Zurich Herald, 1927-01-20, Page 7,for a y —4 Sac S. -S Sys vatd.cor w tering the bees shoulld and btlades had been thrown into a. k-eets the brooder house c7lealier and Write your name and address plain - be packed in their cases in the fail, and smir1l, bag while sweaty and d-anip, and I don't have to change the sand -so ly, giving number and size of such that for cel-'ar winter1rig they sho-uld �-,were flecked and patched with rust often. And the chicks.can 68ep in a 'patterns as you 'want. Enclose 20c in be tal�eli Ili, btfora settled- cold weather thyoughout; When the now cutting ean Vjace. They're riot so sub elct, to stamp:�:or coin (coin breferred; wrap C01111-A-MCeS; that the cases for outdoor e4ges come to the user from, the fac- di I I I S&aoe. it carefully) for each number and winteiing shouM- be large enoulgh to tory, they are coated with oil.' and 'But do you'kiow the little rascals address your order to Pattern Dept., hoM sufficient packh-.ig in addlition to even if not used f&r several years they expect me. to iron their bedding for Wilson Pub'Ishing Co., 78 West Ade- - the cel"onies and shouPh be tight to renialn smooth and perfect, Un'.ess them. They're getting -so t h*ey try to laide.St., Tororto. Patterns sent by prevent the packing becoming welt; thev are c�eanedl and oned in much the scratch the wrinkles out. I'll, wash returzi mail. that the be surrounded with a sar�e way after the shearing is.done, the sack but I'll be darned if- F1, iron good. will;=; that in -doors -the caol- the equipment is sure to be rough and of moisture b," been absorbed and they axe brittly dry. Then they are put into a jar with a. tightly fitted 1cover. Over them is sprilik-led an e-veuly proportioned mixture of tab7-a sa:.b, saltpeter and, borax, a few wbolle cloves and some dried bay leaves. As the different flowers mature they can' lye added, after they are dry, to this pot-pourri. Finally, at the end of the season, some of the dried flowers can lar be protected fromoutdoor t I . wit] ragged e8ges, the next spring. 0111 3V . I The sacks -are ripped open.. and used The Right Farm Home. Nothing New. be sifted from the whole mixture and atures so.that the temperature may The Inower can be laft,out all win- silig, "They use, dazzle-lIgIlts On hunting made into sachets. Ilike them to use �e folcl._M. Tj. By t1e coud4tion bf the farm homes lie kept with -in a range of from 45 to ter unctil the cutting sections "a rough 44 in a country yon can measure the suc- cW8 Dow in killing wild game." Ili bureau draviers dnd among my, 50 deog. F.; that the ce7jmr -be kept with rust—but afters session afthe Soak dull pearl button .1, ' lo "Nothing new ­,they've been used 6 Ill olive op cees of Rs agriculture, but y u will linens. dark-, fa.irly*d;Ty, and provided with grindGbone the kndfe -will cut the th . en Tub with powdered pumice. ne-ver make agriculture what it ehould On cars Z killIng pedest:rlrans for a �Tcae of the p�a-nts are difficu7t to a good system of vent�ation; that the grass; but this is not the case with I be until yon have farm homes where 1,0,,g ltdine." raise. The niost -annoying. feature is One of the bilggest helps that I have boys and girls wilil be glad to return." garden lidio-trope's at -traction for the bees be not dlisturbed after the sbearing b-' ades. These combs and on wasib, clay in cold iveatherle'to heat Hon. Duncan Marshall. -.I— pliaced in winter quarters; that they blades have become rea2y rather ex- I the clothes pins. Every tinie A reach Keeping well is a lot mo,,,, satis- neighborhood cats. For two reasons be 111eft Ili the ceXar until nectar and pi�nsive in recent yeaLrs, and -the -0 d who is buying them for the first time ivarm, Heating the last water is ailso Any )ugh to pay[ than above -ground when -some eat' pul'en aie avai72ab6a in the spring, anI into the bag fora pin I gA'my hands actory than just getting weil Some my garden heliotrope was little, more' thing that's almost right is day we will be wise en( tliat outdoot-wilitered bees be left in for tise next spring, will find nothing a help.—Mm. A. D. wrong. our doctors to keep us weil. I cliewed, it off and -acted-16,79 intoxicated their cases untill- the end of May or more Iniporta-1 . it in the care pf -his as though it had feasted on, catnip.' early June. shqaring machine than the careful Last year I protected the young shoots clealling and, oil'Ing o ' f' the cutting House Plants in Winter. edges -after the shearing has been fin- imlied­;-G. P. W. It is ratbi.