HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-04-07, Page 74 Is Now Canada's Best 1NVE STMENT Unusual Offer to Shrewd Investors To participate from the start 1n a company sponsored by men of national reputation M the exploration of the mast profitable natural re- sources where the risk has been reduced to 3% and the possible profits are unlifnited is an exceptional offer that Investors >i'hould take ad- vantage of immediately. Your Opportunity With An investment Of $3 and Upward .to Acquire a _Valuable Share Option Without. Liability For Complete Information Maid This Coupon. NATIONAL OIL SECURITIES Limited Northern Ontario Building,- Toronto 2, Canada Please send me full particulars of your proposition. Name Address Iona Sacred Isle of the Hebrides. No one spending a week or more in Scotland should leave without'mnking en effort to go to the IstLand. of Iona, the sacred 'isle of the Hebrides off the west coast. This is the birthstone of S•cotia's na- tionality, culture and religion, and the Church of St. Columba might be called. the W eetminster Abbey ot the land, for it contains royalties' of Scotland, Ireland, Norway and Frai sco. The isle is only three and a hall miles long by about half a mile broad. If you want` to make your rooms look larger, as well as more restful to the eye, use a large rug instead of the scatter size, and plan for a border of painted' wood or parquetry. Garry- ing the carpet to the base boards of a room dwarfs its apparent size. Loves Waist She Used to Hate! Surnames and Their Origin One of the Better Sort. GUTHRIE Beryl, was getting into lied when, Varlatlon—MacGuthrle. mother 'Caine to wilsll her •gooaa.night. Racial 0rigine_Irish. "Anti+ did you a,slc Gp'd to fogive Source—A given name. you?" sh3 aysl e+d, alavilit; ill, mind the, little temper" whiclh Beni had shown Here io a, family name Wilicit, when during the event g. it does not comas from Teuionle ""Oh, yes, mamma," weave the reply, eonrces+-(aaad it (lake not when it hale "and God 'said' 1t was a71 riot. Ifo heal marry little ghee weese than I." lima or fcn ntel�ly* Ula,e peefixed 1 "'TJiao") Is tta senate to an pad Irish given Mane Relatively Unchanged. not unldk•e the Teutonic Godfrey. ' Xt Wife --"There has been quite a ,is "Gothfrit'h.' a tray Irisai neap% climinisllim,g of woaven'e c.lothee. tllol.igh you eniglit think it ad, German •husband --"Maybe so, but there or Danish. Its meaning, however, eves doesn't neem ,to be any more !look~, quite cl5fferent;'`iaeizig 'ebnlyovuldeal of far me in;the closet." the ancient Tadd). -evade for "etre/gilt" and Droll." Proven. , The Macthutilrie or „ MaeGotllfrith "You cannotegge get without hens," clam wee founded 'by a ebieftai i of We asserted the speaker, stressing 'hie name who was' kill+e+d' 1u the year 1101., point. ducks," This clan was a division of the " My dad oan 1 He keeps yelled. a boyish voice from the rear. The Good Gentleman. This is a world of sorrow, Likewise a world' of sin, But just about to.moarow I'll certainly begin To renovate this mundane sphere So folks like me can sand it here, I think there should be hung in sr every office whefre aales.mef congre- gate a sign, etched in letters high and wide, reading: "You made a sale—did. you maks a customer?" Some men think it smart to be able to write each a poor hand that nobody can read it, but it isn't. • Never discard a garment because you don't like its color. Nor because it's dull or faded. In less than an hour, you can make it a brand new, fashion- able shade! Horne dyeing lets you dress better, and have the nicest home ^.a fishings, without spending a lot of money. It's easy to dee anything—right over other colors—but whether dyeing or tinting, be sure to use real dye. Always ask for Diamond dyes; they give full rick no1ors, and true tints. FREE at your drugstore, now: the Diamond Dye Cyclopedia; full of sug- gestlous and complete easy directions. See actual plece-goods color samples. Or write for big illustrated book Color Craft — free — address DIAMOND DYES, Dept. N5, Windsor, Ont. lgeaho it NEW For Pas ct;d The prepared for good time never COMM. A barking dog never bites+, for how can a dog bark when he 10 biting? You never realize liow many kinds of giggles