HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-01-13, Page 7REGAINED HEALTH IS NOW HAPPY The Experience of a Quebec Ws - Man With 'De. Williams' Pink Pills. Mrs. L. D. Bernier, 89 D'A,rgnzillion Street, Quebec, ins oi.e of the thousands of wocateu who, when she found herr health fainting, resorted et oboe to Dr Williams' Pink Pale, and now finds herself in perfect health. M1'S. Ber Inner rayls: ---"I waw very weak, sub Sect to headaclues azul wais' unable to oleo Tetsrtimindaiie in the news papers persuaded 'me to try Dr, •Wil Hamer Pink Pia41s, and the result has been met satisfactory, I have re- gained my health, the heatbaehea hw e Left me; I sleep neck at, might, and I here gained in weight. Naturally I am feeling happy. I strongly reaom mend Dr. WiIldarnise Pink Pills. to aQd weak people'." Try Dr. Williams' Pink: Pills for au'aemuia, rheumatism, neuralgia, ner" vouetetse.. Take them as a tonic if you are not in the best physl''caQ condition and cultivate a resi's'tance that will keep you well and stir g. elf you will send u's your name and address a lit- tle book, "Building Up the Blood," will be mailed you prepaid, This little book Contains many useful hearth hints. •You can get these pills throughany dealete or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. The Timber Pirate. Have you come in contact yet with another species of Pirate than that found on the high seas? The man who,:: bent on serving his own in- terests, makes poi:Ltical appeal to ob- tain oentain choice holdings of timber and, then presto! the man who has a permanent investment in the field finds his choicest fruit taken from be- neath his nose. Not content to skim the --cream, he leaves the remainder a source of danger from fire to the ad- joining timber oroes • for years, Is there any question of these pseudo set- tlers ever taking to the laud? Investi- gators say not! In the first place the land is usually strictly forest land, and • in the second place t'lie proximity to forests makes the danger from frosts an Impossible farming proposition for years to 'oome. The pirates fulfil the minim -um requirements required for locating, take out the spoils and say good-bye to the place forever, leaving, as stated before, a fire trap for those whose .permanent investment 'is tied up in the propel ty. Is this honest support of pe'rmnanent industries? 'Classification of lands by capable parties would put an end to this men- aceand would prevent this type of ;timber mining of our forests. This practice is not confined to the East, ..but ie rampant in the West as well. It brings up the old question, of prosper classification of lands• -•-an essential step in evolving permanent forest pro- perties where trees would be treated as forest crops, and our forest re- sources handled for perpetuity—Cana- dian Forest and Outdoors. Further Shipment of Buffalo tei North.' During the past mummer the Depart - anent of the Interior continued the ex- periment of moving buffalo from thg laational herd at Wainwright, Albeeta, to the great 17,0-06 square mites of n.a- Neel feeding grounds 'known as Wood buffalo Park near Fort Snaith, North- west Territories. Canada's success in saving the buffalo from extinction is e,hown by the fact that the national park. , near Wainwright, which is ap- proximately 15 mikes long and 13 miles wide, is not large enough to provide meaning in an average season for a fur- ther increase in the herd, Excepting in a few particulars, the movement' was carried out alongthe same lines, as in 1925, The animals were forwarded by rail to Waterways and thence by,seow to the unloading point on the Set, re river about seven- teen .miles south of Fitzgerald, ' Eight trips were <required to trans- port the 1,435 yearlings, 493 two-year :olds, and 83 three-year olds selected, and the Last consignment left Wain- wright on August 19 reaching its des- IIt�in:ation a week later. The entire idperations were carried out with only itt comparatively few loses. Reports Made by the wardens, who for some Years have been 8'tl,ar'ding the wood buffalo and who are now responsible !for the the new arrivals, iiid.icate that the buffalo shipped last slimmer have whitened well and are in the best of condition. Quite a number of calves were noticed this year with the buf- falo whiled' were sent frena 'Wainwright in 19'25, and all the other signs sloint to the setecessiu1 issue of this north- ward transfer of the plains buffalo: Children Like it --.