-T difficulit tolneep"houee p�ants in good condition througghout My Home Hatchery.' the llong winter, hence a few hints . . I I niever u�sed to mahe much on my may prove usehil. ' Some house ;,�ants I makelittln gr9wthdiirIn19 the winter, chickens untill one day I heaxd one os and-, while. they are thus at rest or, my neighbors talking to a, poultry nearly so, they shoi.-Eldl be -given just ralser. The poultryman wanted to enough water to prevent this roots -1 -Sell bal)y chicks at 16 c�nts each. My from drying up. This la�,plles particu-; neighbor refused, to Pay that price, I larly to palins, hydrange�a andfusschia,, took his order,, 500 chicks at 1-0 cents ,vith wire netting. The mature plants. do not appeal -to feUne visitors. The woode too offer fragrance which can be stored up for winter pleasurm� I garner every exquisite wild frag­� rance, from the time the waxy arbutus peeks from h-ozen leaves to when the, checkerberry hides its bril'.iance undler, the first sno-w. Sweet fern., %vhich spreads its low,, brown-green bushes along Eastern road.tDides and- flouridies in stony pas-' tures., is wthbilg'!y sweet wholiPIcked I I . the two latter being kept In a cooll earn,, pllaoe. P"ants which are, Voyving I &,ready-hadl two incubators that . ........ . .. I M dried and, made Into pillows. White AND BW 4N FURNITURE clover, often, its neighbor, is its' ;hRi0d. be kept weilill #ate,red but it is he2ld 300 eggs each, but I bought an- v )PIVOINTROLvArr CHICKEN PDX. Who Lives There .9 11T MOVER YOUR NEIGHBORS for t1re, materialls. inlay be purchased In traps hold a little waker wWah staFs i Sweet clover gives a more diicate per-' the one outlt-ty when the home Is be- at a cortain level and provIdee a seal fume is especi ally whon Recently, while dri.vJlng a friend from adiatant ppini� through a farrn� work, cupboards and shelving Involve tug ereoLe.d. and fitted into nooks aund. between the stack anti the house and -and pleasing dried and kept among handkerchiefs. A Disease Which is Sometimes $ i Ing community tbbrougW_� familiar to Lw4afrequent'21.y -asked$ corners -viUell would otherwisle entail prevents odors rising. Balsani are of course fam- G i've Them An Opportunity to Express Their Hidden Chloken pox,lis a higbily infectious. lodine,and. if throat cankers are Pies- me, Upon coin- ing in eight of a be:autiful farm hoow, 1 21.0 119 704 k Talenu, .ectipg the bad,ulasal pas� dI6r0aA*, af T el ent, 6,6se,allso sbou,"d. be:tr0ktea With "Who lives in. that hou�e?ll tincture of Iodine. When, -an indl- I After giving the desire'd , InfoTma- considexed viLempoillt and utilItY. For, R0,011% 104k, Pin -'e, fir, P6 we alwa yo, I wonder, lapply the Even if the dinner itse.'f had nottwpn 'Pages, itod throat and iisual,'�T is first vidualbird is seengasping for breath, tioll a number of timos',,31141 yet past- biled celzspool is sometimes, tali-lor svA- ptr.—E. N, I -I. Principle in the parable good, we 'got -our "money's NvOrbli" In noticed Nvith,the a"earance of Ye'llow the mouth shoulldibe o , pened, alid. the I 11, , .' g house after house unnotiLed, I Wooa-work or raillwork should not of the ta�leutg" to our ie entertain - -bon leducation, ana we had a doZightful wartlike nodules Or scabs on tfie comb, thumb paced under the throat, throw� unjustly accused- my friend of Wing first cost 10 liklely to be your last. It Septic taiilcs are, constriteted. under- lag'? Yes, there are arways ftaithfol tinle, 4Lnd'watt1,esi Theoespotschaugeeollor:ing the entrantee to ths, windiPipe, up eccentric in 4-esirling the. nalnes''of cer- . ilants, such as giaxamiumo, dyclaine�us, me at 111Y pri Impatiens, ;spiraea, and, bijil>s, dq_bet­ oheA"r ce. I sat my lucubatorg helpers who honestly do the best they XNOW YOVU TOWCOMMS, rapld'.y, ocon' becoming Mack or dayk'into the mouth, and, usually a i . anlwr tain f armer,9 living -along the road, brown in Accompanying these twistecl trim, doors that W101 ,close can-, but do we not someflm03 virtu- I if one is fortunate enough to blave the co'�or. will be s6eA just inAde i4i� e w4idpiPe. but having ap-parently no desire to Sponging planbs, such Aa, ferns) MY -accounts -showed, that I had. paluls,, rubber p7nnfs, and aspi,distra, cleared over $500. This year I