Zurich Herald, 1927-03-31, Page 3ALMOST HELPLESS WITH RHEUMATISM A Nova Scotia Lady Tells How She Found Relief. Aanorng the well-known residents ot Nineveh, N,S„ is Mrs, Wil1'Lamn Silver, who te1119 for the benefit of other snit- teirers Rem she found Tenet from a Severe attack elf r11evmnrztiean. Mix. Silver s'ay's :—"In the eerily ea of 1926, I co!ntra;otetl a, told 'which die" veloped into a severe attack of meow' lar a"ineswmidttiora. In fleet,,, t a1mot4't totally disabled me, and I suffered great agony most of the time. After trying in vain to get soinetht fug two re - Wee me, I decided to take Dr. Wit - lime? Pink Mlle, which I had heard highly recoinanended. I may say that the quick relief they afforded really •euaprised me, and after i,aking s'ome Six boxes of the pine evea-y twinge of the rheumatism head gone, and I arm now feeding better than 1 have been for some yearns past, Me pule not only banished the rheumatism, but beeped me in many other ways." Try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills , fol amauemia, rheinnatis,an, neuralgia, 'nes'- vousneess and stomach trouble. Take them ae a tonic if mu are not in the best of physdical con.detioll and culti- vate the resistasiee that will keep you weiil and strong. Sold by all druggists 'or sent by mail at 50 cents a box by The De. Williams' 'Medicine Co., Brock vi1.1e, Ont. Ordering Seed. To -day Christopher and I made out our seed orders. Delightful task! to be undertaken only when mood and opportunity are precisely right. One .must have plenty of time, with no least sense of pressure or hurry; one must have a tranquil, optimistic mind. For the matter of that, the seed; Catalogues take care of the lat- ter trait --almost too well --to the en- dangering of the tranquility. For how can one possess oneself in un- distracted serenity When two hun- dred separate kinds of flowers and• vegetables are recommended as just 'what one's garden needs? .. . This year, in the interests of a lees busy summer than lastt,year's or the year-before's, Ohristopiier and I took pains to r111.ind leach other of certain disappointment's:.' Aret'htis g'randis hopefully sown fol°i1$eeral seasons;-eitesAnever- done -:veli with es. Stock an,+te s> apdragon ought to be started fats the house{ and we have not had very good iucic with that method, Marigolds tend to break at the neck; ealendulas are more satis- factoiy," though they have not such a Tame. We ;niust not plant too eeeeesj ossa +e ^ n. ' ilitftai, n let us cdnfine -ourselves to aL ew plants we cart trust, There is something cosmically in evitabfeeabout the exuberance of the seed catalogues. ,,It was too much, for Christopher and me. In no time at a11, we were reading out loud to each other antiphonally. "'No gar- den ought to be without this charm- ing plant.' Let's try it!" "'This noble neiton — I'Ih certainly have to have that," Considerations of ,drought or deluge, weeds, cut -worms, iblight, aphids,' all were forgotten... . ?On the whole, we have come out ihsretty well with our list this year. It is composed exclusively of seeds Willett are to, be "sown in the open ground when all clangor ;rout frost is dyer" (as if ono could uvea.' fix that date in Ontario) and which have an established reputation for prosperity. Oatmeal. Ivluoh ims' been saialfor anti a., atnet oatmeal and oatmeal porridge.. • 'Tae old s'tosiy •willl0 bear repetition, Dr. Johnson defined ,pats as ra. grails used in England for hinnies, and in Scotland for men, The t was;. "And where do you flnd suck ]gorses and such men?" Certain adverse critics, guess as Pro- fassa'oe Mel/Irwin? and others, object to oatmeai because it is "deficient in vita - mines." The terns vitaeninee appears to have Become a peg upon which cer- tain learned folk are hanging a pro- miscuous lot of tettene. We understand the importance of vitailnines, but we know that