HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-12-12, Page 8B 1." ' E ;G. [J i- l C i. H L H .A LID The T E We handle good goods Our prices are low We carry a large stock Highest price for produce Obliging salesmen GOiHEN LINE i'. pecial to Tnn Iia+i)a\Li.). Mr. Eddie Schnell, of Zurich, spending aL few nays Mr. Robert in vain , as often. in turn would he llcC line hey 's, urge his.trie.acl to take the .social Messrs. Mike Kennedy toad 1'i'ml glass in vain, On one occasion the AIS 'AR Staidi11 have completed their jot) latter agreed. to 101(1 to him and as ' of cutting wood. 'at William La- they walked. up to the bar together.,12212 and power ; but 11e had aL passion for brandy:, which nothing (m'a'rl control, Osten in his walk eL friend rcuionstra.totl with lurid, but ` tho h Ix 1 ceper sail '(�ontlou1on tltont'S. - �e•11att w ill you have?" Wine, nig,. Mir. Charles Johnston and wi1`0 'l\ a' t11ee reply. The glasses tn•ere ;,pant Sttndtiy with. ML'. 011:1 •i11 fillrt1 ttni1 tho frionds stood • ready Dov,•son• to pledge each other in eternal • 1r.Ir, Charles- Snaith, 'while not friendship, wllc'n the , young man visiting on Sunday, was treed paused end' said to his intennperate - (teale_raph-poled) by a. sild, animal, friend, no if I drink this glets5 which afterwards turned out to be and become a drunkard, will you PAINTS , T. M. Robinson's big cat. talo? • the responsibility?. The • Mr. William Fee is buying, up +a drunkard looked at him and said - carload of Horses for shipment to Set down that glass !" It was set Manitoba. down and the two walked away Mr. Samuel Erra.tt was the guest without sa.ying a. word. Well does of Mr. Edward Robinspn, Ian sea_ the chamkard know* , rho fearful clay consequences which follow frog. MissRachellleC;linchey i, crit taking •the firs t glass. Maddened ing friends near London. as he may be by an appetite which i he can not resist he is unwilling to Mr. Charles Reannan and wilt' I tasstime the responsibility of lead - visited at Seal'orth, this week. ! ing another to follow in the course Mr. Wilson Armstrong list at .11e is treading. And it many a valuable mare recently. J. D. MERNER ZURICH R1:WARE Ii the place to buy our TINWARE, sILVER,and GLASSWARE. GRANITE ASBESTOS FILLED SAD IRONS, Will retain heat twice as long as ordinary irons, and costs every little more. SLASTOWN n Special to TEE HEF�AL' 1).. sibility, the ruin of health, the lotto Geo. G. Pybns, our former teaeh- broken hearts, the loss of life, the er, :incl his sister. spent Friday waste of property, the breaking up evening and Saturday with frit'ntb of families, that , waits upon the in this vicinity. Mr. /Pybus is truffle in strong drink' Are there always welcome around here. not some who would say, "tuke • license ; let tic' rather live a. life of poverty and toil thtan ruin mill (N nnforb5 of the -world by Mr, and Mrs. Broderick had the sprea(ling ruin and desolation dealer who asks fora license to traffic in the soul:; of mon were asked as he pays his motley. -Are Eaveetrou hing, Furnace Work and Mdtal Roofing a Specialty ' -ort willing to assume the resp on- RUGS, OIL, PORTLAND CEMENT. DUSTERS, DASH APRONS, SWEAT PADS, WHIPS. We have the best Cook Stoves made, war- ranted Quick Bakers, Superior Cookers Power- ful Heaters. Agent for the London Fence Machine, also agent for the Lamb Fence, best woven wire fence on the market, and all kinds of fence wire .on handl. O' Earnest Rader and sister, :;pent bn('1- tllc • Sunday at John Decher's. i sac. (lnty of aattencinn,' the funeral among my fellow glen ONTARIO! of the letter's sister,Mrs. Williams. Cutter at '.Right Prices. I have put in a stock of Palmerston Cutters at prices to suit the times. Call and see them. ALL KINDS OF JOBDING PRO.LPTLY ATTENDED TO.. J. H. WISMER, GENERAL BLACKSMITH. Zurich lAtioths. Cutters! Sleighs ! (. 