HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-04-07, Page 44 T. ToAsRW001) 1'N VIE C011N:1'YOl • a E. POLICE 'VILLAGE.' O 9 upon all the rateable -property in the Police, Village of Dashwood situate iu the Township of Hay In addition to allother rates .c1ur- inf; the curreecy of the 'said Dab ehtur s, Oth-This By-th. shall take cf- feet on the clay ;of the final passing thereof, t.th The following' aro the S tae loses her '.'inl:efore rete. eed to; RON AND 151;,tY ENli +' O1+ ON TABIO To rase by Debentures the :slim: -Once thousand six huedred dollar: tfor the purchase of a 11 ire Engine 'and alapliare i fot; Ira“ Pro.ection and the supply of water therefor, WHEREAS the Pollee 'Trustees ,1af the said :Solace Village of Dash- wood ala ;i to make provision fo,. 'Vire Protection.. AND WHEREAS the :aid Police Virg' lee& estimate the cost thereof st $1000.00 .and they desire to pur- .ihese a fire engine and other appliances ;. and provide a water vealpply therefor and to raise for that purpose .the said sum of e$1600.09 by Debentures in the man-. •$ler and p2y;.ablsa hereinafter tet 'forth; .AND WHEREAS under and in •pursuance of the powers vested in the Pollee Village Trustees under 'The Consolidated Municipal Act of 1922, 12-13 Gee. ,V. Chap. 72 See. 1520 andsubsections thereto, thn 'o1ic.e Trustc.'e.5 have power and authority to i, aS3 By-laws with the .assent of the cleetors of the Pollee Village qualified to vote on money By-law's for the 'purpose of pur- chasing a Fie Eugene and app•:i- eances for fire eprocectiOn and the 'supply of water the reiore; AND WHEREAS the said Act 3'nr::her prJv:d"s that if the I y -law l' ' receives the assent of the electors, i ;the Polio Trustees, after pasting it, 'shall 'serve a certified coaly upon the Clerks of the Township:- .5f Stephen and itay and request -the counc'ls of than said Towle -hips' . tie forthwith pass By-laws for! •^eaising the anz.it.nt of $1609.00 in the proportion of the amount required '?to .be levied in each Township, ;pursuant to the last Assessors' Award, payable €s p. ovide.I by 1 h's ''.By-law for a per:ol of Ten years ',an the instalment plan, b tearing asterest at the gate of five and one - dal£ leer cent per ani 1i11 s AND WHEREAS the total. .:amount zeaarad to be rause, Inn a- wily by 'special rate on all the 'rateable property of the said Police 'Village of Dashwood for the period ^_of ten years for the paying off .the lsa.id U bt and the interest there ',ori, is the annual 'suns of $212.27 as *sett forth in the Schedules herein - :after written AND WHEREAS the several.' an - .antral `amount's -payable for prin-1 eipalancl interest in the respective ;A.Pkflc TIN; . 1HE TOWNSHIP OP STEPHEN No, When Anloi'alit Payable of Interest 1 Dec.15,1927 $42,17 2 Dec.15,1928 39.17 Dee.15,1929 35.68 Dec,15,t930 32.01 5 Dec,15,1931 28.14 6 Dec.15,1932 24.06 7 Dec.15,1933 19.75 8 Dee,15,1934 15.19 9 Doc.15,1935 10.40 10 Dee,15,1936 5 33 Amount Total of Principal $89,95 $102.42 _ 63.25 .102.42 6.74 10242 70,41 1102.42 74.28 102.42 78.36 102.42 '82.67 102,4;,' 87,23 102.42 92:02 102.42 97.09 • 102.42 $252.20 $772.00 $1024.20 Afleetieg the Teeielehip of Hay. No: When Amount Payable of Interest 1 Dec.15,1927 $45.54 2 Dec,15,1928 42,01 3 Dec.15,1929 38.23 4 Dec.15,1930 34.33 5 Dec.15,1931 30.19 6 Dec.15,1932 25.83 7 Dec.15,1933 21.18 8 Dec.15,1934 16,30. 