Zurich Herald, 1927-02-10, Page 3Made only from. hard Western wheats, Purity Flour is
rich in gluten --- the energy giving and body building food.
Purity Flour is best for all your baling and will supply extra
nourishment to the children, in cakes, pies, buns and bread.
Send 30c in st Inrps, for our 700 -recipe Purity Flour Cook Book, 205'
W;;ctern Canada Biter Mills Co. Limited Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa. Saint John.
Practical Suggestions on :— PLANNING,
150 pages. Profusely illustrated. Plans by prominent
Canadian architects from every province. Homes suit-
able for any locality in brick, stucco and wood. New
ideas in roofs, windows, entries, bath-
rooms, floor plans and other features.
Tells how to make your home distinctive.
Supplies facts you should know about
Ready Now. Order Yours Today.
Special Price 50 cents per Copy.
MacLean Builder's Guide
344 Adelaide St. West
Pear, wim
A delightful place for a winter sojourn, where weather conditions are
ideal. An ahuudauce of hotel's, apartments and cottages offers any
desired type of accommodations at reasonable cost. Take one of these
fine trains down.
The Flamingo
Liv. Detroit (M.C.) 12:05 Noon
Cincinnati (L & N) 7:00 pm
Ar. Jacksonville 9:00 pm
" Miami 8:00 am
AiTSt. Petersburg 8:15 am
" Tampa 7:00 am
" Sarasota 9:50 am
Through sleeping cars, observa-
tion and dining cars, coaches.
The Southland
Lv. Cincinnati 7:10
Ar. Jacksonville 9:50 am
" Miami 9:30 pm
Ar. Tampa S:05 pm
" St. Petersburg 9:30 pm
Sleeping cars and coaches. Ob-
servation and dining cars.
Land of history, romance and charm, from New Orleans to Pensacola
and East. Delightful -climate. Excellent hotels. Reasonable costs.
Through train service from Chicago, Cincinnati and Louisville. Ask
the undersigned for particulars and Literature.
H. E. PORTER, Tray. Pass's .Agt.
005 Transportation Bade.—Phones Cherry 3050.51—Dairen hitch.
lee to 'what that iznplit:s" exactly will! Scnuethzlz� to r'� :ICllei bar,
be- allayed by i1u seatemont that it
does not moan that Itctly is rea+dY to One thing ` C they have learned in cold
lump at the throat of the flint passing A.lalrke is le make no attempt to clean
nation In order to fees, a eeemaY from ,a Silk,,, or woolen garment In galselixze
her, when it is followed by the State izi tale winter time.
1Ucnt that while the policy is patella Writing in Scttibntlr°s Magazine:
it is not exactly pacifist."
Mary 1.:Fe Davis, the wile of an engin-
Endangers Peach, sex, say's that two seamen oar her ac -
At the same tlin•e suis Irish woelllyo ailoinglco were leaned to death In
gives credit to 1rf srholini for having "Just therietiol�," she says, "of
pointed out one of the dinars to the, lifting the bacterial Prom the gasoline
peace oC the w•c'z^ld, Some nations, it bath produces such sparks In the elee-
notes in passing, resettle stationary in trilled .air that an explosion almost in-
Populetion, while, others, salol. ate Toile : eriallly occurs."
or Japan; increase thein' populations
Although there isn't capita so ixiueli
so that they press upon the means of electricity in the air in this section of
subsistence, As long as the United
States ,•opened Its gates to enigz;ants the country, there are few indoor
from l'7urope almost without limitation, spo7 ts' more dangerous than washing
it is recalled, there was no great Eur- articles in gasolil7e.
opean danger as the overflow was not. If you must sash things in gasp
checked, but— line, do it outdoors.
1 "Now the 'United States feels it can 1 — —"
!expand mrlimits,
from within, an�cl more anti • WEAK
yea MA
i more limits the number of immigrants.
