HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-02-24, Page 54!' P7 I1 ' Is'o x1•0a't 24117 V.II$I' $otic11't o i 10 :A 3.Y. ,I'1TDLlit.', :t "•. Ogfi." Hamilton Street. ,a eel •,t'; tires 01110are,. GO13'ERIC:Ii, Ont .Epeeial afferetion to CO-I300cp., ail: Coart Work. • 1/01enee may be einaisuie e leadmdcld by phone and charges reversed, liso,a� Dr. . 11. COWEN 1 .. D , D, D. n DENTAL /psuaQEo N iM nrz 'SL O'C , i 1. ale -El eye °' hanreda9 Friday eiird wlakur•- RalW, Wen Mem' •' l id3'rLIIIB'S BLOCS. D.it`SBWOOD Alf3dieNV V, Hess, Township Clink IMAM of marriage licenlies. Notary >kilic, Coni;iaaiesionor, dire Aut- vanobile Insoe>rance Representing rgn & Erie 'Mortgage .Corpox nada Trust Co, Thea cticrua. The • ONTAiItIO =MOB '" C.., O1(C40111CLOFT., ai aiate Carey M. Jonee ' - qiatAal School Aictioneeriny t,:lowRegieterea Live Stock beeping 'Val Breeds). T ai m. in Choice 4Q'r sale.e, i Oa Fr®•vaih'1ii1 Sell anything] xrtl c'al h®g ''133 or rit ... curicll Ilkettene Licensed Auctioneer VOR HURON CON- IN A POSITION rTOardiose max , ,y auction sale, I try size or articles to sell. ,alis xdisrit your business, and it slot vaDafiesi will make no chargee tor Services, hsvood, Arthur 5'Weber, Da$ *IMO liiV»11lei00®etifk 90000064004011,11i000 s 2 Zurich • Vett 3 Fresh and Salt Meats • oiogna 5ausafeta, etc i �j b-- Cath Price icevicsus FOP. SKINS & Si1DF •O it(•0•••0l000NNOBii00O0iO• ZURICH LIVERY I am ina position to accomo Rsh. all requirements in the Livery lisssireas, have Auto for hire. Any thing done in the teaming line GEORGE J. THIEL It one be Zurich,On t. LIVL POULTRY ,,'WANTED Vallee every day till S O'clock,p.m. Do net teed fowl same morning 'Wien brought in. lest Cask Price - y-+C33'Lr 'OR-- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien ?bone 64 Zurich ECONOMY . PERFORMANCE Tear A1}ead Design ' EJ, X. an:a izELECTIVITY MUNCIE and CONTROL MARCONI VIII Prop. i i mre)haaaed a residence, and w 0, i ;i ir1„'sz iwvot' mount .�5E3t'�>iC> ,t elle~nms . them 3 ettitens of Zeir-1 rch.. `T Y01i8' tits, FOY. $aie, Lo ►t7^ 1,1:1dar Notice, ate. Ads. N 11318 CeleffMN Coming! sl'I'TINU ACQUAINTED WITH :MIADGE. A c'huckling Comedy in Three Acta, Breezy in 'Style; and Plot. TOWN BALL --•. Z'URIQR On .. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25th„ 8 p;m, Reserved Seats 35e. Rush Solite 25c Plan at T. L. Wurnee Store DON"T MISS . IT .• .ol•R..-..rte NOTICE At the annual meeting of the Zurich Public Library it waa de- cided • that .the Membership fee for adults for the year ],322 be set 5(1q end cli,ildren at 25e, A 18 1=i eclat drive for tu�embera. i'a 'being made. FOR SALE A quantity of flax seed ready ground for your etoek, Feed a handful a day, And keep the Vet. away.. P. C. Kalbileirch, Zurich. Farm Help for 1927. Since a great number proz'erty slrieken people of Germany apply to ane for 'po'sitions on • the farm I can this year supply Evangel- icals with. Evangelical's, Lutherans with Lutheran's, Baptist with Bap- tist, and Catholics with' Catholic young men or domestics at $200.00 n year; • each man most be recom- mended by his pastor in Germany. Farmer pays fare and $5.00 per month. Write to. tf31 Rev. K. Gretzenger, Mildmay, Ont. FOR SALE Three good Youkshire bacon - type brood Sow's with pig, due about March 15th. Apply to Jac- ob 11. R illert, R. R. 2, Dashwood 14th con. Stephen. FOR SALE T ..^. r. offering my blacksmith 'ahop mei business for sale John Kipper, Zurich. FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 25 acres ofg rags farm, being e-hf. of e-hf. o1' Lot No. 14, N. T. Hay Township. For wale or to rent. For particulars apply to Mrs. Catherine Reichert, Mr. Wm. Reichert, Executors late John Reichert, Zurich. NOTICE I ,have been appointed ,Solic- iting agent for the product's of the John C. Wheaton Co., Toronto, and can 'supply you with Bibles, Testa- ments Teache;'Iabelpa.Bible Stories for Children, Books of Knowledge, Universal hand books, etc. Every Book will make a very accept= !able Gift. Mrs, 'Julia ,7iess, Zurich. COAL 1927 WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE GENUINE Scranton Coal ALSO CARRY Coke Poeahantas and Soft Coal 600D SUPPLY ON HAND TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS EARLY TO Case & Son PEONR 35 NRNAis. L -11 Tho nice mild weather in inviting out the various automobile . agents who are showing all the improv- ed features of their new models: The auction sale of farm (stock and implement held by Mr. John England of the fGouhen south, on Tuesday, 'was decided success, wag s►od pricers were realised. Mr. and Mrs. England are now mov- ing to the village where they have ,OCAL NE Ml .AIV ini�"sa'Selig' IiaS pilrehai ed a or coupe lrorla (, S1'ritz -& Son Mr, Mich ? ennei lett tore a few week's visit with friends at Baden Reeve D, F', Klopp wale oailed to Toronto on bUSiness the • past' week• Mr. and Ur* Jas, Grow) of Ex- eter were in the 'village on TuOe- den • it?rs. X. Hartman and Miss Lilly Dueharme, were at London one day. 1 alit' weep.,, Mr, and Mee.;,Cha'a, Ellber of Or- editon Were kilaitors with relativeg in Zurich on Thieeday Mr. Samuel Deitz was taken to London Ho:apital ou Wednesday, where he is 'taking 'treaty entsfor+ bladder trouble; • Mrs: Leath Witmer of the .Uosh- en Line,,sotith, was taken to Lon- don Hospital last week and op- erated on for gall 'stones, and. ins. improving a'a well as can be ex- pected, x-pected, John Doc1ierr, ,Tr'., our ;noted tendard Brcct lio..,s nt,au, alt:ended a big Horsemen's Society meting at Toronto, to which Mr. Decker wars elected a Director. He also disposed one Of hi,s well bred colts "Peter Gilbert" tcx a buyer near Ottawa, for- which Mr. Decker re- eeived a handsome figure. ' QUILTING—The Ladies. Aid of QSf Peter's Evang, Lutheran ch- urch have arranged to take •ord- ere for quilting: Anyone desir- ing to have any quilting done may apply to the committee, Mrs. 0 Sehi1be, Mrs. Wm. Klopp, Mrs. A. Johnston. The cold snow storm from the o:reterly direction over the week- end is again followed by •nit.e, and mild weather, and now 'since we are ea near lIctrch, a,,e feel 4 the iapringseason creeping into our bones, and then we ;el like saying that this, has been one. of the finest winters we ever :had. What might .haye proven an e, - en More fatal •accid'ent happened to Mr. Theo. McAdoo...1s o: the Bron- son, Line, while working in, the ground pit where the filling isob- tained for widening •the • Zurich ltd. at the little 'awarnp,. While en- gaged in 1ehoveliino elround, in !some way a quantity slid down with the result of crushing Mr. Mc- Aclam^s •leg• against the 'wagon, Although the leg was badly cru- 'ahed, na fracture took place. We wish to draw our readers' attention of th. fine li'et of ,auel- inn 'sales aclv'rUsed in tlix .Herelcl this week. Farmers as well as ;nerch:tnts ata awake to the fact that it pays to advertis.:', and in this fast travelling automobile tg•' the tacking of an ocdasonal A l- vertis:niant pst•ier on a po.,t 01' board on the roadside is of v.,ry little avail, Th, people must have it. in the homvo.and the local news paper i'a the medium to convey it there. Another demonstration of a fie protection outfit was held on Thurs day. afternoen ,,when the Lorne Fire Engine Co, of Ingersoll, de- monstrated one of their Ford out- fits, which consisted of two line of hose, and again the town hall received its baptism of water, and 'should be well clean externalyl by this time. There is no difficulty in purchasing an outfit that will do ,the job what Zurich requires, but the paying of taama has to be con'idered. Then there le also the problem of an adequate wateraup. ply. It woe however evident that if the large water supply tank on Victoria Street, would be. kept full of water the year around, then with the two tanks on wagons me now have, if the haul were not too far, either of these outfits demon- strated,` could be nicely kept go- ing with water, which mould be a big protection. The February Meeting of the Zurich Wonienni' Institute washeld at the home of MVS. C. Fritz with 17 ladies present. Mrs. Fritz took charge of the meeting which op- ened by singing "Old Folks at Home” and repeating the Lords Prayer in unison. A very instr- uctive paper was given by Miss Olive O'Breln on "Canada" which was very beneficial to all. A read- ing was then given by Miss Pearl «V urtz entitl :d "Th:. First Settlers' 1Vtins P: J. O'Dwyer then (levered the gathering with an