HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-02-03, Page 3tillTFUI,
Much Suffering Can be .Avo
Through the Use of Pr. W
liaalis''Pink Pills,
The.ird Man, •
tn'4i firer dreams or .flying (1s*
ti maned wings of some, kixtdl a.tt tolled
a. to hie eleo'ulti•el•s like elle eye: of n ?Ara,
,The .1nifortunate leas•u$ devised wings
like that, and ` Leonerdo de Vinci,
Wed learned en( -incur ' as he was, s1;a11
thought of wings fasboned toe min's
body as tee only means of keeping
The meet fateful years iii a woo
life are those between forty-five
fifty': Mane women enter this t
.under depressing conditions; 'thro
overwork, worry, or •a watery condi
of the bleed, and they suffer b•eavil
Among the commonest sympt
,are headaches, palpitations, d�irzin
baelsaclies, depa•ession and other
reeo'gnized distut•banoes of. the Ile
which show that the blood requ
attention. Women stand In Beed
rie12 red b1oo,d, ell their lives', but lie
more so than at middle age; when
nerves are also weak and overwroug
In title condition, there is i o of
medicine can do_so much for won
• as Dr. Wiillia,Ins' Pink Pills, for tli
pills make rich, red blood, whech gi
tone to the whole body, thus restor
a-ob1ust health. Thousands .iz'f Ca
diad wonaea2 have proved the 'value
1 i11iamsr Pink Pills 1Ii cases
this (kind. Among them is Mrs. J.
ToQinzston, Lion's Heed, Ont., who say
—"I aan writing to let you know tI
Wonderful good your pills have do
me, I was a complete your,
acid wo
faint if I orossed the room. I *as g
Mg .through the change, of 1iee, a
was so weal. I cod not do my woe
I went to Toronto, when my folks s�:
nothing but' an operation would heel
me. But I said: 'No,' Dr. William
Pink Phis helped me do girlhood, and
I ani going to give them a triad.' 1
took the pills: steadily for a month,
when I returned. home a well woman,
able. to do all my work with ease..
Friends here say it's a wonder I aim
alive after what I went-tbrouge and
I am thankful to say I believe Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills saved my life."
Try Dr. Williams' Pink Bilis far
anaemia, rheum's:Li a neuralgia, .nem-
vousl2e:se. Take there as e. tonic if
you aro not in the best physical con-
dition ate cultivate a re•sistan�ce that
will keep you well and strong. You
can get these piles through any m'edi-
eine dealer or by mall at 50 cents a box •
;ltim buoyee up in the air, Tile air-
plane is a ciifi;orenf kind'of invention,
It has wings indeed, but the Wings aro
and pert of an enginessdriven machine in
ern whieh the flyer sits•, Nevertb'eleee, in
ugh vuaztore are still trying to line a w e
tion to make men hiins'oli' the flying area
Se tare and not a Mere paesengor, A.
ems A.ustra:lian engineer, Anton Luteeh b
ese, name, Iiaa contrived a machine to Is
veli fastened to a malt's sle:me'ers, fitted
albs with bat-liko wings taj sustain. his
free weight and d.ri:ven by lz gasoline engine
of which rests against the Man's, back.
Ter Two lee
HOW to Ten. tt31ii1EMr� .
Izt lar ontazio ore, Ivens t as:sic Wee
originally limited to Greek dna Latin
meseesmeseand -poetry. It hes now moo
to"mean ".'riiy piece of letei•atere woe
quelltY is such that it tins einalatel
for fifty oe a hundred yea -s and, is by
celn•inoal consent regal dale no aso geed
tee to be p;eiinanent,, A literary cylassi(
should peeeeeS ono or •a11 of the Xollev
ing q,ladltietit '
t le should reelect the mode e ao
l:hi! gitsnghkit ntite,
n the enmtozns end matinees
The travels; of 'Ilel•oilrot>io; the l•i,e-
., Iet',nee Of. Socrates, • and the neve:43er
is Jame Austen are examples.
0 2. It should. 1'e w'rittee In a be. ate -
ful and strilting ;tyre.
Lincoln's Gettysburg Siieecix is on
a. It .should spring from and appeal
Ito a cultivated imagination,
Tile poems. of Beats are an example.1
4. It sleeted be a ,centrib;t.tron to the
Iliought of the world and should stimu-
late l'ad`e the thoug'ht•of the world.
The essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson
are "en examege,`
5. It shouldshouldpossess a universal_
human interest and expressallphases
of human experience.
The° OldTestament and Shake.
sp'e•are's plays are examples:
No one generation can determine
what el tss•ies it is producing. The
final ' judgment must and will be pro-
nounced by succeeding generations,
Walt Whitman a.td Lincoln were look-
ed on with conteanpt by many of tilde highly educafeil contemporaries.
