HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-01-13, Page 5uuSeday, daretxar r t3thj Iy2l SUSU 1ESS f;Aarn ,UpLE`Ei. 40LIYIESO Y ���'f.C`TER, bOLiCI l Utt, NOT -ART PUBLIC, ETC r Affieso 'Hamilton fitx'cret; Just of! %tireSquare, GOD:EBXCU, Ont Special lltteutfon to Counsel anti !Court 'Work. �`liK r, r ole eQ'nay be consulted at ,i arch by phone and phone • cbaegee revered, Dr. I. . COWEN 1.. D. S., D. D. S DENTAL SURGEON M DRITZ BLOCK, ZURICH 'ev- lipary Thursday, Friday: and Satue- ilay!Y Main Office Illik r TLF,I i'S BLOCK, DASI'1WOOiD ,Andrew F, Hess, Township Clerk'' Mesmer of marriage licsn�se's. Notary gtl+mblic, ,CDm ni'sel o'n er, Fire and An t- xemo'bil.e Intsuerance Iiepresentin„ Maros & Erie Mortgage Corirore tuition. The Canada Truitt Co... ZURICH ONTARIO , n043% LLOP1 •. .•,. l raldtaate Carey 3'I, Jones Nat - * seal Sci•,00l of Anetioneering Try We for Registered Live Stock Veil Breeds).. Terms in keeping Witt prevailing prices. Choice Wens for sale. Will sell .anytJhine liateywheret. 'rehone 18.93 or write,, teuT.e 1S • .licensed Auctioneer- FFOR II URON & MIDDLESEX Ail IN A ;POSITION TO CON -- Mutt ON -t1 t any auction sale, regariless. ifsil to eine. or articles.tut elf• not *elicit your bohemia, es for seatisfied will make no . cbarg eServices. A?tn ii voosl• • patellar ' i'eber. Ifikrie 15-57 it ateesetea)eeeeeeetpsoeeeeeae 0 Ol� y ,t• e Yom; r Zurk h : '' Fresh and SaltMeats +m .: Beiog>raa Sausages, etc S so ..Highest Cash Price. for Wool . CASH FOR SKINS at. 111DES Iran gb t & 3 . 0,064**). ZURICH LIVERY I •.am in a position to accomo- ;date all requirement's in .the Livery mess, have Auto for hire. Any thing done in the teaming line. GEORGIE J. THIEL Move 59 Zurich,On t. L I V p o U L` T R Y WANTED '.Taken every day till 3 O'clock,p.m. :Iib not feed fowl !same morning ve ern brouglit in. "Highest Cash Prices 1 ----,CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien JPh a �4 Zurich Want, For Sale, Lost,: found, Notice, Etc. Ads 1 MIS COLiletI FOR. SALE A number of swish pigs, six 've- nit's old. S;py►1y to ,C, 0. Smith., Sauble lil3t . NOTICE: • MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUN'C'IL The Council of The, Corporation of the County pf !Huron will meet in the Counetl Chamber, Goderieh, at 2 :o'clocle fits itthe afternoon of Tuesday, the 25th day .of Jann,ar.lr 1927. Ali accounts against the County must be in 'the hands .of the Clerlr, not later than Monday preceding the meeting of Corincil Applications will be received Vit. thie Meeting Cor the position of High Constable. GBO. ! %. EfOL'3J:AN, !County- Clerk; Goderich, Jan. 7th, 1,927. HOUSE FOrSALE Sol'c1 blek hot -Ise, i'ti Zurich, .with -ki.tc•h n ';find woodshed. All mod- ern conveniences, electric lights, furnece and bathroom complete, Good biers artd garage, Apply to Aaron Weber.. Zurich. NOTICE i..' Having dissolved partnership mutual consent, 'we wish. to adv is the pub! c that we .reque'at an, inn merle -Le s trgentent of all o.utstau-l- Ning ac�c mnt:a. Jobnston&Koehle,•. E.ut4ehers, Zurich, Ont. ssa STRAYED trnto my premises Bronson Lin' six spring calves, 'sante carte there en Oct. 21th, Owner call forlsame :Ind pay all costs. Philip Mande 'K e++tip++++++4.1.yc444 j..eief•^•3•+++ Farm Help for 1927 Since a great number poverty stricken . people of 'Germany app.l.y to me for position on the farm 1 can this. , year !supply Evangel- icals with 'Evangelicals, Lutheran= with Lutherans, Baptist with ;Bap- ti'st, and Catholics with Caatholic• young men •or domestics at '2200,01 a year; each: man 'racist be recom- mended by .his pa'ator lin Gerrnany. Farmer pity's fare and $5A0 per ?nontll. Write to Rev. 