Zurich Herald, 1927-02-24, Page 3ft
W1I 1.EL4 VVE1l'I1I1E ,° .47 7 � � f �Y l+ 1 1011ll1 Statetaellt
Txyhlg Time tor People 'With' II Ain Outstanding Report,
Misitress -�-- "Qli, Mary! You've'
in; broken the blue vise, Why, it was
more than a Inundred years ole."
la�ek 1Vlary—'"Oil, mp,'am, I'm so glad! 1
ted thought it might be a. new
Weak Watery Blood.
'Canadian winter weather is a try
time for debilitated, run -dawn peo
The close air qt' shtitup houses,
of out-of-door exercise, the restage
diet of he season, all bare their
foot un weakened systems. Where
always, In such capes the danger
severe colds, attacks of Influenza,
the still more dreaded pneumo
There is no other time of year, w
a bountiful e?ipp'1y of rich, red, blood
se necessary; an,d the one way W keep
the blood rich and pure .and thus, avoid
winter trouble is through the. use et
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, IP, unfor-
tunately, you hate fallen a victim to
Influenza, or other winter troubles, this
same medicine will restore your health
and strength. Among those who have
proved the value of Dr, •Vellliaws' Pink
Pills is Miss Margaret Pearson, R,R.
Na. 3, Cliatham. Miss Pearson bad
passed through a severe attack of in-
fiuenza and says: '"It left me so weak
and run-down, that I eould scarcely
walk. Anaemia set in and it almost
seemed as if
1 '011
'� i
d of pull ,n 11 throe
n g
the winter,. as I .grew, so weak that
least exertion would bring on fainti
spells. I. was under medical tree•
anent, but it did not help me. Th
One day In our local paper I read
advertisenrle+nt of Dr. Williams' Pi
Pills, and de'citled to try them. By
time I had used three boxes I
much . better, and continuing the -u
not long before
felt better than I had been before th
infl l
1 �enz,
attacked me. My rapid z
covers surprised my friends, and whe
asked 'What crit, you -do?' I woe
proudly say, 'Not my 'doing; but D
Williania' Pink Pills' To me, at leas
the pills have been worth their weig
in gold"
As a precaution against winter ills
take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills no
Sold by all medicine dealers, or sen
by nisil•at 50e a box by The Dr. Wi
ei'- That's All.
of "Why, what in the world nappe'ned
to the eggs', Jiintar?"
zria. Ch, I drOi i ed them, Mother, but,"
hep he 'c'ontinued hepefuliy, ""I only drop
• is ped them once."
SoR'ed the Prohlem.
"Don't you find it difficult to keep
good maul?„
"No, indeed, We have had the same
maid: for twenty years:"
"Fancy! I -low do"dyou do it?"
"My husband married her."
Turned It Over,
""Thought you said you had ploughed
that ten -acre. field?" said 'tlee first
"No, I cniy said I was thinking about
it," ,answered the second farmer,
Isee; you've merely turned it
the over in your mind."
Young Business Man.
They were -entertaining a visitor at
nk dinner, and, when the dessert was be -
the ing eaten, little Johnnie said: "Won't
Bit you slave another piece of apple tart,
Mr. Hob ba?"
visitor. .
laughed. "'Well, John-
nie," he said, "since you're so polite,
believe I will have some more,.
"Good!" said Johnnie. "Now, Moth-
er, remeznber your promise'. You said
if it wee necessary to cut into the
t, second tart 'I could have another
int, piece."
hams' Medscfne Co., Brockville, Ont.
Twilight is a grey bird,
Tired of wandering.
Twilight is a grey bird,
With a soft breaet.
Slowly she floats downward, •
Weary of wing,
Slowly she drifts 'downward,
Seeking her nes;
1"0old7 her purple shadow -plumes
On the sliver crest
Of the mountain that she loves,
And sinks to rest,
-Jamie Sexton Hohne, in "Star
When you get that tired, lar-me-clown-and,die'
feeling take 15 to 30 drops of Seigel's Syrup in a
glass of water. Does the trick and safely, You'll
feel like new.
Our Material *Evolution.
In .a thousand of years there has I,
been no advance in morals, religion or
polities. There has been a positive
decline in literature, music and art.
But the advance in business has been
the greatest miracle the world has
ever known, if we compare modern.
transportation, manufacturing, agricul- i
ture with ancient th d
now 1 "Well, lben, how are you getting on
t with the widow Green?" asked the
1- neighbor.
