HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-03-03, Page 5MINES CAW "lIit1STRB, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PUBLIC, .ETC +codecs, Hamilton Street. Jos- off "fie Square, QODBRICS Orit. t psytisl atteestion to Counse end Court Work I9iolsaes may be eteteedateo at ldesieh by plume and ,tie charger revalued Dr. . .Phone 54 Heneall. L. D. "d . D. D COOK" BROS. MILLINGI CO, T YOUR Wants, For Sale, $.ost, Found, Notice, Etc. IAd IN THIS COLUMN FOR SALE A ,good cow in milk.—Apply to Henry elett3ivay Zurich,' FOR SA;L,;< PEED '-- We have a quantity of a V re-el.:ailed Bean Searaeninge which r we oeffer at One Cent per pound ushilthey last. DENTAL SURGEON At WAITS BLOCK, 'ZURICH N1v- A for 3Le. Apply to Robert Mous- Ilt tea.. $'fstn• Officer LIIB'g BLOCS. IDA88WOOD yticsW P. Hes!,. Township Clerk I r of marriage licensee. Notary 74'dlic, Commissioner, arid Aut attanbile Ineuerance Representing SumA Erie Mortgage' Corpor- tater The Canada ONTO ZURIC>il 'OR ,i ed tea d Ratan, quantity of choice timothy hay +,eau `s� �i!uradeell► • -U-C-T-1:A-NNE-EOR EIC iQA$ HI .F+ . illicadoate Cum f[. J's Nat- Ilebool of Aged;nesainStock ry ea Registered Lien: Terms in ,keeping , R. R. 2, Hensel. Phone 1-92 Zurich. �CAItrD OF THANKS We, the undereigne'd wish betake this opportunity of conveying to neighbore and many friends our sincere thanlrs and appreciation for the kind expressions and good will extended to us Ir:nee our recent loss by fire. Mr. and Dust. Art (Willett, Dieh- lwood. • IN MEMORIAM Hartleib-In loving memory of our dear mother, Mary Ann Thon, who wee called to - rest on March 'kat, 1926. . . . you dont know the sorrow to ba �sedr). left alone seuliget �evatling pry, Choice TilI God lentils a message; to your �� tor os 0• snit sett sttitything • , awn; .home. It to hard tp part with one or the IllfrsD 1a++j...eS or writs, Zurich.. other, Tut tike hardest of all is to part i your Auctioster IO1•; HURON & MIDDLESEX Ontario, BM M IN.. A POSITION TO C- Gast stay auction sw� -regardless (to ulna , or.._ artficIee 'to Ikon. -I lielhdsot bel cam's... and it not ? tit will make ao charges toe. derrvitma' ... Dashwood. Artbat Weber, x;15 -'t37 mother with Fondly remembered by her lov-i Lent ins here., but the •u'snal fine ging husband and children; Mr• Jon-te ebe3 of fr, sh lake herrings that ns Hartleib and family, Dashwood a al'w'ays Ioolked- forward for at is period, hive ' not made their appearance. • But times who perhaps 'do not indulge pee much in fasting as others, during Lent, would anyway-wel.corize a good meas of thes!1 fine herring. �t€AL NEWS i SUWO •HERALD CROW W`�NTEIRWHEAT .. Mr, JTerb Mou!s!seau is away o#1 a business' trip to Detroit, , • Miss Ada .Oeitz ors spending the Weak withher father who ca ilt •at ,London ,Ho!apital. • Mrs, J Hey Jr., wale et- visitor at the home of her son,-Me.Lioyd aey, London, the. pant ;week, • Mr. J W. Horner, who recently nuved into, lh' fine, residence he purchased in the village, has had ho +aam.e Wired for hydro. Mra. A. G. Ehnen, who fell ,on the ice and injured her hip some two " 1:;C'3 ago is buffering consider-, ' ble pain, . Me. W. H. Edighoffer• of k the lith con. ha'a invested tn. a new Fogel touring car, making the.pur- hese from C. Fritz & Son, dealers Mr. and' Mra. John England who :-oc:mtly puTchaaed the dwelling pr- operty from Mr, Sae. Meidi;nger, :re moving to town on Wednes- day, and we Welcome thetas a citizen;, to our village. Mr. Samuel Deitz, who has been takken to London Hospital last week, has been operated on for bladder trouble and we hope the operatioee will ,prove isuccessful. Rev. $. Rcmbe, L.8.8., who has been called to the bed aide of his father at Hamilton, ha+a returned hoar and conducted +services on Sunday, Rev. Rembe, . Sr., is 'still very poorly. