HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1902-11-14, Page 8. I
T. '.,i
e -e es, ore ,„,,„,to Tui rinALD, hz
M's. (Captain) Celbson of God -
rich is visiting at Mr, Moie's -this
David Sherry accidently broke
the cords in the back of one of leis
hands on Tuesday and will be -laid
up for some time.
Rev. 11:r. Mellott took the ser-
vices. in Carmel church hist Sun-
dey, Rev. Mr, Henderson preitchiug
anniversary services at Kippen.
Mr. Foster and wife of Michigan,
brother-in-law of ).Weismiller,
moved to Kippen ' this -week and
intends buying a farm in this
1 The Reeve and Mr. Billings of
the Molson's Bank, who were in
Toronto last week, in connection
- 1with the selling of the Town
Debentures, did not make the sale.; For particulars apply to
IThe Parker Concert Co., 'ill •
give un entertainment in Miller's'
opera house, on Friday, 14th. The ,
press comments on the companyi ZURICH ONTARIO
aro very flattering and. no doubt
they will give a good concert. 1 Or at the Yards for Tile,
1 liMr. J. C. Case has sold his gro-
business to Mr. Scott, lute of I
the Centennial Hotel. Mr. Scott 1 SLABTOWN
, took possession last Monday. Mr. t -
' Case left for Toronto, Tuesday, Special to THE HERALD..
%AO 1
night, wherehe has accepted a pc s:-; Messrs. and Miss Klopp of Zurich
tion with the Abel Mfg. Co. i spent Sunday at John Hey's.
The opening of St. Andrews 1 Chris. Hey intends moving into
Presbyterian new school room will 1 his new house in a week or ten
take place next Sunday. Rev. Mr.
Tolmie, Wind.sor, will preach at 11 John Hey had a coring bee on
I it. m. and 7 p. in, nand R. Mr. m
Monday night for the aking of
1Larkin at 2.30 p, m. A fowl supper ; apple butter.
fr 14E,,4 R 1 1-1 t -,t A Lb
.1.1, • .1,
We handle good goods
Our prices are low
We carry a large stock
Highest price for produce
Obliging salesmen
The undersigned has for
sale a quantity of First.;
elasS 2;4 toed 3 inch Drain
Tile, which will be sold at
at Lot 16, Con, 15 Hay
known as
Heyrock's Brick &,, Tile Yards,
I have also for sale a num-
ber of roadster and draught
Horses, 2 to 5 years old
and a quantity good Hoy,
Cedar Rails, Posts and
dressed Pine Lumber
▪ ONTARIO will be given on Monday night rn
connection with the opening. .• •
JohnDeher, ewife and two child-
: 1.01 spent Sunday visiting friends
a - ....•......._.
--- ----------- ------- 1 es To prove to you that
and absolute cure for each "
Chase's Ointment is a certain •
Dr. 1 oa the eloshen.
'Wm. Seliroe ler is at present in a
P and every form of itching, . very teethed eiendition. We hope
bleedingand protruding piles. f ir. his speedy revovery.
the manufacturers have guaranteed.% See tes-
anaemia's in the daily press and ask your neigh- MrSrydges, who formerly camp-
get your money back if not cured. Gee a box, at etl here, paid a visit to Mr. and
The Leading DASHW000
d Furniture and
Blacksmith an
I inake a Specialty
of Shoeing Flatfoot-
ed and intelfering
Is the place to buy your
Will retain heat twice as long as ordinary irons,
and costs very little more.
bars what they think of it. You can use it and ;
all dealers or ErtmaxisioN,Bwrgs .az Co.,Torente. Mrs. Boyee un Sunday lust.
Dr e Chase's Ointment' :sirs. John Decher, Jr.,. visite1.
her sister. Mrs. F. Willert, who is
BAYLD . sn
inewhitt indisposed on Tuesday.