"India, Japan, and China, with their'
t teeming populations find it more and I
'more difficult to get rid of their over- Can Be Strengthened Through
flow. In Australia, in South Africa, in
Northern America, the Asiatic iseither tine Use of .Dr. Williams'
not admitted, or if admitted, only with. Pink Pills.
such limitations that they amount to
a praetieal denial. It would he in -
When you serve RED ROSE ORANGE
PEKOE to your family you are giving
them the best tea, you can buy.
Trick FIyers. Classified Advertisements.
The aesthetic pleasure of watching AG1ENTS.
the flight of trained birds has some-=�;uti�fLzts. aur yam SPARS rz�ll: TO
what lapsed in 000rtly Circles, though I �i DtoatuUle use during the waiter santlla by,
it lives among our few falconers, and 7epreeentlus "T',e Old nenable Fonthl7l iCn'ser1ca'
g, Iilgbes icase ssiuns Pnl.d, l +ttrluxl^e terrftoi2•. hand -
is manifest in London, where citizens sows Pros oetat, Splenial 71st of now And spooled
are found in winter standing, ata if. ilnos, Send for llut end full ltartioufars, Stone de
@'ellint;tan, Toronto 2.
enLraneed, while watching the flying
Wonderful is the rocess by which feats of the gulls that haunt the
p hound Pond or tare river's bridges. As •
teresting if Mussolini would put be- the chemiatry of the body changes dusk is falling over the Serpentine, $KS,oa for records,all 532.0') tuarant«tdfmteltii�st .345 faun
fore the League of Nations sugges- the food we eat into blood. And the many mark how the gulls on the water ' limYa7 nee, manliest
tions for a pacific settieneent off this whole of our weld -being depends upon turn their heads to the west, and in menrsv--rJrti riitlteI4r:7rLY srorren.
problem. Italy Is keeping Europe- in :this being maintained day after day, , company after company rise to wing i by 'rrenrb 5 itrrnedr. simple name treatment;
a state of perturbation, because of its year In and year out. Sometimes the , . .•ears srseL-I . thousands of tnereetaL, writs
westward to specious Thames -side n' ansa for free boob. T'renrb's netnodtee. Llmlted,
need for expansion, and we all know process becomes faulty, and then food meadows, and such open spaces as Dept. w., to .ldeznlar East. Toronto, Canada. (Oe
that the still more obvious need of ,begins to poison the blood instead of
Japan for an overflow has alarmed the .feeding it. This is followed by all the! companies' of starlings pass eastward,
)t:TROIA )PILE, FULL t'dn)N'ET, II.6.19
United States, and also Great Britain, .pangs of indigestion, such as gas on
as guardian of a white Australia. The the stomach, pains around the heart,
expounding of a pacific settlement of often nausea after eating, and a clis-
this problem would interest the whole like for all )sands of food. '
world. The statement of the problem; The only way to overcome these evening incantations must bring wist-
with reference to Italy and without the troubles is to tone up the digestion so fee memories to many citizens of Nor-
pa'wcific policy elucidated 11 not help that you •eon assimilate all your food. i folk reed -bees and autumn evenin 5
in the allaying of suspicion." To do this you have only to take DuAnd so the country laborer, coming.
Asiatics Not "Niggers." Williams' Pink Pills. A short course home by twilight, marks the home -
One thing Mussolini said, which The of these pills will quickly tone up thewiledflight of the rocks to their roost -
Irish Statesman believes,. -to be alto- stomach and banish indigestion. Here trees, contingent upon contingent, all
gether true, is that the Asiatic peril is a bit of convincing proof given by flying on the s unle plane. , .