9 Dec.15,1935 11.15 10 Do. 15,'72.36 5.72 $270..50 Amount 'To'.al of Principal $6.1,31 $100.83 67,81 109.85 71.57 1998;; 75,52 109.85 79.66 100.85 84.05' 109.65 88.07 109.65 93.55 100.85 98.70 109.8:: 104,13 149.8; $828.00 $1098.50 7th -That the votes of the per- sons qualified to vote on a money By-law Shall be those entitled to vote upon tins ley -law on the lobi day of April A.D. 1927 between the hours .of nine o'clock in the fore- noon and five o'clock in the after - norm at the following eelaee, \az: Schenk's Store, 'situate on Pt. of Lot 23 in the North Boundary Con- cession in the :Police Village of Dashwood in the Township of Stephen, County of Huron; and Henry Schroeder shall be the per- son to act as Returning Offices' for the purpose of taking the votes of the ratepayers. Sth-On the -11th day of April A,.T,. 1927 at the hour of o'clock in the afternoon, the Chair- man of -the Police 'Trustees o,' some other member of the Board of Trustees appointed for that purpose by resolution, shall attend at said Schenk's Store in the -Maid Police Village of Dashwood for Lia^ purpose of appointing • and, it requested_ so to do, shall appoint be writiug 'signed by hiir tit'o pereonrs to attend .at the final summing up of the votes by tho Retuenieg Officer; one person to 1' one ,jears are respectively set out in attend at the, said ' : i polling place on 4• die • Schedule's. ZURICH HERE, D money to be raised by the prop- osed By-law is' payable or for at least twenty -elle yvars; and, that• he has by the lease covenanted to 1 iy • all avlutecip tl Taxc e . ih re-• sheet of tie property of which be is the tenant -other than local iaulri ovomMnt rates, THOMAS II,LUMPP, Chairman of tho Police Trustees of he P..eicta Vilna;;, of Dashwood, Dated at the. Police Villageof :Dashwood Ulla 24th day of Marcia 1921. A. lin iced quantity 'of Yellow Blo>sor. swo t e;o,'eeseed fo„'.s.ae, Victor Doic,hert,. %url lit. IN MEMORIAM Steck- In peeng memory of o.ur deur Pother,' William H. Stelik wllo massed away 9 , years ego, April 7th, 1918. ' Olt how patient was his suffering, When nn hand could give hixr. ease Clod the helper of the ee,lpless. Gave Wag rief and sent hien ,,peace We were not there to clasp',: his ;hand, We did not 'see hnr die, We only know he passed away.: And never said Goodbye, Sadly /teased by Family, PAINTING AND Paperhanging DO NE BY AN 'EXPERT IIENR"°x JEN SEI.,T, Phone No, 28 :DASHWOOD S Jf`iOD • Beginn'ng 'Tuesday evening Ap- rill 5th, the 'etor.ls Will be 1 open to the pt.blic until the end of the year„ Mr. and Mrs. Malon Rest .ix ryer of Cavalier, N,ID ere visiting rel atives in this vicinity. 