The Herald, 1902-11-21, Page 7114ex9A4W16%�V
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Slie turned quickly 'towards me i pose; on my acquaiatance, intimacy
again, biting her lander lip as she with people he dislikes; on my t
gipsy t€toles and the pestilent brlc-
a-brao, and returning sat clown, not
on tile sofa beside her, blit in a
Chair a few feet away. I tool: a
book sip from a table by' my side; I
remember that it was Maarinlon, and
that it had very exquisite Illustra-
"How about these friends, then,
whose intimacy your husband disap-
proves of ?11
"OIL, tholse i" cOn•temptuousiy. "One
doesn't Open one's heart ,guite wide
to such friends as those.,'
"Then if you case about them so
little, why not give them up and
please your husband ?"
"One mu's't be intimate witl>i some-
body," she said entreatingly, "even
If it's Only a tea -drinking and scan-
dal -talking Intimacy."
"Blit Why with these particular
people ?"
"Because we all have a particular
grievance; we all hutve bad hus-
ba,l2ds. At Ieast—no„ 1! tablan's not
a bail husband," slt-e corrected hast-
lav ; "hut we (ire all dissatisfied with
our hitebands."
"Perhnps the busbancts of those
1 •d a3
a Ie I Saw't � -
with, ,'nu at rho thea
t3 o—foirglve me if I am making a
rude fill(( ridiculous mistake—tire dis-
saLtlsfied with them'?' I suggested
very meekly and mildly.
"I daresay thMy are," she answer-
ed, flushing, "Toe less a mon has
fir domestic virtues, the more he in-
variably expects from ilia wife:'
"I ant not surprised $hilt Fablan'
1. ht of your
flied her eyes wistfully, eagerly,
Ing part in amateur theatricals;
—In reply to the question, "Is an-
the atlitn�al. . 1
upon my face. Then with
rolling doiwu her
a lot of things—oou everything
by the Dominion Department of Aag-
a high degree of protection against
fatd her head on my arm,
clinging to 'my
"But if your husband can't Yud
wally killed, but their spores resist.
hand, to
sleeve be am to sob d 4-
you to du what he wlshes, w
tract it, The result depends upon the
Bablul1e, who was still on the eush-
ioll at my feet, leaning against the
arm (>f Illy chair as she used to do in
the highlands, was looking lnter-
ested and deeply, surprised.
"Orae thing Irl the way 1" she
echoed, softly, looking into my face
with earnest scrutiny. "What.• -before
I fell in love, with—Fabian ?"
"Yes, long before that,"
$110 hesitated, and her eyes slowly
left my face, while her brows con-
tracted with a puzzled expression.
"What was It?" she asked at last,
Ill a whisper. •
"I was in Iove with you."
I could seo very little of her.
face, but a shiver passed over her,
For' a nrometlx I wondered, sitting
quletJy back in my chair; what she
"Didn't you ever guess anything
Of it, child, when we had that odd
sort of half-en,gaigemen't?" I asked,
in a anost loyal tone of indifference,
She raised her heart and looked
at tae modestly and solemnly.
"I should as soon have thought,"
she said, in a low, unsteady, voice,
"that the Archbishop of Canter-
J as_ i
n a v lavwith, 1 ue.
t I
I'—'Lha!" I said, with a ridiculous
cackling laugh. "Then I shouldn't
havo had much chance."
The next moment I knew better.
She rose without another word, as
the sounds of an opening and shut-
ting door reached our ears. But as
She did so site cast upon me one
Quick shy, involuntary side -glance,
and I kuow that my scruples about
my ugly face bad been worse than
thrown away.
Tile nest moment ,Fabian came
into the room.
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Depa.rtm:ent of Agriculture, Ottawa•
take, part in removing the lzlde from
—In reply to the question, "Is an-
the atlitn�al. . 1
thra € a danger to huuxavity ?" put
Laot year a bulletin, was Issue(
recently by a, daily newspaper, an-
by the Dominion Department of Aag-
thrae Is a blood disease which affects
all domestic animals,
i rioultu:re, dealing with anthlrax, and
demonstrating tUI
Carnivora or
flesh eaters, dogs for example, enjoy
the efficacy' of
i use of Pasteur's vaccines to produce
a high degree of protection against
, immtunitya
it ; at tivaee, they, too, succumb.i
The auth'rax bacilli tbemeelves are
Man himseLf is suite susceptible, and
wally killed, but their spores resist.
sheep, goats, horned cattle and
I ordinary •germleides, and even sw *hg 1.
horses are especially liable to con.
I degrees of heat as kill other spores]
tract it, The result depends upon the
of bacteria. If the disease be left
portion of the bony that is affected,
unchecked and preventive ineasalres
If the Polson passes tbo stomach
be neglected, not only may' prem
and develops in the intestines, death
sent serious losses be experienced
follows. If in the case of a man a
but tixe f �
wound on the hand or the leg gives
the poison entrance into the body,
LanditselrDlaybe Rendered Jufectivo
then malignant pustules form. Often-
for centuries. The spores of the
times snob. patients recover; possi-
bacillus in some way get into the
bly one in five may die. The same
ground and remain there in a dor-a ..
may be said of horned stock, but
mant state for many years. Thet
Sheep and goats, with one or two
sldn, hair, wool, hoofs and barns of
curious exceptions, have little or no
infected anfmais, if solled with blood,
resisting pcnvers, and anthrax once
are contaminated •by the bacillus. It
in a flock oftrm claims one-half its
Is an infection the very reverse or
number as victims.
that of contagious pleuro -pneumonia.
