HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-02-17, Page 1Vol.,XXV I I tl it.r33 ZURICH THURSDAY MORNING, FE E3RUAR'Y 17, (9 7. . Let yoarL:Dc3iPap3r br.iigM,.rehaiiji GENERAL NEWS YDRO FOR TUE ?ARM. Hydro power 'fain farm pur•potse's being brought to Ute attention of the farmers of Usborne Tp, A meeting Wali held in Exeter recent • t y addressed -by ' '., Bishops, eng ii neer of the 'A similar was also held at, the Tp. Hall, El- ihnvilie, and an a ff''atria will be m,.t.de to run two wain Eines through the -tLownshipp %inking ron L ir_kton and Woodham Front "!tfiesie it its pro- posed to runt I rant It lines up and Clown the, eunet s true wherever a average of thiree garners to the nail can l,e linked up: The serviee eth argo for the EiceIer rural Powe Oisti;iet has been, rceduueed firona. $6i to $39.0 And the' c4iatk; Inptio;n oh arge has been reduced. from 7 t 5c. for the Real 42i MUT- hours, ove that amount 2(.,,iac:r ' .irr'•. hour. Th ese attractive• mikes e:s lutve been made pn"asiib1ae bece ase of the pion ec'r,ng work Mat Iiia 'already bee donee, . A Swiss'ePtemist redoni•ly (level aped: a • paint btthich its Claimed, t be rust proof, '''''01 -f+++4.444, -+++40t -e++++++++++++ ++,3,-;'++++++++++++++++++++ • FACTS From the X201 Annual •iF araPea of London Uto Insurance Co. NEW INSURANCE ISSUES $73,737;335 INSURANCE IN FORCE $251,256,$95. • , RATE OF INTEREST EARNED 6.71% SURPLUS (GOVERNMENT BASIS) $5,679,593 OESCH rch ✓r 4. • tf'G . 0•'4d .tefel .g.+++ 44+++4.4+++F4.41)+++ -r. --H.,4 ++++.;..;. Chester Aa, / E ab •••• �'r.M! .r $1.,95 •' Ytwft1 fie t Kdr. $1.50INARRL:ARS; 9 MAY RR OFtf:•r.07,1, Public together by Advertisia 1 • N. :t I)enmrn• . The following for easitaJcTtagpmes1313td8fa6reeeae eg',"easos 1 mile V'e" el.a—Da\'id B1'ckwe'1, J Pfaff, J, E,cir"tein; H Steinbac1i A • ,.1CI) cli telt Th f""t.o wi4 avere ep- 0113 I'itr'ir.� e l 1ih: e1) Vsaluators J ` 01.'ke, Gu P. Haber :I•, F. Kadin,. • The fol'o';v • ing Wed In',p:'ctors—W. Ay'.Chap- + man, C. Siemotl, D. i)ueharme, W. r IT Ilau: h, The following acco- e. i4 ta,vnu..... ,�)'; r,r !3?a�' ,"t",.. ... 2 iuni;3, w(,lt. pa°Sytl-9."'i. No. 4, dell:n , ate, 01 \,; 1.9.6 11110.0); Johns on & • Kalhflei'lh account 3.50'1 W. G.Ilcas e & Sans, account 60); Bank o f Mon- o - ,Te}ere have greater Values treat ti nsall ax cull.7.35;. beenoffered smith, auditor il.lj Ford 1Ia}I • ' c r, }mil': oi. 10 00 ; 1 Prang Seco ant � 3.15: J Brown atone 1.`=v: B It t_ppp t 40411.3a v1! 0 Its 80 80 Mrs. A. McLeod .of Wroxeter, visa ed with her father, Mr.. P. Koehler, one 'day last week. Mrs, Srllitil, of kiensall isspend rig a few days with her ,sister,Mrs (Lloyd O'Brein.. • Dr. •and Mr's. MacKinnon were on a 'motor trip to London on Thursday last.. Tr. and Mrs. W .II. Pfile o'f Hen- salt' were Monday evening visitors at 'the home of Mrs. Lydia Nile. TtZr's. Sol. Gurg•eri,ch and two da- da -tighter, of the Goshen Line south visited•for a 'few weeks with rfi- ends at Kitchener and Baden. iYiiss Greta Schi b'a left for De- treit on Monday after ,spending a felt. weeks. with her parents, Iver,. trail Mre. C. Schilbeof town. y+Zrsi. Lydia Pfile, Miss Pearl FfJle, Mr .incl Mra. Urban Pfile, iblr 'lic MIM, Garnet Jacobe, were Sun - visitors at Hensel'. Mrs. C. Fritz & Son, Ford Deal - °b, are 'getting their fine uloid t(uo a ready •on Victoria St., for the even riaore attractive Fords of 1927, • ,. �.cs to ads 1.