'Miss Elva Richmond of Blyth, Mrs, Smith, of Detroit, who sp- spent 'the week -end at the home crit a month with her siclz xnotr,er, of Mr: -and Mrs, J. 1C. Reid. , Airs, bioussean, hasr.tclr.ie.2 toper Mrs. R, Thon.,pson of Detroit, home in the city,: ,visited With relatives •„a few days Mr. Joseph Bedard. has engaged last week with Mauls Denoarraie for the sum - Mrs. Millar, who spent the „\vin- sten and ha's moved into Mrs. ,a..:at+ss zuzw uvffiniHi54Y21,017A'.b'l.7ifkYW:7Sir ai '7tb,,' ;09,7 fc, „N 0-4 10 Oa ROPS �elegra .nhic advices received from. its ,� � t � p branches throughout the country the Bart of Montreal periodically compiles seas...::.11 crop reports dealing with conditions in Canada. These reports are mailed to business men and others onz. f r request. Total Asset: ill excess of 43 780,000,000 Toe::: were-see ael _eteeefeeLlk.`� V g 1 9rf f t 1 I sr r k / �)I; 11 \ v' t- •R r\ p yo, '''11.'$ ,a6;l; i� „ h �it"� ','&1'mv•*,,' Cwt 4,1A' • ..��,s.% \ �� ;,% ✓+x 9. Yr a t'd. a .....�,' a; : x .. . 1. P,,,,.....:;„,......U.,...,......,‘ ,.,$ .1 . ', • ii ,.1G. .3. c., R\,, t 1 r��ti4' c` t a it ��4A' • WYf en1l. C7tli aeN- „F 1aA� ' .•aw- - A T0'1 qtr s Y iter dh Established 18;!`I- /44+0.+4.+++++0+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++44 ri��F + }.+4. + °'•3 r'$•'It'++++•II•�4•�6�'A�i•�Q� •+++tin•i•.w.;,.-s ++�.3�'k$•F•1•t'§ ++ :H••F'', •1'•Q'•'.i••5.34 t The New and Finer 4 d p ter with her ,daughter in Woad I„ Denon•.nlie':s vacant house, • bridge, has returned hornet ' Mr....August Bedard and sister t Mr. anda r a e'r r' a.n a+ y, - t whot lwith their brother, 14zr, New Beauty New Features, 11f . tits. Yi c bu g ill Miss Ge trld of St Joseph ap �, NeW - Prices family, !spent h;., Winter in Pontiac tint Sunday aezr jr .l r, o s Flaaida, �'i's;ted at the home of Mr. Leona Bedard, nent you see the new and finer Pontiac Jo ia:s Hartlelb on Saturday. Mr. Lawrence Denomme _ and e The Il101r 1FTa'. and Mrs. 1Vilbc r Crx'nyb ii family have moved in their feral „ ix'' ou will realize that it is big value and leader... and Mr. Czar Steinhageu Of Woods which they' 'recently puee'r,alsed S s from .Mr. Alfred Sr�eenau, The people of this .vicinity re- gret very roach the departsure of took vri:siited in 'town ora Sunday. Miss. 'F 'Wilds, who 'spent s:'v oral weeks v's:tiug in Michigan, re- turned list week, 11[rs-. tn.ersan Snider and faanaly, A. number from here attended who have ar.ov ec1 to., 7,urieli, we all the funeral of the late Chas. Wolfe \vii'sh her n.ixel► siicae.ss. , in Crediton on Saturday. Mia, efo its •ue 'who las been Mr. Henry &mean is kept busy ill for satin's Mui0. 15 slowly recov- t . a penin those- days. • g, . .. Mr. O. Reid, Ispent Mr: Alfredr+ en,an an mother, in London. 1\I 's Iasac tact ln.ay, ave Mrs. A. Birk' spent a feW n,ot ed to Lonttoza to rl'.3idre aye with her 'sister in Lon on;. The 'many friendsof Mr.Joseph v t te;t x ,,, tho afternoon :« said Jr'. tend Mrs. E. Desch of Zaiviela Schenk's Store in the said Police I Visited in tore 'on Sunday. is on the Mend in 'health. I yota ears fixity realize the wonderful pierformance and the . IVill'nge of Da:shwood, the Return- Mrs. Reg, Taylor, of Exeter, is' • Me. John P. Rau, of Zurich,VIS- 3 in; Officer, Henry Schroeder 'sial! Ia1Pe d" f 1 with l d with 111 George Deno? yoyer amazing values they really etre/ Let tcs demonstrate^ • tt d d tl t pv • h" the field of