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The Herald, 1902-12-12, Page 7
.., _. . ,: �, . . the pony -carriage. "I iluvo some de, I ears azld 'proclaimed beyond doubt Figps of a. now citturch to show you, the wanderer's Identity, seemed to which I think oven ,You will like; pierce m5 body and leave a deep r(�iT �r �]` and my Uncle Matthew is most wound It was Bablole, either in AGRICULTURAL I�Al, O 1! S �N TA Nay agxlou+s to see more of yotl' than he misers or in pain, wlw was wan- had a chance of doing yesterday +' 'tering aborti. the Nouse In the middle "IClunk you; It is very kind," I of the night. She Inas feeling about - - - - - - � ) . - ' answered, rather coldly "a:nd of for somo' ling in the darkness when I opened wide tike door A rivate letter from Mr. W. A. anee; at soma of these ,prizes are course I shall be happy to corse and i ur my study, and let `tho li2ciinnon, Cltief of the la'ruit [Vivi- given to the rKshvol chileli on !or the I 4iQ�', .. .. . teles yolk to -morrow as usual 1f you lamplfglrt fall upon her just as cion, ]dominion Department of Ag-` best collections of 'named. grasses„ It will let me. BBI. I couldn 't .spend tiro Glutin of the front dootr rattled rluelture, :who is atowwr, in Great weeds, etc. This also is found to be ,, the whole day at Oak Lodge, you in her hands and felt with a loud Britain, contains some interesting to very satisfa,ot ry aid to ducatlonrt Ube, I have galests to consider. noise against tile oak, notes on the development of agri- Private, land owners also sometimes 6 /. "And can't •Chm, spare you, for a 0110 glanced. back at me in is cultural shows in that country. hold shows for the encouragement a't ,/� . single Afternoon?" asked Lucy, �'v. g' startled Manner, bust proceeded to S?°m<: of his criticisms given here- agriculture among their, tenant far= Adt 1 d, Midi: a hard lawgh. I shall really unlock the door and to well the with are ell worthy of notice by mere, under local farmers. Chief .agricultural among these is the show held by the b'ein to feel quite jealous.' handle. the had on itis muslin dross those interested in Duke of Portland, known as the 59&1- ' `You' need not indeed," I broke site had worn during the evening, education in Canada. , ` out, hastily and earnestly,' I as- with her travelling, Cloak and bon One striking feature of the re- beck Tenant Farmers Show.' sure you "-- net: I saw by tile, vacant manner cent. royal Show at •C'arlisle, Eng„ The Secretary of the Royal Agri- She griShe interrupted cure Ili a very in wvhich her eyes rested for a me- wus that all but two or three of cultural Society, states that.the yearl abrupt; and icy '=:inner. • m+eUt uponrue, without surprise or the buildings wore simply frames 1790 saw the beginning of agricul- "Pray do not take the trouble. re+cognit!on, that there was some covered wwitif canvas; in other tural shows In Great Britain. No man who was such allimsycrea- clout) in her brain. I advanced words, tale shove, took place under .Particular enquiries about the stan- tare as to give me reason for Jeal- r. nickly into the l.talt and laid my a series of -longtants. The advan- dards adopted in judging stock at -off f�sf�e�R'� * , ** ` e*t,r !***.1,.�r ousy could possibly retain a ]told fingers upon the handle of the door. tage or this ti stem is that the theso ehaws failed to elicit a definite wig `«ti' �'iti �7b "ry '°�' upon my affections.' "illlat are, you :ioiiig down here framework can be taken down, and statement on this point. In fact, the . r "O.f course not," I assented, in to -night?" I asked In a loco voice, table tents shipped from point to officials themselves were not any too �+g my usual mean-spirited way, ])tit bud; with an air of autheri,ty. ,,you point:, and used many times in th3 clear as to what is or. ought to bet with a dawllinl; suspicion that my ayght to be sleeping season. This arrangement alto the standard, t i LIC), 1}ancee's affections would not She drew back a little and looked makes it possible to use grounds They appear to have fallen into ther- E' Z' i prove strong enouh !or evoil a helplessl,y� froau the door to me, for an exhlbitian, w11aGh are re- easy error of looking on the prizes+� YYY111 ... L ® , fllmsy creature than I to obtain "Now, ,•itself as being the and and goal of t,o upstairss again and got cluirecl during the rest of the year the eaTaibitors' ambition. On pressing a firth grip on. into hod as fast as you can,' I for another purpose. the, matter somewhat Closely, little at- . 