HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-04-21, Page 3� ow1.Ln'Fs BY O.W.`L. (Oa With Ltutghter) Stranger (at sato)---"is your mother 'at Moue?" Yooungeter—"SayI Do you suppose 1Fm mowing this yard because the brass is long?" Natieut (nervously)-"An4 will the toperatioa be dangerous, doctor?" Doc. -"Nonsense I You couldn't buy ,a dangerous operation for forty dol - Advertleleg works the way grace (grows—the better your publicity fer- •tii�iz�er the lens - you need lie awake inigh�ts to worry about the crop. You might tell her age and live, but !you had better not tell how much she 'weighs. The main objection to ivar is that it selrlam kills off the right people. • A certain woman we know can make fine prayer, but you ought to hear her abuse the hired girl. Dorothy --"But, surely, you didn't tell him straight out that you loved ban?" Jane—"Goodness, no He simply had to ,squeeee it out of me." A Poem. AIt'e great to be alive and be ;a1 part of all that's going on; To live and work and feel and see Lite lived each day from early dawn; To rise and with the morning light Go forth until the hours are late, 'Then joyously return at night,_ 'And reet from honest toil—it's great. Insurance Agent --"Would you like itio read something with a risque atmos - There ?" tmos-There?" Friend—"Some." Insurance Agent—"Here's an a cel- ldent policy," The national administratdon In glower, which ha, little' to do with it, ,is always praised or blamed for good ;or bad times,. That's polities,. Diner (to head waiter) — "By the way, did that fellow who took my or- der leave any family?" Cash Payments. At this admioe, do not frown, For it wild stand the test; 'A wise"young man will use cash down When feathering his nest. I admire any man or woman who acs cepts the inevitable responsibilities of life, and digs in. Madera alwa.ye seem to be working los souse fat fellow who sits in a swivel chair all day long, smoking cigars. THE ONLY MEDICINE BAY HAS HA Frilatthewni3 para of lima Endure And Live, Arnold wee Air Du G , t LE n the Lon, Dfamous Thomate Arnold, the teed Mas- ter of ;Rugby School so dually deei•cted' in.`'Torn Browz's Schooldene:' .Ile himself watt for many year eehoel S inspecter, but he wars, drat and fore- must, oreen me t, a, great English poet. rt'he fol- lowing "le from ""Iseult's Tele":— Is What. Thousands of Mother Say of D3aby's Own Tablets, Once a; anothee hat wed Baby's Ow 'Tablets for hes little one she will lie nothing else. Expesienco teaches II that they ,are without an equal for r Having baby of any et the many nano ail�tnents which dict him at one tint or another. The Tebiete never fail be of beneft--they cannot possibly d harm: as they are gnarstnteed to b gfree from all lefurious drugs, Conoeirning Baby'•s Own Tablets M• 'Bavaria 1=I•itll, Norwood, Ont., says : --' ahal4 always have a good word to for Baby's Own Tablete. 1 have give them to our baby girl. In fact they are the only medicine she has ever had end I am prond to say that she to 1second prize at. our baby aho*. Sh eileven months old and weighs 22 pounds. No mother whose child is peevish or ailing^ will make a mdet;e.lre in giving Baby's Own Tablets," Baby's Own Tablets are scdd by medicine 'dealers or direct by mall at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Med4e ne Co., Brockvilley Ont. e i'they came to whose the brushwood Ceatsed, amud- der ity Peered 'twist the stems; :and the ground broke away, In a sloped award, down to a brawling brook; tb And up as high as where they stood to took o On the brook', farther side was dear, but the, ' The under wood and trees began again. I. This ellen glen wall studded thick with "�y thorns Then white with blossom; and you aaw the borne, too Through last yea, s resit, of the shy fallow deer 8 'Wlao eoecte at noon down to the water. here. You maw the bright-eyed squirrels dart along 'Under the thorns on the greensward; and strong The blackbird whi•s'tled . from the dingles near, And the weird chipping of the wood- pecker Rang toneeomely and sharp; the sky was fair, And a fresh breath o2 spring stirred everywhere. Upon the brow -top grew a thorn, d The Lord Chancellor's Seat. in the literal sense there is, no "bar" in. the House of Commons; it is but a brass rod let in the floor. Yet most people imagine it as a sort of waist - high barrier. And the "woolsack" in the House of Lords—most people would declare It to be but a figure of speech, and there was "no sucll thing." Yet there is. It is a square sack filled with pure wool, and on it the Lord Chancellor, as "Speaker" of the Upper House, sits quite comfortably. It was fast placed in position in the reign of Edvi'ard III.