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The Herald, 1902-12-26, Page 3
5:; Art is crying to mc," ')roil, I was I a Platonic frienslsllip with a beauty , i J = ready enough to yield to the clalnzs l a. furious disputo with an artist of a gI ��OOOO ®' 'OOOOf3G9 9O uO{3;y�JCpOr�g gip,ppp �p 00000oft Of Art, real •:art„ not tits) differwit school, a wild admiration ; § �,//} poor ghost of it papa ur a for. it rising talc ilt And so I have 01, ,'4,-_ I to call up; and I was eager for become tis f was bound to become, i FARMERS, _�� my husband to take a foremost loving, hire Its I did, just what he said . t • place amoltg artists, as r knew an arthws wife should be -a slave, O and telt t>o could do. 'Lot whenwe potting the waist, the least sappy, �q��, p®Pl�8CJE9p£,�f3f3 G1�7t 83 art g3 oF��J13f3GrE1pf3pC3�9� Jit t jiy��t�a I ,,I �,(� got back to S'.:.nigland--to'I.ondon-;to the least worthy, part of his life, and � V &;' 11,4 6" ft -e r this art which was caiiilag to us to I111 the time emainingr disooritented, ! In order to pay, farming should be able is it tblen that all the manure( Shorten our holidays, I found -or and chafing; against the chain." 1 candueted In the same way as oth- Made, on tbie farm should be aeir"14 thought I found-thalt it had hand- "'Yet you have never had cause to or business enterprises. A suotabla and used in the best possible arrnd! some aquiline features and a title, be seriunsiy jealous ?" I return should be received, not only tion, wittltaut loss fro rg le )chin '' 47� � ^ . ' .dr and that it wore splendid gowns oir Besiege hesitated, blushed, and the ' Sar' the mangy invested In the land, fi.refanging, alto, ? materials which illy hx.ebind had teal"s cum() to tier eyes, 1 stork and Im le naxtts, but also for I to choose, and that it, found its Own I don't Imam And -I know it thq labor andcares;of management. Inferior Seed. 19,&el lwnll husband and its own ;friends weari- sounds wicked, but 1 could almost . • p I>1 many cases a parkial o+r tort�llkj �d s Ilsery Sarmor shptt.ld', fay a simple failure of a certain crop some, and -well, that Fabian was bi�jF like again I am to my bus syystem of book-keeping, keep a care- the u is rine ta!' - =•ate - - painting tier portrait, which was to genlitin autolnxtton, Ful check an lits receipts and ex- purchase of a. cheap oor EnfericM, Make his fortune and proclaim him mranut,g almost any way its possessor pondlturer�, sa io a know exactly dex- bathe of ed witauch seed tr iseessa s a lyeat painter." pleases; but It Inas uio soul -acid I whiolt at his farming orations are that the farm' becomes over -run! -- "1'110 was she?" I asked, in a think he hardly m.lssc,s that,,, g wttlrl' - low voice. Birt• that fs nvatsense, my dear Yielding hizn a profit,, which are weeds, which not Only replace uses*. r, m � � �®� �'®mm""W ' child; you have in" els much soul as conducted at a lovas, and which arra ful crop3, but oriball a vast amouzi �'�q, *�� � 1 '®_ �,®_ � lzo named t$e beautiful countess ever." i causing him merely to "mark time," 01 labor to get rid of. Ttua divisioXC ,, . t H 7 �tg� a.A �� whose portrait I had seen on Oh, yes It has voice to life again A little figuring of this sort may of a farm, into small or Irr Slcott's mantelpiece on tile morning, here among the hilt;;- snit' when i go reveal to him a, number of little fields often: provides nunivrou''M p !N"t,er when 7 visited him at his ohasubers. back t i Iaopzlun--" leaks, which elmlx�t impexeeptibly breeding places for weeds in tis! a,9 "She came to our rooms several " 11 y profits that should }Nell ? i drain awe this fence Warners, and other unculltiivatw "��aas F�°0- tiulOs for &fittings, as she had "I shall leave it up here -with you reward his labor, Tn these days of ed spy's, , LOVE'S i gone to his studio before loo mar- o take caro ad.till I come heels fIe¢'ec+ coalxpetitiwn it is only fay keep- Ns leer of Fences alto Buildings. fled .me. But she found of was fou, again.,, tag down the oast of production and not rd I 0 4 far to cpule-Bnyswator 0eirig so she bad risen and was half laugh- preventing all waste thaut farming out of the furmwhich takes moneys � L® south farther than Jormyn street lug : but there w,%u a tremor in her can be made successful. �ianze sources in kgs farmer's pocket is ueglen-o. , v4, •w from Kensington Palace ta•ardens !