HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-12-26, Page 1VOL TIL, NO.22. The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. UCH, ONT., FRIDAY, DEC. 26, 1902. CHUR01-+VES. T, BONIFACE, Cathollo, Order of serviee for the summer, Sundays: High Mass at 9.30 a, m. ; Cate- ehism and Instruction at 10.30 o'clock: Vespers and Benediction 'of the Most Blessed Sacrament at 7 p, m. Holy Days: High Mass at 0 o'eloek; 'Vespers and Benediction at 730. p. tn, Week Days: Mass every morning at 7.30' o'clock; First Fridays, Mass with Exposition at 8 o'clock; The Holy Hour, or one Motu' b visit to oar Lord in the Blessed Saeramet every Sat- urdy evening from 7 to S. Baptism on Sundays at 2 o'clock. The Communion Sundays before Mass at 8 o'clock. Rev. Father Valentine, Parish Priest EVANGELICAL, German and English • Sunday services: - German, at 10.45 o'clock a. m, English, 7 o'clock p. in., Sun. school at 2 p. m. Tuesday evening; Junior Alliance, at 7, Senior Alliance, at 8, h oir practice at 9. Wednesday evening; German prayer meeting, at 7.30. Thursday evening; English prayer meeting at 7.30. Friday evening; Teachers' 'fleeting at S. Rev. W. J. Yaeger, Pastor. geutf cite ev. lots). St. petri I(i ct e eottesbienft norm. I)alb kk U r uub abenbs 7 L1t1r• Samjtagf cliule norm. to 21E?r. .,ehrerverjammlung 2.11ittwoct2 abenbs um halb8. E Shciilfe. paftor. i Z . BACHAND, St. Joseph. • Notary Public, Fire and Lifein- suranee Agent, Money to Loan, either by private funds or loan companies. ® J. D. COOKE, (Late with Garrow & Proudfoot) Barris- ter, Solicitor, Notary Public. lieusall, Ontario. j)ROUDFOOT & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public etc, etc. Cor. Square and North Street, Goderich, Ontario w. py0UDF00'r K. C. R. C. HAYS E ZELLER, Clerk 10th Div. Court, Huron Commissioner for taking Affidavits, Conveyancer etc. Valuator for the Hu- ron and Erie Loan and Savings Co. Office— Zeller Block. Zurich Ont. E BOSSENBERRY,Licensed Auctioneer for Hur- on County, respectfully solicits the pat- ronage of those who intend having sales. Satisfaction guaranteed. pHILIPLie SIPPensed LE tionear for the County of Huron. I would request those having sales to call on me. Terms moderate; satisfaction guaran- teed, Your patronage solicit:d. R. F. A. SELLEE Y Dentist, graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor graduate of Department of Dentistry, Toronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Monday. 1-26 9 ®G. STANBURY, B. A. Successor to OOLLINS STANBURY BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, Conveyancer, Money to Loan on Village and Farm Property at lowest rates of In- terest. Documents in original German rend and advised upon. • ZURICH COURT ATTENDED Office over O'Neil's Bank. Exeter. 0****4003*4tf3********tiofJtToCr?**0 tir .0 thi G 0. qi 43 THE t:7 Ila til ID 0 • COMMEBCIIL HOTEL ▪ tyt 0 o 0 ZURICH tlt ^u.;i 0 .0 W 0 {if • Strictly up-to-date in modern im • provernents. Diningroomsis sup - O plied with only the very best. 11 ¶ Bar contains choice liquors and cigars. 11 ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ eil U Excellent Sample Rooms it} for Commercial. Men. .CO ,.. 0 0 is LOWS FOSTER, PROP. 4100",1001'3f'J�f34�3*ta�4).iik�*t300€swi+t d:F�*u*s a ay "Che 'oininionr, '113olu53e tmeatmatankiworsiti Equipped with all nmodern conveniences. FirSt-class accommodation to commer- cial travellers. Bar and din- ing room always suppled with tlio best obtainable, G,' L. Shoemacher, Prop, ZURICH THE SOVEREIGN BANK of Canada HEAD OFFICE TORONTO EXECUTIVE OFFIOES - MONTREAL Authorized Capital - $2,000,000,00 Capital paid up - - $1,200,000,00 —OFFICES AT— Creditor' &.Exeter Savings Heparttnent. Interest allowed on. deposits of I;11,C0 and upwards. SPECIAL • attention to farmers business.' Remittances Safest Methods. Bost Rates. ALL ENDS OF MEG B1ISINSS BONE MANAGERS: F. E. KARN, C. W. GILMOUR, Exeter. Crediton. F. W. GLADMAN, Solicitor. SALE REGISTER. FARM FOR SALE. 140 Acres. Composed of Lot 20, in the Lake Road East Concession of the Town- ship of Hay. Good sized Barn with stone stabling underneath; France Dwelling and other outbuildings. This farm is nicely situated on first-class gravel road, within 2:4 miles of St. Joseph.. Price low and