4"My father and Airs. Farington Cout}sued, coaxingly, "ox your mo- The tents aro arranged in a tom- officials adanitted that too little at-' will drive over to-morroigwv," Lucy then will find out that you have pact_ and §yetematic order, in such tention was paid to either the eda _`A'_ _'1b`_*�` _.&O j .�`_ ��4'__. �`-- � event, on; "I believe they intend to, left your room, and be very much a way til'at 'visitors can go in one ►`d 4V o`DfviV '-G ask Mrs. Snatt to dinner. I suppose frightened.,, cash re value h fila show t Chet direction and return in another, I was pleased by her so:li:citude forI Lucy Farington's manner suffered one must ask the mother, too," ane But recalling her%purpose she made seeing always .new. exhibits. The Cash result to the farmers at largos• nvo. But I showed her how far as much b}* contrast with hSrs., Scott's added, drub}o'usly, a spring to wva.rtls tho door, and as classes Lire arranged in blocks, notIn the catalogues an�1 Ixrize lister as Ilei• dress had, donut. Never before It certainly would be better, un- i I stood firin, and judges are warned not to be tock fetched her tease were, said assured „ , prevented lues open- in long lines. enced by the market value of stock her, moreover, that if Mr. Ellmer, had site seemed so matter-of-fact, so less you wish to insult them Both, l Ing it sh,e fell to wild and piteous 'There are Four Classes in makine; their awards, and a high with the brutal ferocity which hand brusque, so blind and dear to every- sa}d in ail unnaturally subdued tone, eutTenties. t been ascribed to him, should ever go thing than was not strictly useful the significance of which I think she "Let me p:aes, please. I must go, of agricultural shows in. Groat Brit- official stated that in his opinion: so far as to attack me etsonatly, or severely intellectual. On finding failed to notice,. But in any case the I teal you I mutest o, lxrare the ain-(L) The large shows devoted to too omitlittlattention was paid to the p that Mrs. Scott took but a tepid invitation will have no awful results g y g economic value e the exhibits, ted would probably find his iliatelt fn ,a knpvv-before ilius guess. It will all � breeding types, and implements ; tYi,at farmers are sometimes misted man who, lived, so hardily as I. interest in'the subject of artisans' foe, .Urs. Scott is not well enough to eonial rltahtt' if I go." tboset are open to the kingdom. dwellings and had no acquiantance ria out to ]inners." ,+.. _ g ( ) by the awards so as to produce an CCiAPTE12 XXIT l wvltlt the writing of either Kant or "�'�i1, poor titin T suppose not+. She "Tell int first why you want to Local shows: For the benefit of ten- article Which is not remunerative. g p go," ,said I, gently, ant farmers and breeders in the With re. and to the Smithfield sbo'wi 1Clopstock, she glanced at me, who looks very ill. It seems almost impos- The lam g I did not mention Miss Farington's had never been bold enough to avow. stole to believe what they tell me, p -light streamed out from neighbarliood ; there may be certain they have begun to make improve - threatened visit until the very mo- , tdue open study door upon us, show- - open competitions Ill these, and the ments in tdle direction of market the whole depth oil my indifference to that, she was once very pretty. Per- in me her dazed, almost 6.e,, went when, after dinner, as we were tlle1 one and my i.goranc-e of the haps she would not loot: so bad, l; haggard tune, an u sections for hors op- the object that is to be expected, as all turning out forr a walk round the other subject, with an expression of though. if somebody could only per- face, lt,er dl. --:ordered dross, the