HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-03-03, Page 6• 4. lea lap 40/21, ester 20/76. littre Into, AlNg se eneur arta;tit. lIC 213 �it•tri ' die ear tli- AZ eetspacte JO IX*rat' 1St Elie C stag; Ift» iv* b *Al ill NoOtherTea as &ood 11 11 T154 We task you to tet this yourself. A Lot of Mone BY SOPHIE KERR. PART IV. Not by farthest reach of fancy could Anne place Louis in the new a stenee, opening before her. Louis in this house, waited on by Bowen! Louis in that '.soft -cushioned car. Lewis' hands white and soft -and flabby like Roy Torrance's. Louis in that dining loon, looking at her across a silver bowl of hothouse roses! No—such a vision was so wild as to be ludicrous. Next morning Mr, Finknd Mr. Grayson •called. It' was pleasant to see Mr, Fink again; in all this strange- ness he seemed like an old friend. Only now he was subdued, a deferen- tial satellite far Mr. Grayson, who was very much in command of the Meeting An imposing person, Mr. Grayson, almost a persgnage. He unbent some- what in his•greeting to' Anne.. "1 titist you passe.'d a iest£ul night," he said. _".With nothing to disturb you." uppermost Anne went to the thing ups* in her mind: "Mrs. Torrance made a scene and' said I was probably 'an im- postor, but her son hushed her up. Mr. Grayson, tell hie what it's •.all about. Why is she here? Why does she stay Has she any real claim on me or my great-uncle?" • • "Mrs. Torrance has no claim on you whatsoever. She is the stepdaughter of Mr. Andrew Thorne's deceased wife's sister. Mrs. Thorne, having no children of her own, was• interested _in the young girl and, after her un fortunate marriage to the man Tor- r&nce, assisted her occasionally.When Mrs. Thorne became an invalid, as she was for some time before her death, eighteen years ago, Mrs. -Torrance and her child came here to live. After Mrs. Thorne died she remained as housekeeper, liberally paid. The boy developed traits of irresponsibility be a big fortune in itself. I. never and vice, resembling his ..father, and' intagi.ned—I wbuldmt't know what to do Mr. Thorne became very prejudiced with it." `against' him and 'forbade him the Mr. Grayson permitted himself a • house. Since •Mr. Thorne's death Mrs. CANADIAN MINING MADE NOTABLE ADVANCE IN 1926 ground is large, interest vs The mineral induistry of canaria is Making notable advances and during 1926 made a very gratifying contri- buerity of tion oti to t]r Anseneral estimate made by the the country. Dominion Bureau of Statistics places the value of the mineral production for 1926 at $242,886,00�0. This is more than seven per cent. greater than the total• production for 1925, which am- promise copper-zincttur lis ides of the' the Fin on suited to $226,583, 383. I bodyManitoba. An ex-` itrnt� dasti•i�ct, petting keen, and intensive exploration will be continued, The possei'bilitie$ of this part of the province are regarded as � of great •promise. In addition to cop-! per there will be •a production of unto, l and geld is an important constituent of some, of the ores. at A large ore bod'_that bears great, "Mr. Andrew Thorne," said -1YIr, Grayson with an ironic accent, -"'con- sidered such bequests weakly senti- mental. He maintained that unearned money hurt rather than helped those who received it." "He did!" cried Anne. "I wonder if he wanted to hurt me, then!" It was a. hideous idea, but remem- bering the .lean, •sardonic hardness of the portrait in the drawing -room, she felt a sudden conviction that she was right. • Mr. Grayson had not answered her exclamation. He was talking on about the estate., There .must be adjust-. ments, • conferences, meetings which Anne must . attend, inspections of 'books and•.audits, endless papers to be signed and witnessed—it seemed as if he would never stop. He, was weaving about her a net, a heavy net of re- sponsibilities, duties. He spoke 'of matters that -must be attended to at once; others that 'could he'delay ed for a few weeks or months, It would be a year, perhaps two, before the estate would filially be settled. Anne heard him with an ever-growing dismay. A year—an ' eternity! Why, she and Lanis had planned to be married in June. And she had only asked Thelma Downes to substitute for her in school for a week! "How much," she asked at last, "is there, anyway—I mean of the money?"