HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-03-17, Page 4g1~JRICE HERALD 4' 1, rrr s r,;�uavmuu�T! i-c-�mssuacmm��+r��.�.• i(II,B „ r�Kv,uim M1 '�.'4 .3atA'L W 200 411 III Rs - I rcad Office, Montreal ONS l��>a HINN i „1 RI& "ii, Try BANK OF MONTREAL 'Established 1517 c3 . ASSETS and LIABILITIES 31st January, 1927 ASSETS Cash on hand $ 80,198,268.94 Deposits with and notes and cheques of other Banks Deposit with Central Gold Reserve Call and Short loans on Bonds, Deben- * tures and Stocks Dominion and Provincial Governmerit Securities Canadian Municipal Securities and British, Foreign and Colonial Public Securities other than Canadian . Railway and other Bonds, Debentures and Stocks 45,426,911.24 L2,000,000.00 172,784,147.52 78, 319,89 1.45 27,678,689.32 4,279, zi.o9 Quick Assets . $420,587,119.56 Loans and Discounts and other Assets 328,087,758.70 Bank Premises - 11,Soo,000.00 Liabilities of customers under letters of credit (as per coma) 12,237,992.47 Total. Assets . . $772,712,870.73 LIABILITIES TO PUBLIC Notes in circulation Deposits Letters of credit outstanding . • • Other liabilities Total Liabilities to Public 41,505,531.00 642,947,383 20 12,237,992.47 12,028,285 .o8 • • $ 708,7Q9,191.75 Excess of Assets over Liabilities to Public .. $ 63,993,678.98 of hay, 1920. • C'berro'leit Coach, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -Largo ,oak ext'nsio'a tabi', O1'x'xza, .e ';b net and buffet combia 41., 'stdel�oavd new, cabinet 1. ible, 0 kitchen ch- airs, high chair, set of bed slarbig and cirer;sn; bureau, 2 beds -and apring:s, mattress, wash tand, 4 - burner coal ail istm e with oven, sink, 1. t hen t tbl�, ea!s'e, Daisy Churn, creak can, banging -ianip, parlor lamp, lantern, empty cmti, era,, mail box ,and nurl'1-roiis artic- les. TERMS--$10 and under cash, Over that arnou at 7 n1"o )thS' .cr'd- it will be given On iirntdhing ap- proved joint notes. 4% off for cash on credit amounts. Hay, and poultry cash. Arthur Weber, Auctioneer.;, W. S. Johnston, Clerk. Robert Green, Proprietor. 03.00••••••••••••••••••••>• 000000000•000000000000000, Ai4, a 4, WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF ALTTO ACCESSORIES, AND SUPPLIES, AND CAN SAVE YOUMONEY ON_THESII VARIOUS LINES • $8.50 $1.,40 0 $15.00 0 VERY CHEAP. m O • • ,�tiD ABOVE CARS ARE AL'L IN 000D RUNRUNNINGO12DER, NE DO' EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIEING AND RE -BUILDING BATTERIES_ FFARM IMPLEMENTS ' ,A •• 4 Autos and Auto Supplies -CORD TIRES 30x33( AT ONLY TUBES 30x3; AT ONLY cOOD RUBBER CASE BATTERIES AT t SECOND HAND 146 H. P. GAS ENGINE +3 .Z FORD TOURING- CARS 11 FORD ROADSTER 'CAR. • • la. GOOD TRAILER, • AUCTION SALE FARM, ;FARM -STOCK, 1M PLEM-- ENTS, AND HOUSEHOLD EFF- FECTS, On Lot 21' .L.R.E., Stanley Township; I prole north of Dryis- dale on THURSDAY, MARCH 247'1927' Commencing at 12.00 o'clock the following - REAL ESTATE -Consisting of Lot's N-hf. 22, 77 acres; S -ht. 21,- 77 •aere's, S-hf. N-hf. 21, 38 acres all L. P..E, Stanley Township. 