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Angel have moved th it hou..e' old e:f,e a from the flat abobe Sr•itz's auto show room:; on "'Victoria streef�-to the residence owned hs' Mr. Chafe We - her and lately Vacated by Mr. and Mira, Lloyd O'Erein. !E!PMdNMN Zurich. Maui • , �I�RKET Fresh and. Salt- • Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Ugliest Cash Price for W. GASH FOR BXIES a Q1Dp'i T'tmgblL t (35. Deichezt :ANN ZURICH LIVERY • 1 nam is ra poaitioa to aceomo- Skate Alk requirements in the Livery ih ildweas, have Auto for hire. Any Ulu/ Sone in the toarnitig line. GEORGE J. THIEL awns SI ' Zurich,OM, L Y13,. IP0ULTRY ..WANTED takes* every ;day till 3 O'clo ck,p.m. IOW. not feed fowl, • Wams morning When .j broelgbt in. ,lllighest Cash Prices" Creaim vkand Eggs W.• O'Brien it Mame M Enrich ECONOMY P FORMANCE Year • Ahead Desists'. . us: and SBLRCTIVfTY {NANO$ ' and "'CONTROL r MARCONI VIII " FOR SALE A quantity of flan need ground for your Stock. Teed a • handful a day, And keep the Vet. away. P. _C. I$<albtlensch, . Zurich. • ready, • Farm Help for 1927 Since a great number prowerty stricken people of Germany apply to me for positions on the farm I tangy thia Year ,supply. _Evangel icaks with -Evangelicals, Lutherans with Lutheran's, Baptiat with Bap- tist, and Catholics with Catholic young Wren or domestics at 8200.00 a year; each than -sagest be recom- mit -nese by his pastor in Germany. Farnl•er pays fare and $5.00 per month. Write to. tf31 Rev K. Orettenger, Mildmay, Ont. FOR SALE - Three good Youkahire bacon - type brood ',soca with pig, due about March letlr. Apply to Jac- ob S, Willert, R. R. 2, Daahwood, teth con. Stephen. z 'shop FOR SALE am offering my blacksmith' and buainesr for sale. John Kipper, Zurich. FARM FOR SALE Con'si'sting of 25 acres ofg rass £arm, being e -hl. of e-hf. of Lot No. l4, N. B. Hay Townahe'p. For sale or to rent. For particulars apply to Mrs. Catherine Reichert, Mr. Wm. Reichert, Executors late John Reichert, 'Zurich. I ;have bee�Q� pointed !solic- iting agent for thegiroducte of the John C. Winston Ca, Toronto, and can au}ply you With ';Bibieia, Terata- menta' Teachefelselpailibielitgries for Children; Book. of Knowledge, Cniveraal hand hoolrl, ete. Every Book 'Will make a very accept•: able Olft, Mrs. 'Juba Real, Zurich. COAL 19 j WE ARE SOLE 4GRNTE FOR THE jSoranton .. Coai I ALSO esRRY Coke Poeahantras' and Soft Coal GOOD BUPPLy ON taws '1`ItLEI+Bt fid •Yount: 60 106 •*ARLT Cafie:; l.''S.I ,• ` p. W1�I�, Prone, dHAsa > ? Tall Sajrttlep HSOV11 Mr. Rohti Green of the Parr Line, i;a having an auction sale of farm !,tock and implements, on March 22nd. Mr. Gro•:n having Teased his farm to his neighbor, Mr, Thomas. Kvle, and after the sale will move to, Hermit where he will engage in 'oro li.ng autos. Mr. Carmichael of the LornelFire Engine Co. Ingersogll, was in the village last Thursday and was,suc- cees'ul in securing the order . for an equipm nt mounted on a Ford has's. The outfil will also have a few ehrm'c-,1 t.i,nks mr,u eted there on and when corgi lete will make ,n 'ideal outfit for