low-priced. Sixes AND -t1T.HEREAS the amount of ;the 'whole rateab'O property of the ;tsaid Police Village of Dashwood, according ::i.o the valuation, equal- :3zation and' delerneina`.ion1 of th= Assessors of the Townships of Stephen and Hats is $124,930. AND 'WHEREAS, according to .:'stick equalization, it will b. neces- a;sary for the Municipality of the 'Township of Stephen to issue De- ''bentures for the portion of such o1iee Village situate in the Town - i xip of Stephen amounting to 18,25 cent ; and (the Municipal 1Council of the Township of Hay. da issue D..b'nlures for the pmt'on Let us prove this by a demonstration t PAIGE PES AND COLOR COMM- 4 belt alf of the is eteo:rs intereite l 1 t 1; 3 l b e �:• 'WITH 28 CHARMING BODY TY law aand nrdyone poises the on behalf osed By - posing I' l g eiaii,,. ATIGINS -- IN P,YXF,S AND EIGHTS - GIVES YOU" THE 4 BET - the persons interesting in' and op- o'clock p- 14T J C R I, 1 t S and 64'IIAEST RANGE OF INDIVIDUAL CHOICE IN THE BL+'T- po'sin;' tho the 1's'd 'E)-la\v�. za},o i N f h �. . 3z 9th -On the 16th clay of April ` TER A11D SHER PRICED AUTOS. A.D. 1927 at the hour of five daya trait will be ple;s-"d to 'e.•arn that 1.e . a You mast see and drive these new Pa1•ge cars before you a; zng a few days iia t ver ite )\Tat t.r. 4�, tints, ltli', and Mrs. Clias. Stein- Slinda.yr. AUTO REPAIRING AND GENERAL GAR. WORK A : Hagen. Lake Huroll laps .all etc heal of z SPECIALTY Mi'. and Mrs. Addison Tiernan, 'dts coat of ice, just abo it two mon- Mrs, E. Tiernan and sen Eugene,v-is- th's earlier than last year whici. ,'e', itect in Stratford Ion Stieday, was May, 27th before the•icemove;l ;. Miss Anna Vincent of Trfan iltota; down last year, and we are look- , m visiting re'at'ives here at prevent ting for an early 'seedin' time. w 'Oils Greases Tires Accessor1e Mies Laura M. Reid left for God- lvrr,. and Mr's. Adolf 4Denoxrme Gas, "erich on Monday, when^ she will motored to St. Clair, Mich., last �„q, ,•y,•'„�„a�„� „�q..a.�.. t.•�.�4•'e»#a•�>H �••�,��•� •'i°�• 1•�••��' i "{' '4'�` entor the Hospital as nu- e in tis.• F''ridayl, c izting.. . 14T:r. Clayton Pfile and C'hes. Ga- iiaer spent Monday in London. DRYSDALE.. The high winds and frosts of the past week, have dried np the roads fine and the motorists wilt final the Blue Water Highway in first class condition la s c ndit'ion in the n..ar Fut- uric. , Mrs.., enmie Denoanm,e of the viil- lege spent last \v''elc with her par- ents on the Bronson Line. a 'en an gull. up 1E: votes •!"s gtVL•'n , ,for and against- the proposed By - Law. • PASSED this day of April 1997 Chairman Police- aid � olice- -^;f ,such Police Village as es 'situate 4n the Township•,,o•i'^Hay amounting Trustees 'to 51.75 per cent of the total a- onnt of Debenture and interest ';hien is more fully s^t forth in the 'Schedeles hereinafter written. AND ' WHEREAS the amount of .the present existin Debentures Debt of the said Police Village of part d n 0 an r$2,795.70 p• Dashwood is in of the principal or inter>"st is ,arrears. , of . Trustees THEREFORE the e Tru . _ipolice Villag,. of. Dashwood enac� -..as;s follows: that --It -shall be lawful for