Miss. Annie Rennie and llL.5 We also have a. fine assortment of
Speeittl te Teo: Henet.o. Annit' Iiey have both returned to
We have the best Cook Stoves made, war-
ranted Quick Bakers, Superior Cookers Power-
ful Heaters.
Agent for the London Fence Machine, also
agent for the Lamb Pence, best woven wire fence
on the market, and all kinds of fence wire on
Eavetroughing, Furnace Work and Mdtal Rooting a Specialty,
Main Street,
13,11311110E111'.% %FOE ,t®1RE.
We have a big assortment of STUB PROOF bots and etheee.
The J. D. KING COMPANY, of Toronto, in -.u1\5 you for $100
in case Of accidents when wearing these shoes,
They will wear any eoiiunon rubber to pitteee.
John Sturgeon went to Lona' et.
miermal••••••••• our village twain. the former n..0111
we have now ; Thursday, to take a sitnation. Mite/evil martin. latter from Clin.1 Horne Made Boots and Shoes, that we
"Wm. e.turgeon left can Weituo- ' ton.
a large uup- datoi a trip tnt
Louie Rader luta the gond fortune Guarantee not to rip.
tat y o the old Coury.
Pollotde and. .on Wet ti t 1 ..at time. wild thu.k.e. by one shot Thei-tO goods Will 1W stda at tt small profit .
Horses .....
to't)-IdIt4titit:se Slt::111,- '' :117.1:.nitneota:mbs ot t u &dint b n
a n (I NT
ninny ...e. ana mrs. (4 w. ntanum nt nenry Neel), our vetel'an thresh-
er, has put in a. season of eighty
kich Fiirnisilin.i...; whirl wo• Egintmelville were leere last Silt lir-
:-0 (lay. tlaytt With011t it lItt gliellt'S ltiS.S time.
,,r Lie tue, net luta n eingle break dew-
ttffer At a Low Price.... ' Rev• F. 0. Newton und wife This el lt ANN t hit t '
Warwiek were calling on friends in" Ili." time'
a great deal of mire must have been '
exereised by both himself and his
at Clinton a tew daye. last week. the other day. He strueli four but
. the fourth after some hesitation
nontaved to fly away.
(IENERAL Mat' Tinsu Pte'-', WaS lit'ie last Friday.
J. Wm
171p Buggies,
here last week..
• - Mrs. :thluornY of the
"(ueen's I men. has yet two three
: HOter. NOM Iltt$ heell at Loh boa ',wiles Work.
)or Stnr'ks is lArt--."'1' "WI 111411.'"' was here the other day on business.'
dale. In time of Heed, osive
a eall.
WILL BE SoLD. - . •
CHEAP, saa era', liave returned to their work. vow. whit+ it vial4 0044,d by the
AS I-1 WOOD !t' ONTA-1/4
..1• MI. • 11•...
tIN• Miss Jesse I3tggart and John Unfair Postage Law.
Biggart. who have spent the bast
year or so in NeW 'cork state. re- •
he 1 v 'stork (azet te cites an
' turned last week.
Dan MeLeoll .4 Roeliester and instant... in its t•xperienee tit' M.
It •
Muleek's 'unfair pestage law. which
John McLotal of Linuton. who cvere can 1,e verified by every news.
1) ; - I : . - . ' l• here 'attending their mother's flan- ,
M paper. A big budget of printers'•
. Mise Ie. Sturgeon of Viiieatee alai sender V.`antIll lie used fee adeertie,
la '' Miss MeCoanniele reeetitly ef reality ilaa. free the 1.00tting. $t. lends ,.
Down. Irelant arrived tete Ittet WorTeVe rah-. vane for one vent,
week and are gatests at Mr. Jetties °Ilut.- eaye. the Oneette. -let a -
tuns. .. Fermin in Slitakespeare send so
The ftimpral of the Date mrs. jai., ! much RN %.1411eA HUN,* P.T5911till 'hi this
Brown tiLlAti likee Faturdeve ror re ,. oillee, and the cast is two cents.;
year ter more dem'ased load leen ill !in (amok two rents f.er two or
and .tt few weeks ago was renewed thirty unites; itt the Statee tine cent
to the hospital department ol the m at 55155U('tlL SlIstanCew
Honse of B.eftage. She Was iken - .......
from there to her datinlittee-s. Mre.
