HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-02-03, Page 8Ys� 1 Opening Day: .,turd y. Jammu ry 2 >l d. Closing Day: Saturday February 5th Scri.mm curtains frilled pr 75c Scrimm curt. col, edge. 1.15 250 yds. Silk Ribbon all colors, 4 to 7 in. width 12c 300 yds. linen toweling yd 15c 200 yds tur'kish toweling 12c 150 yds blk satire to sell 19c Bord. table oil sq. 1,1 yd 95c 5 yd ends factory cotton 63c 5 yd ends Can. gingham 73c Wool comforter °i >;tte' finest quality 2i1 las. for 3.25 Men''s jersey gloves 2 pr., 35c Men's work shirts 73c Men's Sweaters for 1.35 Melt's worsted fine sox 43c Boy's Toques for 25c 1 only tapestry rug 9x9 12.50 1 homemade rug hooker! 9.00 Oilcloth door mats 2 for 25c Ladies' grey cash. hose pr. 28c - AVE ARE GIVING SPECIAL BAR CAiN54 IN DIP)FERENT LINES OF GROCERIES FROM DAY TO DAY I?IJRING THIS SALE, REMEMBER THIS CLEEARING SALE CONTINUES TO SATUR- DAY, FEBRUARY Cath. SEE LARGE POSTERS. ABOVE ARE ONLY A PEO- OF THE MANY BARGAINS WE ARE SEE LARGE POSTERS FOR MORE SNAPS OFFERING. a Jr. Prod ILL rl = 0 Waist ed S Ihorie 5J Zurioh'Zurich's Garage Gas, Ns, &eases Tres, Tubs, Repairs G-ENUINIE FORD PARTS "W 1' HEcEtyut) A sliIPMENTv.OF DOMINION TIRES 4.ND TUBES VrE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS as Ira If it tga..4 B4TTE LE IN NEED OF A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE, WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON a`O , AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE, WE MARE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. RATTER Y. REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL, ALSO AC- ETYLENE WELDING. ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE it )c s3ea . Zurich, arex Quebec 'Stoves Moia Furnaces Nights =Ire getting cool -- Winter soo li be here, this puts us in mind of that New Stove, one that will give more heat with less fuel than any other make on the market, namely the Clarex : uebec combined Cooker and BEATER, A STOVE TIIAT WILL COOK AND BAKE WI'I'II ' T ANY OI` THEM,FOR� r AND HEATING CANNOT BE BEAT, T HEY ARE MADE IN TWO SILES1S'18 in. sand 20x20 in ovens AND WILL BURN COAL OR WOOD. VistiO•Mit+ amWr0•iifti• IN FURNACES WE CAN GIVE YOU THE VERY BEST THAT upsrnY CAN EU Y, "THE liRECLA." A REAL OLD STANDBY • A FU.k NACE THAT HAS GIVEN SATISFACTION TO THOU • . SANDS OF tJSER:3 I' O1i MANY YEARS. The E"urnate that • tral'es ono for of coal in seven. In having your Furnace 'Writ, Plumbing Job or Eavetrou. lion g g and Repairing :lone, You make no mistake by coming here here and having it done by our Expert Mr, Ted, Millteheltz. We appreciate your Patrotage 3 • • 0 ����••ii®•�MoM11�+t�iwt�•rhlltl��.��N••+iwll�•iY�lb�. a • a a (D a a 9 0 0 00 • • • • a 0 or. e • • 0 • • ‘s a. 0 • 0 A 0 s 3 0 a • 414403;R 41P,gt 4,4 #0 1.1•WfenM4.'lMnw+n?+!M.. n•.m..nn .n, .Mti.,.,W till Yt 'r''av F , A &wont es O ' J ens. and .Bo, 's Sweaty er Cots,rder ear, Hose; Etc. hiCh We are selljug iVery cheap to clear. Men" s Natural Wool Underwear at --- Meng Fleece Lined Shirts, only at.., . .. Boys Fleece Lined Shirts at , Monis Sweater Coats, Regular 95.00 at Mons Sweater Coats, Regular $4.00 and $4.50 at Mens Leather Mitts, Regular 5Uc at Meng' Leather Mitts, Regular 75e; at Boys W.indbreakers.:at 411. 1,30 .. 50e "4.., .40c .,.$3,55 295 .25c 40c 1,95 Girl"'s Pr.Ilovers, Regular $1.75 at $1.00 ,Wantons Hose, Regular 1.25 and $1.00 at 59c ALL CIIILDRENS AND LAt..IES UNDERWEAR AT PRICES • t, BARGAIN EVERYTHING 'IN HEAV Y WINTER GOODS WILL BE SOLD VERY CHEAP W IVIE ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Dr. James Jarrott, of Ailsa Cr- aig, son of Mr. and Mts. Isaac Jar rott, of Kippen, hs bt.en appount- a Coroner for Middlesex Co., by thE: ,Ontario Government. EXETER Wm_ Lockwood has sold hls bak ery business in Exeter to W. E. Middleton, sof Brantford, posses- "sion the 1st of lVfar•ch. Mr. Lock- iw•ood