- voice. lAng• fences and buildings in pro 11 - . of loss are hero give in , and he had to finish the picture in `'ZVhere are you p n which will per repair, Inferior fences allow, bid �y t„ �y � p"� &" �R t X� " e 1 $�e °� p goring; ?" T asked recdily stigge�vt ethers: , , own and lz.i.s ned,ghbor's stock to in- u her house. Tlory the world swans els I saw her ntorvinm towards the 'df '� P \ round me, anu my brain hammered choir. Lack oS System, ,jure his croP0, and are a source 0,4'.. '•Aro you making preparations for what you said-somethin kind, some- in Illy' head on those dreadful days "I am :going to see if there is a. i 'Oho of the oblei leaks can many constant worry and loss of time, Tj a fancy bazaar, Mr. Maude ?" she I tiring, chivalrous, that seemed to 'Who" I knew he was with letter from Fabian to say when he farms is the loss of time and en- old proverb, "Forto the is vo of . naflr asked, taking up a case which con- speak to. one's heart and made me her, glanoin:g at liar with is coming, 1 saw Tim come up oho a gy becaupe the management is nOt the hors© w�zs lost, Is very a pray tafned a gold thimbiq. sorry she didn't Stop. And then you those very glances whicdi avenue with the papers." carried out on any definite system. estate in such a Casa. � dollang or' But she knew what the exhibition krnew, you came after us, and spoke idled to set my Heart on fire and "But I+abian can't know himself ' •A• study of any old and successful two spealt for lumber or naffs *'r.','l' meant, and she was glad, though again; and I heard what you said Make me silent with lege passionate Yet !" I objected. However that business will show that success has often; result in a large saving of feed neither of us looked att the other as that time, and I whispered to mar- happiness. I had seen him look at might be, she was leaving and increased comfort to the stock she put this question, and I .made my m,a wlv:i I gone, me been largely du© to a methodical during the winter months, Neglec oI you were. And then, rr hile her like that when he gave tier those t0 a conelderation of the brilliant : and systematic. way of doing answer. `tblllt i fallings a leaky roof is often rest>onsible lir. "No; the bazaar Is over, and these ynu were talking to her, and I only ( some t�'ite u which silo foumd so tire- f lead elfcwn in matchmaking, System may be carried to; far so heavy lasses oP grain or fodder, ander ti are the things left an my hands." , sto-ad and lIsteued, I felt suddenly f samE hecaus'e, I su r cal- both for myself a"d m fricnda. a.s to br�m0 morel mochanieal, l>J?y, ppose of m3 j Y 3 but in; the tlmllers of the buildings. Many. "Tjieu I am afraid -the bazaar-? quite happy, where minute before coma' cue eyes, T never said anything -I 4vben I joined Ira. Ulmer and her ; as a general proposition it may be a good frame has bean ruined by a has not been very successful z she I til wondered g I dodn t lndeecl, itilr. Maude, far T knew dnug;'titer that ovonilig, I fuund that said that after ,a well defined plan leaky roof. hazarded PlItyfully, but in a rather I wns rf.mt and naso I knew. And i i lie wtia the man, and, I was only, the th+. farmer Indy was opilressed by oho oil action Iles been determined on it Lae& of ifsaolvled unsteady voice. right you see. Size boat bar I'woman and, I mmst be patient; but cpnsicti0u that "dlmothJng had hap- should be, rigxldly carried out, As ge' head, with an earnest Paco, to em- a p peneci, something interesting of more knowled: O is Nearly all fire leaks Previously "Nat very. IV,Ty enstomers were did- „ the misery and disappointment be- g gained, or new mentioned may pha:size, her words. So, that when which there 'vas an evil design ideas acquired, it will be necessary',lensziess, but fabe rmers als�onlosec be - contented with their bargain, and poor mamma used to warn me after- gan to ent into my soul, when I abroad to keep her in ignorance. She wanted their mane back." found that those looks T had loved had been questioning Bublole, I