212 ;' e•' 16,1.! ,9 PRICES AS LOW AS TH,E rs LOWEST. w F. HESS & SON, Zurich, 011tario A Large Stock of Square and Portland Cutters of First Qual- ity and Finish on hand. tit tit 41 1 Kalbf leisch'S MI LLS. Planing and Saw Mill —All kinds of woodwork and saw- ing done to order. Estimates given for all kinds of buildings. A full stock of B. C. Red Cedar Shingles. - All kinds of lumber al- ways on hand. Chopping done every Tuesday and Friday. Field Gates, Water Tanks fo,r Wind -mills and Water Troughs. • Mills loth Con,, Lot 25. DAMH'OOD Furniture and Press. Supt. on Mondag. They had gone down •.YY.► on Sunday to see her, as she had II/here Wood Engraving Originated. I had a paralytic stroke on the pre- --- -ions Tuesday Nvhile working, but' Mudh controversy was at one ere they re ached.'the'3.•e, den th stats. time e x('itea about the country, relieved the sufferer. Much. sync ' that could Mann to have originated pathy is tendered the friends in wood engraving. A very simple their sad bereavement. process was known to the Egyp Undertaking Q 2>i��g George Campbell spent Saturday tial, forthe prolan tion of stand).;. LJ fl`�. at his Home inStatnlev. h anis it at:: heeii a. acral that the of J3ntchering is now the order : Chinese printed o)l tli bloe'ks of the day. John Hey is kept busy. : pear tree as early as the tenth STOR 3. C. Kalbfleisch Zurich P. 0. MARKETS Revised every Thursday afternoon. Wheat...... .. 06 to 70 Oats...Oats,,,............ 28 30 Barley . , , , .... 80 40 Peals .. , 50 60 Flour .. , ... .... 1 75 1 85 ,... Butter ........... . .. 16 17q Eggs , 10 :1 7 CJhiekens It . 4 5 Dunks ... 6 . (3 Geese 5 5 Potatoes .... , 30 30 HETSALL MARKETS. Wheat 70 to 71 Oats,.,,.. ,. ,.,20 2:3 Barley . . ... . .... .35 38 f'P,as 6 r 75 Flour ..... 2 00 2 10 /logs (live) per cwt5,00. 5,40 E We have now a large and up - to -date Stock of House Fur- niture a, n it Furnishin gs which we offer At a Low Price.... UNDERTAKING Our Stock is Large and up -to date. In time of need, give us a call. PRICES RIGHT. P. Mcisaac DASHWOOD - ONTARIO DRYSDALE century, The indepetulent origin - ation of the art has boon generally MR. PREF ONTAINE IS RE- m'er'ited. to Germany among modern ELECTED. nations. In the Cologne district a St. ('llritophcr. which has often New Minister of Marine Secures a been reprodtteecl, �e as ant in 1.1'? 1, u. Majority of Over 1,800. St. Sebastian in 14:17', and aL Madon- Mantronl, Dec. 0.—Hon. Maty eat has been dated 1.118. Playing mond Prefontaine, .Minister of : card; were, however, in use in Marine and Fisheries, gave a prom' France in the middle of the four- p. of his great personal t treneth by; tecnth century, and the figures achievinga btt* victory in 1Mt:Ise:I-' Wert' impressions from wood. block.:, CHAS GrtkES, Main Street, ZURICH, ONTARIO. Special]. to TAB HERALD. DEMISE :—It is Mir painful duty this week to -report the death of a well•known and -highly respected resident of our community, in the person of Mr. Win. Johnston, who was suddenly called away on Sun- day last. Throughout life he 'had been the picture of health and strength until very recently, when he complained of weakness of his heart, nothing so serious, however, being expected. On that day lie arose as usual and after dinner sat down to read. but not for long. The fatal spell came and he dropped to tho floor. The doctor, who chanced to be passing, was called i11, but life was extinct. The de- ceased was in his sixty-sixth year and was one of the pioneers of the settlement. He leaves behind a widow, two sons and four daugh- ters, to mourn the loss of aa, loving husband and a kind and affection- ate father. His' remains were interna in Bayfield cemetery, whither they were followed by a large concourse of friends. The family have the deepest sympathy of the entire community in this their hour of bereavement.. When otHurts ToCough neuve to clay when the by electi,m a �, ' .It is allowable for France to dis- rendered necessary by the :weep)- • prate the priority of Germany. and Bance of a seat in the Cabinet by nanny attempts have been made to Mr. Prefontaine,was held. Mr. claim the art anti clue to French Prefontaine was lected by a Ma- enterprise. M. Henri Bonebot, of jority of over 1,800 vote:—an the Btbliotheque Nationale, now increase 111 his majority at the last d eel tt. es that a part of a, block with general election. 