And yet Whetntan's "O Captain! My
CaptadnI" and Lincoln's Gettysburg
Speech will lite be long as the Eng-
lash• language lives.
Nor „sloes a classic have to be "high-
brow stuff." If It is a genuine intelli-
gent and witty picture of at certain
aspect of society, even a best-seller
may become a classic; although I am
bound, to say that most of our modern
best-sellers have very i#We chance of
achieving this immo¢•tality.Artificial
and pretentious. writing never makes a
classic, Sincerity, 'simplicity, and
spontaneity are qualities• that revery
true classic whether in music, paint-
ing, prove or poetry— poseeeses; all
others pretending to the titles are
counterfeits. Net nobody hoodwink
you into supposing that the cl'ass'ics
ane pompous, stilted; and borecsome. If'
they were, nobody would read them—
net even your teachers and professor -s.
— Lawrence F. Abbott in The Outlook.
the the fly-er'soshes oultde shoulders, theypeea.arein-
ht. tended to enable him to rise quietly
her ,and armoet vertically* into the air. The
men apparatus weighs only eighty-eight
ese. pounds., and Herr. Letoch hopes to re-
ves duo° that :weight by twenty pounds by
Ing : substitii;bing. alunrhnune for iron where-
na- ever possible. )I$ says the machine
of can be built for about $10:0.
: Here where the rotting cor�duro•y
ne Wanders, along,the swampy Places,
the Wand'ere as well a lonely boy
o_ ; Looking his last on phantom faces.
la Beeries are bright along the ;wale;
dd Bright on the hills the Autumn
P Silence ins heavy on the trail'
from The. De. Williams' Medlclne Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
I delve In a treasury wide sor air�1eech
Ars found in it got everywhere.
every delver puts more in,
And takes, but leaves all. I begin
To see the speech -hoard of all time
And measure its demesne sublime
When'I recall, "Let there be light,"
Thereafter, on, .es opals en my sight,
I may survey all speech to lcaow•
And speculate whioh glint shone fc
Which sage; which flame a seer woul
'For speech
I delve in a treasury free as air:
All of it usable everywhere.
Martha Webster 14fierriehew,
And there are 40 doses in e
78 -cent bottle I Pleasant to take
and instant in action in every.kind
of Cold. Believes Bronchitis, Croup
and Whooping Cough. Prevents
tatedthroatPneumonia. "BlEas". Sold
by all druggists and guaranteed.
W. R. Buckley, Limited,
142 Mutual St., Toronto 2
\ Acts like a ilasfi—
A single sip pn3ves ii S1T
That leads to nowhere and returns.
The trail returns; and .the lad, return-
Softly smilesas over the hill
Nightfall carries the ancient, yearn-
Rapid cry of the whippoorwill,
Ile •comes 'to the lighted homes of men
With quiet In his' heart at last,
Never, -never to walk again
The ruined roadwaye of the past; -
—A. K. Laing.
Is these a baby or young . childzen in
Your hoine? If there is you should not
Ibe without a box of Baby's: Own Tab -
lets.. Chi'ldhoo'd ailments come quick-
ly and means should always be at
head to promptly fight' them. Baby's
Own' Tablets : are the ideal home
remedy. They. regulate the bowers;
sweeten the stomach; banish"coneti-
Dation and indigestion; break up. colds
and'siniple fevers—in faet.they relie^
allthe mister ills of little ones. Co
corning them " Mrs. Moire Cadet
Makmiic, Que., writes,; "Baby's Own
'a lets are the- best remede in th
world for little' ones. My baby suite
ed terribly from indigestion and vont
Ing, but the Tablets soon set her' rig
and now she is in perfect health.
The .Tablets are sold by medhcimo
dealers or by mail at 25c a box from
The Dr. ` Wilela,ms' 'Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont. • •
A Practical Hint for Children's
Socks and Stockings. i
Always' try to mend the chiise en's
;'oaks and stockings before they a.re
washed. Thio applies oleo to all stock-
ings, hut it is specially necessary
where there is a large weekly basket
of mending..
Where there is a family of boys the
inevitable football stockings: will re-
n squire much attention. It is a good
.e, plan to ravel the•leg of an old stock
ing in order to vend the others with
that yna2•n. Sometimes a patch cut
from the foot will effectually trans-
form a hopelesely large hole h the
heed to a neat and ,successful mend
An Old Superstition.
When the niozlth of January begins
on Saturday, 'says an old superstition,
the winter will be very open, with
some frost; the summer will be hot
and pleasant; the harvest ntsderate.
Garden hese*will be damaged; hemp,
flax and honey will be plentiful.
• Our National Anthem has been; in
use for nearly two centuries.
four tablespoonfuls of water and gargle tl'loroughly,,
Swallow sorne of the solution. Don't
rinse the inouth. • Repeat gargle every
two. hours if floc 3
w es dry.
