HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-03-17, Page 3peel .
No obligation to %` f
buy, but if you
do, eaeleat terms ki fn
are arranged.
Guaranteed for
ten yeo.'
Waite nowfor
A.gefers wanted where wd
are Ito# re Presented. s0
Sweditl* Separator Comsaay,
36a Notre Dame St. West ..;
A List of "Wanted Inventions" and Furl
Information Bent Free on Request,
The Ramsay Co.w •.fgag� :a
-7, CARNIVAL AM, rgveArAycAc —
MALLA AF p C i` >ateer
'158 SPAD'NA = 3i'4 CUMBE?LRNO,
for Confectioners. Tho very latest In
Chocolate Mould.
One confootloner bought ai,c on eight. Dog.
Wawa, all on ono chocotnto bar.
t made oneoperation..Stea■®0
Dat naw. Don't delay. Sent
by mall prepaid tor 82.00.
-Peibape after all it's the radio an-
noUneer who should be seen and not
Fools count their eines, wise Men
their profits,
Don't get the habit of being punctual
in being late.
A young Ih1laband was anxiously
awaiting news of the birth of his first
child, He was pacing up and down the
leospital ' corridor when the doctor
came out and told him to control him-
self or else take a walk around the
Often Finds Herself Weak and
Feeling Worn.Out.
`.Ills nursing mother more than aUY
Other 'woman needs rich blood and
Plenty of it. The dementia upon her
bealth are many and severe. House-
hold duties and the Gare of her child-
ren exact heavy toll, while hurried
meals, broken rest and indoor living
tend to weaken her. No wonder elle
is often indisposed through weakness,
headaches, backaches and ,nervous-
ness. In this condition the blood will
always be found weak and watery,
and relief will come only through en-
riolfing the blood. For thin purpose
"But I tell yon I'm scared to death," fir. 'Williams' Pink Pills ' 15 the best
protested the young man. •
t blood -making tont° known. Through
their use many wealc, ailing wives and
natllers Have found new. health and
strength,As an example of this. Mrs.
Sarah Cortes, Bllenetowti, N.B., says:
--"While nursing my baby I became_..
run-down, very weak and nervous. MY
head. ached all the time and I was not
able to do my work. I had often read
of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and began
using thein, and what a blessing they
proved•. Before I•lad used a' bait
dozen ,boxes I felt like a new person,
and by their continued use for a while
I was entirely restored to my'fornner
heatlt'h and strength. I take pleasure
in recommending Dr, Williams' .Pink
Piles to everyone suffering as I did."
You can get these pills through any
medicine dealer or by mail at 50 'cents
a• box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co„ Brockville, Ont.
A Matter 'of Choice.
, Which do you choose? To adhere toe
the disinclination of the' average man
and woman to discuss cancer, 'refuse
to learn the faets about it and not be
in a position to help yourself and your
friends should the need arise? Or to.
ascertain the Yew proven items about
"You needn't be," replied the does
tor, "I've brought more than 2,000
babies into the world and I Haven't
lost a father yet."
The modern swain may. leave his
sborteomiugs, but leaving early isn't
one of them.
An itching palm eignifles that you
are about to receive something. An
itching head sbowe that you already
have something.
A :man Balled on an optician to have
his eyes tested. The optician held the
test •card forty feet away and asked:
"Can you read that?"
"No," said the man,
The .optician came closer. Can you
read it now?"
"No. I can't." ' ' ,
The optician came within twenty
feet, then ten. feet, but each time the
answer was "No. Finally he stuck
the Card under the man's nose. and
said: "Well, can you read it now?"
"No," said the man. • "I never learn-
ed to read!"
A Mendell of "Royal Quality"
Born to Live and Lay
THEY are bred mostly froth flocks mated with Record of
Performance Males, whose ancestry proved to be heavy
TREY are strong, hardy, vigorous Canadian chicks, from
Canadian flocks, bred to produce profitably in this climate.
THEY are sold under a TWO -FOLD -GUARANTEE as to -
quality, and a square deal, plus an additional GUARANTEE
147 King Street East
Canadian farmer
cancer .and thus help prevent your-
self and your friends being listed as
one of the victims?
We know very little about •cancer;
but one point we do know --it is cur-
able if treated promptly. To ensure
early treatment, we Inst know. the
signals which nature uses to warn us
ati of danger. A. lump on the ltp of a man,
any unusual discharge, a sore on the
skin which will not heal, a lump on
the feinale breast, attacks of so-called
indigestion—these are all: signs which
we should not take the responsibility
of disregarding. The only person who
ban say whether they may safely be
overlooked, is your doctor.
Just count the number of people you
know who have suffered from cancer
and "you will realize how urgent is the
need to learn all you can. about it. Men.
who. Have given years to- its study
state .that, whereas It Is in their power
to cure the large majority of cancers,
they are only able to appIy the neces-
sary treatment in. about ten per cent.
