HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-12-12, Page 2Blood will tell When an animal is all run down, has a rough coat and a tight hide, anyone knows that his blood is out of order,. To keep an animal econo- micelle, he must be in good health. DICK'S BLOOD PURIFIIER is a necessity where the best results from feeding would be obtained. It tones up the system, rids the stomach of bots, worms and other parasites that suck the life blood away. Nothing like Dick's powder for a run down horse. 60 cents a package. Leeming, Miles a Co., Agents, MONTREAL. 1 Thohest holiday gifts are the usenet gifts. Every home should have a good Dictionary. This year why not give some one a WEBSTER'S International Dictionary of ENGLISH, Biography, Geography, Fiction, etc. The One Great Standard Authority. The New Edition boo MAO new wards. 236t pages. COOS Illustrations. Now plates throughout. Let Us Send You REE "A Test in Pronunciation" Affords pleasant and instructive entertainment. Vso Webster's Collegiate Diet.ious ry 1iOOpn es. 1400 ellastrutfens. Size7x10x::0-e inches •'rlrot-claw, in quanty, second -eh 'o in size." ILLVSTloTl{D PAEEPBLET= ALSO FREE G. & C. MERRIAMt CC,, Pubs., Springfield, Mass. 4.1-1-+ ;.,rise, <-41..7.--; tze^ I t 4 � OF TUE FASHIONS. di .l, -t .g l l .;:•rte$• i -d• ei t. p .F ++4.4. +++•b1.0'+ -F •� A Yellow medallions on white cloth ;slake a chic trimming scheme for a dark ;blue gown. Fancy French plaid silks* are in equal favor juot now for silk blousr:s {with ,Scotch patterns. Expensive lanes are used to enl,bel ;Leh .tho arluure weave cotton blouse geed:terns imported from Faris. Embroidered effects in connection (with lace are the feature of the itate.st and tnost exclusive lingerie. (Few edgings are used. The Norfolk -tyle has even invaded the negileret..world, and flannel dress- ing .sa.rqur's of this shape are among the latest r `fc+rings. A cirenrll of eahi,ltinr-s .is rt pair of Empire cear•xete of imported batiste, ittheir ciesi;;n bring an Empire scroll of yellow silk forming the outline of lb.e_,pattern, with a delicate rosebud de the scroll. On many of the plaid silk or poplin petticoats are numerous rows of black narrow p'eatingi to tone down Pee somewhat gaudy effect. As a general thing the ,plaid is cut on the Pias, for the accordion pleated flounce: especially. The favorite veils are of chiffon, ltulle and net, although the extrava- ,ga•n,t avouaan i.; fond of lace and im- agines that she looks like beauty in la, miniature Will ell she has a veil of tint, Chantilly, or mousseline ap- p1tque to ;wear with he picture hat. LITTLE HINTS THE USI3FUL BLACK GOWN. The utility of a. black dress is soneething that all women do not appreciate. A girl who with very little money and many demands op - on. it tnauagos to look well dressed, says that the foundations . of her wardrobe are a black dress and a tailor-made* shit. "Tile black dress is always eolne- thifng 'very filmy anti' fancy," she explained. "Onto year it is to be of Voile, a material tluat will make up sd.uuningiy, and as 1 can buy it for about $1.125 a yard, will not cost so very much. t t "I'm going to have the skirt made op in circular form, very full at the bottore, with three little tiny Ilorncoe edged with black baby rib- bon, For the vas ( 1 will have a lit- tle bolero mode bi the voile, with el- bow sleeves. Underneath the skirt T will have it pt.ttieoat with two nee- ; diem Sized tufil:?s. The tap of the skirt will bo of spr4n glass, tare ruf- flee of taffeta and the color black. For iiie blouse. I picked up n. yard and it hallh last winter Of a very pretty all-over lace. i "Thus will melte a eh:a ming little: bioese. A. f;ateuiful arrangement of ,silver braid will be the only trim- 1 ming on the blouse. Tide is the dress itself. I will have two other changes. One will be a yeilow pet- ticoat and a yellow blouse and a light bluer pettiebat and blouse. In this way I lrnve really tbree gowns out of the one black one. I"With pretty neck