half a glass of milk, a teaspoonful of raw cabbage, two teaspoonfuls of cooked cabbage, a small portion of any other vegetable, or spine Truitt, raw or cooked, will Mandell all the vitaneines required for a day's meeai+s. The simple did dish of oit.tmeai 'Por- ridge, or other osreal, and milk, fu,r- nia1 es excellent food; but is heavy not light, aa Is somettmee supposed. When taken in quantities beyond na- tures powers of assimilation, et causes indigestion with ikitulenoe, due to fer- mentation. One of the occasional results is the. " pots dge rash"; this may be cured or prevented by taking less porridge and eating a little fruit raw or in the form of jam. •��a,er✓! Only Natural, Medium—"Her spirit is very slow in answering the cell." ",Sall right, lady, jes take yor time. When I married her she was a tele- phone operator." s1 These Will Come. There will conte soft rains and the swam t.. .. .. . , And frogs in the pools singing at night, And Wild plum 'trees . in tremulous white; Robins will wear their feathery fire Whistling their whims on a low fence wire. —Sara Teasdale, in Harper's Magazine. Tony was• having his second son christened and, being very anxieue to have his name recorded colmectl•y en the birth oerbificat.e, remurked to the clergyman: Health Broken—Lost 66 lbs. Now Well, Won Back 82 lbs® Ottawa merchant, formerly city officer, rundown by kidney trouble. Worsted from 201 to 135 lbs. Tanlac restored robust health; now weighs 217 lbs. and feels fine Philias Sequin's grocery at 245 St. Patrick St.., is well known in Ottawa. 11'Ir. Sequin Was formerly a police officer. 'Selma ill -health. ezed him he lost weight rapidly. "I had kidney trouble for 6 years," he tells, "and was given up as a hopeless case. Many fes, from sheer weakness, I have allen where I stood, and had to be helped to nay feet. • fepaios reeked my entire system, -especially my back, which felt like splitting, Needless to say . I could neither eat nor sleep normally. Weak spells and nervousness would leave enctrembling ail over. I faded away from 201 to 136 lbs., and tried endless treatinents and remedies in those 6 years without result. "rI had begun to despair, and when a friend advised ']: ansae I was skep- tical. But one month's regular use of this wonderful medicine convinced me that I was on the road to health. I kept on taking Tanlae and to my delight and surprise it made me a new man in a surprisingly short time. Now I weigh 217 lbs., eat and sleep like a healthy boy, and ,feel like ati different man altogether." If neglect or overwork are taking toll of ryour health, try Tanlae, It is natures own tonic made from roots, barks and herbs. 'your druggist has it. Over 62 million bottles sold. Feel Tired -.When You Get Up Tongue coated -head aches --no pelt for the day's Week? The your liver is lazy, your kidneys are not eliminating the poisons trona the body. Your system needs toiling up, Thousands upon thotteande ell over that world take Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy. It eorreots functional troubles and by its tonic and: purifying properties restores the liver tied kidneys 'to their normal tonditlon, so you soon feel like yelirseif again, Sold by all druggists. Price 0.25 per bottle. Warner's Safe Remedies Cosy Toronto, On e( ABY L on With Laughter) When a welter has something to write, that's inspiration; when he has to write ,sometdri lg, thut'e, drudgery. Duck :hunting Isn't always what iit''s quacked up to be, Regan' 1teese of what style huts done to the bottom of skirts, the waist line mane/ins in approximately the same piece. Why Not Handle a 'Woman d Etectrically? If she is willing to come bai1f-ways-- Meter, If eine will come all the way—Re. oe I'v'en'. If she wants to go still further.