1N/fr.-Labelle, the a representation of as Crueifixion Conservative candidate, put up u. has been discovered in a country plucky fight, but the odds were town of France. The costumes are against him. He however, polled evidently those worn in, the Middle a very good vote for a practically of the fourteenth century, and it is unknown man,and did not loose his assumed that the ' wood block he - deposit, as many thought he would. longs to some time betwween 1:140 The vote was ;.—Prefontaine, 4,364 ; 1111(1 1:,50. Labelle, 2,500; majority for Pre- fontaine, 18,74. The Minister to- ANOTIIER GUTSIER ON PARDO night was the recipient of many _ congratulatory messages on his Another Big Oil Excitement in the victory. including one from the Township Oil o Prime Ministor. Sir Wilfrid Lnnr- gh. ier, who is now at Hot springs, 'Va. Chatham, Dec, 9.—Oil has been struck on the Pardo fnrin, 1 5th concession, lot 14, of Raleigh town - Cook's Cotton Moot CompoinM ship. two miles south-west of the Is successfully used monthly by over Gird gusher, ata depth of 38:1 feet, lo,000naates.Safe, effectual, Ladies ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Com- the operators being the Goren(it)111- There Taoffer, Take no oer, es all Mixtures, pills and pally, Of Toledo. is great imitations are dangerous. Price,per' 1pper ex(itelllel)t over the strike. Thebox • No. 2,10 degrees stronger, sa per, box, lvo, ior.., mailed onreceipt ofprice and two 8•oeu1 well will bo ayn,amitea to. day to steams:ad2soadecoyuios.2 The nmmendedblend Ont whether a greater flaw can' respoasibleDrnggiste in Canaada. be obtained, This strike ,stamps l - the field as permanent. There was No. 1 and No. 2 are sold in Zurich an exodus of Wren to the scene this at Dr. Buchanan's drug ••tore. horning. Two other weals in the vicinity are nearing completion. The cough that hurts, the cough that gets tight In the chest is daily getting deeper ,and deeper into the bronchial tubes and is making directly for the lungs, to become pneumonia, inflamnta- tion of the lungs ar consumption. Such coughs are sometimes referred to as "graveyard Coughs," because they usually bring their victim to that last resting place, Dr, Chase's Syrup of Linseed and 'J.`ttrpentlne has long been known as mother's lavori•te remedy for croup, bronchitis, coughs and colds. It gains In popularity every day and now has by tar the largest sale of any similar preparation. It loosens the tightness In the chest, Allays the inflammation, 'ewes the cold and prevents pneumonia, consumption and other lung troubles. .") cents, all dealers', or Edmanson, Bates & Co., To- ronto, Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine. 'PARM. THE FAT STOCK SHOW. Prospects Are That it Will be a, Successful Affair. Guelph, Ont.', Dec. 9.—The Pro- vincial winter fair is well under way, judging hating commenced in perrtltry ant 10 o'eloelt this morn: ing, and in the other departments at 3 o'clock this afternoon, while the cattle 111.(1 swine breeders. arc only too pleased to see the sheep Men promoted as it gives them more room. The Ontario stock from Chicago came today, and will forte a strong feature of the exhi- bitirn, 'the visitors are coming in slowly and tl r. attendaneo this (Lfternon, (lesl)itte the cold, gives token that 'Wednesday and 'Thurs- day will be great clays. T. Gibson and Joseph Gould, Toronto, are jtalges of cattle, :Thos. Teesdale. Concord, is the judge in Poland Chinas ; Win. Jones, Mount ':hlgin, of Yorks and Tums, and R. Hard.