Ii.;wd WX�y "ride the wL1,i14g hor�e, to deathi" a scalthern. woman in cornulunity�,, external 16.31,pns,,the b!rd. usua'3'y suf­ fers from oahker� the th at Wilth th, 44�f a hairpin, this canker know others 'Later' on it became 'like, This,trank line I's vs:dally a four-frich vre carried through to purifying ducts partios­wborei Iron from basement beilow the level. The humor li-es while neg5ecting to sele-k out the -happy it wou'.d be a splendid p'llan to let her are the Aild dinner to In: TO and wIndpipe, tille Affectod birds. ga:,sp for can d, and the ra- clear to m4al'2y be daslodge me'tbAt I my,. friend, Sditi g,i j, n 14 uo shbuTd be Painted with while tio,*01ing through a" -'strange lation to the re%t of the woodwork an to Yoot. In the bas.enielit theira Is a solids a.ultoilvatically turn to liquids In linving chairs enouggh for all but' to be by Ideas hididen in the braill of the quiet Prep, according her bome ways, Of course, soliciting ail! for several hours, and d1e. Death 'ithe, . tincture of, jo-djue. Many birds call country; affijilred the beautif-al' farm mony entire and, Ita ZrchlbooturalexPr6sislon. 11"u'r- this , 1%itack", . a's It Is et%lled, which are palovide-cl with,clean-out covers,, re- ring, retiring stranger Who certa uly never woi4d. voluntaTFy �advertise them? A, the: help she needs from other usually be! ng xs�su't of -a canker in thus lid'.g�4yell� When th eyels. ar� 0 homes And� fge wante4 to ku low the 11rot plate- It is utnailly- m6ra,41ur. 1 In our town I don't believe that field members. : She prob-aW.y knows some the wind-pipl�� WhJ conipletely..,shuts.,' 'aft' hd:l affe4ed, -a twehly'per cent. solution of, W X,6`m4tt6r . I 1��. .. will 5olon be beautilmilly moist, The % so Overlooked as in ma p'iaces. ny 73�ca ways, vif ente, rtaining that we -off the bird's ,pp7;y of air d�4h. ro� argyrol should,,be pliaceil in t6b "; J I I , af-, w6- hind""t attract at hin #-4tiou Traps hi the baBeintrut, : 60 lWev t1l4D SIZ9 of t1lis , Intly, the'sl%& of -the tAkw, 101111 -out fruibs such kalti tine t,�Xtuled fudge I's to beat it rai �3, or othor dried 0 though, no dtoultit, we, too, tall, to "ill's- don't know, too, and if she happens to be vultip. froni strangwa ioni feeted eye, and this treatment, *111'and the first think'wie ai�e likely to f coveirl' many of the hidilien qua�ties musical, I'll guarantea she knows, In severe outbreaks, the eyes be- usually elear up an eye Inf ection. in a In' think -of Is- "Who ilives.1 thathouss?" some pretty music that wou;.1d be new of our ovm neighbors, worth discover. to 'come swoElen, can -kers appealring in -them, and, a condition simillar to roupe -few dlays. A drop of tbils aTgy&1 so-. lution affillinistered withau,oye drop. Quear ho*the mere sight of a beau� tiful farm home will ilistantly create us. ing. In, most communities of`�'yslzel A rea,1 'Ontario woman or a West- developils. In many cases the birds per daily, is very effective in clearing a desire to k7io—w something about the there are some newcomers, and it is ern woulaa may prove equally valu- highly probable that at their former are not alb`e to see,and death fo7Xbws,. When unlaccompailied. by, cainkiers- fCnd' (Cload Up eyes, PREVENT�SPREAD OF DISEASE. owiler—his name, age, where -lie came f rom and. a number of other things able and if one cou7d secure the hep pjaces of residence, �hlugs were not of a genuine foreign woman it would if .070 lesions, the ilisel4se. does not talie. There is no flock treatiAellt that is that would not interest us in theleast done just -as we do them; especid,11y the newcomer is from a lon g distance be a treiisure indeed. 1res, I hear "She's a heavy mort4ity, but usually it is aecompan ied with these candi low, effective. Every eff ort should -be ma -de were his house and, surroundings not to ine beautiful. Wecan, not a�,.,'have large, ileaso the feed consumption of na lon. and of a different class or tf someone say, ignorant of our and w6uldn't know how to belp," 121yY111be and it is not uncommon for the, mor- . the Bock, -as the birds, carrying consid- beautiful far I m, homes to the extent Of "Passilig A NOVEL AID IDEA. she I,%, but a good many of talitty hn the a4qLt flock to range, f rom erable weight seem to have more res- I making folld � by' want to w Once this spring an Aid diwier was them surplise us when they have a t6n to fifty per