HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-02-10, Page 8hum T al� ►`iIrJ Ssb ` W Get our prices on Ladius 'Underwei-.ar, ,Sweaters, Gloves, Hosiery, Dress cods of all kinds. Men's Underwear Sweaters, Sox. We can save you Money Grocery Specials i G OUR SPECIAL TEA, L:B. ... -.. 65e PRUNES 40-5O' ... 2 lbs. for ...25e GiNGER SNAPS, 21bs. for ......25e RIO COFFEE, 3 lbs. for ... ....$1,00 'MATCHES, Package 21c Robin Hood Rolled Oats, pkg. 29c Silverware Coupons REMEMBER WE GIVE COUPONS 'WITH EVERY CASH PURCHASE: THROUGHOUT =THIS YEAR, EN- TITLING YOU TO WM. ROGERS GUARANTEED SILVERWARE, WITHOUT EXTRA COST TO YOU Prod . Wan SONS Phone 59 Zuri&'s G.Garage Gras, Oils, Creases Tires, Tubs, Repairs GEIRJiNE FORD PARTS ;UST RLA...:11,1 U.0 A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES .9.N1i"TUBES WE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS �_'vYN1P.tL911°7 t':B' IN NEED QF A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF •T. EATON CO., AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE. WE'.MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. BATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- ETYLENE WELDING. ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE xa jar se,. iirich .000**m*0:(04,0** ** Q**0* **o wo*e*******15 x12 4 8 8 8 4P u beo Stores bela Furnaces Nigtrz, 1).°3 gettiag cool Winter w l s » be here, this puts us in lb mind of that New Stove, one that will A give more heat with less fuel than any I other make on the market, namely the Clarex Quebec combined Cooker and IILA1'ER, ' 5 LOVE THAT WILL COOK AND BAKE WITH • g ANY OF I HEM, AND FOR HEATING CANNOT 13E BEAT, .T HEY ARE MAO:: IN TWO SIZES 18x18 in. and 203c20 in ovens AND WILL URN COAL OR WOOD. oei sOedRet rt0e Alieil4011,09®09t 8 8 8 a 40 8 8 8 8 8 • 0 a 4 4? 4 8 8 .: cs,auw SEE 0 Of Shirtings, Denim, Oottonade Gingham, ,:Print, Eto. ALL NEW PATTERNS IN VOIL, 'IIIOADCLOTIE, FANCY MUS- LIN POGEE, ALL COTTON GOODS IS LOWER IN PRICE THIS SPRING, AND -WE ARE SE -LUNG AT ODR"USUAL LOW PRICE. GINE US A CALL AND SEE FOR, 'YOURSELF J. 'W. MERNER 01' 'seer~. INId'EST Mr. Ed: Schnell spent end in Bayfielcl;, .Ira. Elmer Oeseh is visiting a few day in Dashwood, Miss Greta Schilbe of Detroit is visiting at her home here. Mic;S Helen Pastel? of -:Detroit, is [spending a few 1voeks at her home here. Miss Beatrice ga;ast of Cr=editor, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Milliken, Miss Jessie 14IcDonald of the 14th con. was at London on Sat- urday to visit her girl friend, Miss Meda Sur0rus, who is taking treat= monis at a hospital in that city. Mr. Kenneth Routledge, who has 'spent the past few week"s at his home here, left on Tuesday fo.. De- troit to resume his work with the. D .M. Ferry Seed Co. Mr, Ilarry G, Hots while trying to carry his large tool chest of 'electrician =supplies, ffell on the ice near the Lutheran church and 'suffered a severe cut on the head, while he also= 'sustained .severe brn- ises on the body. While he will be laid up for a few idays, re twist nothing serious will develop, Mr. and Mras. E. E, Wuerth, and. Miss Dorothy Brenner were on a motor trip to Stratford and Kit- chener last Friday, Mr. \Vuerth attended a meeting 'of the Imp- erial Fife Insurance Co. at Strat- ford. Bert says the roads are a little slew for motoring as far a.s Stratford and from there to Kit cherer they