• In his reign the great national industries. were the weaving of woollens and the export of yarn. Thus, as a symbol of what wool meant to Britain a sack of wool was placed in the House of Lords as a seat for the most important officer of the State. The custom has been main- tained ever since, with the slight varia- tion of making the sack square and covering it with a red cloth. Japanese Sea Quakes Drive Away Food Fish. Continued earthquakes in • Japan and the seas surrounding the island empire have frightened away many of the fish• depended upon by the Jap- anese for most of their food supply, declare exporters on Pacific coast, who have. received cable orders to rush canned, smoked -Ea pickled her- ring, salmon and even whale meat to the Orient. Catches of fish by Japanese fleets have fallen off this winter at an alarreing rate, so much so as to cause the United States Government to sus- pect that the herds of fur seals har- bored by Uncle Sam in the Bering Sea rookeries had something to do with the scarcity. But scientists be- lieve it is not fish -eating seals but great earthquakes that have fright- ened away or killed the great varie- ties of Japanese fishes. .,. The longest lease in the City of London, .if not in the world, is that on which two buildings in Bury St., St. Mary Axe, have just been sold— for 10,000 years at a yearly rental of £200. " Some women couldn't tell the truth even in a diary: Made only from hard Western' wheats, Purity Flour is rich in gluten -•-" the energy giving and body building food. Purity Flour is best for all your baking and will supply extra nourishment to the children, in cakes, pies, Mins and bread. URITY FLOUR Send 30c in stamps for ;sir 700 -recipe Purity Flour Cook Book. yes waters Canada Flour Mills Co. Limited Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Saint John. "Should be in every omen Says Mme. Viltemaire Three years of stomach sand kidney disorders :wrecked her health. Now fully recovered and feeling splendid, she, thanks Tanlac Mme. Eliza Villemaire lives at 432 St. Patrick Street,, Ottawa. She is ruddy and robust. showing no signs of the distressing ordeal silo went through for three years. "No words can ex- press what T suffered," she said re- cently. "At times I thought my back must break, and I could not even stoop over to set the table. My stomach was just as bad, for pod would lie there like a lump of lead. I used to'bloat terribly, and et times Could hardly catch my breath. Nervousness kept me awake half the night. I tried many remedies and treatments but though I spent a small fortune on them, nothing seemed to help me. "I only wish I had taken Tanilsi°. when my trouble first started for it Would tcoai c ave saved mo a lotof certainly y ,suffering. The way nay troubles dis- appeared after taldng it was :almost magical.. It built me ulianti made me a new woman. Now my kidneys :. never bother' me, I am free from all pain and my digestion is splendid. If . I had my way I'd put Tanlac in every home in Canada. That's how much think1about' " , ort. Don't neglect natures warnings. At the first sign of trouble, take Tangy lac, nature's owm:ttonics made from roots, herbs and barks. • . Your drug- gist has it; get a bottle today. Over 52 million bottles sold. irre as id here The grass was dry and massed, and you saw dear Across the hollow; white anemones Starred the cool turf, and clumps of. primroses Ran out froin the dark underwood be- bind— No fairer resting -place a man could find. •2 Garnets in Canada.. The garnet is usually looked upon' as a precious stone but the quantity used as gems is very small. in comparison with that used for abrasive purposes, according to the Department of Mines, at Ottawa. There are several deposits of abrasive garnet in Canada. In On- tario, a good type of garnet is being produced from a rich vein near Ban- croft, and a promising deposit of larger extent but lower garnet 'content at Parry Sound has been well prospected and will probably be an economic pro- ducer. Near Sudbury, there is another ti promising exposure about -.fifty feet wide and traceable for a considerable distance. At Chegoggin Point, near Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, a 35=foot dike with a. garnet content of approximately 1 40 per cent outcrops on the sea shore and has been traced inland for-severa•I miles. All the above deposits, are near rail or water transportation and should be of commercial importance. Several other deposits are known that are both rich. and suitable for abrasive purposes, but they are at present re- mote from transportation facilities. :tall Or ..