there are until you ride on a Pullman with a flock of college girls. A case showing extreme dissipation —a potato with dark rings under its eyes. .A. wife worries as much about the wrinkles coming on her face ae her husband does about the vanishing of the hair on his dome. A GREAT PUZZLE TO CAREFUL PARENTS One of the greatest puzzles to the careful parent is to know just what medicine to give the little ones. When the child falls i'11 with griping pains; is seized, with cold or fever, refuses .food 'or vomits what he has taken, when he cries a great deal and cannot get the sleep so necessary to, the growing child, the parent is in a (Nan - dry. What. is to be done on such oc- casions? As often as not there is no a suitable medicine in the house. The puzzle is what to give him to set him right quickly. It is to meet such emergencies that Baby's Own Tablets were designed. These pleasant little Tablets quickly reduce fever, break up colds, relieve constipation and indigestion and allay teething pains. They quiet the heaves and promtote restful health -restoring sleep, They are guaranteed absolute- ly harmless and safe for even the youngest and most delicate baby. Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box froin The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Five Queer 'Atlinials. . Tho §loth has' four feet, but never can use them to support his body on the earth; they want soles, which are the Suite' to save It Iroui loin •s no a marked feature in the feet of other into a shop, seized a paper bag, and surprising. It le I?eifectly fair, ire.: of beautiful Derbyshire. Placed at an The la•nt: wear has not a tooth in his whole melody s. in two es scribbled down the I wv11 eat to fes as to sy that it is in valloy,an vthe approach to ation of 1,000 feet which ais£by the best interests of the country. There head,same! forests with the jal he roves � uar and bon'; let indigestion after meals, biliousness, Call be 1lo profit in our S'p lndiusg rounder he gorge of the by the Iver Wye, and 1+<ugl. English the1 g heartburn, or dyspepsia take the pep out of you. ]honey abroad for 'all OW wools, C boa -constrictor, The vampire does Take Seige'aSyrup. Any drug store. pecially when we can produce and scenery, it charms the eyes of all be - not Itlalce use of his feet'to walk, 1, holders. O'Reillys+, which clan in its turn was a blanch of the O'Rourinis ollginabby, though later it achieved, great prsomial- ence as an independent entity'. A Tragic Fire. CO$TIQAN. Racial Origin—eIrish. Source --A, given Hams - Here is an Irish family ;lime winidh preseuto a pe'cuairar'dleve'lo lln+ent in, one resp'eet, alike vit•.y riIrish 2amiay 1 aemam4 it had its! ordgftua1ln inll a clra'n came. The tree (ladle detslgnal'tion of this arganizat'.e'n W41 "Clean Ostagal:ln." Bat, unilike.o:tlicr family names., a rem - Malt or this world "Olean" hasp been I left in the peeCesa of eltainglin; the ;mune into English loran, whiei ac- ecunt8 for its being Coatigan instead :of some such form es "011oseigali" or "Os (Agana' 'The Clan, octagon took its name from the given name of its founder, Ga> clliettain named, "Oetagany" whir lived, as nearly asp can be estimated, in the middle .of •the fourteenth century. 'Ibis clan watt+ an offs+lloot of the Maio- G•ilitenatrieks, who came later to be known as the laitepetnitoks of Oee•ary, and this 'edaia in 'tura +trine more au- cienitly from the Faiy1 O'Connors. The most distressing animal tra- gedy that has occurred in Toronto in a long time was the destruction of more than twenty of the trained horses of the elloyal Canadian Dra- goons, when fire broke but in the re- gimental stables at Stanley Barracks on the night of February 7th. The fire was discovered shortly before 11 o'clock, and the men in Barracks rushed to the stables and plunged into the blazing, smoke -clouded build- ing and rescued as many horses as could be reached. Thirty-four ter- ror-stricken animals' rushed in panic to the streets, and tore madly in evety direction. They were all THIS SPRING TIME IS TONIC TIME Something is Needed to Quickly Improve Your Health. With the passing of wintermany people feel weak, depressed and easily tired. There is no particular disease, but the system lacks