"Huh!" said Eben scornfully, "I've
dropped her for good an' all an' I told.
her so!"
"What's the idea? She's got money
and ought to be a good catch."
"Well, soma other man kin catch
+her. I offered to marry her, last night,
an' what did 'she do but throw a pan
o' dishwater on me and chase m,a out
o' the house an' yard with a broom an'
then .sick her dog on me an' call me
a lot of names. You reckon I'd tie.
up wth her after' that? Not much! I
jilted her then an' there. that's what
I done!"
London Garden Yields
Jewelry of 10,000 B.C.
• Fifteen feet of solid history dating
from 10,000 B.C. have beon discovered
in what is certainly the only virgin
soil "ln. London and believed to be the
only virgin ground to be found in any
city in the world. This small tract of
land, which has never been built on,
is right in the heart of the, city behind
a •court off Fleet Street.
Discovery of the unique archaeologi-
cal value of the vacant lot was •ruade
when Hugh S. Gordon. who is a naili-
ng engineer, rented it from. the Gold-
smiths'. and Silversmiths' Clolnpany as
a vegetable allotment to keep himself
mei •o s, it is the
past that must do the .blushing, And,
since the•po'ets, artists and musicians
have net advanced, why do they pi'e-
shone to so severely oritieize business
leen who Sieve advanced so wondea•-
An opportunist is a man who meets
the wolf at the door and turns up next
day wearing a fur coat.
Their teeth are of a tough.
neer which makesthemhold
their keen cutting edge un- ,
der every usage.
fit. Finds in the earth already mad
date from the Paleolithic, Neolithic
and Iron Ages, continuously upward to
Saxon times about 800 A.D. - Then,
there is a gap until the thirteenth Ben-
tory, from which time there has 13een
exhumed an extraordinary wealth of
historic relics.
The gem of the treasures ding out to
date is- an exquisite Cretan jewel 1e -
cognized as part of a collar brought by
the Phoenicians when they tame to
trade.with the early Britons. The com-
plete pl�ete •exeavation of the site is expect
ed to take three years. .
Tact at its Height.
The Sun Life tteeranoe Company o
Canada continues to eclipse its owl
trancenclerit records, At the aeliva
meeting for 1927 which has' just been
held, President T. 13, Ma' lfey tiga
able to report' that the total busiires
paid for Ili 1926 amounted to $265,883
546, double that of 1924 ---only two
years •ago. The assurances in force
now exceed one and a quarter billion
of dollars..
The Sun 14fe has become much more
than our' greatest Canadian company.
It is one of the leading Life Insurance
companies of the world. Its growth is
equally arresting whether compared
with ire own record or with the totals
of insurance on this continent. The
increase of its business at risk in 1926
is greater than the entire business car-
ried by the Sun Life at the outbreek
of the war. It has now more, business
Flowers Grow Well in the
Nodhe>lp Latitudes,
•l dMoaaton, Alta. --The resort of the
Dorlainion Government Experimental
f l tatio;n at Part Resolution, northwest
n teTrltoTIOS, for the hast ,year, shows a
1 wide range of vegetables and flowers
steeeeeefudly grown 1x1 this northern
7•atit+tido aJ?prroo,iraato'yi10+0,0 miles, nolith
s from Edmonton, At this station, by
o the third week iii July, tl#e"re was an
abundance of bloom in the flower gar-
s , den.
Among the varieties grown. were
lay .ter•15, stc,clts, asters, g�anditias,
forget -me -nota, poppies, petulrlas, eweai.
in;sitars, everlastinge, lransiea', daisies
and lion; teeth. The perennials were
all in bloom about•June 10, In 1.926,
for the first tune, tomatoes and cttc�uxn
beefs 'which have never before been
t known to mature in that region,. were
a decided, success, while cauliflowe',
swies chard, beans, beets, Pennine,
celery, lettuce; radisheei and potatoes
grew well and matured.
force thail the total life assurance
in force in all Canada, with all 'com-
panies, Canadian and foreign, when
war was declared. Latest reports in -
dictate that the -general increase in life How j;ij
insurance secured during 1926 in the
United States and Canada is six per
cent. in excess of 1925, The Sun Life's,;
increase for the year is 37% per cent ' CC IL R N'SLD
step with this great 1.i'Q
access of business, the assets of the
Company have increased during the
past twelve months by $42,195,000,
Swelling the total to $345,251,000. The
Company's assets have multiplied five
times in the last twelve years.
