HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-01-20, Page 8Thi wM r tn:.: Mod-Wiro4er Clearing Sale Opening Day: Saturday January 22nd. ClosingD ay Saturday February 5th Scrimm curtains frilled pr 75c Scrimm curt. col. `edge 1.15 250 yds. Silk Ribbon all colors, 4 to 7 in. width 12c 300 yds. linen toweling yd 15c 200 yds turkish toweling 12c 150 yds blk satine to sell 19c Bord. table oil sq. yd 95c 5 yd ends factory cotton 63c 5 yd ends Can. gingham 73c Wool comforter Batts finest quality 2z lbs. for 3.25 Men's Jersey gloves 2 pr. 35c Men's work shirts 73c Men's Sweaters for 1.35 Men's worsted fine sox 43c Boy's Toques for 25c 1 only tapestry rug 9x9 12.50 1 homemade rug hooked 9.00 Oilcloth door mats 2 for 25c ladies' grey cash. hose pr. 28c Brooms, 5 string 38c Rice 4 -lbs for 25c Prunes per Ib. 10c Caustic Soda 5 lbs. for 75c Castile soap 4 for .10c No. 1 cooking figs Ib. 9c Corn meal lb. 5c Cream of wheat lb. 5c. ABOVE ARE ONLY A FEW OF THE MANY BA.RGAINS WE ARE OFFERING. SEE LARGE POSTERS FOR MORE SNAPS J. GASCHO SONS Produ _ Wanted Phone 59 Zurich's Garage bias, Oils, Greases Ins, Tubs, Repairs GENUINE FOBD FARTS i$'UST RECEIVED A S111PMENT OF DOMI . '. VISES AND TUBES WE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOT'~< 17. 3'. z. LtTTEP7 [P' IN NEED OF A BATTERY, WE SOLICI TOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCEL(. HOSE OF T. EATON CO., AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AN' ii:SIDES WE GI -VE YOU SERVICE. WE MARE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ,f- YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. BATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CH ,: eriNG, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- RTYLENE WELDING. ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE Afloasseau. Zurich **••0•4010010.04000 10000 lw••••••l•144c+ •0•/ 041414•••N••: • • • Cla e .ebeo Btovesj • • • • • oe • • • C 0 • • ••• i • HEATER, A STOVE THAT WILL COOK AND BAKE WITH ANY OF THEM, • AND FOR HEATING CANNOT BE BEAT, T • Heela Piiv.-tr_ Nights are getting cool Winter will soon be here, this puts us in mind of that New Stove, one •that will give more heat with less fuel than any other make on the market, namely the Clarex Quebec combined Cooker and HE'Y' ARE MADE IN TWO SIZES18X18 in. and 20x20 in ovens 1 AND WILL BURN COAL OR WOOD. 00414010400•10••••••••••••• ``' • • IN FURNACES WE CAN GIVE YOU THE VERY BEST THAT• MONEY CAN BUY, "TIIE I- RECLA" A REAL OLD STANDBY IA FURNACE THAT HAS GIVEN SATISFACTION TO 'q;'HOU • SANDS OF USERS FOR MANY YEARS. The Furnace that 1 saves one ton of coal in iseven. :1 In having your Furnace Work, Plumbing Job or Eavetro h• and Repairing ug ing I 1L R pairing done, You make no mistake by coming here w her and havingit done one by our Expert Mr. Ted. M' . rllteholtz, • 'We appreciate'• your Patronage • ISTADE &WEIDOI ZURICH - • ONT. w••s�rlr••• 1•ss`•••11 ••••• •••� SACRIFICE SALE Of all Our Fall and Winter Merchandise THERE ARE STILL THREE OR FOUR MONTHS OF COLD WE ATHPR AHEAD OP US IN WHICH THESE GOODS WILL BE NE- klDED, BUT It IS GETTING TOWARDS 'ARDS THE END OF THE SELL ING SEASON OF WINTER MERCHANDISE, AND SPRING GOODS WILL BE COMING IN A FEW MONTHS; SO WE ARE GOING TO SELL ALL TALI AND WINTER GOODS AT•GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. WE ARE NOT CONSIDERING COST, BUT ARE MARK - EVERYTHING DOWN TO A PRICE .WE' KNOW WILL SELL. WE CAN QUOTE ONLY A FEW PRICES AND GOODS WE ARE SELL ING INCLUDES -- MEN'S DEPT,, UNDERWEAR, SWEATERCOATS SOCI£ y, SHIRTS TIES, WORK c;I'IIRTS, BRACE WORK GLOVES AND MITTS, ETC. LADIES AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR, SWEATER COATS, HOSE, HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, ETC. 36 inch Flannel:tte, Striped •and white, ,per Yard -... 