The Herald, 1902-11-28, Page 2aIn A 41 ro a 7r.y , !y qy IBB 9S ATURAL AVO R ODES Government In. ert'oct1T packed OODS,and come ask, Dainty and convenient sized or. 12 not in stook, Prepared only by Y, CHICAGO Caterers. nu goon Tames e coking. zrsary Years FOR S, ETC. become the f thousands the United ore popular than it is TELLS. d go. New d abandon- te remains. sea..on for colds easily nein for the cured. No ud than Gta1STS. G iris. urprered that ould leave the. a Filly I't- ue.t break off t, r all, he le id the affeir a. is (:n the hu,siiug a,ut. t''nt rine may. Inger of the It should he of nn oil lower left- Me.bluff ;roe e like a true he tries to 11 htiu plenty. o:tld trample sebehl":': 111 no --pot has <L eirtde4. 'nothing; tin the LIP ' of wrath ort'•-. '4Wa l— tar flet ill miss s't:ur froniele. 4-90 u1� nisi w°!). nL m�L m:.rYd e,I4✓ �L� TRAMPS' 5IiN LANGUAGE. ireeeeleeTreere-ereOrereeeree7re•74 One of the few obligations a wandering 'vagabond recognizes is that of notifying his brethren of the whereabouts of friends and ene- mies. Tp do this ho employs the oldest of languages, one that even . the unlettered can read. An ex - tramp describes, in "Good House- keeping," the meaning, of the pic- tures he found along the hiighway some of wwhioh timid housekeepers will doubtless hasten. bo copy and display on their own premises. When on some white gate post I found the sketch of a gmn,, I stole farltiler down the road ; I had a strong objection to being riddled full of holes so early in, my career by some intrepid farmer. The owtlithe of a deg of warlike proportions, with wild oyes and ferocious teeth, often made me go breakfastleas. My summer ward- robe was not la condition to al- low of further mutilations If I felt brave enough to kick a yelping cur, I sauntered in reck- lessly a;t the gate which bore a portrait of a toy dog. Once past him, one could usually got a bite. A big round "0" does not make One wild to approach the premises it adorns. It means a hostess with a nature of adamant; in other words, "the marble heart." A single "X" stands for a cross - saw, which with small exertion may earn a meal; two Z's mean that you have got to save longer in exchange for a meal. The sign every 'tramp looks for anxiously is a table with a coffee - cup and a plate upon it. Beyond that gate -post dwells a motherly :foul, who will welcome the most di- lapidated hobo itito her kitchen, and yet before him a good, square meal. She may sit beside him, inquering al; to his troubles, and she may give him a mother's advice. Or she nine bane a rt:ir:'y 'to tell of a way- ward y- wvttr.l boy, lost somewhere in the great world, and all the fee she :,..•;i:r; for her hospitality is that, in the wwanderingti of her guest, he rune- look about for her boy and give him the lining mt'eaage of a mother'slunging axed watching. Threw Away the Cigar. " Tom," she sai+I, softly, as she Looked tru eagl * into itis; eyes. " Weal: ie it, dearest :" he asked, tenderly. " Don't you think, Tont," the said "that :,,u Mei better throw re, y that e'iear?" • " D I• v . u 01 j c, Or. enic:ce, my ri ar ?" Its ticked. " O't, iso. d•'ar Tom : not at all," I see ren scat (I ick et. ' I rather like the r,n It '>f a peel cigar, but -but-" ' But what, diaarrst?" {k " But sou are i,t forge,, •tful, Tom, 1 gine]-and--if vesu should forget to Itele, tie= cigar mut of ever month yon i it n. s•isrht i:'rrn on ley ,. t 1 k " tf . nl',ali1 i',:,t•,i' i, 11 , The peartry e thrown array, anwl :L nlleute later there woe nothinbat ' a blush' on the fair cheek to 'hall- ' eats) teat T,_mn had taken a broad lent. A German's Mistake. Mane• 1u.1`eroats mist'ikr•s are made by forst:mere in uraeping the mean- er::: of ,orae of our V'omtnon Is"ngI1;-h exam seio1I . A. young (ierman at - ter, .ter:' :i !S t••ote•rn State univer- sity tr<tal 'aunt "The spirit le win- e but the fi .,le le weak," into "The ...Lo•at Is willing. but the meat is ca . ,:1.1 