Zurich Herald, 1927-03-10, Page 5/H arel'r Web, 1927 SIMINESS C.4803 wuawrr.rw..+yw v 4E ,X. E a s.Y. 4 ?.� uni A Y ieleRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PUBLIC, ETC 110lt'1leey Hamilton Street. Just off Square, GODER1'CH, Ont, 'a1 el attention ebo Cou¢aee+l a a Court Work, Van Holmes may be consaatted at 4teSer a by 'phone 'and Phone ehargwr reversed, Dr. 11. f. iJ O W E L. D. 84 ID. O. S. DENTAL. SURGEON I:t DEITZ BLOCS, ZURICH ev- Thursday, Friday and Sato- Main at'-Main Offiee r;SIARTLLIB'S BLOC'S., DASUWOOU Andrew P. Bear, Township Clerk IlisaAer of 0saeriage licensee. Notary litlat'blsc,'.Commiseioner, Fire and Ant - ;o bile In'suerance Representing inure') & Erie Mortgage Corporr- pti+in. Trust Co. ZURICl3 Canadahe - ONTARIO OSOAR SLOP? tieva inure Carey a± 1. jazzes Nat- Sehool of Austioraeeiriing• TryAsp . for Registered Live Stock. ' at •Breedee Terms in keeping aletpre-vote-rig prices, Choice Win sell anyt'hinte lame for sale. letehere:lavas Zvricl e3 or write. licensed /Auctioneer Vele HURON & MIDDLESEX IN A POSITION TO CON- liaaet any auction sale, regardless au to size or articles tosell. noI your business,and charge® for, :,,tisfi�ed will Leake no giervices. - Dr:ahwoad, Astbur Weber, cr owie 15-57 I Zurich that 0 :i pa • ground for your (stock. Meats a+ Feed a handful a day, r�ab and Salt f � � And keep the Vet. away. Sausages, O. Kalbfleisch, Zurich. fJ xis [''1 tag Bologna 4 �TI £f ,liClfRli,,i�Jl PUT 'f 0 IR alts, For Rale, Last,. Foy IndyNotice, Etc„ 40E4 t. -. 1N aHi, t ,�alrcltrir� NOTICE 19 2 7 TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES Subscribers of the Hay Munic- ipal Telephone can obtain a eopy ret the new 1927 Directorate at Zur- ich Central or at the,Clerk'(s Of- fice, F,, SS 'own'ahip Cleric. LOST At Mn. 'Hy, Steinbach'ea 'salve, a good horse blanket. Finder kindly leave at Herald Office, or phone to 1-88, Zurich. WANTED At one@ a. maid for general ,hoe usework, apply Mrs, J. A. Graham 1 oderich, Ont,. FOR SALF A limited qv antity of, O.A.C. No, 21 Seed Barley, etao O.A.C. Nee 7.2 seed oats for sale, Peter Detch- ert, Jr., Zurich. IN MEMORIAM In Loving Memory of oar dear Lloyd Woodrow Green, who pa's - Sed away 6 years Jago. March 13, 192L Iia wai3 too pure for this cold earth Too beautiful to (stay,. ' And iso God's holy Angel bore Our darling one away, Ever rem1mbered by parents and little laister, Dorothy Wilma.. FOR SALE A good cow in milk. -Apply to Henry Clausiu's, Zurich, f� OR SAd..:;c:. FEEL) - We have a quantity of re -cleaned Bean Screening*, which we offer at One Cent per pound while they last. Phone 54 Henget'. COOK BROS, MILLING CO. Mr, Herb. Mouss'F'au was to ,> t zratford •on business on Moreeea, Mr,, Freed Wiiiert of Dashwood was in the village on Monday, MCI's. Geo. Wilhelm is visiting at the home of Mr, and Mee, C. ,L. ith. Srra• Mis, IIen y P..Weseloh is ltirag' at London with her "daaxgl.- ter Mrs, ldoy Howard, Mr. Auutin Schwalm who bad re- ceived a dt(alocated shoulder thr- ough a fall on the ice has almost rec:overed,, "' Quite :unusual for this time of the year, the price of gasoline has dropped one cent per gallon dura week. Among these who have r`ebently placed their orders for new Esse._ sixes we are advised. of the follow leg -A. P. Hen's, Ed. Ffaberer, Ted. Haberer and C. H. Joy. Mr and Mie, E. E. Waz'erth Met- ered to Stratford en Friday, where Mr. Wuerth attended a life Meer- arse meeting. Mr. and Mr.. E. E, Wi girth