_ • "Conservatively speaking," said. Mr.. Grayson, "and you understand these figures are not final, there will be from three hundred and fifty to four hundred thousand dollars a year." • "What! What! But, good heavens_- that's enormous!" "Only a Moderate fortune in these days, I assure you, Miss Thorne." "Moderate! Why—every year would A few outstanding features that ave had a bearing on the increase in production end that indicate further increases in the future are worthy of note. There was a marked increase in the production of lead, zinc, . and copper, British Columbia contributes most abundantly of these mineralsirA great proportion of the lead and zinc comes from the Sullivan mane in the south- eastern pant of the province-• Extern stone have been made recently in the plants for the treatment of the. Sulli- van ore and the lewd and zinc ores of other mining camps of the province. These <aceount for the increase in pro- duction. Ore reserVea have been prow- ed to be very great, and it is expected that a heavy production will continue for many years. ' Activity In Copper. The. copper deposits of ' Allenby mountain near Princeton have at last come,: into 'successful exploitation and the con+cenitt.•ator with a ;capacity of 2000 tons :a day has been ;fn full op- eration. The. two ,other -large Mines of the province, at' Britannia ;and at -Anyox, have been . centres '.of. great activity. The Ontario 'production is front the nickel -copper ores of :Sud- bury mining district. Further in- creases in copper production nia`y be expected when in about &year the new mining camp of Rouyn and vicinity begins making an output. ,The com- pletion of the railway line from Tas- chereau _has„ solved: the problem of transportation end will .permit of the erection of 'the necessary plants for the mining and. smelting of the ores. Ore bodies of -great value have 'been proved, the extent of favorable pros - a.$ m g perimeutai plant is being erected on the property at heavy cost to ascer- tain the best methods olf treating the ores and it seems almost certain that in time a big mining and smelting in- dustry will be established! at this point. Ontario Leads In Gold. Gold continues to be the most valu- able of the metallic minerals mined tri Canada, according to output, which exceeded $35,000,000 in value in the .year. In gold mining, Ontario is -far in the lead. Better prices were obtained during the year for asbestos, although there was a slight falling off in the quantity produced. Of this nninsral Quebec continues the' most important producer in the world. Few questions attracted greater at- tention in the mining world during the year than the oil possibilities. of Al- berta. The strike at a depth f 3,740 feet of a heavy H Royalite No. 4 well two years ago, re- vived interest and as•a result a great number of wells were drilled in dif- ferent parts of the province in 1926, the greatest activity centering in the Turner Valley field and other points in the foot -hills. In two or three wells heavy flows of wet gas have been struck from which an important yield will be obtained'but none is so produc- tive as Royalite No. 4. Five hundred barrels of light oil is recovered daily from this one well and the gas, after purification, is piped to Calgary. Sev- eral wells have not yet reached the deep oil-bearing formation and the progress of drilling in these and in those situated in other parts of the province will be watched with great expectancy. 1516 THE SHORT JACKET IS ULTRA - SMART. nicn Mr, -Fink.. had :suggested,, dress ,her more beautifam•Ij' than. Mrs. Tor- ance, give her Baso end idleness. Only -again she knew that of everything in theworld the loast•wanted by Mrs Chaner were ease and idiene'ss. It came to her slowly and certainly '-nothing in this money! .It :wee tak- ing away= from • het those whom ie,e loved; it was buryingall her old ser-. ens• contented -file; it was al bitter voodoo magic to turn her into another Anne Thorne,.an Anne Thorne like in feature and soul to old Andrew Thorne, of whom she could learn not one good thing. Back in her bedroom she called Mr.. Grayson on the telephone. ."I'm corn- ing down there," she said, "as soon as you can see ire. It is very important. And inunediate." ' Spring had. come on gayly in the weeks she had.been a'vay. Riding be- side- Louis. ,in his rattling, flabby fliv- ver she saw the woods now in rich leaf ; the fields that were barely seeded when she left were now covered with young green Torrance has 'chosen to consider her - smile at his young client's naivete. "That can be learned.