'K. Gretz- engeri Mildmay, Ont. • FARM FOR SALE Consistin got 25acres of grass farm; located on Zurich Road, op- posite Babylone,, 13Yay Tp.. For further particulars apply ..to Osear Koehler,. Zurich. tf22 FOR SALE RUBBERCA.SE BATTERIES $14.75 Allowance will, be made for old Pottery. Storeeyour battery for the winter with tees. Also charge, Renate • and Rebuild- Batteries. We haveinstalled an equipment for rebuildirg and repairing Batteries Lours Prang, Zurich, Ont. FOR SALE A Gurney, Base Burner heating stover. Apply to Hy. ,G allman: NOTICE I gave been appointed iaolic- iting agent for the tliroducta of the John C. Winston. Co,, Toronto, and can ',supply you with Bibles, Testa- ments Teacber'shelpaBibteStq(ries for Children, Books of Knowledge, Universal hand bookie, etc. Every Book will make a ;very' accept able Xmas. Gift. --+. 4Zurich... Mss Juli Hess ' HOUSE FOR SALE A very desirable property jn Zurich, frame house, kitchen and woodshed attached, good stable, 2 Iota hard and, soft' water, . some. fruit trees. For further particul- h ;Weber. tf22 a apply •. t �1@' �. W r. ar p y p IIISCOVERED 'That the d.ieseri,m— inating Idioa er - �. a WR .Rll SOLE AGENTS FOR THE GT1N1JINH $ora-ut�n OoaI Coke Pocahontasl��varai�bdoses a y. end .S oft Coal ° . -teceiver [FOOD SUPPLY ON HAND "Alar CO TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS VA/MY TO II* .bn W!, "Pro.. Case Son I 4l. li SI Cs ,lir 'M , •orri ► S ? i t r, Ids .SwY °'1'', 00YOOK O MA Mr and 'Mee. ;C•'. rtave'ilo Sunday Wilton, at Grant!• Seeel. A Mr. Philip Hartman a f �i at ii visiting relatives herr?. Mr, C. Ether motoi,Nd to Shipke on Tuesday, Mrs. C P. Sthoe wa,8,a• lrolidxly vialto7 at :Detroit.. ! 1.1'lr' b C.,TSehilbe its .span lin , I tew weeke weekDetroit M1'. George Grosse, who was v i^a Ring friend's in town, ri:tulzalrcl; to hie home in .Auburn np Sa' • mire,•, Misses Thetla and Di:scotl of Detroit, isipe.nt the holydny with..lhelr parents her!?. 1Vi:r. A P. Hess' ,and. Wm. S. ,l olxa,•- sl on 'fiver at, Croditozl on. Tu,.s'l;;iv � to audit th,et bvolkks o f thk Bay Fir' In�r?,orange C i. Mrs. :Dave Beery of Dunvill • 1 Ont. 'who 'spent the Christmas Boli; day's with .her parents Mr . ..and I r& Wondel Smith has r4turneii. home. Miss Suzanne 'Smith of Elois `, Mich., who . 'spent the Christi ns holiday's with her_ parents ,Mr. and 1)(fre• Wencle Smith, has returned in ;hat place. Mr. and Mea Ea. Duch.arrno of Walkerville ea led on fr..ends herr, the past week They are '(lon, t nice .grocery and meat business iri the flourishing : Carder Cilli , Rev. K. G•n etzenge.r of Mildmay who will .talce charge . of the ser- vices i, -i the Evangelical, church on litmiclay, has an ads'*. re Farce Help in thins tame of the Herald; and will !fixe in Zurich MI day Monday and ill be gid to give any infor.nrat- )n . regarding tits Sam:;. Mr 'leery Angel wee, at T on - don on Tuesday and whit? - them )orchasse•,1 a Iorg, McLaughlin car h tt wa;5 ini a wreck, Me, .Angel is ons e.rtin ;,il. 'lim:> into a wreck - .ng truck and. 'will _ be. _a great con cuiMnc^ b• Me. Angel. A vivi 1 gime of hockey was i•';,- 7crt`.iac ed ort - the lace! rink lief en Tueesc3iy evening when 14,311 wood bo;•':;, \ver: ovee and played i. rather slow anel rough gang , wh- ieh resultedint a win for Zurich sore 3-3. The um•pire did not measure ue .to expectations. con- equ'nt.ly the Cana lo'at much o its snap. • Thee Ze . i sal Branch of ill')W ,1- ^-i'a' Institut; will hold their n on- ' hly mesh ig on Tu<aday ev en'n;r T•tniiary 18'11 •.tt ii, o'clock at the home of Mrs. J. MacKinnon A roti good programme ie provel'd J, for sense ono of th., its~nn!z, will be 1 Tonic given by Mr. Milliken,: Priueipal •of our public aehool, s'b- leot "Whic1 is the Moat Worth -a 'vinic, m ki-t; a living of living a life' The, is a ,very in'ter?s leg tonic `. and eve know the .'sj•>ear will handle ;.t a very crndi able i..lnnr•,-r ;01 1'idi-.s are invited: to nr x5.01 rvr elhr membe. i of the Soeiety. Com, with u, 1V LENNONITES LEAVE Soltl 1 ?nt r ' of •fir'1 etnee were b a , 'rn when 350 Menne rite's from M.t .i :obs Iaettl^ms nt , began 1. long j0 ,i sop to Par:IP •say, 1-i \.