Zurich Herald, 1927-03-24, Page 3use
13ECAU,SE Ctnarntiteed to
cut 10% more a tir ber in
' same time, withless labor
than any other saw.
TORoNTo, fr
We will ship,
No obligation to.
buy, but if you
do, easiest terms
are arranged,
Guaranteed for
ten years.
Write now for
Agents wanted where w6
are not represented.
Stt'edleb Separator company,
eta Notre Dane St. West
`T OR. e B ' Eon —cis?_
, ,I"tive:o rlci a vmvptrck
Our breeders are bred for high
egg production. White, Brown
and Buff Legharns, Barred and
White Racks, R. Reds, An•
cones, Buff Orpington,, White
Wyandottes.l2candup. 100p1
live delivery guarante. Write
today for FREE CHICK BOOK.
,The New Freely -Lathering
Shaving Stich
For Tender Faces
�y���/�/j I A Norther ?► Hamlet,
CALLFOR A TONIC The resillolis dust whirls off across
~-- - the snow,
Acroas the bridge the oxen trudge.
A careful canvass shows that the in-
fant death rate in cultured homes has
decreased from one puppy dog in Avery
five felonies to one puppy dog in every
ten, A better , •.knowledge , of dog
hygiene, as taught by Radio, is thought
to be the reason,
"MY wife's main subject of conver-
sation is clothes:"
"Well, after seeing her no one could
accuse her of being 'wrapped up in her
IP he has that hunted look, hIs suit-
ca'se may contain either a payrdll or
a quart.
Music lives forever, jazz dies in a
No Compliment From Mildred.
The ging for nice is Mildred Bliss,
She always greets me With a kiss.
It seems to us 'tis Most unkind
To take advantage of the blind.
The .girl Is desperate, we fear,
But Christmas comes but once a year.
That love is. blind I've heard from
some, ,
But nowt I know it's leaf and dumb.
If an apple a say keeps the doctor
away, maybe two would -keep the doc-
tor and undertaker both away.
"Why do you go on the porch when
I sing? Don't you like to hear me
"It isn't that. I want the neighbors
to see that I am not beating you."
Young Mrs. Perkins is so lazy she
Puts popcorn in herpancakes to make
them turn themselves.
Symptoms That the Blood '.
Thin Should Not Be Neglected.
Weak, lacking in strength, energy
and ambition, nervous, sleepless, pool
apPetite, digestion disturbed —'these
are the se nlpto'nle of a groat InajeritY
of people who have been benefited by
the use of Dr. Williams' Pink PIIIs.
The great valve of this medicine in
cases of this kind is proved by the
statement of Mrs, W. Heztsher, King-
ston, Ont., who says: ---"Following a
severe cold I ware left in a run-down,
nervous condition;I had pains in the
back and limbs and could scarcely.
move about. I did not sleep well at
night and was despondent_ and dis-
couraged. I decided to try Dr. Wil-
liams,' Pink Pints, and can truthfully
say that after the use of six boxes, the
change in my condition was nothing
short of marvellous. The pains van-
ished, I slept well, had a good appetite,
and in every way felt well and strong.
I also gave the pills to my daughter,:
who was in an anaemic condition and
feeling quite miserable, and in her
case, too, they restored health. I hope
my experience m,a:y help some other
weak person."
Dr. Williams? Pink Pills are sold by
all medicine dealers or sent by mash
at 60 cents a box by The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. A little
book, 'Building Up the Blood,". which
contains many useful health hints, will
be sent free on request.
Open Wider, Please.
"Oh, Oh, doctor! Can't you get t'
Work on my mouth quick':"
"Yes, just a minute .now and 1.11
dive right in." ..
"I Am Music."
Voice of the Universe, Priestess of
Earth, Life's Lyric of Love, am I, Song
of angels in the house ofgood; 'the
snare and delusionof hell.
I whisper of passion; I breathe la-
• I tun : e , Biration.for work
1' am a balm of
• ery likely," replied the little man:
"I'm Bice a gold dollar among six cop-
per pennies --not easily seen, but
Worth the whole of thorn!"
Oak From the Victory,
Made of the original oak and copper
from Nelson's itagship, Victory, a
gavel and. block for use, at council
meetings have been presented to
Portsmouth by Rear -Admiral Thesiger.
A stamp of approval may carry
one's message.a long distance.
Spiritualist Medium—"I am now in
communication with the spirit of your
wife. Do you wish me to speak to her
for you?„
Widower—"Yes, I wish you'd ask
her where she put my. light under-
Personality is something else that's
born, not made.
The Reason.
"'Vichy does the judge charge the
jury?" asked Tom's father.
Tom smiled, got down out of his
chair ready to run, and then, laugh-
ingly, said:
• "Because lie couldn't make them pay
cash, I guess." '
" Rheumatism in Every Joint "
This New York women suffered untold misery until
'Warner's relieved her. Read her letter: -"I• had
rheumatism in every joint 1n my body and lead to -be
turned and lifted in my bed. This was followed by
yellow jaundice. My liver and kidneys were out of
order, I had no appetite and felt low spirited. I
wanted to sleep ail the time. I was then persuaded
to try Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy. I
was so improved after taking one bottle that I con-
tinued with excellent results." Naine on request.
Sold by all druggists. Price $1.25 per bottle.
Warder's Safe Remedies Co,, Toronto, Ont.
"Worth its weight in gold"
a ys Ottawa Matron
Mate. Beatrice Charlebois could not hold pen to write.
Nerves completely shattered, health ruined. Now alert,
vigorous and strong, she gives praise to Tanlac
The ttyo-,year ordeal whish sho
passed through before Tams° cane to.
her permanent relief, was moonily de-
scribed by Melo. Ileatrice Charlebois,
of 22 Rose St, Ottawa.
""What endured in, that time meld
not be told," she said. "I was so Weak
1 could hardly walk. My appetite Was
poor and my stoni.ech gave no end of
trouble. Gas and pains would bring
pa fainting spells.
"My nerves Were so completely
shattered that 1 lumped in fright
every time the doorbell rang. My
heed trembled so that it could not
hold tlls pelf to Write my name. Night
after night Pee gone without sleep;
toe nervous to lie' 01,111 for even a tete '., , ? ; ;:• £ y%„ ,;!:, ,
moments. Even my housework be.
came too Much foruao., calm and steady as eveV. Talllao ie
d'1 tried' all kinds of remedies in Worth its weight in gold.
those tiro years, but can honestlysa;y Build up your health on Tanlao
,hiss gave mo my first real relief, It nature's owl tonic made from roots,
built me up so that I've gained 11 lbs'.; - herbs and barks, Your druggist; hoe it»
'gat and stet fine and have toms as O"Ver 6" million bottles sold.
peace, yet on the. battlefields I - stir
men's hearts and urge then on to
greater deeds of valor. I dwell in, the
peaceful chambers, of content, but I
am present always in the pits of war.
L lead true lovers to the altar,- I muse
by the cradle, I stalk by the open
grave, I am the incense upon which.
devout prayers rise heavenward. ICnoly
me, and I will comfort you always. •
If my song be in your heart, you will
hear my voice in the babble of the
brook, the chant of the birth, the rus-
tle ofthe leaves, -, tnd the billows of
the sea. The wind and rain and the
flowers and the dew all speak to you
of me. The rumble of traffic, the elan
ter of hoots, the hum of the motor, the
song of the mill; ah! I change the
very air.
Down through the ages I have walk-
ed. with men, yet none have ever fath-
omed me. With the prince and the
beggar I roam the earth and all men
love nie. For I .ani the spirit of the
;very best that is in them, and they
praise and strive for the best that is.
within me. I am the soul of the art.
