Zurich Herald, 1927-03-24, Page 5h a ctay, »ti[axeh 2eLhc I9 BUSINESS CAIWI. M,gv,w.,n..uyM,NWm u3DLE- E. mEB ARK/ OLIiIT0x4, NOT- ARY P1713LI0, E,TC ,rk '+e, Hamilton Street. :hist 04t soe gluare, i ODLBICH, Out. eWeisitsCial atteutiiou to OtMD:sal and M: I'ONMOBILES AUTOMOBILES Court Nliorlc, Ford 'sedan 1923 model., with five tan noun es ural be contented at baloon tires, automatic wind shisiGoditel11 c1i by phones "t1 p~lnoa+o viPer, bunzpersc many other es- cia�argeis reversed eras. In first class eo'ndition,paint lake new, for only $275.00, Pref YOUR Wants, For $aJe, L.oat, F Found„ Notice, Etc. Ade IN 1 31l? Ihr.. 11, COWEN L. D. Se, D. les 1 . !DENTAL SURGEON M DEITZ BLOCK, Z J11CH ev lifel Thursday, Fr1aae amid Sate Mt1 k 9 -• - WW1. Main Wiest IELARTLEUB'S BLOCK, DASEWOO Andrew F. Sem, ToWn,sbip Cler Samar a marriage licenses. Nota Teeny, Commissioner, Fite and Aut ,obile 1nsuerance Repreaentin g 'Aaron & Erie Mortgage Corps► Intion, Tito Canada Treiat Co. ZURICH -- ONTARIO r ltraduate Carey Jones Nat Saved School of Astscii neerinBgtnek Oa tor Registered Live AAR 'Gree('%) Termkeeping , in Choice W prevailing prices. MM. tor sate. 'Will sell 'an7tbin Oscine bere93 or write, Zurich, a Licensed Auctioneer Licensed *OR HURON & 111IDDLEStEX AM IN A:POSITION TO :CON- S -not tiny auction sale, regarclle 1 lea to false or articles to sell, idt your business, and if not initiated will make no charges tot 1S•hwood. Arthur Weber, - Mane 13-67 1N••NrN9,••lvNMetN•i Zurich Sunt : to�•�KE'�Yj ��-.�r�� J l.N ✓`.� �-w eats Highest Cush Prier for Wool CASH FOR SKINS & rutg'blat-ei3,L, nray olche t 1 dietelele011•0411110911111110•43114140010 ZURICH LIVERY vtV -41 um in a position to accomo- 'iar nil requirements in the Livery lam, have Auto for hire. Any ' done in the teaming line GEORGE J, THIEL be Zurich,Ont. L VE POULTRY I,WANTED Wren every day till 3 O'cl.ock,p.m. ,lOsa not feed fowl Isamte morning teVhen brought in. highest Cask Price --CASH POR....,.,.. Cream and Eggs IV W. O'Brien ,boon Ai Zurich 4Ie a dquarters FOR TIRES TUBES AND Storage Batf: ri s B. .SWE Ne rv, ist4sztoolo bOQ* E110E Ford coupe 1923, five baloon tires and other extrasp ffztst class meek- anica1 condition, a Snap, 1926 Ford Sedan, 5 baloon tires Rompers, rear and front, spot light, etc.c thio car has been driv- en only four month& and is as good ata new. Price only $475.00. Pontiac Coach good es now at $850.00 Thila i'6 a Real Buy. Jewett Coach, good value $1200 These cars can bo seen and demon- !lstrated at any time, Angel & Koehler, Zurich CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Fred Preeter, Sec witsh to thank their neighbor's and friends for the kkindneas and sympathy 'shown them, in their recent cad bereave- ment, al'sa for the beautiful floral triibutea and cars loaned. NOTICE 1927 TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES Subscribers of the Hay Munic- ipal Telephone can obtain a copy of the new 1927 Directories at Zur- ich Central or at the Clerical. Of- fice, A, T, HESS, Township Clerk. WANTED At once a maid for general •ho- usework, apply Mrs. J. A. Graham. Goderich, Ont. FOR SALE A limited quantity of O.A.C. No, 21 Seed Barley, also O,A.C. No. 72 seed oats for sale. Peter Deich- ert, Jr., Zurich. NOTICE. It its getting the time of year to get a little Lirne to put on yourg arden to sweeten the lane. and the farmer 'alrould put 'some ill �n.zie tl pn.. fere; and .hayfielda• IC:ahvays. have la temple supply on handfor lsale. J� Hey, Jec Zurich. FOR SALE • FF,1?,D We .have a quantity of re -..l :e_r: 1 Bean Screenings, wh'.ch we offer at One Cent per pound while they la:at. Phone 54 Benuall. COOK BROS, MILLING CO. FOR SALE A quantity of choice timothy hay for !Sale. Apply to Robert Mous- taeau, R. R. 2, Rensali. Phone 1-92 Zurich. FOR SALE A. quantity of flax Saeed xeady ground for your latock, Feed a handful a day, And keep the Vet. away. F. C. Kalbfleisch, Zurich. FOR SALE I am offering my blacksmith shop and business for sale. John Kipper, Zuride NOTICE 1 ,have been appointed solic- iting agent for the 1producta of the John C. Winston Co., Toronto, and can supply you with 33ibles, Testa- ments '.Teacheels helps, Bible &'onies for Children, Books of Knowledge, Uriiversai hand books, etc- Every Book will make a very accept- able Gift. Mils, Julia Hess, Zurich. COAL 192 WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE GENUINE Scranton Goal ALSO CARItT Coke Pocahantas and Soft Coal QOGIl SUPPLY ON HAND TELEPHONE YOt71I ORDERS EARLY TO Case & Son Cil K rgt.1t ' } iitt e Lt t $ . b -; LOCAL NEWS Mr, Ed,. Schnell Was, a week -e visitor at Bayfield, 1Xr. and M;rtz. Alox, Voisin cent Monday at London,. Miss Elizabeth L• eibold, has z' turned home after 'spending th past two weeks at flensall, Miles L, Yung'blut of Auburn a ant the week. -end with her frien Miss Inez Yungblut, Miles Ida Routledge, who h (spent a nrronth;s vacation at D troit, hats returned to her home here. Mr,. and Mrs, Eldon Schnell o Detroit, who have +spent the pat few weeks, at 'Zurich and Bayfiel have returned to their home in th city. 0laiBALD 'JEST STOCKFEED OF , • `L1'AhnP.'.i.�L�E'4. �TSkG0t'LE) BE 11141ft•a IL`�l Ne VEIN GROWN. ii:� IS:r>cly Seed Should Ile Used ao :'ienty la Novailabit I por UIt 1.'oints to Consider. 111triiltitk.d by t),`1,tLr10 1).pfl rttneni 1. ptl'1. Uf1 u.'t- "ttaitraL,_ +r liable £(L.uI • :, in the c I+�):;�•; .at at FAX it ;,r. have fount- it of nitrt,„t. i1U.- .-y,uarter of tl; p lases crude pre s.aturally decrees ....ureal, due to talc share, but in t11£ f uw .;cage we found al. pas the average 15e d :f cruue protein, or 11.3 per e u= ateesinee c ude protein, cal esti i to water free basis, In the evocation of uvness, Henry and .•.,..rri;un ii1 "L"eeds and Feeding” ,•ve the per cent. of digestible pro - .:n in surae of the common folders follows: A.;iaifa, 10.6; red clover, .ray, 7.6; timothy hay, 3.0; corn sil- age, 1.1; and among the grains, 'oats, :3,7; corn, 7.5•;. barley, 9.0; and wheat bran, 12.5. It will thus be seen why =t is not necessary to feed so much ;titin or concentrates when alfalfa is ,teed as the fodder. Furthermore, the alfalfa is valu•• U.:4We for its A and B vitamines and its ash content. It my not be better in these respects than the clovers, out it has a recognized value when red with concentrates. The Ontario farmer's feed problem :s best solved through the prod,uctior' tnd use of the greatest possible quan- ritles of lrlgh-class home-grown roughage, which obviates the neces-• city of using a large proportion Of xpensive concentrate, in his ration,. Host home-grown concentrates, and nany of the roughages, are carbon„ :eons feeds which, in themselves :11 mixtures, do not niake for pr. )alanced, rations and, consequeu,'. ::here Is always a big demand far pro- tein -rich feeds such as bran, shorts. •niddlings, oilcake meal, cottonseed meal, gluten meal and other similar reeds. These feeds are always more or less expensive and it. Is sound Tartu economics to attempt to produce sub- stitutes for then', in so far as possible. Tile farther understands the situation and naturally turns to leruni:Trus ^.roes, particularly the clovers, to cut down his feed bills and, at they sarnne ime, enrich his soil. He rc-aliz••:;that his horse -grown: grains and his ee•r., and roots are low in protein.. Ere knows that protein -rich cont. ntrat+•3 are High in price. Therefore, lir is interested more and more in an in- creased supply of homy-pror'uced feed high in protein. It is also a fact that these leguminous feeds are high In mineral ]natter so necessary to production, reproduction and ge-r,ra.1 health in• herds and flocks, and the hest of them is alfalfa. It is the nlost;palatable of alt. ji Alfalfa Ha'. Alfalfa hay stands at the head of the hay List in value for dairy cows, sheep and iambs, beef cow, growing young cattle, breeding bulls, and may be used with care for horses, espe- cially when they are idle or compara.- clvely so, Of course, the hay should be well cured, preferably by the coil .iietll!,d, and generally speaking the uccond cutting is of finer quality than the first. Gaud alfalfa hay is just un- der wheat bran in digestible crude protein, but shows about three tiles as much fibre. It is a roughage, but some feeders forget that it is a rich roughage and throw too much of it to their stock. A small forkful of good alfalfa hay contains more real feed value than a big bundle of the average timothy or mixed hay and so it should be fed with more care to prevent waste or danger of over- feeding. Alfalfa hay, corn silage and a few roots make an ideal roughage ration for all classes of cattle and sheep and many feeders have cut down, or