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The Herald, 1902-12-12, Page 1
The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. VOL.III., NO.20. ZURICH, ONT., -F ,IDA.Y, DEC. 12,1-902 CHURCHES. QT.. BONIFACE, Catholic. L Order of service for the slimmer. Sundays: High Mass at 9.:30 a. m. ; Cate- chism and Instruction at 10.30 o'clock; Vespers and Benediction of the host Blessed Sacrament at 7 p. m. Holy Days: High Mass at 9 o'eloek; Vespers and Benediction at 730.. p. m. Week Days: Mass everymorning t 7.30 o'clock; First Fridays; Mass with Exposition at 8 o'clock; The Holy Hour, or one .hour , visit to our Lord in the Plessed Saeramet every Sat- nrdy evening from.7 to 8. Baptism on Sundays.at 2 o'elock. The Communion Sundays before Mass at 8 o'clock. Rev. Father Valentine, Parish Priest EVANGELICAL, (german and English Sunday services :- Gbrman, at 10.415 o'clock a. m. English, 7,o'eloek p. ni., Sun. school at 2 p. m. Tuesday evening; Junior Allianee, at 7, Senior Allianee, at 8, h eir practice at 9. Wednesday evening; German prayer zneeting, at. 7.30. Thursday evening; English prayer meeting at 7.30. Friday evening; Teachers' meeting at 8. • Rev. W. J: Yaeger, Pastor, geuticl?e en. iuti?. St. Petri '1{irdle. 5ottesbienft norm. 1?alb li 1111r ung abenbs ? Zlf?r. Samjtagjd?ale norm. kO Cebrerveriammlung ZTiittwocb abenbs um halb8• e Sdtiilfe. Qaftor. V. BACIiAND, St. Joseph. • Notary Public, Fire and LifeTn- suranee Agent, Money to Loan, either by private funds or loan companies,, THE SOVEREICN BANK 1 -11. J. D. COOKE, (Late with Carrow & Proudfoot) Barris- ter, Solicitor, Notary Public. Hensall, Ontario, of Canada HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO Ex eoTIVE (F.P'ICES • MONTR,IAL pROUDFOOT & HAYS Authorized Capital - $2,000,000.00 Capital paid up - - $1,200,000.00 —OFFICES AT - Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public ete, etc. Cor. Squaro and North Street, Goderich, Ontario W. PROUDFOOT K. C. Pt. C. HAYS E ZELLER, • Clerk 10th Div. Court, Huron Crediton Sc. Exeter Savings Department. Interest allowed on deposits of $1,00 and upwards. SPECIAL attention to farmers business. Remittances Safest Methods. Best Rates. ALL EMS OF BANKING BUSINESS DONE MANAGERS: F. E. KARN, C. W. GILMOUR, Exeter. Crediton. P. W. GLADMAN, Solicitor. Commissioner for taking Affidavits, Conveyancer etc. Valuator for the Hu- ron and Erie Loan and Savings Co. Office— Zeller Block, Zurich Ont. E BOSSENBERRY, • Licensed Auctioneer for Hur- on County, respectfully solicits the pat- ronage of those who intend having sales. Satisfaction guaranteed. PHILIPLie SIPPI E neer for the County of Huron. ensed I would request those having sales to call on me. Terms moderate; satisfaction guaran- teed. Your patronage solicit,d. DR. F. A. SELLEIZY, >tt 1. PER YEA I. ZURICH AND VICINITY 1ITY Trin HERALt•to new subscribers, $1.00 to end of next year. Mrs. W. I. Hoffman has recov- ered from her recent illness. A • number from here attended the concert, at Hensall, on Tuesday evening. For fine new figs and dates re- nice that D. Steinbach has a nice 'fresh stock. D. Steinbach has a fine line of silk and embroidered linen hands kerchiefs for the Christmas' trade;' Don't attempt to drown sorrow in drink ; you will only- discover that sorrow- is an epert swimmer. Mr. Jacob Gallman-recently kill- ed two hogs,nine and a half months old, dressing 740 lbs. Who can beat it? The lingering guest would doubt• - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. F. Hess & Son.—Cutters and Sleighs. H. Well •!---Christmas goods. O. Ha.rtleib — ChristmasBoon). The Sovereign Bank of Canada, D. Steinbach --Christmas Novelties. Miss Ella Rannie is visiting at Dashwood this week. Smart boy wanted at once at MtHERALD printing office. Mr. Joseph Zettel has been quite i11 for`some time and is not pro- gressing very rapidly. • HarryMagel, our liveryman, has invested in a fine new double cut. ter, purchased from F. Hess & Son. Sisevs 'r WANTED. --•A general servant at once, Wages $10 per less be surprised to learn that his month, Apply to Mit. Billings, long going is often regarded its a Hensall. short -coming. Quite a lot of wood is being SALE REGISTER. Miss Theresa Axt returned from