HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-02-10, Page 1• 7 4 ' • , oL XVII No 32 ZURICH, THURSDAY IVIORN/140, FEBRUARY 10,1'927. et yo r Local er GENE tAL IN COURT -„ L On the charge of unlawful as - 'brambly, Minis.. ViTaillace anti Bruce McDougall were seat up by Ma' - trate Reld, Gorlerfch for trial. The wase was heard before Judge Lewis with released Wallace and Bruci McDougall on "sitspended sentence. Wm. McDougall did. not appear for trial anti his$ 'bail was estreatedi It its understood he has left this Province and a. .bench warrant was ils.stred fol. Ms arrest, ! a POSITIONS 1.4LLEID Hon. W. H. Price, K.C,, Attorn- ey -General, has. announced the appointment of Robert Johnston,of the village of IsackinvW, to the pos- Mon o1 Local Registrar, .County Court Clerk and Regiatrar of the SurrOgate Court in Huron, in the place of D. MeDonald, who has re- signed. Tion. JJfr Price also • an- nounced the appointment of Dud- ley Holm, L bf Wingham, to the position of Crown Attorney, and Clerk et the Peace for Hron County, in place of C. Seager,, who ha s retigned. Both retiring T,414 -744+4, -3444.44,.44444++++++++.11.4.44++++4;4+++++++++++++++.1,4: + U 11 4. ‘1‘ Now the time to Buy your RADIO. Do not wait till spring and miss all the good 4. •4. Give me a call before buying elsewhere music and Concerts 4. 4 E. E;C;i. Zurich 4. * 4, tt ++++++++++,44++++ 41+++++++++44.++++4*++++++.14,1,.. ;,;.-rdtf$41.:41411 44.41,0104.1.* i,p,PigOtTasq;o11434,301.440 MerehaLt enwnrees•S ad Public: todether Chester 1,4 Ezvitimp.tok-r;, 0.25 a Year facs Atits.smar4, $1.50 IN A.Itit,t A It$ , $2 MAY eysh,J,,,oroms yAvertisl officials aro veterans or the tirok7.- ine "s. logal 8 Pr vice acid come widely known during their tenure of office, Mr. Soager; par- ticularly v‘lio, years Of 'age, has 1.3 be n cro wn A to r y in Hure a for 40 years. lie is.' the father of Bishop •Seager of Kingston. Mr. olintop was reeve Of Lucknow for ten years, ;retiring at the end of this year. His newly appointed tinsition is an appointment that was rumored as to fall to Mr. J, J. Monier, Sea corth; and more. re- mit to 1tl A. H. Webb, of Stephen LIBRARY MEETING - -• ,oerteMpFseeimarzemmeemptemarmamocomamereasommetwenatemr•sam Mr. E, BassenberrY was at BaY- fieldo Monday', The public (school at Dashwood is closed on account of measles. Messrs. IL Angel and Alex. V9isin were at L.ondon, on Tues- day. The annual ineetiir of the mem- bers of the Zurich Li brary Assoc— NT, Aaron Ireland of GrandBend iation was bold at thc Library on called in the village one day Wedri'siay even!ng, February 2nd, laSt week. The Treasurer's report showed 'a Messrs Will Bran and Ed.. Bos - ba iatiCe Oti hand of 11187,0L is,eribOT-ry motored i Goderich On mtion of offic;..r,i, resulted ast ,d • in ar,.. lows--Presidont, ?1iss • Olive 0'- 1rein, Vine -Pres, Mrs, G. Toebler, Mr. Ward Fritz is away to Ford Sy-Troas., Miss P. Ralbfieisch, CitY to attend an agent's con' en - Librarian, M'ss L. Fu; 'Board tienof the Pord Motor Co. of Managern..nt—Dr, .1, A; lneKin- n, cons en;)r; EKlupp, • ni Ina.. Ed. Morenz of Detroit, was Mr. . a Week -end visitor at the home 3, Hey. Rombe, Rev. Schrag, Mrs,. J. Ern AT,. A .p. maa and of Mr. and Mrs,. Cyrus Colosky. Mrs Wm. Sielock`t. Book CO 111Mit Dr. A. 3. MacKinnon motored to tee—Mrs, P. 3. O'Dwyer, convener ;' London on Wednesday, where he Mrs. M. Milliken, n,la, s'Eth..,1 will- has a patient in the hospital. ' mens ,Dr. A. J. MacKinnon, Mr. M • C. Milliken, Miss Stella I Hay Council met on IVIonday was, authorized to canvass the core-;; in the Town Hall, for its monthiY munity or members for the Lib- Meeting.. ITU, the inernin-o.ship leo being re - zinced from $1 to 50c. per member.. ',lyre, and Mrs. H. Webb, of Grand. . I Mlss Faust, tbn 1,1.brarian gave the .J-11 ‘1.63101..- with an o o ing sra A nal Vt, Miscellaneous. 11, Religion Philos- ophy 20, Natural Science Hist- . Sorry to report that Mrs. J.,. nry 23, Bigraphy 14, Geography and 0, Solaion had. the misfortune to, . Travel. 35, Poetry and Drama. 11., fall on the ice and fracture.,hzr a'ageetelaaV tImveiiiIT. Fiction 93, Piction 445, arm. ; (3 Literature 3, Total 070, Books 'bor.- Is rowed tor hoar, ;' ;et forget the first playoff .6 628: Juvenile 115, Sience 1; Rel- of hocia..Y on the localrink iglotz3 1; Li Lerai:Urf.? 1, total 940. on Monday evening, and also on 9. Books; bought during the year 3,3 IhursdaY eve. of this week, the Total membership 8.1 No bools big Carnival. 1 w' t• O lidousseau on Thursday dal 4 Never before have greater Values been Apffered ra -no jalt IGTh 3 g.0 410- Pai Olf SP) - REPAIRINCi- brown s rp-oot Shop NEATLY DONE arzzaaamsoup;;,,::,,apwriAsigoamorikelloitocoommetaameareaeaaaaa a a SO 4 Sale starts January 2Ist wj rvri NO FANCY TALK TO OFFER YOU, OR ANY BIG WORDS TO /PDT litER YOti VTTE, FOR W EIAVE BUT ONE REASON FOR MAKING THIS' TREMENDOUS SLAUGHTER OP OUR ESTEEM STOCK OP HIGH GRADE or, tOOTWEAll RUBBERS AND PELT SHOES COME Iii•E AND SEE TEEBAR OEflS ON WE TABLE'S AND RACKS. Ever Pair of Shoes is marlva:i down and below cost. Buy your Shoes, Tatou,for next Summer at Prices that will save you Dollars, SRE THE PINE WI 'DOW DISPLAY. ts) I The "1. Sbrvo" L0 adies Bible Class ......._........4* 4............--. 1 of the Evangelical Chcirch, held. I their annual election of, officersre- SCHOOL REPORT ! cantly which rcsulted as follows; 0 were lost --- Pres„ Miss Ida RouLledge; Vice- s Of S. S. No. 11, Hay for Jan- Pres.; Miss Jane Lamont; Secretary uary. Miss Edith Bassow; Asst, Seer, as as Sr,. IV—Marie Charrette 639, Mrs. H. Cowen; Trcas,, Miss Susie O ,Precille Ducharme 445. as Jacob% Jr. IV—Gordon Smith 830, Anth- 0 op nn I' 1V-..:,,- 896, Rh II"ndrick Z83, Sorry to report that 3II•st, A. 0, Irene Charette 608, Raymond Kad... a. Ehnes, *while out walking near 0 O ing .249. her house, fell on the slippery ice • 6 O 430, 3,- Sr. m-ctarence Lafromboise nild . hmt her hi.It was .som P. 9 . ears ago that Mrs. Mines • fell as Jr. Ill—Arnel Disjardine. 