are good. FA'YFIELD AGRIC. SOCIETY The annual meeting of the Bay- field Agricultural Society Was held on Wednesday afternoon last, ,January 191h, at the Town Hall, Baylieldi There was la fair at- tendance and it was an interesting use: ting. The Societies' 'Directors have r:'aaons to feel proud of their rec:mel, as the =exhibition last year vas e.cccptionally good. The balance on hand is over $500. There is a b.kkkef there are few societies even or larger places, that show as goo:l a b alanee. The officers and directoru for 1927 are — T=711ott3; President, John 11:IcClu: W. J. Stinson: 2nd Vice, W. H. Tal- bot, Crecy, A. E. Erwin; Trews. P. A. Edwards, Directors -•-J. W. Reid St n i i FI•rtaton,;Eel Foster, John R.athwel1, Thos. Snowden, Fred Middleton, T. M. Woods, Wrn. St- cwaort, \Vui Sparks, J. A. Ferg- tlsDn, Robert McMurray, Robert Penh -de, Mrs,, Seeds, Mrs. J. W. Rid, , SCHOOL REPORT 5, S. No. 6, 'Hay, for the month o[ January, based on daily work and e amanatIon% Those. marked were absent a week or more from school, - Sr IV--13entrace Adams 138, Be-itt ace Farwell 496. Sr. U1:1Priscilla Farwell 742, EIda Ginrerich 641. jr,III—Neil Wiilm'er 496, Doric; Grob 12'; Ja,ro-i Adam's 3'9, Andrew Foster 3.38, *Etrl Gingerich 182, *mW. Watson 90. St*. II --Olive Witmer 823, Violet Adams 789, Martha Foster 718,' in Ging;erieh 400, Kenneth C+:eb 347, Louis Farwell 173. i 1! irbsc elar,s—Wi.nnifred Battler 581, Orl. an Io Battler 481, ,Ion ITof:[- roan 358, Lorne Ling rich 333, An- th:any HIoffcnan 278, *Gladys Gin geric h 1.73 Sr, :i'r,—Irene ll'oster 130, *Grace Wein 55, .Rose `Roffman 03. Jr 'frim er--Edna, A.dantis 155- *Precld y Farwell 10, *Irma Kipper: *Ivan Kipre i. Number on roll 30. Averageatw tty'nd•tnc' 22. [[ G. Pepper, teacher, I: the. week. 44 8 R 8' IN FUPN.i 4 CAN GIVE YOU THE VERY BEST THAT a MONEY C' 'T.' "THE IIRrCLA" A REAL OLD STANDBY iR 2 A I•URN:'; =1 \ [' IIAS GIVEN SATISFACTION To THOU SAN.DS 0 =FOR MANY :YEARS. The Furnace that r' 40 saves on ,ti in seven, ,p In h<avi�t h lice "Giron;, Plumbing Job ,or Eavetroughing 0 a.ntl epaira., link!, You make no mistakeby coming here hero and 1a' • w JST .0000000'0 ,lone by our Expert Mr. Ted, Millteholtz, 113rec aate your Patror_age LiDol ONT.' • DE 0000040dIQi1F:# y00 L.0s- AL iVIAAKETN Butter lb. Eggs ...... :_.... Dried apples 1b Wheat Oata. Barley Buck wheat .... Shorts per ton ..... .. Bran per tort.. . ... Potatoes per hag ...,. Live hogs, cwt. ............ ... ... 10.75 c,Correct.c•d every vvedneeda«) 40 55-50-30 9 71.25 42 _......65 . 4.75 3,75 ____ _.34.00 32.00 2.00 Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK THE LAR•?B,ST BUSINESS OF ANY CANADIAN COMPaIN Y 'DO- ING BUSINESS IN ONTARIO, CASH AND BONDS ON HAND $85,429,61. G. `Holtzman -- Zurich GENT, ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- TNING : RODS, AND ALL KINDS OF DIRE INSURANCE, tt-34 ZURICH Established 1900 ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY NOON FROM THE HERALD Herald Printing 0!fice SUBSCRIPTION RATES — 1$1.25 a year, strictly in advance; $1.50 in arrears or $2.00 may be charged. U. S. $1.50 year in advance. No paper discontinued until all arrears are paid unless at the option of the publisher. The date of which ever S las i t ion is paid. is derated on the • Label. ADVERTISING BATE Display Advertising made known on application. Vliscelianeous articles