felt to make changes in the routine, but cause same Of thein think that no - y wards orf t�;;;r wickedlness of Ween it Babiole's sensitive face fhrshed ; all meant notli.ill _ to me. FO, I only and cherished so were never to 'be sure, and getting na satisfactor re- no change stloulr3 ba made without thing can be learned from otherq Gucldenly with hat indignation," ' krnew one man, and he wap every- given tome again. At firtstItllought Biles; for while there was aysus- j duo dc;loberration. All work should be and that a nets idea is necessarily; "How darn s tie--" she began pas- 1 thing that was good and noble, giv- It would be all right when this por- pfeious Halo of Palo rose -00101 ; carefully, planned in advance and all nonsense. NO matter how good a sdonately, and stopped. trig• us shelter and sympathy and trait was Painted and clone with; which in my sight did nod de- tools and implemrntS gotten ready so farmer a man ivay b% lie can still "My dear Mrs. Scott, these girls' bo utiful delicate • loudness ; and to this brilliant lady's caprice of liking trtzet from tier beauty -about the that there may be Ino delay when gain ideas from others that will dare anything I" said I lightly, in i me time and thought and care that for my clever husband would be over, younger lady's eyes, her mother operations actually 'begin. o otvleO f value to him. The e7perienae high Spirits at the warmth with I made me, out elf a little ignOxant + and I should have, not only the care- made various touching references to Use op Time Tables. t LxPerilneut stations and of which she tools tip Icy cause. "There l girl, a thinking w�uman. If that was , less kindness which never failed, but the cruelty Of want of confidence, successful farmers should be care is no respect left for the superior not charity, what was it ?" the old glowing warmth that I and at last, after several tentative All men employed on the farm fully scanned for "pointers." How. sea now that ladles out us, tint- Now I eclnold !have told her craved like a child starving in the l efforts, got, an tite right track by ob- should have well-defined duties to many farmers there are who do not write us, out -shoot us and out -fish what _ It was; indeed with snow. Bart it never came back." ,� j serving that my "young lady" was perform, so tlz^.t their time may subscribe to a paper devoted to farm:- rtlis. And ogle emcl of it is filet I wash thtzt IittIo tender flower- du•11 hopelessness was comic" into heI not very exacting-, since I had not he used to the hest advantage. A intg? These hien are certainly loving my hand, of them, and have made up 1 face looking so ardently up into + voice as she continued speaking, and I been near iter that day. This re- good system pravic,es for the feel- money by false economy. In this age my mind to die a bachelor I" i mine it did really need a strong I liar great eyes looked yearningly awL; m`1.rk set both Icer daughter and me Ing of stock at regular hours each of, progress it is Ideas that count; a IT She could have known how i effort not to tell her. In the flow pYB2. th© feathery larches -1 the blushing furiously, olid Mrs..Ellmor, day. '"'lien stock are fed and wat- single Idea gained from; a paper will clearly her fail, eyes showed me every 1 of her grateful recollections she had y t figuratively speaking gave tike "view erect at re„ ultt.r hours, they be- often) wizen put into practice, repre- for otten that the avenue to i.ha darkening sky, "`then I hall,),." After a short run I was comaccustoine,l to the regularity sena a gain of many bines the sub- gsuticeeding emotion of her heart and ; g , grandfatherly that picture svgs finished there were brought to earth, and confessed that feeding, and tits Iva much bet- bcrgition price. The local paper: thought of her brain, as I glanced manner I hitcl cultivated for so long other pietureiy, and thorn were oma , -er-\Tisa I'aringtof and I-er -had ter than if foci at different Hours should also always be supported, and with apparent carelessness at her ! periz<tpa aloin; her ; but I think, as teur theatricals to be superintenderi, Ilad a -in Pact 1 disagreement.