a village the •si,e of Zurich• It will however, be about . six or eight weeks be- fore hams will be deliverer], One of dr, w'o:+at storm', that eve can rem:niber ,an late in the win- ter, took piece here on Saturday, When a - .11aavy fall of +snow, ac - co w up we of, wi ea d. to vic Su not coo .mu 110 ,the ar ,will a Z and bqu NOW IS THE TIME TO PLAN FOR FALL SEEDING. Something of Its Advantages end Somotliinl:' o4? the Methods Which Should Be Adopted. (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto,) The seeding of winter wheat comes 1n September, while the seeding of spring wheat comes at a time of the rush of spring work, Where help 1s scarce this is a . factor decidedly in tavor of autumn sown wheat. liVas a nurse er pintIt wis�harvestedeat s earlier than spring grown grains and thus gives the clover crop a better thence to uott;.iaete for•food and moisture. Winter wheat is able to use plant food In the soil more efficiently than spring value' Fall sown crops tail - plant food Materiel which other- wise would be leached out by autumn raise whaltt in -wheat Ontario ; from 10-30 bushels per acre. It also gives a great bulk of straw, so useful where live stock are wintered. Preparing the Soil for Wheat e ploughedSoils or two weeks or�mareould before :pleating time in order to allow set- tling before needing. Wheat required a erre, ';Pell compacted seed bed, .duck b1iaes the seed In close contact With the particles of soil and enables the roots to get a perfect contact with the soil. A heavy rain following aid to coinyaettiinng g ;the soil' as When a lot of . vegetation has been ploughed under or if the weather 1s dry it Is neces- sary to roll, cultipack and harrow following the plough. The surface of the seed bed should be loose and crumbly, with enough tine soil to give perfect cover and contact to the seed. Small lumps —up to the size of a man's fist are not objectionable on the winter wheat field, as the frost action pal. -Verizea the lumps and leaves the sur- face soil In good condition 1n the siring. The luutps of soil also hold the snow over the field giving pro- tection to the wheat plant against !reeving and thawing.—L. Stevenson, Dept. of Extension, 0. A. College. • Injury From Cheutical Fer't111z.ra. When ehe/nice! fertiliser 1r applied is the hill or drill, earetui consider- ation inert be given to they .aibiiity of injuring the germinating seedling. Chemical,[ high In readily ava1la0Ie plant food such as nitrate of sudor or ammonium sulphate or •muriate- of potash are . most Injurious, while phosphates and organic nitrogen are lees so. Large seeds,.suclt as corn, beaus and others that germinate Quickly, are more apt to he injukred than those that germinate elawly. The.soil moisture also has an influ- ence when chemicals are applied as it detereenes the degree of- dilution, belle::' there is less danger on clay ar ixiuck, than there is on the drier randy soils. The sandy soils hold so little moisture that the chemical goes into a more concentrated solution, and hoc .is more injurious to the aex•ialneOng seed. Best results are soured where the fertilizer is applled in two streams to the sides and a !i! tie 1:.dow the level of the seed. i+a light sails where heavy aEpli- ,:a-l„r1s are wade it is often desir- e:Ao to apply a portion or the far- ti<lrer ai. planting time, the balance mpg rue 1 b1• hi .11 .wind's from th; ' L, nr. sanded a.