of 'not more than four lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, Found, etc. each insertion 25e, Farm or Real EEstate for sale $2.00 for first month, $1,00 for each su.baequent month. Bstrayed Annuals — One insertion 50e., three insertions $1.00, professional Cards not exceeding one inch $5 per year. Auction. Sales — $2 per single in- sertion if not over five inches in length. Ad dress all communications THE HERAI,D. ZURICH ONT. to HENSALL 0. N. P, TRAIN CONNECTIONS MORNING South, Kippers ,. ... 8,22 Sonth, h, Ilensall .. ,. 8,32 a,m, South, Exeter ,. ..,. ...8.47 a.rr. Stage leave Zurich ... 7.00 a,tn. North, Exeter 10.16 a.m, North, H'ensfaii ... 10,30 a.ni, North, lZippen -.. ...10.35 s.m, AFTERNOON - South; Kipper . .. ,.4,10 p.m, South, Hens'all ... 4.50p.m. South, Exeter Stage leave Zurich .. ,..3,00 pan. North. Exeter .... 6.04 p.m. North, Herman . ,,.... 6.15 p.n,. North, Kiltipenu 6:231 p.ira. a"<.aMw!.T.a1.ro. q.wif+MM�m-w-aa W+M^'a..wfla„^°1(� 400 ,,,...okw.wwioanv.ww4n-RgavissIDnittgOVIO*1$4,1444,00140*100 1 1 1 `%u s ay, February' 1004 I We an supply pie Public With Seasonable Hardware At moderate prices, including ( tie- bee Stoves and Heaters of various makes which we ask you to see E OUR WARE RPA LS, DPUAN . EP(! LET US SHOW YOU LA OUR VARIOUS WASHING MACHINES ALSO ELECTR1e WASHERS; WRINGERS, WASH BOAJiDS SCRUBBING Pan, SH'ES, DUSTLESS MOPS, BROOMS, DUSTERS, ETC. VACUETTE CLEANER FOR HIRE AT $1.00 PER DAY. FULL LINE OF' PAINTS, VARNISHES, STAINS, PAINT, OILS AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES. Good Supply -of r°auser Smoke Cure FURNITURE Full Line of Furniture in Living Room Suita, Dining R eam Suits, Bed Room Suits, Kit chen Cabinetry, A number or Rockery at Reduced Prices. Famous Simmons Beds, Springe. and Mattress, guaranteed in course of yea if defective cam.. be exchanged free of charge. • EEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES Johnston 8C Kalbfieisch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 Ylemidem...36.:,,v_.....w..._...,,,,w..w......vs,., 0.0MX1911109MatimusafileamalllinD ZURICH A E OY OutarioEquitable Life Head Office - Waterloo, Ont. Total Assets $3,823,394.56 Insurance in .force...Dec. 31st, 1928, $33,050,637,00 LOW COST c. GUARANTEED POLICIES INVORMATION GIVEN AND RATES QUOTED wirrnoUT OBLIGATION Andrew F. Hess, - • Zurich MY MOTTO;—SIT i; VICE AND worry Have You MADE YOUR WI LL? anonsarsonetaunumetmearnmenraminamaincensmenuovamonesmsarsermillit �y E. C. Harvey &-L. V. Hogarth — Agents - Mutual Life of . Canada. EXETER -- ONTARIO { JOHN WARD Drugless Practio -. eer and Optician EXETER .Pikoa: %T WALPER HOUSE EUIi1W Every' Tuesday, 1!d Q,ti�iK o i�il n *-111---4, .7 --f 4--4 dam..-+ .E+ s Pfr ^- !N—h1! 4, 4, e re Re 'With ara t extraordinary showing o:[ the Seaswrnrs; Newest Materials for Men's Suits WHERE YOU WILL FIND 7?ITIVELY THE BIGGEST '. 'AILOR-i ING VALUES EVER HEARD ORF. • it]A.RS OF :EXPERIENCE COUPLED WITH ECONOMY IN id TAKING — BUYING THE MATERIAL DIRECT FROM. THE MiLL,* AND SELLING TO YOU AT TREMENDOUS SAVINGS, 1 THAT'S H' ,. ATS WHAT PUTS THE:iJiOt,LAI39 IN YOUR I'^CflL;IkET ET YOUR'` ORDER 'N EARLY, BETTERHURRYAND G rW. H. HOFFasA MERCHAN'T' TAILOR. W. ;R. HOFFMAll 8i on, nvircittvot AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS,, ; Day: tutl Night Phone NO, 04‘,. 4•• *"" -r►:--+- :-*--ar<—+--.--.—'i -•:-4 — -*1*