558, on ice in front of the Bvangalical S 'Dennis Charr%ite 498, Norman Sar- church and fractured. her MP, 1.?•it. O oras 380, Lmille. J.ffriy 396, Laird fortunately this is the other hip 0 O Hendrick 352, ArilDueharra'a 321 that was Meired reeenti./.% 47 ' "Regis Duzharme 257, *11Ia-ctur Jef- 8 rres 227. . The. is,pringlike and warm 'we - Sr, II---Biehlrd Masse 290; Mario , tither tli.... past fow days has •ca - 0 e Lafrorriboa, L15, 'Mae'? Women W, tied considerable thawing and as jr;- II—Tray :Dleiiarclime :05, .ha •sidewalks, which were Very a o rr her -T4 / Mesle. 20, Leona Lafrom- danP,:ereusi capon -jelly where peo- a bo: -se 220, *Marin Mas -e 172, ''‘Rosiee 1111-' did not keep them clear, have. Ducharme 125 now become, rttor, passable and First Class — Eva Masse 151, .noc so' dangerous to •waalk upon., ill'axim Docharme 145. Alphonse. . The sleighing to. H'/lean is out of Bias's? 116, *Cherrie jelfrev 40. the czar and the. auto .incr Jr. Pr.—ZsTarrian Braorling 146, wagnils, are again being tis.Ni. And Cyrille 'Docharme 113, *Joan Vr,117*.!?, it is nnite PrObablo that the sleigh Lafromboi,,ir., 83, ;;TrIr.ilci Siemon, *Lee Charle.s, ago ha in l tnoitbweuts:r.dagain to advent - g, riTholso marked * wewre. absent; fram 'school. i zrmen WINS LAST 0 A ME Miss M. Howald, Teacher.. ' 1 The last game of the echotliule the CYlceon eagLue of hockey was -------------. .pl•tyel. an ths. local rink here on, ;Mooday lel'en in p„ whon the Ea- Evanelical Churc'e Nica.es eor stalwarts were over and cros- - I sod sticks with the locals in one ZURICH — ONT. 'of the 11'..ist games or the season. Thursday 7.30 pan. Prayer and The 'Zurich tedm was in no time in ..... . "'rats' al,y i..,..trat dang‘r as the game.en- • 8,30 Bible S.n.aol Teachers mect- ' do3 With the 'score stint:lin-0 '11111..s, leivs Ziarl.ah at tha bead o,E. ▪ 'Friday 4.10 p.m.—Jr. E.L.CE i the L 'ague with. E......etor in second 'Friday i.30 pm,—Sr, ELC1 1 piano, hence according to iii:.', '.:7'; PriLlaY 8.30 p.m.—Choir Practice :hi; 1..r.fg; talt;do itleoancta; gm,a11.10iisi,o,"t\T,v-i tphirt.rr alt .1 suiVz11131:n —Worship 11 ,a1;..,.. --e'1.' i•bool counting as to tho 'ivin.„1-•rs. firs;g vile its be.ing (ta.ici on Men - 3, r,., Gaisebo, Superintend .'ilt day evening', in lurIoh, and .11.:*. 7.111 se.ond and. probably the final Rev. .5 R. Kneelitel of New ime at Ex,r4Ir on PridaY night- Ilainbur,s will preach- • Tho clisls of noez•-y 1)1.1yed - b.,: ').