inetrnmental on the piano, After this all join- ed is 'surging "Oh Canada" Mrs, P. Manson then gave a very in- teresting paper on "Hoene and Co-. untry" which was much enjoyed. "A Girl's Name, Contest" then followed which caused .e /tittle ex- citemnnt: Mr. Fritz was then cal- led' upon and was kind enough to favor as: with, a ,solo lentiltled "Money"• which wa'a well'irendered. And the Roll Call "S4tnething we should •have in our I'Iorne Medic- ine Chest" was ably' 'discussed by each tenger. A dainty lunch wale 'served by the hostesses, 'A 'Vote of thanks €,liven to the cn areitb.' ';. :> .at a1 Jti„ Wee the.) a•(l;ttiiitixed. ICBRALI "u.�y�w_'•.:�. .,,.....gid,„ee-retearetereoneroreei-e-, HOW TO KILL !E: fllf!,1VUOALS VI'+IlvY EIsJ+`u(.,,i."JVL, FOR TEN Pi3RR O E. Cennuon • Salt arid More Expensive Chemicals May Be Used 'But You Shorild (Tnderstand 1 toper (Q1L)i. tipeas--glow Ch.ern teals A.et,' (Qoiitrlbuted by Ontario l,epartrnent uT Agi•icu,ture, Toronto,) During the early summer frequent requests reach this offic9 asking for ways 'and ineans of killing obnoxiotis plants without applying the general methods of soil tillage, Poisoning, poison oak, poison suetae, and poison htieonemlod areatsthe, most frequently men- ckple The usefulness of • chemicals as weed killers is limited to the follow-. log cases:' - 1. When the obnoxious weed oc- curs in limited areas and is to be destroyed rogardless of the effects of the chemical on the soil or nearby plants. 2. When it is' desired to render the soil sterile, as on tennis courts, paths, roadways or gutters. 3. When the plant that it is cde- sired to kill is more sensitive to chemicals than the other plants oc- Cupying the same ground, as in the lase of mustard in oats, or orange hawk weed in grass, HOW ClCanticala Act. Some preparations, as arsenic and carbolic acid, used in weed killing act directly and •quickly as plant poisons, others such as common vault draw the water groin the tender grei. growth, or by holding the ;;oil .u�.:. tore so that it cannot be used by th,• plant roots. Young and ter..dcr in active growth succumb to the. plant poison much more readily the n do the older Ants. Chemicals Used. Common Salt.•—If applied iit pit - tity in iiry hot weather, to ver . •ir soluti ria or dry iS effective ono not expensive. Must suited against road way or path weedti, Cop.ner Sulphate,—Used in solu- tic,na from 2 to 10 per cent. it Is effective. against rough leaf plants as the mustards. More powerful in its action than salt, it is expensive. A 3 per cent, solution is used against mustard in grain. Such a solution can be made by dissolving 10 peanas of copper sulphate in 40 gallons 01 water, and 40 to 50 gallons of this spray aro required for each acre treated. Sulphuric Acid:—This weed killer is rather dangerous to handle. It i5 destructive to all vegetation to whi'h it may be applied. It must be nom - tiled in glass as it destroys metals. Owing to rt::'cs in handling, it is not generally recommended, Caustic Soda. ---A strong solution of caustic soda while rendering the soil sterile, is very effective as a weed killer and is • used with success against poison ivy and other hardy deep-rooted plants. -• For best effect 't is applied during hot dry weather. Cat bolie Acid, -•-Crude• carbolic acid Hinted with 15 to 20 parts of water nt k s a cheap and effective weed llc It can be handled *ith safety id will not tnjute the spray puuip. t, is Le:it applied by spraying on the :ltni or saturating the surface soil. Aranate • of e.oda. Arsenatee of ;eda us.d at the rate of 1 pound to :u 6 gallon,; cf mater, is very effee- 118 a killer of obnoxious plants. it niay be applied as a spray to the Slants or soil, It is very durable, in hat it is not readily washed from the soil. Most useful on roads and paths. White Arsenic and Washing Soda. —These two substances mixed in the following proportions, white arsenic 1 pound and washing soda 2 pounds with 5 or 6 gallons of water, make very effective herbicide. Lawn weeds such as chickweed or grange hawk weed or other juicy ;eared weeds can hest be combatted `.iy heavy applications of salt. Such should be applied on a hot bright day 1n July, broadcasting at the rale of two or even four quarts of flee salt pier square rod.. (Try it cut on a quare yard first to find out what :'our• sotl and grass will stFind0. i'ts,lce ut the dead *eels, sprinkle Cn some ';tore grass seed and water well.