cent. istanoe to the disease, und, are Trot so! know who is li vmg -in. tbTlem. ' It is well t, left to the discretion of a dear, sweet chance. UY-ey prove quicker to grasp EXAMINE YOUR FLOqk-. sarloudly laffiect as b!T& I ' heavy! to remember that home, b� it ever so n humble, can be' made beautiful, and litfga woman who was brought up in a now idea, and -a coUege educati'm Porto Rico. It was understood that isn't absolutely essenti-all, in the pre. Examine- your flock oarefully to- day. Catch and examine carefully all n- BID �: production that are lacking 1 d 0 . we"ght. beautiful homes are bound"bo, attract I this wou�d -he a typical, Spanish ain-. paration of a &inner, p�ayinga game, suspicious looking birds that vaepi to , I , The disease usuarily goe's through a attention.—(D: C,� ner, and, it was so adqertised. The or singing a song. new idea brought a crowd and the. About the Tnolst curab�. woman I be suffering from colds or roup�e and 'look them over closel ly � for pox mark.3 #.qpk in six W-ee.k.s.,,affeoting'praetkcal-, ly every bird in the. flock, although Addin' Acid to Battery. , affair was a big success, with the total know, and certainly one of the best, or scabs. ' If chicken, pox is Amud, many birds�have consideraible�disease If a single oeXof a Gtorage-battery expendiltdre of $3.16. ObviousPy, the cooks, lived in Denmark till she was profits were much greater than com- eighteen years Old' an'd a derightful take 'immediaie -drastic steps to pre- rmistance, and will� continue to ley 'never se�iiis to get fully. charged ELe- mou. Some people, who didn't attend, little woman who used to live beside vent its spread to yo�ir neighbor's without interruption. cording to the hydrom�ter,,,althougb s4id, "Didn't you know better than to my mother-in-law spent most of her _fl1DCG. Potassiuut permanganite Care should be taken to prevent the. the Other cells in 'the 'battery are, it -hat dinner? You ought to have life in Italy. If you want something go to t shoifill be kept in the drinking water,, sprewd of the 01sease to 'nelglaboring,; is usually because, the �apparenV4 known you wouldn!t lIke Spanish, honestly new -and worth -while and. as it may help to Prevent; a spread of flocks.' AU Visitors should be kept Out weak ca:a- contains insuffi ient acid. things." But bess their dear souls, I educational, hunt up some of these un- -the disease froan"Iiird t6 bird, .,as the of th,6 pens, -and spax-rows sbourd be The relnedy is to add , ore ac d H w- m I . 0 1501 it was because it was Spanish that we discovered treasures—we can't all ex - drinking water is.the usual source -of disealnination. of the disease. If screened out, ag`they -are often car-, riers of this disease froi�i flock to flock- ever, do not use Taw sulphuric acid; dilute it distil -!,ed, the A GRACEFUL AFTERNOON OR did go and, as a matter of faet,; pect to find Porto Rican co:legegrad-� only a few birds are affected-, remove If you know of 'ally Nx being PrOs- with water� until solution reads about .18,00 When testm EVENING FROCK. enough of the foods to make -- square uates (like ours) but anyone from an meal wo-re delicious and one daesn!t appreeiab,�e distance will have novel -them from the flock, and treat them ent in your oomin-unity, remember od with a hydrometer, and �dd this to Exceedingly graceful is the frDak expect to like everything at dinner. id-eas worth using.—Mrs. A. M. E. indlividual'y, although this iW�atlon *prevent that it will reach your flock 1 only the weall: cell instead of d1stI-'QedNV'ater pictured here.- The two-plece pointed -will probably not the spread- ing,of the d-lieatse throlugh the re- throujKh the introduction of new'birds �rhenever it needlsi it. Test frequently from diseased so urces, on the feet Of afterward., -and when tbe� weak c&-!' skirt is -g�thered to a bodice having the lower edge slightly rounded, there- Food for Little Follt. I Store Up Fragrance from iniallider of the flock. vilsitors walking thr�ugh y9ur 'houses maintains a reading aliffroXiMateaY by giving a graceful line. The a I ttrac- I'm a7ways sorry for little folks Woods and Gwden. Birdis aff-ected, should be fed the, or yard, -or by sparrows, and every the same as the others, discontinue tive arrangement of the surplice effect when they must sit by a -ad watch their . In one corner 'of my garden grow inbst pa�ababls foods cbtainable, the 