HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-11-21, Page•Pmessewers.
The Official,Organ of Zurich and 1.1y Township.
VOL.III., NO.17.
ZURICH, ONT., FRIDAY, NOV. 21, 1902.
T. BONIFACE, Catholic,
Order of service for the summer.
Sundays: Highness at 3.30 a. m.; Cate-
chism and Instruction at 10.30 o'clock;
Vespers and Benediction of the Most
Blessed Sacrament et 7 p.
Holy Days: High Mass at 9 o'clock;
Vespers and Benediction at 730. p. m,
Week Days: Mass every morning at 7.3 0
o'elock; First Fridays, Mass with
Exposition at 8 o'clock; The Holy
Hour, or one hour .s visit to our Lord
in the Blessed Sacremet every Sat-
urdy evening from? to 4.
Baptism on Sundays at 2 o'clock.
The Communion Sundays before Mass at
8 o'clock.
Bev. Father Valentine, Parish Priest
EVANGELICAL, German and English
Sunday services
rman, at 10.45 o'clock a. m. English,
7 o'clock p. m., Sun. BC11.001 at P• m•
Tuesday evening; Junior Allianee, at 7,
Senior Alliance, at 8, h, oir practieeat 9.
Wednesday evening; German prayer
meeting, at 7.30. Thursday evening;
English prayer meeting at 7.30. Friday
evening; Teachers' ,neeting at 8.
Rev. W. J. Yaeger; Pastor.
Sovereign Bank
Authorized Capital - $2,000,000.00
Subscribed Capital - $1,300,009.00
Miss Clara Klopp returned from
EXETER BRANCH, Tavistock on Monday evening.
Mr. Edmund. Sipple returned to
Lansing on Thursday af ternoon.
i. luti). Et, Petri ifird2e,
djottesbienft von. Eialb ktUtr
unb abeilbs 7 111)r. Sainitat.31cip.ile
norm. ko Cehrerveriammitut4
2.11itiwocl) abenbs um bulbS.
L. BActiAND, St. Joseph.
Notary Public, Fire and Life In-
surattee Agent, liottey to Loan, either by
private funds or loan companies.
u, held a parlor meeting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Ronnie
on Wednesday evening, which was
lin'fielV attended The ladies heal
Savings Department. Mr. Aaron Kaercher, of tho Ti good provision for thvir ;
Everyone has been showing loyal- Bronson line, is on the sick list. friends, and after the devotional ;
ty to the King and now is the time Miss Sidonia Holtz, of Blake, is exercises, which Wert" conitneted
reported to be vory siek at present. by 11.1iss L. Andrewe, eco Mlle -keit-
to show loyalty to yourself, by open-
ing a Savings Bank aceount in themr. •peter Koehler has discon_ 1;,- filled the poeition of chairlady, 1
Sovereign Bank at Exeter or
Clinton where the highest .rates of tinned his milk route here for the tt Vi "Al inn:ieal and literary pro- i
gram was rendered which WtIS ttS* I
tie J. D. COOKE
tlette with Dal rt.IW PrOtttlf0M) Barris -
tet , Solicitor, Nuttily Publie.
liensall, Ontur
Barrieters, tiolleitote, Noturiee Public*
et, ete. Cor. Square and Nes th lett eet,
tioderieh, Ontario
Interest 5;re paid on deposits of $1.
and upwards.
Special attention given to Farmers'
and Cattle -men's business.
A general Banking business transacted
Solicitor. Manager.
Mrs. Hartung, of the Babylon fiellows. : Song, .. Temperance 1
tells" ; address of welcome by in.
line, intends moving to town
Ennui° ; instrumental auet, by
shortly. ;Misses Lydia Ronnie and Ethel
Mr. L. 1?, Bachand. of St 1 Joseph, ; Williams ; reading, Miss Ethel
was in Toronto on Saturday last, ; Williams I solo, Mr. R Ronnie ; ;
on business. I instrumental, hiss Lydia Rannic ; i
Miss Freda Becker, of St. ; report of provincial convention,
Thomas, a former resident here, is 1 lly Mrs. J. D. Merner : chorus, i
1 in town this week. 1 Some glatl. dav" ; quartette, •
ii nig, drifting' ; address by
Will Levey and Miss Jennie il " ])rifting,
i Mrs. Paulin, county president ,
Allan, of Seaforth Wer0 in our
and Implements, on Lot. 5,
Con. village on bun a. • instrumental. Miss Lydia Ratline ;
:AO. Miss, Minnie Doan; ;meal
10 Towuship of Staillev, no e'ridav, t Mr. David Spencer of St. Joseph duet, Lizzie Ronnie and Ethr1 Wil -
am ;
Bossceiberrv, Auctioneer; Jno. Dr. Routhier for V3,450.00.