The Company's successful invest-
ment policy is reii•ected in an analysis
of its seeuritles.. Government valua-
tors appraise a further increase in the
a ue of the Company's s•ecusi-
ties over cost, of nearly $7,000,000. A
profit of $1,700,000 has been realized
T. B. Macauley
President Sun Life.
by the redemption or sale of municipal
debentures and oti6•er holdings which
had risen to high premiums. The rate
earned on the mean invested assets
for the year rose to the phenomenal
figure of 6.69 per Cent., this being ton-
tributed to by dividend increases,
bonuses and other privileges granted
on the Company's holdings.
From the total surplus earned dur-
ing the year, $20,457,077, the Company
has made large and prudent appropria-
tions. After malting these allocations,
which add sub2'tantiadly to the unas-
sailable security of the Company, an
addition of $5,715,564 has been added
to undivided profits, bringing the total
surplus over all liabilities, contingency
accounts and capital stock to $84,011,-
e 565.
Perhaps, However, the features of
the report of outstanding interest to
the public are those relating particu-
lar]y to benefits to policyholders,'Dur-
ing the year profits amounting • to
$9,235,526 were paid or alloted to
policyholders, this amount being eight
tunes in excess of the aneount paid out
ten years ago. For six years past in-
creases in profits to policyholders have
been ann'onnoed, resulting in a doub-
ling of the profits scale during that
period. For the seventh successive
time ;a further increase is announced.
The great total of $38,576,453 has 'been
Paid out during the year in respect of
death claims, matured endowments,
etc., bringing the total so paid since
organization to $257,816,174.
The high rate of interest earned
enables the Company to distribute
Deo -fits on the assuniption of 53 leer
cent, per annum being earned on the
Reserves. The same rate of interest'
is being allotted to beneficiaries on
the prooeeds of matured endowments
and death claims left with the Com-
pany. In this way again, policyholders
are participatin:: •e the . great pros-
perity of the er
Not the 1•ea I'•ing portion of
the report is the fine showing of busi-
ness written within the Dominion.
7lere again a new record is established
for Canada in a massive aggregate of
$102,000,000 of p-aicl assurances.
The Sun Lire Company is as old as
the Dominion. Birt it has greater
ride than that. It
Isaims to to -day one aotathn el foremost of the
small group of great Canadian finan-
cial institutions which are making
Canada famous.
Tile perfect 11isband+ is the •one who
knows how to• apologize gracefully
when his wife is really at fault.
Butter that has not been clarified
should not be used for greasing cake -
tins, as the salt it contains is apt to
make the inix-ture stick to the tin.
Health ;ro en -Lost 66 lbs.
Now Well, Won 4 ack 82 lbs.
Ottawa merchant, formerly city officer, rundown by
kidney trouble. Wasted from 201 to 135 lbs.
Tanlcic restored robust health; now
weighs 217 lbs. and feels fine
T'hilias Sequins s grocery et 285 St.
3>atri"'k well known in Ottawa.
Mr. Sequin was formerly a police
officer. When ill -health seized ham he
lost weight rapidly., "1 bad kidney
trouble for 0 years," he tells, "and
'teas given up as a hopeless case. Many
'times, from sheer weakness; 1 have
fallen where 1 stood, and had to be
helped to my feet.
"Pains reeked my entire system,
especially my back, which felt like
splitting. Needless to say 1 could
neither eat nor sleep normallyy. Weak
spells slid .nervousness would leave
xtnc trembling all over. 1 faded away
from 201 to 135 Ibs., and tried endless
treatments and remedies in those 8
years without result.
"1 clad begun to despair, and when
a friend advised 'Teniae 1 was skep.,
tical. nut one month's regular use of
this wonderful medicine convinced
me that 1 was on the road to ,health.
1 kept on taking Tanlae and to my
irlelight and eurprise it trade me a new
mass la a surprisingly short tints.
New I weigh 211 lbs., eat and sleep
like a healthy boy, and feel like ti
different roan altogether."
]i neglect or overwork are takitng
toll of your health, try 'Pardee. Jt is
nature's own tonic made from roots,
I Is and d gtbeta
• Babel Up-to-date.
In Palestine the official languages
are English, Arabic, and Hebrew; but
French, Greek, Spanish, Germ
n an, Ro-
g and Italian glee met with
to certain extents.
