HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-03-03, Page 81 le - Iwo stet„ wto•, -Errr" BEAUTIFUL New Wash Goods Now OOn Display You OLUe l to whoa' February and March an planning and sewing, for. Spring, wilt find an t xteusive and v:ir- ied, chrrice of YleW'GO )ds o ' display here NEW RAYONS -In pretty Colorin g 'a and patterns 1 yd. wide at 55c G1NGHAMS--in notiv designs always ,sorvicable and satisfactory in washing, •priced from 15c. to 35c a yd, , ?VICTORIA FABRICS - In lamall well well covered pattern's very !.Suitable for Kiddies wear in fast colors. PRINTS -In light and dark ground including the famous Amana print's in 1 yd, width, a firm cloth of good weight and extra wearing qualities. NEW FONLARDS-An old favorite again coining into use this •sea- aon 38 -in. wiath at 40c. yd. SEE OUR RANGE OF CRETONES, CHINTZES, GALATEAS, SHIRT- INGS, CHAMBRAY'S, TOWELINGS, ETC, .8011101. PATTERNS PATTERNS REMEMBER WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF IDEAL PATT- ERNS IN STOCK. NO NEED OF WAITING A WEEK FOR A P'A'TTERN AS EVERY PATTERN LISTED IN OUR FASHION EOOKS IS HERE IN ALL SIZES, AT ONLY 20e. EACH, WINTER 'GOODS Balance of Winter Goods such as 'Underwear, Sox, Sweaters Coats, Etc., still selling at greatly red- -mei Prices. SILVERWARE • We give coupons with all cash Purchases entitling you to Wtn, Rage & Gti rant el S I"erwalew:th out extra cost to you. SPECIALS IN GROCERIES Mullets pkg, ... 15e Prunes, large 2 'lbs. for ... 25c Matches bx. ...25c Cream. of Wheat, lb, ... 50 Corn Meal, lb. Caustic Soda box ..:75c Soda Biscuits, 3 lbs. for ...49c 5c J. GASCHO & SONS Prol Waited i)t )ne 5) Znricb?sGarage Gas, Oils, Greases Tires, Tubs, Repairs GNUINE FORD PARTS , UST Els...iss''.E:D A SfUPMEN P OF DOMINION TIRES 4.NDaTUBES ARE A E' AIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS IT. S. L. aliTTE117 IN NEED OF A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO , AND O'I'HFR CHEAP BATTERIES. AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE. WE MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. BATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- ETYLENE WELDING. ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE Z a rich H. dousseau SEE OUR New Spririg St • ck Of Shirtings, Denim, Cottonade Gingbam, Print, Etc, ALL NEW PATTERNS IN VOIL, BROADCLOTH, FANCY MUS- LIN POGEE, ALL COTTON GOODS IS LOWER IN PRICE THIS SPRING, AND WE ARE SELLINU AT OUR USUAL LOW PRICE. GIVE US A CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF J. W..MEhNER BLAKE Dirs. M. Brown of Zurich spent last week at the home of her mo- ther Mrs. V. Meyers, and other friends in the village. . There was quite a good tten- dance at the auction sales which were held in the village on Mon- day andg odd prices were real- ized. eamized. Mr .Win. Cont;pany left 'on. Sat- urday, for Forest where he has ac- cepted a position. Mr .and Mrs. Rudy Sclawartzen truber spent Sunday at 'the home of Mr and Mrs. Val. Gerber in the village. Mrs. Ed. Stelek, accompanied by her cousin, Miss Walger, spent last Wednesday at the home of Mr .and M. Sam Hey. • Miss Grace Love of Hillsgreen, apent a few days with her sis- ter, Mrs. Albert Keys. Quite a number eroni this ,vic- inity attended, the 'seed !show in Elensnll last week. Miss Edna Gingerich called on friends in the village one day lout week. • ao o2vo eeeere/r••••••.•iWi••N00•N••••000004111•4e••••0 a SEEDS! SEEDS! 