tone.. You find yourself tired, low-spirited, often un- able to get sound sleep at night. All this is the result of closer in -door con- finement of the winter months, and shows that the blood has become thin brought in by morning. Eight were and watery. New, rich, red blood is trapped in the burning stables and what you need to put you right and died in the flames, among them there is no other tonic medicine can "Billy; the Shetland pony mascot, give you this new, rich blood as sure - the pet of the regiment. Others were ly and as speedily as Dr. Williams' blinded and so badly burned that Pink Pills. This new blood goes to they were destroyed at once, and a every part of the body and quickly few developed pneumonia and were improves the general health. The di- dest "toyed. The training of the horses repre- senteii years of work, and added to gestion is toned up, and you have better . appetite, the nerves are strengthened and sleep is refreshing. their value, and it is distressing to The special value of Dr. Williams' reflect that, had 'they been confined Pink Pills at this season is shown by in fire -proof stables -where the flames the statement of Mrs. Elizabeth could have been quickly controlled, Clarke, R.R. No. 1, Hastings, Ont., the results would not have been so who says:—"I know Dr. Williams' tragic. The stables were old and Pink Pills are a great blood builder built of wood and the flames devour- I because I use them in the spring, ed them like tinder. when one naturally feels run-down A tribute was paid to the heroism after our long whiter. Last spring, of the troopers by Major Baty, who 1 I was feeling weak and easily tired, and hundreds of children have been said that "the boys worked like Ten- i and again used the pills with the re- saved from the tragic aftermath of jans. • They punged into the smoke • sult that I have had splendid health diphtheria, damaged hearts particular - and fire to save the horses, and meth- ‘i since.b The pills also restored niy ly, and even froth' death -itself. ing could , stop them. ' It would be daughter, Mae, who was badly 'run- With Toxoid to prevent it and auti- unfair to mention one to the exclu- ` down, and seemed almost bloodless. sion of others. 'E'very man of them' She used the pills faithfully for a deserves the Royal' Humane Society's time •and has since enjoyed the best medal." of health. Naturally I never hesitate After long tests we are can vinced Aluminum is the best contaneT for tea. Ooh ted'' Now packed on13r in Aluminum. Toxoid and the Prevention of Diphtheria. For centuries diphtheria has taken its toll of lives and left countless thousands handdeapped by its after- effects. Thirty years ago this dread malady was yearly claiming 90 deaths for every 100,000 people in Ontario. "I have seen too many little children choke to death, or fade out under the poisons of this terrible maladry', to think calmly about the medical he+lp- lessneee of that awful time," says Dr. Royal S. Copeland. In 1925 the death rate meant a lose of 8 deathe per ,100,- 000 of our population. And this in spite of the' fact that the number of eases suffering from the disease was practically the seine for both years. How was it possible to eave so many lives? The answer lies in the fact that a specific cure—anti toxin—was discovered in 1890 and the victims of the disease in Ontario have, during the last few years, been given this treat- ment early in the disease. Our par- ents have learned the wisdom of call- ing the doctor at once if a child shows symptoms of diphtheria. The discovery of anti -toxin is one of the greatest ad- vances in medical science the world has ever known. Following the discovery of a cure, has come within the last Yew years the perfection of a preventive. Inoculation of dr gi ch Th to w of dauuIf ed A.dvertisenitents. AGENTS WA'ANTOP. . CIENTE-180 tea CENT. YowERFpl. HOW fedi Rheumatic' Remedy Exclusive 'territory, anis Bottle,.00o. Spartan, 2Ii, New Olassow, N.11 FRENCH OELF.TAUQN,T. Y1'. Mose sperm esSTEM EyER Densest).with pronunciation of every word. A perfect knowledge of the language in throe months. Com- plete cloth ed„ 6001 abridged Diner ed:, Ilio. Post paid. World's Subscription Agency Regd., P.O. Box - 3106, Dept F. Montreal, P.Q. PANTARD PISTON RINGS MARC OLD OARS nevi; fit wore cylinders without regrinding: We specialize on rum Bugling and 'Tractors.. Pan - yard Piston Ring Company, 82-84 Front Street West. Toronto. IGH ORADL" OWNS, 120 AND nr. Circular, William Pletach. Stratford R6. Ont. CHIDE ITCH. IN HORSES CAN en enin7'I:n successfully with Dr. Kennedy's Mange Treat• mint, ingredients for Bre gallons sent on receipt of 02. 