Spring Opening Week" wh designed to celebrate the beginn the riding and touring sea Iter Andrews, Toronto Mari vidson Dealer, has arranged qu elaborate program for "Spr ening Week," May 2nd to 7 n • house will be the order b and evening for the entire p Brand new 1927 models will on display at the store and the pub- lic are invited to inspect the machines and if desired to.ride them. Button 10 Files Away Guards Bank of England Not content with the usual pre-,' cautions against burglars, the Bank of England is making provision even for emergencies when, for some rea- son or other, the bank's staff plight be unable to lock the underground treasure vaults. In the rebuilt "Old Lady of Threadneedle Street" the vaults will be so constructed that they can be flooded by the pressure' of a button at any one of three differ -I ent points—one within the bank, one; elsewhere in London and one in thecountry ten miles outside London. —_____tFor distemper—Minard's Liniment.Women in the Wilds. ilOswe1a TO Do PLAIN AND LIGHT cIe on eewing tithomepay:workpentad agars ttme, good gnthat t Rv lslaace;chaisesDald.SendstompoDarticulars.NationalManufactnrinaroundALontreaI. n -the-' NATis--••LITTLE Irbestir$sex; mailed 1n Dle1n nvelope, TO Pars S��oad, italy� Co., Diontaeal. yfe to than Salt Beds of Ontario. en inI The salt beds of. Western Ontario tro- t cover an area of some 3,400 square odea . miles. According to the Natural Re- sandssources Intelligence Service theme is leave'su licient supply in this one district ng to!to last the world at its present rate se of ' of consumption for approximately 90 le fa` thousand years. The beds lie at be_aken tween 1,000 and 4,•000 feet below the i ]oYpa Harize is of Wa Da an Woman Diplomat's Novel Op 1Vla,dame Alexandra ICollontay, Soviet + aye envoy to Mexico, the world's only wo- Tod. man ainbassadoz•, has written a novel called) "Red; Love," just publish�e�d, whirl% ie described gas an authentic re- presenta1"ri.o'li of ao+ve in present-day Soviet R,uss•ia. Mme. Iiodlontay- who ' a netted writer an problems con>irant.Ing m'od�ern women, has included in her novel a background sof free mar-riage, free divorce, motherhood, stand -ands of nxorals, avid the problem of career v9. love. Nothing Was Ever Lost -- -By sacrificing our business for the sake of our children. --By being loyal to our conscience. --By understanding our case whe•iwe are selling goods. —By delivering a better quality of goods than we agreed to. --By taking the side on which there was no doubt. — 13y keeping your mouth shut when you were angry. --By doing your work the best of which you were capable. s a suri?ace. son, the andf allan- ich ingson. ey- ite ing•th. oth er- be Beware of the Man --- -Who speaks ill of his mother. —Who says "a11 men are liars, He is confessing. —Who laughs at things sacred to other men. Being —Who grows too confidential on first, looks, acquaintance... I treating —Who always complains that the j showing boss has it in for him. blue, wi _Who lays all th blameof condi Women are now taking up British Government poets in the ;Straits Set- tlements, Nigeria, the Gold Coast, and various isolated islands as medical oflu0ers, ducatinn official's, etc. well read, avoiding black doing your work up brown, everyone white, and never a yellow streak, or feeling 11 help to keep one in the pink 'tion. e an the athar� party. —Who cannot laugh when the joke' is on him. Queen Mary Srktrgs Lorgnette Popularity. Queen Mary has popularized the lorgnette this year by carrying a. hand - Wine one oO.thte Louis XV. type, which, she lases freely at •tile theatre.. the ibet of its kind, is being estab lished at Wan:stead, England. it will be in tile form Of a 4arge eanetorium for the breattnent ot horses, mules, I dog,s, monkeys, goats, pigeons and t, canaries, representing the principal 1 animal and bird: life whicb. met 'death ie. service. No domestic arteraa,1 nor i bird, however, will be refueed treat- I is unexcelle.d for Dyeing and Tinting. Professional Same Pand of Dyers use the yes Spring Time is CELERY KING Time Brew a cup of this fine old vegetable tonic. .It is all the spring medicine you need. It drives out winter's poisons, improves ,the appetite and makes you feel better ri,ght away. CELERY KING is good for tb.e whole family. At druggists, eoc &COM' CHICKS MatPay All thee the name Frora healthy, free ran y parent and Barred Plymouth ocks from nationally known strains. Get more poultry profits from these healthy, vigorous, Smith Hatched Chicks. Write for circular FREE TINED FEET' IVIinards soothes sore and tired feet. Bathe—then rub well with have an original home head noises from nasal ea- tarrh which I want every sufFerer to try free—with- out obligation. For many years I suffered from ca- tarrhal deafness and head noises. I.peefeetecl a treat., ent which completely ee- 1 stored my hearing. I gave ' it to others and they weee able to bear again. Since that time, hundreds have used it successfully. 25, 00 Treatments To I3e Rosewood In Brazil. Rosewood not" the Wood of aele 1 kied of rose tree. It de obtained Chief.; ty from certain kinds of Brazilian trees. The nano te due to a taint ' smell of roses when the Wood is fre,st- ly cut. GIVEN AWAY This Ifia nth Th n s cost you nothing, The re. sults are quick and convincing.lrouteillfool the difference the first day. 1 have found that 90 per cent Of tho cases of deafness and head noises ari, caused priyriarilY hy nasal catarrh. Ilaltoafterilifeek trhetsotoumlaecaly, costumer rheumatism ev;frysevere cold until th 0 other ear is affected. Pears; a man 80 years did h d en eat one woma h 3:1 or many years can now hear again. Hundreds teat rris This Is FliEE 1 feel so sure that this treatment will re- store hearing and end head noises from nasal catarrh that I want every sufferer to try it free, I want to prove at my expense that the results are quick and It is the best treat. merit that have found in 42 years' practice as eye, ear,nose and throat of other instances similar to these have told ma of the treatment's success. n will send you absolute/y fres my new book tit beafteils, Head Istoises arid Catarrh. it discusses fully the curable and in- curable kinds of deafness. Write today for this free test treatment. - State if you tire deaf, have head noises or just nAERII catarrh or head catarrh. Write or print your name plainly‘ Do not Thia noties may not appear 2 or days I at* going to give away 26,00u free treatments.