HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-03-17, Page 8ARRIV 4LS 11. Spee Dress 1\[a.teria1s 'y 7:il+W AUBREY CREPES NEW ?RINT.ED RAYONS a .,, Gt% ROYAL G•EORUE l'TTES :W PBI.TTED. CREPES NEW PRETTISATIN NEW WACO SILKS NEW BROADCLOTHS NEW CAN TON. CREPES NEW PRINTED VOILES ''EW. RAYCOTT SILK CEW CREPE DE CELINA WASTE GOODS NEW ENG, GINLUIIA.1VS, NEW CAN. GINGIIAAp NEW VICTORIAN FABRICS, NEW PRISCILLA F'ASBTCS NEW PEGGY CLOT* NEW FOULARDS - NEW SLmti1 I'CLOTH NEW CRETONS. NEW 'ART SATEENS.., NEW CHINTZES. Spechtis for the No eek BLACK DUCHESS SILK, NEW, PER YARD . ...... ...... 1.50 S PIECES ONLY, NEW FANCY CRETONS, PER YARD .25c :a 'YARD ENOSS LIMEN TOWELING AT EACH ... 89c. NEW LINOLEUM., CONGOLEUMS, PLOR OIL CLOTHS, CONG. RUGS, NOW IN STOCK. GET OUR PRICES. PATTERNS PA.fTTERNS IREMEMBER WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE( OP IDEAL PATT- ERNS IN STOCK. NO NEED OF WAITING A WEEK FOR A tt A.TTERN . AS EVERY PATTERN LISTED IN OUR FASHION BOOKS iS HERE' IN ALL SIZES, AT ONLY 20c, EACH. J A complete line ofGrbceries a.IwayA on haT. d. SC Phone 59 eab, ( S, G easW.l"F's •SA Garage Tires, Subs, Repairs. GNUiNE FOIRD PAI'TS =UST hi e EL) A S. HIPMJ N f OF DOMINION TIRES ND TUBES VE AR f \:;AIN HANDLING TETE FAMOUS :i!'F IN N t ..: c til A. BATTERY. C ' E SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. 'WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO., AN it r: 1'TiER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SE11V'1,n. WE MA 5 fi A TISFAOTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. BATTER \ R F P A111 t'NQ• AITD BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRT :'; EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- ETSLI+'_'NV ?'t+,I.TYIl\Tfr, ZURICH'S L LADING GARAGE H vloasseau Zurich 0SDH@3A'�r;Pa�v4100 00!0000,0003a3�40048 0004>&t0491�70090fi�+��iCfig60Qbkt+00061 ri Tri • yea I.'19a T. Mri.M.Y.,. e", � tsar-.'• .x',. � ] ,,. F_�. � to re Ce NOW IS THE TIMI WIHEN PAR:.JERS SHOULD BE :PLANN- ING T3rIIAT KINDS OFER V ; . SEEDS, C'L EDS, THEY RLUIRRL FOR s SPRING SEEDING. WE HAVE ON BAND CHOICE LOTS OF 3 01, DIFFERE1NT GRADES SUCH AS Clover, Timothy, hito and Yellow Blossoni Sweet Clover LEAVE YOUR ORDERS NO,W PRICES •RIG.TIT. 0 0 0 JUST RECEIVED A CAbLOAI, OF FROST WOVEN WIRE : 1 FENCING, BARB WIRE. 13RACE AND COILED WIRE, GATES. i STEEPLES AND STEEL POSTS, ETC. Wire Feucing • AINTS! PAINTS! 414 • WE ALSO OPENED A LARGE SHI.PMEN'T OF .� '� SFfI+RWTN WLT.LIt LMS PAINTS. VARNISHES,OILS, STAIN'S, T1V'.A.M- ELS, ETC„. y e g FULL, LINE OP HEAVY AND SI7.ELx+` 0 HARDWARE ALWAYS • • ON IIAND. e 400 0 0 0 1 00 STA ONT. •••••••••••••••••••• • a)I4 sao••••••••l•l SEE OUR w Stoc Of Shirtin'S De :.,, Oott-on. .e - ° 'ln g .. ! Print, Eta1- ALI. NEW PATTERNS IN VOIL, BROADCLOTH, FANCY MUS- LIN POGEE, ALL COTTON GOODS IS LOWER IN PRICE THIS SPRING, AND WE ARE SELLING AT .OUR USUAL LOW PEIOB . GIVE US A CALL AND SEE FOR . YOURSELF Arvi E ft N SCHOOL REPORT, v.. k L� � :..i. 16A'sg'Iir r, IS S. S. No. 5, Stanley for"Febru- ;:•(rtes ary.. •Eggc... . J 1 V�--Elgin Hayten .i5,. Jr. IV—Vera Smith' 265, Grace Wheat Robiirsoi 2CO3 Margaret Robinson Oats .. 