--- �; `e
Norway's Sea Claim.'
Norway has refused to alter her
shams to control the waters• within four
miles of her shores for ilsIuiig pui•-
poses. The limit claimed by other
North Sea powers is three miles.
High; Melting Point,
Platinum does not melt until it ie
heat -ed to 3194 degrees (I"'.), its 'Cost is
1ircllibitive in many lines of work, A
satisfaetol•y alloy of metals, however,
has been found which res,iat"; tempera -
tares as highhighas 2550 degrees.
,arcs ai r . ,our i
ru s
it.Oyer 'G2 million bottles sod. -
IVttnard s Liniment for
animal a
Avoid Serious Results by Using
Baby's Own Tablets.
When a child`ehows the first symp-
toms of a cold, suck as sneezing, red-
ness of the eyes, clogged or running
nose, prompt measures for relief may
avert serious results. Mothers should
always have on hand some simple,
safe and effective remedy for imme-
diate use.
Baby's Own Tablets act quickly, con-
tain no opiates or narcotics, are taste-
less and harmless. Mrs. Joseph Ca-
dieux, Holyoke, Mass., says:—"I have
used Baby's Own Tablets for my child-
ren and find them a very satisfactory
medicine. When my little boy had a
cold I gave him the Tablets at night
and he was well next day. I give them
to the 'children for constipation and
they always do good. 1 think Baby's
Own Tab]e1ts are much easier to give
a'child than liquid medicine. I recom-
mend the Tablets to all mothers who
have small children and believe they
sh,ouhd always be kept on hand."
' Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all
medicine dealers or will be sent by
mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr.
Williams' :l'Iedicine Co., Brockville,
x�f _ l
Not So Lucky,
"'Wiry, my clear pian, I've neves had
to pay a doctor's bill in niy life"
"Well, somehow or other they all
sue me.
The Morning Gerrie..
As soon as I wake in the morning -time,
I climb into daddy's bed,
He always thinks I'm a fairy knight
And pulls, the clothes over his head.
lBecause;h't's a wicked odd dragon, you
And I waggle Iny battleaxe,
And grind my teeth, and roll ui3' eyes,
And give him same terrible whacks.
Thee up he pops, shitting smoke and
And lie lets out a horrible roar,
And grabs the with his big nasty claws,
And shoves me out on to the floor.
But I climb le again with say magic
And I make a s -s -SWISH et his
And off it rolls, with his blood gushin'
Till the wicked Old ttrngwn lies dead
Then I dust mull down, an' I drink
some wine
From a beautiful golden cup,
Until mamma down in the kitchen t
"Come on, you t q -o ! 'i'im•e• to get up: "1
--C. M. C.
Doctors vouch for Minard's Liniment. i
Grecian Beauty.
The snow Was bine at twilight,
And seemed a piece of sky.
When perfeotiou joins peafeetton
A classic round! Thought I.
--Ida. Crocker Duncan.
German Superplane.
A double -decked airplane with a;
cabin accommodating 20 beds has been i
tested in ternnan i
Repairs for Fanning Mills
Will your mill clean ail kinds et Grain
and Seeds3 It not, lot me anli,lly wird
ilio soreofie or anything for teed 'clean.
ln0 with t,hathaaf or any outer stake tit
mI11. Mao re0alre for Chatham t net:Maori,
Chatham Orsi,
ISSUE' No, 27
Your grocer knows when you r
E you
are'a judge of finetea.
Shop Window. Classi led Adve, tisementa.
A white screen was, being woven in TOR SALE,
the street, 'softly, beautifully, while
lamps ngieed primrose globes at every
corner to pattern tint a way through
the winter ,dusk. Blue shadows, had
unrolled themselves and fallen cul•.
tale like before the row of elope, eras-
ing ng thefr names and si ns
, and making
a secret of what they held. It was, all
very quiet and deserted, --a white -
threaded ' eveudeg with misty lamps
and root -prints that were slowly being
Suddenly a car, from round the cor-
er, came to a halt, and its, lights',
taring through the running strand's
f snow, caught a window on the other
side of the street. The blue shadows
ere quickly out apart by a shaft of
old, and their secret was •i•o 7engem a
There were beautiful things in th
window—things of 'color and 'gm
and exquisite design, from half a doz
lands. A screen with painted peacoe
blocked the corner: lovely s'weepin
lines of blue-green, harsh and brillia
against the background of dull yello
and dim jade; peaeocks that atrutte
proudly across three panels, and arc].
