HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-04-07, Page 8n.d BIL TDRtSBES� SSTS t aye just opened up a New l Ship-. zneu of Ladies' ,S !k .)reshes l tel .--re the IaNt word iu Style and Fabrics Thu are simple in. line and r .ed- . tt 1.y bestow w a look of youth. ,C`,ED OF THESE LINES ARE ON CONSIGNMENTONI,Y AND. a •Zl.' 31 BE RETURNED IN A FEW DAYS II,` UNgOLD. COME illi ',LY FOR BEST CHOICE PRICES ARE VERY MODERATE FROM $10:00 TO $15.00 EACH ;YOU MUST SEE THEM TO AP- VRECIA,TE THE REMARKABLE +,'VALUES WE ARE OFFERING, alIpapers LET US SHOW YOU OUR NEW WEW SAMPLE BOOKS OF THE WHWEST LINES- OP WALLPAP- JE S. pIUC"ES FROM Sc TO 60e, PER ROLL WANTED IJTCH SETTS Alit ONION SEE; , LING HEST MARKET PRICES P AID. GASCHO Prod War] Led' So muck depends on the Wall Paper THE difference between com- monplace rooms and those possessing beauty and charm depends greatly on your choice of wall paper. Prom.our-extensive stock of famous MAXIMUI& and other Wall Papers you will find your idea of the -right paper tr, properly decorate each room of the house. Our experience in horse decoration is always at your dispos2L . SONS 13.11)rie. 53 Gass OiLs, Greases Garage Tires, Tubs, Repairs GENUINE FORD PARTS ZUS'I REOEIVLD A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES T IHANDLING THEFAMOUS WE ARE AGAIN TT cl A T REPir , 4,,ato F IN NEED OF A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. 1 E GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF .T, BATON , AN D OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE ''OU SERVICE. WE MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. RAWER REPAIRING AND a3ATTERY CHARGING, EXPERrTAUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- IWrYLENF. P t )TNG. ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE oa`bseati anon 0w r 3 0e0446r6's i 00004 6A0009F'Oi044ai[et'ta0'r$� 5900,}t+}�4101 04$ 09 STEDS! 3 NOW IS THE TIME WHEN F.rAEME1�S SHOULD BE PLANN- ' ING WHAT FINDS OF CLVER SEEDS THEY REUIRQis` FOR SPRING SEEDING. WE HAVE ON HAND CHOICE LOTS OF DIFFERENT GRADES SUCH AS 1 Arians, A sike, Iced Clover, Timothy, Whits,. and i Yellow B ossorn Sweet Clover 1 • • Ala LEAVE YOUR ORDERS NO,W PRICES RIGHT. vire Fencing JUST RECEIVED A CARLOAD OF • ROST WOVEN WIRE FENCING, BARB W1XLE, 13EACE AND COILED WIRE, GATES S.TFIEPLES AND STEEL POSTS, 1)TC. l'A..X + r.. S! PAINTS! WE 'AL IC OPENED A. LARGE SHIPMENT OF ' SHERWIN WLILTA' t PAINT'S. V A:I.N`ISTT'E',S, OILS, STAINS, ENAM- ELS, ETC, AkaA*s�r�0ee 4ds00i00o0fii PULL I.IN:G OF HEAVY AND S1TDr,1� TIARDWARE ALWAYS ON'HAN D. , E Nr U 4' O H 100000004140000060100004000**ft i ON T. 040001000000004 +illi) 0 Vy A1JlACItk.,11e) 4�k SEE OU fris Of Bhirtings, Denim, Oottonade Qmgliam, Priut, Ecce ALL NEW PATTERNS IN VOIL, . BROADCLOTH', FANCY MUS- LIN POGEE, ALL COTTON GOODS IS LOWER IN PRICE THIS,. SPRING, AND WE ARE SELLING • AT OUR USUAL •LOW GIVE IIS A CALL AND SEE FOR 3i0URSEL;P J. W.MERNER PRICE, ITEMS OE LOUL I TERES I Don't forget that' Sunday, Ap••- ril 10th is 'Choir Day in the Evan- gelical church. TTiic Choir, % it.ta' the assistance of Mr, Sam, Rennie of Heusa.11, who wiill contribute a few selections in the evening, will provide musical pi�ograrn's -for morning and eveniing.• +servicesi Hovis is the name ?of a new flour and a new bread which being introduced in ,,Canada. The. flour is a product $f the Western Canada Flour mills .Co. The plan of the flour cones fro England. In the old Land, Hovis bread has been the leading health bread for nearly forty years. MOTLERS' ALLO MWAN N ISE On. 