11. P. Rennedy, 1'.S., Lakefleld, Ont. IiriOTi r RED t'i.ovsR AND AL81XIB. Send for samples. Marshall iiatineelL aran, Ont. i CATCH FROM 48 TO 60 FOSFS IN FROM jt 4 to 6 weeks' time. Can teach any reader of this magazine how to het them. Write for par- ticulars, Hadley. Stanstead, Que. Fair Return. Irate Neighbor—""Your hens have been in my garden and eaten every- thing." Considerate IndiviCfa1—""All right. 1,11 seed you over a dozen eggs." Automatically controlled heat is a child by Toxoid (two doses of 8 supplied to the new reptile house in raps each into the skin of the arm)the London Zoo, so that the snakes, ven four weeks apart, means that the alligators and other inhabitants will lid will not contract dfphtheria.live in an exact imitation of their ousands of children throughout On- Inative climate._ rio have been given this protection ithin the last three years; thousands parents have been relieved from worry and anxiety as a consequence, These Composers Didn't Waste Much Time. to recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to people who are run-down." You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 60 "Abide With Me," the music of cents a box from The Dr. Williams which, Dame Clara Butt •states, Mr. Medicine Co., Borckville; Ont. Samuel Liddle wrote for her in two , ProdullCe a$ 11O112e. days, is not the only famous song Three Rivets No 'uvei++lists (Cons.): composed in double-quick time. Bou- cicault took the words of "Killer- Long experience has demonstrated the ney" one morning to Balfe, who feet that sheep -raising is both possible t rou t stn en, 1 i C oda. It is a imofit- to pit H t it n n xin to cure it (both eupplied free to ysicians by the Department of Tells cause of tauter and what to do ealth), no child in Ontario need con- for pain, bleeding, odor, ete. 'Write for .act diphtheria,—much less die from fires -d Ind mentions mentioning a thiiseas paHr. d- A death from diphtheria is un- Indianapolis, Indianapolis aid. al, ece'ssary, preventable, and sufficient atter for official investigatiou. S A List N "Wanted Inventions" and Ytlfl Information Sent Free on sequel!;. The Ramsayco. Dapt.273 3anitit. .ouawa.oat. F E BOOB{ A E R SENTon REQUEST He is Wise- -Who Wise a —Who hesitates before he interferes inn family quarrel. —Who does not spend much time as- suring himself he is wise. —Who treasures the trust of his wife merely glanced h gh h , the and practical m an T above the flattery of others, sat down at the piano and excitedly, able industry undertaken for the put- —Who makes his path hers ening played the melody which all the world, Pose of producing wool. .For ' that his son may in it. was soon singing. Tito Mattel had .same years an intent dvo calnipadgn kala} —Who 'analyzes his impulses before 1 been wagedi in Canada to lift the tariff I y' p a similar inspiration in regard to l on imported wool•isos ill order to pro•' he obeys them. Dear Heart,"striking out the air on --Who has learned to learn even from the piano immediately after reading tent the Canadian textile industry; the words, while the music of "The against foreign oonlp•etition and to en-+ ho can he unlearned. ed. himself by using Holy City" came in a lood of inspir- ; able it to go ahead more rapidly. . • other men's avec m el ation to Michael Maybrick (Stephen. (Iihe Calira+dialt Textile Journal ds a_ __.