at- tended. the funeral of the form•er'',g uncle Mr, Fred. W aerth at Crediton last week, Mr. and Mr•'st M.. C. Milliken :art -r tended. the funeral of Mr's. Milliken`s sister, Miss Balkwill at Exet.rlast Week. That Alberta farmer who won the `world ,piri^et in wheat wa'r a more ns-ful advert sement to Cari,- ada than the hero of the Catalina Channel. And he did'nt get iiia mother's and Aunt iella's names in the da;l:e'a either, --Ex. Mrs. John Weide) and daughtsr Miss Laura,:lvhx have ben atLon- don for a few week i, Mee. Pre- etr'r, who has ben ill ie that city and a uiLtor to Mrs. Wade, has since passed away. Mr. Henry Steinbach held amort sarccessfuL auction sale last week, which agree gated 'something over 84500.00. Mr. and Mrs. Steinbach FOR SALE have moved into their res deuce in A quantity of chafes timothy hay the:: villa. • and we welcome them for 'sale. Apply to Robert Mous-'ta Zuri_hi 'aeau, R. R. 2, Hensall. Phone 1-3:i FOUL BROOD ACT Zurich. The public is requested to bear FOR SALE •in trend the recent ainendnrend' to• The Foul Brood Act as follow.si-- A Quantity of flax seed 'ready follow -at - "The owner or possessor of air apiary t,,hall not tseli, h•artar, give '* Highctest Carla Price for Viitoe lb%tr:CASH FOR S'si.INS h 121.1Fi3.:. a, vingiblut 84-5, 4.20 rt bct netellelataizieeefeaeleenetelteneeneeeeallelea ZURICH LIVERY 31 cam in a position to ammo - elate si11 requirement& in the Livery •'ittusitiess, have Auto for hire. Any thing done in the teaming line, GEORGE J. THIEL 3a a® 59 Zuricb,Ont. LIVE• POU ANTED Taken every day till 3 O'cloek,p.m. 'ot feed fowl mune morning 'Rvhe'n brought in. highest Cash Prices ---,0-AW FOR— Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Phone 04 - Zurich flea dquarters FOR tines TUBES Fa,,••I 1 Help for -1927 Since a great number proverty slaieken people of Germany apply to in , rr• positions on the faros I can this year supply Evangol- ice's with Evangelicals, Lutherans with Lutheran's, Baptist with Bap - Mt, and Catholics with Catholic young men or domestics at $200,00 a year; each man must be recom- mended by his pastor in Geri:D ny. Farmer pays fare and $5.00 per mouth,. Write to. tf31 Rev. K.Gretzenger, Mildmay, Ont. • FOR SALE I am offering my blacksmith alto, and business for sale John Kipper, Zurich. NO'T'ICE I ;have been .appointed (solic- iting agent for the ,products of tho John C. Win'aton Co., Toronto., and can supply you with Bibles, Testa- ments Teachey'a heh a Bible Stories for Children, Book of Knowledge, Universal hand bo,oks,:•ete. Every Book will make a ;very accept -- able Gift, Mea. Julia Doss, Z?rie . OOAL 1927 WE ARE SOLE AGENT'S FOR THIS GENIHNE Scranton Coal ALSO CARRY Coke 'Pocahontas and Soft -Coal GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND TELEPHONE 'YOUR OEDBI S itARTAT To Case & Son P130I618 Sll TIRMBIA.isti -17 BORN BatteriesStfirage r Badotm At 140x, ton, nay en March 6th, to NllC'. and lll<* Paul 33adour, :a sort, H. S. M1r E. ) is, prop;, Gasehe-At Zi rich. on 'March Otte ?1,Istatsgtgoct,D, ! teeyeke t, 'S IC ' trf v m to Mr,. etad .Miter Sant Gat FEEDING II.WL) 0. A. o.:P0 514 t'ltW DEPT. TI I: A .ire METHODS. ilz 1 zlsi , `Vc''z;v fiioun}, Chicks Should 'Be 1r'erl 'Very tltarei'rriiy After the J'ttat Three i)ay.;. (Contributed by Ontario Department of .A,i;rleviture, Toronto,) No feed is given the chicks until they are nearly levee days' old, Water rr:ay ha given au a dr'init if the chill ig Wien .off. The oblarlts