HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-03-17, Page 5illiketztelsay, Marti Zc 1927 s R QI1 HEIL•ALD oustriEss cows :DUDLEY F41. 31071.41VMS r 7�tA.7}I'IBIsli�I, SCiI,I4,.'1'],011,, ABY PUBLIC, 30TC L i r Hamilton Stat, ,Jtrat of h. r Square, GODE+RICH, Ont gtrroiFtaS, attention to'Counsel and; Court Work. fir: 'Holmes may be consulted at •Illictslwrieh by phone and phone yelyarges rever'serl. Dr. 11.I1 CO EN " L,. D,' D• Do S. DENTAL SURGEON DE1TZ BLOCK. ZURICH ev- gory Thursday, Friday and Satter t r Main office ILARTILEIB'S Bi.00I •DAssixooTi 4Sasdrew F. Hen, Towns''hip Clerk Ileum of marriage licenses. Nota) iMc, Consn over, Vire Hu tie okee Ineuerance denti Thom & Erie Mortgage n " Idim., Trust Co. The Canada ONTARIO OSCAR M,, Jones Nat ltitdun'te Carey ering, Try' �1 School of Auction Stock tot Registered `Live Terms to keeping WI Breeds),Chot 3a prevailing pritc9l sell anything Wane for sale, al a 11.-.93 or rite, Zurich Licensed Auctioneer ;YrOR IIURO•N & MIDDLESEX AM IN A POSITION TO CON - Sake ,any auction. sale, regardless ,>t to size or articles to sell. Inot solicit your 'bus n4 and if y,arges for satisfied will m gees, ur rhea, - I3ashw©od. 10=015-5 a. ,..L.rtls....__ 1 irnurich Sett 1 P 1T YOUk4 s Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc, Ads IN THIS COLQMN • NOTICE 1921 TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES. Subscribers of the Hay Munic- ipal Telephone can 'obtain a copy of the new 1927 Directories at Zur- ich Central or at the Clerk's Of fiee. Ai. P;. HESS, Township Clerk, LOST M Mr. Hy. Steinbaeh'+s sale, a good horse blanket. Finder kindly leave at Herald Office, or 'phone to 1-86, Zurich, WANTED' At once a maid for general ,ho- usework,. apply Mrs. 3'. A. Graham. Goderich, Ont, FOR. SALE A limited quantity of, OC. No. 21 Seed Barley, also O.A.G., No. 1.2 :weed oats for sale. Peter Reich- ert, Jr., Zurich. • NOTICE It in `getting the throe .of year t,o, get a little Lime .to put \on yot.`rrg ard.en to ° �swceten the land and the farmer 'should put soule lime on his pasture and hayfields I always have a ample supply on hand for":gale!. J. Hey,. Jr,c Zurich. FOR SALT: • FEED— We have . a quantity of re -cleaned .Bean Screenings, which we offer at One Cent per pound while they last. Phone 54 Heznaa% COOK BROS, MILLING CO. FOR SALE t.• A quantity of choice t:':>>cth1*hay for tittle. Apply to Hobert Moixs- �3eau, R. R. 2, Hensali. Phone 1-92 Zurich. FOR SALE ••A quantity of flax seed ready ground for your tstock.. Feed a handful a day, �c�tb $13 Vis, ea I1,."�• C. Kalbflersch, Zui'ieh.a9. d aYt eats * k theVet aw chest Cash Prince for W04.,1 pis °ASH FOR S13.11IF e, 'ixlD1.eDeiChelli 1:4 • Trazglilut , ZURICH CH .!VERY 1 am in a position to. accomo- 'e F y Rahe ;all requirements in Lw bsssiaess, have .