ed their necks to a fantastic sky,
scarlet mandarin coat trailed over
brocaded stool beside them; ; an
earthen jars were further along by th
wall—full-bodied and tapering up t
small round mouths.; jars the fiat 'colo
of clay, and jars that were painted an
stippled and glazed with 'cerulean an
orange and the sharp red of win
ter berries. There was a purpl
kimono, with great iiow,ers spraye
over the gleaming satin in buff an
bronze; and a white shawl biotche
with crimson roses and darts of green
leaves', its long, fine fringe dripping
aoross a chest. inlaid with motller.,of-
pearl; and painted fans, scalloped
edged, glittering, fragile—fans wits
little ladies poised delicately besid
miniature streams, with bridges an
pagodas, and little gentlemen farthe
off, all traced very lightly and surely—
fans with lovely deters, ooral and jai
and lavender. Then the car passed on
and the •staring lights swerved away
from the window and the things It
held. The snow was weaving a white
screen, and all along the way the shad
owe were tight and impenetrable and
And a stranger coming tip the street
or down the street would never have
known, would :never have ermined,
that behind a certain shop window
blue-green peacocks were strutting
a flatulence, heartburn, sourness, for-
d. mentation or stomach distress caused
e by acidity. A few tablets give almost
o imniediate stomach relief. Correct
✓ your stomach and digestion now for
d a few cents. Druggists sell millions
d of packages.
all records. 48 selections, automatic, waled
506.00 for 586.00 guaranteed. Poisson. 340 bfounO
Royal Last; Montreal.
across "three panels alongeode of a
mandarin coat gloriously ,ecariet,, and,
that little. ,
i .
adder n
i coral and jade and
lavender were hesitating delicately be-
side miniature streams.
Even if a rubber stamp does niake
a good impression, this fact should
not serve as an incentive for . *a person
to be one.
"Pape's Diapepsin" Corrects
Sour, Upset Stomachs
at Cance
"Pape's Diapepsin" is the quickest,
surest relief for indigestion, gases,
Don't Neglect
Bronchial Colds tl Pneumonia, "Flu" and other danger-
ous maladies develop from common
colds. To prevent trouble take Bucl:ley's
Irlixture. It quickly relieves the Cough
and removes the cause. Different from
old-fashioned syrups. It's a ocientifie
combinotion of proven virtue,. Sold by
1 all druggists and guaranteed.
E> .:qtr. If. Buckley, Ltmitod,
2 Mutual St., Toronto 2 320
r1 q�
_ i LAN,
f++„•A..m.,�—�...w- - n
'Will find Minard's• Liniment
invaluable In the woods,
Good for sprains, bald sea,
and for coughs and -colds.
a Bingle sip proves I
Acts kills a /1ati
No more Headache, Bad Colds,
sour stomach and - •
Get a 10 -cent box now.
No odds how bad your liver, stomach
or boa -els; how mu.cil your head aches,
how miserable and uncomfortable you
are from constipation, indigestion. bit -
Ii liousnessand sluggish bowels—youai-
{ ways get the desired results with Cas -
Don't let your stomach, liver and
bowels make you miserable. Take Cas -
carets to -night; put an end to the head-
ache, b]liousuess, dizziness, nervous-
ness, sick, sour, gassy stomach, back-
ache and all other distress; e1•e,anse
your inside organs os ail the bile,
gases and constipated matter which is
producing the misery,
A 10 -cent box means health, happi-
ness and a clear bead for months. No
more days Of gloom and distress if you
will take a Catecaret now and then.
All druggists sell Cascare,ts. Don't
forget the children ---their little insides
Bed a gentle ole -arising, too.
Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for
Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago
Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism
,,,,ri .Accept cry "13aver" package
which contains proven directions.
Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets
Aldo bottles of 24 and 106 --Druggists.
Atipirin is the trade mark (rtgistoretl in Canal) of sneer SteetfeCt ee dt &fattoaeetie-
aeldenter of Saiteeueaete (Acetyl Salicylic. Geld, "l S .A."), while it la Weil keoirh
that aspirin teems Meer thanutacture, to assist iia, Biblio against iteitattdne, the 'labiete
of Beyer Company win bo tramped mete teen Petrel trade rasfia" ting "alt a hdto r