1 • • • • • 41 d NOW IS THE TIME WHEN I'`ARDIERS SHOTJLD BE PLANN- ING WHAT KINDS OF CL VER SEEDS THEY REUIRQE FOR SPRING SEEDING. WS HAVE ON HAND CHOICE LOTS OF DIFiFERENT GRADES SUCH AS t 10 : Alfalfa, Alsike, Red Clover, Timothy, Whita and I Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover LEAVE YOTJR ORDERS NO,W . PRICES RIGHT. 1 1 Wire Fencin JUST I•IECE'[VED A CARLOAD OP FROST WOVEN FENCING, BARB WIRE, BRACE AND COILED WIRE, .GATES STEEPLES AND STEEL POSTS, ETC. • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • WIRE e PAINTS! PAINTS! WE ALSO OPENED A LARGE SHIPMENT OP SHER.WIN • \VLILIAMS PAINTS, VA:E,°NISHES, OILS, STAINS, ENAM- ELS, .CTC.• 004111+4060400001111110046.4•4111141 i! PULL LINE OF HE,:'.VY AND sump ITARUWARE ALWAYS ON HAND. ST E• Dashwood Mrs. Fefix Wilds is viisiting in Chicago. Mrs J. Kellerman was called to• Toronto on Friday. owing to the ^r•au: illness of her daughter,141rs tDr.t E. Broughton. Mr. P. Schroeder of Mondton is visiting in this vicinity. • W illerl: Bros have creturned to town and are working up their flax. Miss Jones of Exeter visited with Miss Eifreda. Schroeder last week. Miss Olivia Welton is visiting in Kiichener. - Mrs. P. Humble of Sarnia 1's vis- iting her mother, A number of young people met at the home of Mr. and Mian. Chas S' einha en on Wednesday evening February 23rd, and surprised: Mrs. .Bog.• Taylor tvith a' mi;scelleanoula >hower. The evening was spent ing i•mes, after which a dainty lunch was served. Thc' bride re-' ceirod many pretty and useful gift's'' t Ezva \'iritzel, •olECurE. wi.s'ting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Witzel of Stephen, ow- ing to the illness 'of his mother.. u Er . iii,ater 1 Eggc... .... ...... ... Pp3E ill, Wheat ..._ Barley ._ Buckwheat Flour. • ._ Shorts per ton...._ .. Bran per ton. _... Potatoes per bag ... Live hogs, cwt. ...._ ‘Corrected every ...........36-32-24 _._. ... • 1;.25 .._.... 42 .- 4.75 3.75 _.34.00 .. 92.00 2.09 10.7s Wednesday) Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST BUSINESS OF ANY CANADtA.N COMPaNY DO- ING BUSINESS IN ONTARIO. CASH .AND BONDS ON HAND $129,454.14. Being an increalae of InEurance of $5,365,485 over 1925. G. Holtzman --- Zurich A.a_4EN1, ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- TNING RODS, AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSURANCE, SCHOOL REPORT Of Si. S. Not. 4, Hay, 1\p. The marks are, based -on Exan inations Those Marked with * n, :sseid an. ex.-. ant, etc,• Sr. IV -Delbert. Geiger 412,B.ena Erb 402, Eldon Gabel 354*, t' Jr. 1V -Dorothy Zi�'k 487, Ray Qrttt ein 466, Leonard Maisse 277**, Vet ly n Thiel 252". Sr•,III-Napoleon Geromette 433 CClaire Surerus 423. Jr. If( ---Milton McAdams • 376, Emmerson Erb 234", OleVia Masse 1!G ,kat • II -Della Smith 299, aLura Maga •245, Norman Geromette 230. i - Veola Klopp 166, Dorothy Ga'seho 147, Gertrude Thiel 129, Alice Erb •• 1117, Rizer 11Iaase 112, Dennis Masse 83, L Primer -Gerald Masse 98 Mrs. L. V. Hoffman, teacher. 1010. 1010. A! gi , W I ZURICH ONT. +00041000411 ►II►000000•iMi Ii4404041e•i••••••111•••••••••••06001 • ARTHUR W Eh'S SA LL , REG- ISTER G- ISTER March 3rd -Ely, Steinbach, ha.if interest. March 8E1 -Wilfred Laporte March 10th -Alfred Sreenarl. March 15th --Ezra Bender. alar. 24th -E, Snider estate. it. Weber, G. Elliott, At,Ctieueer . 