the ;yaaid Police Trustees of Dashwood do make application to the Conn- ;+ti's 'of the Townships of Stephen *Ina Hay req,u'esti.ng them. to pas:: •:a Ey-law for raising the aarount w.'hich is to• be borne by ,that part eat the Police Village 'situate in the '''to'wn'ship by the issue of Debcn- a 'res of the Corporation of the 'Township payable as provided by *his By-law/ o, 'd 2nd -The special rates' }t7aj) s�. /y' this By-law of the Police: Trus- =.nes 'shall be 1vied and coilecteci ig the Council's of the Township :Within which the property upon aisthieh they are imposed; is situate 3rd -Fora the purpose of paying e said . Debentures, the animal fauna of $102.42 shall be raised and `e vied in each year by special rate ;'2lnaafile ent therefor to b' e ire:l ^•levied and collected at the 'same +Faroe as ordinary rates for the Mun•- -eiltapality in each year of thes'aid `' oriod of ten years, from and. upon :.1441 rateable property in. the Police 'Village of Dashwood 'situate in th.' 1olwii�shi'p of ;Stephen in addition iib all other rates clearing th^ cur- rencry of the said Debentures. i.th-.r or. the purpose of paying -Th said Debentures, the .'nnu°il man of np109 85shall be raised ane �fle4+aed In each year by ts'p^tial ratr -u*ufi •iicienf therefore to baa raised. Nx zi and collected at the aim' > l to a's ordinaay ]rte's for tti 'i�ttri:; ialit;y in each yeer of Ill'- ' i tet,:./r1 of Dei] yyG,41r* CL'�DaiL daiir NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that the forego- ing. orego ing is a true copy of a proposed - Vofthe Police Trustees Of F lav Po vee .Czu tte y . T' the Police Village e 'of Dashwood g situate in the Town -ships • of Stephen and Hay •Lo be 'submitted to the votes of the electors on the 16th day of April A.D. 1927 be- tween the hours of nine o'clock in the fore -noon and five o'clock in the afternoon at the f oilowing place, viz; Schenk's' Store in the said Police Village of Dashwood being a portion of lot 23 Con. N. 13,, Township of Siphon; and that o -n the 14th day of April A..D 1937 at the hour of one o'clock in the after -noon at said Schenk's :,tor':' in the said Police Village, hasbeen fixed for the appointment of per- sons to attend at the polling place and at the fiit'll summing up of •the vote: of the Returning Officer. AND THAT if the assent of elle eloctors is obtained to the said proposed By-law, it will be taken into consideration by the •Po1ic^ Trustees of the said Polite Village at a moi'ting thereof to be helot after the expiration of One Month othe -- from 1atc, of the first public, at.ion or this notieo; and that ouch s }11VCBL. Frop. 6 CREDITON Chas. Keinze is visiting in De - troth. Harold Gower hats (taken a r pos- ition with Waldron to delver bread • e , ;Stewart Kuhn loft for :Detroit last week where he has 'accepted oa a position,. s' ion,. Mark Mitchell, of Centralia, vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. 