brought to town, this week. Sleigh- London on Saturday. She had rig makes farmers hustle their . n. several months. H. tii'ell has a splendid assort - AUCTION SALE OF LIVE STOCK, 1 consisting of Draught Horses and Cattle, on Lot. 9, Sonilt Boundary, Stanley, on Thursday, Dec. 18th, at 1 o'clock p. in. E. Bossenberry, Auctioneer; John Cochrane, Proprietor. FARM FOR SALE. 140 Acres. Composed of Lot 20, in the Lake Road East Concession or the Torn. shit of Hay. Good sized Barn with stone stabling underneath; Frame Dwelling and other outbuildings. This farm is nicely situated on first-class gravel road, within 2,4 miles of St. Joseph. Price low and terms to suit purchaser. For particulars, apply to E. ZELLER, Mitten'. Dentist, graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor graduate of Department of Dentistry, oToronto f teeth.U Plate work la specialis tytraetion At Domonion House, Zurich, every1 � Monday. 1 G. STANBURY, B. A. • Successor to COLLINS & STANI3URY Collector's 'Notice: been sick in the hospital there for teamsn Mrs. Paulin, of Dashwood, presi- dent of the Huron W. 0. T. IL, is visiting the different unions in the County this week. ment of sensible Christmas goods, at low prices. Read his act. It will pay you. Only two weeks more till Christ- • mas. On acecunt of the high A shooting match will be held at prices of wood, Christmas boxes the Doniinion hotel. Zurich, on will this year be made of tin. Wednesday Dec. 17th. Every It will not be necessary' for any- one to link for guine after this. Mr. P. Lamont was out yesterday and annihilated everything in sight. E. P. Paulin and C. Httrtlei.b slid some repairing to the furnace in the Evaneelicul church, the fur- nace having been somewhat out of bride's parents, at the Babylon order. line. sportsman is invited. Messrs. J. A. and R. A. Williams, left on Monday afternoon for Que- bec, to attend their mother's fun- eral, who died. there on Sunday. Mr. John Bender and Miss Maria Battler were married on 'Wednes- day evening at the home of the I will be at Zurich on the lst and Our merchants are making great 14th days of December for taxes, preparations for the Christmas and after the last named. date ex- trade. No need of going away penses for the collection will be from home to buy your. holiday added. wants. CHARLES TROYEIt, Collector, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, Conveyaneer, Money to Loan on Village and Farm Property at lowest rates of In- terest. Documents in original German read and advised upon. ZURICH COURT ATTENDED Office over O'Neil's Bank. Exeter. ell$0rut*cttt3zlztT+:'vtt't'.c9 C�t4r******** 10 t'0 f3 tII s3 4 T H E V tt1( t1 sz 0 0 CUMMERCI �l HOTEL ti p 8 cp ZURICH 8 0 0 tlt4 0l 8 ft 11•111............1WMPOMMMalamuldbm•romoalleKaatim Strictly up-to-date in modern im 0 provernents. Dining rooms is sup-ae V: plied with only the very best. ¶ 1T 4 c:z Bar contains ehoiee liquors and tri�z tit cigars. ¶ •1 ¶ 1f ¶ 4 Excellent Sample Rooms t9 9 for Commercial Men. 4E 0 ....... ... _ _ ..,._ 4 e:s `0 LOaJIS FOSTER, PROP. 0 so govromtl* iltit:i',tfcoltt.wa+tlt« C;S***: COUNTY COUNCIL ELECTION COUNTY OF HURON. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY given that a meeting of the electors of County Division No. 3, composed of the utunicipnlities of the townships of Hay and Stanley, and the villages of Bay- field and Hensall, will be held in the TOW HALL, ZURICH:, ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 22nd, 1902, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m., for the pur- pose of nominating candidates to represent them in the council of the County of Huron, for the years 1903 and 1004, and that in case a poll is demanded, polls will be open- ed on•the :5th DAY OF JANUARY ]903,in each polling sub -division at the time paid lace fixedby by-law o tem is "the rontntof" lbouse Equipped 'with all modern conveniences. First-class accommodation to commer- cial travellers. Bar and din- ing room always suppled with • the best obtainable, C, L Shoemaehor, Prop, ZURICH pc��•oDO•G�". •t4�r �G�OGC>�•C'.�•�•.—.-�C:�:••C��"`�-"C©7..r�•C®..'�� J<G'•�•G�•�/''✓•J•O•J•4''G�•'J•O'•lJ•O•G �!•4•'l•G"•O1v�Q, �4.a0 40 D•p0 to 14 10 . 