e" And z Falterer youth fairly eat the class in tin uproar by the Etatexnent that "Oitt of eight, out of mini," meant ''Lee invisible is in- sane." !set:ATI:tea THE. BIist AND 1/E5Bs'r rer 11E5 JEWELRY .1NgS5 SILVERWARE CLOCEaS Etc. OM 1903 CAT"I.oGIJ nowseniout. taken extra pains to make this Catalogue oat -class we have er,:r publi-peri, as we realize there is be exceptional trade from ant -of -town, these roods are exclusive with us, and cannot be any other cats iogae. ystematized the alliin of emit orders, you are sire Mien, Loth in rel; rd to promptness and accuracy. re not accustomed to receive a PY OA OUR CATALOGUE, SEND FOR ONE manufacturers we can save you money, dug Valle from Catalogue e20 i• -'rine Pearl Crescent Gl :,e a -Gold -Stied Bracelet 4 50 '-Ladies' Diamond Ring 1010 !-Child's Whose Pearl Ring 1 Fi0 ,-Ladies' Solid Gold Guard .. SB 00 -Ladies' 14k, Gold -ailed Watch 10 00 -Sterting Silver Bair nrti,h 3 50 -Sterling Silver Match Box 1 50 hen writing for Catalogue, mention this paper DTURINQ LIMITED ac. JEWELS SILVERSMh n i iCHM J J S TORONTO. ,R3b a fsh When you can't eat break- fast, take Scott's Emulsion. When you can't eat bread and butter, take Scott's Emulsion. When you have been living on a milk diet and want something a little more nourishing, take Scott's Emulsion. To get fat you must eat fat. Scott's Emulsion is a great fattener, a great strength giver. Those who have lost flesh want to increase all body tissues, not only fat. Scott's Emulsion increases them all, bone, flesh, blood and nerve. For invalids, for con- valescents, for consumptives, for weak children, for all who need flesh, Scott's Emulsion is a rich and com- fortable food, and a natural tonic. Scott's Emulsion for bone, flesh, blood and nerve. We will send you a free sample. Be sure that this picture in the form of a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. SCOTT & BOWNE, CHEMISTS, Toronto, Ontario. 50c. and $1) ail druggists. ORIGIN OF " LYNCHING." A Story That May Account for the Very Irregular Verb. headers may perhaps remember the story published in the Obsexver of how Mrs. John II. Drake, of Nash County, saved her family from the ferocious attack of the Troy Major eleard by the judicious use of a jug of old `ash brandy. They will recall that Major Beard was severe. ly wounded, captured and finalli hanged in eranklln county. According to Wheeler, this int dent resulted in the iutroduetioe into our language of a word LOty in the vocabulary of every man -- no other than the word "lynch'' - or the expression "lynch law." If we may accept W'heeler's aather- ity on this point the word owes its origin to the following eircum- :stances : After Beard's capture he was taken to the camp of Col. Seawelt on the bank of Lynch Creek in .l'ranklin county. A drumhead court-martial was at once orggati- Ized and Beard brought before it. As they proceeded to trial borne one brought in the report that a large band of Tories were on their twey to rescue 13eard. The court wee thrown into a pante and after a hasty consultation decided to swing :Heard without trial. This was accordingly done. Soon after more authentic news came that the reported pursuit was a fake, anti the members of the court-martial recovered their presence of mind. With this restored calmness carne the suggestion that Bearden execu- tion, being; carried oast before judg- ment,was illegal. It order to ease the tender conseiences of the judge': the court was reorganized, the 'body eat dew -n, the tical proceededl, the prisoner condemned, judged, and no doubt much to his satisfaction, re -hung. The tree on which the hotly was 'hunk; stood on the bank of Lynch Creek, and. It soon be- came a common baybag in the count's' round about, when a person was bemused of crime, that ' he ought to be taken to Lynch Greek." Hence the term "lynch law." For the sake of accuracy, cave nit,; note here that Webstei's Unabridg- ed Dictionary says this in regard to the origin Of the term. Pato term 'lynch lawis said to be deriv- ed from a, Virginian named Lyoeh, who took the law into Ills ewe hands. But this is very doubtful.'' Wheeler says that the incident was related to him by the Hon. B. 1'. Moore, oleo had the story from the Drake family. It Is by no means improbable.