's`hould precaution shou�d. betaken to Prevent adding the solution, usingonly distil% is effectivelyehown and thareare lace elders en-thusiasticaXly enjoy a cake or "It's the flowers which we enjoy long after pox cr beabs be, painted with these possib-e sources Of Infeeffi0n. ed water thereafter. shields at the front and black. The pudding -and be told, too rich, it But. everything else has gone to s7eep for Successful Wintering of Bees. Rust the Enemy of Cutting In making the acid" solution, pour the acidL into the water; never pour the into the acidl. If do the long pointed Sleeves may be omitted for evening wear, if desired,,, thereby . �Llear, wou,d make you, sick!" the winter. There are misty gray heire is where the -little -aluminum toy! Plants of sweet lavender, tal'- white - d-ishescome to the rescue. If.you mak-e! In Canada there -are three, iniport� MaChillerY;_� - water you latter, a vWent dhe . mical -Action takes making this fr ock suitable for in -any occasians. An added note of contrast a cake with rich fl -ling, put some of flowering spikes of garden halotrope, 'low purpk-topped plants of pot heXo- ant fact6rs necessary for successful Whether it- is -a shearing machine place and, there is like, --T to be an ex- is introduced Ili the flowers Placed at the plain.batter into the Pitt'e, baking- i trope. and a healthy sprawly bush of wintering of bees, the nZ.,Qeot 4-T any "cutter" vie a safety raor b(ade, the p',�sion or at, leasta, scattering of the the shoulder and hip closing. No. 15-01 Palls, ald Jul -Or wi.1 have a cake o,d-fasbioned cinnamon roses. one of whiell wi.� either causm the -expert sharpeliez w0r a* -Ways throw Pcid.—Ed.. Henry. is for Misses and Suiall Women and is baked especially for him. If it's a My effiliamon. roses are al"_owed, to death of the colony, or so seriously back on. your hands as worth".es5, -the �*0— in sizes 16, 18 and 20 years. Size 18 Pudding that is too rich for ju�eni_e spread at will when everyone V.se.i-t iveaken it'as to makei it an unplrOfit� blude that has oorrodled On the cutting His Chick Laundry. (36 busst) requires-SI/e yards 39 -inch digestion, make something plain but weeding theirs out for the sake -of ni�re aWle p r6ducer. These factors, accord- Ing to Mr. C, B. Gooderhani, the Do- face L.� ' Of a�.,l the worthless shearing ades that I have sedh altogether, "See those sacks hanging thera on -inch , and % material, or 2% yards 64 it yard -allover lace for the shieb - �ttractive in the toy dishes, and there is a desserc "just for you, Pittty!" showy and more beautiful varietiw. But I love them and I them when -million Apiarist, in his bu1etin on Wintering fr cm start to finish, ten tillres as- many the fence? Tbat"S.ths,ehicken laull- dry," my"neighlbor'-C.. A. Annes, -vvho Price 20 cents the pattern. When blaldng biscuits or inuffins,'I can't resist some of the doug h need I am storing -up fragrance for the Bees in Canada, are: P1 irst, strong (that is to say populous) co�-- h -ad been, rendeired worth*�ess ty rust' on th4,edge, t by ai�,`� ot er dam- -raises Leghorns, said. ' Many styles of smart apparel may be -found Ili our Fashion Book. Our putting into the little muffin-palls—it isn't winter. Tliesep.hnts and a borderof oniss consisting mainly of young bees,; than ages con-Lbilied, not exce ting actual F 9 s u the floor of the I la' the ack o broodei'liouse in a circle around the designers originate their Patterns in much trouble, but how enthusiastically sweet alyssum, planted -annually, sup - pzy me with sachets of unusmal frag- second an aboundance.,of whol"jesome i;bores, and, thikili ivdoquetepvotecatiOn lo-reakage of-liQlades. _ Some years *ago I had occasion to, brooder stove. They sleep..VA�the�s-acks the heart of the style centrea, and - f tesbei their ei*ations are those o the iiii-niature biscuits are received. is hard todany children food which is an e The flowers are Picked. in full bloom. -1d changeable temPer- from �co arjd atures. sevei go ove a stock of -al do&e I ns of fw ..and in thb morning -I sh,ake,off the dropipings,. Soak them in -'.a U ib then Ity, brought withbi the meanis populari the woman., Pric, Of the too rich for th em, but I find the "spe- cials baked in the toy dishes a Nvho7;y We cut them when they are dry, Pluck For. the cat-rying out of'th es-& co`m- combs and cutters shearing ma- I ohines, and falled to, find