came to Exeter two years ago staking over the business' of Win. Stratham 'and during that time has enjoyed. a tsplendicl bus- inea. On Wedneday last Mrs, Gilbert • Freckl Ston of town underwent an operation for acute appendicitis at { Dr. Flctchar's hospital, the • oper- I ation being performed by Dr. Pe- eve.t of London. Mrs. Freckle.1on,s many friends are pleased to know that she is improving nicely. The other morning a formatio of thirteen areoplanes went ove this section and eausecl a grea deal of anxiety', -.They were .an their way from Detroit to Ottawa in a contest held by the Pref c'ssional Engineers of the Prov. o Ont. on the topic "The Value o the Engineering Profession to the Corrimnirii: ,-' Mies M. E.' Rosa, of Eget r Minh School staff won the 'second prize.. As the contest was open to all the assistant., and principals of the High Schools and Collegiate Institutions of the Proe t iroe�. Rev. W. Jones was inducted as rooter o f the T.r. ivitt Memorial eh- urch the other evening by Ven Arc!lyde:tcen Sage, St, Georges church, -London, assisted. by Rev 1ayltr, of Herrsall, Rev. •Ilawkin Rut rI Doan of Huron of BIyth and the ' arden:I. of the church, Wm. Pomfeet and Thos. Sandie who pt'•, es rt ^ 1 he newly inducted irtcu•- t;ibent -with the keys of the Ch- urch!, h-urcl s.,, The high Iseh o•ol comm.: neem,. ent; exercises were held 'in Main 51. church on Thursday evening, 'and a capacity crowd of 'stu•dente, par eetaa and friends gathered. Prin- cipal E J. Wethy, :5LA,. prn',sienh- e l diplomat.; to 19 gra t 1, G. S. Ho ward and J. Li • ijtall bury, pr O ntei •tarlrrtiarahipe to 13 win- ners, ers, The gold medalist, Harry a1 Grob, now a. student at ethe t r.it e city of Western Ont. London Via the valedictory. f-err,f r t • f f Carl Pa'xsmore 1"ft last week for Detroit, to take an electrician" .. 111 r'. J Keys returned recently from a pleasant visit .yvith her daughter- and Son-in-law in Strr- etsville. On Sundry last:, while Mrs t.leo, Came was lea i ng her home to go across the roars to her ,son'T:t �1{. T. nom, elle tell and fractured her arm I'm Stone left for Detroit, wit-. h7 has revved a ;position. I1T;arpatret Douglass of Blake, pent the .past week -end' at the home of Miss, Grace. Forest, in Tu- rl ri•srnith. Joan 'Bonthton entertained A. number of ladies at. her honte nu' the ether even in honor of Nellie Boyle, ThE' eveni.nr;• "wale pleats ; 'rnllt; ,grant ;and during. the even trtir ] Ties 13oyle w'1'4 pr exited with 'Trvc neh "Taenry Tray Thole i'/l it•rlork, accom atridd by. • ?rrs d•tt^:beet• Ethel, atsd. gr.atidson, 7,eon^tr 1, left for Toronto on 'Tu- ,.r..ry. r': '. where the former is lei an old ti nr fielrl.l •tr' 41:l..ridSo, j>ound!reeper. Rev. E & VtIEIDO' ZURICH • - ONTO s 1 Bitter Ib.. Egg's Dried apples it Wheat Barley . Buckwheat Flour..... Shorts Ger ton Bran per ton Pot'atoe's per hag 'Live hogs, cwt. iCorrtn rnd every, Wednesday) 55-50-30 . 1,.25 ..... 42 - . 4,75 3.75 '2.00 10.75 Western Fanners' Mutual Weather insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK rffE LARGEST BUSINESS OF :t N I t:.e.NADIAN COM'1'a1VY DO- ING BUSINESS IN ONTARIO, CASH AND BONDS ON RAND $85,429.61. G. Holtzman -- Zurich atat.SNE, ste,0 DEALER IN UGH.- , RODS, AND ALL KINDS • r (EF t N& RANtE, tt-34 Farm Help for 1927 • Since a great number praverty stricken people of Germany apply to ire for positions on the farm, I• can thus yea., !supply Evangct-• icalss with Evangelicals, Lutherans with Lutheran's, Baptist with Bap- young and Catholics with Catholic young men or domestics at $200.00 a year; each 'man must be recon-• mEeic1e by hi's, pastor in Gerrnapty Fernier pays fare and $5.00 per month.,. Write to. tf31 Rev,. K. G•rctj.enger, Mildmay, Ont. arid 'Mrs. John Johnston, Parr Line Tray, became the bride of Alfred Smith, Inecond son of Mr. and Mrs Harry Smith of Hensel]. The cer- emony wan