•rneric 3. T h;,' leaving' the set- tomo'nt5 aro. mo :then o3 a g roan who have r-,pn&i•edtb censored des +atisf'.e-i with the e';lucat'oaal tarns of the province, which, they allege interf x' with the Mennon'te relig- ionv boiiefs The Mennonites Si*ill prove l to Nnv .Yo21-7. and :_a l f•o=1•, ther for their no,ty hoer) under:11i„ n'ml,ices of ..°a New York land carnally 0 • The exodus may tan "he forerunner of a greater mor- ^•rent, Meeneiiites Iealer:s. -state 'Viany others rn the settlements in t:tnit•nba will jjoie the group in Paraguay if conditions there :ar'' found !satisfactory. The group which left presented an appear .nice diff 'rine little rlone that et their forefath_'re on their arrival in the West fifty years agog. ):card ed mays in old-time garb mingled with won -ren and children in full ilong-'skirted drosses and heights- colored, right-colored, •shawls, English •wits sp- okon only • whein absolutely neves- easy, HURON COUNTY CO'l'1N CIL The following Reeves and De- puty Reeves from the diffreent municipalities of the County will coosti'tu e the Huron Co,'.nty Coun- etl foe 1927.-= • • Reeve Beattie of Seaforth is a strong contender for the ward:en- ehi,le of Huron county, hits position being materially 'strengthened by the fact that Seaforth has, never been honored by having its reeve elected warden. 1 , Seaforth—J. Wesley Beattie. I en'sal1-0\ve n Geiger. Clinton—N, W. Trewartha. ILtOc D.Sa ndcnt. x—W. Ooderieh--C 0. Lee, R: Turner. W Ingham' -4.. W.' VteKibbon.n, BBruseo:S--A. C. !tanker. I3ayf,eld—E. Merrier. 1';"roxoter—John H' nneberg. •Blyth Dr. W: J. Milne. ' TuckOrsi nidi--ll.olarnd Kennedy": Mcllillop—F. J. 1V.ieQur'iid, IIVile ti -'E, Adams. Staniek--J. A. Man'aon Hay—E, h Klorp.t . Stephen—J. Hays, R, GoOt.f tfaborne-gtfata Ballantyne, Morels—W; T. Ilendereen. Greet -John McNabb Howielk.—tr, Tngle'e, G . .T.Iuhbard. 19 Wit\vanir:;h—II, Coulte5. W Wn ,vanosh--A,, Johnston, Colborne- Hugh ITill, Tp—It ,s•cb. ('o r. ... t ;o•i; 1, t cnie. `1tu•iinerr • J, L, 1•1t:dwvaii, . I l,l oR2111.*111(,);t1 0.)Ct' t3YI-P1'()11.11S A]S`U i ._• v Yy f• , ictt a"^.rtti iH.a;n 1"oisonoxus --,, An 1lntle, c1nattling 01 Process L1av Avert .Taos:+. (t`.nntrihtlted by, Ontario .0 „Uf,1'T.rteent 0 Agr'leulture, Toruto. ) I±lacls:season a numbot of animal: u _ lost ;ihrt e;gl1 ittrllil ". 'Ylnt' losses aro not ordinary lost;• , as theta is always t1 t:dans. i'u-idriii - in the pasture, waiting the e01411n; or the urtsuspc,ctin„ victim Autltra_. fields aro always a menace, tilt^ sport /-,re there on the grass or in tilt w atcr, infection. Ii dr.•ction by way of, tIie digestive tract through taking fc?od and water, has been con,sidel;;ed elle most corn - mon means or the organism rcachine Its host, Horse dies, horn hies aim the mosquito hate been credited with being cuminoe carriers. A suave skin wound may prove a source of infection. 