HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1927-01-13, Page 1XXVII F44028 - I CH C f,tr 1 THURSDAY M ,i SNA , JANUARY 13, 9927, f our many , a e an Tien , t Our o/rner 'W, G. Hess, & Sisals have; beep appointed authoii2ed issuers of ;Radia Lieenstse, for this districts,. The coldest d y (luring the month of .December Was the 18th when according to the local wee - ether bureau, the• :thermaneeter tease tered 4 belowzeros. In December, 1925, the 28th wee, ?tom coldest 9 I ' yA�MYmY.F _ below being kegietr.=x :d. The high- 1927 in 'Lee Town Hall, Zurioh,when I Clteyetrtr . L. Staab, $1+„25 t4 Yalu? In Salle Seto ix AliIZ! iit,,bsmike l'iElelie CQ a5; d Seasoril,5. GrQe....tinds est temperature fee last month was I the following "!subscribed to ten%�• , 7 45, on the 13th, and for Dace'. 1923 is wa .57, fain the 8th. The xainfal� during Deceitix'ber,.1026, Was 7.7 inch .es, and in'the eaane- month a 'year previoule 0.50 ihshes. Snowfall was, lighter lest month, than in December of2"5, the figure beteg 16 inches, and al inches respectively. 4+—: a. HAY COUNCIL fihe,,Couneil of the To,vn!ship• of Hay mewt according to the Mun' icipal Act on Monday, Jan. 01th , , ti+ i„ B++F,+fi,l+3 ++ Reo • 4 ea ete4 • d. -lee+i•+1++41+++k+fi++i++Ycc+;i'++++++++++++++++++++++++? 4. • . SII• 4. 4 Do Is Now is thetime to Buy your RADIO. not wait till Pring and mss all `the good 4. Music and Concerts . Gine me a call before buying elsewhere . L 14. --- Zurich . zl+++-1 ;b •r+t. •lay. ++' ++ ii +•. ++fz++4++- +++ +..4t +++++;. SOa00pea4i+4eite etelifil lett! taaelea-00tli'gr0000at0aP0000411,81 fib A C, eD4Mf9tgetable. PLETE wc'k'�rc —w•u `_ ��;, M err Jw, ,'.! Life,Buoy. Rubbers �. Before long :You, are Going to 0Buy a pair of Rubber Boot's if you arse hard on Boot's, In- !� t toad of just asking for Rub- w bor Boots, aek. :for LIFE- 3 BUOY. i WE Claim they are •th:'long- .6 est wearing boats yea can• Al buy and you will say so' after it wearing a. pair. 'e a There riga an ideal LIFEBITOY • Boot for every • purpose on the farm, in the bush, in the gar- 9 age, in fact wherever men need e waterproof 'protection for their • feet and lege. • Let ere show you .fete •boot that • suits your parifle,ear r, quii.- - meat. 3 4, 1# II !viGot �REPAIRING •aa NEATLY DoNB e •es11 14;efts,til+e a4'esr+l;i*f.,ac 4+41W. tush,0MatiatEf8eettegOteIB+Pfee0;K, 00000)Z&Oetif t14 0 t,$ 1.6 404re000eeeee+4.•.4k++ r9a cYr,<+effi"-eese+eee Several Men's and Overcoats at Greatly w$ * GA.SCIi.O'1 0+4,4Meda+►+(,****y •w*w11IF**44000000•410 �ry ced Prices COME AND SEE oys d- ill t V+ 4}%111 STAND 814^. ,,nlf{iRMW' MAi15�5�. v el* 0 0. 4i 4 • �• • 4 ,I c • a • i" _..Pfili9NE 61 eaea.0 Declaration of Office; Ree,re, E. F. Klopp; Counei'iloxs, L. IT, .Radei, W.R. Dougitil and A. Reichert ].f,e. J, P. Rau wtus unable to be pro's- ent on account of Meese, The '064- mice Co-ui:ce then became organized tor the .year 1927. - - A resolution was passed that the Couocil of the Township of .flay desire to go on 'record., as bee ing irrevocable 'oppo'sed to the proposed change with reference to Town'sbip Sc cool Boards. That the present system of School Laws satisfy the, immediate requirements of the rural isections of Ontario!. That a copy ,oft his rasoluiti;on b"r� forwarded to the Mit�i:st:ex of Ede - cation and to Mr..