cut out, their corn acreage where alfalfa tides well• For dairy and beef cattle, from one-iitl)I te, one pound per day per hundred pounds qI ivP }yeleht; according to other feeds died pro es very v=aluable in sniped rations, i'or sheep, either fat- tening lainbs or breeding ewes,rom two to four pounds per day will be relished. For horses, not over one- half pound per hundred pounds lives weight, preferably mixed with other hay or straw, is safer than too much. And for the old sows, it may also be used as part of the winter ration. Alfalfa Soilage. The weatherman hats somewha reversed his attitude and over th weekk-end Mala given ua a fast of real March weather, this i however being followed by mor brighter dayta aid warner which labeled cause the maple ]sap t• run, t e 9 e 0 Sorry to notice that "Ba/be' Siebert, left wing of the Montrea Maroon Prof. hockey team, in con fined tot he holapital with injuria received on Saturday night whe he crashed against a goal • post. The injury however is inot serious and we hope 'Babe" will 'soon be himself again and on the regular lin eu1* ;Monday, March '2iutc was the beginning of leering;, or the day when the su>i croase,•; the equator, in iit'sdirec'ion ntr'hwardrs, antan old adage hasit vt hateeer direct- iiiou the feud corns front on that day, said wind will be mostly pre- valent fart hrae months, so if this can be considered a criteron, we +shall 'shall experie ce much east and south winds for the next sea- son, Herman Walters of- the Town T line, just east of Blakee is hav- iirg an auction (sale of his farm stock, ete.' on March 30th and is moving to Kitchener where he wilt reside in future. The chattels .are jointly 'owned with Mr. 'Wmt. S.theJohnston of Zurich, who owns th farm on which the 'sale is held. We understand that Ma. and Mrs. Norman G ascho of the village are moving on this farm under similar conditions to what Mr. Johnston and Walters had.. 1 n - a n .; Thenchangeable. from. wet. tato cold weetetr lies not in any way improved the conditions of the roads to any improvement. There arestill places where the frost its heaving o•ut, and shoul•1 toe be unfortunate. enough to he.iv'e into one of tht*,r3 ll iiace.3 it is a big reminder that tiering is tree. However, 'strange to say our main streets in the vi11agt are in pretty fair conditioa rvith the xo'pti'tn of the road going wee: of •the lage, and if mug ood Counts- Co- unty road. system would gi.v • this ag ood coat of lake graving it wou;d niake a v'a'st improvement. The Village 'of Zriclr pays into the Co:. treasury a little over $400 each year for the [short frece of road through the village, and do you thiink we are getting value, for our mioney7 JOSEPH FOSTER PAS•?ES After a 'somewhat lingering 111- eess, death came as a relief to Mr. Joseph Foster, Sr•.c on Tuesday nlorn'ng, nee 7d year:ec 8 months and 22 days,. Deceased lived pr- tactically all ,his life on the Baby lon Line, Hay on the farm now owned lacy his ;so-) Josc'p i, until about three. years .ago, '!"'nen he and hips wife moved to the village to 'spend 'their remaining days in quietness, but the reaper of death carol upon Mrs. Fat r nbaut two months ago and now Mr. Foster ile also called. IP was a very hard working and Indust -routs snci!n all hits life and with his honest and upright motives had won many warm frionda. The funeral 'will take place on Thursday morning to the R. C. cemetery for niter rx en t. 1 With this issue of ,the' ,I1erald our readers, will notice the official 'publii'shing of a By-law for the Police Village .f Da;sh•wood where- by tho Police Trustees arse asking the rate payers to vote on said money by-law for the Iselin, of $1000 to, procure better fire pro- tection. The Statutes call for that if a a Police Village ins situate. in twat ownships that in order to pales ;such a by-law the, ratepay- ers must vote on such by-law. We truest that the people will •statics behind their T'rutstecs and vote far thio venture, as alio very es',lential thing most of these amallnr town and viillages lack is adequate fire protection, and we admire the stand that Dashwood: Police This - tees. take in this matter and fall in. line with practically all the vil- lagee in the community and de* roand better protedtion from, this dreadful .eneny namely fire. When one tonsid-'rs the easy terni:i of ger of bloat if large clnnntitics .bre ten tears time to pity it in, there fed we: in tea bct.,hinitir;. 