The cause of this disease is a
which requires the contact of living
Plant too small by far to lt'e seen
I diseased anitnai2 with living healthy;
by the eye unaided, lander the mi-
animals, whereas anthrax infeetio)X
caoscope it looks like a rod about
rarely talres place from, living anis-
five times as lona; as it is thick.
mats, unless the blood containing
Five thousand of these rods of bac•-
bacilli be allowed to contaminate the
z Put en d to end might measure
food or inoculate ocular
e a wounded slurfac •.
ti e;
one in length. This rod-like
The carcase and excreta are to be -
planrt goes to seed, under certain
.dreaded as the source of infection.
circumstances, a point to be remain-
If after death the blood be coni
bered, because it, is this peculiarity
fined-tvithin the body, and discharges
, g an o wills- chance have I, an outsider ?" of which gives to it almosL from the natural openings be pre -
per ineoherolit words of gladness at "Olt, Mr. Maude,, clear fir. Mau e.r I left London for Ballater the very vented by plugging them with tow;
MY coming. have ou been oo loll amang the h y nest day; and slaving sent Ferguson Unlimited Power for Causing Losses � per cent. solu-
y g g saturated with a• 0
"My chdld, my c1111I3 !" I said, hoarse. as to think like that? Or is it that ut on In advance to prepare the place These seeds (spores) can stand both tion -of carbolic acid, and the carcase
ly, with a passionate yearningto was a different *thingwhen ho for me, I found Larkhall just as I heat and cold, and can lie for
eemfort the fragile little creture took an active part in it? It's o n hall left it four years befure down I'll a dr years be carried, not dragged, to the place
l y place rvitltottt loss of vital- prepared for burning it, no infection
whose whole body was trembling in books that husbands are husba re to a limipaper which liacl, been lying ity. A combination of heat, moisture, is likely to take place from It. As a
with repressed sobs. I got Into a incl wives are wives." a on my study table. But the spirit of anti food, such as the animal body precautionary measure, however, the
sort of frenzy as she weint on help- She §at down on the sofa bas d home had deserted the place ; Ta-ta offers, may cause the seed to ger- stall end surroundings where the
lessly crying, and eloquence soon me, m o be tal was still at Newcastle; To -to recog I minate and develop an epidemic death occurred should be thoroughly
y e q but I "fs'as not gout„ t p p
ran dry in my efforts to comfort ber_ over like that. Her words had rou nized me indeed, but with more I anew. Once within the animal body, disinfected, as well as the cart or
"Look here, child, this won't do any in nae tine instinctive antagonism sulks- Impatience at my absence than anthrax plants multiply without wagon in which it has been carried.
good. Hold up your heard, Babiole; the sexes, fund I got up anti wal pleastuo at my return. The cottage seed formation, and if they cause After burning the carcase 'bury
for goodness sake don't go on like up and down, an occupation wl was shut up anti empty; I got the the death of the animal, and it is the ashes deeply with lime. The risks.
this, my dear, or I shtall be snivel- dalua,ndet: some care amidst the 1 key from Janet after dinner, and buried without a dissection or mu- that are run by any carelessness in
ling myself In a. moment," I said, with la•ture inlaid furniture with wl wandered through the unused, damp- tilation, which would allow air to dealing with a carcass from, which,
more of the same matter-of-fact the small room was somewhat o smelling little- rooms. The furniture come into contact with the blood, millions of millions of infective
kind, until she presently looked up crowded. had been left, by my orders, just as then, in a short time, the plant spores may, be given off, which may,
and laughed at 'lie through liar "You know, my daar," I began it had been during the accupa- dies, and notating; rem•afns to ener-
�, g years after Infect and destroy
tears• tier dryly. looking at the cell tion of Dabiote and her mother. ate future trouble, almost invar- tle, sheep, swine, and horses,and
"There now, you've quite spoilt which was not far above my It But I found that fustead of (ably, imme,iiatcly lifter del!tii, ]low- enormously reduce the value of the
yourself by this nonsense," I con• whelp things get so radic recalling the eltiki Bablole, as e=ver, bioo:3 etude from all the nat- farm•, must be obvious.
tinued, severely. "Go and put your- wrong betwrcn husband and i l .roe,
had seen Ater so gften flitting Urall op,•±nings of the carcase of an Vaccination or protective inocu-
self to rights before your husband as they seem to be between you of - about the sft'tfng;. room, or, in the anthrax victim; tarrel'ore it is the latfan should not be undertaken by.