ape0ect.oiie souse them up and, down ana hang . . of average book 10 cents the copy. satisfactory substitute—Mrs. A. B. S. the petals apart and spread them oe sheats of- blotting paper. They must ditions Mr. Qoo,deTh1!am adviess that I in the them on the fence. E ach night I use ' entire bag of them. The combs , , 1� HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS be ke-ot und'er vmiehts 'until every bit ,for a y —4 Sac S. -S Sys vatd.cor w tering the bees shoulld and btlades had been thrown into a. k-eets the brooder house c7lealier and Write your name and address plain - be packed in their cases in the fail, and smir1l, bag while sweaty and d-anip, and I don't have to change the sand -so ly, giving number and size of such that for cel-'ar winter1rig they sho-uld �-,were flecked and patched with rust often. And the chicks.can 68ep in a 'patterns as you 'want. Enclose 20c in be tal�eli Ili, btfora settled- cold weather thyoughout; When the now cutting ean Vjace. They're riot so sub elct, to stamp:�:or coin (coin breferred; wrap C01111-A-MCeS; that the cases for outdoor e4ges come to the user from, the fac- di I I I S&aoe. it carefully) for each number and winteiing shouM- be large enoulgh to tory, they are coated with oil.' and 'But do you'kiow the little rascals address your order to Pattern Dept., hoM sufficient packh-.ig in addlition to even if not used f&r several years they expect me. to iron their bedding for Wilson Pub'Ishing Co., 78 West Ade- - the cel"onies and shouPh be tight to renialn smooth and perfect, Un'.ess them. They're getting -so t h*ey try to laide.St., Tororto. Patterns sent by prevent the packing becoming welt; thev are c�eanedl and oned in much the scratch the wrinkles out. I'll, wash returzi mail. that the be surrounded with a sar�e way after the shearing is.done, the sack but I'll be darned if- F1, iron good. will;=; that in -doors -the caol- the equipment is sure to be rough and of moisture b," been absorbed and they axe brittly dry. Then they are put into a jar with a. tightly fitted 1cover. Over them is sprilik-led an e-veuly proportioned mixture of tab7-a sa:.b, saltpeter and, borax, a few wbolle cloves and some dried bay leaves. As the different flowers mature they can' lye added, after they are dry, to this pot-pourri. Finally, at the end of the season, some of the dried flowers can lar be protected fromoutdoor t I . wit] ragged e8ges, the next spring. 0111 3V . I The sacks -are ripped open.. and used The Right Farm Home. Nothing New. be sifted from the whole mixture and atures so.that the temperature may The Inower can be laft,out all win- silig, "They use, dazzle-lIgIlts On hunting made into sachets. Ilike them to use �e folcl._M. Tj. By t1e coud4tion bf the farm homes lie kept with -in a range of from 45 to ter unctil the cutting sections "a rough 44 in a country yon can measure the suc- cW8 Dow in killing wild game." Ili bureau draviers dnd among my, 50 deog. F.; that the ce7jmr -be kept with rust—but afters session afthe Soak dull pearl button .1, ' lo "Nothing new ­,they've been used 6 Ill olive op cees of Rs agriculture, but y u will linens. dark-, fa.irly*d;Ty, and provided with grindGbone the kndfe -will cut the th . en Tub with powdered pumice. ne-ver make agriculture what it ehould On cars Z killIng pedest:rlrans for a �Tcae of the p�a-nts are difficu7t to a good system of vent�ation; that the grass; but this is not the case with I be until yon have farm homes where 1,0,,g ltdine." raise. The niost -annoying. feature is One of the bilggest helps that I have boys and girls wilil be glad to return." garden lidio-trope's at -traction for the bees be not dlisturbed after the sbearing b-' ades. These combs and on wasib, clay in cold iveatherle'to heat Hon. Duncan Marshall. -.I— pliaced in winter quarters; that they blades have become rea2y rather ex- I the clothes pins. Every tinie A reach Keeping well is a lot mo,,,, satis- neighborhood cats. For two reasons be 111eft Ili the ceXar until nectar and pi�nsive in recent yeaLrs, and -the -0 d who is buying them for the first time ivarm, Heating the last water is ailso Any )ugh to pay[ than above -ground when -some eat' pul'en aie avai72ab6a in the spring, anI into the bag fora pin I gA'my hands actory than just getting weil Some my garden heliotrope was little, more' thing that's almost right is day we will be wise en( tliat outdoot-wilitered bees be left in for tise next spring, will find nothing a help.