` G. Medi, M. P. P. for S. Theron.. The following were appointed officials. of the Township of Hay foe the year, 9127 at the ,salaries (st- ated and that a By-la'w be pre.par ed confirming .the eppointnientse Clerk and Treasurer, A. Hess; re Township $300.00; 'Township Roads .J$20.00; re Telephone $180.00; eeess- eseer, W. .H Edig'ho7f .r WOO; 0); Col lector, R. Millar, $45.00; Auditoee, „I. A Smith and Ferdinand .Haberer 1.12,00 each; car.'etaker, bIi'srl :Ben nett $10.00; elembz r Boned of He alth C. C. Selene; Sanitary Imp- eder, E Div. B. C. Edweeds; West- ern Div. 'C C. 'ECIb^r. The R -'ase and -Clerk were auth- orized to sign and 'submit to the Minister of Pusb]ic Iligeways of Onteriot he petition of the Town - 'ship of Hay 'showieg that during the period Jan, 1, 1926 to Dee. 31est: 1.926, there h'i's been expended epee Township Ro:isle the sten of e9251.41 and on streets in the Police Village o'. fZurich the sum of G861.04, . and' recllifasting the".st,,t'utoryg rants on • that amount -according to the' ;Ont- ar i e F' r1i e 1.� ' ;t #ta3d ems, Mei Vii' » " thereto. • ''r , The Collector .Wines authori al • to, cont)pue: the levy (if -all unpaid taxes of 1920, end that the penalty and costs be added to all unpaid exec, as a debt due the manic p olity 'file annual r'e'king of the sub- ecribers of the 'Hay Mu;ni.cipal Tel ephoine System will be held ie the Toon IItU, Zurich, •on Seturd<ay'i Jan. 29th, at .2 ci'•eiock, pan. Thr 01 --ea wes.'ot deled' to =ubscr ibe• for .night .•copi:ys of the Mun- ini;ial World fo:c, to various offic Jets. The following accounts' - were passed. • Municipal "World, ,'supplies and •subs 43.18; Nomination e penves 9.00; S.S: Na .3, delegate O E.A .0100 t'SS Noy, 15, ditto 5.00; Ont, :F[nvp- ital ret C! Reap 39,,00; {Children.% 1icl Seci.aty, God::+iiah grant 10.00; Hospital For Sick Children, Tar •nf e greet 5.00; D. A. Centel -on, coal for indie•ent 10 00; Huron Co- unty Ele:ti'en Boarl, r. \oter'slist 121.22; :Revision vote'r's list, mun- ;e nal eerier -lee 32 60; Tp. Chr] „ re B.M.&D 27.75; P. 1)u hotel!, fees Scheel Att. .Act 1.50; R. Cam- eron Rd. 1 ,32.50;: N. Stanlake. Rd 1, 12. A. V. Hese, Clerk. Evangelical Church Notes . ZURICH — ONT. Thursday 7.30 pen. Prayer ' and Praiee 8,30 Bible Scheel . Teachers meet- ing Sunday, T''ri, 7.30 Sr. League Fe -1.10 Jr. League 101 A.M.—Worship 11 mem-Bible School, Mr.. J. E. Gascho, Suptc L30 pine -Worship Rev. Karl Gretzonger, Mildmay will preach each at both 'services. Mond. sy, Jan„ 17 at 8 pima. Rev. Karl Gret:.ang3.r will deliver alec- ture on "Ramie'. A. salver col - 'lection will be received at the (door DASFTWOOD Tatum, 2.30 pea -.Aid and W,M,S at the .ho aa' .of Mrs;. II. Kraft. Tues. 7 pee. Prayte rend Praise, 8 P. M. Sr.League 8.)) e li League. Friday 4,10 p.m. Jr. League Friday 8' pen!. Chair Practice. 