comes fax. FaVati, the fault is very seldomlatto;• days, leaiung back. languid duty of the farnL r to take., entre any inexperienced person, and on no
And I led her to the looking glass on one side." a anti 11-tle •s, with.. glistening dreamy that th':: carcass is cremated !mine- i account should old or doubtful lymph;
with my arm romad her, feeling- "But in this case?" is eyes, in tier' ruvkhn;-eltafr by the d}ately life is extinct. In no case ! be used. Protective lymphs may be '
'though I dial not recognize the -ling-
".ire yon sure?" lar wasfire. It s the pale little I.anc}on shot:lti tltrk careasc-• be skinner} or the obtained through the Dominion De-
Ito time, a great relief in this little "Yes, quite sure." Ill lalaly, with pretty conte ntional man- Itl:lgee may exteli I not only among I paLrtment of Agriculture at a dis- '
demonstration of an affet,tion which "You t,hlalk you aro not to bI ptl. rims and worn wear face:• that I e th.0 adj•leent Ilorks and lia•rds, 1Ant count of one-third, on the ordinary,
was growing; vvery moment strong or. Lit the, leas -t?" tri teak trying to pl,stun+ to myself in i to talo tanners anal their helps=rs Nvllo ( retail price. ,
"Do you Icnaw," silo a,lcr.41 presently, "In tb3,:t, no." the unitillahftedl rtwim;. I came out
as sir, turn,vi Ilex ileal! atvtly from ! And that alt the fault liras oil - P. again, lo:.keti the door carefull1r, ' ., .- .. - • .- -• _.._"_ _.. •-,�, _ ,„-. ._
1 [ d l 1)a 1 t.. �.
the glass Il"foro whIelt Slit' had, by Fabfall's Sfd o?" Is a ni.l, her who h:ls 1"urnc^d hr•w and finislio;l mr' elggar in tine pureh. 4 me, I was still, like the rest of me !
some dexterous feminine sleight of 1•011, no:" , It set•mml to Ilu• a ri•nnnrkalily odea a nes, humble only to ono. woman, and uatsd with tanotIle+r woman—takes
t1tL1 trt.uh]a tau br best sort, aal(d
hand with two or three! hair liens. "R'e11, on wllaeia sick dues It lie,wrIles thing that I;ahit,{e'S de*,lir•r.ltiuI tui tttily fliuune ab regalcPt'd tII•':liar to thrat1'e ail+l w3ae suppers,
"why „ w, a follows : "1I,• baby suf- R . and b; i>ut eve•ry avenin•+• In the Week.
arrang fell her 41G•ordercdl hair, why then . ` feretl touch from intlfg":;iluu, and was front. the fnultletya; ang(-I she usell i rest. Elft if Miss i^aringtoh was :ilea. Junes lcnotva all about it and
1?irr> ght o had proofs to correct tu- T� rtv U>Lcl •cltcprt in front of her, cros,4 nIId rd•stlrKS. I gayer loin) ,�,v- as a chilli to :tlti,e:lr, into aL mere:: merely rwltr.t one calls a nice girl," •clic says Carla bitterly regrets her
conirsl eel with raisins that 'Ply an.i Iuuh nl down, o11 titer little Urex real mr tiring,.^,rbut $hd•,r dlfrl not hf•rp zoured .• ok� 1 si�nd ratrrrF,wfui walu:tn who i with no particular conspieuous , mistake lit nr:t taking that trice Mr.
him. I •thc n got a bus err B,Ike r r Lor ads n ,•cars Inure til, n qualities of allurinH sweetness or , Ilaymvnd itwtea 1. Of course lie is
main min"1 hart boon content with Lien chime figure, x:}tting with alak;p- ; Osrtt 'latllrts :tl:•l they helped kill, her ig"e. lutdl dmilwiivd my haert'nt c€t tivtttin vivacity, r r� ' c1n1I taut
ilia reai:.can lud had ivrn. • , fail hatn•ir: and eronsed feet fat c: a- t • .n l:t•r, rt'hile Illy ki;urtla•di,,te that •she p , , sate had onn, . thin la.. would not have
,11.11'.•., at ct ra•••. at,;1 hay.• alone Will virtue, which wcrulil not have= shamed' negirctr.\h her. ]Oil, tllrse young meal
"IIr wanti•dl to ]rave int± nIr:lnr tvlltt 1!lwrat:ln;; dwuura•ueus 'un tate, -Wit, , o - _r Iutteu 90r ,.i tll:at I 'r',', -,'till lett now I hrttx la"t•Il lust. to ,ill • thruurh aoth- � an anCie a � Mn.,'. - ,
5bli, Silt* rl'piallned, "1rCesua;e 11" { b:-;urw Int`. ] b:t t•,•tthout tht ill. I t•aln 1•t cumnietNl Illy; l,lit. my own dliffidente lead resolution nt llomann—Ori intlalnitab"a 11 whits. I always did feel that
known what a strong Influence you ( Do ,•ou know that you arae a cern- i Flaby'o Owlt '1all,e,ts tr, all mottir-rs ahali;;edl itta character. solution that would not know dc- e waRn t to be trusted
have over snp, ani Its hopnd� tluit foundletily utigraterut +little Russ"" t acs tl:" It'.". m :li�i^l,, I h lyct raver u.4d�l Ta dot tale b"iL r u[ tine fall- feat. I tictgnn 3.
yoit would] g ave ma. a lo+ turn. ( \rt, I'm lwt„ rill. aucnweredi gess- i for el Idren." Chi >a, Tablets are Ilf'a ilhy Void luorh},l State of winds (To be Continued.) # �Irs Rxai a It a _.