- a on each succeeding day. each farmer should do all hey can to taco while I spoke, she would have i I kept silence, a flash of the truth 'where the eye of a true artist" died of shame. I had thought, on i came to her, for she grew suddenly was, Nvanted but where there was no bluro Io1 er's quarrel, it would soon )are oi' EIIiPleme:its. assist the editor pP the agricultural that nig;•ht when I met her in London I Elly, and Instead of g(,Ing on with use at all for a true artist's wife•, 1>1°tcv ower- but just at present - A• -very common source of sass Is asger and the local paper le prod to the lists of my benefactions, as r:11e Atid there were little v,ar_Tca3n tins to t'llat Is fu:r a ,day cnr two, why-- found: in the llc gleet of expon�ive eie good a sheet as possible„ and F. 11 wizen she had charmed and yet pain- had been evidently prepared to cl,>, . Mrs. EIIIner int^+ rugrted my lab- extend the circulation of each. -F. era mo by her brilliant, graceful, but site took up the lace pockethandker- be answered' and Chir ss rilers to be farm implements and tools. Tli:�se g� Hodson, Live }leak Commissioner:. ,somewhat artificial manner, that she + I called upon ; and as I had from the; °Teel expiaclrltian with a delighted etre left lying in the fields where war changed, That I should have to itoiBli sIFaringtoneand}ne of becamedecply ifts .1 ifzatL unnanfed tist'sFabmarriage shriitTTiatt oe {i g�itrll� I they have been to ed, 5tll)jeat t0 all learn m,V Iltbiole aver again. Birt I Interested in the pattern of tine could be 3 the inclemencies of the weather,. SkW BUCK AND BC-.-' R FIGHT. It 'wa's only the pretty little closed pI t , nothing more tti:tn an episode In his which are more destructive than 4 _ border. After a pause s,1c continued life, and that the less it interrupted t c r actual use. Small tools are fro,- The (Former Won, Although He "'moos c�oars I had seen outside her shut- In a couch more self-controlled man- 1 the farmer course of his life the JI'l � �� Uig �"��� �3,rC;ll�1���• quently lost, and larger imple- up heart. When the heart roes called , tier. pier that. mttrziag'e would lie, thererT rents rust or rpt. There should be the Lighter sea Weight. to, the doors flow open, anti luierW 1 • It bliss Farington's charity 'had was nothing for Inc but to submit � she i,att4r Tlcuans -_flitch �I'tcr �3'ar a place nn Cvei y farm where !in - every Old hunters have always claimed was oho tz a tstu a exgnu'sed again tO` been real, she would have been in- i and to five on, every touch. So that I had read in as I tall you, out- Iyerins, plementa Witty be ke It that while at certain times and t texESted in the people yani had been side" t 1 under cover, her mobile face Indignation, affection, r The diferenoe iie,aNveeu the Germ;:zn and none should be loft outside under certain canditz071 a bull kind to... "But y0al were wren , Jealousy, ssuipathy, and finally con ;`7oty ou do the g, you shoulil I soldier allu Zumnzy Atkona, and the when not in use, A workshop should m0aso is an ugly customer to meet,. tentmeat, before she remarked in a Y poor girl in jus- have Spoken rnit to him-rrproactheclj syytr.;ns pt Sv.:.c1I they are the Ilio- also be provided in cannection,,wilih: he is not to be compared as L ce>, Sho took the .greatest Possible him, moved him !" I burst out, jump- duet, xs well put by ••Lineszn.a.n"I the tool-laonse, so that during fighter with the buck deer. People very demure and indifferent man- iilteresl in you, for she was jealous." In u and plat ing }n � rainy days or awhaz lack Mer- p P, T Y �, great excite- ••T119 U-Cral til 1 ris•utu so.d.er, liosv- s periods, unaccustomed to the ways a1 • ]olid "On the whale I am not sorer Dir, " Jealous ! Oh, no," sail Babiole, ment, with the things on the mantel- Cver much !Ie xnr.;,• learn bewre a war, Implements nzci:y be painted and animals have generally regarded Sorry, with. unexpected decision, and size Piece, unable to keels still. still learn ri0tluil lit wad•. Ulu mond necessaxy repairs mnsle. :4fuelitime' thio as a fabi�, ar at toast as an• i4liiuude, tizrat it is brolen a�ff. She 1 wasn't half goad enougli four you." Onux >id13 nr ' On niktyshtxio pe ant "I dick,'• she