19c 28 inch Flannelette per £yard 15e .. Shirting Flannel:''tte per yard ....,. _._,. !" 27c TOWELING, FACTORY COTTON, LLEECHED COTTON AND SHE- ETI.NG ALL THESE WILL BE SOLO AT A REDUCTION. 2 only Men's Mackinaw Coats, Regular $10. and $12.00 at ... .......$7.50 Men's Underwear, Regular' $2.000 at ,,.... ...... $1649 Fleeced lined Underwear, Regular 1];1.00 at garment ... 69c Boy's Fleeced lined, Underwear, .65e. at' per garment ...._. 69e Mens Socks Heavy, Reg. 75e. at at per, pr. ...... 59e Men's Socks, heavy, Regular 50e at per pair ,_ 39e We have remnants in prints ane Galateas whhich were IIeftaver ends. There are a lot of items we can't mention here which will besold, and ii there is anything you need and we have it you will be sure to (get it 'right. J. W. MERNER ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST R.t"k :14 KETS Purchase -your Diamond _ D from the • Zurich Drug .tore, w are sole agents 4and have a go (supply on hand. STEPHEN COUNCIL The newly elected Council, of the' Township of Stephen ;met in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, January 10th. Present -J. Hayes, Reeve, Reuben' - Goetz, Dep.-Reev and I. Tetreau C. Mawhi,nney and Wes. Dearing' C'ouncillorsl.•• After each member had taken the Declaration of Otfiee, 'the inin- utes of the previous meeting were read and adopted.- Moved by Mr. Teatreau, second ed by W. ,Dearing that the follofiv ing be appointed; John Hayes and R. A. Goetz member of The Crediton Athletic Field Comm,ifor a term of one yr. Jos. Guinan, assessor and School Census Enumerator, salary $150. J. BVI: Graybeil and J. II Holtz - mann, auditors $10.00 each'. Ernest Gurttinger, caretaker, sal ary $25.00 Alonzo Hodgins, member .of bd. of Health. Eli Lawson, Geo. Merner and W. B. Oliver, Sanitary Health Officers. Scoohl att. officers, Eli Lawson Theo; Dietrich W. B. Oliver , Cow Tag Irnipector.; (Gordon Penhale, Meath. Sweiteer, Hicks.. Pound keepers -Geo. Essery, Uiram Shapton, W.B. Gai�ser, T. Dietrich, D. Eagleson, G. Wailper, A Baker, A Any, C. Finkbeiner, A. Baker, J Br-nner, F. Preeter, 8 Stanlake, L.Keaft, G. Steeper, J. Butter lb.-, -. .., ., Ww 40 ye's Eggs 56-50-30 ho Dried apples Ib. , ;_._._ 9 od Wheat _. .... -...i ....... .. _ 11.25 Oats ., 42 Barley-- .- .-- -- ;.e-,: -.--,-60 Buckwheat ._._._ ..._ _._., _..65 Floor..........__. _,-.._3 4.75 3.75 Shorts per ton._._. _._-, ._,34.00 Bran per ton... ... 32.00 Potatoes per bag 2.00 Live hog's, cwt ... .. 10.75 {,Corrected every Wednesday) Brotehe yj Fence Wiewers-11. Mills J. Mora' lock, Ezra Heist, T. T.' TT, r,,, Kraft, Eli King, W. J. L: o ,ce, J. Gill and J, Hodgi.rns?. Path -masters -W.. Robinson, .H Powe, C. Christie, F. Prcszaior, Dearing, W. Rollins, R. Davy, A. Redden, G; Lawson, C. Box, W: ). Thompson, G. Hill, A. Fahner, H. Shenk, P. Martene, T. Chambere, PL Gower, J. Wain, 'H. Morlock, J, Schroeder, 1I, Martone, J. Flynn, A. Regcier, J. Mawhinney, J. Wild, .r Kess'1, J. Glavin, M Madden, D. B'lrry ,A Willert, J Henho ffer, R. Kraft, A. Courtis ,J. Clark, E. Keys H. Link, J. Willert, J. JHoul than, E. Pickering, C Loshn'r, M Baker, Jacob Kell'rnian, P. Desjj.rrdine, S Webb, J. Marriott, G. Mason, A. Biker, IH Webb, P. Murray, A. W.T Baker, E. Webb ;W' Oliver, W. 3, Levie, C. Woodbo'.rn. T. IsTaac, R. Pollock, B. Hicks, C. ,Tones, R Hodgins, P. McCarthy', M. Rvan, C. Ragier ,H. Appleton, W Mellin, J. Brophy. 