'Monday last a meeting of the Huron County Mothers Ailow- ance- Board,. was held at Goderiich; at tis hich mee.ttng the Rev. Dr. P_ Bryce, 'of Toronto, the Provincial Chairman was present. It may be interesting Lo:know that at present the. nrenber of. beneficiaries en the Alis Spee L st throughout the Pr- ovince •is 4,558 and the total ottnt of allowances $161,207, and the a� erage amount of al.oivanc'es per month to the mother's in $3,589,00. Huron County has LX mothers dr- altiitg a.ott•in.es, I;tuc 49, 1VI;dd.1- es'x 53, Grey 55, Perth 19, Oxford 35, Elgin 29. The causes of dep- endency are nearly all or account of the death of the father of 't,.(: family, while a few arra allowed lrncause of insanity, desertion or other special cases. The Act has rerei ve 1 a'mest univetnal appro t al throughout the Province, and the Counties chafe equally with the Province in tr.eeting the obligat- ions,. Mr'. G. W. Holman, is ch- airman of the County Board and• A. T. Cooper of 'Clinton, is ,secret- ary. Gon.munieations addressed to the Secretary will receive ;atteu- tion. UENSALL Jean Chapman, of Palmerston \t :a'1 el with her grandmother, Mrs. +� Scott, , .� t • t 0 ? JM'Ctks. Ed. Fines lof . Clinton, vie - , with friends in town. 0 ' hi. a Vtr.• Treetnner, who has .r.peni. the hinter with sir,- rlattr.11-I 3 'ter in Auburn, has retie .i . The many friends of Chas. Jinks are pl'-ased to sec him around a- gain after his recent illness. T. Cf. J'oyat i:3 this fveek jfix- ing up Some more dwelling loons ov h s state', Mr and Mr's. D. Hamilton, Of Dauphin, Man,, are visiting Mr„and Mfrs. Alex. Munn. Mrs,. Sohn Leper of' St.Cathar- ines is vi;~iting here', :Rain.. Green has got nicely iset- t le i1 in his new home he recently .parch tsecl from Mrs. Pollock.. Mag.Reid, Crown Attorney. Hoa- ry; and ,Cons' a1 -1C White. ides, of Cto:le ash held. court over fon' .yo urn men, who appeared for fur - inns driving on the .street. They all pleaded, guilty ,and were each fined $17,.50 or One month its jail;a The s>nys paid the fine.. P :malar has I?nrcha ed front Ort wein, the' :•store With dw- 3 ell ng rooms nboliee, that helsas * r,emn rob :ern that he will now own that fiine pr'ntiers, Jolla i5 McDo-lel, who has been for the past month on a 'West Indies trip, is plow on. his way hont:e, at•comprinierl by Iiia bre- rcir•.rin, T -Far Carlin;, Exeter' MrA. W. McAllister and Miss Dolly T3 is;eni, both pat rtt~t•s^is a' o C'lii�ton TTosniln1, nnttended the fun, oral of tli late Mra Dr, Gunn. r Ot •r � Show in alma! o k r Spring , la at• t>; tl b 1 thole! nn Tuesday, , April 12th. Mt it+ 1P�aairhurn fs moving into part of the Dr. Hardie Iton's{ on Ting at• 1 On Thursday even:fi; last lhr, induction eerv1e e of Carmel Pr"ea- 4a a e 41 41 ,. 41 0 41 41 41 g r41 41 d 4, a 41 41 41 41 0 r# 41 1 �",ttdt4..G'�ioCp .4'��i t s' SA,`ti.�F'LIC �':Y Butter Ib,... ._ - .. _ 40 E gs oileda. apples ib. .._ _ ._ 9 Wheat .. ... - _ H ... 1,'.25 .26--24--20 Barley _ • =a.a Buckwheat ._. „..„-.85 Flour....,_ ... _ -4.75 3.75 Shorts per ton___ ---.34,00 Brantt.ri tan _ _._., __ 32.00 Lite Hogs cwt..... .. ............ ... 10.25 Lao, :;u -u every Wednesday) Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK I HE LAirLOEST BUSINESSS OF t.NY CANADIAN COMPaN Y DO - [NG' BUSINESS IN ONTARIO CASH ANT) BONDS ON HAN L) $129.454.14. ' Aeiug an iucrea3eof Insurance of $5,365,485 over 1925. G. Holtzman Zurich + fE w t .a.:st.r DEALER IN LIGE- •EKING RODS, AND ALL KINDS (IF PIBE INSURANCE. WITH THESE NICE, WARM AND BALMY DAYS ONE CANNOT HELP BUT THINK OF THE AT- TRACTIVE AND SEASONABLE S t'RI:NG BONNETS ATi Zurich Hat Shope LET US SHOW YOU OUR FINE ASSORTMENT OF SILKS, STRAWS AND FELTS, AT POPU- LAR PRICES. THAT WILL SUIT IEEVRYBOD Miss V. Siebet byterian Church took place when ftev. Mr. McElroy of Toronto be: 3 a led pastor.A num- berthe an,t 11 n ber of prominent