��' th•„,s licc,n. es -for the; year, 19.1,7. Mrs, Ed. Grigg- of Detroit is visY- iting at her par,:nts" hone, Mr. and Mrs Harty Bedard,. bars. 1T. Be- dard who has been t is`t ng at De- troit returned with Mrs. Grigg. 112r•. and Mrs. Harry Roffman, .ancl family, and Mrs. Stacey, of Dashwood, were Sunday v i 1?tors at the home of Mrs• Gertrude Hess, and Muss Anuat.. Of Gc&(ler1C12 . c�.ilho ne Co,- toll's ti3 ii; Stromberg- Il looks as though there will bo v ` , . , Carhuln Mfg. Co. ,tnpplios 2.55; J. i 0 fishing on aha. •i.ec� on the lai:e Nt,?lestarts `+#_fat® ,s, S;ni`i1 audil or 5:01, Ferd Halpern this winter, However, there have a W E HAVE 'NO FANCY; TALK TO OFFER YOU, 011 ANY BIG WORDS To BOTHER YOU WITFr, FOR WE HAVE BUT ONE REASON Vi:t MAKING THIS TREMENDOUS SLAUGl-IT ER OF OUR ENTIRE STOCK OP HIGH GRADE OF 1•'00TWEAR _ RI/BEERS AIM PELT SHOES CO11 IN AND SEE Th}i BAR f iit.,at 2 00 ; t1, P. Beanint'rest on • O • note} 27,50. ` 'the Council adljnrnl'd to n,e,t main nn Monday March 7, ea at 1.30 pan.—A. P. lless, Clerk. GAINS ON TWA TABLES AND RACKS. • Ever Pair• o:l t5'4noes is marked down ,,and below east, Buy your Shoes naw, for next Summer at _Priees, That v.'ill. sati•e you Dollars/. Stun T1;:`E E FINE WINDOW DISPLAY. 0 fae ea . REI?AIRING amu rel:, Boot Shop NE A, TLV DONS(49 ilitagtatl,ie:w ' ifea i:i%:aiz¢ Z0E-t oei fgelefS61r " i+ alae c 0OSeee eer rf tP;o • 4n • 4 Several. Men's 00 Arte*e*foof *ft • ;4ofefo '004+• 0414+0 a0 .. Verevatat „e► • ' yawotA 1 and Bo �+ readx. Red- . Prices. COME AND SEE GASOI OISi ft MAIM .4444.44•464#414,4 .0.00040 VIA 0•400,44 ti 8' ' u d• 4 "e 8 : g Ilr 0 4... ,..., 4,, 0 IIONE 67 "* l,' y, Co` ming! GETTING ACQUAINTED WITH MADGE. A Chuckling Comedy: in T Acts; Breezy in -style and been ‘son.e. nets set, with rather poor 1-e:sults, while some nets -have taken a westward jjourney with the ice, never to ,return to their original owner., The ideal fine winter weather the past week, has again greatly heip:'cl, to Shorten the winter, as the rice balmy and warm sun put ono in mind of March and tit', pie-,asing sap season. However on Wednesday morning we ' exper- ienced heavy showers accaiYip:tn- llree led by heavy thunder, which will likely be followed with cold. TO VH II.\LL •-- Zt4UUCEI 1 In the first game of than• play-off for ch?.nlionslli,n of the Cyclone Ifcclr ey L'a un, in Zurich the lore Atwater. Kent THE SETT THAT IS GAINING A POPULARIT Y BECAUSE .OF ITS SIMPLICITY. OP OPERATION. PRICE $145.00 FIRST GRADE EQUIPMENT LET US GIVE YOU A FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION Wo Ge Ness & S s PREPAREDNESS The Cold Days Have Arrived' Are You Prepared for the , " WE ARE' PREPARED WITH at CAR LOADS OF HIGH GRARL F UEL IN OUR ,YARDS. ANTHRACITE GENUINE D. & EL "Co`s A.I SCRANTON Egg, Stove & Nut Sizes GEN -LONE CONSOLIDATION;; MILLER'S CREAK . GENUINE CONSOLIDATION; POCAHONTAS Genuine SOLVAY COKE Our teleph.�o^„s are at your ems'. poral, and the information Iefr ; H ENSALL ONT. Phones—Office low. Rowe; 141,u„ O. 004.4,0 46)q.447141t1;4;44.4.41pqr,e0-erix„,:rfi' LEAT' ER GOODS, BT� Harness Trunks Vases 'Jt Tim WE ARE HE:�:DQUARTBRS FOR LEATHER GOODS, HARNESS. OP ALL KINDS, LEATHER CLUB BAGS, LADIES' -.F1;BA((=S, COIN AND OTHER PURSES A FINE DISPLAY ON 1TANni GOOD SUPPLY OF MEN'S MITTS, OVERALLS, HORSE EL- r1NKETS, ETC. ON HAND. Come in and see our fine display of Uaefull Goods, HARNESS REPAIRING ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVI4.