190 ac- res of choice farming land, about 20 acres of good hardwood bush with choice t'niber, 12 acres of fall wheat, plowing all 'clone, two good bank barna with good Istablings, Silo, implement shed, goocl pig pen, etc. House is a desirable •brickk dwelling with new brick ;;it then attached, good: water. F: r n is well drained and fenced and in a high 'statew of cultivation. It be purchased as 150 acres as i;n? parted and 40acres as another par- cel if desired.. TE1UIS-10 per cent; on day of sale, balanc) in 30 days, {0 TUMPS, PIPINGS AND FITTINGS, ALSO INSTALL OUR •• ft: elni plank, pile hemlock lurn� PUMPS.0 - icer ,q09 brick's, 9 cords Short wood •3. ' ;rime citralrr wood, tu,.ti n 1aL'h3, (f onion seeder, !storm door, honey, Tires, Tubs, s, Oils and, Greases-oxtraeLor, 20 �netiv ben homer some t� • ; old ben boxed's, 12 Colonies of bees L. A. - rano- — Zurich ,� power' !sheep Cll'f7tlel, 'Steib ahoy- * A 116 !!��/ 4t 1 J 111��� . el, ice tongs, barry harrycrates, chicken a0 • cr•+te�s 25 nes, ah for tongia :q, 1,090 44••••••••••••••430,44•044•• 46•440.0•••••••••••••'i'At O •y WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS AND CARRY JUST THE KIND OF MACHINERY THAT WILL GIVE YOU THE BEST AND LONGEST SERVICE FO11. YOUR MONEY • HORSES --1 gelding, ri-sing 7 yrs 1 horse 12 years old; 1 Male 11 yrs. old; 1 horse 12 yrs. old; 1 aged mare. (ATTLE-Cow roan, fresh 3 weeks; red cow bred; roan cow bred; red. cow bled; red cow b ed roan cow bred; roan cow br:d,roan cow bred; red cow bred; above are all milking; 2 farrow cow's; 18 !steers rising 3 yrs. weighing betwean 1203 an. 1300 Igh; 33tt'ers weighing around 1000; 1 fat "heifer weighing 1150; 1 roan heiferris- ing 2; 2 heifers rising 1 sr; 2 baby beeves, 2 fail calves, calf 3 weeks old; ' erford bull. Above cattle are all Durham and Her:ord. and in good. condition. SHEEP, ;HOG; AND POULTRY 11 ewes with limb, spine. with lambs at foot; 2 yearling4; ' 1 Berkshire sow tt'ith a pigs; Berk- shire- !sow; Yorkshire sots in pig; Yorkshire sow, 5 stockers Weigh- ing 80=lbs; Tamworth boar, about 80 White Rock young hens, IMPLEMIENTS, ETC -M -H clei 7 -ft. cut; Draring nro.ver 5 -ft, cut; Deering fertilizer dr.1, 11. d:Ise; M -H. drill 15 disc, Deering spring tooth cultivator, De;ri.ng Dump rake 1.0 -ft, nearly new, Deeringhay loader, side delivery- rake; nianure !spreader, 2 walking plows, 2- furrowg ang plow, Oliver 2 -fur - ,row 's:uf.lgr, bean puler, hay rack 1C -ft., 2 set diamond harrows, 2 wagons and wagon boxes, top* buggy* cutter, 6-mocrit, gasoline engine, 9 hp. with truck, Fleury grinder .8 inch.; .cutting box, !sat bob. sleighs, pig rack, land roller trailer for ear, potatoe digger, Overland tour ng car, root pulps; speed jake, Clinton fanning mill, Chatham fanning mill W th :bagger, 21 grain _bags, 15041. hay fork rope set sling ropes, pair bunks, hand 'seuifler, 2 turnip 's'eclers, 20' end Pasts 9 ft; 