HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-12-12, Page 5rM1 THE „URI(' HERALD �.f 1tlC+m9*?YMK W,tANAft,4M`ahnvWiMTY!'.11'+MMNw.FMY1`NeT30n�,h1.s/lRMT3Yti.M4MNIMeS11M'rPll. aN'+.14�'�1.'�'/+,�1fMnnAM4uSGRANeM! MMfINKSr"eNh4k.M'pW.p,y�ypY•�, qp, ....-... .+.w... ... ,.a.•w r.v.,...n..um.......r,.•w.,rww.errwww..ru.r..n..un+++r.x.w.`..a.vw..u..r..warv..a++,r-rr....wa.....w..uw ..rum.vr.}Y�4�.M..WOa,�qwl.MMla1RM'NIMii7.'R'M�IIFU9Vgy!3y\fir --.....,uy.. .....•_..,�, ........,qw ....fn,.. ..s::ae.uu.w„urur .r• .,v APLRMkkafn,rtN ra*nnR. ,.., ..mr m ,,..,1Cf'F1MG�m'Yhwlllm,IryV.NRM9Itia•,. �., y ON DECKS THREE 81C FIRES. LEARNING A TRADE, :;,y;� srra&1.6 . IIp -4a i, AGAIN AND DOING BUSINESS AT THE OLD STAND.,..' AM BETTER. PREPARED THAN EVER, TO DO ALL KINDS OF PHOTO WORK. 4,!. Family Groups Copying and .4 Enlarging ox A Specialty Geo. TROTT HENSALL. IS GUARANTEED TO CURE CONSTIPATION, DYSPEP- SIA, CATARRH, RHEUMA- TISM, HAY FEVER, NEURAL- GIA, KIDNEY ANU • LIVER DISEASES. 200 DAYS' TREATMENT $1.00 PETER I3RENNEMAN, Blake, Ont„ says: "I�or three years I'have suf- fered with a severe case of Rheumatism, but Bliss Native Herbs has driven it front my system." Write for Our Illus- trated Almanac. IT IS FRES! JOHN OUMART, AGENT, ZURICH, ONT. THE ALONzo 0. Buss Co, Sole Proprietors, MONTREAL, CAN. 1-1 . ,;. :,a. ,._� st:, .• :Oft. J. C. STONE AN Graduate Optician, HENSALL. SPECTACLES AND EYEGLASSES Fitted on Scientific Principles. A FULL STOOK OF Jewelry, Watches and Clocks Special attention paid to all kinds (;f Repairing. J. C. Stoneman, BR NSALL. ONT. the Western 1Reat Estate Exchange. mheuenakakakeemaietan 781; Dunbar Street Conbon, 0 Oat. Farts, City, Village, Subur brn, and Garden Property, Sold, Bought and Exchanged. Money Loaned on First and. Second Mortgages, Real Estate, Notes and Other Securities. Farms, I3ouses and Basiness. Prop- erty ,ts rata Collected o C ort Rented andRe y upon Reasonable Terms. Money Invested. for Private Indi- viduals on First Mortgage on Heal Estate. .aa.,s.ave.era.,n„unw-admoy.u.saoi..w•.,....e.,,.a..s....,, TELEPHONE 696. E. ZELLER .1I.,O,0., M,,,.....,�.a r., r ZURICH, ONTARIO. • Sold by All Newsdealers Furnishes Monthly to all lovers of Song and lanais a vast volume of New, Choice Copyright Compositions by the most pop• War authdrs. 64 Pages of Plano Musser half Vocal, half Instrumental -at Complete Pieces for Plano -Once a Month for 25 Cents. Yearly Subscription, $s.00. If you will send us the name and address of ?Iv* performers on the Marmot. Organ, We will send 'Imo copy of the Magazine Free. fillihth4a I.aoei tS Rw Phllledelahlaa Pa. l'rl'I TCEY MILLS AT BRANTFOR13 DESTROYED.. OLD INSTITUTE CANADIEN A7' 1x10.1. BEAT, BURNED. E!. $80,000 BLAZE AT NEW WEST- . MINSTER. • 1.fr ntfoi d, Dec. 10. --The large Win- eey factory operated by the fillings, by Manufacturing Company, in the liollnedale, was entirely destroyed by lire yesterday, and the loss will be in the neighborhood. of $00,000. About one hundred persons twill be thrown out of emplqnient as a result of the blaze, which -vas - one of the most disastrous that has visited this city in several years. The. flames ,lade terrific progress, and ,..aeticaily nothing was saved. It was impossible to move the heavy ma-, clunery, and the most valuable of the machines, the cards, were the. first to suffer from the flames: 'J'ile plant of the Slingsby Company consisted of five or six buildings, one large one and four or five smaller ones, .some frame and some brick. The main building is a large one of brick, three stories high. The lire staated a few minutes after'the dinner hour, and the girls and sten were at their •places. Oh the third floor the carding machines are placed, and it was in one of these the blaze was caused. Some foreign substance presumably got mixed in the cotton that was being card- ed, and- in a moment the 'fabric was ig- nited. The machine was being operated by Mr. Albert Hearn, and -he made des- perate efforts to stop the fire, but the material on which it was feeding was of such an inseam gable character that his efforts were in vain. The Mill was to- tally destroyed, and the loss, which will be in Os neighborhood of $00,000, is eov, red by insurance. Montreal, Dee. 10.