will disappear whenever Europe Mrs. Chas. Ladner, Ell'ers•ile, PEI., We have many trick -flying birds,
ceases to think:of Asiatics as barbell -1 t who says:—"For some years I was a tram the sparrow -hawk that threads
ans, and breaks down this mental bar -I sufferer from stomach trouble. Every- its way at full speed through alar in -
vier between. the European and the thing I ate caused distress, sour stow- tricate maze of tree stems and branch
Asiatic mentality. In Asia are the acli and belching. I could not eat es' to famous boverers, like golden -
"ancestor civilizations," it is recalled, neat or potatoes and 1 grew weak good r
crested wrefl, kestrel, and kingflslie,
and we read: and nervous. No medicine seemed to soarers like eagles and buzzards • slid
"Asia gave birth to all the great re=
ligions — Christianity, Brahmanism,
i Buddhism, Confucianism, Tao, Islam,
football grounds,. At the same time 11115t)
flock upon flock, to their roosting -
peaces about Nelson's head In Trafal-
gar Square, St. Paul's, the Post Office
and other city buildings, where their
"Physical Expansion" May
Cause International Coln-
Italy's crying need for more room
in the world for her people is voiced
every so often by Premier Mussolini,
and some wonder whether in his eni-
,phatic manner of speaking he does not
consciously or unconsciously assume
a menacing shape. The utterances of
men who have power to commit their
country to war or otherwise upset the
il,eace of the world, remarks The Irish
andMachine Knives
Statesman (Dublin), are always heard
with nervous interest. This is par-
ticularly true, it is claimed, about
Mussolini, who has "made his own
character his country's character, the
law of his own being the law of its
being." Since Lenin died, it is assert-
ed by this weekly, no stateslnau has
had anything like this "complete iden:
tity between personal will and na-
tional will." We read then:
"Naturally what he says is brooded
over. Pceitical philosophers have of-
ten commented on the inevitable con-
sequences of the biological expansion
of races, but philosophers have not the
direct use of power, and people sleep
sound o' nights whatever they say. But
when Mussolini gives an interview to
a correspondent of the Associated
Press•, and dilates upon rapidly ex-
panding national organisms like Italy,
and upon the necessity of providing
for Italy's crying need, not only for
moral and spiritual, but for physical
expansion, foreign statesmen will be
concerned mainly about the interpre-
tation to be given to the phrase `phys::
cal expansion.' Nations may expand
morally and spiritually without troub-
ling other countries, indeed only ex-
citing admiration or envy, But a physi-
cal expansion proclaimed to be a
necessity is another matter, and it le
doubtful whether the nervous anxiety
ran r er
Tells is Ex eri-I1� ` Ce
"Les" Booth, widely known Ontario fanner, and a sick
man for 20 years, suffered daily, only half alive.
Now strong, robust, vigorous, credits new
f ound health ,to' Tanlac
Though popularly known as "Les,"
Mr. Booth's correct first name is
George. Ilia home is at 271 Perth St.,
Brockville. For the past three years
he has enjoyed vigorous health bub.
what he endured before then is best
told in his own words. "For twenty
years my arms, shoulders,, back and
hips, aclicd with rheumatism)" said
111 Booth. "Often I had to quit work
entirely and F remember one bad spell
that kept mein bed for six months. •
"My ease got to be so chronic that
the help ran the farm. I was prac-
tically helpless. Even my wrists and
Bands wouldlswell up so that I couldn't
write my name. 1 dreaded bedtime,
for I got no rest, but lay there in
agony, waiting for morning. IV•creeme
spells would seise sue and I would
tremble all over like a leaf. 1 couldn't
get any benefit from my food and had
to force myself to eat. My weigh twas
far below normal.
"Threo years ago I decided to give
Tank() aeed trial, for nothing else
bad helped rue. I could scarcely
Iye such results wore possibe
those soon showed. The kchin
sopped, my appetite came bacand
could eat heartily. My nights be-
Came more restful? too; tinct ,dept
soundly. I gained 16 pounds which I
still retain, and I now work hard out-
doors from S to 10 hours a day. 1 never
have an ache. It's rierdly belzeverzblet
If folks want to know what Tanlac
can do, toll thein to write to Les
Booth, c r to come and see me. +rat
ton'em." •
' If your health is brokenfroni over
wont or neglect, profits from , lVSr.