+autofor hire, Any Wooing done in the teaming line. ' GEORGE J. THIEL *Nene be ZArich,Ont. LIVE POU LTRY i.,WANTED *aim eery day till 3 O'ciock,p.m• Io mot feed fowl (same morning 'When brought in. Highest Cast Prices! • —DISH FOR--- Cream OR— .Cream and Eggs . W. O'Brien -Anne 819 Zutrich Far.Far.rn Help for 1927 Since a great number pro'serty 'Ariel:en people of Germany apply to 'iiia rm positions on the •farm I can this year 'supply Evangel- icals with Evangelicals, Lutherans with Lutherans, .Baptist with Bap- tist, and Catholics with Catholic young men or domestics at $200.00 a. year; each'"man must be recom- mended by his pastor in Germany, Partner Pay's fa'e and $5.00 -per month, Write to. tf31 Rey. K. Gretzenger, Mildmay, Ont. dquartersFOR� TIRES TUBES AND Storage Raffedes FOR SALE I ern. offering -.my blacksmith 'loop and business for sale John Kipper, h�i Kipp , Zurich. IAA NEWS . Mr. e�lex. 1r`a;itGr. way to Exeter on business lit friday, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Neel?, and 'flora Herbert, spent Thw'aday in God;erich. Mr. Augu'st Si;emon who lute l en vila}ting• with relatves here .rein or'aii; eG'l,. E. Tlicempeon; l.td. C Mr. and Mrai. Hy. Xunglilut tire: re a, eeerewortle, blr, C�orbettc , ON% called to Auburn owing to the sex -G. Bell, dF, Dat^z':r; Rd. 3e eC, ATcia Low illness of the forrner'e mother worth, bW. Di.gna'.aa cls. 1)atllve; Miss Clara Weber, who.has,6.been Rd`. 4,'cl+, Stelcltc :Ltd, 5 aW: Dear - at Detroit for 40m3 tczzza:, is spend- ing, bT. Kylec ell. A. Fu453; Rd, 0 ing a few week:3 at her ,!rime lit e ;iaN .Po'ater ^ Rd. 7, c E. Schwelrn ; RJ, M i'ss Swale Walters who has been 8, aS Hoffneaue ia7, Doc -,e,' Jr e.r ohn at Kitchener for some: time has re- Deschl; 13J;. 9, aA„ J. Walp.re turned• home for a few we„1r' . Gabe, eR. •Geiger; Rd. 10.7, ale Schu HAY COUNCIL The regularmonthly meeting of the Counei•i of Hay ' own':0hip wn:i acid on 1ozda y, March hewith. all reembere pre»ent, The minutes of the previous meeting were : ai.i- dopted as read.. The following were appointed as Road. Commis - ;stoners for 1927 and a bylaw will be.:prepared confirming same • ••».. a te+v months returned to Illin ae !load No, 1, aN. St`anlakee bR, Cam Mr. Lonoard Prang ff.'s sporting a Ford Roadster. This, is very convenient for hirem, as be cornea back and forth from Exeter Iligh School every day. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Schnell of Detroit were sspuding the past weekk at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Schnell» LOST—A wild goose strayed a- way from my prem,i;ses, at Zunicb, Pinder kindly notify C. Fritz,. m ichor, bII. Krug •rc cT'. Ayotte; Rd. 11, E. Wilds; Rrl. 12c M. Turn- bull; Rd. 13, P. Scli:tde; Rd, 14 aJ, Campbell, bL. Kalbil?ische cE, Hen dri.ekk ; Rd, 15, H. Brown; Rd. 11c aE. paters, bM, Corriveaue Rd. 18 aT, Di,n•admore, bi .. L. ,Sr enan. By-law Na. 4, providing forthe issue of debencures for the purch- ase of fire equipment for the Pol- ice Village of Zurich and By-law No, 5 confirming the appointm- ents of Poundkeepers, sheep valu- ators, Fence V;e"cve�sa and Weed In- apc:.tors w: r^ read three times and Mrs. D. Witmer is having an and finally passed,. A grant of auction 'sale of Farm, Farm Stock i$10 will be made by the Council to- Itrplements, •etc. on Friday March wards the expenses of delegate to loth, the Ontario Educational Conven- Walter Zahn,the Getmani.ui tion from each Public 'secteon whol- Mr.rnigrant, 'who, dhent the past year ly within the Tp ,and $5.00 to un- ion the rieinity, la•ft on Saturday nF. K& pp, fRee� e; T oy th? t P. tBan and niornitia fbr Northern Ontario v. h- E. A. F Hess were appointed a com- mittee to have the Town Hall re- modelled and r ee eaor ated, Pho following' accounts were passed - ere he intends to get a position: We hope the fellow who. pre- dicted that 927 woulld ba a 's,uzn- tx.erlees year is juet as much m'9- taken as the one who propheet'd George Hess, accountc R & t?e that this would he a severe win- $6.50; Corrugated Pipe Co. :rt el ter. culvert 60.10; Municipal World euppl.ess 15.39: P. Schwalm pay Mr. and Mrs...