HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-02-17, Page 5Thursday, Vebruezet 17th, 1,92Y X 5U4ESS CARDS DumEy E E,Tiouvms leAderilISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT,. SWAY PUBLIC, ETC 110Ificar, Ears,iltoz! Street, Jets/ elf 1r11e€a 'llrltk 't*, GODETUa*t,''Il, OM :sSypetitsal attention to 'C€ en;iteat sed Court Work. Wet ` olMes may be eon:Pelted at ri ol'1lii dela by phone ,and piaoue, Chargee 1'i"v4E7:R'Fyed. Dr. 11. fL C O E N DENTAL. .r�N TA SURGED ON ;net vow B1 CK, r'oflid'Ie! . ser>y 'Tsai, stla:y, Friday one Salter- Matti salter•Ma.Office 111ARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASIIt041ili -Andrew P. Bees, Township Clerk i er t of marriage licensee. Notary etenbiici, eomrsiaxioner, Firrand Auttr e bile insueranee e ting Cortlox- 1GIau'i i &• .Erie Mortgage sGeo. Idioms The Canada r+T T•t 310 fn,'[i 1C1.l,C;l3SIO 1.3$0.01. Vii cii`T Carey Mi. Jonee Nee- Ct2 9 r irSchota 9uetioneering, Try �1 School o€ - Stock sof r Registered Live ping .;1 Breeds). 'reruns in keeping 1 prevailing prict s, thifl ce Sana for sale. Will sell ai 1Y Wry"eilaere. write. Zurich, rhease 111-99 or Licensed Auctioneer MIVOLESEet .k tDR IILL<E.ONOSITION* TO CON - St MIDDL,ESEet AM ON- AM IN A sale, regardless ,fir any auction i �e11. 1 to site or'articles to d it not a:Ai,cit your business -, charges for ,t`ietied will make n q p 'Arthur Weber, - DashWpd, lemma 1S—b7 eilee,114.41**610 G3esectosseetteseeles'm Zurich Zeal i i 111161E7 a! !Fresh and Sali Meats :i Sausagea, etc : ®, Price for Woe! rye I Bh 131D1 ' i itJASH FOR SKINS&1-111)s Dot IS• imeassecososoeseesoesseessloo ZURICH LIVERY PUT YOUR a n*sy For S; .1 e', Lo t, ound, Norio*, Etc Aclq: 'IN Me r'01,0Of : LOST In Zurich on Monday evening, a pocketbook_ containing; a large !saint o money. Finder kindly no - ify Mr. Simon Hoffman, or leav • at Herald, Office, Good Rewards offered:, At the 'annual n eetinig of the Zcericlr Public Library it was: de- cided that the Membership fee for adults for the year 1621 be set at ,50c. and children at 25e. A isp- ecial drive for members is ' being made. FOR SALE A quantity of flax seed ready ground for your 'stock, Feed a handful a• day, And 1i;e•ep. the' Vet. • away. P. C. Kalbfleiach, Zurich. Farm Help for 1927 Since a great number proverty stricken people of Germany apply to me for positions on the farm I can this year 'supply Evangel- meals With Evangelicals, Lutherans with Lutheran's, Baptist with Bap- tist, and Catholics with Catholic young sten or domestics at $200.00 a year; each man -must be recom- mended by his pastor in Germany. Farmer pays fare and $5.00 per month. Write to. tf31 Rev K. Gretzenger, Mildmay, Ont. . i[ ami in 'a position to aceomo- ;jilarte all requirements in the Livery tenainess, have Auto for hire. Any g vlone in the teaming line. • GEORGE J. THIEL. "Reno 53 Zui'ich,Ont. r VE POU Lit RY WANTED Mitten every ART till 3 O'cloek,g.not MO mot feed fowl !sam, morning 'When brought ixi. iiiighest Cask Pines Cream and Eggs. Wo O'Brien Poi 64 • • Z+nric a ECONOMY FOR SALE Three good Youkshire bacon - iJCAL NE ITRIM HERALD Mr. end. Mee. T. L. W4Urto, event Sunday at Bayfield Mr. W. C. Califaa wee at ];Lon- don t a past week. :114iPas Gertrude •Weber spent a few days; at Goaerich last: week; Mr. Orville S,teiubaoi of 'Pietrost i3 Visiting at his 'home far <1- fi W, Mise with Callfas repent a� . few day'a with friends and relatives at Kitchener. n'Cr Elnwre Kies*, Warden of Uuron County Was in Toronto on bueiness ozi. Satureley; •Mr .Lea Hoffman of the village was called to Goderich the ; past Weak to act titsjuror nee Lillian Martin of London, spent the week -end at her home on the Babylon Line Miss • Gertrude Schi.lbe who' is attending Normal at London !spent the week -end at her home' here. Mr. and Mea. 0. 