„ He looked at self an aggrievedperson,. contending his watch and made sounds of disrmay. that Mr. Thorne promised' to provide I After he had requested Anne to be at 'for her in his will. There is nothing his office at eleven the next morning, to prove that Mr. Thorne made any he shook hands and disappeared. But such promise; an fact, there is proof Mr. Fink lingered. `,You seem so to the exact contrary.” - - —7 - alone,. Miss Thorne," he ventured.. "He didn't leave her anything at i "haven't you some friend or compan- all?" • ion, or wouldn't you' like to employ "Nothing. h, I temporarily a sort of—er—chaperon?. `.Alii she hadn't saved anything?"' { I would also suggest -a secretary, some. Mr. Grayson regarded Anne w• ith j competent yawing woman, for of Course you will be besiege approval. This was a sensible young ivoinaim who seemed capable •of follow- ing a distinct line of thought. "No; whatever she has earned she has spent on her son, who, is, unfortunately, a bad lot. And how, Miss Thorne, if you are ready ins,Nrant to take up the provisions of your great-uncle's will with you, and a q t you with the "Besieged? What do you mean?" "You have a great deal of money. You will be besieged by people who want to get it away from you," said Mr, Fink grimly. - "Did my great-uncle have a secre- tary?„ "No, Mr. Thorne .was eccentric. He MakeVourQwn SOAP. and Save Money! wasteUfats need ny TT'S PURE k:VC FLAKE x,r;Bum Full Direeborrs Wiih EveryCaii YOUR -GROCER SELLS IT • �" ,onygacu.w+ ,.r in sizes 26, 28, 80, 32'and 34 inches waist. Any size requires 2% yards 86. , inch material, and 1% yards for ' bodice -top. Price 20e the pattern• Our Fashion Book, illustrating thh newest and most practical styles, w4i be of interest to every home dress=l Very chic is the separate jacket this maker. Price of the book 10c the espy; season and is.decidedly strart when } fashioned of velveteen, jersey, or fine HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS.• woollen material. The lower edge is rounded gracefully in front and there is a notched collar, two-piece sleeves finished with cup's, and set-in pockets. The jacket es shown in both views is No. 1516 and is in sizes 16, 18 years, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust. Size 18 (36 bust) requires 2s/a yards 36 -inch ma- terial, or 134 yards 54 -inch; 2% yards lining. Price 20 cents the pattern. The Blouse fastens on the left hip and has a long tie or convertible collar which may be worn high or open as illustrated. There are tucks at each shoulder and long sleeves gathered.to wrist -bands. The blouse is No. 1309 and is in sizes 34, 36, 38, 40, 42 and 44 inches bust. Size 36 bust requires 2% yards 39 -inch material, or 2 yards 54 -inch. Price 20c the pattern. The accordion plaited skirt as shown in View A is joined to a dart -fitted camisole top. No: 1007 is in sizes 34, 36, 38, 40, 42 and 44 inches bust. Size 36 bust requires 3 yards 36 -inch ma- terial for skirt, and 1 yard for cami- sole tep. Price 20 cents the pattern. •The skirt in View B has plaits in front 'and 'gathers at the back 'and is joined to a dart -fitted bodice -top. or .an inside band at the waist. No. 1194 is Write your name and address plain ly, giving number and size of such' - patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number and address your order. to Pattern Dept.,' Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West Ade-' laide St., Tororto. Patterns sent 'by return mail. • He Soaks You. "Do you feel shy when you go to the doctor's?" - "No! Not until I'm leaving these." • Kill warts w!th Mln.ard's Liniment. '•' -Making Good Living and "What did you think when you got Saving Money my telegram?" Anne asked happily. Alen Leslie, Alberta. --"I em making "I didn't think ` I went' sort of crazy. Oh, Anne,.I missed you!" . She shifted. to, be nearer hint. "Everybody. in Cartertown thinks I'm a fool, Louis, except Aunt • Mary. They're cross, because I didn't give something to the town, but I didn't want any of it near me. Cartertown can get-' along . without Great-uncle Andietes•money if I can, I'reckon. It was an awful mess• tgetting rid of it, C blain extent of the estate." attended to everything, large and I nmean. 