- So Will You At the first sign of a ,, The lflc B . Bne It first' dose does two things-- relieves the cough instantly and delights the taste. Different froru all other remedies for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Prevents "Trio", Lung troubles. Sold kpneumonia and a1T Throat fond ander moneyrefanded guarantee.- yWI. X Beckley, Limited, 'X42 III •fel Sic., Toronto I II LIE ix rtainti�Ieglep povvet t Surnames and Their RAINES. Verlationu-Rains, Replete Reynee, Racial Origin---Eng.I leFi, Source --A locality. Here le a group of family names; the soaaaee of winch is not at first re'cog- nizalrle because the spelling of the source boo clanged since the names devveloperii•-from it. There is an entry in the reeorde of E certain medieval guilds in England nee Leering to "nnemcerie, canvas, eonin- -spo ,ee, fustian' ehaalons, drags du etles and drags de save," 'ehos,e who know their modern French will recognize the word "brae'' as cloth and the "soye" as the moderrns r'soie' or silk, "Drape . du Reyne's was "cloth of Rennes." ' Chaucer refers to it as cloth of "Raines," ' In the middle ages Rennes, in Bri- tany, was one of the most impertant oommeu•cial and industrial cities of northern France, and was i'n'deed famed for the quality of cloth it pro- duee d, I Among the Englieh the name of this city was spelled in various ways, and judging from tate fact that most family names developed from foreign cities were borne by merchants, and .the fact that Rennases of the Middle Ages was particularly renowned fon its com- merce, theme las little doubt that those who first used it in England, were act- ually merchants, former restd,ents of Rennes, who had settled. in England Of course the surname at first had a prefix, probably* the Norman French "du" er "de," and in its original form was "Thomas of Raines," "Hugo of Reynes," and other similar informs; tion. MURRAY. Variations --MacMurray, Morey- Racial oreyRacial Origin --Scottish. Source—A locality, These funnily names Were originally, and still 1411, of a 13ig'hlaad Ginn nalme arnci its • variationis. The Celtic foa'an of the Cohn Murray's' name is "Siol MVlhoimidh" or "Site Meuairrich." It is simply derived from the fact 'that the elan dwelt in that section of Scotland known as Moray, Strangely enough, however, though the clan is distinctly Celtic, its found- er was • not. it was founded by the grandson of a Fleming who settLed in Sootland during the reign of Ming 'David I., and wh.o received fromthat monarch many favors,.' including large grants o2 land. The family founded by Freekin became thoroughly estab- lished in the nability of Scotland, but it was a junior branch, not thee' penin' branch of it, which developed the high- land, elan of that name. The first chief of the clan Murray was a son of the younger son of this Fleming' settler in Scotland. It has been claimed, however, that. the Clan Murray does not in the strict sense of the team constitute a, high- land clan. In 1745 it was stated "The Murray's are no ctilanafaanily, `though the duke oaf Atino'll is the •.head of a number of barons and gentlemen of the naane of Murray in the -lowlands; but he le deservedly placed here' (among the list of highlanders) on ae- eount of his extensive following of about 3009 highlaeders." It would seem that these members of the 'clan" retained their membership in, various other clans, though they Iiveed under the leadership of the Mueray chief. A MEDICINE THAT ALL MOTHERS BRAISE Baby's Own Tablets Banish Babyhood and Childhood Aihxients. Mae. H. Oakes, Sarnia, Ont., says: --- "I have used Baby's Own Tablets in My hone for the past fifteen years and I believe the good health my ohild- l„eni enjoy le due entirely to this medi- cine. The Tablets are helpful at teeth - lag time; relieve colds and are al- ways beneficial in the minor ailments of little •ones. I have recommended Baby's Own Tablets to other mothers whose experience with them has been as satisfactoryas my own," Baby's Own Tablets do one • thing only; but they de it w•ebi. They act as a gentle laxative wiiieh the oughdry regulates the bowels and sweetens the stomach, thus banishing oonst1pation and : indigestion, colds and simple fevers, and turn the woes, sickly baby into a well, happy,. laughing child. Baby's Own Tabus are sold by medicine' dealers or direct by mail at 25 cents a box from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, - a After a Rainstorm. It rained heavily all the afternoon, and then, between the Hours of five and six,•it oeased. Those who had decided to catch a bus changed their piens and walked. The town was full of lights as if 'some brilliant thing had burst, and reg maain'ed in the air and deep down in the ground. There was a depth of exhalation. A tangible leappiness drove one,'sl feet along, lifting the chin and setting the faoe upward. Everything was very high—very long. It seemed that the rain in dripping, had caused ale things to fall out of thole natural proportions and remain thus in trembling uncertainty, The nneze who walked ahead were suddenly become big -- duplicated --- their other halt walking below them, upside down, In the pavetn,ent. It was very blue down there, the tone one.sometinaes sees in a clear sky through rain that is still falling; it Color demoted' in atmosphere. Where were brown. clouds, too, a little threatening; and there were many stars --strange shooting sta7's with. tails that shook. The daylight passed to late evening. There carne another shower w:iieh intensified the illusion, The men walked 'faster and time lights became more bright. It.seemecl the town. had risen to the sky, and dropped to meet another sky below, A cheering heaven with cue thin stretch of •earth.: • 'Our faces touched the stars. And now 'ottr walk is clone: We scrape the mud from our shoes and close our doors behind es. We tread on carnets in drawings rooms. We are just little mel. again. Ciirriate and Sleep. sleep is largely a matter. of .climate, according to a. new theory. In +sold regions mankind !needs a lot of fatty food send not too much 'sleep; ire the tropics, on the other hand, a lot of sleep ail, very little fat la the diet is 1 the beet rule. A dentist is the only man who can tell a woman when to open and shut her mouth—and gets away with it. Mr,. Q.' Ghaus First seoretexy of the Afghan legation to London„ who has received perinea cioe from the ICitng of Afghanistan to maty Mies Violet Parish, daughter of i Mr. A. Parish, Maryieboue. It is the frelt union of the kind. Some One of Importance. There's some one of importance Come to live across the street, And you never saw such "goings on," No! you never did indeed. When the father comes from work at night, Just on the stroke of eight --- Why, he's like to knock the people down In his baste to reach the gate Then, running up the garden path, He waves to a window high; "He must have got a fortune left," Said the laughing passers -'by. A fortune left! A fortune left! Ye& I his ship's come sailing in! There's now a baby in that house, And there's joy—outside and in. —Margaret Sheppard. An acid stomach caused by indigestion often creates rheumatic symptoms. Set your stomach. right with Seigel's Syrup. Any drug store. "Salt of the Earth." "Ye arratlle salt of the earth,," said the Master to his disciples, using a common. figure of speech to describe their fua.otion inn sooi'ety. Theprlmiary mission of Christianity is diac'harged without noise. It works most ellea tivei'y when it 4s allowed to express itself in its own way, Like true eat, it does not attract notice while it makes its works. hien are lnflnenced by 4t most deeply when it conies upon l them 'unawares', working in them • through the silent energies of the spirit . found in :devout end faithful men, from whom :.there issues the Vitalizing power which lays hold of all who come in contact with them. So Annowicettient.. to ' ED ROSE TEA enthusiasts ENTtJ' 'ES ago, when tea was first introduced to the English Nobility, the precious leaves—then almost priceless —were packed in sealed lead containers. For many generations lead continued. to be used as a protective package for all fine quality teas. Then the modern metal, Aluminum, was introduced. But during war -time and later, paper bags and paper boxes were largely used and have held sway ever, since. In our 30 years experience putting up- Red Rose Tea we have used all these containers and each has some particular merit. But careful tests over a long period prove