-A fierce fire broke out yesterday morning about 10 o'clock at 1,313 Notre Dante street, oc- cupied by .1. V. Boudrias, spice dealer. There was a high wind at the time, and the thermometer was about ten below, and owing also to the surroundings there were fears for a while of at very bad fire. The neigh'borhoocl is known to .the tire ehiefs as a dangerous one, and no time was lost in responding to the alarm. Less than a quatrter of a block away was the City Hall, across the street was the Chateau de Ramezay, on either side and at the rear Were other and older buildings, constructed in the days when fire prevention was not a considera' ion w•hiela weighed heav- ily with architects. To complicate mat- ters, Notre Dame street a this point barrows to almost its least width, a tangle of telephone, electric light and trolley wires blocks very effectually twenty fret above the pavement any manoeuvres with lire ladders, and a steep ascont from Craig street ,lakes it difficult to move heavy engines speedily. For twenty minutes the fire had things nearly its own way, while the men of the brigade fought to over:onre these in- itial difficulties. The big Salsbee engine took half an hour to get into position, the water tower for twenty-five minutes blocked the streets, while a way was being cut through the net of wires over- head, and all i his time the flames were growing fiercer and emending from floor to door and from window in window. The building in which the rite started is known as the old :Institute t'nnadien, which in its day played a gr• at role in Frer'h-(anadian polities. Owing 10 its libel .1 tendencies it haat conciernned by the Roman Catholic Church, and the members were request cd to abandon it. Some of them did so, hut many refused, and matters came to it crinis when one C uiberd,, who had been a member, died; and his remains were refused burial in the regular Roman catholic cemetery, though he owned a, lot there. The ques- tion was carried to the Privy Council and the Guibord estate won. In the nleauthne the hustitute had lost its in- fluence, owing to the opposition of the clergy, and the library wns transferred to the 1P- %Pr Institute, where it tali is. The 1 s1 loss is estimated at ti -t0,• 000. The bu.il•"ng is worth about $20,• 000. The. fol] 'ng were also burned out :-Thornas Martin, dry goods ; E. Laroheveque, notary : J. 73. Doutre, ad- vocate ; Alfred Berlina, collector, and Ensile Barifeau, c•atrctaker, and the St. Lawrence Notified! Club. Vancouver, B.C., Dec. 10. --Sixty thous- and dollars damagb re was done tor e L f. a tic athtt Westminster. e• ,Vt 11 tat �t t. ),h( nr Saranac was $45,000. The Dupont block, a two•story brick store nod office build- ing in the centre of the business district, was totally destroyed, and little of- the common stock carried by four stores Was salved, The heaviest loser was R. F. Anderson, hardware .merchant, the damage to whose stock amounted to $35,000, with itISttl'attlCP of only five thou- sand. The Standard }ur'nittai'e Company sustained a loss of seven thousand, half insured, and the same loss occurred in Matheson's, saloon, next door. The fire started in the hasenrent of the furniture store., where a shipment of furniture coveted with excelsior hnd been unpack- ed ear fier in the day. The Vancouver Fire Department -vas at first called out, but finally was not needed. 0 -BAND TBIUNK COLLISION. Traffic Temporarily Blocked by a Smashup at 1tlallorytown. Eroc'kvillo, Dec, 10, -'.there was an tie- ciclerlt on the lutein line of the G. T. 31. rat ifatiorytown, which blocked truffle for several hours, A west bound freight broke in two, and when the front encs stopped at ] iallor,ytown the rear end crashed into it, demolish ing several cars and completely block. ins the tracks. An atls%liar'y train was sent from Brockville at once, but it required several horn's' work to eleat the tra.ek. l'he conductor and another Than sustained slight injuries, but 110 one was seriously llttrt, The Danger of Making tt Specialist of a Beginner. 