1VIr. Grayso?m didn't want nae • eMr. Fink hastened 'to open a bulky small, himself. But do let me get you to do it. • But when he saw I was going to, he helped me. 'I settled something brief nvel pes bulg ng an,dtied fold-nts, 'on Mrs. • Torrance, soe -she something can't get long envelopes bulging and tied, fold- someone; you'll need her,I assure you. 1 I 'can telephone an agency and have.. eri d peamphlet.' handed".Anne a good-silsomeone• sent round on trial—" anything 'but'.th�e income, •and I took printed inp]il I • "There is the will.. „carp.of the servants. The house and 1 Wait until to iuorxorv," said Anne. carp the sniff in it ,is sold and gone. "The will!tog "I must thin things out. be And all.•the money, rem everything, to -morrow, My fonnd.ation-- I thought ht wills were k h t I wan't'need f thing written." anyone before has been turned into a "The original is written. But it is; sieging won't be •in before then, I'iti' that scents to be the stylish name for customary m an estate of this sire to sure. I suppose , I'll have to learn such things --to be used for orphans' have printed copies made,"explained. about investments, and real. estate and •homes and trade schools. I thought, Mi. Grayson patiently. e.qulty and such •t lotrg as I was an o p , good living, increasing my stock, Minard's the dependable liniment. Something brand nervy nl - radio ac- cessories is a radio control cloislc which} starts and •stops a receiving set •auto matically. ' . It works similar ,to an! alarm clock, consumes no electric cur-' rent, and costs nothing to 'operate.. NURSES The Toronto r:o4Dlta1 for Incurables. •In affiliation with Bellcvua and Allied HotD,tatii, New York. City, otters n three years* Course of 'Training .to young woman. having the required education, and dextrous of. boeomiag 'nurses. Th1a Hospital has atloDtod mho olgbt. hour gdem. .The, prune resolve unitorma of mho School,- a monthly sow York. and iravaliar e,cgenaoa to and from Now Yark. For further mologm«tton write the Superintendent. d Cakes baked with Purity Flour keep fresh for three -or four days. Purity is a vigorous,' "dry" floor'; that absorbs and holds' more water or milk. Tasty cakes, rwi hnpyou use large, light buns and bread are always yoursPU ITY FL UR- machinery and land, raising a big family and saving money." This is the answer Rex Patterson of Glen Les- lie, Alberta, formerly of Osceola, Iow'ar U,S,A., ,gave to a Canadian Govern- ment official when asked if he was satisfied with farming conditions in Western Canada. ' • Mr. Patterson came from Osceola, Iowa; in 1916, with $1,500 in capital represented in cash, stock and equip- ment. Ile bought 16,0 acres of 'virgin htlid. His farm is now 320 acres and he values it at $10,000. From his ex- perience he says he would strongly ad- vise anyone looking for an opportunity to attain independence and success to come to Canada. The principal ree. uuisite in his opinion, is a capacity for hard work, until the newcomer is well established. n atientl. ,> r batt I'd like "He left nothing to any charity --no. „ , , to do something for other orphans." It -would be better •if you did, bttt `s churches, no hospitals, no homes, tie- } it isn't necessary. It's. dull, and its "But..didn't 'yeti keep any• of it, "or thing," she commented. ' hard, and it's never ending. The only buy anY'thing?,> •, . thing you need to worry your head Aitne smiled a little shame -faced i,hreslted 9,100 bushels of wheat, 2,000 about is haw tti get the most pleasure (smile. She slipped the glove of her } and ei �jo3Trimerit. � out of spending the right hand. "T got one