O Nov. 14, 1902, at 1 o'clock, p. tn. E. disposeil et 34 acres of his farm to
li S i iStrUnlental Si,.MT1 lr-
Proprietor. ranee. liessrs. ilannie aoll, Lan-
1 SMART BOY WANTRD.-At Bentley's e„ -.tee. 0.4.0 .L //
.r.tsngall work. present
------"--- " - 7 1 Shoe Store to learn shoemaking. and eontributed several linc in-
1.3MION SALE OF FARM HTOCK ; App13,. to P. BiccuEn, Zurich. • strinuental duets Witi011 WOrt" mu011
and Implements, on Lot 0, South
Dr ?nuttier of St 'Joseph. has apprtwiattql. A e•lilei.ti‘in was
Boundary, Stanley, on kriday, Nov. •
214. E. lio:settherry, Auctioneer; Wm. titken six of N. '..NI. Cantin's child- ' talt..n up. after whnth light re- •
C. 'Kyle, Proprietor. t ren to a college near Montreal. ; fresbments were Sit'rVi1/41.. An ttp•
---- - -- --- - ' - - - - - - • - - • , tioax.-At. Ditshwood, On Twit- ' P xtratity w1'.itrivvn vf ,,,itpdmr the
1 _ ...
and Implements, on Lot. 13, Con. t Philip Fassohl, a daughter.
MON SALE OF FARM STOVii. day. Nov. lhth. to Mr. and :qrs. - 111P.Itte mui joinin., rise Union.
V. dos' 112 thank -4. ‘,..1`ri`71,•Vii ti all
''' ' ,
Mk?" :It 1 Ii.4.1444" P. 1". la. Rt)s5""heITS' with the aid. in' a ettne,as the result 3;'''he" 114 ,"" 1 l'-", 1.1'
• Auctieneert Henry Koehler. Sr., l'eqaie- ? teem !I:01Wrott"; attintlin-y. iii;ter
a a sprain in one of his legs.
1 1, He, on Niond.y, Nov. 24tle • tIt .‘4(.1.);tfor 11ItvigItting t,pdc port in the linatram tool
., hit"11 ret1111101 to their It 01w,-.
\1l'$.lc I /1%1 tatilpitt"I/ "911:01t 11. WW1{ th,w,vittrlity
it1t her parents. at Ilensali, re
ARM FOR SALE turning hone Wednesday evening.
Rippe!, ikadrelittg their and -1i.tliarles liar tleih
Farm, South halt of 1.5e t ill the •
For i„ are at Sebrinivi
ille this weiLk. v1sit-
'remit ( Nnieessiitat of lime for 8:de.
further patieulare inquire nu the local. int; the latter fatherwho is very
iso.. This haat u itt te sold in easy 111.
' terms. 211.1*. 5tAII/11.1 I is:lkinni% from The resideniv \•0.1.0
ch.vehina. whyre hi spent the past ei•lete,1 when 11 leeeune 1. :emu ell
.5t41,71521 months as fireman on a iatil= ;;-;-;t1;1:1‘" Itc-1• 1 Imnt 'Mt" 11 41n
4.1tarbior 4.1 Mr n.1 Mr- 1".g70,
rt putt .
••••• ..rip• or.
Death of Clara Sipple.
compaost tit La iu ;he' Mrs. Matteis iv laid up with "t:`'
LI I it ' -'i t ot the Tomo.; bad swelling tell her neeli and face, k 11311- 110'11 ai 1 11'ior
saitelin;.! IN .ti...t Lit ,
' eldp44.31 flay. Gotta 1/4tvett Barn 'wed; stone but she, is reported to In improving IIT"it'
` 't.. an A orV VultAn•-•
etatoling underneath; Frame Dwelling ;eel , Awe
. , •
• Clerk loth Div. Court, Huron teller ontleulsimes, 1 lee eut„ e, 11-0114111 latt She Wzi.; rtlutrtod to
• vit.; eituate d first -5171ase utavell ta.tAl, IN Attila )'4,41,n"..,,1°' .1.he '"44 ."1P3,'Tkl" in1111.0% trilly tints; tie
Counniesiuner for 'lathier Ade , .1 , 10, mid the needle at 1n site bad ; ontlition 111,„ae, net.. feint CD, 414„,
Mice- Zeiler Dioeli. 'lane+ . MELLE11, *Za ne it. -7,7,,,,,,ziter‘ wit ;411711;sz`
Voilvqlower 4'n'• Valualur Lur ' touts to end punlee-54-. and travelling IS anYtinnt': but yam,. „a
• • I L
mu alai Lean mei Saving's, Co.