290 posts 8 ft; soine braces; 000 ft, elm inch Ir..nrber, 509 AUCTION SALE IMPLEMENTS, ETC -M..1.1. bin- der 6 -ft. cut nearly new, M ,H. AMP FARM STOCK, L I'PLEMENT'a , m•ower 5 -ft. cut nearly new M. -H AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS 10 -ft. rake, 111-H, 8 -ft. rake, ]+rout. & Wood drill 11 hoe, 9 fi. .steel Van Lot 19, on 7, Hay; 211 east roller 3 drums, Doering cuttiv'lot -rr,.le south of Zurich, on 6 -ft; new Co,c1:shutL, * plate disc, 'UESI)AY MARCII 23rd, 1927, Prost & Wood 12 Oar& d'se, .3 ste- 4/10 alr:nrencing at 1.09 o'clock p.m tion harrows, Prost & Wood boar; SIORSES-1 bay horse 7 Yra. 'scutfier and pull:�r, International 1411,47; 1 bay; rr.are rising 5 yrs. old riding plow nearly new, Wilkirso.r ,1 =t#rivi l.g horse, 5 yrs. old quietwalking plow No. 7 nearly new ,tilt* . reliable; 1 aged driver quiet wagon, sleigh, shay rack, gravel g '!reliable. box, set iron wheels for wagon, CATTLE--Hol:3tein coww 9yrs. rubber tir_'d baggy new, tra!lei 'OM due in 2Oay; cow 6 yrs. old 1000 cap. With stock rack, 200011. =131e, in May; corn 9 yrr.% old Arae . cap. !scales, Clinton fanning inill, April; cow 7 y.r'& old duo inroad cart, root pulper✓ 7 -hp, Li's- '.Var, Cow 4 Y1'444 old due in May; Iter engine, 10 -in Lister grinder, ly; ^4ae !'w 5 yrs, old clue in June; 2 i h.p. engine, pumper, Afkor Aath .'fir. 'old heifers bred 2 months; 5' cream !separator new, Chatham in t4!ilteers and one heifer roisth 3 yrs. - eubators; pig pig, bort, g; ass 'socd- *de sr ar.d 1 heifer rising 2 yrs. er, hand or power cutting box, f, earlings 1 Durham bull; brood l good horse collars, doub1otrtes, �v dire at ' - ' r r;a .y . store ie 'k o tip . b ,� ss.hack- ,"11% a. k- tlm >i 1-, n n c yol a, re.clrin llar>,e. ,, h cl, feet Rock elm, 'b 'se.'woo i and hem- lock lmuber; 40 -gas( g/,'so Inc, dram. 200 bush seed ants Imp, Banner, 2 set backhand harness, set single harnes, ala Li 8 el, 10 0-11.1. ton !stock 'scales, 10 -lb. s ales; soem hay, saws and carpenter tools,* forks, chains; gasoline ongtne 5 h. P„ and numerous other articles. FIOUSBFIOLD -EFFECTS- M.• -l. cream ls?parator, 9 lb, cap; Com modore kitellen range almost new kitchen !stove, parlor hector, kit- chen cabinet, kitchen chairs, Idtc'h en glass cupboard, bedstead, dreg 'sot., washstand, parlor table, 2 parlor rugs, washing machine 'trill) ' wringer, Daisy churn, wo46en tttb, ) kitchen table, baby carriage, some potatoes, beds, springs, 2 neat- tress ;buffalo robe, tete. ...TERMS OP SALE 10 and un der ,caylr. Ov,.r that amount 7 inentlrs credit on approved mint notes. 0 per Bent. allowed for cash on credit' amounts, H'ayn grain, 'potatoes and poultry cash. J•. Ga:rnot l)atrr's, 1.,11n..r'a!'r:,tor of E. Snider Estate. Ct. S. Johnston. Clerc , A, •,Webar; G. glliOtt, A.atetto deer: 125 lb's. each; i5 hens, half band team harness, forks, shove1is, y bawl 79�txlingti, balance l,t7,1- 'augur kettle, cider barrel, ' scoop. •i.sh9V1it 30 t4e1n d1`i; Weeks, .Ct.1L17311t�- "1 hurrah,, 'Mar* Ile :1927 MENTS '.,111(���I{I'�Irltaitutil(� g 1 b.4 11,1 ,,.i,g' .NI!!' .I�jjlItami V� J .."I.iip !l a i�. � t 1 .tTCt �"� U 1 U'� _ ,o.,ru�s/ii71' ,�I/ P/� if(! i. _'?N6 ' W61 i U r ,,,w n ' Y}; �,,,;° w t o -., tet•:.. yiJ,l� uHtAW" i •:il: - -�_. i ,pR k.:r,• .,,0-- e"� -- '--- op ..,.g.I.