• e�^, Off T1 -11E1 71JRI WIZ firs"• 00410o0st•4Ndr•s00t.00•Sta40.s,tr401 .-0 :..r^ +.41. ,+4.40arwW�*,a a,43,0�°gt+c4044€,.11•Rler-`�^ .,..\+-7.4.... •,6 +.0.7i•'i"�°C `!d""t"iw4'° .04 r• ie . .°t....4;++.a 444, "L4. -w M,"Y .... �n4:.. V:.Yi.1Ft ragatti t..[ 1" WE ARE CLEARING TI4E FOLLOWING LINES IlN ORDER, TEE •t• MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING STOCK. IF YOU NEED ANY WINTER FOOTWEAR` CALL ON 4. � ° •.'r tion t IN LEATHER TOPS, RUBBERS LACED AND BUCKLE, eANVASS.� LEGGINS, eiALOSHES, SOCKS, FELT SHOES AN3Y sLFP'::rE;i S. II Prices Greatly Reduced 4. On l 1 + •. FRIl)A"Y, F>BRUARV 25thm „ 8 p;• o RITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS } _ ,i, rRepairing promptly done, Rubber Soles Vulcanized on Mester team was dLis'ated by Er Lt'r ay Boots, Etc. the sneak margin of one goal, se- ' Reserved Seats 35c. `Kush Seata25c ore 1-3, The game was marked Plan at T. L. 'V'urna"ts. Store DON'T MISS IT ducod was of a high order. The reit:"rn game will be played it Ex- eter on. Friday eve sin;; of th:°swe- ekt and with the goals counting in the round Zurich Si:iti. 11113 a good chance of holding tui cup by out scoring •'the Exeter team. Considerable enthusiasm was manifested in Zurich on Tuesday noon 'when tw'o men from London were demonstrating a fire engine outfit, made by the Walkervi 1e Speeielty? Com p awry. 7.113 pump. part of the equipment can be put op the ,ril•b'rt part of tarry Ford aerie, ,and the motor of the auto propolis the centrifugal pump, to which can be attached two 3inos of host: In the demonstration a 'stream of 'water was thrown up in- to tho tar "S enteral (cot over the flag pole, and it was soon r14a11on ntrntnd that a very capable pump could be easily enotag h 1?orch;t. eft but an adequatesupply of water seems the • big Consideration tin Zurich, as the-out£'t.t 'soon pumped both •walla out of the local' Water :Supply system in 'th"e 'c illas; .The financial m1 lay for an cquipan •nt of this kind' would be comparat- REV, P, ti. It1;'YJ1E, Pastor. ivcly atnall, nt^y e1Y coated b''• ^ rye i it zl i or u one year., Without; . • Roy, Qj L, 'Gross, Supply a taxpayer £Soling it very niaxg1L, writs_ every man p1:lyi.ng at h'_,s very best and the brand of hockey pro - Evangelical Church Notes ZURICH- -: O`TT, Thursday 7:80 pan. Prayer and Praane 8.30 Bible School Teachers meet- ing r rid'y 4.10 pini.—Jr. E.L.CE "Ovid ay, 7t30 p{,n1.--Sr. ELCh Friday 8.30 p.m. --Choir. Practice Sunday 10 alt ,—Worship 11 !ant —11i1110 Sc11nn1, 3. E. Gascho, Superintend .St 7.30 p.m. -e\ orahip DASIIW000 Tues. 7 pan, Pray rand Pr,aiee, 2, Bender,.. Class Leader 8 'P• 1<1'r Sr.L ),ague ors,• G, Link, President Pryid'y 4,10 p.ni. Jr. League • 8 pen. Choir Practice. 10 n.mj, and 7 to at' Worship. 1.1,05—Bible School, A. Birk, Supt. 4. t A+ 40+++l+di++3++6++i+ai++4++ +f+++i+ ++ da4444++i+ +•k+Ari^+t++k++++++++++ s,. For two weeks only, beginning g Fe ruary 12th, We are offering all our Lines at big redaction in Winter Lines price, la m ei'v: ALL HEAVY WOOL AND ?LERCED UNDERWEAR. ALL WOOL AND FLANNELETTE BLANKETS, ALSO WOOL AND MACK. FLANNELS, :PLAN".\ELETTES, PRINTS, GD+LATEAS STOCKINGS, ,SOCKS, MITTS GLOVES, HEAVY }tITI9i l~;v .AND BARGAINS IN MANY OTLER LINES, COME AND) SR - ! CURE SOME OF THE GOODS WHILE THEY LAST,, J„fi4-1 > a EN EP MEROHAN°I'., OCE 11 BLAKE Y:t