HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-12-26, Page 8H ERALD The Veople's Store TP -IE PP TR A veo LACE We handle good goods Our prices are low We carry a large stock Highest price for produce Obliging salesmen J.0. MERNER ZURICH ketrof ONTARIO Cutters at Aq 1Right Prices. I have put in a stock of Palmerston Cutters at prices to suit the times. Call and see them. ALL BINDS OF JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. J. H. 1?' ISMER, GEN ERAL BLACKSMITH. Zurich Carriage Works. Cutters! Sleighs ! A Large Stock of Square and Portland Cutters of First Qual- ity and Finish on et hand. PRICES AS LOW AS THE t ,'i LOWEST. F. NESS & SON, Zm4ch, Ontario Kalbfleisch's MILLS. Planing and Saw Mill —All kinds of woodwork and saw- ing done to order. Estimates given for all kinds of buildings. A full stock of B. C. Red Cedar Shingles. All kinds of lumber al- ways on hand. Chopping done every Tuetday and Friday. Field Gates, Water - Tanks for Wind -mills and Water Troughs, Mills 14th Con., Lot 25. J ■ C. Kalbfle sclr Zurich P. 0. MARKETS Revised every Thursday afternoon. 66 to 70 28 30 Barley 36 40 Peas 50 60 Flour .... 1 75 1 85 Butter .. 16 17 Wheat Oats Chickens it) , ... , ... 4 5 Ducks 6 ' 6 Geese...... 5 5 Potatoes...... ... 30 30 HENSALL MARKETS. Wheat 70 to 71 Oats ... 20 23 Barley .. 35 38 Peas .. • 65 75 Flour .. .2 00 2 10 E;ogs (live) per owt,. 5.00 5.40 DASHWOOD Furniture and Undertaking STORE We have now a large and up- to-date Stock of House Fur- niture a n d Furnishings which we offer At a Low Price.... UN DELTA KING Our Stock is Large and up -to date. In time of need, give us a call. PRICES RIGHT. P. Mcisaac DASHWOOD - ONTARIO GOSHEN LINE Special to THE HERALD. Wm. Becker has returned home after spending four years in Mani- toba and British Columbia. Mrs. Win. Henry Stephenson of Marlett, Mich., is at present visit- ing friends in this vicinity. William Armstrong and Henry Hayter were out dehorning cattle last week. Robt. Armstrong, of Manitoba, is at present visiting friends here. A number of our sportsmen have been chasing a white owl last week but did not succeed in shooting it and perhaps the owl is just as glad. James Delgety ¢held his annual entertainment on Monday which was a grand success, the following gentlemen were present : Mr. Mc- Leod, Mr. Holman and Rev. Mr. Miller and a number of ladies were present also. HILLSGREEN Special to THE HERALD. Mr, and Mrs. Morris Rife and youngest son are here visiting friends, from North Dakota, It is twenty-one years since Mr. Rife was here and six years since his wife was here. She is a Sister of C. Troyer, postmaster, Hills Green. Mr. and Mrs, G. N. Hill are visit- ing`his brother up in Bruce. John Parsons of Mich. is visiting Robert Parsons'. He used to live here some tiItie ago. It is twenty- nine years since he was here. He says there is a big change since he was here before. Wm, Gram has purchased a fine driving horse from David Nichol of Hensall. Wm. says he is right in It now, We are pleased to hear that Mrs. Greenslade of Bayfield is improv- ing in health, but slow. We all join in wishing her speedy recov- ery. She is 84 years of age. Mrs. Wm. Stephenson is over from near Marlette, Mich , visiting hor mother, Mrs. Wiley of Stanley township. E. J. Hagan, who is attending the medical college is home for vacation. Weddings are the order of the day. Mr. (Ford Manns of Hensall to Miss Jones of Exeter on Dec, •24. Mr. Wm. Dignand and Miss Ella Richardson the same day. Your correspondent joins in wishing thele a long life of prosperity. Mr. Youngg,of the Nile is visiting with his daughter, Mrs. .Andrew Love. Messrs. Robert Stelck and Will Jarrott attended Mr. George Camp- bell's entertainment on Monday. Our schools closed Monday, giv- ing the teacher a well earned rest: Miss Annie Consit will' go to Woodstock next week and while there, will act as bridesmaid at the wedding of a friend. Thos. Jarrett, principal of Court - right public school, is hoz{1e for vacation. Mr. Jarrott purposes leaving for the West in a few days, having given up his school at Courtright. DRYSDALE Special to Tina HERALD, Once more has the hand of death visited our vicinity,this time called away one of our fair young maid. ens in the person of Miss Sidona Holtz of Blake, who passed away last Sunday morning to the Great Beyond. For some time past the deceased had been suffering from a lingering illness which gradually collapsed into a more critical