-•- aoudy weather, :nmilner Pruning, Watering and Fertilizers for Roses, Suniiner pruning of roses is eesen- _ial for best results, says Prof. A. 11. Tomlinson, of the Ontario Agricul- tural College, Old flowers should be cut away, and dead growth or weak shoots should be treated likewise 010 dowering shoots, immediately •alter the flowers have done should be cut back, especially early in the seas to a .strong prominent bud. With Teas and possibly Hybrid Perpettials new flowering wood will develop very quickly. When pruning is done a quick .acting fertilizer should be dis- tributed oyer the surface,—nitrate of soda, acid phosphate or blood meal. After fertilizing, should the season be dry water the plants well. Early morning or early afternoon are the best periods for the watering of roses: never water late at night except in very hot weather. Mildew and fun- gus diseases spread rapidly under cold, moist conditions, so do not ere - ate such by watering during cool, Cloudy weather. --Dept, of Extension, 0,- A. College. ()hicks Doing Well. Four thousand 0. A. C. chicks, on range, are doing ive11. Their dry itiash is as follows:. - 760 pounds yellow corn meal 500 " wheat middlings 8110, " oat chop 45 '1 bone ureal 4$ " fine oyster shell 50 " alfalfa meal. ' 1 pint of cod liver oil to each 100 pounds of mash. --Dent. o2 'Eaten - sloe, 0, A. Oolleesi iseaaaullao _.... .` i v e�.,r+cena, +wNIIN` uricn Pb AlLz In Fine Toilet i reparatio as and haEdke' all the well inowi . and re- liable varieties of J ace Powder and Face Creams cull as YARDLEY'S, ARMANDS. C0T5:'S, POMP II1i:N THREE :rLOWE R'S, 1t'OODBU •Y'S Al)NMANY OTHERS These are Nationally Advertised Goods which have a reputation to maintain. In Tooth Pastes we have Forhans, Ipana, Colgates, Pepsodent and Hutax All kinds of School Supplies and Stationery WE HAVE SEVERAL VA -RIB -FM OF sliABING CR- EAMS, Si ICK -{ :tP:=• AND PO W DEERS. ALSO A G00D" STOCK OF SIL: Vm Ci;Lti;1IF,S, �APET y RAZORS AND R:! .,311 l;L:\D:':4 , MAGAZINES FOR SALE DrAc MacKinnon, Zurich t 15V U� ( Mill M i 1flTini'•f PAWPAW .7r•(..t.•II+++++++++++++ ++ i Ha•3+4. .c.,e++Ar•q.,g.++ ++++++-1-4-4-4.41f USE GYPR The 1 ret not- W ai El)aarci -Use it bow. Use it in 3 our spare tine. Use it evl r For t IlrALLS AND CEILINGS, REPAIRING OLD WALLS, RE\IOI7•- ELLTNG OR NEW CONSTRUCTION WORK. ,'b; EASY TO HANDLE, EASY TO PUT ON, NAILS AND SAWS 9, LIKE LUMBER, + 4. C. XALBFLE1SC'BJ I $. PHONE 69 Z LJ R iC P++ +.1.4-ir•i,.1.+4...... C••4.•?•,I•:.i•,h++++•F+3•,i"H+.F.A.J••I.•$••i++++i..l•.&••i•+ i+++^1i'€+.2 IIE AD UAR TE R S For Secondiiand Buggies $40.00 and up Auto Tops, Wagon Repairing, Painting, Eto. IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE RERUBBER YOUR UGQY WHEEL'r3, HESS - ZIIRICH +++•3'r•3. +++++++++++++++4 ++ Hca c vereereera••reere •re -r ra 1 1eeiere ** • IIERALDOFFIOE • 7` _ Do You Know?rir ▪ THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR GOOD PRINTING • THAT WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS • THAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, SUCH ENVELOPES AN BILLHEADS, ANDAS LETTERHEADS;ST A,TEMENTS • 'THAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING MANIFAOT UDERS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN SUP- PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OF CHECK BOOMS • THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENVEIa'- OPES IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON OR TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM ST- ATIONERY, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS IN TWO + SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC., ETC, Taefr WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INS .BOTTLE WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INS FOR 6c. LARS- + GER QUANTITIES kT BIGGER REDUCTIONS + THAT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALE POS' TEESi MERCANTILE POSTERS AND ALL GENERAL 4, PRINTING OUR SPECIALTY s r •1i . , . •;••1 i , i..i . ,.�...e+4++++ ii