HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-04-28, Page 1Vol., XXVII Itio43 ZURICI1, THURSDAY MO, NG, APRIL 28, (927, rem., wal.e.U4.4.4* r Mender 14Smith, lterehlIfeeoe 04120 a TenehiAckette eles IN fate es. ss MAY fee oh:Anew; Let your Local Paper bringMerehap.t and. Public together by Advertisi NOTICE Members of the Berticultural So- .teliety are requeetedt»ee,.eet at the glower beds eni trell attreee, Monday evening, May 2iste att 7. to reek out their I to take. charge elf for the Wawa, Haberer. Pees/Octet. E. Gesehere ffeeer-Treakee • Canada Conference inoong reefing were brought free-, tbe United Meech in Canada to. The Seedy -Third *unreal cession thc conference by Rev. 1)1., G. of the Canada Coeference of the Evangelical Chhurch claaucl ox Tuesday noon. ,L. IL Seager el: Le Mara, Iowa acting as chairreau of the Conference, A large am- ount of husinese was transacted eareong which wee, tie a decision to authorize the organization of the et -elle in the Canada Northwest into a eeparete conference to be known Pidgeon, acting moderato:L, of the United Church, arid Rv rjl Albert Moore, who tallttsci on the fineiuc cess they are experiencing in their newly orgainized ailed) bod,y. Dr. Moore also touctieci on flee tem- Peeence question: Bishop Seager responded to these addresses very fittiagiy, ihenleng thi ?1kC1 a f or theg reetings, and stating that the as "the Canatla Northweit C'onferen *1•/vougelical Churce had also exper- ce. This eeinfereoce will held its ienced ft 1111i011 oreueion,ie 192e its first annual meeting on the and that the church, Pa tile stronger coming June Oj Froriday after- fro it. gave 3. B. leengis eepert- ed for the Sabbath Schoold. es fol- lows, 11.e schools with a member- eldp of 13,226, a gain of 184; con - CI SIO/jS 321, )13090 were raised for missions, an en.2.rease, of b:0,,o; total need 1)y the schools $2400e- y*,+++++++++++44++++4414444e44444+++++44.0.14444+1.14444+++? • , Dividends Increased DIVIDENteSez alt participating policies issued by the Com- pany were increeted on January Ist,e1927e. The following z table is. a concrete example of the -new scale compared to the t p2d cm a. eliffeele Twenty Payment Life Polley, annual e • At. s .--.. Iage 30.. • t 4... I Year Policy ee in Pewee lender Old Seale Under 1927 Scale it.. 1 $ 53,80 78-80- 4. ee I • e• Oo Sundeyl arge gathrrfege took place with 'services being held both in the auditorium and beseinent of the church, much inspired., by the fine addressee givee. APRIL THE MONTH O8 DIAMONDS •,•••••••rng•••••••••••••••••••••07•MAN• eie:. 'Ward Frit,. we's a visitor in London" on Tuesday - Misses Cel. and Charlott Par,. Vieri of Detroit, are visiting their patents here, Mr. Oliver Johnston of Goder- ereieepent Sunday at the horee et tee brother, Mr. Thoma. s Johnson, • Mr. and Mrs. V. Mernor, bridal couple of Detroit, were visitors in the village the past week.. Reeve E. P. KloPp, is out with the Good Roads Commission leek- ii-fg over the county roads main-. tate.