0. Smith of St. Joneph were • week -end 'visitors with •relati:vee et Baden and ' Kit- cher.+er, making the trip by auto Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd O'Brein have mo;\'ed with their effects i11to the tipper story of the Genie l owned and. recently vacated by Mr, 11.' , agar Rev. and Mrs. S. R. 'Knecht-el0:1 New Hamburg spent the week -end at the home of Mrs. S. Renniet., The Roverend, 'c3eliver:ng two eery inspiring' sermons in the Evan gelical church on Sunday. QUILTING—The Ladies ,Aid of (1St Peter's Evans. Lutheran cis- `urelr have arranged to take ord- ers for quilting. Anyone desire in; to have any quilting done may apply to the committee, Mrs. C- Scliilbe, Mrs, ,T'm, Klapp, Mrs. A. . Johnston. Bev. 117mr.r':t W. Ebnes of Leona N J., sleeted his mother, Mes.Sarah Ehnen for a few days. xlr,tsec1. tv+pe brood :sows with pig, due • to. report that Mrs, Ehners 1n m- ahout March 15th. Apply to Jac- pro vingquite favorable froixiher b R WiVert R R n Dashwood ree nt. a.ccidont when she fell and FIRST AID TO I ALS ACCIDENTS 'WILL HAPPEN. 0: THE FARM Sonne Suggested 1(1•emedless azul. Hints use:o the leandliing of Hogs-+-Whe lzo ife s Cough? (ga)ntributed by Ontario Department oR A,Tr.Icuiture, ri'oronto.) Aocide)nts will, reopen on the farm and it is 'well. to be prepared to live first aid to the victim of the accideat, while waiting to secure professional lisle. Nall wounds, calks, barb wire. outs, lnjeries from runaways, injuries from coming in contact with farm tools and machines or any other in- jury where the skin is broken should receive treatment at one, that the animal may not suffer. Some people still apply turpentine to wounds o1• animals, doing more injury than wood, since it weakens and devitalizes the tissues and retards healing rath- er than promoting it. Others use large volumes' of antiseptic solution in water to bath the wound, tela also weakens the tissue and removes the protective serum that nature supplies for the repair of the injury, so should not be used other than dur- ing 'the first cleansing should sucla ee • necessary. The application of. tincture of iodine to the iuound after removing the diet and loose tissue is the best practice, The application of tincture of iodine will destroy any of the common bacteria tl'iat may ;gain access to the wound, it stimu- lates healing and tends to stop ri ieur -hemorrhage, In nail and calk wounds thcte i no agent that will give better re- sults than iodine. Hoop the injury clean. If there is hemorrhage, wait clean sterile absorbent cotton w:i',i iodine, apply 'over the hour a a:t1 bandage. Early attention to wstueis will save your horse much heedless suffering, and make it easier sur the veterinarian to complete the treat- ment. Don't be afraid to pour on the tincture of iodine. Beep your ringers off the wound, and see that everything that touches it is sterile. A supply of iodise and absorbent cot- ton should be at hand on every farm 14th 'con.Stephen. �, i''Ijured her hip. The local Carnival. held in the where live stock is part of the fu... equipment,—I.,, Stevenson, 0, A. C. Zurich Rbik la:Jt Thursday even - :3 FOR SALE T pan offering my blacksrni bop and business for sale John Kipper, Zurich. FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 25 acres ofg raes faun, being e-hf. of e-hf. of. Lot No. 14, N. B., Hay Township. For sale or to rent. For particulars apply 11 ?Vara. Catherine Reichert. MP. 