au:n'sters and el- ders from th W Pr sbytery of. Huron tt fit present and gate addresses. The firemen held a practice with their new engine the other even - vg and gave u ',splendid demon- stration of w,.at the engine will do; with two Lines of hose on, the rrbua drJw water iii feet out of a well. r A quiet wedding was solemnized at the TJnited Churc;l Manse, 1lrarh :all, ou "1hU.sday, Mi, ch 2Isla, by ,;1>e F;ev, A. Sinclair, when Muriel, only daughter of Mr, and Mrs, E. I'irkor, was united in 'marriage to. Edgar Cuchrteie, not Usbortie. The many friends of Mary Stow - art 'MeV! ,altoel.ed to hear of her death, which occulted suddenly a,t her home on the London Rd. she tris been -in poor health for_some titer e, but lately 'showed ini•'prove-� tt:ent, but passed pea.cefuily away hoar brother finding her dead in r,od in the morning. She was a tri nrtben of: the Presby- terian chttreh, and leaves to mourn her lo'es one brother .Mex. 1 trhur'sdaty 4plril 'nth>. 11.92T SeasiiiabJe Hardware S ri.gi s here and w,e can supply the Public withSeasonable Hard- ware at moderate prices A. GOOD SUPPLY OF BUILDING MATERIALS LNcLrUDIN i. CAONUMBX,R O.Ii`NGOOi) SECONDARD D' AND CEMENT. ' ND HAND EANt STONES AT VERY CHEAP. FENCIN G A CARLOAD OF LiJNDYS LUCKY TIE WIRE; JUST ARMY-. ET INCLUDING WOVEN, COIL, B✓ARBe BRACE' AND SSTE .POSTS. TIRES AND TUBES A PULL LINE OP GUTTA PLRCRA T1Rl .r„ONE BETTER; PAINTS AND VARNISH. A GOOD SUPPLY OF MARTIN SENOUR 100% PURE .PANT,, AND A ma. -LINE OF CHI NAMEL VARNISHES; AUTO ENAMELS. ALSO PULL LINE OF MURESCO, ETC. FURNITURE Fula Line of Furniture In Living Rooni Suits, Dining Room Suits Bed Room Suits, Kitchen Cabinets. Reed RocTaeras. mut Chairs, A NUMBER OF ROCKERS AT GREATLY )EtIDU•Ela. .PRICES. GOOD SUPPLY OF FAMOUS' SIMMONS BEDyi, • SPRINGS AND MATTRESS. :BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES { ” RUGS RUGS ALL MINISTER SIZESAND IN TAPESTRY RUGR" Johnston ez Kalbfieisch 1 Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 Manes.+..,run..rr.v moon .rnnr..o.mareor.ows.ou,.raa n.r4.1.,1.1.191., Auto Insurance PUBLIC LIABILITIES EVERY YARD .rOU.€t CAR IS DRIVEN EXPOSES YOU TOE A DANGER WHICH IN AN INSTANT MAY IMPERIL YO--tT ENTIRE FINANCIAL RESOURCES. The most disc -thous Claims frequently fall upon those with blameless ie�a drf'vfng records,. and the extent of an accident ha - volving Personal Injury is hardly Measurable, To protect yourself you should inure your Public Labiffity Risk as an obligation to yourself, your home and to the Public. Let me give you particular's of the unlimited„ All, Risk Policy, Insures and protects you fully - PUBLIC LIABILITY, PROPERTY DAMAGE, COLLISION,. FIRE, THEFT, Etre- Andrew ITC. A drew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO; -SERVICE -AND SAFETY Hava You MADE YOUR vir ILL? 10.11.15M3021.4";" 1.153021.4;221 ✓.vKY___.t.p..gsiY.sGOoleil. 's.... x.q.NZAMiY=AY aRLtiCnitTIIIDW,Om�MY6 MMIRA.161- JOHN trz Drugless Practiou• eer and Optician E. C. Harvey & L. V. Hogarth -- Agents -•- Mutual Life of Canada EXETER -- ONTARIO r: ` EXETER - Moog > fi AT WALPER HOUSE, zrrarant Every Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 4 mtlitk )E. a -- —•. - -- — - -�.-- -�x-'- - �- 4 -—•+--+-•-+ �-4-4-4... L MADE BY THOSE-WHOBUT KNOW •G NOT TO•ETSEIt 'U T SE W1 I' BY TiluSE wHO KNOW ROW: The Haw String. Soitings ARE RIGHT UP TO THE M1Nt TS DN . /PATTERN, STYLE AND QUAi'ui `t';i ,1 ALL OUR GOODS GUARANTEED l[DONT be misled bybuyingcheaper and inferior goos. BUY from; those you know. will stand behind a htn everything ran g they wen; TO-GETHEIll Krn IER.CHA, riff` TA.ILOR.. W. lfla BfOp F14 A N 21t -Son, ID1iIla.A LKEEM TANI) ]FUNERAL DIRDeroRs, Day awl Night Phone Na¢, 04- -4: