HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-02-10, Page 5ayR IS'brustl r 7411 y, 18 7` OOH HERALD ;muss SS CARDS DUDLEY E.HoLmus ;dlA?rrlt3lSTlrR, SOLICITOR NOT- ARY PUBLIC, ETC Mee, 'Hamilton Street. Just off .esie &niurare, c OIDTuRICFr, Gert, '{ Irt'+cla'A attention to Couneei and , t Wort, . Holmes may be ,consorted at ,jltrii su'c'h by phone and p or)e e1aargee r verzed. Dr. .. H. C O vis E N D, 13.1 !•1D. '7A+ S. DENTAL . SURGEON mit DEITZ BLOCK, ZVandCSatf ev- ens' 'harsdsy, Friday fk�'��• /lain Office • ?'iH .r3r•'%''i. *IB'S BLOCX., DASHWOOD Andrew F.' Hess, 'Township Clerk . s ler of marriage licensee. N 1Ptriblsc, Commissioner, !lase mad A_ut- Anti esrenl';1"ile' Ineuerance' t'ep orpoxv Murals& Erie Mortg g e pa4taort. ,he ZURICH Canada: ONTARIO ose.38. E,I, OPP sersaduate Carey M. Jones; Nat- ei:al School of Auetioneering. Tr y ,las)gays Registered Live eak aii)1 Igreede. Terms in keeping eorels prevailing prices. Choice ilillemee for Bale. Will dela anything Theses 18—D3 or_ writes Zurich. licensed Auctioneer TOR HURON & MIDDLESEX AM INy a ctioniTIOTO CON- sale, regardless lie t any $O 83iZ^"J or articles to sell. I elicit your business, an t es nod it not tyestislied will make no pharg r. vices. - Da$hv7ootl+ 'Arthur Weber, Iamb eat lea) • 5a>us esh and Salt Meats aa �sY?imgnz?t es,, etc —.. Va... salt 611 Price for 'i7dot'a R1 DASH FOR SKINS h 1W» Highest Ca it 8 6 6 uw 011411084641/0314)00.1101005 OOPS** '0 y i841108464pQB3lrA?00b01ArgF3"',:OOAadfl*'lbRtsl! ZURICH LIVERY 1 an in a position to accomo- ter all requirements in the Livery ltitslfess, have Auto for hire. Any Min' doe ire the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL lehomee 59 Zurich,Ont. VE POULTRY WANTED 'Taken every day till 3 O'elock,p.0 . lab not feed fowl same morning when 'brought in. jW hest Cash Prices s.---C-AS FOR -- Cream and Eggs Fa W. O'Brien Phone 94 Zurich ECONO PERMw} SCE Year Ahead a ign1 X. and SELECTIVITY *AMOR .and CONTROL .... AR OM VIII 11 SAWEIN. PVT YOUf • t2P9 For Sale, Lost •FfAlnol, Notice, glop .!'hies IN TN+Ie.a r"l?l,tl f. NO �l #CIr At the annualmeeting' of the Zurich Pliblic Library it was de- r; xi fee tided that tile IVleznbex k for adult; for the year 192/ be set at aOc:. send. children at 25e. A sp- ecial drive fo'x members i being- /natio., FOR SALE A quantity of flax. need ready ground for your !stock, Peed a handful a clay, Aid keep the Vet. away. Farm Help for 1927 Since a great number proverty stricken people of Germany apply to me for positions on the farm I can this year 'supply Evangel- icals with Evangelicals, Lutherans with Lutheran's, Baptist with Bap - test, and Catholics with Catholic_ young men or domestics at $200.00 a year; each man must be recom- mended by his pastor in Germany. Farmer pays fare and $5.00 per month. Write to. tf31 :Rev. K. Gret,:enger, Mildmay, Ont. FOR SALE Three good Youtrahire bacon - type brood 'sows with plg, due about March 15th• Apply to Jac- ob 11. Wiliert, R. R. 2, Dashwood, 3 11.1 con. Stephen. shop FOR SALE axn offering my blacksmith and business for sale John Kipper, Zurich. FOR SALE A limited quantity ad good white clover honey for !sale at 12c a pound. Apply to Mrs. E1n- meraou Snider, Bauble Line, Stan- ley Tciwn'shilh• tf29 V41 rtR Mrs. C. L. Smith continue, coxa fused to her bed, Dr. 1?. r7'. O'Dwyer wit'e laid up with a bad (attttel, of coati, the levet few days. Mr. Wm, IClopp was taken 3l d•. !wily ill the other clay and z;s, confined to his hatrs�, Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Brown of Kitchener are visiting friends, a round here at ' pzesent>;. • They came 'uta' by motor. Rev. S. R. ICneehtel• of New Hamburg, will occupy the pulpit in the Evangelical church next Sunday;. Pleased to report that Meati Jacob Weido, who 'has been Leant-' ill for lawns weeks, 3.3 now able to be •sitting up Mrs. L. W. Hoffman, is relieving Miss Mode Surerus, as teacher of the Bronson Line school, as Ickes Surerus is 'confined to London Hos !pita!, Mr .and Mr's. A. A. Weber, whe• have been Hying i11 their fine re's- idence on Victoria street the past year, have moved back on their farm on the Bronson Line, while Mt. and Mrs. J. W ,Merrier are moving into the home vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Me'rncr. QUILTING—The Ladies 'Aid of QSt Peter''s Evan';. Lutheran ch Lurch have arranged to take ord- ers for quilting. Anyone desir- ing to have any quilting "done m_ay apply to the committee, Mr's. C. SAllbe, Mrs. Wm. K1opp, Mrs. A. Johnston. Mr. W. C, Wa ;'n'r has installed a new and modern electric rafrid gerato * for keeping 1113 ice cream Ind 'Soft •.'rink., coal the year 'a round. The outfit is cooled, with chemicals, and is driven with an electric motor which works auto- matic and needs little attention, keeping a uniform temperature the year ar:Jand, Don't forget the large Valen- tine Cara)it'al al. 'h2' Zurich Rine: on Thum lay eve rof this week,( This annual. et.,ni: is ursual1Y _,abig] _- _ _ . success and with th•s•, nice •even- ings this one this year should be the best ever' Don't forget to get at 'dollenu•;, and th ••n meeteet your friend; oµrt the ice. Liberal prizes are ];;ing- oft^re:I for the lucky 'winners, in the various classes' of cc)'stusnes, .Don't miss it. FOR SALE A quantity of maple 'and beech wood for sale, cut in stove length Apply to Garnet Daters, Hensal' P.O. tf-29 FARM FOR SALE of 25 acres ofg rass facile, 1)'t'tg e-hf. of a-Ltf. of Lai. N te. N. B. Hay, Township. 1+'or stile or to rent. Por particnl rs apply to Mrs. Catherine Reichert. Me. Wm. Reichert, E-ecutor8 late John Reichert, Zurich:, NOfCE I ;have been appointed 'solic- iting agent for the" Products of the John C. Win-ston Co., Toronto, and can 'supply you with Bibles, Testae menta Teache;r':shel\ps Bible Stets -les for Children; Books of Knowledge, Universal hand hooka, etc. Every Book will make a very accept- able Gift. ' Mrs. 'Julia Bess, Zurich. COA 192 WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR TTHEGENUINE Scranton Coal ALSO CARRY Coke Pocahontas and Soft Coal t GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS EARLY TO & CaseSon PHONE 36 RENSALU -.17 ARTHUR WliffER"S SALE REG- ISTER Feb. 16th, Ross Johnston Felt' 12xnd--John England. March 3rd—Hy. Steinbach half t t' interest, March 8th—Wilfred Laporte Marr'h loth—Alfred Sreen an. March 15th—Ezra Render.. Mar. 24th --E. Snider Gestate. A. • Weber, G. Elliott, Auctioneers. Denornrdie—At Bauble Line, to Nie. and gra. Armand bi,nainme, on PI'"ebruary 3cd,a daughter. Mr. and. M.', Harry Ga11man have lxlot`1Ll inti) their fine 11ow. home wvhit'I+ let •y built t;;_s sem- inar at th' tw-?at end of town, •this horse is .t very er'di•table asset to the slip' arann' of that part of the viliag,'1, 1%'11", and Mrs I. W. Korner 1.11.v* '!tura into their popokyt a at :1 11y Mr G alinlan,,tnd' we wecleese tl1•e.n a:. yeti cit: of the village. An usual, in telt :s•long Nvinter alontlra, little social g'athering^, take Meal at which fen 'sec, 1 c+v_ ening; are Spent which areu,ual'lY indulged. in 1:ifdio, of other mimicor va2'iot4; gamey, of which serds playing i:9 probably the out_.stand-, ingg ams.. and of course :'acll game usually has its mare prominent winner who is usually called the champion, At a z'ceozit party of this kind, it is said that this distinction fell to Mr, "Bon"TVlil- likken of 'town who can boast of being ththechampion ..colt, play°r by holding a hand containing the Club -Solo -Du, m The *United Farmers Co-Opprat ive C(5, o1 -Toronto), 1ft 4.' a, nutilly2r of years operation in which they showed an annual deficit, have dui:* 'ug tho past ,rear made a very oarcottrag ing .4110 s\1 tag anti have allowedallowed the char:+ht,lde.'3 4? div- idend iv- ide lc1. on the i•t' paid-up • capital Stock. The Company during the past year has leansaetcd 10,1.12 care l0ai4E4 of business, consisting of the following' -'7,2.11 1i"t*e 'dtock i 300 hay draw and potatoes; 75 seeds; ee Eggs and poultry; 51) eb'i;s, pour. try and Butte;'; 580 flour and' feed t't'Og rain; 251 cream; 143 butter; V5 'supplies twine, fencing, coal rope, roofing, etc. t1hiplied to farmer's, making . in all over rsev- enty miles of freigkt cars. The Big Sacrifice Sale of gen- eral merchandise at T. L. Wurnr's general store hats so .far proven a wonderflu 'success, as well as at- tracted large crowds of people who are invading this store with lch.eoii desire for the many bar- gains that are beingplaced before there, and 'we are net exagurating when eve ,say', .th0Y are leaving this place well i3latisfied, with both arm laden with bundles of 'snaps, the3f Picked uta here, yes and they go loud with their praises of this Sale. or in other words are walking and talking advertisements of this !. gigantic money saving even' I ensember, there only' a few days left in , efhiis week, as Saaturdely I ebruar3'+ 12th enc1, it all, Prop. JClenomti') t -"-At Sxnbie Line, on 11nbe 'rwillrt tl:xir.'c nr Yo'l will get badly aztiotll`. rutty ,tth, to Mr ,and Mrs, .1•11144 j left., and 'tlhO diw4a.poiYtt wilt h, l t •)'v 11 741 `b sou. 1 One of the 0100110S ('n whit,;t social fabric., n, i1 'l,t ,,li iiti ter, as11,1 a law r tans r 1 1, : ,',t ,• to say tilui4 rl W;, r -ieur once. Obviously the. l# for hr o. ul'1 br 1 , ileal ci 1 ? i a C. .,i,L ,rtijCI bili' !l, c•b' iono is it t.,. t rue mule UII,. . ;i 1.tr?nd t.; •-L. i, +'t ell of '!Year; but 111 , -'Y may be er.ective is , st1:4'1 thi.i:-111 1.1.1!,d;.' -,. CI! i f •':;(1 . Ll i.11LiWu tU 4111. Otho Y+ko, "i taf ignorance of the 1a,r \yt:<t.; raiiseti in. practically every ca': in court and justice could 1:.:t {. 1•ue. There was, no doubt, a tine in t ! eery of mankind when the: lt.•., . • easier! "Ignorance of the law :.o one" ways practical as ViCti a 'ieoretieal sound sense, In those sirrr- b'e days there were certain carni )r in: iples of conduct which, if they w --. re net always acted on, were at an en's clearly comprehended, eta be- cause these principles were alroort „sart of humanity, itself, and because i'u:nan existence depended on, thee as -leaner:, there grow up a fever, :!•,.self) them which nowadays i. v(:ed by the phrase "Respect ler ie law," It was early untci,>reteee. 'at there cenld be U. gE'iv-•ral obed- ience to law unless thero ' :is at ter. ti:rtc a respect for it, and Liu d'velopment of law has beeil that •nvariably it has he'll worthy c:`. expect. So much so has l,r i::.. he case that to -day there i:, in t;iiitory mind 11tt1c di ./nation dr1• t•.seen the facturs which int.;;. • 1_. .