'Wm Reichert; Executors late Jinn." it e1: hert, Zurich.. NOTICE '• I ;have been appointed solic- iting agent for the eiroducte of th John C. Win'aton Co., Toronto, and can 'supply you with Bibles, Testa- ments Teaehel'shelps Bible Stories for Children, Books of Knowledge, Universal hand books etc. Every Book will make a very accept- able Gift, Mt+s, Julia Bess, Zurich. OAL 19 WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE GENUINE Scranton Coal ALSO CARRY Coke Pocahontas and Soft Coal GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND TELEPHONE TOUR ORDERS EARLY TO Case &: Son P'FIONE 35 cif R1et:a 9eT.L -t7 STANLEY TOWNSHIP Air .and Mrs. David Johnston of LaRivere, Main., who have spent the 'winter with friends and relatives in Stanley are visiting at present on the Goshen Line, South...' •• ,: , to Were Orr their They 'expect ,a�,��.�r..- home in flits West about March l:st, Kai- Y, OSA •'+. t"r� - , and intend stopping off for a fe':v ) - days .dint, •, whthey have aat m mmsberMichof relativeeres'. Year Ahead Design '! D. X. and SELECTIVITY ;RANGE ^rel 'CONTROL s�G3 MARCONI VAI It itseight years since they left here for the west, and they .see a great many change's in that time. MiRuby Erratt and Mies. EunicerrnlCes Reid spent the week-enrlat R the home of Mr. Fred Reids Bay- field Road. • _ Mrs. Jas. Stephenson hula been ,ionfrned too herr, bed through ill- ing ways in every way a decide Keep the Pigs cool. esuecess. Th^ evening being ideal The pig, thiiL is comfortable all the for the occasion, colssoquen:ly a time, is a profit maker. The pig that large turnout took place, and tho 1 is uucomfortahle from any sense, various c0 tuns e'1 w -'t''' of tla^'his;'h- particularly ovortwating will :t 6 do d est order and everybody present well. Gains; in weight cannot be enjoyed themselves to the full. Don't forgcst the .Comedy flay made- while he is asing up enel.g, looking for comfort Pigs kept -in open lots with no shelter from the hot Anti 1'd «Cr t' n :\c' ua n e l .With sun other than that :;.ffo�'ded by.the Madge" put' on by the •oun:; tenee, .cannot inane the. same g a.u: peoplei??1er':s Lutll.e: to as are • made by pies that enjoy the of St. church • In the. Town.. Hall, 'Zurich, On FridayEve.. FebruiseY 25th. -It is. a play ftlil of humor and-,yttbb.r bass for the past week. Mrs. • Robt, McClinchey aieo was taken ill on Monday, ve hope they may !aeon be'teetered to their WWI health, 1 shelter - of trees or a. sunahed:.. A sunshade can be easily made by si=t - tin four fence posts in 'e square• eight fey t apart on each side, to sup- illia and be a real treat to the: t -els' "a reef ft a7ue •of ' x 4 or '' x6. people offhe community. • 1VIr. Halm t Klapp of Welland, 'Mrs. Wagner of Shakesponrte Mr. Leonard i lo1)p, of l itch et1"r and Messrs H )r 1' 'o and Wm. Telope of Stratford; v :3'tel their n +r )r i e,elr i h ,a J', a d over with Lay, ;:raq or be: tir;.l. 1-Ini, o1 straw rc ?i•, r ; e .,,tr r than boards. Dust can k''1 riot-, by the use of oil or !:•;:•!t el, s Clive the pig comfort or si.i swear, walk ;and :apical. Thor., nu profit in Such actions. ti . 