:L lerrture . R haat did he want ::•it;natol. , raiol.fig her hrarl and In ,f -,.t- ? , , . ibto rvulc&t P yr frau ctrl r 'aarlf fall- t as three women to
Int to lec•tnre an".'' : inx nl, r• ,'.'Ila •artte d to C4rntailt rade opiat(. of I 1to 4 Ira lunt•hr*ou,
r • r , " y ,,, gaze with ", cfl full of f„re. ,, Irarlu ut ch•ll,,, a;:,i ,.au b p,m i'll with t ft:�;. I br;;all to bre-'k titrutigh m, r �, ,, �,` � 4 , �,�,�,��,�,�,�,�:,r�� :11t v. lt']titr'--.,ml sty 01
011, oil ills ,g.,d xu e . Il luet I �r:up- � '•1 think of t•iru Iry clay :1tLdt lir il, ,lit, at9 .e •11x? is r^a„ t, ttr t11 , uurc,r•;•t;ti-[•;il.'_ dead] ltabiL crf rdrtirr :u4•nt, aLl2ci tai 1^,A •'••kok• Z�� �� , aara has
I r"a,T 0rrr an l ctv"r the I;odt}.a P � u•trt i:lfatnt. t^t >l.l i,,d ndt drat^•;,'l.ts, cry } ar•ail nlyr°•If of rul•IL str�iety :Ls t3 tt- rt•;te,l".d t1t limit t7f her endurance.
- recl4i rvft11 er n try t0 t e a;; if , u,L vi't !dy t.1 is •,i x111, rt "I • -tttt�`��f g alt” x g^uing to get aL lZ. wa and
I .••t c1'tit::1 later anti it;; leeighburli"Lau I ��rtrVy sCAr��.��. utarly :1It 1.trittcrndl-h teas fids»
/ rvr•re„li:i ler Ie ,v a;;di ; r t,zl:linila` t.r(';22 ;t L: •s ie, r: ri€i.t elf. fast ter tilt* Ili, afforda.d. '1'!.” hof tveaillt r > ,r p"ratd>ly lu los r• tuftal her before she
i O O #r> tit i #,tiic to ,t,al wh,;t I tittl 1',`i'.]fani� JI,tl-P.Iti* t`,,, I'w;i iolilr,' had Seg, li s•:orly tial, yfir S r '��yy fa}q�rp{ry loans* the mistatk_• of marrying For-
I±y 1at,relf, I :•ill.,t Illy Ise: t soll4A tip : {l:3'_., or FS,';;a.•nr vw.Iy. N. Y. ,t nil the .baCltFeal• F• I•r. i-}r'ntr9 :,fart„ all- ; "R"WS Y���'•' S" RI, EA,D
• l ;zIrt,on and has jaillp "I at the chance.
,oat, 1 alnt.,st lira, tit , „at. Unt ju.4a; : r(adr r Yadlrf: • t ted i.•1'" my aarrirul. � I admire Ilrr slririt, tt°oug;lt I hats'
,. rN 91 �N�✓ /•^IL'\n/'a.NV^1/Y/4Iv1111-.,, _-r
}} } p} �, t • tl'sa• he•artlion I eat tit" r g, ttr L^1.1 ! - 1 trat5 a sures ¢ �'ww, %,u .,%, v, .•tna ,nor. *
Often Leads 10 ii I`3i eaktdo WjG l ° threw 'tlr••m fit the du --;t wbs1;L 'the >, •h rat unL:dor 4.tto" . to see a I6etn1 121aFlc+;l alp. It serves
biller Ituv:vi,rt. r,•f na;u?• of il: • d t,ner•r:eilt;; ac[ • , r ,fl 'c wr°rd• flr::tt t „i .t rr I7,dIl' ads:- ,I•"nripIMOII 3ast right. I only wonder
id,.-fi tar battle, so I vi 1'en ttling's ro, , %trorit %, way.; IIt I j'a t•:" t ta.l tial Irl::i t !ng ab:,ui III.Z ' flit' 1*1.. tiltg nlhi ' )fr. jorldy4 I. a tell mt1 :r"t1tlG,ti1: n tr'h+ lar de1:1 ':i If*atyttii� lliin and L"�"Q-
iy� rwrolt„ rvlttt nl f:.lil aL t•{i9. of aL ivt:ut:lat cif tett ai,., t romantic r.t,_,rt. tars ttfore I found b rite, a pvrAllli^fir sf:,sv rf llff� ill hog bfteL to 1➢rat' father.