0 The following orders were passed - Bank of Comt exeahnnge 105.2; R G. Reynolds, Rev. of Prov .Eh action List's 140, 20; Mimic. Elect Expenses 139.75; Munro. World, sup irMs tc 66.53• C NR freight .60, CCan. Bank of t'o'm' `Coll taxes 4r',36 • Bursar Ont. Hospital re. A. �t rll�'rrns 19.50;' F. J. Wickwire p.r- intine 35.50; A. Nero, +ex;p, re, re - y ➢Ping 3 Floyd to Cnr.nty home 350, ,The council adjjofrrncd to meet again r,tr the Town HAIL C,rrditon en Monday, the 7th of March 1927 it 1 put. Wes n Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co, OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST BUSINESS OF ANY. CANADIAN COMPaNY DO- ING BUSINESS IN ONTARIO. CASHAND BONDS ON HAND $85,429,61, G. Holtzman -- Zurich AGENT, ALSO DEALER. IN LIGH- TNING, RODS, AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSURANCE, tf-34 LECTURE Entitled SPRAT STINT Wilt be given in the United Church, GRAND BEND, on . FRIDAY EVENING, JAN. 21st By the 'Rev. _MI. Ca.1ling Lunch will be 'served after: the Lecture Everybody Welcome NOTICE . The Annual Meeting .off the ZURICH HORTICULTURAL SOC- IETY Will be held in the TOWN HALL, ZURICI3i On Thursday Eve. January. 20th, 1927, At 8 O'clock, p.m Business -Election of Officers, Receiving Financial Report, Etc., The members of the `Society are requested to renew 'their member ship fee for the year 1927 before the Annual meeting. Membership fee 11.00. P. Haberer, President J. E Gaucho, Treasurer., . NOTICE The annual meeting of the Mem- bers of the Zurich Agricultural So- ciety will be held in the Town Hall 'Zurich,- on Thursday, Jan, 2001,1927 at 2 o'clock, for election of office etc. E, 'E', Klopp, President. A. P. Hess, Seey-Treas. - HOUSE FOR SALE A very desirable p roper.ty in Zurich, located jju'at south of the Dominion Hotel, good frame house with kitchsu attached, good ,Turn, etc., for further particulars ,ap- -.Henry Eiibei, Clerk. ply, t.e l Ir'a. INIMth Sara's.,, Zurich; Thursday, :Jan* any drilmilmimirumosaiiierwm,iftwommininewsiumpor Our Thanks and Apprec• iaton are extended for the generous share of patron. age we have enjoyed. May this be your Merriest Christmas And 1927 be your Bright- est and most Prosperous NEW YEAR Jonston & Ka11flejsch Sax`dwaxe & Furniture. Phone 63 ZURICH AGENCY OntarioEquitable Life Head Office Waterloo,. Ont. Total Assets $3,823,394.56 Insurance in force Dec. 31st, 1926, x$33;'050,637,09 LOW COST t €UARANTEED POLICIES INVORMATION GIVEN AND RATES QUOTED WITHOUT OBLIGATION Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO ;--SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE Y9UR WILL? E. C, Harvey & L V. Hogarth 701117 WA -- Agent& ._ Drugless Practiou.. Mutual Life of Canada eer and Optician EXETER phi ft EXETER — ONTARIO AT WALPER RO 1SB MINIM Every Tuesday, 10 a,m,, to 4 INIXYr tWe're Pon wirran . With an extraordinary showing of the Season'; 1 Newest Materials for Men's Suits WHERE YOU WILL FIND PITIVELY TRB BIGiORST TAZU I. IMO VALUES EVER HEARD ORP. , 'Y'EARS OF EXPERIENCE COUPLED WITH ECONOMY IN 11 TAKING — BUYING MO MATERIAL DIRECTFROM TRRM itiwf� IAND NG' TO YOU AT TREMENDOUS SAVINGS, • TW THAT'S WHAT PUTS THE DOLLARS IN YOURR pommy BETTER IIURR ' AND GET YOUR ORDER IN EAY. RLH. HOFFMAN r 1ANDF UUNERAL ;D REJ_T.O RS. Day and Night Phone, No, MGIl~DANT TAILOR, W. $RlFLMAN & Sony EMBAhME•