altasvere+l, sadly. "Ono fd cast in a dilfureac; mould to th.aL is lost by farmers, during busy sea- exaggeration, but Thomas Leach Not good enough: dor me? I cried i one is jcaluus af, but ne night when lie was going to the the. of Our own Atkins, a must malleable sons, suell as Feeding, tidying and of Dayton. Oligo, one of a party of In affected surprise. I was thirsting i does not despise theta. One ma Ittre to ac't as usual -hr:, hnci just got Tellosv, svhu in tiouth .IS'rictz, took to harvest, because a bolt or same Obio sportsmen, ssha have jest Pox her pre praises. "I'm sure ev- Y an engaig,•ement-lir_ todd me not to new coudxtiona like a auek to water, other small part has been lost, Concluded a huntingtrip at Rum erybodY who, knew ice thought me a scornfully, y, shall bitterly and sit up, Iso was and a tri p p g' scornfully, but all time to ono is , Poing to the Count, and ixupruwc:cl upon iii"o cations to P to ,Ila.eksmitli rho or )Croix Lake, is now ready to make very lucky man.' ess to meet 8omo foreign paintezi boat t"e innovaturs. \1'llat the CYer- foundry i;t necessary to replace it• affidavit to tri^ truth of what they { almost praying to titer in one's -T for NOiooniy who krnew both well could tzeart; to have Moray, to let go what get his na.mri, The mention. man lists learned lie has learned ,with Thos waste of valuable time might veterans say. TTa has seed a Truck bhve' thought that," she answered they Ware for so little, what ono of tier name drove me, suddenly+ a. thorcngnness of Svla}Clz no other bo prevented by a little forethought deer whip a 'bear, and afterward very quietly. `•1Ya sn't she rude To iii into a sort of frenzy; ; for he had human being; is capable. What he ban or examination vY the Implement come back to the battle ground to mamma, whom you treat ase if she eared for ones self so much,. One's juast been sweet to me, and I had not learned the fear of death itself before it hits required for use. In gloat over lits victory. were a queen'? Is she not hard and I coldness to a person. one is really fancied-juist for a moment, that the swift tutor though. it be, will not in- many cases implements are pur- One ,day last week Mr. Leacif averbearin in liar Wanner to , Jealous of is only a tli,la crust through S' you � which the tiro peeps and flashes ,old times might coma back. And T duce htixtl, to practise. �tihon an army chased, which the farmer could well was traveling over an old logging -Akio have odfered her the greatest out. Miss Ire p ton was not Jeal- forgot all ray caution, all my pa- is dcfeat43 ,.>t battle, its salvation, do watll,ottt. road, when llis attention was at- oble, f yens could give? And wasn't One. r„ la heave, I said angrily, `The Countess, lot the test -books stay what they vvi:l, tracted by a savage growling in a Keeping 'Unnecessary Stock. �stue, four all the acrid charity sheIt was see thatthe Countess I' Am T never to hear clePetids�.more ogle} -Lite innate value bush nests at hand. He left thel prides herself upon distant and can- I poor Babiole s oleoufromoexperienae i the last of her , What do you! want loyalty '' pon This is another frequent cause of p and To ado of ,tie sole,tera than u 1 road and proceeded to investigate, tiled been the Objet off oursVe know T I p , a.nd ti?is conviction in this idle great lady s drawing;- i y codas; and the foss. If a farmer ;as more horses and had pane only a few rods of. tlta� a.ssion I lam dl,�c finer for semen years?,, your charity g g roams when ger oho army oho more this is the than are required to carry on the when Ile came filled me with, ra e a aimst liar hus- your own wife Is wear- upon a buck deer "Not charity,child--•" band, a�ad against myself for having j idg her heart out for you at home?" case, for anarohy lurks ever in terri work Of the farm, he should sell and a medium sized bear engaged g g I Then his face changed, tied or despondent mobs. A British those he does not need, It a figure in deadly combat. It was a fierce " Oh, but it was. Charity that was brought about her marriage with he3, and T shook at all reasonable can be obtained• battle, the bear using Ills teeth Y and trembled with terror. Tor lie army has