Boothsjexperience. Try Taniaci Ma -
taro's own body, builder, made from
roots herbsrnnd barks. our druggist
has it, Over &i million bottles sold.
help me until I was persuaded to• take the divers; and our native woodpigeon
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and these has some tricks almost the ecp al of
simply worlced wonders. I took the , the tumbler -pigeon's. As spring draws
and many other, Alike in --the arts'}.pi11s faithfully for a Couple of months an his pleasant crawling is heard
and in literature, in everything except by which time every symptom of the among the earliest songs, and he is
*ciente,. the intellect of Asiatic races trouble disappeared, and there has not seen saililig away from his chosen
iias been demonstrated to be equal to since been the slightest symptom of
• bride to show himself off as a master
that of Europe, and in science; as Sir
Jagadis Bose and others have shown,
the capacity for fine and original in-
vestigaticn is there. Yet many Eng-
lishmen will refer to Indians as nig-
gars in conversation, as if a ddfferent
tinting of the skin- implied an inferi-
ority of intellect or imagination."
Baby's Own Tablets Are Effec-
tive and Easy to Give.
You do not have to coax and threat-
en to get the little ones to take Baby's
Own Tablets. The ease with which
they are given, as compared with
liquid medicines, will appeal to every
mother. None is spilled or wasted;
you know just how big a dose has
reached tire little stomach. As a rem -
stomach trouble. No wonder I praise of flight, sewing to hover and then'
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills."; glide gracefully down to renew his
.You can get these pills through any 1
w'a�ofon a tree branch. But the 1
medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents • suprtig
eme master of trick flying amore,
a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi -British birds may be the round -winged 1
cine Co., Brockville, Ont. t lapwing . . . ince the Persian king's
pigeons, he sometimes actually dies
Garden Medicine Chest. I on his back. --Marcus Woodward, in
A Film of Copper Industry.
The United States bureau of mines
is making a movie di the copper in -
try of that country and Canada.
doctor recently de ' 'Country Conteutnrents."
��D3� LIKE �� Awell-known
cl mi that the old malt -and -hops beer Minard's Liniment for animal ariments
of England prevented a large part of
the country's manhood from being t
killed off in the days when scurvy was Phoebus..
rampart In winter because, of insuf A word like Phoebus brings to me
Relent supplies of fruitand vegetables. ; A whiff of rare antiquity.
Many people do not know that their' I sniff it curiously end then
gardens may be made to supply them' I place it on the shelf again;
with an ideal dieters*. , For, T world never care to choose
Celery is good for rheumatism.' A vintaged, word like that to use
Spinach contains iron to an important In speaking oi' any friend --the sun!
extent. ' —Mildred Weston, In ''The Singing
The eountry'lnan gives his burse I Tidal:'
carrots to improve its coat, and we i -°m
edy for the ills of childhood arising should take a leaf out of bis book,1 A lump of camphor stored with
from derangement of the stomach and hi
for carrots improve the ,complexion,' silver will help to preserve its brie.
the nails, and the hair. Apples, wch Nancy.
contain melte acid, act on the kidneys,
and tend to retard old age.
Lettuce contains' quantities of vita-
min "C," and is therefore a highly im-
portant item in the daily diet. Oranges
and lemons though regarded as a hot -
bowels they are most s•atistactory,
Mrs. Rose Veyer, Willimantic, Conn.,
says:—"I used Baby's Own Tablets
in the Canadian Northwest and found
them a wonderful medicine for child-
ren's troubles, especially indigestion
and constipation. I havo also given
them to my children for simple fever
,and the restlessness accompanying
teething and they alwvars gave relief.
I can recommend Baby's Own Tablets
to all mothers."
Baby's Own Tablets are sold by media
eine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a
box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
Cannot Be Reformed by Pris-
on Bars—Must be a Higher
weather food, are invaluable during
winter for reducing inflammation and
as a medicine in cases of influenza.
Already Has It.
She -"I'll never marry a man whose
fortune hasn't et least five ciphers in
He (exultingly) -- "Oh, darling!
Mine's all cipheas."
Those old enemies, gas, acidity, pain and dis-
comfort are soon knocked for a fare -thee -well
by Seigel's Syrup. Any drug store.
To Birds.
Go if you will and must.
"No use sending this boy to the Your round, bright eyes
Shelter—bars not strong enough to Will look on many marvels
hold him." Thus wrote one of our Without surprise.
