The Herald, 1902-11-21, Page 4lyxs PUBLIS13L1)
1.3T 1' 1Seed Testing and its Relation to
The testing of seed for purity
and vitality by scientific methods
has been on important factor in the
agricultural progress of Germany, tducted bytthePresident, 1MissE11.1S OF SUBSCRIPTION 1,00 per S' itzerlalld and other Euro 1e1Ln Andrews.
Nett followed the (dtt-
Tlreer paid strictly iu advance. When the countries. Labratory methds- Dir. Ancatdrew part, tvhiclz vas takeneby
a:paper ss not ordered to be discontinued seed testing were • devised by
RU7 will be sent until such order is given Nobbe, of � Tharandt, Germany, Mrs. J. D. Merger, who gave her
. aaxd arrearages paid $1,50 to be charged thin years ago, slues which luno report of the provincial convention
vrlien not paid in advance. seed thirty
stations have been which was held in Toronto, Oot.
IS ADVERTISING RATES.—Trans is nht established. in nearly all European `'4th t o 01st, this report proved.
9l?�sdvertirldments, 5 gents per Brevier like caoulltrie5 and the United States, very interesting and instr>lctive
.'each su insertion t lase •bonny smeallLne Advs. Canada hes now one tnodern seed daad the members ed to worb. ]n Ie the11Te1xapc3r-
uch. en-
�euoh asttLost"n"Estrav" or `Stolen wi;i labratol•y equipped with the nodes- ;a
by' be charged 50 cents first insertion and 25 sary apparatus for testing the tinco cause. �Irs. Paulin, of Dash -
cents fox eaeh subsequent insertion. purity and vitality of seeds.
wood. trlso gave a few helpful re-
a,q". Copy for change of advertisement must The fact that Germany alone marks concerning the convention.
`•"be banded in not later than Tuesday night now maintains thirty nine seed Business was taken by .Miss And-
wg of each week to insure change in follow- control stations shows that seed rews and it was arranged to hold a
'ie ing issue. testing is highly valued as a parlor meeting. It was decided to
means of safe -guarding the inter hold next meeting, Dec. 1st, in the
that country. Baptist church, Meeting was dis-
eats of agriculture in
The results of the work theta ]las missed with Temperance Doxology.
already been done in the Dominion
Seed Labratory reveal a great need
for active work in seed testing as
well as persistent efforts ate protect
Canadiaii farmers and fields from
the many evils that are connected
a with the seed trade.
Early in the spring of the present
year, G. H. (:lark, B. S. A., who is
connected wit it Prof. Robertson's no guess work, no experimenting
staff, and who is now in charge of when you use this proscription.
the Seed Labratory, planned to it brings relief in to remarkably
The Canadian Mute tells about a make an investigation of the con- short time, land because of its coin -
man bringing his two slaughters to ditions of the trade in grass and hind action of liver and kidneys,
the institution at Belleville to be clover seeds. 'With the assistance cures complicated cases which can -
of Agricultural Association, Insti- I not bo reached by any ordinary
•educated. They were bright girls, ; tote workers and other interested
aged 20 and 15, but being deaf an.d . persons, over five hundred one-half tra,:Ltmont. _
( dumb, had received no schooling. pound samples of Timothy, Alsike, Rev, Irl, R. Hicks
The father, however, stipulated and red clover seed that was offered
for sale by local dealers were pro-
t?lat if they fell ill they were not cured for the seed labratory. With. To say that this splendid work of
. to receive medicine or medical ; entcil GtLtuple was enclosed tL stat- science and art is finer and better
attention , as he was a believer in ! nlent showing elle mtnlo of the than ever. is stating it mildly.
Christian Science. Superintendent' dealer. the place at which it was The demand for it i' far beyond all
Matheson would not agree to this, offered for sale, the price per pound previous years. To say that such
! or per bushel, and the origin of the results, reaching through thirty
and the father took his daughters
ed. years, are not based upon sound
home with him again,to go through ; In the Seed Labartttory these sense and usefulness, is an insult
life uneducated The editor of the' samples were subjected to two , to the intelligence of the millions.