Forr pattieularte nig& to pleasant.
1. • , ••• e ivy Iter .....,..4. ..s. Mrs.. Gertrude Ilevs. /Alpo /01p4o..; 1104.r, 1 11.).
I8 Between the 25th of Novern=
ber and the sth of December,
0 V'
db for which highest prices will 1
be paid. P
• t.
. $
c\. ,
= Ontario. 1. '
, Zurich, W
• 477,
" 'P• 'CZ; sZ:of
E e..,
;very low"it lircseut 16141.1 IDIAI t,A; 0.. '23 V.Aatr•-• z.11 ALZ
on t'otnate, respeetteally eulleits the pat. , MI' re:a:atn.. AA.1,41° ..,,•' i,6_://.1' t.e•otA
ilA 1,1aeogsutt Atietioueer tor lime ' Notice to Creditors. , experele.1 5.7 r; oover.
atitiage ot 4 BiA.P.Att. who ;bleed having sales. ,• le Tut; et vri Eg4 oi Tilt., 1:-. 10. : :1,1r,,. ;;. NI. ittlawin rottirmii ta 1 ),-; volt .41 ..,.1 .111411v ,,,.„.,,,,,,1:711„.7. Tilo
----------5, AI t‘ von; CIA;A.1.1- 190 Ila MIN.. illig ti A
lvelt.A.4 INI.• 1_ ‘0.1,011,
, ..
rattle*: pi' litatett. I lAtai.d tequest ' teasuant ti t lu.aoca- Lill Ill S. 0, . Iiity. on Wednesday. liitlo Utst.. :Mr.. die,,1"`11. l'reit'' .° .1"lf.- •!/'-'"'''''•
Drese lit t' sults lo all AM we,. ISt1:. that ell pieelne keine: ;Ickes beet*. litAN,A11 Of SIalaleY, to 2i155.s; tvc''' •I''.4tlit•re•
evertn9 no,dien-zte; 5;,,Msnlot,,,it tturaton... ag‘unast the 1lWate of the end 1 7.4t775.4311 l'ilaleet .'1t 115 51,1 'bay itotreeetitte
i 7 4nyto guatetoteed. cee,e515 LAI Two, s. Sea t551•111 litionalay. after Miler:Al- flateeet2 I-5 15,,e•-• • t .1 Let ''•e
f 'with her partaat.... reateteri.- 141 WI' .111„
siPP.I.gE Mr. and Mre. D. St4.11xlmeh.
Lierensed Ate -temper for the
UnAi 'Pt tele25 -1 2•e- reoei•
OTICB IS GIVEN • NIARGIIIVIA.--M- the Broti.:on ha, 1151a ""114:111!-111'"*.
AploqtrAil 1.1,r
eelor7 717E71 MO V.11- alltaAlt tlitte! 31°4 ALly .1,„Taili ,tf Mr. !IIIIP.."-:;190111,u,Vy'''',.'sif
tee& Your tent.obritliMA Sobeit..d.
2LAMOSt. A. D. lee7, rrtIlinvit eett Ivodet vs6 7.1:B .11 r
557- teepee the 1352,, slay 55i Noveralee
Illitinstee.exceutol 5.f Itue A;:ad tatt111;* stluiwt.7L' -1;1wer1111,-: nr; '71, Meeting ef 'The tizzra:t
DR. F. A. SELLE Y, Ine2. 515 t petaA
.Alktil 114. relA 0:1 •• 1.%_'2!A
of Hemet sulgeons, Toronto, aleo honor ' a statement 5)1 Meer ant count S :411A1 OW i yen- am,„ .1.4,1,„n„nim,,,, .,,,,,n1„,,,,r, „11 Ceeele.22.
. . ,
Estate, their nalees..ellites.le awl 'wetly- Ins 25 n5.5.•• illness,
Dentist, grAwate of tee Royal coillege ations., with wortueniars at their 55.55151.4 and Rev. \\3• J. ita,,,,,r 1)115i a
graduate of Department of Dentis:try, nature of the sceinitiee old tail', held 11,:. the' Eva1)i„(41erai villtri,11 I dit &0.,,ts,:ttiv, Th,, 1 .,,i;z3v.,./ ,,:. 5 tu,, 1 ,.,,,,111.11,.at, iv,,115
, And ,,otia,. i, hei„by air„.,,,, Elm! after' 55veninee. It was as 11111 s'-. is ;eel-- of the I*. etnle ,.:" Heinen evi:2 zee 4
Totento University. leatialless extraction them.