To sum; Room roit urlt
NEW ST4 telt tti? vrnsus'
.11ESS &SON ORlarie
Planing and Saw Mill
--X11 kinds of v.-ood,,vorit and elm-
ing done to order. Estimates
given for all hinds of buildings.
A full stock of 13. C. Bed Cedar
Shingles. Ali kinds of Itatul3er al-
ways on hand.
Chopping done every
Tuesday and Friday.,
Pield Gates, Waterfi.
Tanks for V./Ind.-mills
and Water Troughs.
Mills 14th Con., Lot 2,5.
b1eesal to .
Cameron of Breteetield, where she
died Thursday. last. • The December number. cif
The metnlyers of the Orange : Delineator is the thirtieth anniver- ; ••
Lodge and tbe Young Britons vele- sary number. To do justice to this
/mated the fifth of November by number, which for beauty and
having an oyster supper- Not- , utility touches the highest mark, it "
withstanding the disagreeable , would be necessary to print the
night. quite a Iterate number of the , entire list of contents. It is mull -
members and their friends assent- .eitent to state that in it the best
bled at the town ball. There wee; modern 'writers and artists are
a, liberal supply of oyseers and " generously represented. The hook
other geed things and after all had i contains over 239 -tinges, with 34
been well satisfied. Welke were fon-page tneaseeeeioete. of whieh
cleared and a program of music 20 are in two or more colors. The
;ete., was then preceeded with. magnitude of this Deeember num-
Instrumental selections were te!iven1 her, for which 72$ tons of paper
by. Misses Mond F. Polleek. Ada :: and six tons of ink have been used, - '" , :
%matt. Miss Tarrant. Dr. S'initIO may be understood front the feet :
and V. Tippet. Anna Whialdon. that 11 presses running 14 hours a
tuirigs by A. E. Britoil] and R. Peck ' day. have been required to print
and granuiphone selections. The 1 it; the binding alone of the edition .
whole proceeding was very enjoy- ! of 915,689 enotes, representing over
• - "dile
on III ortr village rat present. !et-A.111Mo SALE OF MEN'S READY.' be gathered individually be. human
i The town G daddies ' have been
The Christnias Dslineatet.
R BENDER,Co. Zur1c12.
I...ggs taken hi exelninge for Goods.
Fur Robes (K.. Horse Blankets
GI poll Fur RT Ates wort II 41:8.:10 $6 50
1)Ittell Kt•I'Sey
1Vailtill $1.70 ............. .
A MI stock of First Class Harness, tnade of the
Best Leather. No trash. Will be Sold
Cheap, quality and work considered.
t ves, Hardware, Tinware.
Li ,,
Hardware and Harness Emporium.
ZUF101-1„ ONr.
seetons, Which had to
A good: deal of moving is going ,e
limpreving the streets in our burg I V A. Itowleele bee put. CLE.IirtiNtx
- I ritICEe on all his Ilen's Suits.
t by- a new coat of graee
Lor 1-Single-breaqed Tweed Suits, ;
1 bTle le funeral 01 the late Mrs. Bet-
* Kalbileisohe n )
• who died Friday night of Lott • wete extra %able at 135, now $4.00
Zurich P. 0.
week, took place on 3Iondav and' LOT '2 -Six Double-breasted Suits, • It If
was largely attended.
from 85.50 to $6.50, now $t 50
LOT 3--Teu S. 13. Suits from $550 to
Mr. L. Moser has taken another $7, an extra choice lot, now 84.94 :
partner into his "business. The LOT 4 -fourteen extra heavy Double-
new arrival eame on 'Wedneeday ' breasted Tweeds and Servs, jii.zt rightl
:evening and. we understand wilt , for %inter, big value at $9. now only 56.50
call Mr. Moser *dad.' LOT 5 -Four Fine S. E. Suits, great
Revised revery Thursday afternoon.