- Simon Thiel and ;heat Rd. 7, '26e 20.80; J. Dreb,.r Jr' daughter, and M., . Conrad Thi.,1 pay sheet, Rd. Se 1927 15,25; H. •ll. of lei:tbhener spent the week en•.1 Neab, e pensee delenatec Good at the horn: of Mr ,.and M .s. Pater • Roads Co avent On 23 2?; 0, Tao 1 ir . Deich^rt, Jr.c and other relatives , repai•re to fence, etc,c Stephan and friends. Drain 23.25; Hennall Spring' Show Mr.. Saniael Daft; who ins i11 at grant 25.00; Stade & eV eido acct. St. Joseph's Hospital, Loudoneun- 31.75, Northern Elea. Co Isupplies, dergning 'operations for bladder 2553; Can. Tel. and Supp]lie.4bs ma,tI.- trouble received. hie las': and 'th r : erial 5.05; Bell Co.. tolls u, M. operetiou on Monday lase andhis G. De'te, labor act. 15.35. Th' Ce many Zurich friends are 'pleated :n unce adjourned to meet again on learn that he is ,progressing quite Monday,. April 4th at 1.30 p.m. favorably.. A.. F. Hese, Clerk, Mr. Theo McAdazua of the Bron- son Line has a ewe that recently gave birth to four lambs. m-. This is what we might call production. Mr. Hlrry Angel while at'Lon- don last Ii"edn.eeday-, made aa'ran- menti that he and: Mr. Gi.cl Koehler hECTSs have recei ec1 the agency to 'sell the famous Pontiac Six auto, this 7h' undo s`gncl Au t onear ha, is the lat:•st product of General i,e'a }u:triz.c:`.1 to ,s..11 by Pul,li' Inleto s, mei the 1 rice la lo.t e. a ;ria beet u t Lot 15, ton. n, Hay; ]':i that analis people in Zurich. and mile eau h, and 1h mile east ofZur- �'i,Cirtity .5hnu1d be aka!: to buy : ieh an FRIDAY MARCH 18111 1927 one of tini er snappy li.ttC � si'. E;d.' Co i iic,t,:ing at 1.00 o'clock, p.m. b;11• I—Go of 100 acre.. A runner of faro in the cca,u- more o; 1 , r, bank barn 48xC0 feet, -77 rtyunitti h;a� e :rent to Germany fu faun help, one of thc;,e yovum men rlv.;, ' st'•J 20:40 feet, heuliouae, 15 uri'ivel on, ,i•u `e l.ay :a les .1 in ler'* of gc, har 'ea d w io,ad bush, 4 . .. contract 'avi,tb Mr, C. O. ^ar,'tlr of ter. , It t "fall wheat, 5 area of ry'' the -Smile Line. 7'1b't tnntracC 30 a_ e, '.al' p owing do wee, tal'ny:' terminates for one year. Thea.^_ •young men are. perches el throleeli the offieiam .emigrant agent" Rey. K. Gretceng".r,, who'z ad V. appears in this issue of the Herald. There its Estill ample time to send for meh to arrive here before the liar- -vest iarVest time, as it takes about- ei or eight ;weeks for said men fo ar- rive here. AUCTION SALE 0: FARM, FARM STOCK, rel LE -� Elv'TS AND HOUSEHOLD HF-' NOTICE I •have been appointed 'solic- iting agent for the (products of the John C. Winston Co., Toronto, and can supply you with Bibles, Testa- ments Teache 'e.helps.13ible 8totrie0 for Children, Eooirst of 'Knowledge, 'Universal hand. books, "etc. Every Book will make a very accept- able Gift. LI.i4s, Julia Hese, Zurich, COAL 19 WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE GENUINE Soranton Coal ALSO •VARRY • Coke Pocahontas and Soft - Goal { GOOD) SUPPLY ON HAND TELEPHONE YO1i11 ORDERS EARLY TO Case " & Son' maxi5b, . R N9A.LLi +17 BORN Badou�r—At • 14t1i, vein: Hay Ort. Mardi 6th, to *. and Mzial, Paul Badour, a ,son. �i s, WEN, + Prop. ' Ga'sche-�••,A't Zurich, On March '9t1 .J kiP'mortify emwei F . Ga lifrr tad !lura. gentle Gascho ' 1?age P. +oW#'w�"�" �!