At Dominion tims-st, zutioh.4 every i,. the last mentioned date. the ii41 Exeeutor , Innen. 21151 515 coin holm: arettervenfe. itt the 3- utear-ti t',ICAAT'4"1... i:11 tn,+5
of teeth. Plato work a litleCialitY.
1416 ,:, will proceed to distribute the ussete of the mr. ii_canimia Sinple. sylf fetristr e,. T'IWIll I Vt. ( 4-' °Alt. -11"
Monday. Feel deceased emcee the parties eetitied ' I 11' •• '2/B.A. azirci of'. I lovnii:n.0,,,y, lt,-Iszt,, ;at
11‘..slYs S1111110 tclul lea .
•"`"'"'"'" tileret0. having 119!:1111 only tel the dam,. iysidemov. 1) Id 0,044,11 TT. Ine.
A of which notece have been -iven es
sTA.ratiRY .
Avh.,we. !Aired- nevi Ito, • • • tile remains 01 Nliss Lira i'Aip152e.
.‘etneov 1)a -k.1 at (1-, 41157-tere 1:eilt day 151
Natveinle.r. eel.
BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ,10TARY nHV "11.5 th"enf anY i'Pr'•031
of 1 '
• Su"ess°t to UtlIJILIY"t-*STA"t-itY not lie Diable for the 457531 ;testes nee LeY M1145141 lv14 NI"'14''7••• ""
• 1 ,
Conveyancer, Malley to Loan on 'Village', givl,:aastcice117:1fiare°toils74.1.1":11iiiin.:t)rtibll'ili'l. 'e'en tligme.teere Witeeeteer
Six terest. Documents in original German E E. Miltetele nce0-:..eitor children 3511 ;Amide:- reeetteel 7513,41- 1-IBmititT TO BE 6.6.1.;T.ENCED.
tad Farm Property at lowest eates of In-
aud advised upou. tit in eommenumition AAI eta. A. -
Dated this Sfe.11 tiny el October 19t52. eel "f King Ellsvora-
sentation was: nuttle by Litentet-i- ee- • 1.1 aPliear ga; next Louden Assizes.
ZURtCH COURT ATTENDED ernor Ant Crown may Execute Mem-
I11 ley stick to you
Our Waterproof Boots & Shoes
for Fail will also "stick to you"
and "Satisfaction Guaranteed"
goes with Every Pair.
Butter and Eggs taken in exchange.
Lee- .-- 014'bir nal 5 -t -11 -.:Ai the ).;uW Lutes'
Home-spuns Box -cloths Ladies -
Cloth Zibalines Meltons
Z,: - 1;60.. WA, zok you to iodii
t t AA h;0. tni144 iolus11„7. C;001t
te 1 Is.zat
Office ever O'Neil's Beak. Eteter. , Notice To Creditors. bas taken fie, 5.5 tweed ency. 3,1 !001 t zit
„ --------------------------------------- • ' • ll ll ‘• P AAL:eit Wr.
'1enr -• of P Ienteenre !loot J ;Tau,-
patultait II.ATF nu; V31,1,,,av; 1A.41/ jt114t eaSt of the vineee. Mr General. stated ree..ntly !int t"..e ;. 1-..
vls 31 I wool,. IN %III: Car 7.11' 0, III11;(0..:. AlE. mont esill have a voinfortabh lti 'tree .311w 1111T -t It"ke 15' 4"11"r: -.LI- `TM
CEASED. when completed, --01757ing (events ease of Waiter e'1.1111:1• th" 'I'lite'r Flannelette Blankets, 60
OTICE IS IIEREBY 1;IVEN ' Vast their shatlows before" es an , witness iL.;:ainst ....Teratla. S^.55,',iD. e ,':
pun:mutt to t7liapter 129 R. S. 0. old '=it1S'ing• the Charge ss nanrder irn: hie
1897, that all persons having claims : HusTirmi. p.vitTy.-A g..„„ -r, thue . t.:Itlle.7. *Tilli'lb lizift")15' 1111 litallle's"'
v.as spent at the hnSkiMZ llsi`v %els'. , it:t,if to lie guilty „if murder,
i mune-. .• e etas confeseed him_
9th day of Sept. A. D. 1992. are required -
on the farm of Henry- KOCIllitAr, ,
.,.. - . . not seem to me that ;757y other ,
It elle e -
against the Estate of the said Tleie. Snell, ' .