11 Is generally to the interest of an employer that tut apprentice should not learn his trade as a whole, but only a little section .of it, says Joseph Horner In Cassier's Magazine. It pays better to keep a lad repeating the perform- ance of one section of his craft thein to teach hills all, More money is made. But the apprentice becomes a young specialist, a prig in his teens, cocksure over some little piece of handicraft at which he may earn something over his ,normal wages, and many a lad does not become disillusioned until he has to face the world and try his luck in other shops. And therefore the best shops in which to place a lain are not the big es- tablishments, but the small ones, where every class of work is done and where tools and appliances are often scant. A lad will learn more In these than in those replete with every appliance and minutely subdivided into sections and groups. The best trainimirfor a lad today Is that which he can evolve for himself. The greatest evil that can befall hint Is to become a specialist and nothing more while In his teens. Yet that is what must happen if be spends several years tending machines or doing re- petitive, unvaryii g tasks in one big es- tablishment. The best training, therefore, today is that gathered by the peripatetic youth. If a 'ad cannot gain experience in one place, he should move about, gathering as much as he can accumulate with one firm, theft on to another, and at- tending training schools as opportunity offers. His views become broadened, he becomes self reliant, and in time, having found his true work, he may settle down as a specialist. DRESS UP FOR SUICIDE. Said to Be an Invariable Rule With. Women Seeking Death, "If I should ever be called upon to furnish indisputable proof of the in- hereut pride of woman," said n police sergeant, "I would point at once to her Invariable rule of dressing up its her best clothes when she goes out to com- mit suicide. In my experience on the force I have bad occasion to handle a good many suicides and afterward in- vestigate their personal affairs, and In every Instance I. have found that the poor unfortunates prepared themselves for death by donning their best bib and tucker. "The majority of the printed reports of suicides say that the clothes of the <lead woman were 'good' or 'well nude' or 'elegant.' If the woman contetnplat• Ing suicide owns a silk waist, she 'wears it Her brondcloth skirt and silk petticoat naturally go with this gar- ment, and she selects her best shoes. "I have looked up the history of many of these respectably clad su1eides and have found thatt they owned but one gown with which they could make at deeont nppenranee on the street and that that one good dress was chosen 'without exception as the appropriate ;garb in which to make the exit from • this world's stage. It makes no differ - ,once what manner of dentis is chosen, the costume is carefully selected. "Let a woman sleep her life away un 'der the influence of drugs or burn her soul out with acids or sink into the ;slitne of the river, she clothes herself in .her tnost becotniur garments and seeks the end with apparent tranquillity. Her instinct of gentility and elegance 'In clothes is with her to the last, and + *yen in the fade of death she shrinks from a public appearance in unbecom- ing raiment." Tilsit Mountains of'tbe Moon. The Leibnitz range attains enormous altitudes above the average level of the ;mood's surface and is sometimes seen ;projected far beyond the regulitr curva- ture of disk, ISOs destroying the clrcu- :lat' contour and giving it a notched or serrated aspect. Several of the peaks of these southern mountains measure 30,000 feet in altitude. `while one has been estimated to attain the great 'height of 30,000 feet. All the chief 'mountains of the moon which can be :seen front the earth with a telescope :have had their heights ascertained. The 'German observers, Beer and Maedler, :have calculated the height of no fewer than 1.095 lunar motrntnins. The Do- riel mountains supply an instance of great elevation, the peeks of the three leading ones being. between 25,000 and, 20,000 feet high. .Among other lunar peaks may be mentioned tiuygbens, 21,000 feet: Hadley, 1`x,000 feet; Brad- ley, 13,000 feet, and Wolf, 11,000 feet. Embalm Init. . "Practically," says an undertaker quoted