Por the tirs't few weeks .should be fed about six times daily at regular intervals, Give tars thest feed chicks icanseeto ne morning �eagt and s trhe last at night as late as possible, If growing chicks in Febr't'iary one feed may be giver at night, using artificial light. - We have adopted the plan for the first dye or six days in the .brooder, of weighing the feed. Ari experienc- ed feeder may not need to weigh the Reed, but the beginner generally does better by weighing it, We allow one ounce of the dry mixture for every fifty ohicks at each feed, or six ounces per fifty Chicks per day during the first five days In the brooder. The Plan followed is to moisten the first feed with canned tomatoes, the se- cond with eggs, and the third with minced liver, and then begin the ser- ies over again. The above amount will not satisfy the chicks' appetite. They will create a - great noise at feeding time, but it gives the chick a Chance to completely absorb the yolk. After the drat period one should feed two or three times each clay, all Ehe chicks will eat, We begin feeding sour milk when the clekke are. about a week old, When the chicks pass the second week sprouted grains a; he fed, also a ltoittle cracked grains, tender green grass, if available, and a little grain. If leg weakness is noticed try and get the chicks out- side in the direct sun for all hour cr• so each day, or if the weather is cloudy add two per cent, Cod Liver 011 to the mash. Many Use Hopper. Many people do very well in rear- ing chicks by using the - hopper method. The hoppar method aq com- pared to, the six racist meals per day method, entails mush less labor and with some people gives as good re- sults, We have . not been able to raise a high percentage of chicks on the hopper method but they do grow fairly well. Ration for Hopper Method. Ground yellow corn (sweet and clean) 50 pounds. Middlings, 45 pounds, Bran, 5 pounds. rine oyster shell, 5 pounds. rine dry salt, 1 pound. Beef scrap, 18 pounds. Thoroughly niix-•if not well nixed the salt may do more harm than good. To each 100 pounds of the nieture should be added one pint of Cod Liver Oii. It is well not to unix away 0.4„remove from the prom- tee oil in the feed to far is ativane fe.,e 1 used d n - of week one r3e8 any is the I 11 .3 l;,limit. .f Y or u� d alii.nry aI,- t r1iancea or altpa dins until ht?lits the chicks have plenty or sunlight soot red a certificate. from the :raid teIIC1P•r green ft -ad rite. od CrLiv.' `fit). ma he OYiI-lied.. Provincial Ap.a:•iat that such Lt .s • We edrire the use of cut alfalfa used api.:ay appliances ar air qtr- re eoed ci a1ity-, as a litt •r i:' I otua- have berm properly a1isr,:.,.. - brealae it r,houlcl be rrnow•.d 1:t ted and ar.t feet from dief?:ise.,' or ten days. T.<",71 1 mast in boxe 3, or trtn eh HURON BREEDERS' SALT' eAlsts.;1,17 before the chick4•. 1i' : : f boxes so that r ace + i to a C'iance, 'The Huron County. :Cr t ci.1.;' �,,: •,t, ,. '00 chicks about thre.- Associati.o t he].) 1hoir stealth ;rel- ,,r eteennea of fine chick feta nual con a ;n .ien hale in W n :ir.ru. r'• linteeel oatmeal nact creek,d on Thur•r.la.v, BO). 