nevem a all history been real, full h heart and warmth and such' an difficult to raise another It is alt- I defeated in the sense of having iia The cow .which does not yield en- and claws and the buck his horns kindness, that made the world a new ways difficu3t to raise another por- � looked at ma a/s if I had been some ou li milk ax butter ors a a ' hateful creeping Power Of recuperation destroyed ; for g pay good and sharp hoofs. The bear -was pplace and life a new titin Why, eon's na hart of a treasure you have ' ging thing that had sud- inextinguishable loyalty, the child; of profit on licr keep should be dispos- piainly getting fir. Iifaude, do yang know whha't hap- foumd it hard, to part wotlti; sq I oat denly appeared before him in tine y y' g the worst of ed I , free-will and the cause of free service, of of, and her place filled by a1; and in a few minfe. he tarried ppued that night when you met us silently considering Fabian b ilh:e- I n!Idet of his enjoyment. Tie draw, permeating the rank and file, liar ren- other• A• few weeks, use of L•he and Pled for his life. Ill the cold, outside the theatre at nomanal insensibility for some min I himself away froln me, and said in ai' dered a, debacle impossible. Conserlp- sen,les and Babcock tester will urn- In making his escape the bear Aberdeen, when the manager had I ates until at last I asked abruptly: voice that seemed to curt through me, tion Is a rent ju Ter lit the rather- prising re- ran directly g g ally ftlrni511 some sur hold urs tie didn't want us any in,ore, "Wllb did he make you jealous 'I had. no idea yore were jealous.' g gg suits in 'this direction. past Mr. Leach' and and we knew tt>..•tt we had hardly no,' � land; it Lakes the traders and leaves was an easy mark, but the deer Of ?' faltered out, No but he inter- trade uninjured • It invades without Improper Feeding of Stock, gat away. Mr. Leach dressed the money enough when we had paid for Babiole, who ilea also been, deep ruilited me. `Please don't make a dislocatingcivil life; it seals the profits it Is f bear dad Irun,g the carcass in ash our lodging 'for that week to find illouglt!t, started. martyr Of yonmself. Ba,blole. Since bodied of men to Itself without To secure maximum !tree, returning than to cam T us food for the next?" "Fabian 7" said she, in a low Yoar desire it, T shall corns doral lit either necessary that stock should be fed I g p, Next voice. TQien; aryin to law , „ g quen+ciiirig or setting fire to i;utell' ens for the object in view, ; morning, w -Ven he Pent back for `]`hero was color enough In her face p laugh, she home from the theatre. their spirits -these, are wonderfnl the bear, there were fresh Glee • now, as she clapsed her hands ta- added hastily, "Oh, I was silly, I '`TIe ought to have married lilies feats; visible to all beholders. Bat it Rations should be carefully Cams- tracks around the tree P gether and leant forward upon the was jealous of eyerybody. You see „ Pounded in order to secure a proper rand hesit p l`aringtan 1 said I car 11 Is impossible to 'help doubting the roportion of albuintnolds, and car- . down on a log and waited, In Lha table,. with her blue eyes glistening, I didn°t know anything, and be- Babiole went on : "I called on him 'genuineness of its greatest miracle course of an o'ur the her sensitive lips quivering slightly, pause I thought of nobody but him, cat to do so begged him not to mind of all, the creation of a military bohydrates, or as It is called, a pro- t buck that had vanquished til oabear a and a most sweet expression of af- I fancied he owght to think a[ no- 1 g6 spirit, per nutritive ratio. Animals s4lauld ; q fection and gratitude illuminatin • her 'body but me -which, of course, was MY silly wa',ds. But he }vent out. , whose Wonder is impressed be selected I for early maturity and t appeared, and 'began 'pawing the S unreason „ Without spetzking to mlyagain. All this w with you ceyalmostarz soldier fed 6a as to be ready fbT myarketk j 1t a engin O wasthantree where hie ,whole face: I gave her only an in- evening i to Myself }vitlz. re- pathetic, asticulato, guttural murmur for an- I don't think so, said I, curtly, proacheS with