1: wt't get three cents out of and Mrs. ' 14 t i. lslnpp o\ e ' til'. wee ; t,.,und a.1 grain that he Kate ek-sn l} S )rry' Lo '1 ' ,,,'t that n li4 lieu do it. They suesitaelw Mr. Wm;. Klopp of the village eon• 11 l.: ee--T, Ste er--see, Depts of tinue'a on ith, tie( lid'. IIENNo a FES CT 's:" 'LAD Fifty-five tl1aa t 1' sections, tto riling 8,810 stns at flan 1 Borth of Spet+rs, Sask., in the t:atLli+ford die trice, 11:n\ -t 1Dycit perches el by 1\I(1n- nonite so.ltlot:s from the C.P.R.of- ficials of the yCanacl.ien Menonitecol onization board, of R= pthere,Saek the ether day. The pug rbas mar- ks n new d i)7rttare th 1h^ ;efforts of the 1MIennonites pouring into the c.mnLry from .Rri,`:si.i :tines the cl- ose of the war, to ite,'i1w estab- lished thn'a. The Mennonites, riu rtberi;ig ab oat la femllies twill move on t.n the land ,,n or beteee Juno -1, 1020, • Upwardeeef over -000 barns. were destroyed last year in Ontario by fire. This is ;a most appalling loss and if ,not checked r,t 'tylion- ly mean increased insurance rates. \zhieh are quito nigh no,v. Liebe' ning is responsible for a „ood Many gusset, on the farm_; t11511 too there is the fall threshing and the danger from the engine; then there the lantern, welsh Meas destr oyc:l many a good Ontario barn, =anrl last' of all, there is carelessnr s. If e fire iatarte the leas Is generally. total, fox a five where there is hay or =straw cannot: be amt out very ea:8ily,; *At drams club .h meetings. the farm r. \would be adeist:rl to discuss the i.rcre red insurance ra- teI and their cause, ' WHEAT :POOL • OUTLINED A,pubiio meeting was held in the Town Hall, Exeter, Monday even- ing last, regarding' the proposed forming of an Ontario Wheat Pool The speakers were W. A. Amos, Pre^ dent of the UFO; H. A. Gilroy 'rims dsidttit oft he U.F.O. Cooper- •:ative Co. and Secy. J. J. Morrison, Stirrin gaddre5ses were given on f'ar•nmes% cantrclllin g, where possible their riatridp toduce and eo-bpi r atitrg in the Marketing of • thenal, It its proposed to organize eby districli9 in the wheat pool and the Co-operative company its lend ing i,t'"r: 'brganizs.tiorl to put • the thing storosa. .li`i.ve yea contrasts wee. `cl1's'rihutntl "Arid if sufficient VIVA E, BloSeop of Varna, spent signore ars obtained 1)y the cen- oaer 4:y. y yr s. Ida iAta 'ten eon 0, A. College. ("tatting Down luti'nr Expenses. The farmer must meet his own problems in a masterful tray. Fail- ing to do so. all- efforts by the 1) 1,artinent of Agriculture in his behalf .vi11 avail ne progress. To keep up the desil'ad standard of living on Ou• iario farms the labor income must be Increased. Should the fares be earn- ing all that it can then the possibil- ity of increased income must cone: from Qnviug eff••rte•d en oni'r a1 fr e -Oen f•,ed bills bo elitlrina'i'd ;,;k •,1uiv- ileo bettor fo'ls on the farell? seme Ontario farmers have done HO. Can waste of labor, stable sp .7 n'td feeds he avoided by getting rid of peor pro- ducer cows? Arany the trio !armee; !rave clone so, and now usr • .. nes.. `.,hire wherever post•ible. 1'lr: y airs' Alan their work so that they aro 01• velYs busy th,,In ,'lv es and. e've'ry it'Dir to dells in its proper thee. Evers rs dollar saved 111 operatioee is a dollar cic100 to the labor lneolno, 410.4rJdill`it1 *7j4z '6w",1J+1 4tetriartos 11 a few da ett1,h her 'sister, Mel , i s 1 s r.et o Li fee at do *100 Zurioh a ese ela 210 Minc110s for Swine. 1. part common salt. 1110 y are to devi•lop 0 bony frame - vsotlc 000 make the' best a ,r of the de given. Minerals are nr)Qtr e : all times, winterand snr_tnrr-r, l r- ors and out, on pasture or in tn:, peat, Tho .following1nietulc 1 as gat'•'.•' good rosette, all ingrodionts u?' E a 1];t:- 10 part wood a:;hss 10 parts ground lirrielttone. 