182. r{aiPc .. Sr.III—Bruce McCli:icla4ryr - 174, 'u.ha'tieat Bet l\ 3rd. E8; Edgar MoClinchey F'iu Jr.—Russel Hayter 246, Elmo McBride 200, Caropb-11' McKinley 8 Elmore Stephenson Jr. II -Allen Armstrong 182, Margaret Lamont *162. • Sr. I—Hazel Hayter ` 341, Elva McClinchey 310. Sr. Primer-llareal Robinson 241, Dorothy Armstrong 230. -- Jr, Primer—Clara McBride' 141, Lotus. McClinchey 77, E. E. Reid,. Teacher.' Thus. Tapp of Virden, Mari.,c was here visiting his nephew J S. Tapp of our villager The great . advantage of our paved Mat Street is felt at , this ae rson of the year where. in place of deep mud -ancl mire, we have a good 'sloltd pavement. Cart. Wea, Caldwell, Game War- den of London, visited with his parent's, and ani: Mrs,. W. -T; Caid- -well, and isist'ere Mrs -Joynt 11-l'n ZAv t'.i" of Gd:'er:ch visited. with Mr ,and Mss, A.L. Casa. Dan Begs of Steele Brigs Coi Toronto Vs here making prepay ation:a to ship out the onion sets frons their ,warehouses here. The Che rol?t MM &or Car. Coo Oshawa, had two representatives hero demonstrating illustrated mo ' emir; pictures, ,1VTrs L. Simpson, Mae and Wm S'.inp;o1, Ails 11:. J' Swetz"rc Jac Stacy and Carl Passmore of De- troit visited here Mr and Mrs. Almond McEwaxi retchle1 to (I'n's'1! of:er i,p'e s - ant -hone 'moon and are moving in- to the r' ;sidence .recently vacated by Dr. Campbell. Wm.. Stone of Detroit visited at his; home here. Myrtle IIeLi.nchey visited over the 'week -end with her parents at 'Rayfield. ATalc. Gillis left for Toronto, wh- ere he intends to study for the Tio.nry I3o'as?nbterry u. a 1.,A'A.tnl1 wn'. in the villagcalling on old time friends and giving them file music on the violin and he maybe be t'rmed a master violins( as it 't oui rl be hard to surpass him. At 1 largely 'attended congregnr ational meeting held in Carmel • t li i.�n Church the 'other eti enin lmr''sdecl over by the Interim M �rlrratot', Rt ti, 1V'IacDiarmid of t.iodetiph, and called to consider the giving of la call to a minister, it -\r)as decided on that a call be extended to Rev;, Mcilroy, of Tot onto, who had preached bore 011e ll motion a 'Sabbath path ,`1:h>s ti oti.oim 'vas'-ulu- ilnitna vasty carried, the call twill lin Al i en t ? Rev, Me.l:troy 'with the minimum salary. and a posisbiormd- ' in"'r together with the usual tr. wth a holiday"; and tree "ranee, A WJ1flUlq• V ',;BEE'S SA.LB REG- ISTER Mar. 24t.h--U, Sniclor estate, A, Wetter, 0 Elliott, Auctioneers. Mar, 2C,» -Vann Main, Exeter, March 23=Lou:ta Kraft,' Stephen 11 ,r,ih 22nrl,, Rob ort' Green. 