1 St ndey, l.(1,e9 a :til. Worship' ilea 1;i('1!' S,'h,sul, A,13irk,' Supt, 7,31 pee -Worehip ' 4'e)u t ••)'li tily i,nvi't'd to eerie til 'an :services, REV, Vr 44 MEYER*" Pa toe'. aw•••••• —49 • ?lli,' .Walter Zaber Welted in town en Sunday Z1r. Ed, Boesenberry motored to Bayfield on. -Wednesday:. Miss Lulu Albrecht its confined to her home with a had cold. 1,1r. Ed, Schnell ilpent the week end.: wthi friends at .Bayfield. Nr .and- Mese. T L. W'urm were Su'Aday visitors at Bayfield, Mr. Jack Deichert !spent the weilkeend at London. :,Mr. August Siemon of Er"emont Iliinorse, is visiting with relati- res here Mr. Bruce J3os;senberry of Forest called on friends here one day last WCala. eXiss Louiisa Rarig of Kitelleni •, is ,"1/2iesitirig at her etteter's Mrs. S. &l a'kl r, it2i's. Stebbins of Grand Bendi;s i':a .l:siting with her parents, M. and 'Mrs, S. Deitz. •Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eiekmei;er, have returned after a two week's vacation at St. IVIarys 'and Lon- don, Messrs. John Kipper, Louis Prang, and Wilfred Laporte were to London, _on business on Wed- readay.. • lasses. W. G. hoes & Sons have installed" a new Atwater Kent Ra- dio ;for Mr. Wm Reibleert of ' ihe. Towle Line, Hay jeeei ss Clara 'Weber who has '3 p•- t � 1st few Tea, will her 4j; atti `sem" jure^d t"o b'etikiit: • wail=' ere isle ietend,s' to take a position t Miles Elizabeth Truerneer and Miss Marguerite -Prang have re- turned Co Detroit after (spending the holidays at the h•onie of Mr,. and Mrs. Louis Prang••. . • Don't forget the 'Bot Social -which will be held' ie the basement of the Lutheran church aindcrtlie auspices of the Ladies' 'Aid on Friday evening, Jan. 28th. s.. t is i "14 sN7• A. pretty. wedding took , plaee at St. Pet•er'es R. C. church, . Days. -f. dale when Ct'oi'1e, daughter of of' Mr. and e Mt+s.. Chas. L a,po'rtte•: was united. in. Ln'arriag' to William L, Gea motto, son of Mr. and Ain,. D. Jeroiu tt0, by Fr, Gerard. The best Sashes arc,e.ctended eta the young couplet, filler passed away at her home in Zurich on January. 7th, Mary, beloved Wile tt1 Mr, Joseph F osr,. lea Sr., ,egad. 62 years. She had been sciotisly i11 only a few .we- eks, which followed an injujry re- ceived in a fall 'sent weeks ago. Basil:•s her husband sloe 1s •sury ived by a g roien up family. The rem 1i -1'n we're laic) to rest in 'the R. C. ce, liar3r on Monday; Father A M. Stroeder officiating. " "Tae .riomintiticon. for Police True - Lees on Monday 'evening in the To'e'n Hall, drew a large ate tendr ice °and. a goodly number of citiaen's wore nominated. as fol- lows—Hy;. Yung'blu.t, C. Fritz, 0, CC'. Schi.lbe,,..J. E. ' Gescho, Fred. Thiel, L. W. Hofftnen, Theo. Haber- er, ,;1, Mousseaiu and Julius Tiii:el. Tho two ' latter ware the only tw o that clu7.lifled, ea. the 192? Police. Trtistei b;a.ird will be J. Hey, Ja;,, Alex Nous a 1 and J,tlius' 'Thiel, and frau). these men big things are eep,.cted-, thls year. A pubh,e me- eting thee followed at which a 1VIr. C'ainaicheel of Ing:rsoll who is an eepert en fire protection e•,cjulpm- ant, and gave 'sem) intereatia3g in- formation. Rev, Karl Gretzenger rvho' will hate chargee of, the sax's toes ,at the Evangelical Church on Sunday ariet gi,,e a lecture on :Monday night at the !same place is a native of Russia who, came to Canada with his parents a fav years ago. Ile has attended North Central Col- lege at leepervilla Ile, aid hes. 