nes- tare, apiculture, sports, etc., is op- the obiect of trio gnaw is to eneour- garden, I caught a glimpse of her scarcely disguised contempt. suade her to dress like other people. NOW trembling of her hands. She •clonal. (3.) Fat steel: shows for the age the . ! little pony carriage 'between the "I am afraki Henry and T shall Did you ever see anything like that looked at me for a momenit more encouragement of the production of Production of Butcher's Meat. trees of the drive, Bablele, wrapped srteadilY, and I thought site was coin- high-class butcher's meat. Tho in a long shawl oS Indian embioldery scarcely find in you a warm sympa- ___ ------ Ing to herself. g Formerly prizes were given for aali- th.iser with our pians, Mrs. Scott," MOTHERLY ADVICE ., chief ones are held at I3,irminghaln, { mals, four years old, but lately this which I had taken a fancy to in a she said, with rather a pitying smile. I can't tell you," site whisp•ared, Leeds and Norwich; the finals so to has been out r?awn to three and, btizaar in Calcutta, and had sent ,But `of course we must not expect 7o ItFot•llers �6'!xo Have Crass or Sickly still fumbling with, the door lia.ndle speak where the winners in the three under, and no prizes are given for home to her, was standing by a rose you London ladies to condescend to Babies and lookiug down at her. own fill- former compete take place at the caws. The result is that the,y get trey and choosing the flowers which take tin interest in cottages ; and it gess. great SnnithPield show. (4.) Specific fewer of the "tallow" animate wettish Iwas to cut. Mrs. Ellmer, with char- Cross or crying b hies are either 137e11, th,en,*gtp up raise now, and thaws; those are held for the bene- used to be seen there; yet they still fs only we poor country girls who, I y you 6,11 -all tell m•e all about it to- aeteristic vivacity, was ruaining sick or tri )ain, and make ever ono little races with old Ta-ta, whose for want of anything better to do, in itis houso miserable. Ilealth ba- � fit of one or stare particular branch- give alvards+ is some cases to animals energy was now satisfied with 1mve to Improve our minds." hies are always happy babies and morrow," Y ,said,, p0rsuasiwely as of agricultur c•, such as dairying, which would not be sought for by a. failing ever We were all in the drawing -roam y l l y No, no, no, silo broke out wildly fruits, poultry, horses, etc. .i good butcher. such small performances as these. now, to my great regret, for I felt • all Iittle ones ,can be kept boil; and veaiwinently as at first, seeming type of till& class of show is that The Smithfield judges are breeders, The dog stopped short to bark at heatwithy and happy by the occasional again to lose all control of herself that it the had remained in the gar- � held at the Agricultural Hall, Lon- anal the lessons Iearned by farmers the carriage, to which Mrs. Ellmer den we might have dispersed our- use of Baby's Own Tablets. lr your as slip became excited. ",To- from the u3 ment have to be picked now directed my attention. little, one is cross, give flim a Tabtat morrow I elvall be ha don, during three consecutive weeks a ' .g " Odi yea, it's Miss Farington, I selves, and I might have been spared and sere how quick) it wvill work a happy* again, for special breeds of horses as fol- up without the benefit of any es hearing my fiancee's unaccauutvtble , y , and I shall not be able to go. He planation or reasons from, the judges. think ;Mlle said she might come round Cba,nge for the better. Mrs. 1l. H. cannot care for tilts girl while I'm lows: First week, Shires; second harmers are supposed to learn from outbreak of bad taste. Babiole an- Austin, Farmington, N. S., Says: ! g week, Hackneys • third week, Thor - this evening." swered very quietly. , here, 1 know. it I am spoilint, ' the shone that certain types of ani.