n Health. oolation In €ivem. hl.� . ani of I e-hsalid 1110t 1,Iw ire r•t>r. ,'lids cull , Uo lat,u e:f f•:ag,+ ;;e':I:",tttlta llV1! S U, l gpnd.ral .1t:•3 lc];' Itd.lsyiih„r,' .L. tf�.11l.; it2 v f'11r1I't1±J Of IVOIHI%-^ Yes; ienit It
fn„ tho ealuw: • -111k IZIlv,- vJ ''J e ,�ling; ,•tfurt;r.l. .ik r11.%'.- I -orrn a: I earvil to a te:f tit. P'rolu- ; parilt•ul:ar. Pi•, 1 frac :<a 1 i:2 :L lr a, r'rl ot:d? Poor chile}, What an unhappy
"" ,lith!, tlrl .shn fillishell. ai If asham- t ..ids l.ta....•rl at 1114. fr a:.kl.. ar.l hot-, .hent am ,tl,:; tlaa svv.; aL r"rtatlt Jit -,ni of sway as hr ,-p nic-4 to llis rviro e•Sperid.Ileii, for livr -a ml l ore t~ha
Severe 1ir•;aelaellCs Loss of t tetite, ed of her temrritrv. alt:] anvin-2.- tel t face ret:sr•41 fut t a fail: buill.,- acs' ratringioa. it I.fvd ri-0Q l :t=!f+'ftar, t.i1•=, ' atrross tit(- br4atc apt table. kea•lts liter troubles] t e herself.
1t11ZZines,4, Palpitation ordle• llietra let it pa:;s as a jd,kr•. I«°rt I ler}d t rho dsgwl:ee." i vitcr ha'lhi;, mita•' :a ytaON, L"irt•at ' N". Jolla!r-.-It ia; r: ali,- tuts had lislry rr.,
mr: ground and looke,l at her e,tea•l- r "•];cru ne(±r3 nut b.- :tfr:al•I ; now yoat ; to thn Illg lllatwl; t,„ it atuGuln. had , t:,:tt yc,liag Yr•r uson Is g;r-tafll; feat.: tee11Er 4.
and Otlaer Distressin;: Symp- iii ars? back fa Lugiaand. I 4i,.tt`t %valla. d ➢ioir retiresl fn an 1. ➢,- ,.d :.4 and r.,tk1 SY . (jt:Iy III:1r4•i l ;d irr4' 121.r11$laa, alnl his 1 Too, ILOWIN of th(s I'(rr9usl� is eIairCl
tolusFollow. ( "That is very fintteritim" Bakal 1, I any otliv r, til(* least- of :I lar;;'e• It mse tit x.14+ .s I,,, r, > 'soda her hall balls .aro Contd%nte2ltr site
r cul➢3:.1 atao;l. 1 rant forget > r y , r lift ii rb^^.lac➢ and g, rI. P.rtir ulttlrp s ting liy the reading lamp, etttting'
c Ittrrr(± ntdtwatil ,assn I C:Lrr±al t;7 tihttrw. t1Y:It llt:it it; g�t,a, ills•. 4 in t1w worlt.l fs,Ot of rr€tig.•r ntia.I•roe . Ile lu:dl .]"•4"29 wolllait .
lS rSYnalt'af CarC!6 about laic IYdlUltir r 9 w r Inaj�:t�itxa*9.
hold tore in-:liy and often worrying , t "be1't it Is nothing., In support of roar i rvhil.. 1 na11 6d•f± ;r'd>tI :Ott?i iia°fir frd'Itl 1n,-rrfr,i iSwia'd., ifr.�t td, a l:a("y tar Its. erOliQg (tuftal ra�C'r inirrf,ctj r w
and it h+ Ito wolldc'r ithat talo h%mltln' acetl;;aLtfatt. R`4>422e,4t, tits• ver, brut • 3'vil. fou
art gtIll. to rt'ttla. in t:lzzIfng ltca°tllti:tt.r t: t:-urn1� rtilr, Itadl t.'llat leas Ila b"rrl rl,siltg~? I hive I`nrg,u.a29a tt>:a3clrailyl-waly. d(trY
Cif e* nlallar' givo twaty handler tae • ref .,oil, think nothing; of bringin I tioWn 'I" blit: addled. quickly ant} anx 11 ft him, uno tlaitgcll., er. t42atl after In r r alrvay s hail Illy U.,plrluins of hila, but Son know my mnv, fall hat• -•the orae
" g" t if charges - lttltt4ly. > tft^:1L}t to ):lr r• :111ei h:e21,}:^,'lel•• lal�ly 1C;irr ;nothing. I Went down ran tilt- train alteari of
strain. g o twc•rtk, •tired -oaf:, dr- , a .g< nst your friends charg es which " g of course I iavf* ti all
you to bayflat± e-wd,nilllr wt* took in
prt.ssed rwouwn eteryrwltere, ill,% Story a Ina 11----', ! "No, I had Ito $11,ra1glit' or doing so. gave me a trong, napressi <11 c,f Fatly- Mr. Jc>ne.a fattneki ngy his oulOc•0•°°- ^the tl➢P':lil`a last „ � ,
of Mr,s. G,_�o. L. Piortun, the trill, :she Interruptud har,tlly, "I !>routr.;Lt : I atm grritlg brle•;c to La rIi:---" Ile fore Illg luld doubtful ano-el•d ents Phis NvIly, •rvhr2a I wcVit dalva Ill, n nip;ht � t .I€Ishrs ink week . Well, i we
t9 I could. finli ll th�;r sword sir±• was at :tr.con:l wire bad a culu"rc•41y hIm"I'o* to the boant mr"ting i'erg„u:zon was:': 3 nk an ft Can yon etc -an it?
of a twr11 known farnl"r lir ins; tiealr no Cltatrgr. g . , C'lara---lies; er>I•tninl,. You look so
Formlek, 01st., will cv11I . as a tit ±s- I "You only acellt;ed me of delllr. r- i to=t feet k19rr ling on a. clla:hion alts ratlging trultl lis!= , e:I r.; (-Ill to faC- on the gaol, tr;lf;t and alkane. Pat± :fecal fn that Pllcic.