terms to suit purchaser. For particulars, apply to E. ZELLER, Zttlatca: CONISTY CIlNCIII ELECTION COUNTY OF HURON. FUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY 11 given that a meeting of the electors of County Division No. 3, composed of the municipalities of the townships of Hay and Stanley, entitle villages of Hay- field and Hensel!, will beheld in the TOWN HALL, ZURICH, ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 2.2m1, 1002, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. in., for the pur- pose of nominating candidates to represent t'iein in the council of the County of Huron, fol• the years 1903 and 1004, and that in cage a poll is demanded, polls will be open- etLon the 5th „DAY OF JANUARY 1903,in eablt polling sub division at the Hine and place fixed by by-law of the municipalities in the said county division. FSEs) HEss SR., Nominating Officer for 19 -St Division No. 3. Dated this 4th day of December 1902. Cutters. Sleighs, F. Hess and Son have a large stock of Square and Portland Cut- ters of first quality and finish on hand. Prices are as low as the lowest. You will need to see their stock to appreciate the values they are offering this season. 2)0.tf NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the 28th Annual Meeting of the Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on JANUARY 13th, A. D. 1903, at Ono o'clock P. M. BUSINESS-- Re- ceiving the Directors' and Secretary - Treasurer's annual reports; Election of Directors and the discussion of other business for the good and welfare of the Company. Ali members are requested to attend. METER 1)ornL4s, ESQ, HEnrnY EILRRII, 22.31, President. Secretary. • NOTICE. • Take notice that I have applied to the licence commissioners of South .Huron for permission to transfer my hotel license in the Village of St. Joseph to L. G. Routhier. Any objectionsagainst said transfer must be lodged with the inspector on or before the 1st day of January 1903. Dated at St. Joseph, Doc. 18, 1002. Witness, 2+2-2 Ernest Primeau. Eug. Docigneul. Ast Too many asthma sufferers give Up their search for cure, believing that their particular case is beyond the con- trol of scientific treatment. It is oily necessary to point all such to a new hope in Dr. Chase'3 Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine, the one great remedy which has proven its efficiency not only as a prompt re- lief, but also as a. thorough cure fur asthma. Mrs. George • Sudden, Putnamviile, Ont., says :—"I feel It my duty to re- commend Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine, as 1 had the asthma. very bad; could get nothing to do me good. .A. friend of mine persuaded me to try this remedy, I did so, and it cured me." It is impossible to imagine a 'better treatment for asthma than Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine. II soothes the excited nerves, clears the bronchial tubes, gives prompt relief to the frightful spasms, and, when used regularly, thoroughly and Permanently cures asthma, 25 cents, all dealers', or > dmanson. Hates & Co.. Toronto, Dr Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine. 1 ZU Q H PIN Services were held in the Luth- eran church on Christmas Day. Mr. William Johnston is assist- ing at the Hensall fl:o'ctr mills this week. Mics Maggio Nell, of East • Sagi- naw, is visiting her parents in town, F. W. Hess will be en with his Edison Phonograph. New music. Mr. William Lehman, don, is Visiting his parents at Bron- son line. Miss Celia Smith of , r(' - turned on Wednesday evening., to spend the holidays. There will be good lint, the piana by Miss Minnie and Miss Ethel "iV illiarns. Mrs. Baker and son, Everett, Mich., are visiting 'Mr, ip,p- hardt and Mrs. Soldan, Mrs. D. Gottschalk an family of Bad.Axe, Mich are VisitingMr. 