- " What I Miss Farington ? Your +, • Baby's Own Tablets are just what everything for them; I want togo aughbrv3 i hunters and polo ponies. mals can be made to You Have musunticrstQod me a young lady! A.nd you could forget little, Y am afraid Hiss Faxin roan,"• every mother needs when her little back to illy ilusband, and not wait 0110 or the bn vt• of these specific at a certain rate, weight for age. that she was coming! Oil, naughty, she said. --it is not that my mat -her 0"'"' are cutting their teeth. When for hint to tomo anti latch ma. 'sitow.1 is that held at Ashbourne, There is also a slaughter class naughty I" said Airs, Elimer. and I don't take an interest in my little one cries, I give him a Tab- Don't you see ? Don't you under- Derbyshire, a great Satire horse Which the judges view and rank Babiole's face had flushed from chin coat let'. and it lielps him, at once. Motif- stand?" , Centre (awing to local conditions, oliva dna aS+erward5 Muss killed, tto fwehead agers; but that having been cat- ars who use'the Tablets will have no fine taxers ourselves, and havinm known Even while she babbled out these grass, climate, etc.), here they The secretary says that the aver - "We hest go and meet tiler," she a trouble witLt their' babies.' Thera have three main divisions of the , said quietly, suiting the example of and visited eot:tagers rather as ' secrets, ignorant who I was, her age result }s first the same animals friends than as patrons, we i Tablets are sold ruder a positive instinct or confidence ill me made straw. One for general classes, (2) are ranked first both, alive and going up tho steps which led from ,drrl't ,it since ump into ! guarantee to contain neither opiate her support herself ohm foals bred by tenant farmers, (3) dead, but there are exceptions and terrace to terrace to tll:e house. ( nor any poisonous drug, and they 1 P y arm' and foals from stallions belonging to local some dissatisfaction in Consequence. Reminded of my duty, I ua.stened the habit of Co�ha ide po, them whole- will promptly cure all the minor ail- lean upon iue as she whispered ex- b sale, as if we were pC,ar-law. guar- p p ,. cftealy in my ear. ba, eCderr,t. In this class arc judge is usually* up to tdue lawn, "dwas just in time ] men, is of little ones. Sold by drub- , Another notable shote is that called a farmer and the other a bu+tcher,s asasits. to help my vissit*r out bif the little "And as for }mpron•ing one's mind," fists or writ by mzil post palet, at 1 Well, but it is night, and there ih.e Cart Idoses Parade, held in Lon- these have similar Ideas for the block carriage. Sire wore a gray +dress, a broke in firs. Ellmer, who was grow- I -„ Cents a box, by :vriti.ns direct to are no trains till the morning, you don, where prizes are given for the test. laelfers must be killed If tyles, ,dark blue jacket, a brow ill hat, and the+ Dr. Wilitams' Medicine Co., Brock- know. black silk gloves -a costume in which faun exceedingly hihe at the perste ( ville; Ont., or Schenectady,N. Y. 1 best single, pair, unicorn and roux- take a prize, this being a agricultural tont manner In which the philan:i:hro- . For a moment she seemed bewilai- )torso teams; these must be working and not a general or agricultural I had seeau her ot:uen before, but _ erect. T,iren with an expression of horses attached to vehicle without pint ignored her, "soul must blame �-...___ _ .__ show. which had not struck mo as being a Mr. brauda if she is not learned en- shawl arrangement she had on when . childlike siXn.p icivty, she said, I load. No new harness or vehicles are Educational meetings are all but hideous comlbination until I saw it ouugti for it was be who educated I first came ?" shall find my way. God told me I allowed; the turn -out must have unknown. At Carlisle there were stTUghtwvay after looking at a fig- hoer." "Never, said I, .calmly. `'But I con- wvas right to go, I can pray up been Lined up to the day of the show- demonstrations of dairying__ ure, which, seen in the soft evening Thais bold speech made a great'sena less I am barbarous enough to -think here among the hills, just as I used Whit Monday. The prizes are ver Process- - shadowvs which had begun to creep + p co, but no word of explanation sesta, w under the trues, had left in my satio,n. Miss Farington drew hex- that a merit. livery lady's