Icani11 over the arm of any chair teen, bntrvrern srin,lu ,in.I th"Ir half- was hramttr�• In tit(- mast undignified
s i was proud
sage of hops?. 'To a repol•ter wile ately spoiling; the lives of two dr with iter facet][+tvrtdvf by strung t'1- bt ter watt Pftrdl fife± toff cf iter na ]oke tL srtic,rrlbny out on ,gL lark.' of you when you ealme to meet. me
Intrrvieued her on the ,bubjet't. Urs. £ Ind' dearest friends. . Cft"ment» mot'her's icrtunr b way,
I rant home I outsell ant. of •1 the station. ,_sly, what oil earth
Pell wl2k esti I : "'Yes1 I aln quite will- I No. no, not that; I only said t1vit . , - " do - ou suppose ail -4 all then women.
In to h". rixy testimony to the I ,your brought about otir marriage." i ` -`o, it(), not f arkhalt . you must At a ter,, early stvgle (if r,ur ae- a the thr-atrc,x ,ins] a:, it let out, alyd . I know ? Tney have raze,c
. ] ,: I
not go b:dck to Larkhall," rhe whir- i (Ilia file clde:;t lli,,s Faring;- ` eftlig It a isultsr* o[ I +'r *arson Fal}!n"r " - � 1 at me
great goo.[ lar: 1'a iiliant4 Pull. ; 4t'11fCt2 then Sr,emed to ,aur Ylee l,. red} cairns=r=ill . • l'rt4t r> e, s c , ' , i Lilr r gI �" t sa , tv ith tears in then. eytts the East
Pills )lave dolic, nle, ate: MY ex-' chulax of rarihl'y ha ppilles"I. Rem(•2n- wit I ,a of m Y � ou n, who was a g ooel-;o. k ng, , o g, a arway with a • tlintdllgly ih�essed Wo- : fery d Ly; sand p:ltte,.I nIe on the sitlast
[ "pt g, thfrf:, prs,m`,Sf,, promise." vvvman of three stud t.vcllty, rritla I Ynan—most dfrvotril. 1u:>• file,• ]:ere few Ta.,4 an flet: Jl m; ' i
(f'2'ir.Ila'r,. tllay11cil1.,01IIt.`crtheret4ferer: bet`, youz trmrria:d him ]with your v. vii `i'11y, tvil'ut's this matter � Where a Strong benlg, ey the± intlort- oit thrAr %%-.I. tet F:2I171ir for swatclxt � - �h'c• I could
A caa•plj_of Sara1•s ago my heatlthbe-" open, Content not eva�22 its rs;p,ret a.h0ititi f , t� ] 1 I , I d attr'.zyt; rely on It^r, algal there iv ere
" go blit to th(t only homer unce attacheal to ,tit lneunte of fit- ,'them turn into aj vafe. pltmt,- of others to back Int up.
gait to g~iv(: sway. it nit 3 4tL:Cered ,rou him to Im a good husband. Intl I 1112 ve 11,141 for r�l •vrn, ": teen hundred a , ear. had honured dare;. Jones (, r9,tatea}ly) Tilt, 3. , r
anaemia, with wo:-t of the depressing; admitted that pour:,rlf. I; it Inv I "`yes, but it !sn't sato no.w. If I
r rg oro:r (amusedly) -- 5r=xrch Inp;
ole by a marked pariva:lfty for tshtrlt t lvreCrix. An.I I ,u;+p:•s" l,:.tatl° Carla Rhy tion L ,oar ask em".
�`ymptomb of tn,A tcoubl ss nbecitmo fault that trotir love has provt �:L E tell you wiry you will only laugh at � I, in my, new Sociahility, at first felt'. teas slitting l.�atir.trtiJ at Iv -Mf' wait-�
fowls .m (lat"(I Ita.d ti tr g; weakerthenar than yon, thou ht . me. t Clara --I'm going; to. Tale,- make Mo .
arches, aill a very poor a ,p^Affte. At 1 t,+ g i grateful. It rwas pl,'asunt to find t In,g for IFltn, or el - orying; her ryes + uncomfortable.