1 Lehman's, Bronson li• clock ph• of Lon the B Detroit veninu sic on Doan of H. L d at ne. All aboard for the Concert in the Town Hall. New Years eve, Dee. 31st See bills for particulars. Messrs. Sans. and John Holtz- mallll are spending the Christmas holidays with Chesley friends. Mr. Nicholas Deichert, better L PER YEAR. INITY Christmas Geetings to all our friends and subscribers. Mr. J. B. Dennis of Woodstock is spending Christmas with Mrs, Dennis. Work on the big block at St. ;Joseph is stopped for want of material. Ideal Christmas weather, but a little more snow needed to make sleighing. - ilavo you renewed your subscrip- tion to THE HERALD? Now is a good time to do it. Miss Diana Rickbeil is spending Christmas with Mr. F. Kibler's family at Brampton. Mr. Louis Preeter and Miss Eidt both of Dashwood were united in marriage on Tuesday. Mr, John Wagner returned from Dakota this week. He was one of the harvest excursionists of this section. BENDER—BATTLER. A very happy event took place at the home of Mr. Wm. Battler, Babylon line, Hay tp,, on the even- ing of Dee. 10th, on the occasion of the marriage of his daughter, Maria, to Jc-hn Bender, of Dash- wood, Ont., Bender acted ]mown as `•Niekie", is home from 88 groomsman and as Detroit, fora visit with parents. bridesmaid, both of Dashwood. The young couple presented a very Mr. Samuel Holtzilltann, who has charming appeura.nee. The mar - boon in Michigan the past year, re- riage ceremony was performed by turned home on Sai.turday evening. the Rev. W. J. Yager, of Zurich, in the presence of about one hun- dred guests. The presents were mostly all useful and pretty. After the ceremony a sumptuous mar- riage supper was enjoyed by the many guests. The good things for this occasion were prepared by Mrs. Battler and would have been a credit to an expert baker. .A. large number of the guests were froth. Dashwo'xl and a goodly num- ber from Zurich. The young couple have the good wishes of the communities where they reside. Meanwhile they have taken tt, trip East, where the bride has many relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Bender expect to live , near Dashwood when they will settle down to the stern realities of life. Mr. Daniel Fisher and .wife, of` Elkton, Mich., were here this week, t"ttending the funeral of the late C. Fisher. Miss Clara Buchanan and. Mr. Norman Buchanan, both students at Toronto, are hero spending the holidays. Mr. anc. Mrs. Jakob Saral'as and Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Johnston visit- ed at Mr. J. C. Kalbfieisch's, loth Con. on Sunday. Don't miss the Concert in the Town Hall, Zurich,New Year's eve, Dec. 31st. Hear Billy McLeod and Miss Freda Baker sing. Mr. Henry Howtalrl has under-, taken to build a new kind of engine for the purpose of supplying power for manufacturing peat. The Christmas Treo entertain- ment in. the Lutheran church on Wednesday evening was a splendid success. A large crowd was in attendance. A large turn -out of parents and friends greeted the scholars of the public school on Friday afternoon. The progratan was a good one and well rendered. Mr. Ed. Wurm, of the "Soo," arrived bore Monday evening. He will remain a few weeks. Eddie says trade i.. rattier quiet in New Ontario just now. Mr. Harry Bassenberry, of Grand Bend, has taken possession of the Queen's Hotel at St Joseph. Harry is a good hotel elan and will .snake a success in the city. Mr. Josiah Geiger of North Da- kota is 'visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Moses Geiger, Bronson line. Their son Alfred, of Napier- villo college is also at home for the holidays. Mr. Jacob Geiger from near Pig- eon, a native of this section, is renewing acquaintances and visit- ing relati vos here. He arrived on Wednesday evening. We are al- ways glass to shake hands with old school -mates. Was it an apparition?—New s - paper work must be on the slack less than a hundred utiles from here, when the editor and his "devil" . take to the woods,—one with the saw, the other with the axe, or it may be our reporter "had it" and imagined tbo sight. At this season of the year a printer is not "at home" on the road or in tlle' swamp. YOUR, OPPORTUNITY • TO GET WELL. Yon are offered Dr. Chase's Nerve Food as the most perfect restora- tive. • blood creator sand system builder that was ever preparers. The name of the discoveror, Dr,. A. W. Chase, is enough to guarantee this, and besides yoit have the testimony of scores and hundreds of cured 01105 in, every peat of Can- ada and the United States. You, can use it knowing that it is bound to do you good. On Monday evening the officers of the Tunior Alliance met et the home of Mies Lydia Faust, in the form of a surprise - party. The