HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-01-13, Page 8tqlwrit ctja Produ, tint -.ARE DUE ON JANUARY ist.AND • WE ARE MAILING SAME TO OUR CT.ISTOME:RS THIS WEEK, A PROMPT SETTLEMENT, WOULD BE VERY MUCH APPRECIATED., THIS SPACE FOR AN IMPORT- ANT A NNOUN CEME vT NEXT WEEK CH'O Wanted ON Phone 59 Zurioli ' Garage Gas, Oils, Greases Tires, Tubs, Repairs GENUINEFORD PARTS HUS'I tilt'I.'i1 Et) A z= t-ilPMENT 0? DOMINION TIRES AND TUBS WB ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS n zypo W PI f�iG& Gil l IEF IN NEED OF A BAU'I"-ER:i, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T, EATON CO AN 0E HER CHEAP BATTKRLES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE. WE MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- , gRY. BATTERY R EP A I RING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AiJTO REPAIRING EITEIER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- IETYLL+'NE \VELP1NG. . • ;7,17t; •ZURICH'S LEADING. GARAGE H4 o sea Z arioh io;ob ntti voteooltiatotatifir••ao-evcimea•gbt00aBeT30•0•0•04303••C!•••• Oiarex. ,. ebeo Stoves• • i • Ni lLts are rsettiad cool --- Winter -will soon -be here, this puts us in Imind of that New Stove, one that will give more heat with less fuel than any I other make. on the market, namely the Clarex Quebec combined Cooker and S.G:1.TER, A STOVE THAT WILL COOK AND BAKE WITH T OF THEM • ANY , AND 1{ O FI HEATING CANNOT BE BEAT, T re HEN: ARE MADE IN TWO SIZES18X18 in. and 20x20 in ovens • IN FURNACES WE V G VE YOU T HE VERY BEST THAT AND WILL BURN' COAL OR WOOD. I ••'i i MON'E CAN' BUY, 'url'HE IIRECLA1" A REAL OLD STANDBY ib FURNACE A I URNAC.E] THAT HAS GIVEN SATISFACTION TO THOU SANDS 0L USERS FOR MANY YEARS. The Furnace that 'sat,a� ,ru ` ton of coal in seven. ii In havi ig \Tour Furnace Work, . -, t,, I'lutnk�rng Job. or Eavetroughing and Repairing done, You make' no mistake by corning here here and having it, done by our Expert Mr, Ted, Milltehoitz. • �iecla Furnaces • o We appreciate your Patronage t, nr 6n • ZURiCH0 6 • • INT I • r$ • e> ua • • • 0 et • • • • • • A • 0 • • • •'. 0 r e • • • • • r 0 • • 0 • • 0 • -,tithe-! .t. t►ALla '.. .f all Our Fl .and Winter Merchandise `l'llt;l;+,; ;\RR S '1'EtErC;L 0•t FOUR MONTHS OF COLD WE-- , \ 1 1:1'l; ; •\':1':.\1) i) t US IN W"'H.IC: l '1'11E f `GOO1.)S WILL lis NJ± 1: r)1i* o. ' Ci l' 11; t $1 Op 1 I 1 NCt 'TO, \'',,% ilDS "Prig 1+,N I OP' ':!`'lila Sb3f,L Td' l ,, t);' \TIN mala 1V ERt'IE.a 17f51„ .ANI) SPPIN x :\ rE<:`,\, 11 r11.•3 :;0 \' E AR' GOING 'IO :+, ti + .\ 1.L A11) WJN1"I1,ht ci00I.)•3 ,ai,.I' Gl:B.A.TLS' REDUCE if, N,i{ NO c ON;,f•1.)'ERl:¶G C'C)aI', SUP A1SP MARK - EVERY [+;i \` f [:E'?' ; 1))'\ :V -.1'0 A pP,, •t`J1 \'V•1+." KNOW ,WILL SELL. WE'' C'AN' tt l.i:)'.' Vi i)1 1, `{' A. FEW PHI , i .\ N0 tl:)0i)S WE' ARE ';ELL b1 i,;', ,; 1%' I, t TlN1)ERWEAR, r3W.R,A:i'ERCOA.TS'SOCK -, SHIRTS 1IE t W ):t1 H;r1I I>RA, CE,,, WO,'IC GLOVES.AND MI1TS,ETC. I .\) +l< 5 v • { t rill... I I EN'S UN f RWEAR, SWEATER . COATS, r[.)..1 11A\1)ri1 P1. 1lTEES, GLOV11 .'ETC. 3s . Ei Ia";:� ; ^1 11,1,. S`t•i•lied and iv i,te,., per 'Yard ' 19e' 28 ner std , i;{[Ha ,n •1 Zit: lien `yard ....• . "PO \i'EL1NG. If A7. 1'0 II C01 'PON. f,LEECH:ED COTTON AND, SHE - .E fIti•i .\.1;1.. 111,31 WILL BE S01.,0 AT A REDUCTION. 2 o'nty 1\le.i's alacitInaW C )Cts, Regalar $10 and $13,00 at _ _.:$7.50 Uti 'rwi;.u•, Regular :$2,000 tt ------ - -• $1„49 Ple!;Need 1,m ,:E 0 cterlvear, Regular $1.00 at garment 69c' Lor's .C1e seed 1 nod., Underwear, 656. at per garment ` 69c Mons 5 i.:::„ .1•1.