by the i"'hiladelphia Record, "every corpse nowadays is embalmed. Perhaps, not one body in n hundred is buried without having tete fluid inject- ed, and that settles it. You won't read your obituary notices then. People are eotnfng to realize this more and more, and the old dread of being bunted alive is fast clyin; out. But these nervous individual:4 lime got to have some sort of post mortem bugaboo to worry, thele. If it isn't one thin., it's another, stud as soon as yoti convince them that they are not going to be burled alive they' get grave robbers on the brain. That's why we are now making a. specialty of burglar proof caskets. 1.'ttet, 1 as,•ture you." Abaolute Zero. 'Absolute -sero is tete point at which, as has been deterinined from experl• merits with gases. tnatter would be without rt trace of petit. conk] be eoolet no farther. This point is 273 degrees below centigrade zero. A degree of Cold so intense as this is, .however Unobtainable. Even the ineteoritee ,Which :swarm 1►t interstellar splice muss be heated to sotne extent by the rade sauce of the stars, \/A,i'ts1Itasy° 1yr:; Off': ,a 4a mkaaAww, p itru-' ftp- ., y1t� r$, 11JN ( fir9.'t' BLOODI PURI:VIER A? • ` t l l;M REO- I'I A'TOR w 1 cure the nu,,a atl;;ra- vuletl fort, of Dyspepsia and 1udttre';tioa,, 1t will nor, sect "chat i all Reeling After Eating." Nervous Headache, Sou' :41ontttcli %incl P)atnienee, \Vliysuffer when a care is guaranteed? 200 DAYS' TREATMENT $1,00, foal/ FIAr:G,. Dashwood, says: "I was unable to get any relief from Asthms and Stomach 'Trouble until using Our Native Herbs." JOHN DUMART3 AGENT. ZURICH, ONT. THE ALOIIZO 0, BLISS Co, Sole Proprietors, MONTitOAL, CAN. • 1 Hoffman's Jubilee Laundry .. We use no chemicals to destroy or injure your Clothing, and we Guarantee our Work, TAILORING IN CONNECTION W. it HOFF A 1 69. Jewellery. THE CORRECT STYLES' ES' i\BF TO 131.', b'()U N 1) IN 11`.1.7 LSTAl . LIS11 UE N T. • Latlys Broaches, the Latest Paris Style:4. Gents Cuff Links and Btt.t- ' tons, Good. and Strong. A frill line of Watches, - Clocks, 1&'w llcn's Dlrt� lc al Instruments and Specks. WATCH AND ('LOCK REPAIR- ING, MY HOBBY. F. W. HESS THE JEWELER Ln The Hill! Z+JEIGHI SO YEAS' EXPERIENCL! TRADE ilfARAS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone sending a eltetrli and description may nninisrbl©tteCommunica- tions mvetoprobably patentable. Comee m�ica tions strictl confidential. Handbook on Patents soot free. Oddest neency for securing putouts. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive tpectat notfea, without charge, la the Scientific Rnterican: A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- culation of any scientific journal. Terms, 83 year; four months. $1. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNI & Co,3slBroadway, New York Branch Office. f ` 7' St.. Washltratan. D. C. ZURICH P. 0. Is open daily. except Sundays from 8 a. nl., until 9 p. m,, The /nails faro distributed as follows : 1.: 1t.i.11'012IInNsALL, close at 0 :55 a.nt > 55 pm "t S'r.TosErri, " 11 :10 atm ee " L. H. &.B., tt 0:55 am " tt L,H,&13., " 2:55ant °' FROM Il1.NSALL, arr. 11 :00 am , „ „ „ 7:30)II t i c. t i ST. Tom o:et, t, 10 :45 t1711 L. H. &rI3,, " 11 :00 aI:.1 ti L. Ti. &B., " 7:30 am LETTERS FOR RE(31sTR ATION, ]gust be posted half ti.n hour previous to the tine for closing the mails, D.SATAUST, Postmaster. Clubbing rates. r -Wo havo made' arrangements to offer the following low clubbing rates with THE B"aALI)1 Daily Globe . 4.25 „ Mail & Entpiro 4.215 Weekly ct.obe . 1.00 :Alan & Empire 1..75 Berliner .Journal (German) 2.50 33'amily Herald & Star 1.75 P41'otte. After, lrooars g1lOspkorlfnei '1te Great Enrytish Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only teii' able medicint, discovered. Sark fottnsof packages guaranteed to cure all fornix of Sexlinl Wmalcness, all efreets Of abuse or 'socias, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To. baeco. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package $1, six, $s. One wits )tease, sftWIU cure. Pamphlets tree to any address. Tho wood Company, Windsor, Out. Wood's Phosohotiine it SO]c1 ifs ZiLlmelt 1)" ll,L',13LiCh7L ills DrL7 'est uhii7 'x>• (RICCELE IJo other disease Is so prevalent among 113011 24 Varicocein, As it interferes with tie nutrition of titeexual Organs it produces emissions, loss of semen through the Mine, decay of the. Organs. pains in tail loins, etching in the bads, tterroa..ness. des- pondency, bashfulness, palpitation of the heart, constipation, and a comb nation ca these results in complete Lutss of Ih4aatboosl. 'Thousands ofyoutsgg an middle• aged stew are troubled with $t4 dcttarc., If you have reason to belsev•c oat are afii,cte,.t with it, don't neglect it. It will min you. Don't let doctors exp. ri tent on you by cutting, stretching Or tearing it. Our i't:cw Alethod Treatmentdissolves tete stricture tissue hence it disappears and can never return VT ,.ure Varicocele and Stricture without operation or loss of time. The treatuteu ma,- be taken at house privately. Send for our l''reo Illustrated Book on Vkaricoceie. Stricture aaad Sheet. We guarantee. go C;srii or Ido. Foeew- o, • la er fill o uai co nplalats affect these organs„ hence the hid .eyr'J are a • groat source of dise.ts'e. .live you aching or weakness oyer the; small of the back, tend..vcy to urinate frequently, deposit in urine, coldness of hands or feet, a drowsy feeling in the meriting. Don't neglect your i'fdners. Our New Metbcd. Treatment is i uaranteed to cure any disease of these Organo or no pay. `i!7o Nin$a UJnet3 Without Wr1t:'terl COnaexntt. O. W. Rowe, of Iacrrson, Mich„ says: -I had varicecote in the secondary stage and two strictures of 8 years standing. I was operated on twice, undergoing great suffering, but only got temporary relief. 1 was finally advised to tr/ the New Method Treatment of Drs. 12. & K. The enlarged veins disappeared in six weeks, the stricture tissue was removed in eight weeks and my sexual energy and vitality returned so I was a man eo every respect. I recommend you doctors with my whole heart." CURES GUARANTEED. NO CURE NO PAY. Bre ins; 'reatntt rat• After Treatment. Wet ^at and cure Nervous Debility.,ost Manhood, Valle -We, Stricture, Syph- ilis, ,1eec, weak Parts, Gouorrhota and Ilnnataral Discharpen, Consultation free, iioat =''sea. Write for Question List for Rot=e Treatment. .. )7'R EET, k 41 ) ZTROIT, M1C14. i 4 Subscribe for "THE HERALD" ATE TS GUARANTEED! O'FARRELL & LAWSON, 1425 NEW YORK AVE., WASHINGTON, D. C. Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, Designs,Trademarks,Copy. rights. Will return fee if Patent is not secured. Send for Inventor's Guide, or How to Get a Patent. •1 Mention this Pager and secure special rates. 0 • 1k3Mil W.2A4t'li1.`A1 '.. x.'1,t4Rtli,LYS:.:: rr^•a .; w::m::. _, r ,.i t -',i . r„ r+yr �._ /1/4.1s,1u1 torte rt•rarl'rr one, give me strength to help him on." -WHITTIER. "Kind hearts are more titin coronete."-TENNYsoN. TO FURNISH THE f EE COj SIMPTIlE 1OSPITATI MUSKOKA. The Only Free Consumptive Hospital in America. CANADIANS EVERYWHERE INTERESTED. ---Tlw Yew Tree Cron umptit'e .1lospitat, built under the auspices of the National Sanitarium Association, will, be reader -so soon as the money to equip and ficrnisla is secured -to receive 50 patients absolutely without charge. -Over 300 Out of 500 patients admitted to the Muskoka Cottage Sanatorium. -the properly of the National Sanitarium, Association -have returned home either cured or greatly improved. -The Free Consnmptii'e Hospital is situated in the same delightfatlly Irealtlf rl locality, bringing the same ad- vantages to the poorer patients as to the rich. :• y;,• is i� ri1-i . I I ` •I N t.. 1 . J`' J Ir f. r . FIRST FREE HOSPITAL FOR CONSUMPTIVES IN AMERICA The gift of TV..7. Gape, Esq,, and the Executors Hart 4. Massey Estate -Think of the sorrow and suffering the New Prep Consump- tive hospital will alleviate and indeed entirely romovo. -Will you not send a dollar -or $2.00, $5.00, $5.00, $10.00-. or more, for this most pressing of all charities? -The victims of tho White Plague are found all over Canada, $50 WILL FURNISH A BED. CONTEII3 U'TraNS or.t r I31i; SENT TO - SIR W. R. MEREDITH, Itt., Chief Justice, 'Elco -Pres, Nat. San. Asyoen.,'J'oronto, W. .J. CAGE, Chairman Ex. Cont., 'Toronto. NATIONAL TRUST CO. Limited, Treasurer, Toronto. 11 1 We can hint your Bills.