style OT Wien I was a child, and Ile tole! for the best working condition, the ed' to be given. Guelph leads {Ahem~ p self up. Babiole shut at me an elo- dress should have something 'unique 1110 it was right." oly'jeot being to encourage carters to all for agt}ve, energetic, intelligent mini] an intoxicating vislon- of rich quenrt involuntary glance from eyes about it," Luckily, perhaps, her strength was take good care of tlxrir artmals and a education, far in Britain the farm - which and soft outlines, like the eon- which were suddenly filled with "Indeed !. Then how about mine ?" failing her even as she spoke, ane bide In their appearance. Tilts is one O. seems to be considered highly) ce tiou od' an Indian princess by an p p tears, while, I comfess that if I had jjj "Your style of dress is unique, too," svvayocl unsteadily on my arm and of the most commendable of the spe- honored in being allowed to exhibit Impressionist painter. been called .upon to speak at that i said I, politely. made little resistance but a faint c•ific shows, There are , and they let him pick up some crumbs mosl�rrt I should have gone near to I Miss Parington looked at me doubt- , murmur of protest as I hall car- Many Local Poultry Shows of information if he can." -I,. IV. 13,od, .chokift. In the meantime Mrs. R11- fully, but came, I think, to the conclu-' ried her back to the stair- and village show -s of varying import- son, Livo Stock 'Comm}sbloner, MRS. YOUNG'S CASE mer went on undaunted. I sion that she had been disagree- i case. As her head fell tan- �_ -Y - `- I suppose It's very old fashioned ; ;Ible enough for one day, even i. gaklly against my shoulder, I saw -- --- --- n._.-• --• ------- ----. - to think that one's etudiee ought to ' if this campliment were a I that again, as fatigue overcame ex. fivush the bcticli,..e. Velvet is desirable long t11b,t the give an effect of es be with the object of giving pleas- ! dubious one. So site contented her- citemeut, she was recovering her also itis a trimming for tweeds. Whare double .skirt. But these are l A Stange Case That Baled ucre to other people. But I'm sure self with begging me wvarmly to come i wvandering Consciousness, and I made a ,ba_sque is much disliked, it's pleasanteto hear a girl play early the next day, and to remember haste to take advantage of the , The Newest Models 3.lie Correct Effect . a nice niece of mingle than to hear that my guests were not to absorb fact. t tram Paris, so the long basques will Doctors me toe, entirely, and then she ad- ma•y be gained by having the top Or her talk about books that most of wauced her cheek far me to kiss, and Come, said I, "you had better. a}we, skirt trimmed ;with a yuke piece not ,be .tboroughlty in fashion here un - us have never heard of. +, drove away through the trees. When go upstairs and rest a little while- of velvet, the earns material of til this time next year, when, if all -- "I love muisle-good music, said I turned back into the house I found t before you start you know." course ,bpin:g ,than considerably pre- past precedents be followed, notal- one of Her Friends Believed She Lucy coldly. "No study is more re,- I a great turmoil prevailing. " Mis- She looked up: at No in a dreamy sent upon ,the ,bodice itself. The mix- Ing else will Be in vague. Perhnpst fining and more profound than that , tress Scott had been on her way to ; bewvildered manner as silo leant, sup- tura of green and, blue :se, popular -in therefore, It is best not to be too Could Recover and .Fier Case Has of the great masters of harmony'. I ! her room when she bad swooned awa' :ported by my arms, against the stair- fact, too iinuch so at present -,was previews. If you step ahead too fast! Excited Great Interest. � had no Idea, Mrs. Scott, that you i on the stairs," Janet said. I stoi© case, and two tears shining in . tile Saw*orabTy seen upon one ;model L awn, YOU get tired of the mode berore were an accomplished amateur. Will ;presently up the staircase to )ler , darknees, rolled down her cheeks, The ,material was a heather mixture, your contemporaries h'ace caught