1 I " ti`e:aker. Tit!.; tvav apparvnttc a a "No. chili, I 0vaild be- ung;ratt(:fnt some one' ivito evli'lol ,t5s an opinion, scut ! It's til::.q raec•:'u}: I'll waagor she s She does. an.t Ff•rru s
t an, ran)in
first I ti2oatl�ht til.. trouble twautdi new idem to her. "w ns'+sw kgral c+ in a d tr> l:tu,�Ih at stn, prof of r our inter- p rig wishes now Flit- lln.l Inn-ried Mr. Ray- ? h
past away. but fn this I was lnis- humbler tour. "II{av could T know." s test in int•." even it it wa14 urea :L very artrin.11 ! t on a n fst f,s tall n=z. !- s,vanlpsd trills
taken, are I continur•al to grow worse. ,110 asked meekly, "what striae ; 1`beo hilt her 11:11143 (>It v arm. e, - p tflrinion, on a pit,ture. a book, or a I n oma, evt•n It lie f:: uId "11011911 l:. sterleaii torrent of spt:eelt. in
My heart br ~:an to palpitate violent- thin s iL w:+u1c1 it:tve tr, r.r> r±r" X $ 11'c�ily r r an, fir landscape, nudl 'M'.ss haring;ton could S to box ser fitther: trlllcll lnaftd,nsiva, ,lir. Raymond, "goo-
qqu. prCe Ang- it a every otill 'r
ly at til Ieai:t esrr to 1; my rise at Lh,ru ht all InfII were rnittling; like twcrrti to g;iwa• emlrltasfs t,, 11t.r tvarll a.rvayrs do that ulta groat prect.don. S:•t±tle>,'u. sulry, horrid rv0mrn;' d,0ruccating;
night, was broken anal finally a batt ,ou—at hr±€ort, and that to please ; Ing;. . P chap_;, too. it flattered mc' van- r<ritth and choking, I;Lugahter are in-
t a lt,. to be t . p led to as the one t Sitting, real_ t4 eta lfr t•:i.Ltt. She is : estrieanbly ming]=_•d.
cotuglt ,set- in, anal I was srarc; lv ,alba filen) anaY had only to ter,•. Oil. anti I `:t_y tattler _,•o;I rrniCnlba•r hien— ? I I �'t2 a aline'., touc,di:tg:; hands s.lth her I•'(ar uson after tl:rra, illi'
to do a bit of work abot.t t', house. dill try sa II<ard :" � he Is 4liasatsfied with Illy t representative of high civilization g ( di � lnct at -
'Ali aunt nil fr.nglaan-i wlxq had b, -,en ' The ? t • ] alliidst barbarian hatless rut twhcn caller, :dor-. Baillie. ! teripts to sp,ka':c his mina], which end
gt�rrr 1 t Ie lass wa4 drawn into : marrintre. fit. cava ;coal prc •mfs,.,d to, Mrs. Sinha: ---What ! lett haven't a In falluresi—Anti theress abecillite
Ill had writtext met that Dr. 11'Il}isms' pit(}:,us lines Inds vVrltiklws as she' It:o:a.nt,ar•"r:ahle. f;,r my 11•llrp as•,4.:arl:l; !u beoaimfp plant even to my modest �lnfa2ri? 11'tav tilt 0usi r C
t y g b r ;uson nothing eve; can coo to ronvinC;a pr!ot..
Pink Pill -'girl r:•storcd her to he-tlth, ig;he4 forth chi.; laIII(g1t. I lie 811.111 111aka. ;volt ataswer for 1.n•eak- merit that. the lady proposed to an ' I.; irc,zltlin- his trite, horrible and she , . ; r
anti 1 ,air te•rmined to give the Nils a .,., g „ a. n . Ila It's allntiinC,. Clara, dtalai ltvi?¢,p oil
t i• 1. ft the lase of a few 'boxes I he ilof*t has be stent+, eltftti .� 1 ins faith wadi him.,, v, ntrE ole, I grew suridlenl, cow : €inti I #; so In :z w" alb:.tu# it. I'irczr tiling t32c* ahoultirrr ai your ur villainous hus»
r a After g tea sU li her n by "NotIlLr, i If ; "But I have n::.#-- then found to Inc surprise that. dif- gee. out just the same amyl never once " band] and let's
go to fila theatre
n93t1^eti a distinct lnlplov,ment in Illy. 1 Could sten bffrre niarr ige ! "I k22t>w. 1 tnld hf4n that, I tolfl, fident as my disfigurement had made drops leer pretty smi}", He Is Infat- � to c0ebrato.
call<ition, and otftr r n:-lttg the pints i aLdiary of my married life as it would ] him everything;•; that I war; d;clr-g,i t
for a few weeks more the trouiilo had ; be, I Ell ,uld have thu:ugixt as I laid, like the f,ifot I ]vas, for tilt- Ios,p dif 41 - __ .__ _. ,---,-----
roml>letels left me. I colt]dl sleep well i that T wa:y going lofts an earthly � man who didn't caro ft.r me. ii" has
at night til,, cough left me; the. <,. g .r • °"E
g, ,paradise. TIt..Ie 1s nothing svrc:n;, taken t0 drink—mach w<rr�e til€rn
headaches that lead IL+Otis mesa mss-, boat the atmosphere, and there is � Itefpme -and be is iznp€ttfent, .savage,. I R A erabl4p ~ �anishCd, my appetite re- only one tiling wanting in that." and won't Ii,ten to reason. PI" tcfill
T I _ .
tvrneti, and I could again perform ' "T3e does not care for Sou?" I � tit, ttcntlting but rPpr:ir.t, again and!
tiny 'how,ework with, ease. I shall oil- maree}y did mare than Yarm the • again, 'Ile salt] 1w would answer for!