Why? The same reason is given
wherever you go --"I did, not see the
patient early enough."
Nobody knows how many cases of
cancer are in Ontario at present, but
everybody is aroused by the fact that
tate Province lost three thousand of her
People from this cause in 1925.
t, Yet the cancer situation is not hope -
tees, Prevention of constipation is
1Ameans eans in our' hands to aid the pre-
) vention of canoes. The danger signals
sn" listed above are not difficult to ob-
serve and each means "See the doctor"
imnhedietely it is 'found; this is the ane
powerful weapon in our hand against
cancer -- early diagnosis and early
Telis His Experience
"Les"Booth, widely known Ontario farmer, and a sick
man -for 20 years, suffered daily, only half alive.
Now strong, robust, vigorous, credits new
found health to Tanlac
Though popularly knoecn lis "Les," .
Mr. Booth's correct first name is
George. His home is at 271 Perth St.,
Brockville. For the past three years
he has enjoyed vigorous health but
what he endured. before then is best
told in his own words. "Far twenty
years my arms, shoulder's, back and
hips, ached with rheumatism," said
Mr. Booth. "Often 1 had to quit work
entirely and I remember ono bad spell
that kept me in bed for six months.
"My case got to be so Chronic that
the help ran the farm. 1 was prac-
tically helpless. liven nlyr wrists and
hands would swell up so that 1 couldn't
write my name. 1 dreaded bedtime,
for I got no rest, but lay there in
agony, waiting for morning. Nervous
spells wauicl seize me and I would
tremble allover like a leaf. 1 couldn't
get any benefit from my food and had
to force myself to eat. 1\Iy weight was
tar below normal.
"Three years ago 1 decided to give
Tanlac a good trial, for nothing else
bad helped me. I could scarcely be-
lieve such results were possible as
those Tania c soon showed. The aching
stopped, my appetite came back and
' I could eat heartily. My nights,be-
Came more restful, too, unci 1 slept
soundly., I gained. 16 pounds which 1
still retain, and I naw work hard out-
doors from S to 10 hours a day, I never
have an ache. It's hardly believeable!
If folks want to know What 'anlae
can deo, tell thein to write .to Les
Booth, or to come and see me. I'll
tell 'em." -
If your health is broken from over-
work. or neglect, profit from Mr.
Booth's experience. Try Tarlac, na-
ture's own body builder made from
roots, herbs and uslllts. Pout druggist.
has it, Over 62 million bottles sold.
Suffered For Years
Battle Creek, Ivtich.: "Af0licted with kidney and
liver complaint for, over twenty years, I was induced
to try Warners Safe Kidney find Liver Remedy, and
after rising it for a time was oompletely cured. Ain
now well and strong. I can unqualifiedly stale this
lnedietne without any doubt saved my life and I can
aonscieetioU. iy recommend it to others similarly
afflicted. This testimonial is given without any
solicitation pa by my own free will." Name on for
Get Wan ,er's Safe 1. hlney and Liver Remedy to -flay. InlprOvaront
.begins as soon as you begin its use.
Sold by all druggists, Price: $1,25 seri bottle.
Warners Safe Remedies Co., Toronto,,,f)nt.
Soap Used as Money.
Probably the queerest money in the
world le the "soap looney" used in
Mexico. A traveler says that he fre-
gaently received soap in change dur-
ing his visit to the interior of that
country. In a certain town he bought
souse limes from a girl, incl handed
her a silver dollar. By way of change
the girl gave him forty-nine pieces of
soap about the size of a water -cracker,
Each cake was , stamped with the
name of a town, with a mark indioat-
ing that the Government authorized
the issue as a legal tender. Some of
the cakes sh•owe:d signs :of having been
in the wasil-tub, but that was not un -
commie, and made no difference, pro-
vided the steno was not obliterated,
Tl1e oaken were worth about one and a
Half center each.
Mitiard's Linitilent for rheumatism.
Tune• to "Come Through:"
Chicago News (Henry Ford, whose
total forteme le estimated at not less
than $2,000,000,000, has refused three
separate offer's of $1,000,000,000 for his
C1 hnppy Waiter, with your dircanhs of
• Spying,
Yo'ter ecstasies of beauty not yet
Your artist soul Iirojeots a,, .vorfect
But keels it unexpressed and lintel -
Dormant,' 5�0 man may oval you, and
they mean,
Beoause� they' filed no e,olor nor Yea
They cannot heed that Harmony un
For yougrouto ndth,em, are bare and frozen
Your visions of all loveliness toebe
Of perfect trees and sales. and full-
bdown flowers,
Tliouglr not transformed to actuality,
Still dwell 'within your soul in snowy
Nor can ono dull regret from you be
For you, 0 Wintel•, dream of Springs
—Emily C. Sowerby.