'sin. a fii'l�11 ,,.`S'oral inipo.rtant oh- area,- in the church of hie, choice, Ha speaks foul different lanaee a t t Fla • aitly, end ' will• gist! first hind tneeer ;(:tial of h'.'s• native '!„-.0- li,ery noel; al.a`llay'ni;ht. kart !aeci1e letteve hale bc'e.i rat*'ntlye 1 `ere i in Ili i4, r + C1..:` ' to to LAI 40 414 i i,:' ae•.i' wee A deaf, •0r iSrWry 1.1 iii all i'it 4 r . Ai ter t THE WORLD'S LARGEST SELL- ING RADIO' SIMPLEST SET . OF TODAY NEAT COMPACT, 6 TUBE ONE DIAL ONLY TRULY A WONDERFUL. SET. ASK THE OWNER WHO- HAS ONE LEI' US GIVE YOU A TONE..D.E- MONSTRATION • 1 a ess & tons PREPARETINESS The Cold Days Have Arrive Are You Prepared for the < WE ARE PREPARED WITH; f'. CAR LOADS OF HIGH GRADICI- UELL IN OUR .'ARDS. ANTHRACITE e, GENUINE D. & 1 . Cola .t f" 4,.i SCRANTON Egg, Stove & Nut Sizes: GENUINE CONSOLIDATION MILLER'S CREEK GENUINE CONSOLIDAT31Q15t,1 POCAHONTAS Genuine SOLVAY COEN Our telephones are at ewer dila posal, and the information breeze e.1.t'i;., ENISALL ONT. Phones—Office 10w. Howe tCf3, '••••41.41,4•6.4.44 M•r�e + el 4 4 A a 1' 4, JJEATJfER GOOPS, ET� Harness Trunks Valises Aufa Res W:1e ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR LEATHER GOODS, HARI?F]lsS Ol' ALL KINDS, LEATHER CLUB BAGS, LADIES'' BRAGS,, COIN AND OTHER PURSES A FINE DISPLAY Ole 1T&WD GOOD • SUPPLY OF MEN'S='MITTS, OVERALLS, HORSE Hi, ANKETS, ETC. ON HAND. SPECIAL PRICES ON AUTO TIRES RIGHT NOW. SPECIAL Conde in 'and'3eE , uaf�e "lispla 61 Greeds:. r HARNESS REPAIRING ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVI0Ee FRED THIEL RI O 1111 044.0O04.s40.40•dr•fs0-4441•d}ar00 •a a e -!•see •4$4•t a -epee o aeo-44-teehrt9•me to 44 3+. ,A + 3+ d+ ++fi+a+.I+++S++Ski'+g.3++F++t+dNk4'.N.p•e,.!•.,y,a,.a..9•.+,e.^&143+•Mir+3++++;,'i,p..g1.,7.''.^,l!a„..,,I. esee^;I" ala 'I ETTER ITALTJE IN RUBBER FOOTVVNAR THAT WEAR LONGER IF YOU MUST BE OUT IN WET WEATHER YOU WANT ' RUBBER FOOTWEAR WE ARE GLAD TO .SHOW YOU A PAIR .EXACTLY deli!' a.. .n.. PI1 L OUR 1 OUR` 1 it 1.1�, D FOR �o s. x ��uzftELlIll:Qrs. � E.CE IN ALL SIZES AND- STYLES. NOW IS THE TIME '10 HAVE YOUR SHOES REPAIRED Manes Shoes soled sizes ti -11 $1.00 Women's shoes soled 3-7 at 75c Miseca Shoes, soled 11-9 at 65c Rubber heels, 50e and 35c pr. C. FR TZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS rr• R. F` ti )AV i' NOT Year's Greeting We look back \over the year of 1926 in .l spirit of graatitude and appreciation for 'the patronage our Customers have given „s. And eat.' look forward to 19f,,'• and ase v In to eentiene to be s ,r basineG:, p.trtners and friends,' ,a Irl we wish or you •all an even n .u.'e Prospero 119- and HAPPY NEW '4"F rl.R thee the lust. . r)oucit • e f':salare/L k-. "HAN 1 •