'filo Nature Of Anthrax. Anthrax is caused by bacillus an•• thracis, it is an acute, febrile disease affecting particularly cattle, horses, and sheep -dogs and chickens scene to be immune. Thedisease is charac- terized by hemorrhagic infiltrations of sub -cutaneous ,tissue and. engorge- ment of tllee4aspleon, Symptom's. The worst forms are met with in cattle and sheep, in, these the attacks are severe and sudden, There is a loss of appetite, breathing is rapid and diffictil't, usually a discharge from the mouth and nose. Affected animals tremble violently, stagger and fall in convulsions, passing out in a few hours. In the less severe types swellings apnea.:' on the sur- face of the body, tines::: are c dematou5 at first but become doughy in tex- ture before ,becoming gangrenous, With horses the symptosis are often quite obscure and are manifest only by severe attacks of colic, and drop- sical swellings about the chest or throat. Postmortem; Be careful,. more than one humasi being has lost his dile messing with ]ti an anthrax carcass. Let the veter- inarian do the post mortem, he under- stands the dangers' and protects him- self against infection. gte tee tee Page ; i!vrl .., m •�.J :r�+•M"I•,lr WAn,YMr.,...wr«u...nl�wt.fnfnnrian,.'�twp,,,ww.w,«:........ Zurich otore ru,x,w+.,ww�+p..+,.ww.w.rr�.+..;,r.wwwr..,...,.,...w�..•n.,..wx,,,n!+, ey• A dd t' n tleiiz Ian Fine Toilet Prepa atio s and handle all the well known and re- liable varieties of Face Powder and Face,Creanis such as YARDLEY'S, ARMA.NDS, COT'Y.'S, POMPBIAN THREE FL R'S, WOODJ3TJRl''S` AND MAN etc alte OTHERS These are Nationally Advertised ertiSed Goods -which have a reputation to maintain. In Tooth Pastes we have Forhans, Ipana, Colgates, Pepsodent and Hutax All kinds of School Supplies and Stationery WE HAVE SEVERAL VARIE rIBS OF SHAVING' ;CR- EAMS, STICKS OAPS AND POWDERS, AI'1`3O A GOOD STOCK- OF SHAVING BRUSHES, SAFF'Tt RAZORS AND RA2OR BLADES' . MAGAZINES' FOR SALE r. Al J. MacKinnon, ' . i e++++++++++++++++++++++++44 .. ..,.,.,.•;,•,; •p•t.e•,e•ff•.nar,.l :'•D•.4••fr'c^ ell I? M.1 t 41 QlOntx'Ul. + COY i'1?�,ATIGh DCi-�ypyy)ypy} -yam Y r, r. ,:.. i A-„,'�i•i'st. ✓r.: in"' -w iriT.[ltewlM ...CY W1'1n N ' Treatment is not stncccssful, owing THE DOOR • T il.l ! II, • ; 1� o :; �1 't • i ; es to the rapid. fatal course' of the alis- t BY TAKIN1a our 1 1 IIl A +i D ease. In anthrax localities, as'soon ` ' t !'” ' ' as a case of anthrax is suspected, all remaining animals should be trans- ferred to another pasture or stable and vaccinated or treated with an- thrax aggressin. These treatments can be applied by mocl"n.n trained veterinarians, they are effective and give ca good measure of immunity at meal! cost.—L. Stevenson, Dept. or Extension, 0..A. College. Poisoning of Cattle by Sweet Clover Hay. All sweet clover hay does not have c poiscnau., properties, a5 uauy farm- ers have fed it to stoc., for years without loss. The question naturally arises, shy is some street clover hay resionsihlo for the disease? Them is mal b e•v['l nce that certain moulds that may grow on or within the sweet :over talk are responsible for the formation l of this poisonous prin- ciple, whieh apparently delays the clotting time, of the blood, destroys red blood celis, injures the vital tis- sues of the body to such, an extent that hemorrhages result. Feeding Experiments. Feeding trials with sweet clover hay that was credited with poisonous properties hada been conducted to - determine the course of the disease. These trials indicate that a period of 31 days is the usual time that lapses between the Commencement of feed- ingand the death of the animal: The animals remain apparently normal, showing no symptoms whatever until about the 28th day after commence- ment of feeding. Once symptoms are shown the course israpid and the victim usually passes out in from one to three days. Symptoms. . Animal becomes stiff and