= by thene Louiss and Leonard Prang • e • .1),Irse Nettle Prang, and Mrs. Mar - Dividends Payable Div. Payable : 1.4'.F°..liewing ia the ' reil.),°14:a7Ife..tchies', tuiL,' 1:elvet.atiert....env-clis.ited in Detroit over etatiootng co ran:lefts w ne i Ithe Ontario districts only,, as the I western d:s"..rict will have. t I chargeof dr. and Mee. D. Saunders of ; • 63.60 73.40 • 8340 93,00 105.60 el. 5 • 1.. .8.07.,, ,c,.), 1. * its own atationng• r.i.,,e,-tira, ,e; Stratford, spent Sunday at ' the hoe .reof her parents, Ale anti Mrs et. * ee'' - + HAN° V E R ', le ISTleICT . . Andrew Thiel .r. . • r •1. e. 111k1.80, *• - 4, 9 . .• . 3 124-5°•*e E. Bern, PresidingElder; Ches- •Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schwert 121.00 n 13 leY, N. H. Reibiltig; Elmwood, ':F. left for Detroit, on Mondny, Mr. E OESCIHI •-- Zurich (47, parents, Mr. and Mrs. 3. Fess. ee. a • • it P. Brown; efilvertoe, E.Burn; Noe- ,IRev. II. Rembe, L.B.S, is spend - it ,. . ,,,,4„,,,,../.,4.,. 444.444144++++++++++++++++t+.41÷ Ata1.11)3r, H. H. Liebold; Port Elgin, nig a few days in Stratford,Ont. • eee-reet-t-ee• • . K. Gretzcneer; 'Wallace L. II. Pietch ..a • ending the Conference of the IL, ang. Litheran Synod" of Can- .. . STRATFORD DISTRICT •• Schwartz having visited with' her Mever • Hanover H Bea • Lest ••••••••••••••• (1b 10110nifigitttliWik tiA004041,613681011.10*(643+00-000401e60411.00410.0008 0 EL. A. Presiding Elde mr. oici; Mr. ioseph G4i.tman ea NEWBS Fashion Thoidg ts in spring Footwear. - BroWn's. Boot Shop Windows • . i e, i on, W. M.. eeepel , Da shwood, 0 i. 4. et eagoe were •ee el lore with tho ro- r, .1.i. .3101.0 A.TeKilioe. G. L. l'e,ijile'er Itte-*enti.- Mr, and t Mrs. • Gress; Rodney, J. G. Burn; Seb- eteen Gamean, • . • riegville, A, W, Sauer; S. Eatethopei it 0. G. Hallman; Stratford A. C1-1 `..A Ti 5s Verlyn Thiel returned to 5 emcee, ejaresto:k, II. A, ielealman her home on the Bronson, after sp- e lending her Eastor Hoeclaye with • Zurich, W. Y. Dreier. O her aunt and uncle at London. • e e e or • • • J. 13. Dengis; Ktichener Zion, Geo. payseent, • Barthel; NNew Hambuiege, S. Re ` e• . Keechtel; N, Easthope, J. M. Oes-i Some real cold and wiuterlike * • • treicher; Roseville, W. H. Hend- ; weather was exPerienced • over t 3 FORETELL AN INTERESTING -STORY OF NEW 0 • oyloo, J. P. Hauch. rirk ; St Jteobe, N. E. Dalene; Wat- tilt, week -e • nd, and little growth ..T. SPRING 41: • \l'a A experienced, but conditiona ± .41 FOOTWEAR ceAsmoss. TREY ARE AUTHORITIVE AS THE :I HAMILTON DISTRIOT. able and warmer. arc.. getting a little more 'season- 4. + • ; I I LAST ISSUE OF VOGUE. .... • W. 3, .Zimmerman, Presiding El- The,New Heintzman Co.,&piano 4. I STANDARD" OF VALUE OF THE TE . L - PRICES MODERA THEY WILL IMPRESS YOU WITH AN ALTOGETHER NEW : • a Eeelleesee Mereiston, 3,. G. Doman; Sunday, Bev. H. Remee conducted • Carepden, J. G. Litt; Hamilton, W. church arrived on Saturday. On der -Attercliffe St., W. J. Yager; for thebasement of the Lutheran + 2 AND BE ASSURED OF SATISFACTION Pelham, W. II. Ctimpbell; Selkirk an apprepriate s-r‘ke after wh c:1 + •YGUf A - .. a ,j, H. .Grenzebach; S. Cayuga, A. the pianist, Miss Pearl Johnstoon ± eERE GOOD SHOES COST LEieSe • , F Stoltz. Toronto 'W J axle:el.