•ivy, Reg, 75c. at- at .per pr: ..... 59c Men's Sveks, heavy, .Regular 50c atper pair .- 39c We have; 1•oninants in i>irints ane Galateas whhich were left over ends. Tari ire a lot of items -we can't mention here' -which will be silt , .:nci I, ,h:•ae is anything' youneed ani \ve. have it you will bet 'sure La !get it right. J. W.. ER ER ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST A. Huron. Game and Bird Prot- ective A's,ociation has been organ - hied and the objj?ct and purposes are to assist in the enforcement of existing Game Laws for the bet- ter protection of our game birds and animals, and also our insect- iviouu birds. Folio wing are the O,ffieers•-=Pr: s dent,. Henry Either, Crediton; Vic prra. WV•ni. D. 'San - dons, Exeter; Secy-Treas;. S ' Fitton, Exeter; Asst -Secy, W.Johus °':iet :'r. A •s':rona a :o uti ve board �a Casa appointed, ' STANLEY TOWNSHIP. The Council mat on Monday for its first .meeting hwen the follow- uig officers were appointed Clerk, J. Ei Harnwell; 'Trea'aurer, Geo Beatty, Assessor Jas. Hood; Collector, Thos. Wiley; Board. •of Health, Dr. Shaw, Ralph Steph-, enson; Auditors, A. McEwen, W. J. Tough. ' Mr. Geo. W. Elliott visited fri- enda in London last, week. Mr. Sas, M', Reid of Clinton, has gone to Flint, Mich. to Spendthe winter if he strikes a suitable iojb. Mr. and Mrs;. Ralph . Stephenson Mr. and Mips.. David, Johnston and Mr Robert Pomo. k visited 'friends in Goderich last week Mr. Cecil Wiley returned last weak to Datroit after spending some weeks at his honfp at Varna. • Mrs. John J. Smith. of Zurich,: is Zspencling a few days with her sonM, Herb Smith on Goshen. Mr. Georg? Armstrong of God- erich, vi: feel recently with his. son Lorne' Armstrong and other fri- ends in Stanley. AVIS Mabel Calver has returned hunt; after' visiting he:- Clinton e Clinton river a 1f ew days,. DASHWOOD Plea's^ take notice the 'stores and bu'sineit places of this village` will be cloised every night -except Saturday night's during Jan., Feb.' and March. Among those who are attend- ing the Real Estate Excursion to Texas this week are, Mr :and Mns. Hy .Krait, Mr. and Maas,. H. Rey- r.alds, Mr. Louis Rader, Mr; Fred Rader and. Mr. Chas. 'Beaver. 31r. Harrier Zimmer returned gist week after a very pleasant visit in Buffalo. The many friends of Mr. Chari Stdinhagen will: regret to know that he is riot peoveri,ng as fast a'ls .his friends would like to see,. Mr, Mervyn Tieman ispent the \veek.end in London. Mrs, Otterb^in, and ;son Chester &raiser attended the funeral of iver :sister, Mrs,,Fred• McCrea ill Detroit on Saturday. Hnrolti, the Utile Son of Mi>;1 end Mir*. .uarrond Kraft is very 'sick -with pneumonia. The following t the result <of h' • 1'''t`o 1 of of the Evan- s+eT.ienl Pre'si;d'nt, Mrn Geo; Link, Vice -pros, P. B .Mof:f- ,ift: Se -'v'., 'della Bender; Tress., r.e?tn c mth'ir; Corr. Secy';1?,*lith Ci A,7th^,`i OVt, .ni14: ('rna'Birk; Assist Organist Mrs:, A. Oestri''. cher, A isurp:'isi isarty wws,la hcld :1t the Nom' of Mr. and M'fs. 73enry Neii'scliwnnger last Ttieilidly even- ing., It .being -Mrie thwa+rrg- • LOCAL ` MARKETS, 1 Butter lb._._ -_...•_-- -. 40 Eggs .. 55-50-30 Dried apples ib'. _ Wheat 1.25 Oats 42 Buckwheat __. _ ._ .. _.85 Flour.......... _,- 4.75 3.75 Sorts per ton__ _ ...34.00 Bran per ton. _ .. 32.00 Potatoes per bag .__ _. 