- ing, Thorncbtle, ill Berks and grades. The leetureS Commenced this cevening, and lion. John Dry- den had the floor. W. X. Will You Take the Responsibility. If Dien eoult.l see the last glass. how manly - are there that 'wottlti take the first? If they could glance over the race, whieh they are to run and see just where their jour- 11cy is to end, how few there 12113 who would enter the- dangeranic road ! But the futnro is hidden and the i)1OSent 15 all serene; and while "the pt nclent mann 1:oY eseeth the evil and bideth himself," the ,Duple pass on a>,n(l are punished.,'' • A yotlitg man in Vit einill• had been sadly intemperate. .Ele was 'a. elan of great capability, f aacilt0tion FOUND DEAD IN A CISTERN. Bran tford. Deo. 9.—\Vm. iiask.ett, aged 78. residing. on Brook street, Wa:, found dead in his cistern last evening. Shortly after ten he went out to get 1a pail of soft water. Not returning, one of the 'family The Big wont to see what detained ]mini, and SBEIRTElR'55 %FOIE % alRE. We have a big assortment of STUB PROOF boots and shoes. The J. D. KING COMPANY, of Toronto, insure you for $100 in disc of accidents when wearing these shoes. They will wear any common rubber to pieees_. �£+ +3•- We 3.-We also have a fine assortment of .FELT GOODS FOR WINTER WEAR. Horne Made Boots and. Shoes, that we Guarantee not to rip. These goods will be sold at a small 1)1'oiit.• BENDER & Co. Zuhieh. Emus taken in exchange for Goods. RAT 00M rom CHRISTMAS. A MONSTER REDUCTION SALE ALL THROUGH ' DECECIBER. Ten percent. Discount for Cash on our Entire Stock, Consisting of Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, Harness, Robes, Blankets, Trunks, Valises, Whips, Curry Combs, Brushes, Bells, Cross=cut Saws and Axes. A QUANTITY OF LEATHER HALTERS WITH SIIANIK, Gv CENTS EACH. 4rPstrC`A•tr7-• 419941,4"9 4:5942 Silverware at Lowest Prices, and lots of Christmas Presents to be cleared out at C. JHJI R,TLEI B 8c CO'S. found him in the oistern. A doc- tor was' exeninoned iuull.ediatealy, but too late ; life was extinct, The ground being Oav ert'(1 with tanaw, it is supposed when he reached for - Ward to raise tho water 11e slipped and fell in. ' er 0,t 'r Det It is an anxious time for mothers when the little ones get their feet cold and wet, and come home hoarse and coughing„ or awaken in the night vic- tims of deadly croup. Then it is that mothers turn gratefully to Dr. Chase, who, through his great Recipe Book and famous family re.nedies, has time And again saved the little ones andolder ones, too, from suffering and death. It 'is truly surprising how promptly Dr, Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Tur- pentine brings relief when the throat is sore and irritated, when the cold is tight in the chest, and the cough pain- ful and distressing. It allays the in- flammation, heals the sore and torn meanbranes, soothes the nerves 11111 clears the air passages. Peoi)le who 'aennw of the singular vir- toes of Dr, Chase's Syrup of Linseed and 9!tn'.pentin0 (10 not think of accept - int; the cheap sttbstttutes which many druggists offer In its place ; 25 cents. Dr. Chase's Syrup. of Linseed • and Turpefltee..-- Hardware and Harness House. N..ELTt E. �. r =.• �3 \.�•�. -,c•+(, al wnvwse a c 18+3► We are again in the front for the Xmas Trade, Our - stock is complete. Note' some of our Specials. L'ARQ8 AiI) TOYS. Consisting of Drums, Guns, Watches, Tool Sets, Trunks, Wash 'Sets, Etc, Etc. Slee our Mee.hanical Toys. DRESSING SETS. Fancy Celluloid Dressing Sets, Kandy Sets finished in Gold .Leaf. • Silk Handkerchiefs. White and Colored. Best qual- ity, Fancy Chinaware. The best assortment of I'aney (China ever ehown by us. At most reasonable prices. ' ' Our Stock of Confectionery Biscuits is Fresh. As space will not permit us to quote prices, we - ask you to call and inspect our stock. D. Steinbach, - Zurich.