This is an effective parrgle proved ,safe
by millions and prescribed by physician's.
AC� cep call r
-ctckage, Loo' k for
the `Bayer Cross.".
Vaildy wBryer" bones of 12 tableie. Also bottles of 24 acid 100—Druggists,.
Aspirin is the trade remit (rogisiered In Canada) Ot 1lnyoe• t:anttiaature of M'o,.rbaeek.
neiieetoe of Selfeylleiseld (Ao y1 ;ialictUd ACM, "A..".t, fi?')v While it is weli•Iznowlt
ikr.tAtrolrinaneane )36!o1' biannfitot•iOto.to asdfst tate public againeifnir,ntiana,the TableVI
Q., Darer Co1n.8nr will be etam cd'With their sertei•el trade mark. tits "leeter,Crress `i
Lay the piece ti'nd'er the holo to be
mended, darn it Blown al/ round on the
right side and cut away superfluous i
ma;teaial. Do not out tow closely, �
ever, and c.
how -
omen of Canada Pay
Striking Tribute
the Modern
RO Windsor, Ontario, to
Hudson's Bay, from Halifax
the Rockies,to
within the last few weeks has scored
an extraordinaryncrea.
� se in dales.
It is because we have stopped using paper pack-
ages, and are again packing this finest of teas in the
old, familiar Aluminum package of years go.
The reception it has been given demonstrates
beyond all doubt that housewives of Can
nize Aluminum as the perfect container, oda For more than thirty years we have been experi-
menting with packages -- trying lead, paper and
Aluminum --seeking always a material that would
protect and be worthy of Red Rose quality.
But it was only after Red Rose has been offered
to the public in all these packages—first lead, then
Aluminum, then paper—that the great advantages
of Aluminum were proven.
Aluminum keeps out moisture, preserves the
flavor and protects the quality. Paper packages, on
the contrary, absorb moisture which occasionally
impairs the quality.
So now and in the future E
ROSE TEA will be packed in the
Aluminum ° o
package, as it was in
years gone by.
T. H. Estabrooks Co., Limited
Saint John Toronto Winnipeg Calgary
Angus Knew.vW_ _... ��_ _ �. _ ' __,
Soldier Settlers Prosper inH I
d If possible press with a coal
funny stories about the countrymen (eS$
iron after washing.
/ran the north et Scotland, who come Further evidence of the GRAMOPI30NE.
Great care should be observed in down to enjoy the sights, of the great(oC Western Canada is to be found in' ICTFtOLA STYL?;, 1rIiLL GAB-
washing children's little. white woolen joke
and the Sects. am too fond of a • the colllection statement of the Sol- tioler ns,
plays all reeo2•d$ 48 se;ee•
s,ocks+, for they should not be allov'ed blue front
to mind it. Here #s 1 deer's Settl'em'ent Board, recently is- ons, automatic. Value $115 00 for
to get smaller and smaller as will car•- one from Sunbeams. shed. 3J 00 guaranteed. I'oisso.a, 240 Mount
US/illy nily happen with careless washing. Two Highlanders were on a visit to From October to Jan. 7 last col,lec-' Royal East, Montreal,
Nash them quickly, one at e. time in London 'when a watering cart tions amounted to 2 rWANTED'
thempassed $ ,394,G,3.07. Col- LADIES TO DO PLAIN
warm (not hot) water with soap lath- ch in the street. Donald woe very lections an the corresponding period and light sewing at home, whole
er. Only when necessary to remove much excited, and shouted at the top of 1925-20 totalled $2,206,351.'30. This or spare time. Good pay. Work sent
some stain from a blown shoe or from of his voice, "H y, meal! Yer losin' shows au improvement of $153,000, any distance, charges paid. Send
alis you water," I which its considered renrarkablstamp- for National
Y good
The London n'ews'papers like to tell !
Classified Advertisements.
road splashes should the soap be
water „xc rear to Donald and said by the department official's, About
rubbed on them Ili Angus to l
e i• use them In
about the same :temperature, softened
with a shake of soap. Then squeeze
out the water, never wrung it out with
a twisting motion of both stands, and
finally squeeze) it in a towel.
When ;alts are ready to dry, hang
them up by the toes, each one sepa-
rately, in a draft or in a warm place,
but never before a hot fire: See that
the sock hangs in the shape of the
sock as wort, nob as folded when new.
Endeavor to stretch each - one, while
d'ryi'ng, from heel to toe; if possible,
do it several times. Pull hard. This
will keep its original shape and one
will be surprised at the increased
length of ns�e�fuiness obtained thereby,
There are no warblers on the bough�s,
, No 2 obins in the grass;,
But there • are songs within our herr
That will not pass.