111:arch :LS—Mrs, D. Witmer.. 1i Einem 1,1) -4hurt'e r4,,r run • arab x ;:or $ Pulatoes per bag .eve hogs, cwt ...... Lr,.,•._, ,,,. ". 1 40 „km ,....65 _- 4.753.75 --- .34.00 -. 32,00 2.00 10.75 Wednesday) Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Iiis ray ce Co. OF Wo=J' �S OCK il. L [` �1, N r • t..; OI c-sN4 Y DO- ; .'USIA,,* rl ,'<AIUO ,ii1 x9,454.14. Being an increaseof insurance of $5,365,485 over 1925. G. Holtzman -- Zurich R,Us,S �.:: .; t KINDS holida3°I� 'Mi?. Epps having sem ured the !services.of a good black-. f smnith•.tvIia, will take charge of the' shop during . his •absence. I• The �enaggement is announced of Acidic Aletta, only daughter of I 1V3 r. end Mr'e, J. ...E. Tainan, of Blyth Jac] to Mervyn E. Caning, Phm Da only +son of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Caixiima, of { 'Neter,' wedding to take placeb Fird scovrred in the ()Woo of thew Clinton Garag'c. early the Other morning.. . 'hr_ alarm bra-, utfht the fir”. ?brigado quickly to the scene Gaud it was soon under Mr, and ;bird. E. Epps, Varna, oft lest Week for Niagara Palls,. TO olio, r1il:1 other 1 a"il wit .r I �f�lk they intond ,spending! a month's ilmts. Month. 'Wilford McGregor, Gland Benda had a bad mishap,while drawing logs he had -a horse droll, . d.erad,,, Ho drove the ie.ra n,ng Dorsa I one and when retuirning the nett day with another team; for the load he cros30d-,the -river and the teain broke through the ice and one horse was drowned. Mr„ 'and Mrs. John Passmore'nf Hensel], announce the engagen... en, of their daughter, Zetta Pearl to iVni;, .. N. McLean, of No trBay son of 11r. and Mrs,. J"as. B. McLean of. Kippen, the marriage to take place the early part of April. The Exeter council have purch- ased from the city of London a cl,onaleal fire engine and hose truck Tile fire engine wa18. brought to E~w- etei' by .Fire Chief Weeks, The engine is ,practically new having beon used ;hy; the city of London' for only three years and Was re- placed by larger 'cif npnmeni. 1t is of adequate sire to meet the needs of Exeter `.f.or many years. Col, 1. W ., J. Hcanm.an of Exeter is to be congratulated on the fact that the Huron regiment obtained the highc„st number of po'n's aw- arded to any regiment in Western Ootari.o during the annual inspec- tions ra,m.e1 out,,by Gen C. J. Arm :,'.rang according',to orders i:iyued, by Capt. J It LLatvson, gen,lstaff office,'. The HCur,iti regitrce.iit znGade 5,130 points oat of a possible5.315,.. At the monthly meeting of the Childre.n'a Ake' Soci'ty, Craderiehe held, last week, the resignation of Airs: W, G. W.laan alma ran of the Children's Shelter was presented. Mr, and Mrs. Wilson have other: duties to which they