—Dig- pateller. If ab,e gets too excited-Controli,ee',. If she talks too lloug—Interrupter. If her way of thinking is not yours-- Conveerter. If she tricks your pockets—Detector. If she s_hgs inharmoniously—Tones. If she wants l ho•cobatee--Feebler.; If she gossips too muoh—Regulnitoe. if She is wrong--Itectifier. If she is a poor 000lc—Diseeblarger. Isn't it peculiar how .everybody's a little bit •peotlfdae but us? The only traveling some folks /lo Is from bad to worse. It Vas the third day of their hone-v- moeon. "Darling," the Whmispemed, "isn't this heaveallay7" Her husband sighed. "Do you know," he •e cleimmed, "life doesn't neem long enough for our halt pine'ss. Just think elven if we are for tunate, our married life can hardly last longer than fifty yeame." "Is that all?" she quer'i'ed, edging endgut. said.; "'we're`' sting tiltiiei" Free -With Every Treatment. 'AIM mud, she daubs her: rosy oiioeka, Likewise her dimpled Chin, And, thus+indeenitably seeks Eternal ,youth to win, Wheme£or'e the heart of old or young WW1 undimmed ardor burns; A.e wo•nlan, who from ela.y fleet sprung, At last to clay returns. - The short 'slfirts of to -day may be quite a problem, but we can remember way bank wheal the bustle wets a stern reality. Badly digested food, acidity of the stomach, and sluggish liver cause headaches. Seigel'sSyrup will remove these causes. Any drug store. "Well, ya see—it's liki dist My iireta boy I tesla ya I wanta heem clhris'ad 'Tom' and ya •putta 'Tomnass' on heesa paper. Now I want dig boy name 'racy and no want heem name 'Jack- 'sLsse' Keep Minard's Liniment in the stable. Lose no chance of giving pleasure, foe that is the ceaseless and anony- mous triumph of a truly loving spirit.—Henry Drummond. By a tranquil mind I mean nothing else than a mind well ordered, -- Marcus Aurelius. 44444444444444444444444444 E. PUT STOMACH IN ORDER AT ONCE Pape's Diapepsin" for Gas, Indigestion or Sour Stomach 444444 444444-H4 4.+e4+411444e4441t4+4 Fnstant,ily! Stomach ceereetied 1 `ion never feel the aaligiutest distress from indigestion or a. sour, acid, geesy stool- ach, after you eat a tablet of "Papee's Die/pepsin." The moment it reaches the stomach all eourmoss, flatulence, heal -thorn, gases, pt'illpitaetion and pein disappear. Drugg'iets gues'antee.eaeh patlt'age to correct digestion at onete, End your stomate trolll4e for ifelv !cents, .44 Mamas, Yes, Ie had many grave faults,, So hadSir Walter and the good. :Dumas; 00, to be candid, did Shake- speare himself Shakespeare, the king of poets. To .myself he is al- ways the man of his unrivaled and enchanting lettere--is .always an in - a i eation generous and abundant gaiety, a typo of benefieellt earnest - nos, a great expression of intellec- tual vigor and emotional vivacity. I love , to reflect that even se he was the inspiration of my boyhood so is he; the delight of my middle age. 1 love to think that wh-o Eng. Ash literature endures he will bo re- meanbercd as` one who loved his fel- low -men, and did more to make them happy and amiable than tally other writer of his time.—W, D. Henley, in "Views and Reviews." MAKE C$ RE OF BA i Ertioimweh distua'Llanees and eonstipa- rt'Pon aro responsible for march of the peevisshnese of babies and young ohild• ren. When the baby is seems or irrit- able the mother should not resort to eo-ciaill•ed soothing lntxtuaaee to cor'rec't the trouble, for in the majority of. eaeoa .these mixtures simply drug the ohdld into en unnatural sleep. Whet its needed ie a gentle 1amtive that will sweetern, the stomach and regulate the bowels: Such a resnerly is found in Ba'by's. Own Tablets. They ai-e easy to take and .guerantre,ed to be entirely free troth opiates and narcotics. don - corning them, Mrs. Jos. Tousaignant, Ste. S(phde•, Que., writers: --"I would, like Gell mothers to know that I feel thele is no other nmerliciue to equal Baby's Own Taigas. I always keep a box in time house and their prompt use never fails to restore my little ones to 