Magistrates in referring to a lad who
had committed two or three offences, Alli you will rest in jungles
against the law, Ile was probably! And peer down craters
right if the Shelter is considered from 4nd see slow ant -eaters
the standpoint of a prison, but entire -i And see slton:s.
ly wrong if he thought prison bars the,
only way of subduing and controlling' Then you will come some morning
a lively boy. Too many deal with the 1 To your old tree
young offender from that viewpoint—; And set your old example
hence this comment on the futility of Of domesticity
such methods of reformation. Our ---Elizabeth Coatswortl7.
appeal is to tiie heart, to the intelli- ee.
game, the sympathy, the affections,! The Deduction.
the spirit •of service to all talose finer i
elements in life and character that' Sister --"What is air autobiography?"
boys in common with all humanity) Brother—"Well, auto means cur and
possess in a; more or less highly de- biagi'nphy pireans a story. I guess it's
velopecl degree. Lack of faith, effort a story Lout a cart"
and enthusi�asiti on the part of theI . ' --°�"`---
worker recounts for ninny of the fall -1 • Don't get so interested in` -.,.hat
ores and the, lost opportunities that you ro going ti')do to -morrow that 5tou
are so tragic in their later come- don't do anything to -day.
quencos. What might have been and `+ - -
what we might have accomplished is
one of the sad reflections that come to
us all when we look over the past.
—J. J. Kelso.
Some mon aro so fond of an a>;gu-
inent that they won't even cat food
that agrees with them. •
Doctors vouch for Minartiis Lelment.
ISSUE No. 6—'27.
andPneumo 1e,
Neglected bronchial colds are dan-
gerous. Stop:them instantly with
Buckley's 1tii clure, Its action in re-
lieving the cough and clearing the
tabes is amazingly swift—and sure.
Q A11 druggists sell "Buckley's" under
f, a positive guarantee. Buy a bottle
today, and be safe.
W. K. Buckley, Limited,
:_ 142 Mutual St., Toronto 2
522 Acts like a flash—
a single sip proves I.x
T•"c i(E "CASC ` !4 i dTSif
No headache, bad cold, solar
stomach or costive bowels
by morning
Get a. 10 -cent box now.
You're bilious! You have a throb-
bing sensation in your head, a bad
taste in your mouth, your eyes burn,.
your skin is yellow, with dark rings
under your eyes; your lips are parched.
No wonder you feel ugly, mean and
tempered. Your system is full of bile
not properly passel off, and what you
need is a cleaning up inside. Don't
continue being a bilious nuisance to
yourself and those who love you, and
don't resort to harsh physics that irri-
tate and injure. Remember that most
disorders of the stomach, liver and
bowels are cured by morning with
gentle, thorough Cas car ets---they work
while you sleep. A 10 -cent box from
1,141 ...i Your druggist will keep your liver and
bowels clean; stomach sweet, and your
head clear for months. Children love
to take Cascarets because they taste
good and never gripe or sicken.
Instantly 1 "Pap e's Diapepsin"
Corrects Stomach so
Meals Digest
The moment you eat a tablet of
"Pape's Diapepsin" your indigestion is
gone. No more distress from a sour,
acid, upset stomach. No flatulence,
heartburn, palpitation, or misery -mak-
ing gases. Correct your digestion for
a few cents. Each pal kage guaran-
teed. by druggist to overcome stomach
A sneeze is nature's warning
of a cold — Forestall it with
M i na rd's.
Proved safe by ndions and prescribed by physicians for
Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago
Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheuinatisnx
Accept only "Bayer" ackage
proven directions.
Iiandy ")layer" boxes of 12 tablets
Also bottles of 24 anti 100—Druggists.
aeptf)n is tt,a trite "marts (-utt,torrd In Canaan) of 13a3' r Manufacture of rionedeettc•
ecldester tlf ua,lryllc.tei 1 tAtotyl Oelkltic Jlcicl, A. S. s'1."), While it is wolf know))
that dnpirtn melts. Barer Ynntrofseturc, to nawist the public against ilaltntlOus, the Tablet!!
of )layer Compares 10111 b5 etatapea what, 111151r sonata trade outfit, tate "Bayer ()toss.'