• a side dressing .'iter• eat, v'site.' th,s setton, and e 1 I - "I- cc lie sun. Dept. •of hitenslon, p• t1. A. {'allege. big banks of snow, in fact there i • • re at places much higher banks :snow th in at l• .tnv time thi,3 WAe:: liuicr for Laying Hens, nter. The weather has now e1 let in the water pan will not heli; red up and nice cold 'seasonable egitptreub e� Ls experienced during [y3 prevail, the very cold weather, in keeping the Rev H rker, who wale advertised poultry freezing, ie may be overcomedrink. water orilk by usifrong take charg►a of the morning'aer- any one of several devices. The ea in the Evangelical church on vacuum water fountain so constructed nday morning, evidently did that warni water put in it will keep make an +appearance, and the warm anti/ used, lasting all day, isiderable large gathering were gives very good service. It the house eh diaaapointed when there was equipped with electric light there are a number d prersh:.'r present. However On "carbon or evice such as "hot comingSunday point,'," and carbon bulbs" that may there will be be suspended partly in the water or eal tt rat• in store for_;such , who milk to give the necessary heat to avail themselves, as Rei. Roy keep the drink palatable. There are Geiger, of Chealev, and who i'3 kerosene heated fountains available urich old boy, will addre!as the that are _generally satisfactory when• iences 'in hie masterful and L. given close attention as to adjust- ent way, and eterybody is im- ment and cleanliness • The birds inns: vited to hear htmt drink it they are to produce. and APPROPRIATJOV' FOR HARBORS palatable to high producers,—L. Stev- lrstitwates ,for the :;seal ear enson, Director of Extension, O. A. y College, Guelph, 192:1-192e- were ,submitted in the House of Commons, Ottawa, the Keeping. Teach of the Fwrm Income. other day which include ,several it- In every: other line business worthy errs of particula+r interest to this of'a;narne, record is kept of the re- di.striet. Theft, are $1)3,009 for im- ceipts and expenditures. A study is prusementa at Goderich harbor; made of #hese business records. $1,000 for .ropairs to piers rat KtabYvledgrflg, aicumuluted and dirt• Bilytield; $29,00 for repairs to. pas- proreiient made, The farm bulli;, s:= era at Kincardine :n3 $24,000 for cannot make much. progress toward dredging at Kincardine. pro dding an, increased income until the.favner adopt, a system of record MARCH ROD AND GUN'. keeplug, and studies his balance• sheet, every Week, every month and t!spring anal summer every year. Such:study reveals the aiont Wilr3h ;loomintheg ahead,:.thc 'lo,vers .,reasons for pro4.,and. the cause or of outdoor recreation are again lo- causes or lois On operations. It 1, olting :to thou tackle. The blanch mOnly once Ink great while that w number of Roel and Gun and Can- without u farmer making much progresrm without keeping records of his farina adian Slicer Fox News which has operations. The great majority need just appoared, has many interebt to do it for their own and the fartn's ing articles for tho'd: outdoorsmen sake.—L. Stevenson, 0. A. College. A snow or ice water are, not generally very complete article on outfitt ing along' tenor trip by C. p, . Poultry Loss. sctfircyr i3 Ali ouratanciing feature The egg -eating habit once acquired of the issue, Many other usefiit by m�:mbers of .the poultry }tock le the regi- wrihltle�r, are included in diitticult to step. Prevention Is eosin.. lar "Melling Notes' and. 