Zurich Herald, 1927-04-21, Page 59 w lacy. AP ' j !Mak; X92 loco om34I,1) P.agis1' /sums putos 14028 tISTERi L OLIC,I,T0h, I+TOT- ►ltI"it P13BLIC, ETV Veriee, rear eaten Street. ;tu'b'a. otl , Mee1 q a' , tIr49DE I+C i, d31rt. ._.. CSO 1<";<CJ +k;rx►I atteitatiou to`otrrari tend lira wash to advise the public ,Court Worrk,lttl�tirat wc� are 'a(rnding for another car ?ELolamos mabe to ukt' eons 1eacl o 'ifettinger for beans arid. icei be phot ;sola p buckwheat, etc., If you require ehergee revereed• any let ule 1:now before April' 28. Rader & Johnston. PUT•"4.7,Q 3R lititc‘',nto, For Sale, LOst, Found„ Notice, Etc. Ads IN THIS {'OL*JWU 'r. IL IL CO'Y (iD. IAC S. DENTAL L SU o .rD ay, Friday avid .Sitar-' hite! Office tilik.BTLIAIB'S BI OM, .DA,S•H,tpq+i4OD Andrew V. Heal, xPovenship :Clearie lie eimse9• fiT.otary t utroarriage h .eleirtia;C- rot. Apply to George Reichert, Prions 20-94, Zurich, TO ' MOTORISTS Fatto•ving• are 'rate's for Automobile Insurance for six months -- tChevrolet, ;Ford, Chrysler, Essex, Ov'erlatid, Starr ; Public Liability $4.90 - P'ropert'y Damage .... $3,50 Piro and Transportation 2.80 Other 'Rate's in propoionrrt. A. F. HESS, Agent, Zurich • WANTED A•limited quantity of choice pot- atoes, must ba absolutely :free from, Co lsaaoseer, eterncilaile • 3neuebil ranee Releir se;,lt'hahg t c ''. t�urtip & Erie . Mortgage C4 . CO Po gyo; +. Th8 rost -- ONTARIO opeoh =kart eieraJones Nat - -ibex* _Carey , .School of recti. LivrinB. Try. Stock VP torBreeds). t,eTerms in keeping NO EGGS FOR HATCHING .70sirst asr9 • Speckled Ancona Egg •fornt viel t^zitrieb. ebiitg •• 15 eggga to wetting, Price OH: Eickmeier. 4-14-4 . FOR SALE A, good cook stove for saie,will bean wood 'or. coal. 4-14-tf L. A. Praug, Zurich. FARM FOR SALE 75 acre pasture Farm for rent •nr •\rill take in Battle this sninnier Lot 16, Con, 7, Hay" Write or phone, W. C. Pearce, Exeter, Ont. FOR SALE A limited quantity' of Yellow Blossom .swe t clo -e, seed for sa e Irietor Deichort, Zurich. Licenstit kuctiune OB T3URON & MIDDLESEX,L�N- .A IN AA PSITION TO gsilc Ossa Illuct any auction sale, ey to sell) Ti. Ifs to Ilse or articles - s ro ss. and itcharges for mot i�> � - your will make, no �,�s�sa ;teal. b Daehrpood. Arthur 'Weber, _..�.,_ NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the estate of �M• i the late Martha Treemoer, De- miseee s at ceased. I NOTICE iia hereby given that all persons havi,gciaitrrs against the :estate of Martha Truenlner late of T . the Township' of Hays who 'died ". 'on the 13th day of June, A.D. 1926, -- 'Meats ai are required to' forward their. cla- s6i , imt•}' duly prM ee to ties undes'signed . ,, Mr. W G..Flees has sold: the bw- L"�$ s .. a eS, etc iii oxl or liefare the 30th day. of April, i1d%ng oocur„s=<1 by WW. G H^ :i :S,, Bologna -.""IMP AD 1927. , Sona, lett tillers, to his son 'Mr A Price fur 'Wo011 I tr t 0 • FOUND A 'sum of money. . Owner can have ;Jame by proving property and paying . expenses. • Apply at Iterald''Off4ce� bulb Vaal. ‘AL NEWS ,Mise Matilde, Johnstoon re Vie - Bing friends in Kitchenoe, Mr. and Mee, Weis Sararea of Detroit, visited with reiatireahere Mr. and Mee. C. Either : and Me, Charles Eiiber motored to WaterloP on Sunday. Miss Pearl Leibold of Stratford, spent the week -end at her home on the Babylon i.,ine, Mr, elia1res Eilber .of petvoit, spent Easter holidays at the home ofehle father, Mr. C• Eilb'rr. `l.Vlrs. D. Witrr.er and d.augliter moved to Exeter.. the past week, where they will ,reside in future. Mr Garnet Wa'per and Gordon of De+rort•, 'repent Ea.tcr with their' parent's here. i • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dumart of Kitchener "spent Easter with fri- enda in town. Mr, and 1Vzr. Earl Rau of Detroit were recent vi'aitorsl with their par- ents here, Mrs J. J; Schwartz and• daughter Eunice of Detroit, arra visiting at the home of Mrs. Schwartz's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fuss. Mr. and Mr's. Milliken arid, son Rodger, visited at Parkhill over the Dieter' holiday's ' • Kra, Maurice Weber 'Of Goderich spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Weber. Mrs., Perd Hess is visiting at Elmira. for .a few days.. lOotSM' The Atinosliher • -und its Relax tion t0 A#MfiGtt klifr ,. High and :Low Temperatures erraturrs s So'ram, times l eueficial and Sometimes }Wilful - Old ,fol the IIsr'inla t4ourco of Heal and Light �u 11itt•j•cei4tont letudy 01 Ale— firer iatrcic )Mattes. {i ontrihiatca by Ontario Departmclit ,I • Agriculture, Toronto,) TivIOSP1ILf1'.1O ternneva•t.ur_' iia, ever been a matter c.i inuch concern to ngrieul• tur'alirats. A. high ;etnller. Metre, although necessary and bea;.r- treial in some eases, is deirii:hentai in others, but in each case requires it liberal amount of pr.eeipitation. Oe the other hand the destructive frost 'of late spring and early autumn is a,) iinpleat0ant but frequent visil•:oV to the agriculturalist.' Man has harnessed much of nature and made it his ser- vant, but as yet no one can say that imui, can control the atmospheric tem- perature, although he may modify it In a few instances or overcome some :it its disastrous effects. The primary source of all heat is. the sun. Old Sol shines and heat and tight travels the Intervening 92,900; iu0 miles of space with a velocity of 186,000 miles per second. Some of this heat is absorbed in its transii by dust particle -s, water-•rapor and the temperature of the air in coil - tact with it. The latter has the great - Mr. and lies. .1. P. Rau were er effect on air temperature. visitors at Detroit, a few , days Local conditions have a great el, tett on temperature Water requires last week.• 1. e. • .about five tithes the quantity of heat Mr. Lawrenc Rau of Detroit, to raise it's temperature one degree yr i!s: a week -end visitor with his as does soil, thus large .water Luh .. lend to prevent high temperatur parents here. Also, es there is aleaes slow uvapo MI me,e h Hey, of mele r., was,, ..etiun and it requires about 300 fir :; a hvc*ek-end vi•:�itor at his hone s much heat to evaporate one i• ,. ton ui: water as to raise its t,.: alert:. f perature Erne degree, the temperate v. Mr. ami Mrs.. Walter Dunrllrt of is kept more moderate. Large swamp Kitchener, were Friday vieltoi''s:at and Uush areas tree large qu<cntiti,s the loom of Mr,. and Mr's. Harry of waster to. the atmosplie a as 'yell as retaining the spring water' longer Yungblut, . in the country and eenseeuently has Mr. and Mrs. E: W. Stoskopf of a moderating effect. Kitolhen^r, visited at the home of b rosts'are also prevented by water, Mr. had :Mrs. Thomas Johnson •over svvamiP and bush areas, bee.ause they the 'Week -end. a high hamidity and are. not so readily cooled as large lane areas Mr. end Mrs.' T. McAdams and i"iir of high humiclit.y acts als a better family were to' ;London last Wed- blanket ass it were, Chart •Chudry air also the temperature at which de) ne3day to attend the Funeral of is formed is higher and the lovsert Mrs T. -A. Maria on Wabeeloo `St. at the temperature may .be tliiicie.,t- ni that city. • t ly arrested to eliminate .any dang,e Mr's. Allan. Snide?, Miss Marie of The£osts. type :of .agriculture in any sec - and Mr. Lloyd Snideer. flair- C'erman tion is decided .by its air, temper - Mill's, spent Ea..t,r holidays at the attire. Any new .crops which are nu- lioine of the former's daughter? Mrs parted intuit first -become acciimatiz& W. ,_. 