arrangements I have my evening' wear decided on disposed of for the wilater. I have two more gowns left over which will ,do for second best. pne is a gray sill:, wh'leh, when cleaned and fur- bished rap with the black velvet, will look very well, and the other is a red broadcloth. The red broadcloth tvas a poor Investment, as I grew tired of it after wearing it a dozen times. "As for the tailor suit, .I have a Ile Was. Lon;; -Headed. (Chauncey Dopew,) "I asked a German butcher the other day the price of sausage. "'Fifteen cents' a pound," he tlald, adding after a momentary pause, 'knit I hadn't got none alrettyr "1 asked him why he emoted 'a price when he could not deliver the goods. "'Oh,' he explained, 'if 1 hat some der brise vould be dwenty cents. But 1 liar none, so I make der brise low. It giros me a rebu- dasihtt'n and it gosts me nodclings."' Stomach Disorders If you want to enjoy each meal to the utmost extent and feel that your Stomao'h is taking the good out of the food you eat you should try i 1 Dr. Carson's:Tonic Stomach and,Constipation Bitters Et will give zest to your appetite. Our pamphlet on the use of this superior tonic sent in exchange for your name and address on post card. 50c. per bottle ,at all druggists or sent pre- paid on receipt of prier. Sample sent on receiptt of 0t. (stamp) to cover postage. Ttil; GfiRSON [ODIGINI. 60, TORONTO 4 0 0 0 4 ♦ ♦ 0 0 0 O PHOTOGRAPHERS! Do you know that • ROTOGI AP1 BROMIDE PAPER e • Will give you different results than ♦ any other bromide paper . I will send you a3/2 doz. package w 16x20 Rotograph Bromide Paper for 81.50 and prepay express chargee. T. Try it. Canadian Agent • • ES I3 Queen St. W., Toronto neo®eoesoseae®®000mms♦ee♦s S. VISE td.h,e cheviot. I always wear the same color for the street. This enables me to ring in an oil jacket with- out it being plainly annarent that Twelve I am dressed patchy. 111y salt this year will be a modest little affair bloused and with slot seams. It is not at all striking, bet it fits pierfectly. and is made of good goods. I have an outing hat of blue felt trimmed with bright ribbon. For beet I will -buy an all -black bat and trim it with .some feathers that I have been accumulating. It has taken me some years to get the feathers together, bat I have flee of them -now, big, blank beauties, and when p1u ne.s are in style, which they most always are, I only need to ,r)pen:1 enough to buy the bare ,tal';'ape ;incl ,1oa;e few yards of trim- ming." If it Could Only 13e. If it could be, could only be, 1balb 1 might again recall , The deligh't of fax -gone days, When Gal's beauty covered all ; Oh, if I could only see t „ All things now in childhood's way See the gleam upon the seas, Peel the nearness of the stars, Hear the whisper in the breeze, Mast that Heaven's above the cloudhl If it could. only bc, dear love, That the clays which I havo lost, And 'tb.e, p. are I threw away (Pare, Sweet pearl, at what a cost !) Could be broucre t to ane again, ,!Once more given to my heart ; Zlhen might I so happy be, IAS 1 was long, long ago ; 1 If it ooul;l only be, 0 God ! ref it could only be! . 3 -Bismarck, Ont. ",They 'Diana Say Naething." Scottish American. l A Scotch merchant was a candidate rfor, municipal ]loners. One day he en - ',countered bis message lad, and asked i;bzm if he elate been telling the custom-- ieirs as he went round that his em- ,ployer was a candidate for the Town ouncil. nes, sir'; replied George. e 7`AndL what do they say ?" "They dinna say naething, sir. They '",j46it laneh." Extract of Boof We use the hest lean beef, got all the essence from It, and concentrate it to the uttermost. In an ounce of our Extract there is all the nutrition of many pounds of beef. To get mare nutriment to th'e ounce 5 p i impossible. Our Booklet, "Hort to Make Good Things to Eat" mailed free. LIBBY, N(cNEILL & LIBBY, CHICAGO. THE MOTORMAN AND HIS CRANK ./ • Not one boy or girl in, to thousand, perhaps, understa;n,ds h'o'w the mo- torman on a treele>y