2.11h, :Allthi.i,r an': d:•:. opro,,kle in the litter considered, til•. sale was teeny site ''' ti • chicks may exercise. coastal. Th. 34 it::o of seeeteu.'na . i;' r ilk is 'riven to drink take 75 Per cent. of the beef scrap out of the ration given. I3 milk and water are both given then reduce the beef scrap ono half. General Athire. It is best to rear the chicks on new around ea.. it year, and never to brood two lots of chicks on the Gaines ground In any one year, Many ehkks are sent in for examination each. year that have troubles due to land Mee - • on, • ) (yep the feed boards c1eae move them a little each day or beiter every recd, that the ground may be .rr• t and clean. Grit is always In eat access of the chick;a, ItI i;- vel e teab!e end necessary to add a little oyst:'i• thell dust or line pal:lel••5 t,r th tion daily. daily. A cr.rtain ai i,,un . 11”,, is .nc'ce ssa ry. • :Mouldy feeds, dirty feed i'::1 ;. [nti musty litter are to be at omen `!oulds kill. tart a,, numbers. t'1• Art the else k-, g t older the fluteher of feeds pi day may 1:• a tit so that at an ago of ;even e ee 1 T11.,e0 or four feens a,et' lir, 1, cic,u.t; in fact, after the hoppers of crushed oats or 0:1, 1..!; may be placed in the pen w e e. tits moist Mash system. is used, elmm faes of moist march being cortenutt' in what ever amount the chicks will clean ap, -- Poultry Dept., 0. A. College. consigned brought an average pr- ice of $94,00 or slightly more than lest year. The, top bull, Leave se ter Cornet, a cho:ce young loan, bred and eonsinud by T. II Ioy- lor & Son;, I3elgrlve, brought $1.35, going to R. J. Sanderson, Fordwich The top fern ee, Victoria C. 75,l:racl by Feuek wool, Blyih, red eon - :signed by A. W. Ethryri:n,;ton,fe.n call, brought $130.. She was an ex- celient type of matron and was purchased by Stanley Campbell; Palmerston, A largo crowd al- tended du z partly to the fine clay and also to ,t•he high quality of the offerings. Higher prices we- re Warrented on 'sonic of the en- tries but th' pur::h s •rr )were the gainers as they far: sure to reap some benefit frons. some animals. they took home. HE•NSA.LL SEED SEIO\Y The Hen'sall spring seed and vegetebln :,how, under the auspice:, of the S. Huron Agricultural Soc- iety was hold i,n the town hall Heiesell on Friday Last, The dis- play was Paige and the quaiity was high, especially in view of the wet weather, which marked iso' rrttoh of last year's Harvest sea-• rao'o. During the afternoon Eeierral interesting addresses wore given. Prof Squirrel ,of tha 0,A,C.„'Gul.`lpb acted as judge and also gave an rtddrees, Mr. Overholt, of the seed iniapectior branch of the Ontario Dept ,oe Agriculture, 'spoke on what t consisti;tntes good 'samples of grain, while O. H. Sander's, of Tx- •eter, Pres of the Society, expres- aeti his pleasure at the 'success tof the 'show. Following is a list of the prize Winner's; -Spring wheat, John R'obert'son, Sam.. Dougall;No 72 oats, John E, MeEyven White oats -O, Gieigei& Son, E. P, Kropp; J. A. Manson & Son, Oscar Klapp; Six rowed bityrleyDougall, A. Buchanan, J. A. Manson & Son, C. Truemner; I!ieicl Pea's -C, True- Miner, John Pepper, Alex 'Buchan- an; Buchan-an; Field Bean's --0., Trueniner, W. R. Dougall, Matt. Clark; Timothy need -0 Truer finer, W. Alexander; Red clover seed -C. Truemner; Al - Tru Jmner; l-Tru.mner; Early potatoes .john (Fisher, John McTwan; Pota.t•- SucceMtan1 i_i*ooding. • Successful brooding can be summed up tinder five headings; 1, Proper heat without drafts. 2.Careful and regular feedirt. witout sadden changes, ration to in. elude milk in some form, and gret,r, tuff. Avveld over feeding, e, Get chicks on the ground ane' in the sun as soon as possible. Cti1 a sod and put it in the pen if the weather is cold and Wet. Use a win • dow in the, brooder house that wil! permit the passage of ultra violet light rays (one of the glass cloth preperations) , 4. Avoid overcrowiting. 