There are no leaves on bush 01 tree,
The roses prostrate= lige;
But there are hopes within our breasts
Tditit. wild not die.
So let the tempest wreak its will
On tweet, field and hover:
My house of dreams will hold me sate,
With love's brigl2,t,flower.
—Thomas Curtis Clark.
ots, man? Dinna show yer ignore $4,000,000:fa.ils due annu;iiy.
ante. That's,
Net tae keep the bairns I It is pointed out that dress pay-
ments have, been made on the existing
capitalizatlon. The legislation of 1928
never received Royal assent.
In answer to the question: "Can
you give a sentence with the word
`notwithstand;ing'?" a small b
When you get that tired, Iayrne-down•and•die
feeling' take 15 to 80 drops of Seigel's Syrup in a
glass of water, Does the trick and safely. You'll
feel like new.
A Tip,lor the Sleepless.
Manufactu i Co 112 particulars.
i' ng' ., on red ,
ese either sexe mailed in plain envele
ope. Paris Specialty Co., Montreal.
condition, cheap, heli to 15 h.p.
Boat engines, 3 to- 83 h.p. Get lists
Engine repairing done. Guarantee
Motor Co,, Hamilton, Canada.
`Viten Lord Grey of Fa.1lorlon was plied; "Daddy's britches are all yIaz .I am sure we can never be wise but
threatened with total blindness, he at the back, notwithstaitdin " g 3 by ur own wisdom,-141outaign, 1633»
learned to read Braille, and eveh mow, I 1592.(
with his eyesight much improved, he!
still finds Braille books useful. "One
can turn out the light,' be says, "draw
up the sheets, and literally read one-
self to sleep."
Doctors vouch fol' Minsrd's Liniment,
Covering 17,800 square miles, Can-
ada s new national game preserve has
I been named Wood Reale Park, AI-
rts I i•e:edy it contains nearly 8,000 buf-
faloes. Thi pars, is half the size of
11NN1i?1 1d4Slit.1i.:4.44b4O,Ki
t`Pape's Diapepsin" for
Gas, Indigestion or
n Sour Stomach
it+++s'r 2.4+e+44+
+raa«rr4 a dd °'
Warns for tarty Risers.
With the scold Weather, students 1
the dermitoriee at the rteeseachusett
Institute of Technology haeo designe.
several automatic devices for closing
windows and turtling oe. the stentn
heat iibotlt a half hoar before rlsin
time. One of the most ingeseette Plan
le a switch, operated by cloclrwork
'cslosibg the 'house current rircui
through two stoves, ane of which has
a part of cereal upon it, the other a coir
fee pot,,
Instantly I SteinacIj oorreotertl 1 You
never feel the slightest slietress from;
g indigestion or e .sour, acid, gassy dome
s a.cb, after you eat a tablet of "Pttp:e•a i
Diapopsin." Tlto element it reaches,
t the sto1naeli ail S0lir,uoeg, fiatul•enaa,
heartburn, gases, pai,1pitat10i1 and pain
dleaopear, Manias. guarantee each
1 package to oorreet digeetioil ut two,
I! Paul i your stoned r h trouble atom taw
MUiard's Linirnottt for eternal ailinente
PIQ1ae J. 11/e1:1r&s
Last word in builders' aid, Practical,
upto-data suggestions on planning,
building, furnishing, decorating and
gardening. Profusel,.illustratcd,
'and scores of actual dollnr,saving sug.
'gestions. ,Soleal 25 cents for
current issue.
MacLean eta/dere! Guide
144 Adel/tido 51. W.
Toronto, Ont.
Don't lot the ebildren suffer.
Minard's with sweet oil will
quickly relieve the pain.
No headache, constipation, bad
cold or sour stomach
by morniaag
Get a 10 -cent box.
Sick 11ei che, biliousuevs, coate3,
tongue, hemi and tion,a clogged up with
a• Cold—always trace this to torpid
liver; delayed, fermenting fond in the
bewely or soul, gassy stomach.
Poisonous nza'ttrr clogged i22 the in-
tes'tines, in.steed of being east, out of
the system is re -absorbed into the
biood, When this poison reaches the
delicate brain tissue it copses conger-
. tion tion anti that dull, throbbing, si'ckesis
ing headache.
" (iascarets i1n eedialtele cleanse the
i stomach, remove the sott'r, undtgeseed
foots anti foul gases, take the esteem
bile from the liver end carry out ell
the conistipaated waste matter 'and
poi: eats in the bowels.
A Cas•ceret to-nnight will stireles
straighten you Out by nlorning, They
work whilie you sleet—.a 10 -cent boz
ieoin your druggist means ycmr bead
cloar, stomach sweet and your' livat
and bowels regular foi• montl2s,
I8 US No, 5 -y'Zyw