—Charlotte (N. C.) Dane- ( lbeerver. aily(bserver. Cant Fool the Sex. Tialets. A young lady from London was vis- iting for the first time a, country fair. Seeing a cow looking very sae ' age, she said to an old farmer, "Oh, • how' savage that cow looks."' "''Yes, miss : it's the red parasol you are carryi.n,• e " said the farmer. she said, "I knew it was n. trifle out of fashion, but I never thought a country cow would notice it." Ono hundred and fifty. landladies have been summoned at Vienna for taking itt boarders without the per- mission df the, police,. - To prove to you that Th. Chases Ointment is a certain and absolute euro for each and every form ot itching, bleeding and protruding piles, the naanufaotnrers have guaranteed it. Seo tes• ttmohiais in the dally press and ask yourneigh- bors what they think ofit, Yo,l,.can use ft and stet cont money back if not Cured. Ole a box, at all dealers or Enet eNSON,BATxts S: Co.,Toronto, Ora Ghaa & s Ointment Unnoticed. The eereeeeeng fragment of .00nVerset- tion eras overheard in is park last Sunday morning between ewer well- dressed ladies: " Did you notice that gl,rl who looked eo pointedly at 'es just new ?" " Teo, 'deur. Which one?" "rt av-ac just as we were passing the Aehiltes etotue." " O,h I Do you mean ;the one in a gray Eton jaelret with blue silk re- vers and a strapped skirt to match, e. 'blue halt ;with ,a big bow of green velvet, ,pale gray kid gloves etite,hed ,with ,bia,ck, and a pale blue slIk flounced underslrit(t, high -heeled pat- ent leather shoes, a spotted veil and 0. glue parsol ?" Yes, deer, that twins the one." " No, then, I didn',t notice her, in fact, I hardly looked ki,t her." -Chicago J•ournaL M.inard's Liniment the best Hair Re- etoreee I , , Tlas Pernicious Treating System. Colonial Standard, Plctou. Nearly every man knows what might be termed bar -room eti- quette is alike. One, two, or more, enter a bar -room, with no desire or intention of taking too much- One treats, the other, or others, as the case may be, considers it manly to treat in return, and un- manly not to dao so. What are the consequences? There are in the majority of cases as many drinks as there are drinkers, ending too often in all being too full. Now, the men who do this are not mean men -they aro not our worst citi- zens, by any means. They are what we might call jolly good fellows, and honest, withal, but they are adhering to a custeim that is do- ing much' harm-prdbably more than any other custom practised in our social life. Minard's Liniment Cares La No Danger. Prof. W. Hodgson Ellis, Official Analyst to the Dominion Govern- ment, has proved by analysis that " Sunlight Soap is a pure and well- " made soap, and has a thorough " cleansing power, without danger to "the clothing or skin." Clothing is worn more in the wash than in use where common soaps are used, and the hands are liable to eczema. Try Sunlight Soap - Octagon Bar -next wash day, and you will see Prof. Ellis is right. No one should know better the' he. 22 )3ringing; it l3ome. When Horaoe Mann made a famous speech for the dedication of a build- ing' that had cost many thousand dollars devoted to the reformation of bad boys, hie sed "If all this which lies been spent neon this building results in the reformation of one boy, it is money well spent." Somebody said to hdm : "Mr. Mann, do you think one boy is worth all that: money ?" Ile replied, "Yes, if It is my boy or your jjoy.