0�0 ill 8 000 qa 000 40 4D Io Between the 25th of Novern= 0.04 pp a�o ber and the sth of December, o. opov for which highestprices wI11 9v 4t10 000 o.Qo be pard. n QVQQ� Q O OVA 00> . S. F. T. Oritario. Op • OD tDo �.,p.P.J..�J.P•P•P•P.n.I�.P.p.P.P.P•G�•,O.P.O�g'. QQp Ztlr•ich, _ Mr. John Foster bas his new feed I chopper in operation and will run, two clays: every week. The machine I is his own invention and does first- class work. Ninety-five guests attended the wedding at Mr. Wm. Battler's, on Success seldom comes to a man Wednesday. A number from until rather late in the game. By Zurich were present. We expect. a the tinie he is in a position to get hill report of the happy event in all the pie he wants he is a dye- our next issue. peptic. Saying funny things last summer The Alliance are preparing a abont the high price of coal was all special Christmas programs. for right, but with the present cold Tuesday, Dee. 23rd. People of all weather and coal at $10.00 a ton religious denominations are made and none to he had even at this welcome, price, is a different story. The marry friends of Father Val- I DESPAIRED Ole BEING CURED. entin will learn with regret that he Mrs. W. E. Jeffries, 44 Hicks is not improving in health, but , Ave., Kingston, O it., states :—I seems to be gradually growing I suffered agony with itching piles. weaker. He is still at London.' I In fact, I don't 1 elieve that any Mr. Jaynes Hagan, Sr., has par-' person who has not haul piles can chased twenty-five acres of land, in rc>tt'i .e wlittt I endured. The first 1 the big swamp, just east of Mr, P. 1 application of Dr. Chase s Oint- Lantont's lot. The land in the Tent Urnught relief and it has p 1 1 f tl municipalities •ince entirely cured me. I hope in the said county division. ; that this testimonial will be the swamp is being rapidly taken up. 1 Flom Hiss sr.., Messrs. John and Conrad. Fuss, i mean~ of bringing comfort to other Nominating Officer for left on Wednesday for Adrian, 1 snfierc•rs by making known the 19.3t Division No..3. Mich., to attend the funeral of 1 great power of this ointment." Dated this 4th day of December 1902. • their sister, Caroline. The deceit •b" • Worcl was received by friends ed was a former resident of this! announcing the death of Miss township. ' 1 Myrtle Hardy, second daughter A farewell party ' was given to I of Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Hardy of Miss Handford, on Wednesday I Caraonville, Mich., formerly resi- evening, at the home of Mr. and I dents of Zurich. Myrtle had not Mrs. John Preeter. Miss Handfordbeen in good health for anumber left for her home Lt, Exeter, yester- ! of years, but it was hoped that day afternoon. i owing to her youth, she might re - Mr. Donald Sutherland, conser-1 gain her betstrength, but done for her proved Oxford tIno at vative member -elect for South oinavail, The parents and family Oxford and against whom a protest have the sincere sympathy of their had been entered, i. Iris seat. many friends in and around. Zurich, The Case wits concluded at Wood- in their affliction. stock, on Monday. Cutters. Sleighs. F. Hess and Son have a large stock of Square and Portland. Cut- ters of first quality and finish on hand. Prices are as low as the lowest. You will need to see their stock to appreciate the values they are offering this season. 20.tf TO CONTROL TRUSTS. Joint Resolution Introduced in the United. States Senate. Washington, Dee. 8. — Senator Nelson to -clay introduced a joint resolution for an amendment to the constitution so as to give Congress the power to control trusts and also a bill to amend the Sherri)an anti- trust law by more stringent pro- visions. The provision for the amendment of the constitution is as follows ;--"Congress shll prohibit power to define, regulate, or dissolve trusts, monopolies or combinations,_ whether existing in the form of a corporation or other- wise; Congress shall also have power to ]license, regulate and con- trol all corporations engaged in trade, commerce or other business among the several states or with foreign nations." The bill -for the amendment of the Sherman last makes all mergers or combination:, in restraint of trade illegal and pro~ ides punishment of the offence by a fine of $10,000 or