On Account of tate Very Sudden
Changes in Temperature. -
Our Canadian March weather—one
day bright„ but sloppy, the next blus-
tery and cold—is extremely hard on
children. Conditions make it neces-
sary for the mother to keep the little
'ones indoors,. They are often confined
to overheated, badly ventilated rooms
and cute].) colds which rack their
whole system. To guard against these
colds and to keep the baby well till
the better, brighter days come along,
a box of Baby's Own. Tablets should
be kept in the house and an occasional
dose given the baby to keep his stem
awe sweet and his bowels working re-
Bal3y'.s Own Tablets are a mild but
thorough laxative which never fail to
regulate the stomach and bowels and
thus relieve colds and simple fevers
and 'keep baby fit. The Tablets are
sold by medicine dealers or by mail at
25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Out.
The War Debts.
Philip. Dexter in the London Nation-
al Review: The great majority of our
'citizens would undoubtedly approve of
revision or cancellation if they could
be induced to think about it. Tlie dif-
ficulty le that it does not intei'est them.
Most Americans are not merely badly
informed about European affairs—they
are not informed at all. In the news-
paped's'•••.publisbed in at least three-
fourths of the united States, inhabited
by over two-thirds of the voters, Euro-
pean events are hardly ever mention-
ed. That is not merely perversity 011
the part of the edit.ore: it is due to a
total lack of interest on the part of
their readers. Since the end of the
War Europe has been to them little
more than ,a geographical expression.
They do not think about Europe.
A Slap from Germany.
Berlin Tageblatt: What is happen-
ing note is not the fault of the Govern-
ment now sitting at Downing Street
but of those Ministers who 12 years
ago did not consider even the abandon-
ment of the solidarity of the white
race too great a risk to take when it
was a case of obtaining one more tool
for the fight against Germany. That
was not only a betrayal of European
civilization; the future will show
whether they did not break loose the
corner stone of the proud structure of
British might.
Upset stomach, sluggish liver, and acid condi-
tion cause bad breath. Seigel's Syrup gets at the
cause. Try it and have a wholesome breath.
Any drugstore.
Securing Information.
Father left home for his work in the
early morning one clay, and when his
son rose later lee saw his father's din-
ner still lying on the table. He ran
after his dad and, after sprinting for
two Miles, cathgbt him up.
Tommy" --"Father, you left your din-
ner at home,"
"Ch, lad, no I have; where is it?"
Tommy—"l-loans father."
Keep Minard's Liniment In the'stable.
Scientist oh a Stamp.
IMIadame Curie's likeness adorns one
of the new stamps just issued by Po-
land, it is a. delicate way of recall-
ing that the soientist is a native of.
Poland, although by her marriage to
Pierre Curie, she adopted the French
i nat{onalitY. 11 is a rare event for
motor rear eomllany).e In the last three i any government thus to honor any one
or four decades Mr. ltoakefeller has
more' 117,11 •s1llo is not one of inti citizens,
$5.0.0,000,000 to the
cause of education, to the furtherance;
of peace send religion and for scientific!
research. and other 'methods of Ma
proving the health and ,promoting the
'welfare of mankind. No one else has If
given so /Miele :and few have given 1
mote wisely. la Mt. .Ford has been
i• studying now best to distribute the in -
male from his great for'.tene, instead
of letting it aces nlulatt? as it hes in the
past, he bas given the world no sign.
ISSUE. No. lid '27.
Instantly! End Indigestion
or Stomach Misery with
' Pape's Diapepsin"
As soon as you eat a tablet or two
of "Pape's Diapepsin" your indigos.
''tion is goes! Heavy pain, lienrtburll,
flatulence, •gases, 13ai:•pitatlan, or any
nlla,t}ry from a sour, acid ifitanrtoh *nett.
Correct your stoniaoh and digestion
for a few emits, IIaeh ;pacltn,gtl. oar,
fantcoil by druggist. eta,
1 Pure tea of finest quality, free of duet'
and packed in Aluminum.
U.S. AIR MAIL ROUTES > FAdOR erti a e>1�tPle
OPEN T A ARIA �OO.00Ctor T:3°5.00' su rree1 edol iofssto 3c. uq
Letters Are Carried for Extra
Ten Cents Per Half -ounce.
'Washington.—Air mail routes in the
United States have been made avails
abet to Canadians,. For an extra ten
Dents per half ounce, letters from Can-
ada will be carried by the coast-to-
coast air metis operated under con-
tract with the United States Govern.