10 parts acid phosphate 1 part common salt, .Pigs should have arc oss to such a mixture and also to 'rock ieult h., blood of a normal pig contains nerves one per cent. of salt, this supply must be kept up and the reran that carries the:feed to the pig is the one to clo it. 5". -10 MA:,i�Gll�. C S FOR ti`l�Lt+, LDr, „ J. MacKinnon, Zuri&.i t ma- ze PAR `e ` Mk RPM' M !WAR' WNW RSV'JW A „ti W-.: In Fine Toilet Preparations and laddie all the well known and re- liable 'varieties e.„liable'arieties of Face Powder and Face Creams Guth as YARDLEY'S, ARMANDS, CO't 5' ;s, POMPEIAN THRVE FLOWER'S, WOODBUR k'S AND MANY OTHERS These are Nationally Advertised Goods which have a reputation to E" ain t it.l li't e In Tooth Pastes we have Forhans, Ipana, Colgates, Pepsodent and Hutax All kinds of School Supplies and Stationery WE HAVE SEVERAL VARTI+7TI'E3 OF STIA'tiI'Nel CR- EAMS, STICK.; GAPS .AND POWDERS. -GOOD STOCK C)1+ sli:7 V1N' i I?I:ti:,t!1i , RAZORS AND RA .Dim 1LADES'. • AL -v.) A eAFi:.11 Y M ae 5 R, T Why the Pigs Cough. Thumping, cough, urltl.11iftine� anti digestive disturbances. in pig., iron) one to six weeks old are usnal- ly symptoms of the presence of 1u7 r_ worms. "Treatment of the affected ones is of littlo'value. If tate number of ase1iritio present In the ze,.xte h' large the little pig will soon ulril 1i his toes. If the nutabers are halite& the pig may outgrow the malady Proper oanitdtioti coupled c ith pro- per cleansing- of the sow prior to far- rowing effoetl ely proventtr the tlluntp. y condition a,c.r,s .rt4 by Hi r young worms .in time lungs and bron- chioles of the little pia; -L, Steven- son, Dept, 'Extension, 0 A. Coll o rix to tell the sex. #4•4•4,+++++++4•+++++++++++++4, USE GY The Fireproof W ainoard Use it iiow. Use it in your spare time. Use it evt r For * WALLS AND CEILINGS, RPPAIR1Ne. P 0I.D WALLS, REMOL'-• , ELLING OR NEW CONS -CR -Cc NON \S'ORK. l. 4 EASY TO HANDLE, EASY '1 0 r -'U T ON. + PHONE 69Oth i I'+•:•+.;. ,..y,.;+ + ra.0.4 ++•z•.1,•z-ra•+++a•+++ •z•+a•+a•+++a•+++a•+•t•+•t•++•+•c+4-14 LIKE I.LThIFER;. NAILS AND SAWS -34 ZURICH IIEADQUARTE'; for Secondliane Buggies $4O1OOand up Auto Tops, AVagoya. Repairing, Painting, Etc. IF YOU WANT SERVICE, \1'1: HAVE IT WE ItERUB1IER YOUR UGLY WHEELS. HESS - ZIIRICH A.++,1•••++44:++++++++++++++++++ ¢ d • HERALiJ'opFIaE t + r' 4. - Do You Know? i. t THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR GOOD PR'I1vTIN@' t. THAT WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WEDDING a. INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS THAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, SUCH AS LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND 4�; - ,STATEMENTS Cs.A.,T WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING MANUFAOT 'MBES OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN SUP- PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OF CHECK BOOKS + ,o THAT AVE CA.1 RY IN 'STOCK. WRITING PAPERS, ENVEE- ' OPES IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON OR TRACING PAPER, SIIIg•PING TAGS, MEMORIAM STS ATIONER'Y, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS IN TWO SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC„ ETC. , ORDINARY INARY SIZE INK BOTTLE �, Two WE PILL YOUR 0RD WITH GOOD' 'FOUNTAIN PEN IN:K FOE B e. ' L.ARG- f GEE QUANTITIES AT BIGGER RRDUC)7 ONS THAT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, .AUCTION SALE P011- • 'ITERS, MERCANTILE POSTEIEs AND ALL GENDEAL e PRINTING OUR SPECT?e.LTS3 it r7 i.L+l tilJrt, 1i,_,•'rr''r•1�1'1.1+t „t,r,r^rir•r•t•`rritr, i• +'; • +44