car. Is able to oontro! Vhe electric curren't so as to increase or diminaa'lr at will the force applied to the motor. Tiles le/elle of ttho common Vilenbs that no one t'hoinkt; rat naecessnry to explain in print. The upright cylindrical box near which the anotoiman stands, and the crank of which he is constantly turn- ing back and forth, is the "control- ler." It is through that box that the current comes from the over- head wire and goes downs into the motor. Attached to the inside of the box are several brushes, and in the central hollowspace is a wooden cy- linder, placed upright, to which is attached the oral* that the motor- man turns. Around the surface of the wooden cylinder are fixed metal plates, which are susceptible of being formed into various combinations of electric force. To these plates comes tiho supply current by means of wires that connect them with the trol- ley. Now, w'lien the motorman turns the crank, of course he turns the wooden cylinder, and tL:c turning of the cylinder brings tliw plates, or rather a certain combianation od the plates, in contact wit'ln the brushes that are attached to the in - tette of the ooutroi1ere The brushes receive the current' from the'platee and transmit it to the motor, the electric force trans- mitted depending on the combina- tion o1 plates touched by the brushes, There are marks on the top of the oontrolIer telling the motorman how to apply greauete or less force, just as the figures on a stearin gauge tell an engineer Trow much, pressure he has on his boiler, , When the motorman, turns his crank to the word "off" on the top of the controller, there is no co.ntaet between the plates and the brusnes, and iheulee, no current Is then trans- mitted to the motor'; evaleen he turns it in the opposite direction as far as it wall go, ']hes puts on all the force possible. Between those two points he cam regulate the force to suit his needs. F rota an Old rig• ba erd. The following, says the Westmin- ster txazette, is copied from an pfd signboard in Cornwall: I:UL.ES OF T,i1Ti3 LODGING HOUSE. Fouh•p:nee a night for bed. Sixpence with 'supper. No more than five to sleep in one bed - No beer allowed in the kitchen . No lsmoking when in bed. No clothes to be washed on Sun- day.. No boots ,to be worn in bed, , No dogs allowed upstairs. No gambl.ng or fightilg here, No extra charge for luggage,. . No razor grinders taken in. Organ grinders to sloop In the attic•. 13y Izikiah O'Donovan. Dernkeyee chaises, handcarts and durrios let on hire. , Mangling done here,. JUST A DOZEN. Good Parodies on Popular Proverbs. --.......,.M, Chili Stance. A good rule ;for ;this ,favorite entice is as follows: Peel and finely chop ftwielve large tom,atoos, not overripe, and put into a preserving kettle with one largo .wbtte onion. finely chopped, and tem, .cups of vinegar. Boil slowly one hour, stirring often, then add ,two rounding .tablespoonfuls of sugar, one rounding tablespoonful of salt, one level .tabletpoonl'ul of cinnamon, one rounding teaspoonful each of cloves and ginger, a level teaspoonful of black pepper and cayenne to make as holt' as liked, and continue cooking slowly until as thick as desired..'Seal in •remail jars. .. , 1. All is not beer that's bitter. (All is bolt gold that glitters.) 2. The pledge in time saves crime. (Al stitch .in time, saves nine.) 8. It's the long cane that cures slow learning. (It's a. long lane that has no A word of Good Counsel : When days are bleak and da s are long and cold, keep Perry Davis' Painkiller in the house, It is•our faithful friend, as it was your parents' friend. External and internal use. A Twisted Miracle. "Well, Uncle Rassburry, how did you like the sermon?" "It war a )xnw'tul sermon, Morse John." "What wile it about ?" "It war 'bout de nlor'cle ob seven thousand loaves and five thousand fishes bein' fed to the twelve 'pasties." "Seven thousand loaves and five thousand fihesbeing fed to the twelve apostles. But where doers the miracle come in ?" Uncle