that Aluminum is by far the best container that has yet been found, and paper packages of every kind the poorest: When in contact with dampness paper absorbs moisture which soon affects the quality of the tea, and in some instances completely spoils it. Having found the paper 3iaclkage unreliable and uncertain, we have again adopted the Aluminum package which we used years ago.. For we know now, that Aluminum can be better depended upon than any other. Unlike paper, Aluminum does not absorb moisture. It preserves all the original flavor and strength. So now and in the future Red Rose Tea will be packed in the Aluminum package, as it was in years gone by. T. H. Estabrooks Co., Limited Saint John Toronto Winnipeg Calgary Edmonton 102 Canadian Tree Seeds. Otte of the many interesting activi- ties of the Forest Service, Department of the Interior, Canada, is the collec- tion and extraction of tree seals. Four special seed extraction plants now operate in the western provinces for the purpose of securing seeds from the cones of coniferous trees. During the winter of 1925-29 these four plants extracted twenty-five hundredweight of seeds, Large quantities of seed are supplied to the Forestry Commission of the. British Isles for us,e in 'carrying out the program of reforesting unoc- cupied lands in Great Britain. Seed hes also been shipped to the Forest' Service of New Zealand fear a similar reforestation program in that Do- minion, in the latter connection it Is interesting to note that the Newv Zea- land Forest; Service is hest/deer by a Canadian who received his forestry training in Canada. Christianity grows. rind spreads, thanes. forming mett's live%, giving them new visions, and filling thein with joyous energy in their obedience to the will of God. When Christians fail in the zest and spice of faith, they are net merely ineffective, but become actual - y the source of annsehief, But where- ever its vigor and tang is felt in a men, aorpunions cannot ignore It. Con,'i- tact with those in whom it operates has its .inevitable Intiuenae.'-•- The: minted (London), Don't bury the dead past. Cremate Socks worn by babies shouixl have, it. Quicket according to one eepert, e compact - Meet for the b g toe, just as their 'gloves have for the thumb, N4811E No, 2.-/g7. r breezing?—'Usv IVIImird'a;Unfinent, P/ant..r fir ho es Ltd word. in builders' aid.• Fraction, suggestions on planning up-to-date sugge building, furnishing, decorating and gardening. Pro ase1yy. illustrated, 4ihd scores ot'actut:l tibllsr`savingsug- gestions. And 2.1 coots for .current issue. x f Modesto Butitie'ra' Gni& 344 Adel:Ude 5t, \t+., t, Toronto, Ont, Bbl Frostbites. Tsaise the pain with Minerd's.. Counteraets initatnnmatlon, soothes and heals, Resourceful. Teacher—"How would you tell the height of a tower by means of a baro meter?" Bright Boy --"I'd lower the barome- ter from the top of the tower, and then measure the rope." Minard's Liniment, ---ever reliable. There's no fool hilae the young fool who tides to act like an old fool. 06D CHINESE ECZEMA REMEDY For C#ternal Use bnay For centuries a sure relief for I,xcemo, Itch, rto+ples, 'Ulcerate() Less and any shin dII awe. Aa natter how long or how bad. are it a trial. Generous Jar ;2.10 postpaid 0E0. v. LEE, i'.o. fox 1422, VIeloria, 8.C. Classified Advertisements., GRAMOPHONE. _ "(T LCTROLA STYLE, HILL CAB. INET, plays all records, 48 setae• tions, automatic. Value $95.00 for $35.00 guaranteed. Poisson, 840 Mount Royal East, Montreal. How many secrets are betrayed through vanity! One likes to show 't'hat he was thought worthy of con- fidence. Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for, Colds Headache Pain Neuralgia Neuritis Lumbago Toothache Rheumatism w�,awas,cavama�a�rm DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART, Accept, only "Bayer" pucka a which contains proved directions. t•Tandy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 anti, 100 --Druggists. Aspirin le the trade mark (reclstored in Cannrla) of Bayer Iii'dnataettlre or Monaaoetio- ticidester of finilcyllcacld (Acetyl saltrgltc Acid, ":h. S. A."). While it 19 well !moan gait Aopltin meant; Bayer tnanurartere, to *ambit the nubile ngainsd Ieetttaioue, the xableta' OL slayer Clompdny' will be sittupe:1 Frith their 90neriti trade iagrk, liib " 1iavclt coos:.