Mute is amazed at the whole occur- examinations. one for purity and : Prof. Tricks, through this great
one for vitality. In making these Almanac, and. hie famous family
examinations the rules adopted by: and scientific, journal, Word and
the Association of American Agri-. Works, is doing u work for the
cultural Colleges and Experiment; whole people not approached by
Station..' were followed in detail.any other .man or publication. A
Evidence of wilful adulteration ± fair test will prove this to any
was f inial in a few instances. One' reasonable person. Added to the
in the selling of fresh meat in; sample of Alsike obtained from most luminous course in astronomy
Great Britain. It is stated that !Primes Elward Island contained 25' for 1003, forecasts of storms and
special steamers have been built' pounds uf colored sand per hundred 1 weather are given, as never before,
with freezing chambers, the Tilts- 9 pounds of seed. From ten to twen- i for every day in the rear, all
ty per cent by weight of sand was I charmingly illustrated with nearly
sian Government assisting by sub- 'frequently found in samples of; two hundred engravings. The
sidles, and that itis intended they !Alsike ttnd Timothy seed. On the 'price of single Almanac, including
shall ply between a Russian port, whole there has not been serious • postage and mailing, is thirty
via the Kiel Canal, and London, cause for complaint because of Taw i cents. Word and Works with the
t vitality. It is the large quantites' Almanac is -$1.00 a year. Write to
with huge cargoes of fresh meat. , and noxious nature of the weed I Word and Works Publishing Co.,.
Libau is considered a. suitable port, a seeds found in most of the samples12201
2201 Locust Street, St. Louis, Mo.,
" as front there the beef eau reach that render the evils connected and prove to yourself their great
Landon in three Clays or less after with the trade in grass and clover value.
I seeds of more than ordinary romper- cam.._ .. —
slaughtering. s tante to agriculture. The number TO INCRLAsb. YOtn WEI011T,
of weed seeds per pound of seeds If you are thin, weak and emu -
Liverpool advices. received by ins; marketed, ranged with Timothy crated and want to increase your
e frons 0 to 237,090; Alsike from 90 flesh and weight you should trymail, under date of October..,i, by to 180,4a0; and red clover from 0 Dr, Chase's Serve Food. You can
Cheater R. Lawrence, 92 State ^ to 45,103. The approximate num- feel it doing you good from day to
street. Boston state that the recent ber of seeds in a pound of timothy' clay, as it strikes at the root of
supplies of apples in Ltverpo01 =keds is 1.350,000 ; alsike, o0.00D ; trouble and creates new rich blood.
Land red clover, 300,000. The weed you can prove that it builds u )
market have been both varied and ! seeds named in the order in wuic11 ` nt w tissue and ad flesh it yoi
plentiful, and, while there has been they most frequently occurred con-
Fq , v eigh yourself each week while
a marked improvement in most silted of (oxtail. ribgrass, lamb c n using it.
samples, yet there is, unforttin- quarter, White cockle, sheep sorrel, t e
curled (lock, false flax, pepper ;-
ately, a good sprinkling of inferior x a reseed Canada thistle ARMOUR PLANT DESTROYED,
THE ZUIR IC14.1TE'k•A.i-t)
VT, C. T. IT.
The regular meeting of the W. C.
T. U. was hold Monday night, Nov,
14th, at the home of Mrs. .1VIagel.
The devotional exorcises were con -
Local notices in ordinary reading type
t6 cents per tine. Notiees for Church en-
' tertainments,or other benevolent institn-
Ix Con at speeial rates.
Contracts for column, half -column and
!ti quarter-eolunnn rates for specified periods
will be cheerful] given. Address all
Ii y
1. communications to
The OE a aid,
Is the first indication of kidney
disease, and. should be taken as a
signal of d'€thger—a warning to use
Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills
while yet there is time to avoid the
dreadful pains and certain fatality
of this terrible disease. There is
1903 Almanac.
rence. — Toronto Star.
• Russia, through her Department
'apt Agriculture, is about to make an
attempt to oppose other countries
Sensational 1liurder in Rochester Yes-
terday -Five Wounds Inflicted--
Supposed Murderess Arrested.
1;oeliester, N.Y., Nov, 10.—One of the
•most sensational. murders in the his-
tory of Rochester was committed yes-
terday at 543 Court street. The
victim was Miss Florence McFarlin, a
Music teacher.
Mrs. Lulu Young,
wife of Frank Young, formerly a to-
bacconist, and once city purchasing
agent, was arrested at the home 'of her
father, 881 Exchange street, 'about an
hour after the murder was committed.
She is supposed to be. the woman who
did the deed.
