HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-02-17, Page 84r Is. aimed Int oods Get our, prices on Ladies Underwear, weatcrs, ('loves Hosiery, Dress Goods of all kinds. Men's Underwear Sweaters, Sox. We can save you Money Grocery Specials OUR SPECIAL TEA, LB, ... ... 65c PRUNES 40-50s .,. 2 lbs. for ...25c GINGER SNAPS, 2lbs. for 25c RIO COFFEE, 3 lbs: for ... ... ,$1.00 MATCHES, Package ...... 24c Robin Hood Rolled Oats, pkg. 29c Silverware Coupons REMEMBER WE GIVE COUPONS WITH EVERY CASH PURCHASE THROUGHOUT THIS YEAR, EN- . TI'T'LING YOU TO WM. ROGERS 0UARANTEED SILVERWARE, WITHOUT EXTRA COST TO YOU (..,„1- ,31 SC) ProJsi Wanted f P icI.ie 5). . T111,9'4 ui 9 rag =eases Tires, Tubs, Repairs GLNLJ1NEFORD PARTS •43SI r,>a. A ti1IIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES '&ND TUI31:P WE ARIi • ;+f.' HANDLING THE FAMOUS Il' IN NEED Ole A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO.. AND n r•riFR CH A.P BATTERIES, AND 'BESIDES WE GIVE. YOU SERVICE. WE MAKE aATlSFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. BATTER Y REPAIRING AND r3ATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO i1tEPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- ' iTYLENE WELDING-. ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE . r1asseaa Z ai: to eosafurl aa,.:i,JC;opr o ea mriiltitil a;eotii etafeeafee ettee4teas ata00010 060 • • ka 0 1 2 uebec Stoves eela Purnaces Nights dire getting cool — Winter : willsoon be Mere, this puts us in mind of that New Stove, one that will give more heat with less fuel than any di der make on the market, namely the ell Clal1°ex Quebec combined Cooker and • HEATER, A STOVE THAT WILL COOK AND .BAKE WITH ae 0 0 AN §" OF THEM, AND FOR. HEATING CANNOT BE BEAT, `T` •A 0 HEY ARE MADE IN TWO SIZES1.8K18• in. and 20x20 in ovens 0 ,: ANI) WILL BURN. COAL OR WOOD. i •e IN FURNACES WE CAN GIVE YOU THE VERY BET THAT s MONEY CAN BUY, "THE HRECLA" A REAL : OLD STANDBY • •'A k URNA.C.E THAT HAS- GIVEN SATISFACTION TO THOU w SANDS OF USERS 1:+'OR MANY YEARS. The Furnace thatqc saves one ton of coil in Seven, a In h ai:ag your I ,irnieo Wer w 1., l lumbing Job or Eavet.roughing 0 I and $ir pairing done•, You make no mistake by coming here w he and having it done by our Expert 1Mr. Ted,,,1VIilltehoitz, • 0 0 • • e appreciate your Patrotage •w IST4DE • t:� a ZURICH , - ON T.. smied r oilosimo rm ool isoos>r Nomiee swre l sir mot 0 • tri 0 tF ere 0 0 0 • iR ea I u J i4CIF'4 U Aes.ypr SEE-= ' OUR Of Skirtings, Denim, Cottonade Gingham, Print, Etc, ALL NEW PATTERNS IN VOIL,, `73BOADCLOTH, FANCY -MUS- LIN POGEE, ALL COTTON GOODS IS LOWER IN PRICE THIS SPRING, AND WE ARE SELLING: AT OUR USUAL LOW GIVE US A CALL AND SEE FOR *YOURSELF J. W. MERNER PRIG. e til tk LOCAL INTEREST sMARKETS 1`HE HURON, & ERIE MORTGAGE 'CORPORATION THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY The debenture holdera of - the Huron & Eric Mortgage Conker, ation will be pleased to learn that the year 1926 was one of the most successful in the history of the I.Corpo'atidn,. For 63 years the Huron & Erie has grown and at the c:na. of 1926 had (the distinction 'of Safeguarding for Canadians more deposits and debentures than • ar,y armiliar institution in the Da1.rinioa) o% Canada. The Canad- ian debentures have grown to y:20,000,00u.u0. Savings deposits to K647.000,00. 