up. From the Courier, Trenton, Ont. iyou not give me the pleasure of bear- door, and Mrs. Ellmor came out to ; I am afraid," saki she in a brokenin �vllich ;brawix and green and old with it, and in dress, as in every- T;he ease of Mrs. Robert Young, of I in ++ wilts: er, `that 1 shall not By able thing else, belonging to the. aver - g you? tell me that Babiole hall indeed been , p gold fine ,threads ;were cleverly in- ' age is the Shanley street, Trenton, is one that "I am afraid I am not a very overcome by fatigue ami had fainted, to go set all:' tt;orwoven; the :top a the a-kirt hart path of the greatest safety has caused a great deal of talk ++ (To be Cop tinned.) and comfort. 'U. icrefore, my dear, among those wvilo aro aegiteainted scientific student, said Bat.biole, as but that she ww*as much better now, a yoke, ,pisco or green velvet, dna of In order you may look up to date. site walked towards the piano, which and would be all right in the morn- �,�,�, � I this a carpe collar and the revers I counsel you to have more or Iess with her. 11+r&. young, is now, in her I opened for, her. ( Ing after the night's rest. S't'""""^""^^���,. ^,,-,,—+ ,whish Iturned ,back ;the bell sleeves :seventy-eighth year, and is quite vig- Sile looked so ale and tired that I But I was anxious about the poor C q� �• were also Composed, while the lower of a short Basque, but in order that orous for a seaman of that ago. p v you may not hold the doubtfully, suggested in a low voice that she child ; for her pallor during the even- A PEEP A� ��� par of Lh.o shirt n�as piped np the pleasing position of a pioneer I do Three years ago she took a chill, lead better not play to -night. She ing hid frightened me. illy Lucy's , 55 seams ,with pate blue snit silk, anal not advise you to have one of dross, which appeared to arfect her whole glanced at Miss Farington, hawever, , new. departure, too, had given me ( , �j�, �ryI p� � beneath ,the hanging sloeve ending ba•sques that Colne so 'low. as to give system. Her lower. limbs and body, and I following the direction of her something to think about, so that ' PA -HIS S 3 Q 8 LES. i.i1w a bell ,pale blue •snit like farmed the effect of a double skirt. ,i._-,,�, erwelled to such an extent that she eyes, saw that illy f}ancee was watch- {+ sleep for the present was out of � d•w�•M.v.i -.- 1 full ,puffs for underslecves ; a narrow could scarcely move them. Her }ng tits in a displeased manner. I there- 1 the question. T therefore deter- "`^""^f` ^""vw .:- stomach became so disordered that fore beat a retreat from the I mined to peep my vigil coin- Bodice 'west of the Flue Artificial Eyelids. fano and Babiole began to play. fortabl Velveteen, says a Foists correspond- sdto could not take solid rood, and P I y ; Baler Into the grails, I est, dras .taken. its usual important The latest surgical triumph is the . bar heart fluttered so violently that She was a good performer, and throw another lag on the fire, lace in the early ,wvititer fashions. was til° ceritr0 rrt the bodice. Si ILII grafting of a nen. sat or upper and which, winter and sumaner, was al -yip y gown, day or evening, a lower Cyelidls to the eyes of a mals, is1lE1 could not l,ie in bed, a,nd for two though riot one of phenomenal ac- ways'neeess.lry in the evening, and, ; There is ,really no material ,which ,string of pearls sitting closely to Who lost his originlal sat in a fire): years dlad to Be bolstered up day and complisllxnent, she seemed no mace lighting my pipe, stretched myself In l •luakes a more citylish mid •gen.erally the throat is bicomin•g aril r scally The: accident had left `both eyeballs night.. The chills which were ap give something of ,her own uric- my old chair and,gave myself up to f useful visiting or f%fternoon gown worn, For ,state: occasions, of ° entirely unprotected, and there was parently the original cause of the and charm• to hem meditation, wvllicit resolved itself be- for tale,wirnter, 'A.t a faashionaable wed- Course, this simple pnrure will be danger' of the victim, losing his sight trouble became chronic, and affeeted preted. She