- truce the fire: note.; followed bv iel , man; Willoughby, C. Cornwell. .singing hymn "Now thank we all I* OTTAWA DISTRICT I our teed by the whole , Sundae• 11.. Arnprior, W. O. Helm ; ee Golden i new meInce piping. + W' O. liehn, PC'siding Eld'er --SehO"ult: Police\ Truetees have just,' . 1 . l. ' ;Luella Farwell who ie at - WATERLOO DISTRICT, ' J.P. Mauch, Presiding Elder -- etending School Df Iott.,merce, at eridgeport, M, L. Wing; Elmira, ,Clinton, 'spent the holidays with 4' E. .D. Becker; Kitchener Calvary, their ,parents, Mr, and Mrst P. e • We Invite you too see our new Assortment from. $25.00 to $100.00 LEAVE YOU SEEN •THE NEW HAND ENGRAVED WEbDING RING? < ' Hess, The Jeweller tmln...••••••••••••ms•••"•••••••• COAL 19 Spring Delivery YES WE HAVB Dropped the Price ofCeiadi ANTHRACIREI THE BEST GRADES PRODUCE,. IN THE UNITED STATES'. DIRECT FROM THE MINES GENUINE DNLN & W., SCRANTON The Standard ..4oathracitel. THE D. & H. LACICAWANA The Free Bunting Anthracite, FILL UP YOUR BINS BERGREi THE PRICES ADVANCE • HENSALL ONT Phones -Office 10w. House ea .4,4romer,....rozuressaut•UlZ, LEATHER GOODS, ETC. Harness Trunks Vases Aute Tires WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR LEATHER GOODS, HARNESS �ALL KINDS, LEATHER CLUB BAGS, LADIES' BBAGS-, COIN AND OTHER PURSES A FINE DISPLAY ON HAND OVERALLS, HORSE Brea e GOOD SUPPLY OF MEN'S MITTS, ANKETS, ETC. ON HAND.. e SPECIAL PRICES ON AUTO TIRES •RIGHT NOW. e Come in and see tour fine display of Usefull •Goode. HARNESS REPAIRING ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE D THIEL - ZURIOH • 401,4•<“1.,,..., • " SHE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY z IeEPAIRING Brown's Boot Shop _ NEATF.,17 DONE Seeeeee4144040...teeseeev40068414taialleeigolt*Or41000110110•0 ,,,,,,...•••••••*0**•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• P••••••• ee 44.40.400.4.....0.40044••••••••••••••eteeeeeee•••••••• -..te . ../ee • , NOW! 1 ele Is the titne for you to get busy with 14. - your plans for a new Easter Suit or Tope° 0.t.' ''. The Good Fle:iday-„:„ - ,, , 46 NS • IfIOLIDLY IS ALSO ONLY A WEEK .OR SO gitoirAy AVE 4 THAT'S mans TIM WHEN MOST MEN W ANT (PO LIE DOL - ••=43, •ofe • 3 LED UP IN THEIR NEW OUTFIT. tlo 3 i3ETTER HURRY AND GM YOUR •ORDIIIi, EN F.A.RifY, THE EARLY MD CATCHES THE WORM. ,.4,wrestraisirnornounratorzateusaverarendatotaramsmormeagnatmellintimmomsnunrams....arutramerrseantortemmenximMilenenattesag . '4 We are eeteitpeedi with over 1000 %ample& el leedle-To-Meas- - ..e -ere Seitet awe Oeetmeate. ele' "It' "Barely We Cau Satisfy Ital." , el' ................................e..............................e..............,.............. , ele A brand, neve Steck of Ready Made euite. for Wet; esti Boye, ''. ' . GIVE US A -.CALL. -- 4.• 4: o' • i Lim ,:..., , .. fk IFF . 4L 0 . 441. 2 aAsegois OLD, STAND PHONE, 1,.. 4 • 10,40.00400.**0014.64404etteetesteetettetee....604*****041.0bieteee*** • Lake, C. R. 