'Chris, Rau. Le'onard Wein • has iaceep'ted a position with Lloyd England to rd 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 s 4 4 4 first puhlication was made ran 1h•� 4 21511 day: of • Ma.reb A,D. 1927 in the e "Zurich Herald'. a newspaper pub- lished in the Township of Hay in the County of Ilairrn. TAKE NOTICE FURTHER THER that :ti Tenant, who de'sir'es to :vote upon the 'sold proposed By-law . must deliVer to Menet. Schroeder; t.h.e ;aicl returning Officu', not Later lien the tenth day. before . the day appointed for taxking the rete, Doolaration under The Canada. s•v.. ryr z,c,., i.ct, that, fel 15 a tenant t%!^a)ea t' -est e.<ia."1dq for the 'these width the r'l-•bt 0r' liability i•' i;o ii Cr ;atuJ 4n/1 ;, yr ai+xa azxe' b • .4 :1 4 4 4.4.44404.,40 <>441, .4444.44444444044♦4444444440 1 f' Autos and. Autou .��lies, w.g CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF AUTO ACCESSORIES, AND SUPPLIES, AND CA14 SAVE YOU MOSEY ON THESE • VARIOUS LINES • CORD TIRES 30x3Y, AT ONLY .,. ...:,. ... ... 916.50 b TUBES 3Ox3e: AT ONLY .,.. .. " $1.40 4 GOODRUBBER CASE 13AT`tERIPS A'1'$1.5.00 4s 1 SECOND HAND 15%;, E. P. GAS ENGINE VERY* 'CHEAP. • 2 FORD TOURING - CAES 1 FORD ROA.DS'TJR CAR. 1 GOOD TRAILER. ABOVE CARS ARE ALL IN' 0001) RUINING ORDER. • 4 • W13 DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING AND 4 RE-SITILDfN"G BATTERIES, Pr ARM IMPLEMENTS WE ARE HEA.D.QtYARTERS POR FARM IMPLEMENTS AND to CARRY JUST TE kIND 'Op MACHINERY THAT WILL GIVE YOU THE B11ST AND. LONGEST SERVICE' FOR YOUR MONEY PUMPS, PIPINGS AND FIT'1!INGS; ALSO INSTALL OUR e 4 PUMPS, Tires, d Gas, Tubes, Oils and Greases ice' r .. !' L. A. , rang �- Zurich, 1••••'l•iii''•*,.... +.9.40+4tir`i%t 4.• 44414 4•••+►fY4!1'•Gi'4iY444ai''444 • �.Oeeessee30*04000000000060 •061006'Ct1®•00000000t,0,31i100'lEil - S. r i SEL:DS! Yes! Spring withy its Sowing and plantingtime will soon -be here again 1 • AND WE 'WISH TO ADVISE THE PUBLIC TTIAT WL1 ARE PREPARED TO SUPPLY YOII • WITH 'anti VERY CHOICEST' • • IT BE ALL THE VARIOUSS GRASS I OE SEEDS, 'WHETHER e S ��DS,OF TI1] 'IELDS OR POR. PLANTING THE HOUSE- ; HOLT) GARDEN, COME IN AND SEE OUR PINE .ASSOR7i"-• * MENT 01 THE VERY BEST IMPROVED BANNER SEED OATS, CLEAN AT 65e. BUSHEL 4 4 4 e 0 1 TRY OUR STOCK FOODS 1.NFIEL:D'S CHAMPION TONIC FOR POULTRY., KEEPS* EPS' C1IiIfF' THEM HEALTHY AND PRODUCING EGOS THE YEAR RO- UND. AND EOR. YOUR STOCK WE HAVE TTIE WELL- KNOWN EMERY PEED. TRY A PACKAGE. al, Louis cel Zilch 100004l�;D 910.** 19M*40011�*4001110446 060041060411014418411,9�f. 7 + ulna dpi tier bread, ist has returned 'to Exeteri. y , o ' Sorry to leard that Rioh'd Tng4- ,Tollix I`1 nm awl Sob, of Buffalo .' , called on Mr, and Mrs, Francis Plyn land is under the doctors. care. the other flay. Mrs, Math. Guenther, of 1 it'4:Iat - 1 1VIrs. i1 siert i3town, 'of 1t iitelaeir i assert visited at the horse of Itlfik. iti . s..,and e icer for a 1t�evxt- its v3sxtinb with her �aarelnt , Mzj. 1V isl, Cron. G•faz 4 land Mre. Oott. tdrai•er✓a' dayy+s(. Motz. . enrt The April meeting of the v o4 a Dir„ and .It'It+o. ?Y.. s is , ti' 1-ield on'Twee,* the Weekeettd in 4ondclli mens Institute -was .i J•eri';y 1L aiMii who. c pent: - the day �A April tit, t'hi's. W314 uCxr;indier d+ 1,+y ` tun tai �IMarC`r, .1 .44;x,. 1;:.,,< ► Z:.& ;:;; :'a' .wM:l ,t1:tv;:';t 'Thee' - 4' ti Kt1F A a;x+ 4 •