� , . i don National Review; 'A Yorkshire ppoverh which, might well be written on the lintel of every floor in the land eayss e "Thank God ter' Iasis difilcul�ti�eS i dot Ih have none." Lt ie by endur- anoe that strength is born, by battle that courage comets, by patience that the Eleg<lom of Joy is won, Socialism le not a remedy: it Is a diacse--and a .mortal disease. it, is not a eure: it is a cam1cea• end a curse, It is not a medicine, but a poison that paralyse and benumbs initiative and robe a man of all'that gives nest and motive to acti.vlty. Soeiailsm Is not !a prlf rp- tion; it is a deatlhevaraant, and it deals out no healthe and neo b�appinees, but Meer), and decoy. re. SPRING IMPURITIES .DUE TO POOR BLOOD A Tonic Medicine a Necessity at This Season. Dr, Williams' Pink Pills are en all - year -round tonic for the blood and nerves. But they are especially valu- able in the Spring when the system ie loaded with tmpurittee as a result of the indoor life of the.winter moinths. Theme is no other season when the blood is so much in need of purifying and emitting and every dose of these pills helps to enrich the blood. In the spring one feels weak and tired—Dr. Williams' Pink Pills give strength. in the spring the appetite is often poor— Dr. WLl ani;' Pink Pills• develop the appetite, tone the 'etomaoh and aid weak digestion. It is in the spring that poisons in the blood find an out- let in disfiguring pimples, eruptions and boils—Dr. Williams' Pink Pills clear the skin because they go to the, root of the trouble ir4he blood. In the spring, anaemia, rheumatism, Indiges tion, neuralgia and many other trou- bles are most persistent because of poor, weak blood, and it is at this time when all nature takes on new life that the blood most seriously .needs t�ten- tion. Some people dose theinsel3es with pus iatives at this season, but these only further weaken themselves. A 'purgative merely gallops through this system, emptying the bowels, but does not help the blood. On the other liand, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills enrich the blood which reaches every nerve and every organ in the body, ,bringing new strength and vigor to weak, easily red men, women and children. Try Dr. Willieros' Pink Pills this spring— they will not disappoint you. You can get these pills thorough any snt�clieine deader or by mail at 50 cents a box frau The Dr. Williams' "Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ''' Bettering Burbank, ' "Iiow do you put the water in the watermelons?" asked the village wit of the farmer, "Oh, I plana the seeds in the springy„ An acid stomach caused by indigestion often creates rheumatic symptoms. Set your stomach right with Seigel's Syrup. Any drug store. "Marriage with the' right man or woman is a harbor in the tempest; with the wrong one a tempest in the harbor," said Dr. Bernard Hollander in a recent speech. Kiii warts with Minard's Liniment. Water loses weight when the moon is overhead; the water directly under the moon rises higher; lienee the tide. A man, too, loses weight when the moon is overhead; a I68 -pound man weighs one thirty-two hundredths of an ounce less at .such times. Blind Boy Musician Radio Star Donald — otherwise "Ronnie" — Matthews, blind from birth and possessing a natural 'talent for mu- sic which has been carefully nur- tured, has become a. welcome per- former at special broadcasts ever ONRV, the Vancouver, ]3.C.. radio station of 'tile Canadian National Railways. "Ronnie" chose the piano as his instrument of expression and the foundation of instructlou has been elo carefully prepared that he has already successrully passed two examinations tinder the auspiceys of the London Academy of Music. Seeking for 'a medium to ade- quately present the boy's talent to the world at large, G. A. Wright broadcasting manager, 'evolved a feature known as "the radio train," :by which an imaginary train, leaves CNItV and visitor homes trf kiddie:: in British. Columbia, the neighboring ,provinces, Yukon, Alaska and the pacific States. Of this "train" lett s- ter "Ronnie" is "conductor", acting as 4Lnnouneer and oecnsieneliy of- fering pianoforte selections. The feature bas pro ce so successful 'that a t it has beer) made anen ' � 1? erm'z t part of the ses'L.s.ii's programmes at 1 NI•t'V'. 'Phe photographs show the "train" drew' ready for the broadcast, Prom readlfg from Braille charaetora, left to right: "Doug," the brakeman. (Douglas Mowers, assistant radio inspector);"Millie," (Miss Millie Fuyarohok, of the station, office stall), who is "passenger" and also the directing power for the Bell— a special feature of all 'Canadian Na- tional Railways radio stations; "Aunt Elmena," dbredtress of chil- dren's programmes (Miss Mabel L. Tomer); "Conductor," "Ronnie" Matthews; 'Cap" Roy, (Roy M. Brown, broadcasting operator), who for the tittle he1ug is the "whistle," and G. A. Wright,. manager and chief! announcer, "engineer" of the mythi- cal "train," the mechanism: heldin his hand being the "train." operating noises. in time /over phottigrnpin of ."Ron- nie" Idaon-nie" himself lie is shown Making an announcement over the mierolnhoue, • ISSUE No. 16--27wleee r „ "is good telt'. tali RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE Is the '`best tea you can buy"—picked when only 'gime days old—juicy, cy, flavor -filled leaves. Now packed in Aluminum Mental Health. • MentaI health means more than be ing free from mental disease, Free- dom from insanity alone does not 1m pity that a piere;om,'a mental health 1s perfect. The ;train od life as we Ii'v it today bripge a good deal of wear and tear to our mental equipment, and it behooves us to preserve the