^.(10, '; us,. - .,.. r. 7. THE banking requirena "'""�' `�` .�`i ants .., �� '.—. of farmers differ according '0 `\p,,-- to location and the partic- ular branch of farming in which they are engaged. Whatever your banking requirements may be you will find the Bank of Montreal prepared to give the particular form of service you need. BANK OF MONTREAL !Eitablishecl 3.817 TOTAL ASSETS IN g X O E S S O F ,8 7 8 O,0 0 0,0 0 0 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS On Lot 22, Con. 12, Stephens ii mile South of Dashwood, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 1927 At 1 o'clock 'sharp the following CATTLE -Pure bred cow due Aug. 1, Jean, 117601; Pure bract cow due in April, Lady Royal, 168449,; pure bred 'cow due at tinge of val;, Vesey Violet 169753; Cow eligible for registration ;supposed to be in calf; 2 cows supposed to be in calf; 2 cows due May 1, 2 fresh tours, 6 yearlings, 2 calves 8 mon- ths old at time of sale; calf 5 month's old, 2 (small calves. HOGS• -York sow due April 1, 1 Tamworth hoz, IMPLEMENTS-M.H. binder, 0' ft. gut; M.H. mower 5 ft cut n::w; 12 -hoe drill; wagon and box, pig rack, 'spr.ng tooth cu t.vato r, gr r- el box, hay rack,••seufflerc cock- shutt waling plow, 4 truck -wheels Co.kshu.i. r'd'ng plow ne r'y n.w; 2 'set diamond harrows n.'wly shar- pened; Frost & Wood hay "loader, sleet rake new 10 -ft; turnip 'seed- er, wh e b r ow, !ore s' e' e:•c l;o - ato digger, cutter, fly net -se top buggy nearly new'; woollen blan- kets, 2g and hors) blankets, , a. quantity of elm planks 16 -ft long; :icraper, 2 strawb Try cr,'tes, grind stone, steal rate loft. International; Coc:kshutt manure spreader, flat rack, 'set bobsleighs, Prost & Wood grower, disc, pr. bun'k'sc qu- antity of wire, chicken coop, 1200 lb, 'sealer, fanning mill with bagger 9 c1oi.ten grain bags; 10 in, chopper sling ropes, some other rope ;bag truck, bag holder, hay knifes 12 cow drain's new; Logging chain;, barrel of salt; Cjlla'.rtity of s edo.t- qts intity"of mixed hay, 2 set heap?,y harness, set :s ngl., harness, -set of light double harness new; collars, set ham -s, string bells new; 1 -horse 'wailer; new water trough, pea harvester and numerous other at-- HOUSI3HOLD EFFECTS •-•- Sep- arator 500 lb. cap; extension lad- der; 2 long ladder's,. Daisy churn sap pan, 110 !sap buckets, 2 iron he:tl.1's, 's:alding barrel, pig hanger parlor rug 4;{ yards long and 3l,1 yard's wide, now; box heater, lan- tern, lawn mower, milk pallet str- 'strairler, i:•no'Icumn and numero::,s ar- titles. , • TERM4-$10 and under cash; over that aniount 7 months' Credit turn sh n T approval 3a•nt