The woman who committed the crime
rang the doorbell and when Miss Me-
Farlin answered it attacked her with
a knife. Miss McFarlin ran screaming
through the hall into the kitchen closet,
pursued by her assailant. In the
kitchen slie stumbled, half -turning, and
in a flash her pursuer was upon `ler
and with a rapid slash had stabbed e
to the heart. Another woman was in
the kitchen, but was too frightened to
do anything.
The total number of slab wounds iii-
flicted is live. The dead woman was
about 21 years of age. She was t.
daughter of a railroad man and a
woman of refinement and education.
The only words the woman who did the
killing was heard to utter were:—"She
has come between myself and my flus.
band and I'm glad she is dead," Mrs.
Young las made no confession.
The Empress Obtaining Information
Regarding the Number of Troops
that Can be Rais_d.
Victoria, 33.C', Nov. 19.—According to
advices from China, a Pekin correspond-
ent of The North ('hine herald says
the Chinese government is secretly
planning another unheaval. Ile points
out that tate Empress -dowager has rcceiv'
ed secret reports front all the Vice•
rot's and governors regarding the
number of soldier's and the tuuottnt of
war Munitions that could be raised, and
that instructions have been given to re-
tain the instructors in the use of the
rifle and in western drill.
For this wet weather
You will need a good strong pair of Shoes,
have what you want.
Men's Heavy Shoe, a
Dandy, only. ..
Edward Small, a Wealthy Widower of
Shelburne, Asphyxiated.
Shelburne, Nov.. 10.—Edward Small,
widower, Who had been living alone in
.iia residenee on Andrew- street, was
found' dead in bed yesterday, death
resulting from asphyxiation by gas from
a coal stove. Deceased was last seen
alive on Saturday night at 10 o'elock,
when lie made some ; urehases in a local
hardware store. 1 e attention of a
passerby was aurae •d by the violent
kicking of the horse : t the stable. Up-,
on investigation he Bund that the ani.
mal apparently had not been feel for
some time. Ile then gained an entrance
and tender stock, for which at any ; common plantain, lady's thumb, lour Cit act ne of a Dims- to the house through a window a.nd
time it wvould be difficult to obtain I weeel, black mediek, ragweed, Si y. Xowa, found it full of gas a •td the owner & ad
p l;in bed. Coroner Norton was notified.
good prices. Canadian, perhaps, ; charloek or 'dvi1d mustard and trous Conflagration. ' but did not consider an inquest necea-
.N....., than A,,,e,;nev, varieties,have : perennial sow thistle. sary'. Deeeased was a retired farmer
The trade in red clover and alsike'. I �.. 10. --The
and is supposed to be worth about $25,•
turned Ont better ; indeed, some. d tbt it the most frLutftll
is, tan of et iy, sural City, ur, Nov.
M Oi10
lots of Kings, Ding Pippin and 'medium for the dissemination of I big plant of Armour and Company,' ;
131en1ieims were first class, and . weed pests. The steadily itiereas• which ocrltpied #11ree and aL halt
•iY d ° nd for #hse seeds for acres of ground at the extremei CHOLERA IN PALESTINE.
realized good prices. liven Green•o "both theL beige and the exhort' south end of the stock yards dis-
ings and Snows were not so badly trade has encclttraged their ..redid= trict, was totally destroyed by file,
Spotted, but the confidence of buy- tion o y n farms that are foul with which started at 12.50 o'clock this
- r morning on the second floor of the
era has been sadly shaken on the weeds, Canada exports annually' .
es and it is difficult to large 'quantitie 1 of alsike Land red fertilizer building. The loss, esti` epidemic. is spreacl<'ig reliably. The
Snow' app. , muted 1137 Chits. W. Lennon, illanaa
�iie u•,goon sale where there Is clover seed to European cottntrles, . , populations of Gaza and Lydda Mudd)
. where ti thorough sy stem of seed gel` of the company, Is total, or p lr
the slightest Indication of spot.
hath becotue estulylish dl and X00,000. Tthe insurance is $721,:300. hnVC been decimated. and the iiuthor-
Boston is a arently shipping ;very where oils:. the best re=cleaned Explosions of aatrlfnailia almost sties are taking ilii' 1. At Jaffa there
pp pp y r.areti the entire lnt ti on Ila have b
freely and the chances are we stocks cath find a inarllet, The foundation. At 0121 o clock the clays The disease •s raging in nneigh-
sGreentn��s from these vnllorted fire department had. ive til) rho boring r iiinges. No complete returns pt
seedls are nittCh in demand ori our 1 the mortality arc ave''able. The people
is the stricken di.:tr.t.ts are in a sad
plight, and relief is n'eded everywhere.