1Zei nei. ed to that section butore they are ar • success.. Winter cereal crops .of On tario and hay crops are not affected by 'extremely lan' temperatures un- less growth is started by warm Wea ANT) NOTICE Lo further given Albert li es. wile is doing coned- eller lniluhaed :by low temperature 01 that after the ,said date the Exec- crable in,prot int;' on the up'prr ny iiLaaeii *ter of the sail about: ahr 1tor:.w'11 ,proceed to distribute the .glory of the 1nh.i1dia;,7, r'u31a Laav Sr,ring and early trail atato having regard only tieth'e hurl ca US hlrueh dantab If the e claims » f whieh •1 o then shall )lave. Navaaat.ion .has ,opend �neatly Nuri, ,;attire sacs am. drug below It had llaltrre, , month ea11iee than last y It 1 •dee• J . uuly•tlte tenderest eegelatioir DATED D at Zunieh• thi'a 12th -day (here was n uelh ic, on the lake oeuers, but u below it wholesale de - bad » sl i•ui:i)uit rc,tiulr.s. • High t,..ruperalures cons,icterably later Uh.ul 'l.r.ia cause t.ar ,, r va oratir)rr from the ,_., the tine b i) of April, • A.D. 1927. �eesi 'o'ssas*0Js' 00 Pre -it Quackenb- sh. E c t Ont a , Ontario. iC 1�19vV la'3r. �e,al' to . ., '•'.a. large anuli it of precipitation to DSolomon Schrader r;reet field, of lee in the )att'a'r part j),•evt it stun rua or death itself, E;,.R. 1, Zttrleh, Ont. of the )lake off f a and• 13'ncl,. in a , i a.ipiiei by A J. Connor, of ;Brae »td teoruiagiva1 (Mee, Toronto, an Mr. .f•I:u•i;t• FueS it t'i hurtle 11 I terestiirg relation between file the interest of 'hie ilrcrthee, Davila growth uud yield of w•Iraat and the (ruse. in the 100 -acne fare, on the temperat.ure is set for•tir.. Both. yield Parr Line and in the transaction and growth are increased by a love kir. David Funs takes of r his bro. temperature and a low range in tem "ther's interest in the V0 -acre Tarn. perature.A critical period .appears on tlie Gosh 'n Lin'' near %ur'ieh. . to exist lir the latter part of the 90 trays following sowing, and. if the While we were herr the past few, weather in tliis period be warm, dry, day's swe:t ritig' 11r n1;cisumn7',r heat with great teurperature range, the .we. notice in the papers that .our wheat plants will head quickly and western Fistr'r 1?rovince, wore Le- the hitrvest-be light; bui it tlie cool ing visited with on'' of the co:cleit moist conditions exist )leading will be ,savers accompanied by a tei'iffie' postponed and the yield iihui•eased. Thus it remains a matter of seeding 'snow stoma which at places lob at the proper tie... to insure the cool eked traf.I', 'and which wiligr'atly moist weather in the critical period,. delay the 'seeding operatinns. In the Western Provinces the. sow - A very unique event 'war, col- the l thea namely, critical period about ebratcd at the horse of Mr. and the middle al July, the variability at Mrs, Menaro Bechicr, nn Sunday, the temperature of which is the criti- the 01cias on being the ce.ebrating cal factor. however, the reale alters of their fi ietit anniversary of their ie the earlier the better, while in On- weddod