HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-03-03, Page 3What's the U3e Uncle—"'Yeti should work and earn Money.' Boy ---"But what do I want with •money?" Uncle--"WhY, saveand be independ-, eat, and then you won't have to work!" Boy --„Bolt I don't have to work now,' • ' Leaky,, A little boy had hist first dip in the sea, but came out quickly looking in- dignant • • "I'm not going in there,”: ,he .said to his mother; "this. bathing. dress lets water in." FELT IfEllY Had No ,Ambition and Had to Rest Frequently. Mrs. Wm, J. Griffin, Tehkummah, Jack ,MaY I eat you 'IIe+venge'?" „Why?„ "Because revenge Ls sweet." "Certainly, if you •'will let me call you 'Vengeance'!" , "And why 'Vengeance'?" "Because''•vengeanoe' ie mine." Suurn nes and The r Origin KEELER., 'Racial Origin ---English. Source—An occupation. This family name is one of the elate' M'&nitoulin Island, Ont,; is one of the. which originated in the occupations Source -A locality: litany thousands of women who was of their .original bearers,; ands it has, • The tamely name of Thurston is one ran -down • and bloodless, and who has apparently, no• connection with the which traces back to very ancient. found new health *through Dr. Wilesomewhat simii'ar name of Keller. " times and constitutes one oR those re - Items' Pink Pills. She says:—"Por a I But what was the occultation of lies of pagan Englend which the rush number of years I felt very weak and "heeler" in medieval England? et Was of our modern civii1,zetiO1 has not sue- had no ambition. I found it very dif- either one .of two callings; and there ceeded ill obliterating.however, ilmeet to do my housework and had t11;o,; is nothing much in the way of direct The antiquity of the name, rest frequently. As time passed mY 1 evidence to settle the ques�tien of is as a place name rather then a fondle' condition. grew decidedly worse, and which; !name. It was turned to the latter my feet and legs were badly swollen. In more Modern times a certain tY'Pe' lenge about the same period when My husband told the `doctor of mY of burden -bearing vetoed has navigated the bulk of family names came into condition, and he gave me medicine. the River Tyne,. known as a "Keel." i being in England,'namely, between the the doctor It is a low, fiat vessel,• virtually of twelfth and fifteenth centuries. Be )~hell my baby came and attended me. He said I had scarcely barge construction, and there is reg- fore that it existed only, as the name any blood in my body that it had son to believe that it was used on the of a place. turned to water, I continued taking Tyne as a very early date. The skipper In the speech of the. ancient Pagan has medicine for a time, but did not'of such a craft, or• its Shands, were Saxon inhabitants of lengland", Thurs- feel that it, was doing me any good known ati keglers. Then I started to take Dr. Williams Pink Rills, In a short while I felt better, and after taking the pills for a couple of months I felt like a new person. Where my work ueed to be a drag upon my strength I enjoy do- • explaining the existen+ee in the majority of eases. THURSTON. Racial Origin—English- the name • The woald is full of nuisances and the worst of them ,is worry. Many people miss the train—of kind- ills it now, and I will always reeom- ly 'thought. "" " The question lies in whether the existence of -.tale craft reaches back se far as the period in which fa'"mily names were formed, ' The other explanation would be more obvious, A "keeler" arias also the arti San of • the ancient shipyards who specialized in shaping the keels of the medieval craft. The chances are that this family name is derived• from neither one nor A man we heard of is worth $10,000. That le the size of the reward the sheriff has offered -for him, dead or alive. The Two. Side's; Wille --"There are two sides to every, question, you know." Hubby (sadly)—"Yes, I know—Your side and the wrong side.' mend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to weak people." if you will send your name and ad- dress to The Dr: Williams' Medicine