Wheat 66 to -68
Oats . • 25 26
Barley • . 35 36
Peas • • 60 65
Fleur V I MO 1 75 1 85
Batter 13 14
Chickens lb
- ... 14 15
• 4 5
6 6
13 ti
Potatoes-. .. 30 30
Wheat. 65 to 68
Oats • .,28
Barley. 3s 40
Flour 2 00 2 10
Hogs (live) per cwt.. 5.00 5.50
Mr. Wm. Zimmer had the 'nig- value $9;5() and 81°' naw
fortune to lose a valtuable cow on 1 LOT 6 -Five only our Finest 'Tweed
were 50. to 515, now $10.00
Wednesday nighfrom blood ;Su."
" poisoning. Ile had only pnrchased We guarantee thesethe best values you
1 is rather beavyfor Me. Zimmer made and excellent fit. Sizes are from 36
I, THE fiOnee# toiv- !selection
the animal on Monday. The losso ever sew- These smuts aro stylish, well i
• ito Come -quick white there is a good I
I4tf '
len under the ausp ees of the ere.
nation band, in Moser's hall, on
Wednesday evening, was a grand;
success. The hall was crowded to1
the doors, many being turned;
away. The various numbers on
1the program were thoroughly ap.
'predated by the large audiencee;
iand many encores were heartily;
responded to. The band excelled
I:themselves on the occasion, and1
are to be eengratulated on the !sue-;
cess of their undertaking.
Cooks! Cotton Root Compounal
' successfully nod monthly by over,
10,000Ladies. Safe, effectual, Ladies aak
yourdrug `at for Cook's Cobalt RDA Cow -
:oda Take to other, as all Mixtures, and
irnit#tionS are dangerous. btr
bet ;110. SOO degrees stronger, tto per box.
Tor 2, Mailed on Tittteipt of price and to IS-eent
itiostpa. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont.
Ilr-kott. tta 2 sold and meet:attended by ell
tesponeible Dressiett 01114411*
1 ar.d No. 2 are sold in Zurich
at Dr. Buchanan's drug ;dere.
Mt. Writ. Davidson, so Andrewa.
Que.. states :-"Dr. Chases Syrup of
Linseed and Turpentine has cured me
of bronchitia have, without suc-
cess, tried many remedies for the patt
tdx years. East winter when 1 had a
Severe attack and was unable to work
t procured a bottle of Dr. Chane
Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine, and
Ana happy to state that the third bot-
tle made rue a well Man,"
R, Alger, Insurance agent,
Halifax, NA., says t --"e users Dr.
Chttse'S Syrup of Linseed end Turpen-
tine for severe attack of brortetiltia.
Permit rue to wetly to its Splendid
curative properties. 1 got better from
the time of taking the first doe. Hav-
ing a family of young children, my
doctors' bilis have annually come to A
considerable sum. believe a bottle of
Dr. Chase's Syrup occasionally will sad
me in reducing thent very Materially.
2.1 cents a bottle, all dealers.
On Chase's Syrup
of Linseed
and Turpentines
4 eve
To see a Beautiful stick of Dressgoods, in all
the Leading Lines and Shades, you want
to inspeet our stock; the like we have never
shown before.
Following are some of the leading lines and prices:
Box.doths itiontespuns Melons
Cheviots Zibalmes
the new thing for this season
Ladies=eloth at 65c has no equal
We also wish to draw your attention to am. Embroidered Cash-
meres and French Flannels for wed:4s, so would deem it a special favour
if yon would ask to see our Range and compare values, before pur-
chasing, elsewhere.
Zteinbacb, Zurich