life.. Th' children from. tario w -e al's unable to sow spring various places were present, and wheat suiiicieirtly early to procure it is the wish of their ninny fu that desired cool, moist weather', nor ends "that they may enjoy assay can it be obtained by late sowing. .Ali cereals are Best adapted to the more years of wedded life, temperate regions and especially During 'tile el(1Ci;rieal Storm on those of low temperature and small Tua:sday Fit°Fitilag alae? cairn of 11Ti� toniiherai ore range, Consequently. Warren Schilbe of Starttl'Y Twp) pliel bre to all.ile abieve ll Fruits asture �aGrule t is ae- iimi blown to the round. Mt. quire a higher temperature region; e : ]ihigh-temperature .' :It ',, no Schilbe was in all,. �tarrl �t}c+., batt arange time ancl. managed to get alt a. Mealy traits, )however, )rave a wide the live stook out with the e cep disti &II?011 00(1 is elle result of eah'- tirin of four pleawho were killed.icty, Jt• .- 1101Talt, Q. A. College, under the debrei, The loss to Guelph. . Mr, Schilbe is a big one as it will require a lot of work anti •t'::pen'se to put the building back into its former, position, ZURICH LIVERY . l Executors). t tam in a position to senora ' Asks ala loquirementa in the Livery liminess, have Ante for hire. Any Akins 40E0 in 'klh'ue tasaining line GEORGR J. THfEiL :lone 159 Zurich,Ont. NOTICE. A liraite.,c1 number of cattle will be taken for pasture for the core- ing !Reason,. Apply to • Garnet Deters, Hensall, P.O. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES 1922 Foid Coupe, completely overhauled, good tires a real snap at $175:.00. 1926 Ford Coupe, Balood. tire's L1�% aavertyhigng in fine condition.. You P must seta it to appreciate,. at the 0 U L.Texceptionally, low priee of $.10..Q0ti., yr ANTED These cars can be seen and deanon- alrated at any time. Angel & Koehler, Zurich 'Taken every day 'till 3 O'bloek,i . IIBb 5aot feed fowl isam 'saorn,ing littlish bro ght in: hest Cash Prices NOTICE. It is getting the time of year to get a little Lime to pub: ion young O1C100 to eweeteee the land V iR---- and the farmer +should. put, 'soros'. )' .: Cream and Eggs tine on his pasture and hay. fields �i I a1wayt have a /ample supply on ��� fr a O'Brien "ien +hand foto saki': J, Hey, Ir c Zurich. ltuone 11 - Zurich j iieadqrarters FOR • TIRES iE AN trirsev- forage •n..�wedsu=w ,k• tt ries y�S S. ��yW IN f Prop. +iL[a '. poo' KOrrO r iStm tr ir- C 4',.,r.._... COAL 1927 %VOR • � �' j8 6$ THE WE ARE SdLE At�EI+i S GENUINE Soranton Coal ALSO CARRY Coke Pocahontas • V and Soft Coal 01OO1) StTPPL'3i` ON 'HAND TELEPHONE YOXIII ORDERS T,TO _ fIAR ._ Ca&se bion i"v ?~STOW--KTPPE R Live Stock Notes. This is the time of year whet horses are in danger of getting too much hay and too little 'exercise. Idle horses will keep in much bettor con- dition if given regular exEci e, and A quiet wed'ding; was solemnized if their supply of hay is wisely et Trinity Church, Bayfield, on restricted. Wednesday) April 6th, at 10 a.m. Stables that are well ventilated when 'Mary, • daughter of Mr. and ,reed lighted, even though athe cold Mrs, Lono. Kipper, of Zurich, and yi<lcay are enol eonifortable ir anal tool c; ErneSt 't,' reit al, son' of .Mr. and Mrs` eall:hful than. dark, steamy; warms Henry Weston, of Bayfield, were itliles, Matrimony b Rr..v„ Yung cattle and breeding stook of 31d in Holy y Y inset breeds enjoy a short outdoor •FF,, H, Paull, The bride vita's be- ran every day during winter,- and no/tinglyattired in s g o'tvth of treatment of this. hind p1'omotee blonder georgette ...over 'oilk, and 11. 