'Letters posted in Montreal -Ottawa
district in the aftes'noon leave New
York at 11 a.m. next day and, reach San
Francisco at 4.30 p.m. the following
day. , Letters posted in the Toronto
district are piekect up at Chicago by
the same mail. Letters destined to
British. Columbia are 'merited! to Elko,
Nevada, by air, transferred to a Seat-
tle train and from there transhipped
to Vancouver or Victoria. A net saving
in time of at least a day is sure in the
latter case. Letters to United States
paints on the Pacific Coast are deliver-
ed at least a couple of days earlier
on the average. •
The announcement of the United
States Post Office Department, recent- {{
iy issued, points out that the extra ten
cents for air mail routes must be pre-
paid from Canada in 'Melted States
postage stamps.
I100 KBalmier Ave.
ONLY $35.00
-Tho Ideal Handy Form
Mixer, mixes concrete.
mortar. fertilizer. or
wxsbas roots. It ren
be used on the farm
the year round, •1t
saves 20 Dor cath. 1n
cement and 15 per cent.
in labor. A Place For
One On Every Farm.
Send for Bulletin No.
London, Canada
IN 55
I end bunion. forever with my naw P dedrne
0olsenttreatment. Pain atone elmootlnatent-
r. Actual reduction of Ino enlargeJd growth
litatty en feat thatrour next pmr of .0... euro
e a giant ¢mailer—oftbn two gime sountor-
�ROvi dIr. se, FREIEySant neo fait treatmout
pooseta`tu. No obllg complete penults
GO Front St., W. T arontd.ontp
with M inard's. It stimulate
the .growth of the hair, Stops
Royal East. Montreal.
Tl SEL1, 10,000 110115215 A. Teen xo
satisfied customers. Send for our Iiarnees
Catelomsol it will save you money. Tho 'RepositorY.
10 Helena Street, Toronto.
poultry houses. ltot beds: apoeds growth, doesn't
barn plants, nenvored 45a square yard. I'perless
i'ouitry, Elmira, Ont.
apply Connaught Laboratories. University or
irlp ANYATO) i'I11 ON RINGS FIT womo 0Y'L-
I 'XL"ns end save rozr1ndtng. Guaranteed for
10.000 m11as. Panyard Piston Bing Co., 32-34 Front
St. W.. Toronto.
im-y rer 0175 OUTFIT TOO CAN MA1121 •6
V V permanent repair without any heat or tools.
Rubber boots, hot water bottle,. "g1o4u11 and over-
shoes can be fixed. Standard Hit One Dollar,
Household elzo Fifty Cents. Postpaid. Used bit
largest Garages and nopatr Shops. Money baok
guarantee, Send .money order. 1971,-COLD-NIZL,
4 UIasaltel et., Montreal,
Acts Like a leas
/in-".ei-ievarasg Colds
That's why so many people buy
"Buckley's" to end Coughs, Bron-
chitis and all Throe t. Chest and
Lung troubles. It's instant, pleasant.
guaranteed. You'll note its unipua,
powers in the very first dose—an
there are 40 doses in a 76 -cent bottle
Ask your druggist for "Buckley's".
W. K. Buckley, Limited,
142 Mutual St., Toronto 2
But; 1m 3
Ams lake a flash EAi
a sfagie sip proves it
No Headache, Sour Stomach,
Bad Cold or Constipation
by morning
Get a 10 -cent box now.
Furred •Tongue, Bad Colds, Indiges-
tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head-
aches come from a torpid liver and
clogged bowels, which cause your stom-
ach to become filled with undigested
food, which sours and ferments like
garbage in a swill barrel. That's, the
I first step to untold misery—indiges-
tion, foul gases, ,bad breath, yellow
. skin, mental fears, everything that is
horrible and nauseating. A cascaras
to -night will give your constipated
bowels a thorough cleansing and
straighten you out by morning. They
work while you sleep—a 10 -cent box
from your druggist will keep you feel-
ing good for months. lliillims, of man
and women take a Cascaret now and
then to keep their Stomach, liver and
bowels regulated, and . never know a
. miserable moment. Don't forget the i
children—their little insides need a
good gentle cleansing, too.
four tablespoonfuls of water and gargle thoroughly.
Swallow same of the solution. Don't
rinse the mouth. Repeat gargle every
two hours if necessary,
This is an effective gargle proved safe,
by millions and prescribed by physicians.
ACCcpt, ,only "Eaye1rt
aelcs ezr. Look for
the. "Sayer, Cross,"
:handy "Payer" boxes of 12 talk' :. Also bottles of 24 and 100 ---Druggists.
Aspirin to tion trach mark ti ,. n t rrd ❑ n,mn.la) of Bayer lianufnatltre of 1Gonoacet «
aeldoater ofi Sa1ic3'licacitl (Aot:ty1 Oa1cylie Acid, "A. S. A."). while 1t )8 awl ILOo
i i#tA'spl,rinn haus Bayer ms,nl1 rture,tn assist the public against imitation/,ml .nbiA;
OX Xittycr Colnpnrrlr will bo stumped vFith thole general trade mark, thq "aver t.Y"Orlir