47.000,1)0. The Gurplrgs seeru•-4 lity now 'stands at $7,439,000.00. And Lha tot.d A'ss, is a iji,s9,L58,000.00, For i the. 19th consecutive year the ;Corporation held no r+ al estateex.- cent office premise . Before Con- fe I aracion the Huron k. Erie was a trusted institution with the Can- adian people. The Canada Trout Company also had a !successful Y ear, the total assets' now being $19,602,000.00. The combined a1a- aets of the two corporations, both being under the same manage- ment, now total over $59,000.000.0n. reb''ntu,e. and Uuaranleod Mottg- egc (':'rtificat€s can be obtained at any time in sums of $100 and ).tp varda for ono 4year up to five years Interest is payabba twice a •y•e.ir and begins the d.ry yout•tnon- ey or cheque is received, at the• safe rate of five per cent per an- num. Principal and interest coup - oils are payable at the Zurich branch of the Bank of Montreal \Vithaut exchange. Applications recciv ad at any time by •A., F•. Hess, Ideal representative for both corporations, BLAKE Mr .and Mrs. Mose C4erber ,and family and Mr and. Mrs. Jake' Schrtartzentruber and fancily sp- ent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mra, Val. Gerber in the vii-. lige. iilra, Earl Weide a• ,,, �r of Zurich, :spent a few ciayslast week with friends .i this vicinity. mats (7 r ase Forest of Tucker -4 smith spent the week -end with her friend, Miss Margaret Douglas. Mr. and Mra. Dan Gasebo and •. frailly of Zurich !spent Sunday at the home. of Mr .and 1VIrs. Peter Brennarnian, M,•. Win. Catnpany returned on Monday after 'spending a few days with friends in Forest. Mr Harald Johnston left on Mon day for God.orich where he • has ;secured a position,. Mr, Richard ird Denonny of Detroit is visiting under the parentafroof M as iPlante of St, Joseph, cap.- eat last week with friends in this vicinity4• Mrs Alvin Nicholson of, .A,nfrraid Sn'slc., I,spent w'et+,lnend at the home of Mr. and Mra, San, Mc- Pride, Ptlr, and Mrs. Elmer Thiel •and, family called on friends in Dash wood one evening last week. Quite pinumber Trona thi;.s vic- inity attended the 'hockey match in Ziiivi,ch on Monday evening, ARTT'tUlt WE1;i R`•S SA.L :..REG- ISTER Feb. 160, 'Ross ,Tohnaton Peb. 2;: n d• -:Tolle England. Marah 3rd --Hy. Steinbacth, • tn, in'terest .S0tlt March 80h --Wilfred Laporte Sout Ma rcli "Pith—Alfred Stnor,an. ' , Stag Mirelt 1801 -Ezra Render. Nort r• . x41,11 -E, Snia estate„ A. 'Nod Weber G, Elliott, Auctioneer 1, Nor Butter R. 55-50-30 Dried apples Ib. Whea.t 1j.25 Oats _ 42 Barley Buckwheat a... Flour._.... _ .._ 4.75 3.75 Shorts per ton...__ ...34.00 Bran per ton .. 32.00 Potatoes per bag ....,. _ '2.00 Live hogs, cwt. ..... _.„.. .. 10.75 tC:crrrec•CeU « ver' Wednesday) Western Earners' Mutual Weather. insurance CI OF WoODSTOCL THE:: LARGEST BUSINESS OI! ANY. CANADIAN COMPaNY DO- ING .BUSINESS IN ONTARIO. CASH AND BONDS ON HAND$14.2, 4.14. Being an inerealaeof Insurance of $5,365,485 ever 1.925. . G. 'Holtzman = ZurichAGENT, ALSO DEALER IN UGH - MING RODS, AND ALL RINDS OF FIRE INSURANCE. ZURICH HERALD ,Established 1900 ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY NOON FROM THE Herald Printing 0 'ice SUBSCRIPTION RATES - 1$1.25 a year, strir_tly in advance;; $1.50 in arrears or $2.00 may be charged. U. S. $1,50 year in advance'. No paper discontinued until all arrears are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. The date of which every Subscript- ion is paid is donated on the Label. ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising made known on application. I2i�scellaneous articles of not more than four, lines, For. Sale, To Rent, 'Wanted,'Lost, Found, etc. each insertion 25c, Farm or Real Estate for sale $2,00 for first month, $1.00 for each subsequent month. 9strayed AnimalsOne insertion 50e., three insertions $1.00. CProfession�al Cards: not exceeding one inch $5 per year. Auction Sales --, $2 per single in- sertion 22 not ,ov'er-.five inches in length, • Address all communications to THE HERALD ZURICH ON T. HErSAr L C. N. R. TRAIN CONNECTIONS MORNING South, Iippen . 8.22 a..,n. South, I3eiisall ., 8.32 tam South, Exeter ... ..8.47 a.trL, Stage leave Zurich, ._. 7.00 a.m. North, Exeter 10.16 a.m. North, Henson_. . 10.30 a,ta, North, Nippon ... ..10.35 am, AFTERNOON South, Kipper),.. .4.40 p,m h, Masai' 4.50p.pi h, Exeter ,., 5.05 pan. o leave Zurich , ..,,3,00 p.m. h. Exeter .. 6,04 p,rn. h, ITeitsali ........ 6.18 pan. Kipip'enr w NA 424. P. Thursday, %'.ebroiary ink Mc, oft Seasonable rdware Wp can .supply the Public With Seasonable Hardware At moderate pr ees, includingue bee Stoves and Heaters of � various. makes which we ask you to see SEEOUR MCCLARY PRODUCTS, GRAN/Tv WARE, PAILS, PANS ETC. ETA.; LST US SHOW YOU OUR VARIOUS WASHING MACHINES ALSO ELECTRIC WASHERS, WRINGERS, 'WASH BOARDS SCRUBBING} ELktJw SEES, DUSTLESS MOPS, BROOMS; DUSTERS, ETC. - VACUETT2 CLEANER FOR HIRE AT $1.00 PER DAY: - FULL LINE OP PAINTS, VARNISHES, STAINS, p4.nc : OILS AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES. Good Supply of Krauser Srnoke Cure FURNITURE FoiI Line o-€ Furniture, in Living Room Suited, Dining Room Suits, Bed Room Suits, Kit chen Cabinets. A number a Rockers at Reduced Prices. Famous Simmons t3eds, Springs and Mattress; guaranteed in course of years if defective ea;u be •exchanged free of charge. BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES Johnston Kalbileisch Hardware 8c Furniture. Phone 63 .1W11,..”a%qu').1cT.camotOeuna.....V1.1.WW lb ,M2NAM.,LS11,5W1CW.w.an int,an obammost e.Grronsa erns stomas a.1P.LC,gwygroryyrit„ ..... mase➢ resotaQm � �1�1�.LiMWa:.u�awsY.CflL0�1 ZITRICri AGENCY. OatarioRquitabIaLife Head.. Once Waterloo, :Ont. Total Assets $3,823,394.56 Insurance in force Dec. 31st, 1326, $33,050,637.00 LOW COST k GUARANTEED POLICIES . INVORMATION GIVEN AND RATES QUOTED WITHOUT OBLIGATION An C rew F. = ess, z :rich MY MOTTO;—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have. You MADE YaiR WILL? franinY®amoc RmncrGbatus.amsomamootlQ, +tNlr6uLrRlCaleOtrin Vm1fFgrAco manic .T., E. C. Harvey & L. V. HogartARD h Agent®- Drugless Praction-, Mutual Life of Canada eer and Optician 4. With an EXETER --- ONTARIO 'r e EXIT . -- Fbe tt AT WALPER IrIG&i'SI retgalieaai Every Tuesday, 10 a.nn, to 41 pig. extraoidi-nary showing of the Seasoa'st Newest Materials for Men' Suits I-IEnn 7 t WHERE YOU WILL FIND ?ITIVELY THE BIGGEST T1i4gIi,O#. ING VALUES EVER HEARD! OM l i 1 !YEARS OF EXPERIENCE COUPLED WITH ECONOMIC I$Z ft, AXIN4 -- BUYING THE MATERIA.iL DIRECT FROM THEMILL:: t AND SELLING TO YOU AT TREMENDOUS SAVINGS. THAT'S WHAT PUTS THE DOLLARS IN YOUR POCKET* BETTER HURRY AND GET YOUR ORDER IN EARLY* a Ha HOFFMAN ti .MERCHANT TAILOR. W. R.F , ' , lil0 PDiAN' � Son, EDIR.;eIY;If 1 AND Ftl'NERAeL DIRECTORS, I ay, and ]Night Phone Nd�86, 91r-iia•--�!!•-�!°�§�^�h--!(�^�'-+t;-^ti��,�+���^'!�':'�?fz�^�;�-!��h "