was nervous tills even Tare long into i doze. ding', for instance, four ottt of every exchanged by, my lady for a deep entirely. It was resolved to replace Isar, t-wo or three timerl a, week, and Ing on account of the critical ele- T Wako un suddenly before the fixe :pix oS the smar;test ;warren wvill The collar of p:Aaris and a frill display or i them By grafting Idur now eyelids, it after a chill her skin would turn a meat. Ili the audience; but I thought had i;at low, and beard the old i seen wearing velvet dresses witll diamonds. Pearls are so very be- possibleb by taking the skin from the dark brown color. Her friends click she played with even more sympa boards of the floor above me creak -l their furs. 'Green appears to he the corning to a white tliroa,t, however, hip of the, patient. It was neeessarp not beliove she could recover, but thy and of power than usual. .she Ing repeatedly, as If someone were nio<;t fashionable .color in velveteen tIlat til •ir effect Is net to be part- to proceed slowly, but the experi- nevertheless did all they could for had chosen one of the less lTackney` hurrying alaout: on them with a soft 'this seasvn, in cyulte a bright ;water- eat with at any bcntr of the day. mesa was successful from the start. ed of Mendelssolin s `Songs WI ix p. qt The Sour new eyelids perform their her. Three doctors trued their skill, out Words," and vvlrou she had Ila- tread, Thep roam over my study was cress of emerald tone, and Ja tines& Y'lrilc) t1 baa lm of sotuC kind Is al - but to no purpo:so, and' the strong > that winch lead been assigned to Mrs. i Canhroldery is the most stylish trim- most Indispensable for all appear- , normal functions naturally. est ean•solatiou they could offer was ished I thalikod l er heartily, while Scott, so thatI was on the alert at i 1111119 used as revers, vest and cuffs ants* of newnwe in a dress, it may - - - - . "Well, you know we are a]} growing Miss Farington eh)nted in wnih more ante, afraid that slt0 bad beau taken + Mld combined ,171th a great deal ofbe quite, smlil, only perhaps cowling Childish Folly. old." Several advertised medicines reserve, ill again in the night, and that her f Lee. Saone of the neweva-t velveteen five or,ix inche.9 below. the hips Nodd-What, married eight years were then .given her, belt with no "I ass afraid," said Babiole, "that mother, vvho slept in a little roam dresses are ,piped witJt satin up the I s in front, with a longer postillon-tail , and got seven ch+L'.dren? That's doing better results. In August, 1901, Mrs. it is not the sort of musio to ,give next to hers, was running to and fro Beams, ,the 8,Lme trimming being xe- I behind fir quite ,short all round. It I pretty well, old man. Young had become so ))ad that her you great pleasure, but I Can''t play ill attendance upon her. peated ,%,t the edges of the wide Cuffs Is trreea that somn of the newost ane, Todd -Yes; a great deal better daughter-in-law bad to come from , muell by heart, and that is one of I jumped np front my chair, with and of tho epaulette Capes Irlltc.h i sm.trtost nimlols tha.ve bisques so . than we expeetcd. a, d'idance, to natrse her. She brought I the :few things I know:" the intention of going 'upstairs to i "-•^""""•-•-••� W - with her some Dr. Williams' ).'ink i "Of course," agreed Miss Faring- ask firs. .Gilmer whether I could be Pills and persuaded .the old lady to tout, readily, "I acquit you of such of any use ; but before I brad taken: ANY C11 � '" N 0 L� T 'R '"' begin their use. in SC the course of at, • a terrible Charge as all enthusiasm two steps, In a, slows, sleepy fashion, I , � i few weeks thore could' be no doubt i 1<b. the'shallowv sentimentalism of listening till the time, tile creaking +P that they were helping, her and the t'Iva "Lieder ohne 4Vorto," Some ceased, and I heard the sound of a dootor advised continuing their use, day, I trope, In tlae say -time, door lasing opened on the landing HOOL aand now, after using thbM, for sonic you will let late have the &110Vo. The study-cdoof was ajar, so mon+tdvs, the swelling that had affect pleasure