thing. I�nok." bushels of outs end 800 bushels of itar- ley, aitdl ]ie received good Prices fox• money. She was wearing an emerald ring, a Itis hose rattle and dairy produce. Anne hesitated, and then spoke, square stone. bravely, "But that isn't much of a life, "Looks as if you'd cut it right out th turkeys and other just spending money,•,Mr. Fink" of the woods where. the shadows are so 1 markets. "The greater part of the well known I deep;" said Loins, , "I'm glad you got human; race, 'Miss Thorne," replied' yourself something, hone" did not tell Mr Fink, "rvauld ask nothing lietter.I Anne smiled again. Shetion to their well-known ability id I shall have the pleasure of seeing you him that the stone was the:"finest to } eject streams of "ink" in self-defence. in the morning, then? 'Thank you." I be had at the world's greatest jewel '1 liey.elrainge their colors at Will from He. went at last and Anne was alone er's and that she had paid for i eat- pale brown to purple, grey, or green: 1 the clrear • Boron y,worthof his 7C ,Y • 263 • Send 30c in stamps for our 700 -recipe Purity Flour Cook Book.. Montreal, Ottawa, Saint John. .Western Canada' Flour Mille Co. Limited. Toronto, 'tike climate, good schools, low taxes, good neighbors, are features of West- ern Canada life that appeal to lir. Pat- terson. Since be has been in Alberta he .has had good crops. In •1920 be Lrr'` Flavored with the juice of fresh itxihtc leaves • Mrs. Patterson makes good "pin" • money firm e to poultry she sells al the loco mn Cuttlefish have another gift in addi- She wrote littleinost the ns arm. - .---------- I i w figures on a sheet of paper. Three etad as hundred and 'fifty to 'four hundred pleasure, She put onher glove. thousand dollars every year. Every ! "I don't knew if .1 gave the money year! And she had never had more away to the best advantage," she went i than two hundred 'dollars et one time' on. `.`I did as well as I could, .not 1 in her whole life, And Lepis Haynes'! knowing much about such thin}gs. But 1 farm was worth at the most not inose, I know I was right to get rid of it. than twenty-five thousand dollars, and Aed'I'nt so happy to be out of all that tress, I'"can't begin to tell' ,you. :Y.'ou. his debt to his' 'brother of ten thouw 8 sand seemed overwhelming. -to hind and I—we're going to majte our own To-day'—why, it was only. small money. We may not get soMuch �but wadi c•hattge:- •She could Spare it and iv'ver •eve li have to Work for it, know it. Only,: Louis would never ac-.! going to have a good time :doing it, opt it; ° Now; let old Andrew Thorne rest in She thought of Mrs. Chaney, illr;±:I peace."drove o11 lilts the twilight, and Chaney who wee her mother in all but , They physical fact. •Shu could bring Mrs, content redo with theta. Charier here, install her as that chap.' (The End.) be her secret and hee. � ��II�II(1 h ((Ifllllllll O Bobowith .rtr ,,,nnllI 1111 Besi t•Ythw 972d Baty t,.;rw..-...,.ry �niiai,•,Qp,,,,�L1a�AN, hitt tYb nn.l ' Y� ISSUE No, 1—'?"1. Canadian Plan. Book Practical Articles on :., • Planning, Building, Financing, Decorating, Furnishing and Gardening Illustrating homes that represent the newest • ideas and latest treatment in Colonial, English; Spanish and Domestic desists—bungalow, cottage and two-storey residences. They cover fill types of construction. Designed by Canadian architects from each province. Ready Now. Order Yours Today. • Special Price s0 cents per Copy. • MacLean Builder's Guide 344 Adelaide St. West • Read 0 off, Magazines We will mail you, Prepaid, the following POPULAR MAGAZINES At the prices indicated. • Cheek Here Maclean's . 1 year $2:00 Maclean's 3 years $5,00 Goblin 2 years $6.00 .,... The Canadian Magazine 3 years, $3.00 Saturday Evening Post ,. 1 year $2,00 . Ladies' . Home Journal .... • 1., year $1.00 .. ... Gentleman .,, 3 years $1.00 Country , Good Housekeeping 1' year $3.50 eosmopolltan 1.year $3.50 Harper'g Bazaar 1 year $5.00 , 1 year $3 50 , . . Snmat't Se1:. ... y • A . 1 year $3.50 True Story Juet check the Magazines wanted. Fill In your name and address, enclosing cheque or money order, Addresa Send to, "MAGAZINES"' k ROOM 425, 73• Adelaide Street WestToronto