will go and. w11,i n'iore into th ` for.oa.'r hospital cottage on Britannia road, which they purchased, Iimiproveiuexits are to be made on :the Guelith and God rich br- anch of the CPR., as announced by heacl.q.uatt •r,.y, additional a'deingaat Wal`ton and McNaught, a new water tank at JllYth, and a new 00 -ton coaling plant at Godreielt,,,• imeesco....msradanumemennovetwaiimersassai..anamm-elmmrancamtsannasccrstax•nraevrouszorAzeumminuttstenlitse . Thursdav, March :12'c 119r YISeasiiab1e ' : c n -supply the Mc With Sall R. ware At moderate.priceso including u Ma bee Stoves and Heaters of various, makes which Ive ask yott to See X6:0 OUR 1GIecLARy PRODUCTS, GICA.NI' iR».: W,A.RE, PAILS, PANS E LET US SHOW YOU tt OUR VARious WASHING MACHINES ALSO WASHERS, W1UNGERS, 'WASa BOARDS SCRUBBINGSCTRIQ Bl1'tt' SUES, DUSTLESS MOPS,. BROOMS, DUSTERS, ETC. VA (TETTE CLEANER FOR HIRE A,T $1.00 PER DAT. FULL LINE OF PAINTS, VARNISHES, STAINS PA- -.OILS AT LOWES'T PREVAILING PRICES, Good Supply of Krau ser Smoke Cure F(k1 NITURE Full Line of 'Furniture in hiving Room: Suits, Dining Roast Suits, Bed Room Suits, Kit chen Cabinet'>ii. A number, et. Rockers at Reduced Prices. Famous Simmons Beds, Spring* and Mattress, guaranteed in course of years i> defective rasm. be exchanged free of charge, BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES Johnston etc Kalbfiejsoh Hardware It Furniture. Phone 63 nalnillr �'�"^"� "+'®r+�..•Raar�rarm.rice.w�.xesn....v,,,..e,.tapaa-ra., 1 2 u t o Lic, ` .n -:F,.s =a; ALL. PASSENGER CAR' LICENSES. HAVE BEEN R1:DUC'TJ $.5 00' ,4:1x'i£,ICATXo2 S RECEIVED T t ' D AI` D . LICENSE, IlLA°.l:"1SE EMAILED TOf . YOU DIRECT' uto Insurance LOWEST RATES ON ALt. CLASSES OP INSURANCE PUBLIC LIABILITY, PROPERTY' DAMAGE, COLLISION Is'Ilwx, ,TRBPT, ETC. PARTICULARS ON REQUEST Andrew F. Zurich l6'dY MO7 xO;--SERVIc1:4 AND SAFETY Have You MADaT YOUR 1L.? PUIVYKA2.814111;ONitilrenn. ..'[.44.1I.F1,1,901n1T.C.1.1121KC!'MFliiti PM2CANIC 414.41MIZILIMOt9MOVNIi PMP �.ti'FM:.0Muxarm.sranaaraseneowemmM,,Mwn�;a+,a1+a.a15enuaume,caacr�,en, E. C. Harvey & L. V. Hogarth --- Agents Mutual Life of Canada EX TER « ONTARIO 0 1 .. ' `� r3id�fN B1E� Drugless '.raetjoi . eer and Optician EXETER Pl+, oirsre AT WAI.PER HOUSE, alumna Every Tuesday, 10 a.m. tom. 4 TAILOR t ,ie IBY THOS_ Eb KNOW NOTU-. r1 U BT1yEIi FJE� TW 1o1 O-SEGETN�1G� BY THOSE 't'1i3to KNOW 1E1O:w: ' a lbw rkk ' i ith o. is 1 ARE ruGTTT UE ''O FMB MIEU'!I°13 1'ON g,a 4 PATTERN, STYLE AN.D.Qiiigi .pk4yG' ..ALL OUR GOODS GUA.RANT1E1311,'t $ DONT be misled by baying I, cheaper and inferior goo ds„t BTYY fron:, theme' you knots will' ''stand behind (rveryt.hing 'they r, Weillit i r a; 4. 1001., fAnutegANT0L� A,II,rOa. W. Ef. D1QRF1tiE'A1+T & SIra,r EMBdiZAMN lAN!) rt7N.ERAL DIREOTOR.Sg Day.andNight Phan. Notio, 44. .