and a more deathly condition. All that loving hands and medical treat- ment could do was done to 'relieve the suffer, but all was of no avail and she gradually sank lower and lower until the fatal hour approach- ed on Sunday morning, and she was called away to her peaceful abode beyond the skies. Her remains were interred in the Bronson line cemetery on Tuesday whither they were followed by a large concourse of friends. Tho family have the deepest sympathy of the ' entire community in this their lauur of bereavement. A precious one from them has gone, A voice they loved is stilled, A niece is vacant in their home, Which never can he filled. God in his wisdom has recalled, The boon his love had given, And though the body moulders here -The soul is safe in Heaven. 'Tis hard to break the tender cord, When love has bound the heart, 'Tis hard, so hard to speak the words, We must forever part. . Dearest loved one they have laid thee, In thy peaceful grave's embrace, But thy memory will he cherished Till we see thy shining face. Peaceful be thy silent slumber, Peaceful in thy grave so low, Thou no more will join our number, Thou no more our song will know. Yet again we hope to meet thee, When the day of life is fled, And in Heaven with joy to greet thee, Where no farewell tears are shod. • J. Johnston, Jr. Gook's Cotton Boot Compound Ie successfully used monthly by o,er 10,000 Ladies. safe, effectual, Ladies ask Cm - petted. Take ndruggist other,es for Cook's p111 C d imitations are dangerous. Pelee, No. 1,11 per boa ',No. 9,10 degrees stronger,1111 per box. No, 1 or , mailed on receipt of price and two S -cent titanium). The Cook Company Windsor. Ont. rW-lion.1 end 9 sold and recommended ty all reeposafble Drraggiste In Canada. . No. 1 and No. 2 are sold in Zurich at Dr. 13uchanan's drug store, µwtt�..:w. «..aw.ww�.u'r•,n .+M+�.+a��..+�.M wn o++.,we..+..�s w .d... m — OBITUARY. on1Iseoerree Ilsriult. After an illness extending over a year or more, C. Fisher breathed his • last early Sunday morning, reaching. the age of about 82 years. Mr. Fisher was one of the pioneers of this section. He was of a retir-.` ing disposition, but those who knew him. intimately always held hint in the highest esteem,. His remains were laid to rest on Tues- day afternoon and were followed by a large number of sorrowing relatives and friends. Rev. W. S. Yager conducted the ' funeral services. The deceased • leaves his aged partner in life, and several sons and daughters. SIDONIA HOLTZ. Death is no respecter of persons, old and young being liable to be called away. Miss Holtz, whose death took place on Sunday, was yet in the bloom of youth' and her demise is a severe shock to hor many friends. She had been ailing for some months and at times seemed to rally towards recovery. During the last few weeks all hopes of saving her life were given up and her relatives hacl prepared them- selves for the coming of the "grim reaper." The funeral was held on Tuesday morning, her remains being interred at the Bronson line cemetery. MYRTLE HARDY, Margaret Myrtle Hardy, aged eighteen years and ten dirt's, died very suddenly of heart trouble caused by tuberculosis of the lungs, Thursday morning, Dec. llth, at ton minutes past one o'clock, at the house of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Hardy. Myrtle, as she was called by her own people: and close friends, has been. suffer- ing with sickness for about etwo years, which finally terminated in her death. She was suddenly feel- ing more than usually distressed at 8 o'clock Wednesday night her condition growing more dangerous as time sped on and the crisis was reached at ten minutes past one o'clock the following morning when the breath of life slowly ebbed away. The deceased. was born in the Province of Ont.,Huron County, village of Zurich, on Dec: 1st, 1884, living at that place till May of 1901, when she took up her residence with her parents at Car- sonville. The deceased was an exemplary young lady in her daily life, respected and esteemed by all of our peoplo and was a devoted christian, her name being enrolled on the M. E. church book of mem- bership her efforts for good were mostly centralized in the work of that church•. The funeral services were held at the Methodist church Saturday afternoon at one o'clock, Rev. Gordon officiating, the text being "And they shall be mine salth the Lord of Hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels," (Malachi 3.17). The