'Candi; Locksley, J.E. Up through the centre of the large 'tender; Parry Sound, N. R.Ernst; concrete ivate, timpply tank, This Pembroke, A. E. Pletch; Rocking- . will be usece as a deett pipe for + 'to carry the smoke up througlito the top from a stove that will be Evangelical Church Notes the winter.„ This will help to eet up for Iehe codlo -weather in glee) the Neeter from. freezing it i.:k thought, • The pump has been Thurada.y 7.30 0' p era te d 'and a • good head o t p.m. Prayer and water will soon be in the tank.. TI. C. L,•Smith, ClaesLPeia'adieser lea t''N116cted ine will arrive the latter Tette • thrte'the new fire 'en - of the week, whieh will then ;soon Friday, 71.30 plan. --Sr. BLOB . be put; into eondition tor immed- Pledee 8.30 eem-Choir Practice itt' lt)Lelo.11:keLandla for. demonstration will •hate, to be supplied. ZURICH - ONT Friday .1.10 p.m -Jr. E.L.CE Sunday • , 10.00 a.m. Worship Rev,. F. B. IVIeyer. 11 a.m.--Bible Scheel, J. E.. Gaseho, Sapelentendnt 7.30 p,m,.-Wotandp S. M, Hauch- frau*, Winnipeg, A 'Special offering will be taken up to ;defray expenses to Confer- ence. DASH W 0 0 le Suudey, • 10 tem. -Worship. • S.• M. irlattch, Winnipeg. A • eepecial offering will be taken up Ce defray • expeneee to Confer- ence. 11.05 -Bible .School, A. Birk Sent 7,30 ,pente-Worship You are Cordiatly invited to' at- tend these 'services. 15 M.V.YER, letteter. Htiel'ENI AL A veryeentereeting end 'pretty matrimonial' event was celebrated atthe boTr.,o. of Alt.. arid Mrs. Chris, Croditen, en Friday., April 22nd, when •th7ir cltreghter Beatrice Irony, was •iinitnci in *Holy Matri- mony to •Mr. Harry G. TICS, SOU of Mr. and 'ere, W. G, Tress, •, of Zerich. Rev. II.,,R..stebe of Zerice (')feciettitl, There were about seventy -flee invited gtiosts pres- ent who partook of the gloriette • eelent. After the der'e social itee, the yount?; oThiple loft on 0 honeymoon trip to Toronto, Niegaie Falls, and -Flint. Micb, 'Upon tlysir raturn they will 1191:thq 'rros^nt • 1:.0:a1-00 C,veclitoll, a•ft,Nr they will 111:01y boaoreo res- ILIont,F, or 'Amid), as Mr. lies is one ot Zurich's • pertuler yr -me bus- irerel teem The 'Herald jeth.. 'Nye tYr.111V Zerieb friendeiu eetend iteg• temgratela•teeitek • 4. Repairing promptly done, Rubber Soles Vulcanized on Rublei Boots, Etc. • 4.++++04444.4.416414+444414.44+4,++++4, E s er ootwea NOW is the time to secure your New Spring I ootwear for Easter while our Stock is complete WE HAVE' MANY NEW LINES TO SHOW YOU IN MEN'S WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S UP TO DATE FOOTWEAR. A COINIPLETE STOCK OP MEN'S AND BOYS WORKBOOTS. Where Quality, Style and Prices Count. We Win! O. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS ++++++•e+++++++++.4.4.++++++e44++++++++++++++++teeeleeeeeeed We Invite You To call and see Our new Rayon Silks, Broadcloths, Gingha ms, Prints, Galateas, Shirtings, De -nems Ete. ALSO DRESS LENGTHS.FOR LITTLE GIRLS, MISSEi AND• LADIES, ALL OTHER LINES Ole OUR STOCK WELL ..4,.s.zvz • Tun UP, AT IIRASONAT3LPI PRICES. • PRODUCE TAteEN IN EXCHANGE • DOUGLA OEN ERAL Itr7 EfeCs.4-1 i4 NT PHONE11 97 •BLAKE. •