Co., they will mail you a little book called "Budding "Up the Blood," which contains many health hints. You can get the pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. • The World's Best Farmer. .A. young Alberta engineer who, with no capital, turned to the land ten. years ago when dissatisfied with his profes- sion is to -day the most famous• farmer in North America, He is the _fid:st man in history to win the "world's championship" in both wheat and oats. ,for the same farmer—a feat he aocomplished with his exhibits et the international hay sent before the second or third year and grain show at Chicago. of life, and when found in extremely youngchildren, is almost always due The new grain king's name is Her - Mau Trelle, and his farm is at Wemb- to a rheumatic infection. ley, in the far -northern Peace River Careful examination of school age country in Alberta. children shows about one per cent. to Ten years ago he did not know the be suffering from some disturbance of difference between wheat and oats; the heart. In many instances the pre - now he is adjudged to have produced pre- sence of this disease was unknown to better wheat and better oats than any- the parents or child affected. Rhea - one else In the world. The hoinestead 'matism in some of its forms, St.. Vitus' of 160 acres which he first took up Dance, Diphtheria or some other in - was extended to 430 acres while he de- fection was tisual]y ifound to be the veined his wonder grains. cause. • Mr. Trolle, who is only thirty-one Many of the existing cases of heart years old, has attained' suoces•s by disease could have been avoided if ade- tasting all available Government boiler quote care had been taken at the time tine, studying reports of experimental of the onset of the disease responsible. farms, and carefully following instate- Rheumatism.does, not neoessarilykiave tions. to be present in the form of, acute rhea- His victory means that Canada is matte fever 133. ander to: damage .the predominant by right of title in the heart. Such slight manifestations...et two meet inlpor•tant grains foe another its presence' as ."'growing` pain's,' are year. • sufficient ivarrant for careful super- qo yottget.a.aeusationof pressure onthe heart? vision :Of the child's activities. Slight Don't isafrightened it's not heart trouble—its pain or swelling in the joints, of• a indigestion. Seigel's Syrup ,will fix it. Any transient charactei, should taken drug store. the other of these sources exclusively, ton meant "Thor'" town". or "Thor s fortress." Thor was that god of might whose name runs through the, alae of the 'Vikings, of the Swedes, Nor- wegians, Icelanders, Danes, Saxons and all the northern branches of the Teutonic rase. Of course, in its first use to desig- nate the individual, the name was used to indicate the place from which the bearer had come and was prefixed, either in the Norman ox Saxon tongue, but from both; with thelatter course by the word "ot." Heart Disease. in Children'. Disturbances of the heart in child- ren, automatically divide themselves into two groups, those which were pre- sent at the time of birth, and are due to defects in development, ' and those. which are acquired after birth. Congenital heart conditions, or those present at birth,,,are, no uncommon. They are, as a rule, easily recogniz- able, and while they vary materially in extent, the majority of them term - heats) fatally within a given period of time. Acquired heart disease is rarely pee - MOTHERS PRAISE E.. Y'S OWN TABLETS Grown: in the best gardens in the Orient. in Blended by men trained ;the world's greatest tea market. Packed in the best packet yet found • for tea—Aluminum. While you play, remember that your C3ai3sifled • Advertisements., competitors are energetically at work. We hear a good deal of the Leisure Class. Those in the leisure class 1 know are mainly poor people. Mrs. L. M. Brown, Walton, N.S., says:—"I cannot recommend Baby's Own Tablets too highly. I have found them invaluable for the ailments of little ones." Mrs. Brown's ,testimony is the same as that of thousands of ether mothers who have used the Tab- lets. To use them once is a sure guar- antee that they will always be kept in the home as long as there are babies or young children to be cared for. The Tablets are a laxative—mild but thorough in action—which never fail to regulate the stomach and bowels; relieve constipation and indigestion; break up colds and simple feversand make the dreaded teething Peri easy. In fact you banish all the minor Els from which little ones suffer. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. -- I end btmloae forever evttb m7 ne7+redodyno ��� Solvent treatment Pd ter almost(detan*. 17. Athol reduction of the oolaoo , sroe•tn b6o•te eofacttbntvendnest Vogofnhoeacell ba . afzo smaller—olltaa too olzes nmaller. PROVE LT FREE—Suet vend yen: nano and address, no money, and the fall t eatment avarnntm 4 to bola m tote ro pltt mgr t>4 yours to try. 2Io a�li.atl'oan-A�dsaaa KAY LABORATORIES, D, at. A400 so Front St., W. Toranto.O1O•, Old Cheese. Dinar -"Waiter,' there's. a gray hair oaf this •cheese." Waiter—"Well;, sir, didn't you ask 'for old English cheese?" . .. Newspaper -Boy Knight. Sir Percival Bowes', the ex -Lord, Mayor o•f 'Birmingham, who was knighted in the Neev Year Honors, faced the world, an orphan, at the age of eleven, when he sold; newelesPee in the streets of Hythe, Kent, where he was born of Yorkshire parents.. He afterwards worked on a farm, which he left to become apprenticed to an engineer and blacksmith. He be- came . the first Socialist , Lord .Mayor of Birmingham in 1924, and served with such distinction during his year of office that the request, to which he acceded, to continue a second year was supported by even his op- ponents. Don't .Neglect Bronchial Colds Pneumonia, "Flu" and other danger- ous maladies develop from common colds. To prevent trouble take Bucicley's Mixture: It quickly relieves the Cough •, and removes the cause. Different from old-fashioned syrups. It's a scientific Oto combination of proven virtues. Sold by nil druggists and guaranteed. W. K. Bnckley, Limited, 142 Mutual St., Toronto 2 524 BuCKL Aces like a f ash— dingie sip proves it very seriously by the parents and Nursed the Prince .of Wales. physician. , Mme. Blanche Mae -obese the great The early recognition of such dis- prima donna, who recently emerged from her retirement to give a recital in London,•once nursed• the Prince of `Wales, then a little fellow of three, and• warmed up Princess Mary's feed- ingirottle. The Duke of York looked ou from•a high chair. Minard's Liniment for rheumatism. --A woman's whole life is a history of the affections. The heart as her world: it there her ambition strives for empire; it is there her avarice seeks for hidden treasure.She sands children tire easily, may have palpita- forth her sympathies on adventure; (tion, pain oven the region of the heait, she -embarks her whole soul in the or •shortness of breath on exertion. traffic of affectierti; and, if shilrwreck-I Loss of weight or anaemia may be pre - How It Was. "Believe me or not, I was waiting for a street case" "Get out! Can that noise!" "Sure! And then her husband hap- pened to see us!" FOB SALE. ____--.,-_._-.� ICTROLA STYLF„ 1S'OLL CABINET. 1•Ga'`��gt ♦T an records, 48 selections. automatic. Valu 085.00 for 885.00 guaranteed. Poisson. 840 Mount Royal East. Montreal Anil, 226 AMISS, 20 IIDAD STOCK, U AlSFI$, poultry, turkeys, 11050. 01090,. eo.ulpmen", l01,800. l. 2.000 down, balance 4800 yearly. FARM ' buildings. ONLY 62,600 oast. .or terms.. 7..t call. Write Mr Douglas, lirrkimer; N.Y. V• PUPILS WANTED, m5 TBAININQ sCS00L OH' TEE DOA i•i Alomo1ial iioapitaL Naw London, Connec(trut-• dollahffuny altuated o¢ the -banks o! the Taamcl River where it flows into Long Island' Sound—desires Pupils. Competent Instructors, Technicians end Supervisors .insure excellent training. The course 10 88. months. 0 at whioh Al affiliation is Bellevue lios•t pita, Now York City. No man ever lived a right life who had not been chastened by woman's love, strengthened by her courage and guided by her discretion.