Rasbul'ry scratched his head a few minutes meditatively. Then he replied: "Well, pilar e Jahn, de mer'cle, 'cordin' to my perception of de circumstances, is dat dey all didn't bust." CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED with LOCAL A.PPLICATIONS, as they can not reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal rem- edies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure le not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years and is a regular prescription. It is com- posed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combi- nation of the two ingredients is what pro- duces such wonderful results in curing ca- tarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. 3. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, price 75e. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Didn't Want Crackers. There once was a young lady, Dr. Who owned a bad parrot that mr. He would likewise blaspheme, Using language extreme - All of which', so the lady said, shr. Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. turning,) Pointer. (He laughs best who laughs Chums. 4. She talks 'most who talks fast last.) G. Who can't be eared should be ina'ured. (What can't be cured mast be endured) 6. There's many a tip 'twixt the meal and the lip. (There's many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip.) 7. Tile nearer the bed the colder the sheet. (The nearer the bone the sweet- er the meat.) 8. When the fuel goes onto the fire the fog flies out of the chim- ney. (Whon pleverty enters the door love flies out or the wiindow.) 9. Marry for tanto, man, rather than treasure (Marry in haste, and repent at leisure.) 10. Once kitten, now pie. (Once bitten, twice shy.) 11. It isn't the cowl that makes one funk. (It isn't the cowl that makes the monk.) ' 12. Half a. soda's better than no bed. (Half a. ) loaf is,better than no -London 'Bit -Bite. He Hated to Tell it. The beggar had a notice hp "Deaf and Dumb," and the passing phlian- thropist stopped; In front of him • - " I'd iilro to give this lean some- thing," lie said to his companion, ",but ,how' am I to know that he is deaf and dumb ?" Read the notice, sir," ;svhisapered the ,beggar, cautiously. Welcome as Sunshine after storm is the relief when an obstinate, pitiless cough has been driven away by Alien's Lung Balsam. No opium in it. The good effeetlasts. Take a bottle home with you this day. Her Point of View. Philadelphia Ledger. A young lady applicant for a school ort west, says a St. Louis humorist, V as asked the question : "What is your position upon whipping chil- dren ?" and her reply was: "My venal position is on a chair, with the child held firmly across my. knees face downwards." She got the ,school. ENGLISH SPAVIN LINTIIENT removes all hard, soft or calloused, Lumps and Blem- ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeny, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by all druggists. Handicapped. Exchange, 1 Madge -How Is it you're not going out yachting with, .Charlie again ? Dolly -It took both his hands to manage the boat. Result of New York Expert's Analyses of Canadian -Made Soaps. Dr. Deimel Linen -Mesh Co, writes: " We sent samples of the leading "soaps made in Canada to an expert in New York, and had them thor- oughly analyzed. As a result of " this analysis, we find your ' Sun- " light Soap ' to thoroughly cleanse " without danger to the clothes, and " we are therefore pleased to recom " mend wearers of the Dr. Deimel "Underwear to use Sunlight , Soap " for washing." Try Sunlight Soap -Octagon Bar- and you will see for yourself. 