'health," The Tablets are sold by medicine dealer's or by m'ai+l at 25 ets. a box from The Dr. Williams' Medd- cine Co., "Brockville, Ont. Wales' Great Day. Patriotic'Welshmen decorated their mantlepieces with the leek on March 1, for this plant is the emblem of their Saint, whose feast falls on that day. No one is quite sul'e why the leek was adopted as the emblem of Wales, but It is believed that before a battle with. the English, St. .David ordered the Welsh to wear leeks in their hats, so that they might he distinguished' front their foes, Although the Dairen saint of Wales, St. David's memory was always honor- ed in England, Henry "VII. used to' give away two pounds to Welshmen on St. Devid'si Day, while' until the ad- vent of the Hanoverian line, kings of England always wore the leek ou thio Car' ai hire, and. afterreceiying ;his education' in Menevia, he founded a convent with very rigorous discipline in the 'Vele of Rhos. St, David event- ually became Primate of Wales, and was buried in the Cathedral at Mene- via--now called St. Davids. • Minard's Liniment for rheumatism. To -day is your day and mine; the only one we have; the day in which we play our part. What our part may signify in the great world we may not understand, but we are here to play it, and now is our David Starr Starr Jordan. The present complexity of civiliza- tion could not be maintained except by people of strong moral fibre. -- Calvin Coolidge. Now packed in Aluminum, e same as years ago, 1i4 RED ROSE l ' RANGE PEKOE as _extragood. An OW Cameo. Within an oval of unshaded bine The figure of a dau'etng nymph is seen, Moving with m•eaeured step and air serene In •some enthralling dance that wood - talk knew- In newIn days when skies were of 'a softer hue, And forests wore a more delicious green Than now. And nevermore suet shape and alien . Beneath the skies shall happy mortals view. Of less unearthly grace the forme ap- pear The keen frost carves from crystal. We may bless The wind of time that froze this airy Sprite To immobility and kept her here In all her fragile, glancing loveliness Through these uncomely years for our • delight. --Antoinette Scudder. Burled Cities. Buried cities which are being 'Un- covered in India prove that there was a mighty empire in that country 2,500 years ago. These cities had been built on top of one another, 'Brine still preserved in the cellars of a wine -dealer in London dates back to 1540 and 1631. ATENT A List et "Wanted tnvention*" end Kull Information Sent Free on Request. The Ramsay Co. W '273 W. A sip night and morning relieves soreness and hoarseness. and pre- vents more serious developments. A bottle of Buckley's—de doses for 95 cents --is an economical guar- antee of healthy throats for the whole family. Pleasant to take-- instant ake—instant in action positive in re- lief. All druggists sell it.. W. K. Buckley, Limited, 623 142 lidutual St., Toronto 2 ISCIEL 1A XXTLIALE Acta tike a flash— a single sip proves It Mtnard's will limber up stiff muscles and sore joints, Use it for a rub down. Classifed Advertisements- ANYAatn PISTON RIlOOS FIT wolf o CYF.- fNDNne and sore regrinding. Guaranteed for 16,000 miles, Panyard Alston Icing Co., 00-34 lrront St. ZV,. Toronto, .HEALTH GLASS. NBn1SA1[ABLE GZ.A.Ss so13srrrUTE iron poultry houses, Lot beds: speeds growth, doesn't burn plants, Delivered i0o equate yard. Peerless Poultry, Elmira, Ont. BUILDERS' SU?FLIes. �avAvx SLATE-coATE'U itools'rltio, y2. $3 nouso Potnt, $2,46 gallon: Door,, windows. rames, lelooring, Wallboard, 'Thousands of Build- ing Bargains. }free Catalogue. lfalliday Company, Box 2a1T, Itamilton. FRENCH SELF-TAUGHT. If10 hfOST enrPLE SYSTEM nvLln DOMED, with pronunciation of every word. 4. perfect knowledge of the language in three months. Com- plete moth ed„ 60o: abridged paper ed„ 20e, Post paid, world's Subscription Agency Regd., P.O. Bot'. 