—Ruskin. Gorillas and chimpanzees are left- handed, while the orang-outang is right-handed. OUTBERN CA.LIroRNIAI QUESTIONS A54 - S8VERED, 81.00 each. Latest facts. Send cash or P.O. Money Order only. Independent Bureau, Box 1004, Arcade, Los Angeles, California. ONLY STEEL RIM PNEUMATIC AND STRAW ONLY collar business, advertised over Caned* and United States; harness Lt eonnecuoa; le now fox sale. wILLIAI1 SPAETZBL, Pneumatic Collar Co., New Dundee, Ont. Can Be Overdone. I1141MIONS *Mt Vacations Any properly -organized business should run efficiently during the tem- porary absenoe of its head. But if it could run permanently without him gas well as with him, them it would tlnean that he was utterly useless, a mere barnacle extracting substance from the organization. The following sentences are from an announcement received from a New York dentist: "I wish to announce that I am again practising at my former location in . , I am planning to attend personally to my patients and eases as diphtheria and scarlet fever, not employ assistants as heretofore. and the prompt action of 'adequate , This dentist prospered. He began treatment, will do much to limit the to take more' interest in hunting and possibility of ,the infection involving' in open-d•oor life in the West than in the heart. • his business. He employed first one Tonsillitis and disease of the tonsils and then another assistant. By is another common contributing factor by he ceased &hawing up at all. Not in the cause of heart disturbances' in once did his patients receive unsatis- children, not perhaps directly, but as factory treatment while he was an the possible lodging .places for organisms job; but after one experience with an which may grow and spread to the assistant they went elsewhere. heart itself.In time. the dentist awoke to the The usual symisoma associated with fact that if he were to continue, the early heart disease in children arena badness he would have to pack Up his as definite as 'one would like, These i gun and get baok on his' job. Vacations are useful. There may be sound sense 11). the recent declaration of a professional authority that busy men of affairs in these modern, high- „ ed her case is hopeless—for it is. a t. The ttisease is as a rule, .brought ;pressure days require a winter as we bankruptcy of the heaa t,—Irving. sen I to light on examination by the school as a summer vacation. Bat vacstnobn0 physrclan, or when the condition has I can be overdone. A business ca Aeroplanes have been um for sow- become exaggerated by some intercur- neglected overmuch. Play, taken in keg tob over suitable g to attracttt in rent i1111055. - ,proper doses, fits a mall for more and Mt�nitoba the object being to The avoidance of unnecessary ,ex- }better• work. But too much play will n1 Responds to treatment with Minard's. Mix ,- with molass�as and pour over a bran mash. ore sante by the extra food supply. , poeure, the wearing of sufficient warm 1 play the deuce with any enterprise.The girl with dreamy eyea is usual- clothing in extreme weather, careful ly wide awake. attention to defects of the throat, and sufficient rest during convalesence Seeing through an idea as good-- from infectious diseases. with regular seeing art, idea through is better. complete ,physioal examination of all children, are measures which will -do -•--•4much to lessen the amount of hurt disease now existing among children. I Want_ to help" says AlIen • fou Tells facts from own experience to help others. Almost wild; with pain, weak and rundown,, he wan new health and strength through' Tanlac Alien Boudria, engineer, of 432 St. Patrick .9t,, is, one of Ottawa's best kne'vn citizens: "My purpclse in the facts of my experience,' : ho' said, is to help others who suffer as I did. "Far five years I was in misery. My mystoole machh troubled stem most.med out of gEventta drink of Cold water would cause my' stomach to bloat and swell abnor- rally, gas would prevent me from sleeting at night so that I had to get up and Walk the floor for