'The Population of Nona Toxins Rave
Peen Decimated.
d'erusaleln, Nov. 10.—The cholera
A few Bargains in Sumner Goods
Call andd see them
� before they go,
een fifty-seven deaths in three
shall soon, see loiter prices, caped= g
any for indifferent stock. We are home markets and ate retailed bye figO1 were useless,1 1(1 the i 11ei s
sorry to note the general standard local dealers.
of quality is not as good as it night There are fens agricultural mei.- plant would be destroyed. This
afternoon there was another ter -
be, candle articles the reel vallie of rifle explosion, which threw bricks
which is so difficult to jatdge from and pieces of Iron for hundreds of
appearance as grass, clever and yards, endangering thousands of
other sexual seeds. Competition. is speGtntars,but no one was seriously
said to be e the life of trade but fair hurt.
Three Establishments EnterPd on competition in the seed trade is
Sunday liornildg=RaLrt of the possible �ossible only when the seeds i5
Booty Recovered. , sold according to fixed standards of
i quality, or under a definite guaran-
itee based upon 11 standard method
Ailsa Craig, Noe. 16..�. Three i of analysis. The seed trade in
dating burglaries
were committed
t Canada has beenn
fromthe here this morning between 4 and .s ,. i
hands of reliable seed houses into
incompetent and irres-
the hands of incom
o'clock. The perpetrators were , l)
'three unknown men, supposed to ponsible local dealers whose plain
be tramps, 0, R. Watchers jewel- i business is of an entirely different
eery store 'was eiitereti rand impo i character. There are far too many
worth of goods taken, while readya jobbers dabbling in the seed buss-
trade elothini , hats, etc., "were; Hess and the result is that coiupeti-
stolen from White .& May's dry i tion has been confined to prices
goods establishment. They also i alone. tTnfortuna,tely most farmers the 'most eriect skin beautifier oblate.
broke into the Quee l's Rotel, and as well as seed merchants are not table, II can be used in is score of different
extractedabout i;2 in silver from acquainted with the iinpilrities
the till and carried away consider- that commonly occur in grass and
able of the bottled liquor. They ; clover seeds, and when making
Were discov'er'ed at White & May's their purchases are content to
store and word was Sent to 'Coli- screw down the price and trust to
stable Priestly, who 'ct as soon on luck. As long as there is it demand
the scene. Ile overtook thein on for cheap seed, a worthless low
the railwaytrack just east of the P',1' -fide article will be offered ; and
. until Canadian farmers have come
toetin but they turned on him. and
threatened to shoot hila. The odds to know that the highest obtain -
were tea great against t hien anti
the .ni1enof away-, He. succeeded,
g •.
however, in obtaining the 'clothing
and liquor.
As a Food
For the Skin
Powders may cover up the disfiguring
eruptions, but can never cure them, and
are positively injurious; because they Clog
up the pores of the skin Dr. Chase's
Ointment is a food for the skin. It is
readily Absorbed, and thoroughly cures
each and every skin disease, making the
akin smooth, soft and clear.
No woman's toilet is complete without
Dr. Chase's "Ointment, for, besides being
able quality of seed is always the
cheapest, the best quality of our
hone grown seeds will be exported
to 'countries where the seed trlade
isconducted on a more business
VIE Hs1tALD to new subscribers. like llcasis.
1 F. W. Hodson,
Live Stook'Commissioner,
0.00 to end -of next year,
ways. It absolutely Cures eczema, salt
rheum and the itching to which women
are especially subject
When the feet are sore and chafed with
walking an application of Dr Chase's
Ointment takes out the smarting and
allays the iniiaiiimation in a surprisingly
short time. Then for burns, scalds
and every sort of chafing, irritation or
eruption of the skin, Dr. Chase's Oint-
mentp safe and certain cure I
of%rd9 a ty t
ha., come to be indispensable in scores
of thousands of homee , 60 cents a box,
at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates "& Co.,
Dr. C ase s
Geo. It. Maxwell Dead.
Vancouver, 13. C., Nov. 18.—George 1:.