of ]rearing you that in the coninlete stillness of the ed ber limbs is ,gone; the Chills no play* something you really night tire faintest lio}.se was '1AAi$'i1 Coughs and Colds, and Parents Everywhere are !Proving the Wonderful Curative ,longer bother her; her stomach is like. It is really very good of you audible to ma l crossed the room restored to its n.orm,al condition, and to have received me at all so late, softly, creeping nearer to the door Powers of Dr. chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine. the heart fluttering 'that hwd mads but I had heard so much about you with keenly open ears, and wvith r it necessary to bolster tier up that really must lead guilty to something Mare than curiosity to my When growli,,people neglect their )tis parn�tuts Ivere responsible for negA preparation for throat and lnngdfw bed has also disappeared. It Is no a t r ". p g the childish charge of not being able a.11tn>on:ts ,and allow aliens to develop g has anything 'like the and mind, For without being at all one lectin treatment Meilen ills ailment eases that womder that. the ease lies evelted to control m Impatience to see you." of those Iti,gbly-sensitive persons • p began in the farms of a Cold. ort Dr. t'h,aso's Cyrup of Linseed and much comment, and the editor of the ingt took leavo of who can distinguish without fail one into serious diseases, :they have ale �~&tiy the schools have many. a TarpOrtine, personally investi- Asci Mass I'arxngton oo footfall from anottacr, I knew the wtoan,t sweat on account of coughs Be careful when you buy to sea gauzier, who ludas po. the two ladies and sailed out of the one to blame but ,themselves. and colds, and Jany children ivbo that the ortr4lt and ,signature off gated it, can vouch, for the facts re- room followed Meekly by me. I was difference between Mrs. DIlmer's 1r xUt above. such tn,urvellons cores y quick active step, and the slow, soft With children it is different, be. are there should be nt hoan,e. What Dr.. Chase is o m ,the wNapper. If You; 4 epi treatment are these children get- send the children to the store, warn as t1Lli� pttove Dr. Wtlliams'.Pink Pills In no a.ffeettonate mood, )laving been treat) wvlri,clt T now. laaard on the pot- cause they do, not realize Ilio so treatment the liest me�cdlicine offered rile astonished and disgusted by her un- ish•ed uncaxpeted floor of tite cor- ting? Do their lin. rents realize `the the -in not to is°dept• any Imitation! or pu tle to-da•v, and all those who are dreamt -of powers of making her Actor. The steps became tna;udiblo as r1°Ilsttess of a neglected cold nor the oorxousnes of negiveiing to cure a, substitution. 0111dron like to take Ahab nllling shoulel promptly give diem a Gelf disagreeable. I cauglxt tire ]1gi►t sound of a, skirt mlek�:nta od obtaining sumo, and many co1cl? 11)ava they proved the ln'eist of Dr. Chasro srt1l) of Linseed and ltriaall. Ali druggists soil those pills, „I want you to come and spend sweeping from etair to stair; then al child, rats he growls older 'and finds Dr. Cllslrsa's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine, and there is no romad or thug taxi bo obtai.nod 1�y in, at the day at Oat: Lodge to -morrow, again I beard a slaw tread on the isel 'a vier of ti.un on}a con- Twrpentln�o ,1 e, a Cure for Couglla and so glamor and itrffeativfi. 25 cents a; him f lm pt a , 5b conte a liar or sit x)oties fol• rho said in a, klnaer tone pelislied floor of itis hail). Although colds, bronchitis, eronp, wvhooping bottte.; fatuity siz0, Lhree times aa' 2.50 by w1' ting direct. to the ar= t Henry,"y� ad used dart the even- I knew well enough who it Mesa, � sumptian, baonchitis, asl;hma or cough, and all kindred ills much, 60 cem,ts; at all dealers, or + than rho It during Willlti.m,s Medde}ne Co., Brockville, Ing, as soon as she was seated in long sigh. wlllel't suddenly reached xny throat .trouble, eannot but see that ,'Very 2iiia;ny hawse, for there I5 ua 1;cdmatrsotl, Tia des. S Co., Woronto. , , ons. I „• - - - ..._,....-.......-.. . _.... _... ,_. _ _ _ _ -� . __ _ _... _. .. , . - r. 1. 0