^ 'w P. LI Q.Mwry.'u+fWwwr«e,,x,Naain,wiea{w ••••w.......V.V,P' ,.*,wn.mAum4011*.r.,.11ao MAY W13 AS , `T3E CITIZENS OF ZURIC'II W k1u 1'Hll11 ECON OMY IS ONE' OP THEIR MANY 'VIRTUES, IF IT IS iTHEN IVE1 AItT+, JUST IN TIME IT > HELP THEM . SAVE FROM 10-4o% Ox DAM AND EVERY C•.r.1.EMENT "THEY, PURCEASE PROM US. HOW CAN WE DO THIS? WELL GLADLY CAN WI§ TELT,, YOU THA:'!:' WITH .A. $150,000 STOCK AT OUR CALL W9 ARE IN A POSITION ; TO 3)O SUCH ANL' MORE, OUR MERCHANDISE CONSISTS 0,1? THE 'FINEST ENC,+I,TSag, SC'O'1OR SEROES,' WOR.TEDS AND TWEEDS WITH fills sus' GERMAN DYES. We will have in your vicinity for the next two weeks our head traveller, M. H. Cirlssz• who will help and advise you to your best advantage. May we ieuggeet now with Spring oncoming, You place your order for Suit or Spring Coat with him on ewbich we will piaci otee 'cry best endeavors. Millers' Clothes Shop Ltd., Toronto A Phone Call to Dominion House Zurich, will bring our Reprael. i antive to your door,. rkiVIAMMAANaMMIVAIWWANWAWAINAW4 7r' .30 Jog freebie s "`cl1t.l down, plenty of good hard water, frami J1oues with - ktchen and woodshed auached, is well fenced and well drained and in a highstate of cultivation, pl- enty of fruit and a cement silo. Terme--10% on day 'of sale, balance in 30 days:. LIVE STOCK—Horses-1 horse S yrs. old; 1 mare Tyre. old.; 1 gr'a'y pereheron horde ris'rig 3 and 1 2 yvt'l] Spring, apparently has corn., to grey per ch„t on mare u i stay.: as it is getting a little warns- metalled. Cattle -3 fresh c:)`es; "? er each day, with the sun shining bright and clear And the nice winds, blowing, even the highest banks of snow have practically all dissap- eared, and oneshould not wonder with anothet'w^e'.c of th's weather coeva in calf due in May, 1 colic supposed to be in calf; 1 heifer yrs. old; 2 yearlings; 1. small calf. hogs—1 sow du? in April G 'stockers; 125 W. Leghorn hens moistly pullets!. Zurich. Drug Store ea. ha We Specialize In Fine Toiitt. F e pa atio s and handle all the well riu an aid re- liable varieties of Face Powder and Face Creates such as YARDLEY'S, ARMANDS, COTS' :S, POMPEIAN THREE FLOWER'S, WOODBUR'S AND MANY OTHERS These are Nationally Advertised Goods which have a reputation to maintain. In Tooth Pastes we have Forhans, Ipana, Colgates, Pepsodent and Hutax All kinds of School Supplies and Stationery WE HAVE SEVERAL V ARIE FM 4 OP SH •lVINt1 CR- EAMS, STICKS SOAPS AND POWDERS. ALSO A • GOOD STOCK OF SHAVING BRttSHEi, Y RAZORS AND RAZOR BLADES . MAGAZINES FOR SALE ftfft'iRWehW Dr1 A. J. MacKinnon,Zuric : AkWINVYNNW WM &MAMMY t i P ++++++4.+++44.+++C+..+++++4.++4. 0+•t4.+4'+++4 rt+e eeesee • USE GYPROC .0 The 4.aye �cc ��t � 4• Use it now, Use it in your spare • + tu• ne. TJse i▪ t ever For if farmers 'would start 3r'ed.ng nn- impLEliIF'NrS M -Ii heeler 7- erati,on,, What ;;y alanast R. Taos ft, crit; ]i? -H. n.otver a -f t. nearly + WALLS AND CEILINGS, REPAIRING OLD WALLS, RElIOD- hive proof is Haat the robins, and netw; 1VI-:FI. nuoyrer, hay ralcec •31?