—Mm. A. D. wrong. our doctors to keep us weil. I cliewed, it off and -acted-16,79 intoxicated their cases untill- the end of May or more Iniporta-1 . it in the care pf -his as though it had feasted on, catnip.' early June. shqaring machine than the careful Last year I protected the young shoots clealling and, oil'Ing o ' f' the cutting House Plants in Winter. edges -after the shearing has been fin- imlied­;-G. P. W. It is ratbi.-T difficulit tolneep"houee p�ants in good condition througghout My Home Hatchery.' the llong winter, hence a few hints . . I I niever u�sed to mahe much on my may prove usehil. ' Some house ;,�ants I makelittln gr9wthdiirIn19 the winter, chickens untill one day I heaxd one os and-, while. they are thus at rest or, my neighbors talking to a, poultry nearly so, they shoi.-Eldl be -given just ralser. The poultryman wanted to enough water to prevent this roots -1 -Sell bal)y chicks at 16 c�nts each. My from drying up. This la�,plles particu-; neighbor refused, to Pay that price, I larly to palins, hydrange�a andfusschia,, took his order,, 500 chicks at 1-0 cents ,vith wire netting. The mature plants. do not appeal -to feUne visitors. The woode too offer fragrance which can be stored up for winter pleasurm� I garner every exquisite wild frag­� rance, from the time the waxy arbutus peeks from h-ozen leaves to when the, checkerberry hides its bril'.iance undler, the first sno-w. Sweet fern., %vhich spreads its low,, brown-green bushes along Eastern road.tDides and- flouridies in stony pas-' tures., is wthbilg'!y sweet wholiPIcked I I . the two latter being kept In a cooll earn,, pllaoe. P"ants which are, Voyving I &,ready-hadl two incubators that INTERIOR W-Ou"'DWORK" I M dried and, made Into pillows. White AND BW 4N FURNITURE clover, often, its neighbor, is its' ;hRi0d. be kept weilill #ate,red but it is he2ld 300 eggs each, but I bought an- swoet greatest rival among wild, fragrances.! important to see that no water ec� other 3550 -egg one. I had aboub 2,0o cumulates Ili the rot o(r li-r-the jardin- iood layingg hens which produced rnoovq, said doors, base and picture moulding, window and, door trim, panel for t1re, materialls. inlay be purchased In traps hold a little waker wWah staFs i Sweet clover gives a more diicate per-' the one outlt-ty when the home Is be- at a cortain level and provIdee a seal fume is especi ally whon iere in wbich, the plants are sitting, nearly all of my setting -#ggs, so I work, cupboards and shelving Involve tug ereoLe.d. and fitted into nooks aund. between the stack anti the house and -and pleasing dried and kept among handkerchiefs. othelwisne the rocits, WOM rot and the wasn't out much buying eggs, many d.ijepent kinds of wood. The corners -viUell would otherwisle entail prevents odors rising. Balsani are of course fam- plants noit thrive. This ofteA-happeina The incubators -hatched- about the finishes and effects obtainable, from only slightly less labor to finish. If your house Is situated in the rural. Eiar to evo-iyione�- Bayberries added ,tlo,large ferns. - firstof March a totallof 892 chicks. I Plants should be wat -when the is becorAingi filled my firs:t priler and didn?t have different kindis should be carefully from the Of coat districts you will probably feel the I to a pot-pourri, as well as 11106t of this, need, of having a septic tank, to take ored onry eoll dry, and than thorougbily, not every. any trouble , Ili se'lling -the - remaining considexed viLempoillt and utilItY. For, R0,011% 104k, Pin -'e, fir, Make Yo6r Plumbing Safe, Sanitary wild flowers of purigent swPetness, en-. and Satisfactory. the place of the oity sewers. A wood-. bance the fragrance o'f a home-fi%ed, day as is often done, I chieks at 12 cents here neat hoine. birch and maple are all Suitable, but biled celzspool is sometimes, tali-lor svA- ptr.