2.00 Live Eogn, cwt. 12;00 (Coh•rected every 'Wednesday) Western Farmers' - Mutual Weather i spraaee, OF. OODSTOCK THE LARGEST" BUS/NESS OF ANY CANADIAN t OMPaNY DO - INC BUSINESS IN ONTARIO, CASH AND 'BOND ON HAND $85,421 G. Holtzman Zurich AGENT, ALSO DR r...:R IN LIGH- TNING EODS, r;_"r, _ALL KINDS OF FITIN 1 t ; , to -34 NOTICE. The Annual Mtn Ling 'Of the ZURICH HORTICULTURAL SOC- IETY will be lwld in the . :n • On Thursday Eve. January 20th, 1927, At 8 O'clock, p.m.Bulsiness�Election of 02ficera, Receiving Financial Report, Etc.,m Me eml�eis of the Society are requested to renew t.heir• member ship feu for the year 1927 before the Annual meeting: Membership fee $1.00. P. Haberer, President J: E• Gascha, Treasurer., TOWN ALL, ZURICH NGS CI:. The annual meeting of the, mem- bers pf the Zurich .A `rtcultar,tl g 1 So- ciety will be held an the Town -Halt Zurich on Thursday, Jan, 20th,1927 at .2 o'clock, for election of office etc. E. F. Klapp, President. A. P. Hess, Secy-Treas. HOUSE FOR SALE A ,very desirabie lroperty in Zurich, located :just .so,ith of the Dominion Hotel, good frame house lti' withr.tchena.ta.l r r la gond > g barn, •etch, for further particulars ap- ply to Mrs. Noah Sar;iran,, Zurich.. er's birthday. The evening was spent in playing games, after wh-• ich a dainty lunch was served. The following are the Officers recently' appointed for the corn•-ing year of the Evao,T.lieaT Sunday School --Supt, A. Birk•r. .Asst. Stip. l:t,ra Bender; Secy., Vernon Schatz 'revs. Ben Prion; Organist, Anna. Tiernan; A's'sist !della Bender, Ch- orister, Catherine Finkbeiner, amt. G. 'U;eStr iiihcr ��'Itu1°Cra.1Tr $11011-lar;y "33i F!� - Our Thanks nd Apprec fation are extendeatfor the generous share fpatron._ age we have enjoyed. May' this be your Merriest Christmas a And 1927 be your ‘Bright- est and most Prosperous c• NEW YEAR Jbhnston 86 Kalbfleisch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 A GOOD RE 00 MMENDIVION. ..WIZEN OVER 20,000 SAVERS HAVE OVER FIFTEEN MIT; LION DOLLARS, INVESTED IN HURON & ERIE j)EBEN-. 'TURES YOU CAN BE ASSURED 'THEY _MUST BE SATI i -r PIED BY THIS 61 -YEAR-OLD GOVERNMENT CHARTERED AND GOVERNMENT IN ECTED FINANCIAL INSTITUT- ION. Huron . & Erie Trustee De be -Auras are ismed for $100 or more for 1 to 5 years. 5 per cent. PER ANNUM IS PAID HALF -YEARLY UPON $100 OR MORE FOR 1 TO 6 YEARS. Call and let nie ;show you a specimen. debenture and interest coupon!... • Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY, MOTTO; --SERVICE AND RP-P'BT"4' Have You MADE YOUR WILL?,_ FMxlanra.uq IYwN1u E. C. Harvey &.L. V. Hogarth --Agents - Mutual Life of Canada t 1' ith`a VII' a extraordinary . czar Y rho ' wan g of the tNewest Materials for Men's Suits rt IIEPE'3 WHERE YOU WILL FIND PITIVE Li" THE BIGGEST TAILOR, 6 ING VALUES EVER HEARD OPE, YEARS OF EXPERIENCE COUPLED WITH ECONOMY IN D3 111 •AXING — ,B'UYING THE MATERIAL DIRECT FROM THEMILLS 4AND SELLING TO YOU` AT TREMEN ° 1)Oti9 SIAYINGIB, THAT'S "WHATI'lr'f"S THE DOLLARS IN YOUR POCKET*1-13,ETTER HURRY' AND N.iD GIs1T YOUR .ODDER II\T EARLY,. EXETER — ONTARIO JOHN Mann Drugless rt.action,. eer and Optician: EXETER -- -, Mow to AT WA:LPER Hf00•SE, 3. Tlil1 Every Tuesday, 10 ext. to a pow "-$"*.,+.,.-1--*—.k ^r! -"k- dh—+tar-- *".tir Wete Ready ran INT Season's',' • rat , f `�1141 RtuI3.ANIi' TAl;O:Ti$, W. H. iHOFl+1ldi.AN Son, EMY#A.liaBfES'i"* tAND Pil•N.RRAL DIRECTORS, Day and Night Phone No, Il 411 +1"� 9�+:. f-wlh++iw-lw�IF•�iw••ir�wj 011,