• he darty to obey law, and the r,_i, • fur' t:, law. Ti1.' simple cardinal prince,: •> . eeellict to which reference has 1, :lade .,till exist. Some of t1- • . - ?t:�- ,)orated in the law; all :.; i''. comprehended in the t1 • t01i-.till! which lnari bears i., 1•' . :: th •r. The law, Howitt-', Jana:' eel° relation to thee'', althow.o ;t Ili .ones or them. ,a\\ is 114 s essence a code* of ruin: Lapin... a re. ,eel:ty, sometimes with the et.'la; n2 if the individual and Tarte ,vitllout. It has no inhr:- rt. a t •vhich warr.u,t its 1011.' frc'ritlently lea., dem +1_ -e .1 .. +f sou rdness. It carries 1,1, • 14; .• )f°jus+ic, and c ftt 1 :des erchc'lcss it bre . ;:cogniz.-d that witllour l tt • .. could not exist, alai she 1r i 1f SUI.i:Ly 1 1 'i ,li 1 tat 11 _thee to the individual, anti 10Use it ?dY3 ill t110 Whn 111413.f... l 4\ M 10 have t t , Lid and t nt" is d there hi -3 tens' grown up ail. i.l . t' ti- 1s sacIu .i and that la (, u r.n thin:, ! , the lav, t'iat somethii.s, by acciaii'r_a, 1:11 i1c1221ut1ity fx-cinatm acceptance and not, i berlienec., One 1' itatc 11, us...stied thls pro - 7.'l Lli 11 here v:ltiilut bs r 1\ 't_Lult- ,' )' - . ,i Viler(' r4' laws aro 'i'•_. 1 _.lr : ,') 4hose 41'1: i lit:.' .i1- ,: •. hat ,!,.., artist Le toils -set e,..1.' c zi L1 Ent while lis i. 1 •t to u. or dented, i` int,! th.tt it cnul u1\ 1 . 1t heli spring. all ti ti•,t, a, ti t. ii 'rt' its sway 1i1L1,4t d.- 01' .••01' 1•u tY c'I' I, .,i 141;1x1 i aies01 to the 1001111 p1.11: 1Poi truly znoz'al ;slaw, a: all 0ltii.saph,.re Have agrEt=d, tlief•r i:J no need for any law, ;save tizut which It. irui.osas on himself, trete' the truly nic •_il alai) will ;it. tine. s111.1. if necessary, determine his obedience: to laws by the measure of the appeal they make to his moral principle,: History less many incideete wvher. i defiance of Lite law has been not unt!. excusable but right, and if ail laws) had been blindly obeyed. wiihvu' i question mankind would still be h. the darkness of the Alit:Wit.. Ages Revolt against tyranny ira; nearly always been a revolt against law Tho80, therefore, dello 1`aust respect for law should be the rir,4t ; concede that it is not so much lb. lar, iteel2 which is entitled to re 1 et, but the principles of morality c;,ritainr u in the law, and it is util;• fair to ury. that any law which tiles nut obto.-. general respct is 1a".•lain ; in those principles. T11i:a feeling lu Wards all law which lice been 4.19t:, termed "The sense of Iaw" should be carefully examined by all inti re- tt'ci in: public affairs, The AU;;u t ril rter's has a closely reasoned and al,0; written article by Stt'uthe1':, Burt., author of "The Inttrpreter's t3c•u:.t,' on ''The S,'ztse of Law," which gut;, to the very root of the matter. Th.t. Lollowing will perhaps indicate ,1tr• Content: "There is nothing that so expos.: the blocked intelligence as the. Statt•- fnent that such and such a thing 'h., ;the law and so must be obeyed.' 'P:i the lay wind, which conceived la;. -and which must live by law, a law not a law if it offends the sense of law, and millions of misguided ex - Darts ,, taannot prove otherwise, Tlic 'sense of law stands above all law ails' all laws are subject to it and refer ,back to it. The PJng'.isil coronion eat, represents the slow evolvement of tin ordinary man's desire to be at peace, as said before; not only that, but pleasantly at peace as well. Sir Ed - Ward Coke says: 'Reason Is the lift 'of the law; nay, the "common law it- self Is, nothing but reason,' But so is all