health 01 our mind d as well as the health our body. n; A mental breakdowis something none of no want, And the futupeiul tiling le that we can, prevent Lt. George K Pratt claims that if people would do Vbe sensible thing, mental stress would be greatly lessened. Men end 'women can do mads to protect their mental health, even though it le true that the foundations for "a sound mind ins a sound body" are bent laid during chlitd- hood. His suggestions are the simplest and sanest we have seen for a long time: Face reality squarely; find out your cliffiouities "raid proceed to conquer them. No good ever came from deny- ing or trying to escape unpleasant tasks or responsibility. Learn to think with your intelli- gence, not with your emotions. A. married woman should not give up all outside interests when the first baby Comes. They should keep up music, or painting, or athletics, church societies and bridge clubs. The girl who drops her friends after mar- riage will live to be sorry; keep the friends who live in town and corres- pond regularly if not often with your distant friend;. Take au energetic attitude about worry. Find out definitely what is wor- rying you—then make an honest ef- fort to remove the cause. Avoid excessive dath' y ea.ming. Wish- ing never yet proved a good substitute for doing. A busy life is the best anti- i dote for day -dreaming. For distemper—MI/lard's Liniment. Classified Advertisements,.. FRENCH SELF.TAUGHT. J. ).1.8 MOST ISnLI'L): sIrsrs I VEN DEvxs:r:D, with pronunciation er every word, A iaafeet kpowmedIN of the language to Uwe* months. Colli Ode ;loth ed., .iliac; abridged Paper cd., 36e, Post e paid. World's 6ubserlVHon Apency aced., P.O. Be* EIDE. Dept. P. Montreal. P.Q. ANTASD PISTON 'RINGS Max]" OLD Calla new; 55 worn Winders without martndn's Ure epeciank aa on Farm nee and Tractors, Pon- 'rard Piston Rtes Celupanr. 62-34 Front Street Wert. Toronto .H Ian fntAD tt • CMICEe. ISO AND UP. ,[UJ Carandar. witttam P,etseh, Stratford n6, Ont. • A Strong Tie. Equally Now! William 13. Munro in the Boston At- lantic Monthly: Phflip of Macedonia was in the habit of boasting, twenty- two hundred years ago, that he could capture any city on earth by driving into it an ass laden with gold. To -day there are men who can crapture city halls and state capitols with the same facility and in the wane way—except , that it is a "bagman" who now carries the coin. These bagmen have become an essential part of our invisible gov- Auekland Weekly News: When we speak to -day of the King's realm, the Maga; writ, the King's highway, we mean our common heritage od power and3 law liberty, His Majesty is one with his people; they are one with each other as they gather about him; and there is nothing in the wide wind that can withstand or ;bake an Empire so bound together with free, glad loyalty. "Money in the bank is always in style," states a savings bank adver- tisement. True, and it is a style that continually draws interest. CII1 CKS . t"Faj All that the name implies. From healthy, free range parent flocks, Bred to lay. 5. C. W. Leghorns and Barred Plymouth Rocks from nationally known strains. Get more poultry profits from these healthy, vigorous, Smith Hatched Chicks. Write for circular FREE OLVTMRtO QUALITY HATCHERY 434e6 BidllrlondSL.,London,Ontarioj Better Chicks thatwillpayyou. Bred to lay. Barred Plymouth Rocks S.C. W. Leghorn, F3arron and Wycoff and orris strains. Bell -City White Wyandotte; Pure-bred, healthy„ vigorous, Smith Hatched. Sand fcr dr-co/err and priers BIELF.-CITY HATCHERY ata Colborne St., Brantford, Ontario iSpring Time is CELERY KING Time ;Brew a cup of this fine old vegetable tonic. lit is all the spring medicine you need. eminent.It drives out winters poisons, improves the appetite and makes you feel better fright away. CFI FRY KING is good for • the whole family. At druggists, 30c & 60c. We will ship, FREIGHT PREPAID , KEEP YOUR SCALP Clean and Healthy Will MORA No obligation to buy, but if you do, easiest terms are arranged. Guaranteed for ten years. Write now for particulars. Agents wanted where as are not represented, 30 Swedish Separator Company, Limited 36a Notre Dame St. Wert Montreal lose their soreness when you use Minard's. Remove the hard skin and apply freely. Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians, for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism trostrrnarinvactrtarnmeemernesert DOES NOT. AFFECT THE HEART „m.ur.nnmiue4trcoiterseineweitadeireareeinetetier Accept dill "Bayer's tacks e wbich contains proven pranei d it ect s Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100 druggists, :tnptrtri Is the trade .mark tveglatered in Canada) of Bayer tiarretaotern of l5tonoaeetic. /oldest/3r of 2allcylieaetrt (Acetyl Salicylic acid, "A. 5. A."). while It is well knoWs that Aspirin 1211212119 ti(tycr manufacture, to attstat them ,nolle against im.itationa, time R'abiC3�ii of Bayer Company Will he Ntasosi W1tie Owls geflotal 1Tatte hmaclt, ata "'Saraneva'