'Mr. 26 -Wm, Main, :Exeter. March 23 -Louis Kraft, Stephen ETir-h 22nd. Il 01)011' Gr4V.11: t\T u'rh. 12—Prank TayI r, Exeter r... NEEENEeparmeiaima ZURICH HERALD Esta.bliehed 1900 ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY NOON FROM THE - Herald PrintingOFfice SUBSCRIPTION RATES - 1$1.25 a year, strictly in advance; $1.50 in arrears or $2,00 may be charged. IT, S. $1.50 year in advance. No paper discontinued until all arrears are paid unless at the option of the .publisher. The date of which every !Subscript- ion is paid in denated on the Label. ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising made known on application. ti'scella.neous articlesof not more than four lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, Found, etc. each insertion 25c. Farm or Real JFDstate ter )e $2,00 for first month, $1.00 for each subsequent month.. - astrayed Animals - One insertion 50e., three insertions $1;00, professional Cards not exceeding one inch $5 per year. Auction Sales -. $2 per single in- eertion if not over four inches in length. • Address all. communications to THE HERALD ZURICH •ONT, HENSALL C. N. R. TRAIN CONNECTIONS MORNING South, Kippen .. 8,22 a,nr". South, Hensel' .. 8.32 a,m, South, Exeter .., . ,.•8.47 Stage leave Zurich..,. 7.00 a.m. North, 'Exeter ... .. 10.16 a.nt. North, Ilensall ... .. 10.30 a.ni, North, Kippen :1010... ...10,35 a.,m, AFTERNOON South, Kippen .: -4E0 p.m, South, Hensel' ... 4,50p.ni, South, Exeter . -5E5 p.m, Stage leave 2urieh ......3.00 p•.ni. North. Exeter' ... . ,. 6,04 part North, Kenrtall ... ... 6,18 pan. North.. Kippeaa 623 pari TiaThalretlaty March 211, $ Seasonable We can .uppl the PubliQ With Seasonable llardwar8 R At n oderate prices, including Que- bec ue.bee Stoves and Heaters of various, makes whieh,we ask you to see SEE OUR WARE, RY PAILS, PRODUCTS, - PANS, ETC. BM LET US SHOW YOU OUR VARIOUS WASHING MACHINES ALSO 1p;LECTRIO WASHERS, WRINGERS, 'WASH BOARDS SCRUBBING ORM. . SEES, DUSTLESS MOPS, BROOMS, DUSTERS, ETC. VA.CUETTE CLEANER FOR HIRE AT $1.00 PER DAY; FULL LINE OF PAINTS, VARNISHES, STAINS, PAINT OILS AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES, Good Supply of Krauser Smoke Cure .Rft FURNITURE Full Line of Furniture in Living Room Suit's, Dining Resta Suits, Bed Room Suits, Kit cher) Cabinets,. A number, ,et Rockers at Reduced Prices. Fana.oue Simmons Beds, Spring* and Mattress, guaranteed in course of years it defective eu, be exchanged free of charge. BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES Johnston tt Kalbfleisch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 6 Y ...1011...... 1927 Auto Licenses. ALL PASSENGER CAR LICENSES HAVE BEEN REDUCIE $5 DD APPLICATIONS RECEIVED AND LICENSE PLATES iV1AILED TO :YOU DIRECT; Auto Insurance LOWEST RATES ON ALL CLASSES OP INSURANCE PUBLIC LIABILITY, PROPERTY DAMAGE, COLLISION FIRE, THEFT, ETC. PARTICULARS ON REQUEST. Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO; -SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? E. C. Harvey & L. V. Hogarth - Agents — Mutual Life of Canada EXETER -- ONTARIO JOIN Ii" AM) .Drugless Pg action- • eels' and Optician EXETER - 'Diitoe& AT Wt°ALPER HOUSE, ZIMMER Every Tuesday, IS a.m. to R pAil. TAILOR MADE BY THOSE WHO KNOW I NOT TOrGETI i B T'PO-G ETHIC IBY THOSE WHO KNOW HOW f1. The New Spring Suitings • ARE l 1 IBIGHT UP TO (THE MINUTE ON 4 PATTERN, STYLE AND QUAL V E TALL OUR GOODS GUARANTEED tc 4, DONT be _misled by buying 1 •chlLeaper and inferior good 'yI I3UY from those you know wit istand behind, everything they t ssnllq 1 I. t t, r H. HOFF A INiERCHANT TAILOR. V. i, IOF��AN & S , EMBALMS MS TAND FUNERAL DIRECTORS, bay r and /plight nolo Na,