224 Before the Inquest. Exchange. "Jopley and his wife have parted." "You don't say so. Wihatever--" "Yes. Just saw hem kiss her good- bye and start for the office-'' (Bang! Blop ! Wheick !) We ;believe MINA,R•D',S LIa\IMENT is Elle ;best : eiattbea,s Foley, 011 City, Ont. Joseph Snow, Norway, Me. Chas. Whooten, iliulgrave, N. S. Rev. R. 0. Armstrong, Mulgrave, 'N.,. Pierre Landry, sen., P okelnouche, N.B. Thomas 1Vasson, ,Sheffield, N. B. at a. recent school examination by the School Board, an officious mem- ber Intimated that he would give a. certain class a lesson on "wool," relates ka writer to the Scottish American. After lecturing to the children for ra considerable time without any appearance of atten- tion from the class he stopped short and began questioning ono dull -look - lag boy. ''Well, my boy," said he, taking hold of the boy's jacket, "what is this jacket made of ?" The boy hanging down his head, remained gt,tIu silent. "Come, come, my boy," the member coaxingly said; "don't pee know. what your jacket Ls made of ?" With eyes still on the floor tiLe boy answered: "It was made cot o' ma faither's avid breeks." ! English Crowding Out French. fEngliSh is more and more taking g tee place of French as the language of Russian court circles. T,ne Czarina speaks English constantly, and the Czar, too, likes to express himself in the same tongue. Mother -Why, children, what's all this noise about ? Little Freddy --We've haad grand- pa and tfnele Henry locked in th'e cupboard for an bbur and when they get a tittle angrier_ I'm go- ing to play going into the tions' cage. -spare Moments ,+. '81..u,::,..,,, For a Cold that hangs on For obstinate coughs and colds there is nothing equal to that old reliable remedy Gray's Syrup of Red Spruce Goof. Prepared from Red Spruce Gum it is soothing and healing to the Lungs and Throat. It stops that tick- ling in the throat, and after a few doses that tight feeling in the chest is relieved and the cold and cough pass away. Try a 25 cent bottle. Gray's Syrup of Red Spruce foam DR. A. W. C6isSE'S r CATARRH CURE o.■ is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved' Blower. Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and permanently cures Catarrh and FIay Fever:,Blower free. All dealers, or Dr, A. W. Chase Medicine Co., Toronto end buffalo. Preach, Not Practice. Toronto Star. It Ls almost needless to mention that the Chicago professor who says a man can live comfortably and keep a family on $3001 a year, doesn't have to make the experiment. No Waste There. Toronto Star. They talk of starting a distillery 10 Toronto to use up beet sugar factory refuse. Tbiat's one great beauty oT a distillery. It has no refuse -hogs eat some and human be- ings consume the rest. Babies Good Sailors. " GBables never get seasick. I have carried lteousands of chert in my tune," says an American Line stew- ard in :the Philadelphia Racord, "and in rough weather I have seen ,their fathers, ;mothers, ,brothers and sisters keel o ver like soldiers before a Ga n- non-ball ; bu,t not to ,with the babies. Whether Lt be rough or smooth at sea, a baby is always an excellent sailor -rosy, jolly and pith the nippe- titte of a ;horse. bo you know the .explanation of ,this stugulta,r fact ? It Is as sjmple as the ifect is strange. Fiabies don't get beasick because they axe accustog> ed to late rocking of the candle. That movement is much' like she rocking of a ship. A i'b,aby aboard ship, therefore is merely a 'baby in an unusually .big cradle, and 'there is nothing odd to him about the reek- ing, for that is what he has been accustomed to all his life.' Monkey Brand Soap makes copper like gold, tin like silver, crockery like marble, and windows like crystal. :a More Than He Had, Philadelphia Bulletin. Judge -Of course, I might let you off, Casey, if you had an altbil. Casey -Shure, yer honor, I haven't wan about me„ but here's me lasht quarter, if tlfat'lt timpt ye. iMinard's Liniment 'for sale every- where. Gracious ! Rrist!anstads Bladet. She -I have tried every known rem- edy for my freckles, but they will not go away. He -There is nothing wonderful in that ; nothing ,would like to leave Mt fair a Taco. ISSUE WO. 50, 190'2. Mrs. Winslow's. Soothing iiyrupp should always be used for Children Teething.Ib soothes the ohild, softens the gums cures wind colic