performed by Rev. Sinclahl. The bride and groom were attended by the bride"n sis- tcr and brother-in-laaw, Mr. anal. Mrs, Lloyd O"l3rein, of Zurich.The bride was. nicely gowned. in ap nk crepe dress with black slippers and gray velour coat with fur collars andg loves to match. The young couple left for 'a ho.neymoontrip to London, St. Thon'ia' �, and otherpoints. On their return they will reside in A. Coxworth's house on 5 Richmond rst. The funeral of the 'ate ' John Johti'ston, prominent resident* of this place and (f arnierly of Hay Township was held. last Friday at t. 01110011; with Rev. A. Sinalai:r, of the Ulnited Church, offtciating.The funeral was under Masonic. atrrpieer� Wor Bro. Sutherland officiating-, troth at the house and the gravel!. At the recent meeting of the village counci:l by-law No. 1 was passed appointing the following offiderss• for the year; Alex,' Mur- dock, clerk,'salary $tot) and $25 as manager of the town hall; C. Cook treasurer, salary $75; A. W. 'E. MI ritlltiill, colloctor, salary $50; Cohn Hudson, assessor, salary $50; Jos. Iludsan and Ray McArthur, and - tars, Salary $15 each; Mrs; Geo., Hudson caretaker of town .hall at a rsalavy of $175, and an additional $9 fof each time the seats are moved for d.tnces; Geo. Hudson, eonlatab'! m, !salary $40; Prod '13e,n• fga to h (st nit it y inspector and C. c nn,lpettng eontc'•it 'held in *he city, i1' )icing Mr. Naylor was reappointed to the a coateat, from 17rteon Cn`inty. A nrnity wedding took pinde ae the United Church manlse, wirnn ' Marge 'y, third .dabglrtcr ti Mr, 1 library board, The Board of He- alth to. be oompo's^d of •Dr. Moir Reeve Geiger, Clerk Murdock and the Oanitary Inspector. q ad1r `LLY'l'F5able T, ',l hUrsday, Fobrrt;r 4�. 69 wwdk` jT;a r c. c .supply ,u.b1i With th Sea. sonableHardware At moderate prices, including ue.b c Stoves and .heaters of various . makes which we ask you to see SWNQ. M'mCLARY PRODUCTS fl.Pk.tI.l'.F"l+^ata• -•.E OUR WARE,' PAILS, PANS, ETC. LET US SHOW YOU OU.R VARIOUS 'WASHING MACHINES I n c• u 'W'ASHERS, WRINGERS, '91'ASCf BOARDS SCRUBBING mai. SHES, DUSTLESS MOPS, BROOMS, DUSTERS, ETC VACUETTE CLEANER FOR HIRE AT $1.00 PAR D/ Y. FILL LINE OF PAINTS, VARNISHES, STAINS., PAINT OILS AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES. Good Supply of Krauser Smoke Cur FURNITURE Putt Line of Furniture in Living. Room Suits, Dining Matta., Suite, Bed Ro°m Suits, Kit Chen Cabinetist, A number' ott Roefere at Reduced Prices. Famous Simmons Beds, Sppinga and Mattress, guaranteed in course of yearn if defective earl be exchanged free of .charge. BEWARE OF STUBSTITUTES Johnston Kalbfleisch Hardware & Furniture, Phone 63 ZURICH- .AGENCY OatarioEquita ale Life Head 0 ce -- Waterloo, On Total Assets $3,823,394.56 I.ntsuranee in force. Dec. 31st, 192&, ;$33,050,637.09 LOW' COST GUARANTEED POLICIES INVORMATION GIVEN AND RATES QUOTEDr_WITHOUT OBLIGATION Andre l F. Hess2 - Zurich MY MOTTO ;—SERVICE AND sA1tftEtTY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? t C. Harvey &Eea V. Hogarth - Agentia — Mutual Life of Canada T t �£ EXETER R ONTARIO WARD Drugl-ess Pract .c , eer and Optician EXETER .... Maui. }l11 AT WALPER HOUSE, SUMO* Every. Toseday, 10 a.m. tri '..��.:now....lTie`+�:t...._............ .. ., ....�_...1'yS7a11,S.'➢eiCW W,...aMit). • e re extraordinary showing of the S.a,saorea Newest Materials for Men's Suits 2 W?ilRRE YOU WILL FIND PI'J IVELY THE BIGGEST' PAIWE- �1.ING VALUES -EVER HEART? OPE. tt YEARS OP EXPERIENCE COUPLED WI'PK ECONOMY IN DA' a' AXING' -- BUYING TMATERIAL 4t• THE I23'S,EC".l' I+.R®l1Ii'T.`I3i.S' lid'A7Iei4w ID 6 ANSELLING TO' YOU., � T TREMENDOUS V THATi5. WHAT PUTS THE DOLLARS IN YOUR POCKET, BETTER /WHEY AND* GET' YOUR ORDER IN EARLY, l_. Ke H.FFMAN tMERCHANT TAILOR. W. 11.IIOFFMAN & Son, EMBALMWO TAN•DAITUNERAIi. Ir3IEEcTORS Day and Night Phone No, $+t. . , • '�:`"'0:--$;