_ +.1. ELLING OR NEW CONSTRUCTION WORK. blackbirds are hum in large flocks ing tooth cultivator, di:3c, Noxon l 4, and their merry voiePs early in dr l' 10 h.oe 3 �, ect o'' liar o .•s to - EASY TO HANDLE, EASY TO PUT ON. NAILS AND SAG'S the noriliilg.mal es one feel in flue ler, Hamilton walking ptow, gan; + , LIKE LUMBER. bones that spx;rtg is her", 'and 8000 plow Percival. walking leotc', to , t We. will enjoy th . outdoor nature, bun gv nearly new. canvass, belt, • c, • far proven a failure as, the snap• 2 wood toeless 2 gravel boxer, corn s maple 's Tl e le syrup eason has sba; a truck, Wagon 'lion, etock rack C. KALBFLEISCR ZURICH will not run, and the elements a- 6°1", iellCr n'z un cradle, 8°111°aware PH Ci)�F Ione can' remedy thus, Even the largest prociuce.ra of this sw weet cable, cloublt'trec?s, rlecl:voles erne VVV heavy liar nes s, r,el breechln hlrn- product as well as t}a^ first harvest ass; 2 set isi.ngle hernesa, eollarsc •,.4.4.44.+++++.++++++++++++H++++++++++++++++4++++i:§'"'1`"sl of the ,e :son, tell Yrs that they have barrels, boxes, laddersc b'ock and boiled ;down only a fear ; altb.na' tacte:le, post hole aver, gait'. water PLANT MORE 'TREES trough 6'2 ft., m.ai.l. box about le ton timothy hiy, a cluant-(y of it Resident of Ontario may sec- good pine lumber, other lumber, arae any nuiuber of tree's up to 3,50e laot,,sc, sceafl z . cute , Pott .n cnt- free each year for planting :fraut„ ter, turnip's^oder, wagons rootpul- area's of the farm, or for filling in per, cutting bo., bob sleighse this woodlot. Additional quantal horse power and jack, Cli.ntonf�an- tea rimy be had at the rate.of ping mill, 2000 nee Scales, truclt'se- $4.0 per thousand. A li:mitednuan ales, log bunks, circular sate with titan of material is on hone! each year for windbreak work, 500 frame x-eut saw, folding e -cut saw running coulter, wh•e'bari'ow, pin .tree's b'''ine the ma:cimurngiven to hanger ata numerous articles of o. indiviat el. `ie? Qptaeje For 1 entryy $,rundh supplies lxioa'a$�ati0 110,I;aEi:ICaI�D I',TI+a C:Tf—link taeven million tree e a year for re- st •'• I.'', stet 1• dae!., hurOatable,,ttSar t rioz•sll for9etinng work., Over three tho- steel, extensirnp. usand residents I of Ontario planted cre:atn 'separator, 3 be ]ss a rtt9 8 kit trees in 105, There are being, pi- Chen ehait's, bench, croelcec rte, toted in Ontario at the present titaie TERMS --$10 'and uncle! cath. Ov- £ortg f ives municipal delxzonstrat- er S-$10 t 8 month's, c . ah. °V - ion ion forr;'st'a, foul •county forest,s of will that given on frrnionths, credit one tluotr13,'uid acres each arid. ever will je g en it off for cash ro- al largo Mack.- of Crown lame!, Any on oied t mote ys, Hay ancr ccs - cl tt land 111ante for reforea'a lour rs try cath!, exern e' from, rill mtti ipal t Y.tiWs. t onwr t` 'Artlltzr `Cl"eta^r, Anet rspeer,. tell,., ra tee cr 011111ton, Clark,. yore, Da, Vit . •:y rl:li,"fort's` rcr ftt`o and in'.o nti''r .z Onl qtr in 1F,,0?e, :try' 13z.attott, efts; l.lits;ct, Te.on.e. IIEADQTJARTERS For Secondhand Buggies $40,OQ and up Anto Tops, Wagon Repairing, - Palating, Etc. • /V 'roll' W Al T SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WFl EEI U1313E13 YOUR trGGY W> EI L9, mss - zuRicH