later very lame if urged to move. Large swell- ings may develop oedematous in char- acter on any part of the body. Blood •frequently passed in discharges from the body. No appetite—visible mu- cous membranes pale. Blood does not clot, and difcul`ty experienced in arresting hemorrhage if 'small vessel i11 severed. Temperature remains about normal. , Pott Mortems. Generally shows extensive hemor- rhages in the subcutaneous tissue— thorasic and • abdominal cavities. Blood is pale in color and does not •clot readily. Muscles dark colored and infiltrated with blood. Hemor- rhages are invariably present on the epicardium and pleurae in all cases. Prevention. Do not use mouldy sweet clover hay. T1 symptosis appear following the consumption of mouldy sweet lntin e fee � • clover hay,. then c .. g d at once and keep cattle quiet, and 'call the veterinarian to administer; the blood serum treatment. Ilse may the line green growth of sweet clover for stay and handle it. ,int such way, that cannotulds canot develoii. Keep it dry. ---moulds xnust have moisture Tor growth.—L. Stevenson, Dept. of Ex- tension, 0. A. College.. 10 tint Don't feed dusty nay or ill -smelling feeds just before nxilk,ing, Don't expect the milk or crearn tt be cooler than the surrouxndiugs *Where it is kept: Don't shim too thin cream, Don't expect to get top price for cream unless, cows, stable, utensils, separator, and milkers • are kept. r,l •nrl • ti$ii}�w...x..'::uua,•.,�ti'..n�..,a:�•`.,^_,:9.r.t�*waa,. } SASH, ,le, fi+ ONCE THERE, AT,W \ VS '1 ;I Oahe :} No need of taking 'eff ;t shabby looking, ,. - • 1 ii• . 1, ^ .a.• + and trying to find •+ne: es tits I (-.1 etti v , , . ,, LI ' t i. . a e batten door which dei :'•ns the reoeti .1:1.1 eeeee the nu s:,l.• 1".°,- 4, appearance of th, hot' '. 4 t STANDARD SIZES ALWA1'•: ) : SI`L7;'K. -i' t ODD- !.DORS MAclE PO ORDER. 4 1, Place your order for Storni &esti: Now; a el h•iv,• then whrn ' the 'cold t • th • ^• t ' ,1 , KAL}L}AISCh T PHONE 69issimeivermanirotel L U RICH ; r+•1,+€•+-I••3:•++;4->r'i• •i6•$••r•++•r4•4•44 4.4.•1••i••t•+•a•-s•4.+++++++•+r•+.,t•a-•I• :i•E430 EAI:O'..;ARTERS For Seconcthand Buggies $40,00 and up Auto 'Tops, Wagon Repairing, Painting, �' t; e. IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE RERtTBBER YOUR VGGY WHEELS. HESS - LU4ICH NICIPARINWEVEZIEMLIMMOVIGIEWREMINSIUMIZEIEZAMININP +4. •F 44+++4+-H.+++++ i 4,44 v •r a �r•s• r �t• • r ��h + i• ^t �MMy .� y! it• 4. HERALD OFFIOE Do You Know? ' POET WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR GOOD PRINTING 4. THAT WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH i'RI1V'I`E.o WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ANN NCEMEN•TS e THAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, SUCH AS LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND 4: '.i'A E TEAT WE ARE AGENTS POR TWO LI9AT)INGSSMANTEM! FAOTNTE 'EIDERS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN S1J1'- PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE 01? CHECK BOOKS THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENVET - 40 :p. ODES IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON OR TRACING PA:PER, SHIPPING 'TACK, MEMORIAM ST- ATIONERY, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS IN TWO SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC., ETC, THAT WE PILL ` YOUR ORDINARY SIZE .INK BOTTLE 3. WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INK POR fisc L Alin y GER QUANTIITIES AT BIGGER REDUCTIONS t, THAT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALE, POS - 41., TTERS, MERCANTILE POSTERS AND ALL GENERAL Y12i isi I'TNG(flIii Syr. P,C1 iell�Y y •