of Dashwood, who died on or gamut the
to seud. on or before the I st day of January, . north of the viihn.Y.,e. Am killIa7 I course is; open than to brine" hien
1903, by post prepaid to Joseph Snell, ' es -ening of last week.. -cs-ben a num- up for sentenee itt the next assizes
Dashwood P. O., administrator of the said bei of young people assembleal atTel
' estate, their name., addresses and occepa- spent the evening her:skim:: at London. In favt. he Will re -
tions %vial partitulars of their claims alel a 1.01(1011 ear e and in other amuse- .Intlin in jail. and eome tip.
statement of their accounts and the nature 1 matter of routine. to be dealt with
• of the eecurities Of any) held by them, by the presiding jadee. After he
ments. The program held. on till
!the smar houre o' the morn., when T, -; 1. le .5 ill 1 5 for
the htst mentioned date the said adminis- att returned to their homes. ha-- "Its '''ren st'lltenv"1"' x `‘ ;
" ; the Ottawa authorities' to exercise
, .And notice is hereby given that after ' -
in thoroughly enjoyed them- clemency if they set. fit."
...A.-A...4.41,1,14,r4fAta.:0060.-UAGC000****4 (3,4F
41 1151 088-0111E08reelete
Acigars. 11 it
xceitent sample Rooms
for Cotretherenat men.
,0 earns..
10 LI S FOSTER, tiO P.
0 0 9 9 zUelitt4 :
Strictly up-to-date in modern
nrovemelits. Dieing rooms is sup-
plied with only the very best. c. A
Bar eontains choice liquors and 0
.....iaii.,......„ ' tgrah.teonr:illabp:oveeeerecd :ow:if:rib:anted tthhee assseai: i re 1 zu
entitled thereto having regard only to the
of the said dece;xsed among the parties ' seives•
elaims of which notice shall have been fitnt A Mee 411 Oeler and. Har -
John Hoskin, Ii. f'.. of the leent1 .
Y' ' ., t his sistent With the jar y s utetion in
perjury would. 1 .
When ttsked if prie•eention f3Yr e;
tot be more con-
' administrator shall not be liable for the eonrt, 'lore/let-le it 1.4 55 L111( . finding Flif ton not guilty, the At -
said assets nor any part thereo t .5.5) Position as official gelardian. MI tornev-General shruggeel his shout -
person or persons of whose clairas notice office he has held sine/3' IN, I.), ant tiers ansi remarked simply that the
shell not beve lyeen 'gelven at the date of Nvith. which IsisWAS connected from Minister of Justiee mieht hove
such distribution.
"V) e Voriumort
Equipped. with all modern
conveniences. First-class
accomModation to commer-
cial travellers. Bar and din-
ing room always suppled.
with the best obtainable.
C. L Shoemacher Prop,
1861 to 1870, during which time Sir
J. G. STANIWICY, ROMP ditHeailtr in deritlin5r what to
Henry Strong and the late Mr. • ,
Solicitor for the Administrator. unuer tete circumstances.
Justice Ow f l the
ynne iler orate( 1
mat duties as officers of the eourt. Mr. It will be remombered that in
Dated at Dashwood this MI day of Nov-
ember, 1902. Hoskin will retain a. certain con. the Pontrm ellSe, when three crim- 1
- nection with the work its consult- i inals. Pare. Holden and Roach,
At tho regular meeting of tbe ing counsel with his present assist- i gave evidence for the Crown. the'
Y. P. A. in the Evangelical Church ant. F. W. Harcourt will be ; two former received comparatively
-on Tuesday evening, a program official guardian. Mr. Harcourt; light sentences, and that the lato,
was given, consisting of solos, has been Mr. Hoskins assistant for B. B. Osier, Q. C., Crown 1)rose-1
recitations, ;duets, choruses, etc. more thiol twenty- years, and is . entor, refused to move for sentence
A couple of rapers were real on thoroughly conversant with its in the case of Roach, because there
temperance topics, and a pleasant many details. He is a brother of i was no satisfactory testimony
and profitable time w8,9 spent. the Minister of Education. against hill except his own.
Fiettraelettee. frau; 8 to 10
.;75:54,555: ont by the ilteee
cents a pair
Greb Block
Zurich Ont.
Light and Heavy Harness; Trunks,
Bags and Purses, for ladies and gents
1..\T-ff-tvW IITYRJrntiVaM
Parlor Suites, Fancy Dining C h al rs,Side -Boards;
Finley Rattan Rockers, Baby Carriages, • 'tx-
protili Wagons and Sewing Machines.
High -Grade Organs and Pianos.