and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. L� IlIP i11T f1tflSAL"- Peal rn 0ILiuLI UAL 1 a illq brgains. Send for descriptive list. Address P. O. Box 282, Youngstown, 0. TEN COURSES BY MAILprofo sig a thoroughly taught. Expert instructors. Indi- vidual nde- vidualattppention, Send for handsome Caata- ment CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, Torontoe,PCan. ir1PL3RIAL MAPLE SYRUP. Ticequality standard from Ocean to Ocean. Your money back ifnotsattisfactory ROSE & LAFIJAgents,Montreal. And He Was Crusty First Ant --How was the picnic? Second Ant -Never saw such; a• crush in my life ! Some one sat down on the ple. elivard's Liiltmert Cures Burns, etc. A Cutting Jest. Tit -Bite. Time Thtsband (during the quarrel) -You're always making, bargaipo. Was there ever a time when you didn't The Wife -Yes, 'sir ; on my wedding day. aMinard's Linlan,ent Relieves Neural- gia. HIGHEST TYPE OF BACON HOGS are produced by OAK LODGE YORKSHIRES. • First and Sweepstakes atTorontoinbacon classes this year. First and Swoepstar'es at tate winter fair four sueeessve years. Stock of all ages at moderate prices. . 3. E. BRETHOUR, Burford, rLB On A Budding Resemblance. Kansas City Star. "Do I look like anyone you know?" asked a priglht Joplin youth at a. card parity the other night of a venerable old man who had .been gazing at him intently. " Yes, I b'lieve you do,", returned the old man. 'You look like an aunt o' mine that died twenty years ago. I b'lieve, though, that she had fist a little more moustache than you her got..' OD FOR 82.35 Send for full particulars. Address Dept- A, WA SUPPLY CO., Harnilton, Ont. POULTRY Consignments of Poultry, Game, Butter, Eggs, Honey, Beans, etc., solicited. Will pay 28 cents per ib. F.O.B. Toronto tor beeswax. References -your local banker. Correspondence invited. Prompt returns. JOHN J. FEE St. East, TOROIITO, ONT. DEMILL LADIES' COLLEGE r® To an interested in the education of young ladies or girls where an extensive course may be had, includ- ing the common and high school branches, Science, Languages, Music, Fine Art, Commercial Course, 'Voice telodA Ade Training, Elocution, Phy Phy- sical Culture write to Rev. A. B. DEMILL, President, St. Catharines, Out., for calender that gives you very special rates. MiroTION TEEM PAPER. St and Gifts. A. Christmas Gift of utmost satisfaction to both giver and recipient is: An Engraved Visiting Card Elate of the Finest "Script," 100 Choicest Visiting Cards printed from the plate, A Fine Seal Leather Visiting Card Case. We send these com- plete to any address, prepaying delivery charges, for *3.00. Write for cur new entalodue. it will acquaint you with hun- dreds of neer ideas. We mail it on request. Ryr a Bros., Jewelers, range ani Adelaide Ste., Toronto. `Yv`i 5 cent Cigar Guaranteed Clear Havana Filled eta "eelellet: aaik leiti igeekalt 1llesieeelC teleiliP> ` to ess '3 lie Wear Gran„N �;y The Rubber that has the largest sale in Canada, simply on account of its goodness. Made from.. (r'snt) new rubber. importa "Granby Rubbers wear I.11Ee iron” „sM<'i6?ys S Our Sieddl C desirous of purchasing one of the handsome suites as a Christ Xmas Eve upon payment of a $5.00 deposit. ALL FREIGHIT. TtARI0, proportionate allowance made to all outside points. , THIS $4000 FIVE -PIECE PARLOR Owing to the limited number of these suites in stock this advortieemont will positively not iij)pear again this year, • and to give any who are mos present, 1570 will store free and deliver CHARGE4 PAID TO ANY STATION IN ON - SUITE Y r ;full* f , ,�'.•f,�K.`. 0,rfl ,l t, :-. ta: oft,. 1,,r1• $27 50 F These parlor suites are handsomely upholstered in the best French velours, fringe, oorcl, etc. to match ; best tem - tiered steel spring seats, This shit 19 exactly as illustrated and ooneists of sofa, plat- form rocker, arm chair and two reception chairs. NOME -Send for our Xmas Catalogue of Furniture. Everything freight °barges paid I THE BUFFETT FURNITURE CO., Limited, a, 4, 6,30,' o°and 12�GOULD STCEEa, TORONTO