fears until almost q g• The do protest' at an early age. The nearer mat- , Y ging. Mr, LoaWis quite unconvincing. Corin Y tirity an animal cornea, the greater ; pave the buck time to gloat a lit - In and she went on with a thrill "`Unless I gave a woman all my; m:td, 1'vas an they point of going t0 too mucic. Conscription est yE,t has growth A afm tIe over Ills viatliry, and then drop - In her voice, affection I shouldn't expect all ' the Theatre to tin )lore him to for iv'o herded 'the nation only to success ; becomes the oast of Spoke I•, hers.' i 1 g the i money is lost by failing to provide I ped bins with one shot from his ri- " You Le fi st and mamma b.ur- t, and forget my tvrptehed, In y paltrySpirit which bears up and. glows fle The buck dressed 198 ried on, not knowing your voice, and All, your she exclaimed, with u, jealousy. But I hoped that he woulstouter ander disaster, the inspira- green crops far feeding during the ; ponznds A summer draughts incident to this ; and the bear Y. i pounds. -Bangor, of course I 'event with her. But tender smile. ":rizern svgs thr, mid- not keep his word. I was wren � Be- tiara at the free alone in every lau:si- Me., car. Ni. Y. Tritbu.n•e4 though I scarcely looked at you, take; without knosvong iL I had fore 1 even thought the piece scou]d nese tinder the sun, how shall it dwell counrtzy. Horses in Many cases are and certain] did not aeeog- b y in millions who are not free? g*Lsreil all the hay they caro to eat - Y been farming m be true aT men I be over he rathtlia lz•lvid come, as _ _ _.. ..- -- a practice not only wasteful, but An Insulting; Allegation. Wise you, • there was something on what I felt to be true of you. he solei, straight home, I don't think ,t's, tlairn lieva�nge. injurious to the a,.nimals as well. In your manner, in the Round I did not 1004 at liar; but by the I lie can know, even now, how horribly Toronto News. • Orf your voice, though I could,u. t diear wily in -which site hurried on after l cruel lie was to me that night. lie ChicaGolterorrl. Waste of Plaazure. Al Toronto clergyman annO>ynWeml .... — this ingenuous speech, I knew that' meant to 91VO Ice •a, lesson, but Ise The 13riton,s,whipped the Doors, ,but in the older settled portions of thftt�there are somle editors who tit► 1111ST+]RABiL E NIGHTS. a sudden fooling of womanly shame J did not know lloty thoroll�101 the leS- the latter are getting a terrible re- Canada, the rogtoratl,00i or main- , net .-now tho difference between __.m.- at liar impulsivo frankness had set; son would be., Soein;,• that lits hcui vei?�e. T11ev'rla n.11 tc*I•i.tinrt honks and to a,nu of soil fertility is alreadv • h1,,fnr.1Pnr nn,l ae_•Io., +,,. +a,....,___ 'L'irhat to Do 13ihen Baby is T+ret£al and Sleepless. It is wro ig 'to take up a wakeful baby ,fronzithe cradle kind walk it up and down the 'floor all night. It de, mpralizeta the Infant gond enslaves the paronrts. Baby sloes not cry for the film of the Itbing; it cries because W is not nvsll-gallorally, because its srtomaoh Is sous•, its little bowels congested, its skin hot and feverish. Relieve it =ldi it will sleep all night; every night growing stronger In pro- portion. Jtisit what mothers need is told in a lottor frolln• Mrs.,1 E. Y. Plan ders, Khrbleton+, Que., who Gays: "I canm0t say too Much In favor of Baby's Own +Dmblets. They have ,W.Orked like a charm, with my bixby, wh0i was very rootless at nigh t, but JDaby's Own Mmblets soon brought quiet sleep and rest, T shall never be ;wilthowt a box while T have a baby'.', .Uabr's Own Tablets cure all m1nor allma)nits ori little ones, and are guar- anteed to contain no opiate on ixarallua drug. They are sold at 25 cents a box by all dealers, or you lean, get •th.elnl by marl, past paid, by writing direct to the Dr. iWlIIl&MIs' ' Medlcine Co., Brockville, Ont., or *Ohepect,ady, N. Y. • , , i . I . , I ; , 1 __._,a, r_••••4 +.'. --+ ryas qui to reasonable," she went all. ,-•---,_. .,.... I .,1..,.vufy,a by-j,111A.L AIl� 4V1ti11, I tricot my ve:y uUltcrat to l>le.tscl, to i tir;111n,C', Xil, m *to the Zngj.tffil. • all ImPu+rl.iili,. (111Us,L1tM11. ja.0 . clesir- Incredible l Impossible i __ b Tie otil � wanted me to 3 give him what 110 gave to nig-or at least • ellltrnt ti.Iu, to show hint lulsv happy i his very Itresence, arrul,l wake me. lie ' _ . •. - _�: __... - -----..