-Pri- mary Education. Messrs. C. C. Richards & Co Gentlemen, -Theodore Dorais, a cus- tomer of mine, was completely oured of rheumatism alter five years of suffering, by the judicious use of MIN - AR D'S LINIMENT. The above fact can be verified by writing to him, to the parish priest or any of his neighbors. A. COTE, Merchant, St. Isadore, Que., May 12th, 18913. . It Made a Difference. Grippe. A man of literary aspirations who haat his way yet to make jn the world wrote a poem, which he submitted to his wife before sending it out for publication. "Why, Heary," she said, on looking it over, "you have made 'hundred' rhyme with 'on- ward." "Tha.t's all right," he replied : "Tennyson did it." 'Yes," rejoined his wife, "Tennyson could do such. a thing, but you can't, Henry." Making Change. A young Iawyer received a call from a well-to-do- farmer, who was in need of legal advice, says the Philadelphia Times. The lawyer looked up the atatutes, and told the farmer what he should do. On being asked the charge, "Well, let's call it three doi- lazs," replied the lawyer. The farmer handed over a five -dollar bill. The lawyer seemed embarrassed. But, after searching through his pockets and the drawers of itis desk, he rose to the occasion, and pocketed the bill as he reached for. a digest. "I guess, i neighbor," ho remarked, as he resum- ed his seat, "I shall have to give you two dol}ari;' worth more advice,' STATE or Onix, CITY Or TOLEDO, t Bs. LUCAS COUNTY J Fttaslr J. CHENEY makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. CHENRY s Co., doing business in the City ot Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said Arm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL- LARS for each and every case of CATARRH that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH Ct'nR.. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presenee,this tith day of December, A.D.,18136. re -el A. 1r. GLEASON, `- Notary Public. Ha.il's Catarrh C'tre is taken Internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. 3. CHENEY & GO., Toledo, 0 Sold by all ,iruggists--ne. Hull's Family Pills are the best. An I.fesetive IDunning Letter. A youth was engaged as a junior olerk by a firm of lawyers', anti by way of filling in his time and testing his worth, on his first day he was told to write a litter demanding pay- ment of a debt from a client who was long in arrears. To the great surprise of big employers a cheque for the amount arrived the next day. They sent for the yotxng olerk and asked limn to produoo a copy of the letter which had had such an aston- ishing result. The letter ran as fol- lows: "Dear Sir, -If you do not at oboe remit payment of the amount which you owe us we will take steps that will amaze you." IF:l±tGTTSiI Sl'AvXr3 LI McENT removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blem- fishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring I3oae, Sweeny, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, ete. Savo $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by all druggists. Getting •liven With the Mussels. A man condemned to death recent- ly in France was a:aked, according to custom, w;uch he would prefer for hie last meal. Ito diose mussels, whie4t, though hie favorite dish, ho said, caused Jena a terrible indi- gestion. "T,,his time, however," he added, grimly, "they will not have the chance." AtC pp u imiles*. KEL y rz i' wmNs OINTMENrt Endor; od by boat English medicaljournals, Supplied to British soldiers to South Africa. For alt Throat and Giend Troubles, Lumps, Abscesses, Old Sores, Ulcers, Felons, Skin Diseases, Eczema Pimples, Stiff Joints, Rhbumntism, Lumbago, Sprains, Bruises, Piles, Cu s, Soso coat, Fieurisy. Sold by Druggists. 25c. Try it once. An Infallible Sign. Alice -1 wonder how old Miss Sere- leaf is ? Anne -Well, she is certainly over fortyi Whenever she speaks of her- self and friends she always says "Wo girls.'{ -Judge. NEURALGIA MAY 13E DANGEROT;S,bnt it burts. It acetas to tear the face with red. hot pincers. Stay indoors anal use Perry Davis' Painkiller. The blessed freedom from pain which follows cannot be told. World's Great Wonder. The greatest by far among great gieographte features is the Pacific basin. 