—E. N, I -I. Geraniums must be kept &we tol I reset my Incubators -as soon as some are m6re cles-Irable tlilan others. If your DIumbing system said, fixtures Istactory, however, especially In soaldy the window and Ili a window where poseibile, a"Ao, all, Of my hens that Mient Wooa-work or raillwork should not aMe, up to standlird Pat the �Outse t your eDg. AN OLD GAME. they woll gelb much, sruna-ight to� have gettin-g. By thalt tkfw ray n6ighbOys ba brought Into th-p, buIlding.until the first cost 10 liklely to be your last. It Septic taiilcs are, constriteted. under- Vloolyk wdlL Most bloolining knerw of my chick -selling and they fairly flocked.to lor ille'll plaster is, peTtectly dry, Untess this prope,�ly ins-talled there should be few ground a,1ld are lna,de,of steea, eelneilt . More than a hundred years ago, u leaks, freeze-ulig or other breaksi con- or tile, oons,1 . s -ting of itwo chambersjpoet wrote the fc�Xlowffig description ilants, such as giaxamiumo, dyclaine�us, me at 111Y pri Impatiens, ;spiraea, and, bijil>s, dq_bet­ oheA"r ce. I sat my lucubatorg precaution is rigildily observed you are ,Ipt to- be 0onfioillbed wIth open� joints, upkeep. "Tofiet": sitiatly adding to Remember the upper one taking the sewage djm� oZ the -game -of ter if ke�t in -a modetate�,y wAirm or until Pate in the seilLson'but had to twistecl trim, doors that W101 ,close y Oumblng system is not un- "There'is a sporb* well known in, tha ou-r pozAl first, where the solid, inatibr cool ro-am than in it w-trin,one make a ivAudion in the price Utteir on, and Windows t.h&t stick, : lilu) a transportation system. There sinks to the bottom while the.liquicls eo�uit4,y.townis " 71s' 'The TOil-W—Which I Sponging planbs, such Aa, ferns) MY -accounts -showed, that I had. paluls,, rubber p7nnfs, and aspi,distra, cleared over $500. This year I Ii.;wd , Bullt�in furh3ura of all ki nd,s to g -rowing Ill favor with honitblillilefi, isr a main or trunk Ens with- "nuec't- overflow lnto,.�ilolthelv ch�mbsl # pass 6g lines 0,01INCilgilig Into a terminal. through�& further aischairge, pipe, and often joined At Milkmold%' thle, evtty. three or four weak� Is desirablie, added a !larger Incubator and ought to for mauy'�reasbils. For one thing, it This,trank line I's vs:dally a four-frich vre carried through to purifying ducts partios­wborei Iron from basement beilow the level. The humor li-es 'tf'or aphlis SOU'O'e' the plialite in strong c"ear $800 or $Doo,—W. 0. W. may be appilOpriatelY designed in re-� I dAslt pipe, rauli-Ing Just ground . %oap sud,s ol? some tobacco prepava­ I � 1 4.4. - 7� I. I lation to the re%t of the woodwork an to Yoot. In the bas.enielit theira Is a solids a.ultoilvatically turn to liquids In linving chairs enouggh for all but' to be by tion sbnmratl times bit iuteTV9$ 01 EL Did ymi know that 'square cornered the house,, &U.11-ence, gives, closeir kur. to the hous,ah.old schwne, 6olinecitioal, w4th a sewer or a soptle and are cardied off puaqfted one, tank to take caroo-fAlachatge from the aeltionof the soll. The tanko�, which Who takes the niidd,7�- of the bspipvy. few daya laud,'Ior s6ale invettg, loosen coxalme�g ma.'y be obtained if a thein wifh'a"6ft booffibrumh or finget Uko motion 18 used in. the cutting? mony entire and, Ita ZrchlbooturalexPr6sislon. 11"u'r- this , 1%itack", . a's It Is et%lled, which are palovide-cl with,clean-out covers,, re- ring, Asil, i,.tTid, wash off with soapy Water thorinoro, it proplerlY dohs-t�uctsa in us-ttauir protrudes, through blit toof.i qatre, 01011allig only at long 111fOrVals, Tjvoesttod; bill the signal given or wine tobaeoo, Preparation, andr TO- If the brown )Sugar gets hard, 6*t the 11rot plate- It is utnailly- m6ra,41ur. 1 01 a toot to Dermit, a constant flow Thy are SlInploland, qUitsAalatallY, buit A,',&' nius change place; -%16 obtaffit ab tt pftt from tir" to timo, Ili the broad tin for a f OW d -A,". It altillo than, movable, fitrntturo, paltly offresli Mrto ventilate Your plumbing should be thosen wltli'oato and with to seat t . r4 rucurs forfeit, the 0611 will 5olon be beautilmilly moist, The boicause It Is, not �slo much UAIldled Or S",1heM regard to the chortLater of the goil, a aTJ1i I Did you Itftowthat 0,114 way, to Ob saux.6 treatment moiatens OrWl-out moved about for purposes Of ol%�Ing Traps hi the baBeintrut, : 60 lWev t1l4D SIZ9 of t1lis , Intly, the'sl%& of -the tAkw, 101111 -out fruibs such kalti tine t,�Xtuled fudge I's to beat it rai �3, or othor dried 0 and sio forth� ' Andi finally, It *is more seNver z&5 and Other odoro, provido I plumbing syote-111 land the Slope 'Of the TO -give the Signal for waiOtlity *0 , Aftet tht ItLlxturollas teeolliel cool? q Agg or dates. oconomical, both In money ancl ipaocl,, farther ascapement beltiw.. Theso, ground In your uelghbothood� ;F7 . .......... ..........