law, even statutory law-, and when, as Is so often the Case, statu- Eery law is passed without any eefleet, bf law,—without reason as tits lifer ••--•it is bound for death, as is all lav; that is not law." Not- more restrictions on human Conduct are needed, but fewer, To exchange morals for laws is a gravt mistake; but to invigorate the sense of moral responsibility is the great- est -achievement of the lawmakl'i'. Laws `which do not eommand the aegttlesceiiee . of ALL moral people, ne )natter how we'1 latent+owed tlxt,yr l"' 14`3 tYlay be, or hew eireeeinapp,. t 41l, y,,,. .' w., J}t .»i a ge '61M 444h Vitiain, WaliWIMMIAMMAAMMMAMMIZ 50 eea a 17 Try -11 r tore �,y�tJ1p,P, ,� 42+ y.�p ' 1 GJ In Fine 'oillet: Preparations and handle all the well hewn ad re- liable varieties of Face Powder and Face Creams such as YARDLEY'S, A :. ANDS, COT'Y '5, POMPELw N THREE FLOWER'S, WOODBURIY'S AND MANY OTHERS These are Nationally Advertised Goods which have a reputation to maintain?. In Tooth Pastes we have Forhans, Ipana, Col 'atE g s, Pepsodent and Hutax All kinds of School Supplies and Stationery WE HAVE SEVERAL VARIETIn 3 OP SHAVING :CII-• EAtIS, SflcK5 '-0.1P3 AND POWDERS, AL90 GOOD STOCK Off` sI A v T11, l 1;T;UtiIIEy, �AFET S' RAZORS AND RA :0:: 7ir:1 )ii + MAGAZINES FOR SALE 1 A, , MacKinnon, Zurioli. MMi MAk'.,; Wu -IV MMI''MR�Uvl J�I,P' 1 FRti � p ` Sl' e•++++++++++++++++++++++++4. E l re - -,—r..+.7.4.4.+41.÷.t.q.÷4.+S-4+ .i.. -?*S3 f PROC The Fireproof Wallboard Use it now. t se it your spare time. Use 1l e ei- For WALLS AND CEILINGS, REPAiHITh1 1)l.11 WALL'S, RP.MOD•- ELLING OR NEW CONTRACTORS" WORK, EASY TO HANDLE, EASY TO PTJT C)N, NATLS AND S:1S\ S LIKE LUMBER. Tr) .1-A PHONE 0 rd.IEan ••' ^^•-sag. FLEI ZURICH Sr ee 9++++++++i•+4,t+.1„t..l,+4.4.fig..!..;...+-q..,..4 'd-.F•+.p,.r'.k,+ +.p..&^ •++++1 +4 4",4,+.?,,,1,+.4 t- lar,:irdSi t IIEADQUARTERB . For Seconcthand Buggies $4�4OOand up ,Auto Tops, \2 - agon Repairing, Painting, Etc. IF Y013 WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE RERUB13ER YOUR UGGY WHEELS, HESS - ZURICH in. `he vISMESIIMEMEMEMIVIRTEMSWEValalIMIMINf ++++++++++.4,4,+++.1.4-1.-/-1-1,÷++,/-4, r r r z r r r s r R s c r r r�tsv rw• war 4^$ 1. 4, 4, 4, THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR GOOD PRINTING THAT WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WEDDING INVITATIONS AND .ANNOUNCRMENTS THAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, SUCH AS LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND a,e' ;,•," STATEMENTS THAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING MANUFAGaT VEERS OP COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN SUP- PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OF CHECK B00.6S IIERALD;0FFIO. Do You Know?' THAT WE CARRY IN =STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENVEV- OPBS IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON OR TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM ST- A.TIONERY, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS INTWO SIZES, FOOLSCAP, RTC., ETC. ' 'DHAIT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INS BOTTLE WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INK FOR sc. L.ARI GER QVANTIfIES AT RIGGER REDUCTIONS THAT WE. PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION BAIZE POS- TERS, MERCANTILE POSTERS AND ALL GENERAL PR1NTtNC4 'OUR ctIDECt4L'i`V +1 ru .c:,rwwwt++wwf i',4 4 i.,t',i'':1 .4.4 ',11-tol, `al,ni'1rt, f414'y4"M .`r'. r":.. s "F , .i i,"f i" J.,1411.441-114