ways feel grateful for what Dr. W11- words with: mw )ipr, but the answer- i it. and Ile 'shall."' I Stares Many Pile Sufferers in the Face -The Safest and Surest Cure i -s
liame Fink Iritis hilvi clone far mel }ng tears rolled clown her cheeks "Bat he doesn't even know I havo'
and !strongly rccamnh".nci them to , again at once. returned."� Dr. Chase's OIntmel"li.
other ailing women." "Not a bit. At lea:st, not SO mach "Ile said ;vote were slue t , fly back possibly you are rt, sufferer from p}les, and hat.vr been disheartened and discouraged beeauso 0
Dr. W1111aMs' Pink pills have aa('- as YOU care for To -to or—Janet. And to tiro old nest anti-- listen, lir. you. g y ur pby"
cobiptiishod such, good results In it isn't Itis fault. Ile is perfectly Maude, for I know this is true ; lie old you that nothing short of ren operation will cure
siciazt Iles t
thiotvsatnds of other cases among; . all kind to me to hus fashion. admlres has guise, lip tltr±re tot lie in twafi, for You dread t11e thauglit of a surgical operation, far, besides the expense a71d strain an the nervous s n»
lhg . m'en and }women and suffer- the Way I have worked to please you, And remember, a man who has tem, there is the risk of life Itself. It is only a few months since a member, of tale Ontario .Legislature 10,4
Q1% from any of the numerous ail- him, is grieved that I „m 'dissatis- one crazed idea and won't listen to r his life as the result of an operation for plies. The risk of an operation is too great, and, besides it is un- .. .
talents resvIting; from poor, watery fled with the result. Only—he did anything but his own mad impulses, necessary. ,
'blood, who will give these pills not take me in—of his own accord, is more dangerous than one wbo is Dr. Chases Olnitment hats frequently cured piles after surgical apera,tiorts have failo(l. It is ever da •�
art faa:lr trial will soon bs on angry g " curio cases which l:hysicx,aLns have stated to be Incurable by an treatment short of an operation. y '�
and so I have remained rllways -Drat- g 3' with nasi cause, if you could read a few of the letters we receive from- person! who h€mave bepn cured of plies U using 'the high ra€tel to health and side. That's all)" Poor feltaw, I !bink he has gaoc9 l
strength'. Imitations are some- ,She spread out her little hzands, cause." t , Chase's Ointment one would soon ba con,vineed of its wonderful control Y ng Deo,
y � over ihisa frightfully cotuluon dis 'Iwge4
tunics offered by unscrupulous dealers, and clasped them again, with a "But, 11fr. Mande, ;sc.0 don't know Rev. S. A. Dnt rau• Methodist minister, Const'eon, I rinse >;d and County, Ont., start's : "I Was frau-
wv'.ho care more for th, it own profit p gestaTe of resignation. twhnt ridiculous things he says •"' bled with Itching and bleeding piles tot years, a,nd t.n v Ultimately attaiined to a very vfolrrnt loran. La
laintive "R'hat things . I lamps of abscesses formed, so that L,z was with g;•recat difficulty and COltsiderable
ore .fir th;;ir all name health. B- atAnd—and if -I seem urngrateful you IIT-10
"' a ' , ,C , pain that I wa.s able rte
astvple that tail full named "Dr. 1ViT- must forgive me; I've never been Ito says that von ought oat to stool. At tht:s scull crisis I pairohase4;1 a bas (*f Dr. Chases Qintlnexxt but I lead little, fir na taitl2 in ft
hams' Pink Pills for ral,; People, is able to tell it all to any nue for all have conbulted my eaprires. }rut to as I ,had tried various relna(lfes before and to no lnirpoac.. t
Vow, imagine how great andjoyous was my Surprbse to find that just the one box cur(, mC, so that
found on til;; ]wrapper around ever, these foul ,rears." have married mr, yourself straight -
box .you, buy. If your dealer hoes not away !' the lumps dinaltpaared curl also L)22 a.xterxtal sr. rfling;. I feel like a different man to-ri;tt , rzncl liar not
I was stricken with remorse, bust I the 'least doubt tint Dr. Chaso s Oflitmet,t saved m9 from a• ver da,ng•er(vns and ,a.infui a:a.
keep farces pills send to tTxe Dr. R'Il- She began to laugh as site finished, y I ; ratlon, am man
Ita.:tlus' M?edirino Co.., Brockville, Ont.. flared not give it the least expression but I stc,lppCd her. years of suffering;, it is with the groatest plc'�t13211•" anti with a thankful heart the I r*
and they will be wattled fist aid at for toar of the lengths to which It ""lJe is " g Chase's -Int this t asti'tnan-
or sig ores 'tor I ]night carry me. quite 12wilt, t o I fug ht to cal, kztawitt�, lifts, Dr. Cat, tiC s Ointment ]las cionc No noted far mer. YrnI are at Perfect li:u . ty to Ilse this
#its bents per box b t have Mone. to' 1,
th"rt� was one 'Lestinromal as ,you ser fit for thebern-fit of (ultra*r, t;inni.atrly afflicted." .
$412"M • ' , , . . . I made another journey among; the thing; ill the tvay:' . 1)r, Chase'], 0ini111.rnt, 000 a 'box. At all dptilars. cur I, nlanson, Bal,tes d'c Co., Toronto.