— s. Adams) on, the receipt of Mr. Wea- quoted to show tlialt less than half the For distemper—Mlnard's Liniment. therley's poem. Trotere, too, used to wool is For to -day in Canada that tell how he was walking home from • was produced 25 years ago,) That in the Aquarium one evening when the this condition of affall's, the woollen in.! Beautiful Buxton. dustry has become vocal and has Buxton is the highest town in Eng - idea of ""In Old Madrid" came to him, raised a cry o8. a.l d asking Not having paper handy, be. rushed . alarm an ,its as, alb land and affords a commanding view but to stretch a membrane, which— _ enables him to go up into an element Buried Chamber Once Home How easy it is for one benevolent en where no other quadruped is seen. of Fairy Folk, being to diffuse pleasure around him; The armadillo has only here and • •At New C,r.l• " roar Drogheda, and howtruly is a kind heart a foul - there a straggling hair , 'and .has County Meath Ina ail, is what Dr. R. tain of gladness making everything ir2aeaaial,'r calls "filo most im- in its vicinity to lresheu into smiles. neither fur, nor wool, uor bristles, A. but in lieu of them li h received a iii'essive relic of antiquity in Western —Washington Irving. movable shell, on which aro scales Europe." From the outside it ap- very much like those of fishes. pears, as a hill eergrotivn with trees The tortoise is oviparouvs, �vitllout and bushes. The mound was origin any appearance of hair, and is obliged to .accoln nodate itself to a ally surroundedby a circle of thirty- five stones, only twelve of which now shell which is quite hard and lnfiex� remain. Within the mound is a ible, anal in no point of view what chamber twenty feet in height and. ever ol. rat to the will or pleasure twenty-one ,feet across, reached by a of thi bearer. The egg of the for narrow passage sixty-two feet in torso lies a very hard she]], while length, all the walls being construct - that of the turtle is quite soft. ed with slabs d stone. an ancient Irish history these hill chambers were known either as the burial places of the kings or the dwelling places of the Sidhe (pro- nounced Sher.) or ' the Irish fairy folk. manufacture them here. REFUSED LIFE INSURANCE BECAUSE OF KIDNEY TROUBLE Tlie experience of this gentleman of Albany, N.Y., may be of great value to you., if you have been re. fused life insurance, as he was. "Overwork undermined my constitution. I paid Iittlo attention to the matter, until I failed to secure a lite insurance pollcy. T consulted the doctor who. bad examined are and then I learned o my disease. , ••I, "Friends brought to my attention Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Rome,dy. A slight improvement was notal immediately on taking the first bottle. Inploee feet eentinued. nzy, life. insurance was granted me and 1 feel 7I owe my health to Warner'a Safe Kidney and Liver ""^ar a RemodyP (Name tin request), Sold by all druggists. tki.sJ per oftleo a.,.... , Wllo.1s Safe Remedies Go ., fldlfo, Heat From the Stars. There is an in'hpreselet that no heat reacbes the earth from the stare. 'ado it .a mistake, for ttcientlflo men have boon able to collect heat from the stare ,inetlfe glasses .ort eleseopes. The lenses ao't as n "bin 'n'ine-glass," and bring the rays to a little les'trllinent called a "The+rdnomealeplier," or heat- Magnifier. The exitot amount of heat thus obtained fa items:tried, Kill warts with Mlnard'e Liniment. gettseterissistmounissasigiagom d We will ship, No obligation to buy, but if you do, easiest terms are arranged. Guesanteed for ten years. Wri a now for particulate. Agents Wattled where we are ;nog represented. 50 Swediels Separator Conway, Limited 26a Notre Dame St. west Montreal ISSUE No., 14•---'27. If you wenft something done and in a hurry, go to the man already busy. right who's Teach Children To Use Cuticura Soothes and Heals Rashes and Irritations Cutto"rn Soon Hoene the Skin COLIC! Minard's in molasses gives quick relief. Mix well and use as a drench. Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians far, Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pails Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART Accept onitBayer" ack�t e which contains proven directi'onlsa,, nand'? "Bayer" boxes of 12 tabl,tai 0— tl 1 Also bottles of r, �,4 and 0 I�.� gglets. Anplrin it, the trade Mark (. c.,w Gainrrtl in Gtlnttda) of Bayer ittitn ti'actara of Moneatet300 doldeoter of Snticylfoacld (Acetyl 13aitcylie Add, "A. 5. A."). while It is wolf knetrn that Attptrin scene i3nyer ranitutnotur2, to assist the petilie cattiest tinitnttotls, the'd'eblete p! 1tn$r eyeampany Will be et oiiped with their general trade mark, the "Bayer t7ros*."