hours. Vio- lent stomach pains nearly drove me wild. I've seen times when I was doubled over, unable to straighten up. elfey friend M. Lapont,e told me l anlae had helped .him out of else, made this great change. I'm for saw . Tanlae,. t) bottles in at Tht somMad Me over, overwork ot neglect have worn 0 bottles in till. It just made the over: li tfeel $0 years younger than I ani, and yon down gets e � n la , the g, Ito atss and weigh 21.4 lbs. My appetite and sleep twill tonic rn c ar"aeoth fine. I eat what I like and barks. Your druggist fitly it. over 62 title; ,1il:e a top., '*dike and nothing million bottles sold. ,Blackbird. 1 -le comes on chosen evenings, My blackbird bountiful, and sings Over the gardens of the town Just at the hour the sun goes down. His flight ache the chimneys. thick, By some dee-Ina arithmetic, Comes to his customary stack, - And couches there his plumage black, Anti there he lifts his yellow bill, ' 1 Kindled against the suuset, till These suburbs ere like Dymock wools 'Where .mnise° has her solitudes, And while he.moeks the winter's wrong Rapt on his pinna.c.le of. song, Figured above our garden plots Those are celestial chinmeeepots. . —rohn Drinkwater, Polish new copper and brass with good furniture create instead of metal. polish, and the lacquer will not wear of. .... A generation ago there wei.•o a thou- sand hien to every opportunity, while bo-tl'ay there • are a thousand oppor- tunities to every nl itti.--Henry Vont Keep Mirrard'sjein m nt in the stable. "CASCARETS" FOR DOWELS, STOMACH, HEADACHE, COLDS re You Sic ,? CALIFORNIA MARVELINE, "Nat`are'a Pro. seription" for Chronic, Diseases, often sue - coeds after all other remedies and methods fail. Money -back guarantee. Particulars free. dARVE•L1NE CO., 1456 Dansnuir Avenues Los Angeles, California. PUT STOMACH IN ORDER AT ONCE "Pape's Dia_pegsin" for Gas, Indigestion or Sour Stomach .,,., "01' ,e •t • •.446-04 Instantly! Stomach corrected! You , never feel the slightest distress from indigestion or a sour, acid, gassy stom- ach, after you eat a tablet of "Pape's • Diapepsin.' The moment it reaches the stomach all sourness, fiatuleboe, heartburn, gases, palpitatioon and paine disappear. Druggists guarantee package to comet digestion at once. End your stomach trouble Dor few; cents. • Clean your liver and constipated bowels to -night and feel flue Get a 10 -cent box bow. Are you keeping your liver, stomach and bowels clean, pure and fresh with Calgcarets•--Cr merely forcing a. pass- age way every few days with salts, cathartic pulls or castor oil? This is important: Cascarets immediately cleanse the stomach, remove the sour, Undigested a•nd fermenting fad and foul gases'; take the excess bile from the liver and carry out of the system the consti- pated waste matter and poison in the b oweite. No odcltie .how sick, headachy, bilious and constipated you feel, a Casoaret tonight will straighten. you out by mo.raies. They work while you sleep. A 10-eent,box. from Your druggist. will keen your heed clear, stomach sweet and • your liver a•nd bowels regular fog months. Dent forget the children— their !!ale insides need a gentle cleansing, too. ISSUE No. 9—'27. Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians foyl Colds Neuralgia Pain Neuritis Headache Lumbago Toothache Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART tal WARN Beware of Counterfeits There is only one genuine "ASPIRIN" tablet. If a tab- let is offered as "ASPIRIN" and is not stamped with the "Bayer Cross"–refuse it whir contempt itisno't"ASPIRRN" at all 1 Don't take chances I p Aece t only "Bayer" acka p which contains proven darectialls. Hands, "Bayer" luxes of IS tabletq Also `bottles of 24 and jw--t'uggistc, ' fa A,s istere.i in Cansil>t? of 'i3*yor fantitaeturo ob war711R1 uoo tit+ aoldtfu is the etaliceeidt catetet asticylic Acia "A. 9, A,"), ngbhiletat l wen"1`sbt ih0I Aspirin i insane t .ttlr",to assist the publie against "TWO Cabo that teter to Iue(uss 'will r o ton ru of Driyef• oomDany twill ba atatnlied with their gensrtul trade mark, the AJ'