3faxwell,menrnber of the Dominion Parlia-
ment for I3urrard, died at his residence
in this eity at midnight after a lengthy
w ,.. .id. v �. • p.l .v...11.•`, .,t1 .-: 1+ • d2Y..i.. s h ._'. J.fw„
To preserve or restore it, there is 110 better
prescription for men, Women and children than
Ripans Tabules. They are easy to take. They
are made of a combination of medicines approved
and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules
are widely used by all sorts of people—but to the
plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend
111 need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan-
dard family remedy. They are a dependable,
honest remedy, with a long. and successful record,.
to cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stub-
born constipation, offensive breath, heartburn,
dizziness, palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness,
muscular rheumatism, stair stomach, bowel ttud
liver complaints. They strengthen weak stom-
achs, build. 111) run-down systems, restore pure
blood, good appetite and sound, natural sleep.
Everybody derives constant benefit from a regu-
lar.' use of Ripans Tabules. Your druggist sells
them. The fire -(cent packet is enough for an
ordinary oc asion. The Family Bottle, 60 cents,
contains a supply for a year.
RTISTI(.' PRIMING. tht' kind that
appeals to the eye. and through it at-
tracts attention to the subject talked
about, is the most profitable kind of
It pays the customer far more than he will
save by accepting „ any old thing " in lien of
fin artistic piece of work.
THE HERALD Job Department It is Inade
tt specialty of this kind of work. Its printing
has been acknowledged to be the finest issued
from local presses.
As an
for this section, we cover the ground,
and cover it well. Our circulation is steadily
increasing, and by the end of the year we con-
fidently hope to reach the thottsantl marts.
Ottr Work is r1f the Pirst Q* ality and
our Pries are A. ways Right.
illness. Deceased, who was a Liberal
15 polities, was returned ns hist anent- —
'ter for Burrell in 18110 and was re-elect-
edat the a last goliei't a I leLit
Submarine Boat's Succce ess. ARE
Cutcltoguc, N.Y., Nov. 18.—The sub -
Marine torpedo boat 'Moccasin made a
suceessfml submerged run of two miles
to -day. She fired a torpedo at the end
of the run at an imaginary warship.
She came to the surface for observation
three times.
Died iti. Electric Ohair.
Auburn, N.Y., Nov. 18.--,lolut 'Truck
was put to death in the electric chair
in the State ,prison here this morning.
for a murder committed in the
Town of Virgin, Cortland County, on
the night of N..trcli 14, 1890.
the i
he 1t�e�v awxss Minister.
Herne, Switzerland, Nov. 18.—'she
Bundesrath lies app••inted Penland du
,fartheray to be `'vias Minister at
Washington, M. du Martheray is now
Secretary of Legation at Rome.
;steamier Wallade Sunk.
Two 1-Isubora Nov. 1S.—The steamer
Robert \' allnee fonn•'•sed in 500 feet .of
water on Lake Supers' last night,. Capt.
J, W. Nicholson and the crew were res-
the sinamn,Aandanwerelbrouthe
bore ea1)y to -day by rine tug lidua d3.
a i=
by our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable.
. itoo
iitni!e,):ni 1 --..edit entirely Cured of deafness, tliSnl:s'to \bArroaMr»rorrr:treatnienrtt'Yd.,. TJrarclwill no;0w, givet. '0l1
it full history of my case, to be used at your discretion.
About five veers ago my right ear began to sing, and this )sept on getting worse, tuttil I lost
my hearing in this Car entirely.
I underwent a treatment for catarrh. for three months. without any success, consulted a aunt.
her of physicians. among others. the most eminent ear specialist of ibis city, who told are than
only an operation could help Inc. and even that only temporarily, that the head noises woui^
then cease, but the hearing in the affected ear ^would he lost forever.
I then saw your advertisement accidentally in a New York paper, and ordered your treat-
/neut. Atter i had used it only a few days according to your directions. the noises ceased, and
to -day, after five weeks, my Bearing in the diseased ear has been entirely restored. I thank you
heartily end beg to remain Very truly vonrs.
F. X. \VERMAl , ^;o S...roadway, Baltimore, Md.
Ottr't1•eatllttat sloes not intel'fe)'e with, you?. 9 $U(cl oceitpittion.
'adore reend YOU CAN "CURE YOURSELF AT HOME ataeost.jn