I am Music.—Robert L. 'Shepherd,
Tats tee pep front your dyspepsia With to 30
drops uf'Seige/'s Syrup in a glass cf water 'as
dit ectcd on the bottle. Any drug store.
Coal Still King.
Experts in all parts of the world are
tackling the problem of how to use
coal to the best advantage.
Professor Be1•gins; of Heidelberg,
has reduced coal to a paste, and :com-
bined itwith hydrogen at a very .nigh
temperature and pressure. The re -
suiting fluid has all the properties of
etude petnerleunt, and can be treated in
the sante way to produce petrel and
other. oils. . a
Another scientist reduces coal to a
They bear the yoke in patient calm,
they know
The long road's and will bring them
Tn0t, and beer
All fragrant with gay reummer'e rare
Tho Pun dills down, and purple sha4
ere play
Upon the show, the friendly mom-
- tains loom
Prote legly'ariound the little town,
Lights tpring like' jewels and stab the
gethel=ing night,
The : jingling bells of homing teams
float delve, .
The tradet*s' windows glow with friend-
ly light,
And cneerful voices oalI, as rises soon
The stately, golden galleon of the
—C. G, Wilson.
Cold In the head is very common et
this time of year, especially in the
very•young. Neglect of a cold is prone
to lead to serious consequences. To
relieve, all congestion of me 'system
is the first step in treating a cold,
w'he'ther in infants or adults,. For the
very young, • Baby's Own Tablets are
the ideal means of doing this. Con-
taining' no narcotics or other harmful
drugs they soothe the child's fretful -
hese, relieve its suffering and ensure
Baby's Own Tablets are without an
equal for relieving indigestion, consti-
pation and ` colic. They check diar-
rhoea; break up cants and simple
fevers; promo'te health -giving sleep
and make the urea:decl teething pealed
easy. The Tablets are the one medi-
cine that a mother ,can give her little
onee with perfect safety as they are
guaranteed to be free from injurious
drugs. They are sold by all medicine
dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
Drop the Minor Key.
That the smile.is mightier than the
frown. and "Do" a far better soldier
than "Don't," is a lesson which most
reformers are sadly hi need oP learn-
ing. It is easier to scold than to in-
spire, but only the inspirers lead for-
ward and win humanity's battles.
Words, of warning are needful, but
'when prolonged into lectures al pes-
sillt tt thex'.;ttofeat. "their purpose- by
driving'the "audience away or putting
Take the, matter of conversation.
The country was impressed when told.
that its natural resources were being
destroyed and wasted so rapidly that
ruin would result unless there was a
change for the better. . But after that
had been dinned-. into our ears for a
decade, We would have preferred to
let fate do its worst than listen longer
to the prophets of despair.
The effective conservationists are
those who, leaving: the negative for
positive lines of thought, bid us feast
our imagination on the glorious pros-
pects in preserving and increasing the
treasures with which nature has en-
dowed our land. . . In all concerns of
the Commonwealth, and of individual
affairs as well, it will profit us to got
out of the tether keyand to think less
of the lions in the way than of the re
wards a4ead.
IES ne,
y' 0 �r a n a compauy that
!nnliibeled` six blg men, "I declare you
are so smell than I did not sea you and
Keep MIerd's Liniment In the. stable.
English Womnan, Engineer,
F nds Way to Color Steel
Many f the fittings and ornaments
about ou• houses, .instead of being of
per, silver or gold plate, may y
Over 30 years the same ,good tem
packedNow in Aluminum.
RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra goocl.
Paying a Debt.