11 all the continents and Is- lands forming the face of the earth Were jellied in one great continent, its extent would scarce equal that of the great ocean, and if the mass of all the lands of the globe above sea. level were poured tato the Pacific barely more than an eighth of the basin would be filled, states the 'Geo- gr'aphical Magazine. Three-fourths of our world surface is water ; a full third of this vast expanse, Or a quar- ter of the superfices of the planet Is that of the great ocean, while its abysses are of such depth that„a full half of the Orator of the earth is gathered into its iba,sin. In every view the Pacific is vast, so vast ascii to tax if not to outpass our poawers of contemplation. THAT TORMENTING COLD that made you wretched Iast winter will not come back °"°” it you take Allen's Lung Balsam when your throat is raw and sore. Till's admirable remedy is free from opium. Take it itt time. ISSUE NO. 48, 190'2. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Sy rip should always be used for Children Teething. It soothes the child, softens Chegums, euros wind colic and is the beet remedy for Diarrhoea. EASTERN OHIO FARMS SALE- ealtbargains. Send•for deacrlptive list, Address P, O. Box 232, Youngstown, 0. TEN COURSES BY MAIL Leading professional thoroughly taught..Expert instructors. Indi- vidual attention. Send for handsome cats- logue for particulars. Correspondence Depart. ment CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, Toronto ,Can.. ICIP•ERIAL MAPLE SYRUP. The quality standard trout Ocean • to Ocean. Your money back if not satisfactory ROSE & LAFLAD4E, Agents, Montreal. HIGHEST TYPE OF BACON HOGS are produced by OAK LODGE YORKSHIRES. First and Sweepstakes at Toronto in bacon classes this year. First and Sweepstakes at the winter fair four successive years. Stock of all ages at moderato prices, J. E. BRETROUI , Burford, Ont. Lock Box 6. 9 imagine we are offering yo ,� ty ti pour watch because it !us low priced. For $2.33 we soil you a gentleman's watch with handsomely engraved case, and heavy Het d plate, open face, stem wind and stem y guaranteed a reliable timekeeper. A really good watch. Order now before the December rush is on. 13y mail postpaid. Address Dept. A., VBIW SUPPLY CO., Hamilton, Ont. POULTRY Const nments of Poultry, Game, Butter, Eggs, Honey, Beans, ete., solicited. Will pay 28 cents per Ib. F.O.B. Toronto for beeswax. References -your local banker. Correspondence invited. Prompt returns. JOHN J. FEE (.4.re,° ,TORONTO, ONT. DEMILL LADIES' COLLEGE The Young Lady's Story. Washington Post. There is a lack of humor that Is humorous, according to ex -Sena- tor Pettigrew, of South Dakota. An trhstanee of it occurred at a little in- formal society affair which; the ex - Senator attended in Washington. "Conundrums got to going around," sail the Senator, "and I could only think of one. which( I teed with apolo- gies. It was: 'What's the, difference between a man going outdoors in the winter and a dog?' The answer a man puts on an overcoat and the dog pants. "Everybts}y politely laughed. But a man's Fins do follow him. A few eights afterward 1 was at a din- ner where ono of the guests was a young women who had heard me propound my conundrum. She remem- bered and told it, crediting me with the ownership of 'the clever thing;.' No one guessed it. In glee at the ptivile ge, the young woman an- naiilicnti tire an:ever. "'Why the main pats on an over- eoet ani the dog trot.sers.' Every nne can a pusr.l' 1. I leaned over and whi..p 're:I to the young woman. set- ting her right. ''Olt. yes, t forgot,' s1i(' said. 