5. Sanitary surroundings, clean dry litter. Clean water fountain, clean teed dishes, 6. When weather is cloudy er if rearing chicks very early in the sea. soe, add two per cent. Cod Liver 011 to the mash. Snntight and the Chick. Exposure to sunlight and contact With ..the bare grourtd, are outstand- ing factors in controlling leg Weak- riees. 'these two factors with plenty Of exerelso aid In enol retiae a; fro p,.r k- oc•,., cat••r.tl „rt,11„-,Irrlrrr i (1rho;, C l•treIhrt.t r~nl�`tl';all +' rl.:c ..•r+rwdi.tii,� .+w wcw.}Va.r, i..�Y,ii,:�tiiw 4 VAIOWVIAWIMAIWAMTVANIMIAWIWWMAW Zulu rad Store SpecibZ in Fine Toilet Preparations and handle all the well known and re- liable varieties e-liahlevarieties of Face Powder and Face Creams such as YARDLEY'S, ARMA.NDS, COT3'S, POMPEIAN THREE FLOWER'S, WOODBURY'S AND MANY OTHERS These are Nationally Advertised Goods which have a reputation to maintain. In, Tooth Pastes we have Forhans, Ipana, Colgates, Pepsodent and Hutax All kinds of School Supplies and Stationery WE HAVE SEVERAL VARIETIES OF SHAVING CR- EAMS, STICKS C 0.r1P3 AND POWDERS. ALSO A GOOD STOCK OF SHiAVIrle1 1;P,U;SIIEi, eAFETY RAZORS AND Ree011 BL.t,DE.4 MAGAZINES FOR SALE Dr. A, J. Maginnon, uric.( lit N mmii MM AhatP,MWRAPMW.P M ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ , ++.1-a.•.4a•.r•+•t+•r+ •a••i a M •�s USE GYPRO The F i ej roo ` t?a Use it_now. Use it in time. .Tse it eve 3 t 1 T 1' s p a r F o r •e n. WALLS AND CEILINGS, RFPAIRINTI OLD WALLS, RE-\T0l)-, RUING OR NEW CONSTRUCTION \WORK. EASY TO HANDLE, EASY TO PUT ON. NAILS AND SATs r; LIKE LUMBER. PHONE 6 rip CITIOSIEMAKIleatt- 61N 9 ZURICH f�. sa �.4. i..s s , V •1 i. i••) F a .1.+++++++++++++++++++1,÷4e.,1,36 or and iBuies $40,001 and up Auto Tops, Wagon. Repairing, g, Painting, Etc. IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT Wli RERUBIIER kOWJit UGLY WHEELS. HESS - ZIJR10E lA 444-4-4+++++++ +.4 .1.44-44-1-4 +ye.g..i.+ rr•rn-l-s r -t -t 1•w.,r -r-i-r-r•r-e-y-2,1-t : - a fit' 4 ITERAL n ".,OE C 40 14 Do You Know? THAT WE .ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR GOOD PRINTING THAT WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WEDDING IT IN VT ATIO NS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS THArr WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, SUCH AS LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES . AND ,ST.A,TEM'ENTS THAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING DIANUFAC'T TIMERS OF COUNTER C.EECII BOOKS, AND CAN SUP- PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OF CBECX BOOK'S THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENVEL'' OPES IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON O11 TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM ST-. A:TIONERY, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT ROOKS IN TWO SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC., ETC, , THAT WE PILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK BOTTLE WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INK FOR be. LAR - GEE QUANTI,TIBS AT BIGGER REDUCTIONS THAT WE PRINT P POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALE POA - a TERSt MERCANTILE POSTERS AND ALL GENERAL $.. PRINTING Ott SPECIALTY 44'4•Y.,4•_I•44-4,ir'4'+z` +++.44- 1•t+++ ..S :-;• ...- l-l.;r., Iot;folor 4+ r-!--1- l.,i,,rf++