Having enriched itself many times
by borrowing convenient and expres-
sive words from_ the French language,
the English language is now paying a
good share of its debt by making
France a present of one of the most
valuable and cherished words it pos-
oesses, a word dear to the heart
0f every English-speaking person—
Singularly, considering that the
French are a home -loving people,
France has never had any equivalent
for "home." The nearest she came
to it was "foyer, .meaning hearth, or
"chez nous," at our house, both of
which fail short of the significance of
hone, English-speaking people have
often remarked the lack with commi-
But now the phrase "le home",is ap
peering in French newspapers as a
caption for domestic and women's
news and in advertisements of depart-
ment and fernitnt* stores, At first it
was used in quotation marks, but, hav-
ing successfully passed that probation
stage, it appears en an equal footing
with any French word—home, just like
If we had had to get along without
home when ,France adopted it there
would have been some prompt and
vigorous objections. We could no
more dispense with the word than with
what it stands for. But, fortunately,
there Is plenty of home to go around,
and the more the word is used, the bet-
ter.. You're welcome, France.
"Will you plee�ie name` my baby
same as I give ya?"
To `night ! Clean your bowels
and end Headaches, Golds;
Sour StQInach
Get e 10 -cent box now.
You men and women who can't get
feeling right --who have headache,
coated tongue, had taste and foul
breath, dizziness, can't sleep, are bili-
ous, nervous and upset, bothered with
a sick, gassy, disordered stomach, or
have a had cold.
Are you keeping your bowels clean
with Cas•earet•s, or merely forcing a
passage every few days with salts,
cathartic pills or castor oil?
Cascarets work while you sleep;
cleanse the stomach, remove the sour,
undigested, fermenting food and foul
gases; take the excess bile from the
liver and carry out of the system all
the constipated waste matter and pois-
on in the bowels.
A Casearet to -night will straighten
you out by morning --a 10 -cent box
from any thug store will keep your
stomach sweet; liver and bowels re-
gular, and head clear for months. Don't IN POULTRY AND STOCK
forget the ehildren. They love Cas -
When You Feed ...
carats because they taste good --never BRAND
gripe or sicken. N A
Classified' Advertisements.
ANXAex) risme n1N(JS FIT WORN ORI.
ENDERS and sero rugrindtag. Guaranteed tog
0 miles, PanyardPiston Bing Co., e2-84 Front
St, W., Toronto.
Posits, houses, hot beds; speeds growth, doesn't
burn plants, • Delivered 46e square yard. Psarle I
pointe. Elmira, Ont.
(`( LEAKS c1ZIAfNErS- WITITOIIT i-11STU1oe1 ti
t,/ anything but the soot. Will extinguish shim.
nay Brea, Absolutely safe and harmless, 86o Dlwk-
ago. -8 parkagei for 51,00 postpaid, The W. E4
Thornhill Co„ 809 Notre Dame Street Watt
EAvs sLATI:-CoAT1mD 1too81\0, $2.851
Blouse Paint, $2,46 gallon; I)aors,, windows.
h'rantes, Flooring, Wallboard. Thousands of Build.
Sett Bargains. Free Catalogue. Ilailiday Company.'
Box. 281T, Hamilton,
i sat/stied customers. Send for ottr Harness
Catalogue;. it will save you muney. The noposltory,
TD Nelson. Street, Toronto,
Creasy Guaranteed 1'rotbirts will net you
$00,00 to $70,00 per week, all. the yeas round, 160.
fast selling /Inca.. Write for full particulars. Dept.
l', John It, Cressy Co,. 200 Gladstone Avenue.
g t:+lrt'n Fnoao 45 TO 00 FOXES IN FR03f
9 to 6 weeks' time. Can teach any reader of
this magazine how to get them. Write tar par-
ticulars, W. A. Hadley, Stausteml, Que.
A('j 7:T1ti C1iI1.LA uABIETR Or QDALITY.
Immediate tlellveo•, all ayes. Write for
booklet ntd prices. ASSOCIATED lIABBITItLIS,
P.O, Bos 200, Arnpllor• Ont. Member- Arnprior
t'htachilla Breeders' A.sgla'lation, '"atcmber American
Obancltiaa Breeders' Association.
ATE -.t T'�TS
A List of "Wanted inventions" and FUR
Information Sunt Free on Request.