'Outdoor than btnattihave a Mads of the habit. Tait,' and "Gums kind Ainunition' of 07 oyster have an abundant, stheir department* 'Mane interestingof nater shell or lime before their e.! •11, times and are fad a liberal teal` experiences are told in the :huntirrqrtion, wide aqundant ,grew, h as eue"A IToli•day in the seldomfsedeveIop tho egg -eating Rorkkiaa" Beenycaatle Dale. writ habit. Arrange the nests at leas`; ea thid dn'th on the. cub , of 1;41 elijlzEeaa Inch a shoe,, the ,, nor aril Nova Sea . . `Jte.plcltty�0 'vision eo tha i . tla men wh°. 11 ala LOP l- W .,..., ... t is,. a lien Micron l<F,umbe�r 3 of Ciznrtciian 'a�.Manu to lay tfaen lt'i31 rn a` ow ,, ver Pox Neves; eontains a i 1�t two digs • three .ani of them crotp sm deal of rt4^fuJ tnatrrisl, $ • two. or nixes goons a nest box 1the Rod. and, theta Dreskin,r, fiiae pbp•s. Keep file Gun and Cati',rluan Sleet- Foe Ne'w's nests dark and w.,lel with straw;. Any Fir' "11'a' a 11*" ct 3ttN*44t.1, -t' 113 lrtibl Slied rri,nenly bs Vv T't zy• tor, L+11., Wo iii lite lc, Wit'x''a; dose loses bau 4444 +idyaii i.l,, oar e's�M, age Zurich Drug Store We SpeciaJjz In Fine ' Toilet Preparations and handle all the well known and re- liable varieties of Face Powder and. Face Creams` uch as YARDLEY'S, „ ARMANDS, - COTY'S, POMPEIAN THREE FLOWER'S, , WOODBURY'S AND MANY OTHERS These are Nationally Advertised Goods which have a reputation to maintain. • In Tooth Pastes we have Forhans, Ipana, Colgates, Pepsodent and Hutax All kinds of School Supplies and Stationery WE HAVE SEVERAL VARIETIES OF SHAVING CR- EAMS, STICK; aOAPS AND POWDERS. ALSO A GOOD STOCK OF SHAVING BRUSHES, :AFETy RAZORS AND RAZOR BLADE.3 • MAGAZINES FOR SALE Dr. . J. MacKinnon, Zurioli MWANW MANk PMAN ANYWMAMPANIM USE GYPROc The Fireproof* Wallboard Use it now. TJse it in 3 our spare time. Use it evi r For WALLS AND CEILINGS, REPAIRING OLD WALLS,RESIOD IRUING OR NEW CONSTRUCTION WORK. EASY TO HANDLE, EASY TO PUT ON. NAILS AND SAWS , LIKE LUMBER, • F. C. KALBFLEISCH PHONE —HONE 69 sa a ZURICH IIEADQUARTERS For Secondhand Buggies $40.00 and up . Auto Tops, Wagon Repairing, Painting, Ete. IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE RERUBBER YOUR UGGY WHEELS. HESS - ZURIOH rearamiswasisagasis p++++++++;P'+++++++++++'ice!'+++vr reg '+r4'r 1" HERALD:OFFICE f 4, Do You Know?try- + + 4 +y. Pt4INTING OUR SPECIALTY l"4•'f.4l'.`1`'1.K'?t"t";t',t''!t.,'ahw,4't' l 1 t R^`i R t •I„t !� THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR GOOD PRINTINl4 THAT WH CAN S17PPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WEDDING INVITATIONS ' AND ANNOUNCEMENT THAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, SUCH AS LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND STATEMENTS THAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING MANU,F.,A.O ;UAEES OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN SUP- PLY ANY quAbtirrry AND SIZE OP CHECK BOOKS . THAT: WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, NEVEM. OPUS IN ALL SIZES, CARD RAPERS, CARBON Olt TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM ST-. ATIONERY, MOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS INTWir SIZES, FOOLSC P, fiTC,, HTC. 1,141a; WR, FU L It.opft ORDINARY SIZE 'INK' BOTTLE �# xT GOOD POtT 1!t Tai:;:a,: N PEN IN.g FOfI lSoa;"� :LA18R- OEI`t'` QTIANT4trIas AT BIGGER RI;IDtJor'IO,NPI THAT: WE PRINT ,POST NCI BILLS, AUCTION SALE POS'. TE it MERCANTILE POSTERS ,AND ALL •GENERAL