remains were buried at the Port Sanilac ceme • tory. Relatives from a distance who attended the funeral were George Ruby and wife, David Pfaff, Mrs. Andrew Burke, all of Dashwood, Ont. ; Mrs. George Wing, of Sebewaing ; George and Conrad Pfaff, of Pigeon ; Henry Pfaff, of BadAxe ; George Pfaff and wife, of Minden ; Philip Pfaff and family and George Peters and family, of Port Sanilac and Edward Hardy, of Port Hvron. She leaves to mourn her loss, parents, four sisters and one brother and many other relatives and friends,--Car- sonville Search Light. DI'. A. W. CHASE'S on CATARRH CURE , „ C!e is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and permanently cures Catarrh and Hay Fever, slower free, All dealers, or Dr, A. bV Chase Medicine Co.. Toronto and 13uffala W. C. T. U. - (Too late for last week.) Wanted. 2,000,000 boys :—Have you a boy to spare? The saloon must have boys or it must shut up its shop. Can't you tinct one? It is a great factory and unless it can have 2,000,000 from each genera- tion, for raw materiel, some of these factories must close up and the operatives be thrown out upon a cold world and the public revenue divindle ! One family out of every five must constribute a boy in or- der to keep tip the supply. Will you help? Wlizoh of your boys shall it be? Have you given your share to keep up. the supply for this great public institution that is helping pay your taxes and kind- ly electing public officers for you? Have you established a boy? If not, some other family has had to give more than its share. Are you selfish? Voting to keep ,the saloon open to grind up boys and then doing nothing tp keep up the sup- ply? Ponder over these ques- tions. Mothers, wives and daugh- ters, are you by precept, example and influence in every possible direction doing all you can to save the boys from the enticements of the horrible liquor saloon and to hasten the day when it . shall be outlawed, and curse our fair hand no more? If not, why not? Press. Supt. Mr. Henry Soldan, of Pigeon, is here renewing acquaintances. The Y. P. A held a very sueces- ful Christimas entertainment on Tuesday evening, E gi Is the place to buy you' HARDWARE, TINWARE, GRANITE, SILVER'and GLASSWARE. ASBESTOS FILLED SAD IRON Will retain heat twice as long as ordinary irons, and costs very little more. PAINTS, RUGS, OIL PORTLAND CEMENT. DUSTERS, DASH APRONS., SWEAT PADS, WI -[PS. We have the best Cook Stoves made, War- ranted Quick, Bakers, Superior Cookers Povt•er- ful Heaters. Agent for the London Fence Machine, also agent for the Lamb Fence, best woven wire fence on the market, and all kinds of fence wire on hand. Eavetroughing, Furnace Work and Mdtal Roofing a Specialt 0 ZURICH, Main Street, - — ONTARI SBETRIDERZ%BOE 'ZIC " 6NA. We have a big assortment of STUB PROOF boots and shoes. Tho J. D. KING COMPANY, of Toronto, insure you for $1 in case of accidents when wearing these shoes, . They will wear any common rubber to pieces. efe �3- We also have a fine assortment of FELT GOODS FOR WINTER WEAR. Home Made Boots and Shoes, that we Guarantee not to rip. These goods will be sold. at a small profit. P. BENDER. & Go. Zurie Eggs taken in exchange for Goods. EAT 0 IRO 1•ri .t A MONSTER REDUCTION SALE ALL THROUGH DECEMBER. •£1•tae p,,:rna=„�e+3- Ten per cera. Discount for Cash on our Entire Stock, Consisting of Hardware, Stoves, Tinvvare, Hartness, Robes, Blankets, Trunks, Valises, Whips, Curry Combs, Brushes, Bells, Cross=cut Saws and Axes. A QUANT/TY OF LEATHER HALTERS WITH SHANK, 63 CENTS EACH. Silverware at Lowest Prices, and lots of Christmas Presents to be cleared out at C. ,Hr RTLEI B & CO'S, ' The Big Hardware and Harness House. .. C �,,.�,,,..�„�.......:�;:c-�^°�%^nCr.`(srimmrt�aa:Etm`�inrsarnvt.+3+• •iaax�nsmaaumm�.. We are again in the front for the Xmas Trade. Our stool is complete. Note some of our Specials. DOLIa5, LARC18 )11:19 5)VIALL TOYS. Consisting of Drums, Gnns, Watches, Tool Sets, Trunks, Wash. Sets, Etc. Etc. See our Mechanical Toys, DRESSING SETS. Fancy Celluloid Dressing Sets. Fancy Sets finished in Gold Leaf. • Silk Handkerchiefs. 'White and Colored. Bost qua. ity. Fancy Chinaware. • The best assortment of Fano China ever shown by us. At slot reasonable prices, Our Stock of Confectionery Biscuits is Fres +,011.1M,uK�v..a..........._._,..,,.-....-,..,..,....-,tnaIIMMIn:.1,uu.um vmm.rueu. As space will not permit us to quote prices, we ask you call and inspect our stock. D. Steinb c = -� Zurich