'It's pantaloons intrad of trousers :' " When trashing greasy sy dishes er pots and pans, Lever's Dry fetal) (a powder) will remove the grease with the greatest ease. se An Anxious rather. The doctor came slowly down- stairs, and entering the room in which the nester of the house was seated, said, 'My dear sir, allow me to congratulate you 1 You are now the father of twin boys. Your wife is doing fairly well; elill there are faint symptoms of re- lapse. and 1—" "Relapse," fairly yelled the astonished husband. " I was not aware they had relapses in such eases ! '''Whatever will we do with four'?" M.inard's Liniment le the best. The Lame lloy and Ills Brother. Two small boys signalled a street car, and when it stopped it was noticed that one boy was lame, says a clipping sent us by Clara Tulloss, Ottawa, Karn. With much solicitude this wisher helped the cripple to board the car, and after telling the con- ductor to go cheat returned to the sidewalk. The lame boy braced him- self up in his seat, so that be could look out of the car window, and the other passengers observed that, at Intervals, the little fellow would waive his hand and smile. Following the elmcctirrn of his glances the pas-' se::igers Saw." th!' other bey ''unt'i'l;; along the sidewalk, straining every muscle to keep up with the car. s They watched hi..v pantomime in silence for a few blocks, and then a gentleman asked the lame boy who the other boy Was. " My brother," was; the prompt reply. Why doer; he not ride= with you in the car 7" tray the next question. "Cause) he hasn't any money," an- severed the lame boy, sorrowfully. The little runner was speedily invited into the car, and the sympathetic questioner paid his fare.- Little Chroniele. Mlnard's Liniment for Rheumatism. Pop and Oscar. } Chicago American. "Little Oscar ---Pop, this book says the Chinese are full of idiosyncrasies. What is air idiosyncrasy a Mr. Gessene -glow, in thunder should I know ? I never studied C'hleese. -Chicago American. Will ttr•joice Woman's heart. The "pickup" Is the popular name of a new ideal in jewelry. It is a,n ornamental buckle, designed to hold up the skirt while walking. It miry also be, worn' in front with a ribbon belt, or to keep the bodice, the bolt an the skirt in proper relations at I the back. To all interested in the edueation of young ladies or glebe where an extensive course may be had, Mueiud- Ing the common and high school branches, Science, Languages, Music, fine Art, Commercial Course, Yoke `Draining, Elocution, Art Neville, Work, and Phy- sical culture, write to Rev. A. B. DEMILL, President, St. Catharines, Ont., for calender that gives you veru special rates. .11r:NTU7N Tl IS PAPER. 5 cent Cigar Guaranteed Clear Havana Filled ti No. 6 lir , rt . s. We illustrate here our No. 600 «SOLITAIRE" DIAMOND RING, which sells for $100. This stone is of the finest 4ua1111, and is mountain 1St. gold. We perruna:is,lent our Pisses lsfrrtn the ^'n er." ,,ai. .t,1 itis oar exp rt root ie.1 •o or F'tes. an Inrurior entity never eatersour elect Our nets illustrated catslo5uewill be forwarded on request. We cheerfully refund the purchase price where any article selected Is not perfectly satisfactory. ]eyrie Bros., Jewelers, Tonne and Adelaide Streets, Toronto The Flow of Milk will be increased. Why go to all the trouble of keeping sows and get only about half the milk they should pro- duce. Dick's Blood Purifier strengthens the digestion and invi- gorates the whole system so that the nutriment is all drawn from the food. It takes just the same trou- ble to care for a cow wren she gives three quarts as when slit gives a pail. Dick's blood Purifier will pay back its cost with good interest in a few weeks. 50 cents a package. Learning, Mlles 6t Co., Agents, - TIONTRSAL. " cY t t ', Prints at night by any fight Sample dozen, 4x5, with package of Developer and photo, mailed for 25e. Sold by 8. . VISE a s 515 Queen St. W I +. Toronto Canadian Agent Wel Del Pae ove wit (sus full res' ant Vet fay aril ar ant oho ros abc ars! ale( the yot on tttzn c '41113 trY ton at i con Tei O�.,f,,., Dia Yib180 0 Vohs Mel real ea� %Tit if la Veit Vote *le O a ea of taind� oft! tants