3106. Dept. P, Montreal, P.Q. E SILL 10,000 BOBSLs A YEAR 1'0 satiated customers. Send for our harness Catuiogue; it will save you money. Tho lltr o,0tary. 10 Nelson Street, Toronto. gCATCH P12051 45 TO 00 PDXES iii IrnO)f s to 0 weeks' time. ('en teach 'any reader of this magazine how to get them. Write for par- tleuln,n. W. AAIladley Stanstead, Cue. ealgig 5t.; s<g EATS I end bunion., Sorest with my new Perlod.vne Solvent troutmant. ruin atop. almoe .h.t.nt- I,. Actual reduction of the mils:gen growth )tarts so feet that son -f no:0 pato o- abode cat Os a laza moaner—often two alone molter. PROVE IT GREY-••Jp,p pend soar nems and addoeee. no money, nndthofull ttmtmeae enamntoad to b,l complete dn0Nwat 0 tba Sown to try. No ob11 omit oot-Aldous teMf LARORaTo ui sdr 00opt. Aaao 40 Front at., W. ltoeonto,enta " C `RETS" FOR YOUR BOWELS IF HEADACHY, SICK To -night! Clean your bowels and end Headaches, Colds,, Sour Stomatal. Get a IO -cent box. Put aside =,just once — the Salts, Pilus, Castor Oil or Pun'gabttve Waders which mierelly force a passageway :through the bowels, but do not thor- otiglily c1een'se, ` f'resheii. end Dtte fse" these dradnege organs, and have no effect whatever upon the liver and etoenach. IQeiep your "inside's" pure and fre•sit. with Casca,rets, which thoroughly i,1.eanse the stoana.ch, remove the until - gusted, sour food aucl foul gases. take the excess bile froan the liver and car- ry out of the system all the consti- pated waste matter and poisons in the bowels. A Cascaret to -night will make yoil feel great by morning. They wok while you slisep—never gripe, sicken, and oast only 10 cents a box from your druggist. Millions of men and women Hake a Cascea'et now and then and never have Headache, Bilionsnesls, Severe Colds, Indigestion, Sour Stom- ach or Constipated Bowels, Cescaa'eta belong in every household. Cbieldren just love to take thea.. TWO �/ FREE Government Pdllll Assts You Ought to:ave f)k NE tells about beautifying �y the grounds around your house --the ocher, how to get bigger crops from the sante soil. "Crop Potation and Soil Manure - pont" --• Wee into this matter fully. Gives best rotations for dairy .farms, mixed farms, stud those farms specialising mostly in grain and clover seeds, 1a based on years of csperienec at Dominion Experimental Paras, Tells how best to utfize clay, sandy and peat and mutt:, toils, and ghat to do with hillsides and rolling laud. "Annual Flotoet's"—LLst0 the flow - ere that grow hest in each locality across Cooeda. Enables you to soiect iboae most suitable to your district, Gives details as to color- ings, height, planting dates, etc. Thorn oro over five hundred free governniturt pamphlets on all the different branches of farming, Write for tie 1027 list. Fill In and real this blip POS:' Ie,REE to PUBLICATIONS ffl NC$i department of Agriculture, Ottawa, tlatarfo, Plesse send tine free pamphlets on: togtither with /let ,ei' all free psmphlets. N act flies .t1 'sue ilio: 13—'22e Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Neuralgia Pain Neuritis Headache Lumbago Toothache Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART WARNING! Beware of Counterfeits There is only one genuine "ASPIRIN' tablet. If a tab- let is offered at ".ASP112IN" and is not stamped with the "Bayer Cross"-re.ittse it with contempt -it is not"ASin RIM' at all 1 Don't take ellanccs1 Accept :711 "Bayer" • ,cka a which contains proven directions. Handy- "stayer" boxes of 12 tablet • Also bottles of 24 and 100 --Druggists. edi.b frim is o elle marls, (uegistet'iad in Canada] of borer i.Canufacturo of Atononeetlti- osteo 01 sallcylleaeld, L&seiyl lelteylie Acid, "A, s, A."). "lvhile it io 'we11 keoee t a Afrpirinnrean0 Bogor manufacture,to assist the irlfblio ettatnat ituitationh,the Tbblets :lifer 6ohrpan5 will be stamped with their general trade mark, Om "}L er 0 t( I