__.� _- �� _ '-.'_..._ `as _ _ ___---•-= Ile thought so," she corrected. "And w11at was that?" "Well, just en0ngIi l answered me, .ire taliccd to me, ire l told ice interesting things --but all In the tone YT__. d FI �� I P, �� Montreal S I s", � '� affection tot make, us amiable towards each it(, would have used to a stranger, plt.oin, a barrier between 1'' G+� ,� .Other when it was impossible to us which a.ii my efforts ' could not avoid a tete-a-tette." xnOVO; In fact he I,howed me clearly - .1 'But he cah't Have begun like that I lie adlnlr•ed was Solid once for all float, however kind and c0u.rteous he mi„ht be to mo, I had q But the Doctors CouN x o �'ure Mr. Cloutier -Barg He Would Never be Well hzii "l•- You, of you. No man begins by avoiding na more influence over him than one 4,f$Cr Gb? Years of Helplessness He Was Cured by a bride, li.'kel you 1” of tIle lay figures in, the studio. That rr Ah, that was the worst of it 1 For. sf_r night I could not sleep, but next morning 1. was a dlffneep, woman. A •, r !°may as - Nerve A weeks bre seemed to worship me, , little seater fire u u find. I I never. knew whether it was wet or fine --warm• or cold. Every will make a burn mare fiercer I Y ' a little more pude it out. Even Fabian, though 4. wind• blew from the south- for me, noitllier rvilld er iter deaill: could be ofd not really care for mo, Would not 'titinta Tlie o;,,sa of i4ix". giixnon Cloutier, street, o�on'sidored ilei>elesa atlxst be ai' more than oarlinary valnc, and this is only never be, well again. In spite at fire decision began foie cams nYear, th.o earth again. FVe the eh+tnge in me altogether for the better ;but Itis deliberate unkindness all a aJier, 11O La ouchotiero g illaxitraal, dascrves more than pa as- one of a series of remarkable turas I use Of T)ar, Char:el Nemvca Food same months app, and X. were away, you know, in Normandy and Brittany-whlan I} try to think load suddenly cleared my sight uticl m fnlg notfpc„ beca,uso his ca a was tin^ that have green brpnlglxt about by ogle 'Chase ,$ am Convfnced float I owe my life to Y of,110avaan(I ,always sea the sea with the It, spawn me that I was beating, my soul against a xeek of hard, l usaally severe. lOnn. Mr. Cloutldat use, of lir. Nerve Food. 2r. pdaaOn Ciotttiear, shooxnakar, x L0 this medlelite. I have, now boon a,t that for cocas two weeks and laelievla s'irn ou and the long stretches cf rsa'ad, Before we came back I selfishness. He eves nicer to me to we ,a,s six yearg ways an invalid, unable to attend to La„gpublietietco street, iYiontreal,. G,�ur'., that my health has beatu lolly re. knew -I felt-tluat a change was after after a while, for he began to find+ out that he bad lost Something when hid work, alid much of his time was stater: "F,0r dirt years I was not able to work, my norves were all un- storod. It Is a pleasure for me to add ru> , tentxmon(y to the hosts of otihM coming, that life would not be al- waysi like, thq,tt ; but I did not kncvir, I made acquaintances who thou Ito g q.etit in the hospitals of Montreal. d�aris gave kcoti n0 hope, of ro- Strung and mss dl,gastxon bid. I bald ears from parsone who have been oUret of cottx,5�e, I cotlici Writ know, what a I c l me first Interesting;Ind amusing. presently a in novo asked me for covesy.btxt, On the contrary, told h9,m cove spvEn'o atrEapks Ot hoad>aclte, could not steer, and suffered with shooting; by thin wondErfttl mc:ciicln0. Dr. Chas©'s Neave P.00,% 5U center great cls, would be. Fabian said, "Ouar, holkiaY Is over now* dear- m anon he rejected lie never wanted It; he Is that ha would never be well again, , A tre�atxngllt that restore to thins+ to the F•Waal f mm bask I was �n a boar) 6 boxes for $2,50, a,•t fist„ win mt"Rt' ,get to work agaill I bfy, always ab- sorbed in half a dozen new passions; will good health a perean, whose case was four hotopl't•alm, but the doctors a0uld not cure axe. They) oAld I would dealers; or, Pd;m,airson, tatea & , %oronito. , ; : 1 , �, .... .,.. . .. • , .. - -... 1'