president, Emanuel Holtmlann, gave :t. sbnrt address, after which Miss Faust wn.y presented with a beautiful rocker. Kind nppreeia- tive, words were spoken by Miss Faust and kindly thanked them for the present. A pleasant everting was spent in singing, and planing. Mfiss Faust then passed a lunch, giving them n taste of her Christ- mas o.ikm. All left for their homes, wishing Miss Faust a. it errry Christmas and a happy New Year, COUNTY NOMINATION. The nomination for Division No. 3 was held in the Town Hall on Monday, F. Hess, Sr.. nominating officer presiding. The following nominations,were made :—William Lamont, John McNaughton and Alex. Fraser, of Stanley Tp. ; Robert McMordio and William Consitt, of Hay Tp. All accepted the nomination except Mr. Fraser, who declined to be a candidate. After nomination closed, a public meeting was called and Mr. Hess chosen as chairman, who conduct- ed the meeting in a very satisfac- tory manner. Besides the speeches by the candidates, MIr. Torrance, who has been one of our represen- tatives for the past six years, gave a very interesting address and also Mr. George McEwen, M. P. for this Riding. Mr. Lamont's re-election is conceded by all, as he has been a very able representative and had Mr. Torrance remained a resident of this division. there is no doubt, both would have been again elect ed by acclamation. The fight for Mr. Torrance's place will therefore be between Consitt, McMordie and McNaughton, with the chances strongly in favor of the latter. Mr. McNaughton is a very strong and popular man in his own Township, having been in the municipal coun- cil of- Stanley for a number of years and reeve for the. past two years, Messrs.- Lamont and Mc- Naughton will make a strong team for No. 3 division, and will be sure to represent us in a most efficient manner. 1 tl ronchiiis " 1 have kept Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral in my house for a great many years. It is the best medicine in the world for coughs and colds." J. C. Williams, Attica, N. Y. All serious lung troubles begin with a tickling in the throat. You can stop this at first in a single night with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Use it also for bronchitis, consumption, hard colds, and for coughs of all kinds. Three sizes: 25e., enough for an ordinary cold, Wu.. just tight for bronchitis, hoarse- ness, bard colds, etc.; its, most economteai for chronic cases nod to keep on hand. J, 0, A;'IfR 00, Lowell, Mass. Christmas Time 44,1 MJ1.. .omoosotagoacokaortu,c ornoy,,ov W tAf YIN We invite yon cordially to make your selections as early as possible. Our stock is large and cheaper --ytu than ever shown before in Zurich. FANCY DISHES CELLULOID GOODS e�aa Vases Cups & Saucers Cheese Dishes Fruit Dishes Card Trays .➢ardh hers Albums Collar 6: Cuff Boxes Handk. Cases Toilet. Cases Photo Holders Toys of all descriptions DRUMS HORSES DOGS CRADLES SWINGS CUPBOARDS ROCKERS EASY ('HAIRS So many more that'space does not allow us to mention. Call in and See for yourself. We can please you. FAUST, ZURICH. sumra^n-,r.„, •3717MlY 4 T E NEW 111P 5a 3 Every Pair Guaranteed Per= feet or Money Refunded. . Heaviest Sole made on any Rubber, Ca C and see -.thele, CHAS. FR /T2 THE SHOEMAIV ZURICH, ONTARIO w•utter and Eggs taken in exchange. FALL X -- We have just opened up our New Fall Dress Goods in all the New 'Lines and Shades in Home-sfauns Box -cloths Ladies_, Cloth Zibalines Meltons and all kinds of Plain and Fancy Black. We would ask you to look through our Stock before purchasing, as we have exceptionally (;00D VALUES and can save you money. We have also opened a case of Mill ends of Flannelettes, from 5 to - 10 yrud ends, good, clean stock, which we are running out by the piece at a big reduction, Flannelette Blankets, 60. cents a pair ttirCALL EARLY AS 'THEY' ARE MOVING OUT FAST.'ct eter, Greb Block Zurich Oat. AT TIIE ZURICH SADDLERY AN FURNITURE y'USE FANCY ROCKERS PARLOR SUITES CHILDREN'S ROCKERS R; CHILD'S .r0Y SETS [table, 2 chairs] CHILD'S SLEIGHS DOLL CABS GO-CARTS CROKINOLE BOARDS FANCY TABLES and COUCHES FINE PLTSII RUGS ROBES WHIPS TRUNKS BAGS PURSES & WALLETS For Ladies and Gents ' CHATELAINES SCHOOL DAGS High Grade Organs and Pianos, MM. *N"',77=1.....11...,1,