imprison- ment for one year or both against en:ek person engaged in the eombin- ation. The bill also prohibits com- bina.tio)is in restraint of trade 'and all attempts to monopolise any part of the trade of the several states or territories, � providing a fine of $5,000 or imprisonment for a year in each ease. Ootporations engaged in •inter -state commerce are t egnir ed to file with the inter- state commerce COMM scion each year statement of their business and +i.lso o statement giving the names of persons to whom stock , was originally issued and the price I i c1 for it THE NEW II1PROVED El ERS "KANT KACK" The new Pacific cable to Australia opened for business on Monday morning. The rate from here to Australia, or New Zealand is 58 cents per word This is higher than our telephone rates. Advices received yesterday from Venezuela indicate that the Vene- zuelans intent fighting the united forces of Great Britain and Ger- many, '.The Venezuelans will look like 30 cents in about 7 minutes. Mr. William Johnston, of the Town line, near Blake, died sud- denly on Saturday last. He was one of the early settlers in that section and highly respected by HENSALL Special to Trns HERALD. H. J. D. Cooke and several towns- people have been in Goderieh, attending County court. The officers and some members of Zurich Lodge, A. F. & A. M., went to Stratford on Wednesday morning, to:attend lodge of instruc- tion and conferring degrees. Am- ong those who attended were Bros, Cooke, Campbell, Ellwood, Sellery, Scruten and Robinson. Every Pair Guaranteed Per= feet or Money Refunded. . . Heaviest Sole made on any Rubber. Call and see them, CHAS. FRITZ, THE SHOEMAN ZURICH, ONTARIO Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. The cinders' concert given last Tuesday night, was a huge success. Mr. McGill of Blyth, who is an old his neighbors and a.ogUainte.nees. favorite of Hensall, sang several tines with his old -titre vigor, and HAD NERVOUS PROSTRATION, received hearty applsuse. Mr. Mrs. 9., W, West, Drayton, Ont., Bonthron, the father of the curling states : "I got terribly run clown, club here, gave the sword dance and finally became a ',ietim of. and. ,other Scottish dances, in a nervous prostration. I had no manner that would do credit to a appetite, seemed to loose interest professional. The colored quartett end ambition and could scarcely from London, acquitted themselves drag myself about. Hearing of to the satisfaction of the audience, Dr. Chase's Nerve Food I used Miller's opera house was packed to three boxes -with great benefit, the doors and there is no doubt gaining eleven- pounds. It made me strong and well and T had stuih an appetite that I wanted' to be eating half the tithe." STRAYED. Heifer, about 9 months old. Tied I in io'or. Strayed from my preen- I ices, Bauble lute bluy,abont (t weeks ago, Finder will please address: UEoaat T)nNoiliY, 20 • Drysdale P. O. that the curlers' annual concert will be an affair to be looked for- ward to. DR. A. W. CHASES - CATARRH. CURE .,, Is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Slower. Heals the ulcers, cleats the sit passages, stops droppings le the throat and permanently curer Catarrh and Hay Fever. Slower Mediu All dealers, . 'Damao and a d H Obese D N EW FALL— SSS GIODS We have just opened up our New Fall Dress roods in all the New Lines and Shades in Home -spans Box -cloths Ladies - Cloth Zibalines M&tons and all kinds of Plain and Fancy Black. We would ask you to look through our Stock before purchasing, as we have exceptionally GOOD VALUES and can save you money. FLANNELETTES We have also opened a case of Mill ends of Flannelettes, from 8 to 10 yard ends, good, clean stock, which we are running out by the piece at a big reduction. Flannelette Blankets, 60 cents a pair tarCALi., EARLY AS THEY ARE MOVING OUT FAST.'^e1 Jo Prectcr, Greb Block Zurich Ont. AT TINE oas ZURICH SADDLERY AND FURNITURE HOUSE FANOY ROCKERS PARLOR SUITES CHILDREN'S ROCKERS OEII�D'S .C()Y SETS 'table, 2 chairs) CHILD'S SLEIGHS DOLL CA.13S GO-CARTS QROKINOLE BOARDS' FANCY TABLES and COUCHES FINE PLTSH RUGS ROBES WHIPS TRUNKS BAGS PURSES & WALLETS For Ladies and Gents CHATELAINES SCHOOL BAGS High Grade.Organs and Pianos. WI= 7..)1.1, d msiczatis