‘•;11WOOD i the.A.: ntra MIMI ,thollift mat I rat.nh r oprbrity. by the poblic 44'e .*,1)00,0004+ -41). 'T,$) • ev s Wia-„Fat's and K.' • ,•:.• 41, 4 Greatly e uceci Imes , 141, 41 AND SEE "3A1417 PHONE rue. 7 p.m. Pray rand Prot'', ) t'1 '411014; and. It Win D. Bonder, Class L ,aci o ' be; worthwhile to go a Song 8 P. M, Sr, 1..:34gue. tote0 these two teams plasy their ;.Mrs, if Link, Presideid.. -cry "EY'gt ( this Marin Ohara. • Prul ty 1,11 pun. Jr. League pi iash).p the past Year < i(1y 8 pan, Choir Prastico, hs born holdev 67 the Sn,iday, fine trophy Cup, arl hey te.11.‘, •i 10 aurip and / 11) E13. Woithip. ..let.'yd to hold it for one more. School, A. Birk, Supt. yeir, by' 3 arD 1171' 1 y1,atixioto to 1) Ivo WV. E, M1 tOr4 atA ti.k0 Y for r)nrsat L 6 6-41~*0.4 044 liP011,04.44 .4.4‘ ' tv ter DM THE SETT THAT IS GAINING A POPULARITY BECAUSE OP ITS SIMPLICITY OP OPERATION' : PR[CE $145,00 FIRST GRADE EQUIPMENT LET US GIVE YOU A FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION G. Hess SE Soros P EMBED BS The Cold Days Have Arrive& Are You Prepared for thee' WE ARE PREPARED WITH ft CAR LOADS OP HIGH .GRAIIIIt' UEL IN OUR ,YARDS. ANTHRACITE GENUINE & H. Cot ANUi SCRANTON Egg, Stove & Nat Sizes GENUINE CONSOLID.ATrow MILLER'S CREEX GENUINE CONSOLIDATION. POCAHONTAS Genuine. SOLVAY COKE Our telephones are at ;your allfs-7 posal, and the information Retlfretal carltedioxx HENSALL ONT. Phones—Office. 10'w. Hohse '44 00*. 4J4 <4.4) 4P,424 4.4 C. •,.-T* 4* 41 41 • 41 41 41 9 4* 4* 41 • 418 9 4*• 4. LEATHER GOODS 5 ETCh Harness Trunks. Valises Auto Pee - WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR LEATHER GOODS, HARNESS OF ALL KINDS, LEATHER CLUB FAGS, LADIES' BlVic4-S, COIN AND OTHER PURSES A FINE DIS„pLAY ON HAND GOOD SUPPLY OP MEN'S MITTS, OVERALLS, HORSE BL- ANKETS, ETC, ON HAND. SPECIAL PRICES ON A.T1TO TIRES RIGHT NOW. Come in and see our fine display of Usefull Good. HARNESS REPAIRING ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICEa. FRED THIEL - ZURILirri 4 ; IN LEATHER TOPS, RUBBERS LACED .AND BUCKLE, CAliVASP LEGGIN'S, uALOSTIES, ...JOCKS, FELT SHOES AND tiLIPPEE3 All Prices Grea.,g Reduced WH ARE CLEARING THE FOLLOWING LINES IN ORDER, TC1 MAKE. ROOM FOR SPRING STOCK. rE, OU NRED ANY WINTER FOOTWEAR CALL ON C. FRITZ & SON SHOE RIIE.RCHANTS Repairing promptly done Rubber Soles Vulcanized on RubLer. Boots, Etc, 46,0104.0.1•••••••*111...M.,11.1.1M1111.161* .tim,26,10 yor wo kcz be.c4innim.l. Feb TPA] 1_2111 We a f'y of risvill1g1 ttn our winter Li Iles Ivey: , cm in rice, ria -&y:. ALL HEAVY WOOL AND ri,CED T.INDEWRE T . ..!1, 4 WOOL AND FLANNELETTE BLANKETS, ALSO 'x11% AND ; MACK. FLANNELS, PLANELETrE% STOCKINGS, SOM.:, MIT "S .r,P,OVES, HEAVY I".".3PF-grt AND BARGAINS IN MA N CLOS, tiNS3S, .J.ND Si-...CITEtt SOME or THE GOODS WITHAil THEY LAST. /NA. /V. GENE PHONE, 1 97 1 .444.14,7.172P4.4.4*Amo. 1,