'shartle1 1> 111) h :t•t etill'1' Irl ••l t'1 .i' (",%,11 'a 1 • .i,• 1 .ut• , . .t.• ,+.xa,j , J., ,,..y ,. 11« th 1) '' •'.i.r 1'Yw rcwabnig VOia lif* •h 00,Ra • y' As a soilage crop nothing excels alfalfa, It grows rapidly and pro- duces several crops in a season. Oreea alfalfa cut and carted to all stock kept stabled during the summer pro- vides protein -rich succulence in the most palatable form. The crop will produce more feed cut and fed as a soilage crop than in any other form. Mature cattle may be fed up to fifty or sixty pounds per day of this green feed along with other feeds. Calves and younger stook do exceedingly 'well on alfalfa as green feed. Show or fattening sheep can get no better feed, and it is merle the very best iI eee feeds for 41j, ()lassies of hogs, rodi e yotiitgest Pigs to older breeding stock. Green alfalfa is not a very satisfactory feed for the work- bag horse because it has a tendency to'Cause WaahItidss. Alfalfa, in such form, providos:.iln itself a narrow ration, being very high In protein, and should be fed, along With horse -grown gralne, a little hay or corn silage to cattle. Sheep will handle it without much difficulty and, of course,- it naturally is only a sup- plement to the grain ration for bogs, but, as e1seh, it will cut down the test of pork production very mater- ially, If fed green to horses, it should 'only borhtpride a part of the ration along with some dry bay and g'i sin. When feeding to cattle and sheep, it its Well to stert wide a small amount end than tire, as there is s• me dlan- Pagf0 PPFIN .y Zurich Drug Store We Specialize In Fine Toilet Preparations and handle all the well known and re- liable varieties of Face Powder and Face Creams such as YARDLEY'S, ARMANDS, COTY'S, . POMPEIAN THREE FLOWER'S, WOODBURY'S AND MANY OTHERS These are Nationally Advertised Goods which have a reputation to maintain. In Tooth Pastes we have Forhans, Ipana, Colgates, Pepsodent and Hutax All kinds of School Supplies and Stationery WE HAVE SEVERAL VARIETIES OF SHAVING CR- EAMS, STICKe tOAPS AND POWDERS. ALSO A GOOD STOCK OF SHAVING BRUSHES, SAFETY RAZORS AND RAZOR BLADE'S . MAGAZINES FOR SALE jDr, A, J. MacKinnon, Zurioi Vii' 1184' mtvi t' mmkl . PAP# RAmki MMS = ilM mfism A esea .+++++0F++•i•+•i•+++•r+ii 11 ISE GYPROC IThe Fireproof Wallboard .1 Use it now. Use it in sour spare time. tie Y . �t e,17r•r For 4 WALLS AND CEILINGS, REPAIRINGOLD WALLS, REMOD- + ELLIN& OR NEW CONSTRUCTION WORK. "EASY TO HAN.DLEi BAS,Y; TO l'UT. ON,_ .NAILS • AND -SANItt r, + ' 1 LIKE LUMBER/. F. C. JCALBFLEjSC: PHONE 69 • • ZURICI1 +++++++++44++++++++++++++++44.44++++++++++++++++14,011 IIEA]JQTJARTERS For Secondhand Buggies $40,00 and up Auto Tops, Wagon Repairing, Painting, Etc. IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE RERUBBER YOUR UGLY WHEELS. HESS - ZURICH 4444•, ++++++++++++++++++++.14 •N or.rm•r •Per..r-tT-p.P.^fi• •r+7'a•• I 4. 4' 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 1• 4• d• 4. 4• HERALD OFFICE Do You Know? THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR GOOD PRINTING THAT WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WEDDING- INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS THAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, SUCH AS LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND STATEMENTS THAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING MANI7FAOT URERS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN SUP.• PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OF CHECK BOOKS • THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, REVEL'. OPES IN' ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON OR • TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM ST- ATION.ERY, NOTE 'BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS INTW0 SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC„ ETC, THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INE BOTTLE WITId GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN' INK POR 5e, LAR- GER QUANTITIES AT BIGGER REDUOTIONS THAT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALE POS. TEIIS, MERCANTILE POSTERS AND ALL GENEltAY PRINTING OUR SPECIALTY �L , Hee+4'~'1`'4..14++++++•h+4'++' s w. •t• ;"1 ++4, ; ..• +++++++„etioR