1,1lth. wore hose, shoo and gloves iter ' Breeding, ewes must ,have abuu-. inateh, and a hat of blonde isatin dant exercise if. vigorous, healthy sand t(r'OW. Slip also wore the lambs aro looked for. tonal', mitt, ;r hKndsrrhne tt lilt;^ Good alfalfa or clover hay, with gold wrist watch, After the wed- about four pounds roots, or two or ding'breakfast they left oti ,t motor iliree'pounds of silage,•per'ewe, per tree to Windsor .eni'1 Detrrrt.'rh•u' 1:'v makes a good rattail. ' •,nc,t^, fr• (u rtes,: .. ,! n( .i..,i iar'!4iSt41,.i.' twist ft feuds c+:%tend 'congratulr'tt t.rv.' i ie. i W w jiul .01J, rt 1J0b. •wis.110d • i 1144 liiirlaty, ko410 " M ees dor ae rs s +wy,�rP.'+uy.�rpru ma+gwso.»r.•.nxxrwnnv..—..w.. a,. eat, eco Store In» Fine Toilet Preparations and handle all the well known and re- liable varieties of hce Powder and Face Creams such as» YARDLEY'S, ARMANDS, COT3:'3, POMPEIAN TH,ttEE FLOWP R.'S, WOODBURY'S AND MANY ' 'OTHERS These are Nationally Advertised Goods which have a reputation to maintain. In Tooth Pastes we have Forhans, Ipana, Colgatec, Pepsodent and Hutax All kinds of School Supplies and Stationery WE HAVE SEVERAL V ARIE PIE'S OP SHAVING CR- EAMS, STICK; i OAPS AND POWDERS. AL't0 A GOOD STOCK OF -SHAVING BRt7SIIES, *AF'ETY RAZORS AND RAZOR 'BLADES . MAGA r INES FOR SALE 11Dra A, J. MacKinnon, Zurich imppimmip ar � MMA MMP fid.q.,t•,!•.F+++++.0•+4.4.1.++ •++4.•p..i•++ • ABE YOU ROO. ING? 4. THINK OF KEYSTONE 4 �,•s parr � r�s21�e. f 4 5 X RED CEDAR SHINGLES WHEN PROPERLY LAID WITH ZINK CLAD NAILS WILL I,AST 40 YEARS OR MORE WITH- OUT PAINTING OR PATCHING. NO SNOW WILL BLOW UP AND NO RAIN WILL 00 THROUGH 'ffiE CHEAPEST AND T1"If:,i DST. We 'still have a large quantity of typroe -Firepror!f Waliboard,• Use it. for walls and the- old plaster before you spring decorate. F.C. PHONE 6n or, hand, The ceilings to repair CALBFLE1SCH � o ZURICH art ++++++++++++4•+'+++tr+ +'a.'1r'i'l"i Get that Rubber Tire Bugg3,7 1e.- 't Ire price's advance. They work on all four, bit or miss Auto Tops, Wagon Repairing, Painting, Etc. HESS - ZURICH • ixgi;:i;xl,-..,..:, miser qa F + <�i ++ i�'i + '+-H �+dr4 +++ N r�r�rM +r r�r rr r•ra r r r�a�a� ». a a+ �tb �n 414 40 4. 44 444044 IIERALDOI1PIOE : Do You Know?tn 0' . THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR GOOD PRINTING THAT WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ANN 0 U N CEMEN TS F, THAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS' STATIONERS,ERS, SUCH AS LBPTERHliADS,.BILLEEADS, ENVELOPES AND r. STATEMENTS »; THAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING MANUFAOT '> 'JEERS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN SUP- PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OF CHECK BOOKS t' THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENVPlIr- t } OPES IN AIL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON- OR TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM ST- ATIONERY, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS IN TWO SIZES, FOOLSCAP, :ETC., TO, THAT WE FILL YOUR 0 RDINARY SIZE INK BOTTLE WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INK 10R 5a LARG- GER QUAN'T,11rIES AT BIGGER REDUOTIONB THAT WE PRINT POSTING/ BILLS, AUCTION SALE POS 'PERS, MERCANTILE POSTERS AND ALL GENERA;T, . PRINTING OUR 8PlaCTALP'VV ... w w r . i..1...+, i.�f a "•h 1 ,3 r ;l 'yC' 1.1 i` •'�.,"T�' 7'. "r`Y"a 'r rC lR sV.