The Ramsay Co. irot'.oit wn cot
nx} �d Pneumonia
Neglected bronchial colds are -dan-
ucel 'e Mixtu e, Itthem s action in re-
lieving the cough and clearing the
tubes is amazingly swift --and eure.
All druggists poll "Buckley'a" under
nine, tlnneartga gsktesa,.N•$uyy-:s4 iitittle: ' --• �::rt..�''
to ng,'.ea be sopa..
W. A. Buckley, Limited',
342 Mutual St., Toronto '2
Ellu 1' of A
5<'2 Acta like a Jlash—
Q etre' 1 gip 000VCO it
Minard's will limber up
muscles and sore joints.
it for a rub down.
brass, co
hereaftdi be made of attractively col-
ored stee , now that a roman engineer,
of Birmi ham, England, has found a
secret pr cess of coloring said to make
the mauu.aeture 01 colored ornaments
cominerci Sly practicable, The new
product rill be used, among other
things, fo' Mittens, buckles tole other
personal (Imaments, furniture and door
Worlds Largest "Birdhouse."
The S lithsonian Institution In
Washing• n mines 1l eater qualifying
s the ctampion beg -house of the
IN tlra tiny other, It has a col•lec-
gaseous form and then liquefies the
gases, He has produced Inethanol, 0
which seems to have all the properties c
of wood alcohol; syntlioi, equivalentto a high-graderotrol; and a substitute
for benzine.
General' Patart, a Frenchman, has
been experimenting with Coal -pro-
duced synthetic alcohol, which shows
a saving of 16 per cent, In calories over
petrol. The temperature of the.radi.
ator in which it is used was consider.
ahly lower than in carsusing petrol.
Soon it will be possible to distil coal
at the pit, recover the va]nable' prim.
•arae oils and gases, and then transmit.
them by long-distance piping to wherf
they are wanted. Estimates show that Mat st of transmitting 100,000British
thermal units .would bo slightly over
three, farthings for seventy -live miles.
An intelligent working luau has dt
vocabulary of 6,00 Words, while an
educated Malt sboixlcl know from
2yb00 to 10,000 'words.
Mina4'd's Linl e
rn n foe i^Ireutttattl;rrl.
of 118, 00 species. Every clay bug
emery ad to th.e supply.
ountry ad to the supply,
1-1 MISERY, 1
"Tape's 1Diapepsh1t' Corrects
Ser, Upset Stomachs
at Once
"rape's naDePsin" is the quickest,
surest retie fir indigestion, gases,
natal orate, •eazrtbure, sournette, ter-
Iuentati0l o t.stomach distress caused
bYacidity. few tablets glee almostt
iuimediato stomach relief. Correct
your s'toouee. Mel digestion Bohr fol' a1
few cents. il.tlgglsts sell millions of
paclt'ag es:;
180A rE N c. 12......:;'/17,
(Fest pulse, trembling, etc.) 14om.e
treatment, thoroughly gnalitled
physJclan. Drawer 4, Cestielm 011t.
' r 000 LIVER Ls
Vitamins Tested
Send money order or cash (no
cheques) for trial .at gallon can.
Postpaid $1.75 To Your Address
Lower prices on quantity.
Dept: Y London, Ont.
Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for;
Qolds Headache Neuritis Lumbago
Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism
> .A.ccept only "Bayer" ppaackag(
which contains proven difectiflls.;
1'1andy 'tIiayer" boxes o; 12 tablet4
Also bottles of 24 and 100• --•Druggists.
AA trtn 16. the trade mirk (registered lit °Snxda5 of Slayer Mame/went of efottotlt'Ctlt;.
acidetter of Oalieylteocld (l00ctyl salicylic Arta, "A. S. A.."). Millie it 10 well tante
that Aapirin 1000110 Barer tlut101f001t1r1, t0 ffiastat tee nubile agatrat imitations, tee i'aioletilt
et Weer soreness win be tienaped lvitlo thele .sextet" trade 0002114 tbo t'fl02et Oro5S, 4