notes -with' a district of '3 per cent. str- aight ol'f .for, cash on credit aiai- ounts. Hay and Grain cash', Lours L. Kraft,. Proprietor„ Addie Tiernan, Clerk. •• Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. CF EDITON Roy 'Wolfe and Mrs. Jack Moir c funeral of Detroit, attended the fr Hera of their nncle the late Fred, Wuerth'. A program and supper will be served on March 17th, under the auspices of the Women's Institute lla the town Mr. and. Mrs, Erwin Palmer and Samuel; Betcehn of London attend- ed the funeral of the late :Fred.. 1, Ii'4.+++4,4,+++,1•4•41.+4.41•4444.+4•44 d'4--4.4•*fi+++4.44.•7 +++++++441) The New and Finer '0• Pontiac Six i.,„ ii- - t New Beauty, ' New Features, New Low Prices 3 + The moment you see the new and finer Pontiac +. Six, yourwill realize that it is big value and leader"_ I >~ .shiii in the field of low-priced Sixes. 4 Let us prove this by a demonstration 4. 4. PAIGE 4.a WITH 2t C'HABMING BODY TYPES AND COLOR COMB -r + ATIONS -- IN SIXES AND EIGHTS - GIVES YOU THE 4. * WIDEST RANGE OP INDIVIDUAL CHOICE IN THE BE'I`- 4. TER ANIS HIGHER PR10ED AUTOS,. 4' 4, 4. 4. . 4. ., 4. •8a You rnnnt 'see and drive these new Paige cars. before yo,a you .can fully realize the wonderful .pterformance and the air acing values they really are, Let ..us demonstrate, a►, AUTO REPAIRING AND GENERAL GARAuE WORK A411, SPECIALTY , L !.I 1 , a4. 1: Gas Oils Greases . Tires Accessories;. ; 4.4.4,4•4+,44.444. ++4.44 +++E••4„Q.'!t},.1.' ,.Ei,++4.4,4•'Q'.p.q„D++4414 1 • • 3 isAND WE WISH TO ADVISE THE PUBLIC THAT WE ARE: PREPARED TO SUPPLY YOU WITH THE VERY CHOICEST 3 OF SEEDS, WHETHER IT BE, ALL, THE VARIOU,SS GRASS SEEDS;OF THE FIELDS OR FOR PLANTING TH1i HOUSE- HOLD OUSE HOLD GARDEN. COME IN AND SEE OUR FINE ASSORT- MI2N lr OF THE VERY BEST IMPROVED BANNER SEED OATS, CLEAN AT 65e, BUSH. TRY OIJR STOCK FOODS tr I GREENFIELD'13 CHAMPION TONIC FOR POULTRY., KEEPS; • THEM HEALTHY AND PRODUCING EGt i S '.I`IHE YEAR HO- UND. .AND FOR YOUR STOCK WE HAVE THE WELL- * KNOWN 1 0MERY 'PEED. TRY A PACKAGE, 04114110411631160 93,4311041011.414110611011 04w/+i•0•r•••0e0rws4iosemos 1 SE I Yes! Spring with its ' Sowing and planting tlno e will soon be here again 3 1 mLouis Schilbe r Zurich say !s! 36**003.306040064/44313.41.4ifieess soimMosese.seeieR l Sorry that Mrs. John Ganser ie under the doetortsi are. 103. Muriel Drtimn'tond and dau- ghter Ruth of Ailsa Craig, are VIS. iting With 'her tint .Mr's. C. Hoff, Man. The other evening -the Dorcas Band S.S. of this Evangelical ch- urch met at the home of Mr. and 14I.t'3, 1), Meteaac.. '.rhe a kiartltirzie•aaoeial, The h&use vva,s filled by hard -time furniture ami those present dressed in 114r -blow clothes, which created much inxel;itt4 ten, t ,' The 1Vlarch meeting of the .' en's' Institute was Mild last '3ia+e>i•« day evening with the pre'!sident imor the chair, the roll call Wail Oi4{$'' efi flit :s.tions from the drawer, "'' li*- .caase l co.:i ,tab d,>-c.t telae.